Lesson-project on literary reading "Winter-Winter" (4th grade). Presentation - Literary reading project “Nature and us Literary reading project 4

Project:"Epics. Russian heroes"

Glory to the Russian side!

Glory to Russian antiquity!

And about this old thing

I'll start telling you

So that people can know

About the affairs of our native land.

Completed by: students of grade 4 “B”

Teacher: Krechetova Yu.S.

MBOU "School No. 38" (branch)



1. Introduction

2. Main part

Definition of the concept of “epic, hero”.

Poll among classmates and its results

3. Conclusion. Reinforcing the material by defending a poster presentation.

4. List of used literature and Internet resources

« Epics. Russian heroes »

Relevance and practical significance of the project : we must know our past, the great exploits of our people, our heroes. They are an example of courage and valor, the pride of our land and nurture the Russian spirit in us.

Hypothesis (assumption):

that heroes are defenders from enemies, warriors with great strength.

Bogatyr is an example of the great spirit of Russian people.

Objective of the project: find out who the epic heroes are


Learn to work collectively;

Study and consider various sources of information on the topic “Russian bogatyrs»;

Define "epics, hero»;

Learn history heroes ;

Summarize and consolidate information aboutRussian heroesamong classmates,3rd grade studentsby usingdefending a poster presentation.

Project participants – 4 “B” class, divided into pairs.
The project is medium-term.

Forms for students to present research results :

    Poster presentation (protection of couples).

    Presentation (for all pairs)

What are epics?

  • Epics - Russian folk songs and tales about heroes.
    Russian epics is a kind of encyclopedia of folk

    life, a source of ardent patriotism and our national


    The epic came from the word “byl”. The epics were composed by storytellers - the guardians of Russian antiquity. They walked from village to village and chanted (like a song) about the great events of our homeland, about the heroic heroes, their exploits, about how they defeated evil enemies, defended their land, showed their bravery, courage, ingenuity, kindness .

The meaning of the word Bogatyr :

1. Russian epics and fairy tales.

distinguished by extraordinary

courage, daring.

2. strong build,

The main heroes of Rus':

Russian hero Ilya Muromets

Ilya Muromets (full epic name - Ilya Muromets son Ivanovich) is one of the main heroes of the Russian epic epic, a hero, a people's defender.

According to epics, the hero Ilya Muromets “did not control” his arms and legs until the age of 33, and then received miraculous healing from the elders (or passers-by). The elders tell Ilya to drink water. After the second drink, Ilya feels excessive strength in himself, and he is given a third drink to reduce the strength. Afterwards, the elders tell Ilya that he must go into the service of Prince Vladimir. At the same time, they mention that on the road to Kyiv there is a heavy stone with an inscription, which Ilya must also visit. Afterwards, Ilya says goodbye to his parents, brothers and relatives and goes “to the capital city of Kyiv” and first comes to that motionless stone. On the stone was written a call to Ilya to move the stone from its fixed place. There he will find a heroic horse, weapons and armor. Ilya moved the stone and found everything that was written there. He said to the horse: “Oh, you are a heroic horse! Serve me with faith and truth.” After this, Ilya gallops to Prince Vladimir, serves him and the Russian people. Read about this in the epics “Ilya Muromets and the Nightingale the Robber”, “Ilya Muromets and the Poganous Idol”, “The Battle of Ilya Muromets with Zhidovin”.

Russian hero Dobrynya Nikitich

We know the hero Dobrynya Nikitich well. According to his name, he is kind, although not as generous as Ilya Muromets - he does not spare the enemy.

Among the heroes, Dobrynya Nikitich is in one of the first places. He is unusually strong and comprehensively gifted. Dobrynya Nikitich is an excellent archer and chess player.

The distinctive qualities of a hero are tenderness of heart, politeness, and reverence. There is an epic in which Dobrynya bitterly complains to his mother about his fate, about the fact that he was born a hero and is forced to destroy people.

In epics it is often said about him that there is no one in Kyiv more polite and courteous than him, which is why it is to him that Prince Vladimir gives such assignments as traveling to a foreign land as an ambassador, or making matchmaking.

Dobrynya guslar, singer (or buffoon). Dobrynya performs many feats: one of the most important, his first feat was a fight while swimming in the Pochay River with the Serpent. The hero freed the captives from the cave, among whom was Prince Vladimir’s niece, “young Zabava Putyatishna.”

Dobrynya is married to Nastasya Mikulishna, daughter of Mikula Selyaninovich. He loves his wife, and he himself is loved. They live together with Dobrynya’s mother, in good harmony and peace.

Russian hero Alyosha Popovich

The Russian people did not treat him with sympathy. Epics often depict Alyosha Popovich not in his best form, often in them he is called “Alyosha”. But they treat him with condescension.The heroes said that he was bragging about his prowess.

But There are good traits in Alyosha’s character. This is courage, daring. In songs he is constantly accompanied by the word “brave”. He has a desire to defeat the enemy. The hero Alyosha wins battles not so much with strength and courage as with cunning and deception. In these ways, he twice killed his main enemy, the snake Tugarin (like a mythical creature, the snake killed by Alyosha then comes to life): once Alyosha pretended that he did not hear from a distance what the snake was saying, and when he came close, he suddenly hit him; another time he forced the snake to look back - what kind of innumerable power was behind him (according to Alyosha), and at that time he cut off his head.

Alyosha is also inclined to dominate other people; he also has a lust for power.

In Russian epics, Alyosha Popovich is the third most important Russian hero. Nature gave him less strength than Ilya or Dobrynya, but he is courageous and courageous, and most importantly, savvy and cunning. These qualities were also highly valued in Rus'. Especially when with the help of these qualities it was possible to defeat the enemy.

Yes, Alyosha is sometimes careless and frivolous, but he is cheerful, certainly loves his Motherland, intolerant of its enemies, and selfless.


Ilya Muromets,

Dobrynya Nikitich and Alyosha Popovich

this is a call

and the people's desire for unity. The power of the people -

in unity. Combining the qualities of three heroes

says that to protect the homeland, victory is important

not only pressure, but also resourcefulness and skill

resolve issues peacefully.

"Three heroes" -

This is an image of the heroic spirit and power of the Russian people.

Russian hero

Nikita Kozhemyaka

Nikita Kozhemyaka is a folk hero, a hero of fairy tales of Kievan Rus. Nikita was engaged in tanning leather and, as a result of his hard work, developed extraordinary strength.

One day, the serpent stole the daughter of the Kyiv prince. She, along with the dove, sent a letter to her father, in which she wrote that the snake was afraid of only one hero - Nikita Kozhemyak. The prince had difficulty convincing him to fight the snake. Nikita wrapped himself in hemp, smeared himself with resin and went at the kite. In a difficult battle, Nikita defeated him and freed the prince's daughter.

The tale of Nikita is very ancient. It dates back to the 9th-10th century. There is a version that Nikita had a prototype in the person of a hero who defeated the Pecheneg giant, who then turned into a snake.

Russian hero Mikula Selyaninovich

Mikula Selyaninovich is a Russian hero who knows how to be a peasant. Mikula is a farmer, a hard worker. Confidence and power emanate from him.

And what a wonderful appearance the Russian people endowed Mikula with! The hero is stately, powerful, his eyes are clear, like a falcon, and his eyebrows are black, like sable. And what wonderful curls! They sway like pearls are falling apart. The Russian people did not skimp on paints in order to adequately depict the Russian hero!

The works of Mikula Selyaninovich are glorious! And they are connected with Mother Earth. He deftly handles the plow. It makes such furrows that if you go to one side, you won’t see the other. Powerful roots are turned out like stones and thrown into furrows.

When getting acquainted with the epic about Volga and Mikula Selyaninovich, one comes to the understanding that the sympathies of the Russian people are on the side of the tiller Mikula, and not the warriors of the hero Volga. They give primacy in strength and dignity to the hero who is connected with Mother Earth.

And the epic ends with Volga and Mikula Selyaninovich with a kind story about Mikula. About how he manages rye and treats the peasants.


The hero Svyatogor, the hero Volga, the hero Sineglazka...

And strong, mighty

heroes in glorious Rus'!

Don't let your enemies ride on our


Don't trample the Earth with their horses


They will not outshine our sun


Rus' stands a century - it does not waver!

And it will stand for centuries - no

it will move!

And the legends of antiquity

We must not forget.

Glory to Russian antiquity!

Glory to the Russian side!

Popular proverbs:

The hero is not famous by birth, but by his feat.

There is no better thing than defending your native land from enemies.

My wealth is heroic strength, my business is to serve Rus' and defend it from enemies.

Conclusion- Conclusion:

The topic of our project is important for any generation, because we must know our past, the great exploits of our people, our heroes. They are an example of courage and valor, the pride of our land and nurture the Russian spirit in us.

4. Materials used.

1.Pictures from the website on the Internet

2. Epics. Russian folk tales. M.: Children's literature, 1986.

3. Website Wikipedia

We prepared a series of questions in the form of a questionnaire. Pupils of grade 3b were surveyed (19h)

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Literary reading project “Nature and We”
Completed by 4th grade students.

Slide 2

Develop interest and love for nature, natural phenomena, showing respect for nature, for the native land; captivate by reading stories and poems about nature, increase the creative activity of students.

Slide 3

The warmest and most fertile time of the year is, of course, summer. This is my favorite time of year. The cold weather is finally ending. Summer has the longest days of the year. Summer is a wonderful time of warm weather. Right now the rivers and lakes are coming to life. I really like swimming and sunbathing. Nature is especially beautiful in summer. The forest is rustling with green leaves, the berries are ripening, and the most amazing flowers are blooming. You can endlessly walk through flowering meadows and admire modest daisies. Golden bees circle over the flowers, greedily drinking sweet honey. Birds vying with each other give their voices, chirping, singing. Try to hear such a concert in winter! Flowers give summer a variety of colors. Red roses, white daisies with yellow centers, orange lilies, blue pansies, blue bells. Apricots, striped watermelons, fragrant melons, bright red tomatoes, yellowish pears, red-cheeked apples! These are gifts of nature that color summer in their own way. In summer, nature is especially transformed when it starts to rain after long hot days. I especially like “blind” rain, when the sun is shining and it is raining - this is a very beautiful and interesting natural phenomenon. Nature in summer in verse is rich in rich colors. The poems are saturated with the warmth of summer beauty and full of love for our native nature. Sergei Yesenin about summer. The golden stars dozed off, the mirror of the backwater trembled, the light dawned on the river backwaters and blushed the mesh of the sky.

Slide 4

Poems about summer
A.A. Fet I came to you with greetings, to tell you that the sun has risen, that with a hot light it trembled across the sheets. S. Ya. Marshak June has arrived. June! June! - Birds are chirping in the garden Just blow on a dandelion - And it will all fly away, Vladimir Orlov What will you give me, summer? Lots of sunshine! There's a rainbow arc in the sky! What else will you give me? Pines, maples and oaks, strawberries and mushrooms! I'll give you a cuckoo, a key ringing in silence

Slide 5

It can be strong, it can be weak, And in autumn and mushroom, It waters all the plants, So that the harvest is better The sun bakes, everything blooms, The bread ripens, when does this happen? A colored airplane sat on a yellow dandelion.
I took seven colors of paint - the multi-colored bridge is ready. The rain decorated the sky, interfered with the water and the sun. They waited, called, but when he showed up, everyone ran away.

Slide 6

The beauty of autumn is wonderful. The leaves turn yellow or red in autumn. And then they fall from the trees to the ground. The grass also changes color to yellow. The sun is already shining dimly in autumn. In autumn, all animals and insects go into hibernation, for example: bear, hedgehog, fly, mosquito.

Slide 7

The days have become shorter, the nights have become longer, who can say, who knows when this happens? Red Egorka fell on the lake and didn’t drown and stir up the water? Came without paints and without a brush and repainted all the leaves? He always takes care of his outfit, what is this?

Slide 8

Forest in autumn Between the thinning tops The blue appeared The bright yellow foliage rustled at the edges The birds were not heard. A small broken off branch will crack And, waving its tail, the squirrel makes a light jump. The spruce tree has become more noticeable in the forest. It protects the thick shadow. The last boletus moved his hat to one side. A. Tvardovsky
Autumn The swallows disappeared And yesterday the dawn All the rooks flew Yes, like a net they flashed over that mountain. In the evening everyone is asleep It’s dark outside A dry leaf is falling... A. Fet

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When autumn comes, people harvest crops, for example: potatoes, tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers, carrots. People can make preparations for the winter from these products.

Slide 11

Winter is a wonderful time of year. It is popularly believed that real winter begins when water bodies freeze and snow falls. The slanting rays of the winter sun do not have time to heat it. After all, the sun does not rise above the horizon for long. On severe frosty days, the animals even wear winter coats and do not leave their holes. The earth, water, forest - everything is covered with snow, everything is immersed in a deep sleep.

Slide 12

The whole sky is covered with cold white fluff, and when the old woman falls asleep, there will be no more fluff. It grows in winter and melts in spring. Loves snow, snowflakes, ice. And they roll down the hill on a sled. And ski all year round! Because the Eskimo loves winter and...

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Slide 14

Spring - everything around is cheerful, affectionate, welcoming. The air is clear and transparent. The sun is shining brightly, and its rays, playing and smiling, bathe in the rays along with the sparrows. Everything is good at this time of year, especially if you love nature. Birds fly in from distant countries, flowers begin to bloom, buds bloom on the trees, the grass turns green, various insects begin to crawl out, many animals emerge from hibernation in the spring. Spring is my favorite time of year because in spring all nature comes to life.

Slide 15

Spring girl - Chubby cheeks. Yellow earrings and bare legs. Before Easter, people invite the girl to visit. They will go out onto the balconies in green robes. Crystal beads melt in the sun, flow in streams, and are greeted warmly.

Slide 16

F. I. Tyutchev The snow is still white in the fields, And in the spring the waters are noisy - They run and wake up the sleepy shore, They run and shine and shout... They shout to all ends: “Spring is coming, spring is coming! We are messengers of the young spring, She sent us forward!” Spring is coming, spring is coming! And on quiet, warm May days, a rosy, bright round dance crowds cheerfully behind her.
A. N. Pleshcheev Spring The snow is already melting, streams are running, Spring is blowing through the window... The nightingales will soon whistle and the forest will be dressed in leaves! The blue sky is pure, the sun has become warmer and brighter; The time of evil blizzards and storms has passed for a long time again.

Master Class. "Zimushka-winter"

Form conducting a lesson : lesson - project

Project type: informational.

Project type according to knowledge profile: subject.

Type of project by form: group.

Project type by duration: short-term.

Type of project at the contact level: intraclass.

Project implementation mechanism.

The project is implemented within the framework of an educational institution through the interaction of competitors with a teacher.

Project viability.

The implementation of the project does not require financial costs. The success of the project depends on the close interaction of all participants in the project activities and the dedication of the project participants. This project can be implemented in any educational institution in the Russian Federation.

Product: literary newspaper "Zimushka-winter".

Lesson type: combined

Target: 1) Creating an idea of ​​winter based on the works studied, as well as on the basis of the perception of new works of art.

2) Development of creativity, imagination, associative, imaginative thinking, fantasy. Development of communicative and informational competence, ability to work in pairs.

3)Creating positive motivation for learning. Cultivating a love for nature.

Planned learning outcome: Students will learn to select information about the season “winter” from various sources and participate in its presentation.

Cognitive UUD: develop the ability to independently identify and formulate the cognitive purpose of the entire lesson and a separate task; search and selection of necessary information from sources.

Communication UUD: develop the ability to negotiate, find a common solution, the ability to argue your proposal, persuade and yield; develop the ability to maintain a friendly attitude towards each other in situations of conflict of interest, mutual control and mutual assistance during the completion of the task.

Regulatory UUD: developing the ability to listen to an interlocutor, accept and maintain a learning task; show cognitive initiative in educational cooperation, in collaboration with the teacher, set new educational tasks; control and evaluation of the process and results of activities.

Interdisciplinary connections: reading, music, visual arts

Resources: 1. Multimedia presentation entitled “Winter's Tale”. (Winter landscapes, winter fun for children and adults.)

Reproductions of paintings by great artists: “First Snow” by Arkady Plastov, “Russian Winter” by Konstantin Yuon, “March” by Isaac Levitan, “Winter” by Alexey Savrasov.

2. Audio recording of a musical excerpt from a play by P.I. Tchaikovsky “On Troika” from the cycle “Seasons”.

3. Sheets of A-2 format.

4. Pencils, markers, scissors, glue, handouts.

5. Books, children's magazines containing material about winter.

During the classes:

Pre-project stage (entry into project activities)

1. Organizational moment.

Imagine that a snowflake fell on your palm... Light, fluffy, beautiful...

Will you agree with me if I say that a snowflake is the calling card of winter?

How do you understand this? (Snowflake - snow - snowdrifts - winter)

2. Introductory speech by the teacher.

Winter is one of the most beautiful and popular times of the year. People affectionately call winter - winter, sorceress, sorceress, guest, mother.

Let's watch "The Winter's Tale".(1st slide)

The slide show is accompanied by the teacher reading G. Skrebitsky’s work “Winter”, to the music of P.I. Tchaikovsky “The Seasons. Troika"

“The fields and hills turned white.(2nd slide) The river became covered with thin ice, became silent, and fell asleep, like in a fairy tale.(3rd slide) Winter walks through the mountains and valleys in large, soft felt boots.(4th slide) Winter looked into the forest. She dressed the pines and spruce trees in heavy snow coats, and put downy mittens on the branches. The forest heroes stand next to each other, stand decorously, calmly.(5th slide) And below them, like children, various bushes and young trees took refuge.(6th slide) Winter also dressed them in white fur coats.(7th slide) And she threw a white blanket over the mountain ash that grows right at the edge of the forest. It turned out so well.(8th slide) At the ends of the branches, clusters of berries hang, like red earrings visible from under a white blanket..(9th slide)

The winter forest lives. Snowy fields and valleys live. The whole picture of the sorceress Winter lives on.(10th slide) You can show it to Sunny too. The sun parted the blue cloud. Looks at the winter forest, at the valleys. And under her gaze everything around becomes even more beautiful.(11th slide) The snow flared up and glowed. Blue, red, green lights lit up on the ground, on the bushes, on the trees.(12th slide) And the breeze blew, shook off the frost from the branches, and multi-colored lights also sparkled and danced in the air. It turned out to be a wonderful picture!”(13th slide)

3. Report the topic of the lesson.

Did you like "The Winter's Tale"?

How do people express their love for winter nature, for nature in general? (They write poetry, stories, music, draw pictures, take photographs - create works.)

Let's express our love for winter nature by creating a project on the topic:……..? (“Zimushka-winter”)

Who can say what a project is? How do you think? (This is a plan, a plan, a deed)

A project is a business that results in a product. The product can be anything: a poem, drawings, crafts, a performance and much more.

The result (product) of our work will beLiterary newspaper . And knowledge of the studied works about winter will help you in creating this newspaper.

What goal will we set for ourselves when doing this work?

You will work in pairs. Each couple will work on creating their own “winter” page. You have on your desks sources that will help you today in creating our project.

Creation of a project activity product

4. The main part of the lesson.

Task No. 1

Each page of our literary newspaper will have its own name. So we will begin our work by choosing a title. On your desks are blank pages that you will design during the lesson and envelopes. Here are several options for your page title, choose the one you like and place it on the sheet. If you would like to name your page differently, please do so.

Page name options:

1. Guest - winter. 2. Sorceress - winter.

3. Mother - winter. 4. Winter Enchantress.

The children's answers are listened to, and the children explain their choices.

Task No. 2.

Yes, winter is a sorceress, sorceress, mother, guest. This is how poets and writers tenderly and affectionately called winter. When we say the word “winter”, do we immediately have associations with this time of year? Open the envelopes under No. 1, take out the blanks, and write down your associations associated with this time of year.

At the end of the work, the children read out the associations.

Task No. 3.

Winter in Russia is long and snow looks different at different times. In Sergei Ivanov’s story “What Snow Is Like,” the writer invites us to observe the characteristics of snow in different months of winter. Open the envelopes under No. 2, read the story.

The next section of your page is “Snow Carpet”. Each couple will have their own snow.

1 pair – first snow

2 pair – January snow

3rd para - March (spring snow)

Choose words from the story that characterize your snow, write them down on the snowflakes that are in your envelope.

At the end of the work, participants read out their answer options.

Place snowflakes on your page.

Task No. 4.

Now, how many of you can remember by heart a short poem about winter? Who is author?

Reading passages by participants.

- The next section of our page is “Literary”. In envelope No. 3 you have lines from the poem. You will need to remember this verse and correctly collect the lines, and then arrange it on your page (without gluing it).

Task 5

This is the kind of winter we have in Russia. This is why she is loved by many poets and writers.

Observing natural phenomena in winter, people determined from them what winter, spring, autumn and summer would be like. People composed proverbs, sayings, and riddles about winter.

The next section of our page is “Winter in proverbs, sayings, riddles...”.

Take envelope No. 4. On the blanks, write riddles, proverbs, sayings, and signs about winter that you know.

1 pair - proverbs, sayings

2 para-winter signs

3 pair – riddles.

What will help us complete this task? (additional sources)

Task No. 5.

The beauty of the Russian winter and winter nature inspired not only poets and writers, but also artists and composers.Slide show.

Here are reproductions of paintings by A. Plastov, K. Yuon, I. Levitan. In these paintings, each artist shows snow in different months of winter. For Arkady Plastov, the first snow is airy, soft, smelling of the freshness of watermelon; K. Yuon and A. Savrasov depict Russian winter with an abundance of snow, soft and fluffy. I. Levitan depicts the snow leaving, beginning to melt, in March.

I invite you to feel like artists and designers. You can now design your page, that is, arrange your material the way you think is correct and glue it, and then add winter drawings. You will work to the music of the great Russian composer P.I. Tchaikovsky from the “Seasons” cycle. The music is dedicated to winter and is called “On Troika”. It conveys the enthusiastic feelings of people, their admiration for winter nature.Music by Tchaikovsky "The Seasons"

Participants decorate their pages with drawings.

5. Product presentation

Each couple got their own page. And you will present it to us now according to the plan that is in your envelope No. 5

Project protection plan.

1) Page title

6. Lesson summary. Reflection.

Our lesson has come to an end. In a very short time, we have accomplished some very interesting work. - Which one?

What helped us in our work?

What do you think went well?

What do we need to work on?

Each of you today tried yourself as an artist, designer, editor, correspondent.

Your pages turned out to be a wonderful Winter newspaper, which became the decoration of today's lesson.

The lesson is over. Thank you!

Project protection plan.

1) Page title…..

2) The purpose of creating our page……….

3) On our page we placed poems......(READ OUT, AUTHOR),

4) The color scheme of our page………., because………..

5) Our literary page can be used…………

3) When working on the project, we used the following sources………

Project protection plan.

1) Page title…..

2) The purpose of creating our page……….

3) On our page we placed poems......(READ OUT, AUTHOR),

4) The color scheme of our page………., because………..

5) Our literary page can be used…………

3) When working on the project, we used the following sources………

Project protection plan.

1) Page title…..

2) The purpose of creating our page……….

3) On our page we placed poems......(READ OUT, AUTHOR),

4) The color scheme of our page………., because………..

5) Our literary page can be used…………

3) When working on the project, we used the following sources......

Bunin Ivan


It smelled like winter cold

To the fields and forests.

Light up bright purple

Before sunset the sky.

At night the storm raged,

And with dawn to the village,

To the ponds, to the deserted garden

The first snow started to fall.

And today over the wide

White tablecloth fields

We said goodbye belatedly

A string of geese.

Alexander Blok

Dilapidated hut

Dilapidated hut

It's all covered in snow.

Grandma-old lady

Looking out the window.

To the naughty grandchildren

Knee-deep snow.

Fun for the kids

Fast sled run.

They run, laugh,

Making a snow house

They ring loudly

Sergey Yesenin

Winter is singing and calling

Winter sings and echoes,

The shaggy forest lulls

The ringing sound of a pine forest.

All around with deep melancholy

Sailing to a distant land

Gray clouds.

And there's a snowstorm in the yard

Spreads a silk carpet,

But it's painfully cold.

Sparrows are playful,

Like lonely children,

Huddled by the window.

Everywhere turned white overnight

And there is a miracle in our apartment!

Outside the window the yard disappeared.

A magical forest grew there.

(frosty pattern)

It flowed, it flowed -

And lay under the glass.

(freezing river)

What kind of stars are through?

On the coat and on the scarf,

All through, cut-out,

Will you take it - water in your hand?


I lived in the middle of the yard

Where the kids play

But from the sun's rays

I turned into a stream.


White grandfather, nothing whiter.

Old, hunchbacked,

Lies near the hut.

It lies all winter - no one will pick it up.

Spring will come and he will leave on his own.

Not prickly, light blue

Hanging in the bushes...

In cold weather he lies down, in warm weather he runs,

Transparent, not glass,

If you warm it up, you won’t have time to collect it.

Under our roof

A white nail is hanging.

The sun will rise -

The nail will fall.


They fly faster than the wind

And I fly three meters from them.

My flight is over. Clap!

Soft landing in a snowdrift.

Two sisters, two braids

Made from fine sheep wool.

How to walk - so to wear,

So that five and five do not freeze.


Issac Levitan March

Yuon End of winter. noon


Plastov first snow

Yuon March sun

Savrasov Winter road

Savrasov The rooks have arrived

Igor Grabar winter evening

V. Yasnov Russian winter

I. Shishkin Winter

What am I living for? What is dear to me, what is important, what can I not do without? Everyone has to answer these questions at some point.

Reflecting on my path in life, I understand perfectly well that I cannot draw the line where my work ends and my personal life begins. This is probably my philosophy, my road, calling and leading to the happiness of work, to endless life in the souls of my children. I don't work as a teacher, I am a teacher. I made my choice and I think it was right...

I enjoy communicating with Miracle. I improve myself, I walk next to him. I give him my hand, my strong hand. I take his gentle fingers into my palm and lead him through life, its labyrinths, like a guide who has already mastered this path. I am his friend, his is faith, his is hope...

Childhood is a flowering meadow, bathed in sunshine, along which you run without looking back towards the distant horizon. Childhood is the sun's rays woven into a girl's braids... Childhood is paper boats in a spring stream... Childhood is disarming smiles, inquisitive sparkles in laughing eyes and a rush of tenderness coming from the heart

Teacher at MBU gymnasium No. 38

Krotova Galina Alexandrovna

1. Project topic.

The theme of the project is related to the study of the “Fairy Tales” genre in literary reading lessons in primary school with an introduction to folk and original fairy tales, their types, national identity, and language features. While working on a project, learn the history of fairy tales and try to create your own fairyland. Write fairy tales with the help of adults and answer the question: “Why read fairy tales?” and “What do fairy tales teach us?”

2. Collection of information.

The purpose of this stage: to learn as much as possible interesting things about original and folk tales. The search for information was carried out in 2 directions. Similarities between folk and original fairy tales, as well as their differences. As well as an analysis of the heroes of fairy tales, both positive and negative.

Children worked individually and in groups. Some went to the school and city libraries to work with reference books, encyclopedias, magazines and publications. Others, with the help of their parents, searched for information on the Internet. A group of children conducted a survey of school students, teachers and parents:

1. What fairy tales do they remember?

3. Do they read fairy tales now?

The children presented their materials to the class in the form of small messages. The result of the work was clear, accessible information on the topic under study:

3. Justification of the relevance of the project topic.

In the process of collecting information, project participants became convinced that the chosen topic was relevant. The fairy tale is one of the oldest genres of literature; it appeared a long time ago. It is this genre that is the founder of literary works; many authors turned to the theme “Fairy Tale”. Not a single person grew up without fairy tales; he heard them from infancy. Fairy tales are still loved and read by children and adults. There is a lot of goodness and wisdom in fairy tales.

4. Identifying the problem and how to solve it.

The chosen topic, in the opinion of the students; is not sufficiently covered in the program, although there are many works. The students decided to try to write their own fairy tales and create their own “Imagine” country. Create a booklet “There, on unknown paths...” and a folder “Our cool fairy tales.”

5. Project goal:

5.1. Collect additional materials and formulate an idea about the features of the unique fairy-tale genre, both folk and author's.

5.2. Develop creativity and communication skills.

5.3 The project is aimed at cultivating a sense of beauty, the formation of conscious and expressive reading.

6. Project objectives:

1. Have an idea of ​​oral folk art.

2. Study the textbook materials.

3. Teach to distinguish between types of fairy tales.

4. Be able to see the national characteristics of fairy tales.

5. Create a dictionary of archaisms characteristic of the Russian people.

6. Stage dramatizations of your own fairy tales.

7. Create a folder of creative works and presentations.

7. Problematic question: “Why do you need to read fairy tales?”

8. The creative name of the project is “Journey to the Land of Imagination.”

9. Work on the project.

9.1. They decided to start the work by surveying schoolchildren, teachers and adult relatives using a questionnaire. The best answers were recorded on an information sheet.

9.2. This work helped compile a Fairy Tale Quiz and Crossword Puzzle.

9.4. While working on fairy tales, we found out that in this type of creativity there are a lot of outdated words (archaisms). We decided to create a “Dictionary of Archaisms”.

9.5. For clarity and systematization of the information received during the study, we decided to produce a booklet “There on Unknown Paths...”.

9.6. File all fairy tales in the folder “Our Cool Fairy Tales”, or better yet, transfer them to the children’s newspaper “Stavrosha”.

10. Presentation of work.

10.1. We organized an exhibition of creative works.

10.2. We performed dramatizations of our fairy tales for elementary school children.

10.3. We presented the booklet “There on Unknown Paths” to teachers of Russian language and literature.

10.4. Conducted an open lesson-report “There on unknown paths”

10.5. All project participants were awarded in various categories.

This section contains topics for research papers and projects on literary reading for grade 4, which contribute to the formation of students’ own reading position, as well as creative abilities.

This section offers topics for literary reading projects for grade 4 primary school, which contribute to the formation of students' reading position, the formation of their own opinion about the work they read, and are also designed to conduct independent research and analytical activities.

The presented topics of research work on literary reading for the 4th grade of primary school are of interest to students due to the possibility of conducting comparative, analytical and generalizing analysis, as well as a more in-depth study of the chosen topic.

The proposed topics for project work on literary reading in the 4th grade of primary secondary schools can be edited and expanded as necessary and with the advice of the teacher - the project leader.

Project topics for Literary reading, grade 4

Sample topics for research projects on literary reading for grade 4:

About the time of year. Poetry holiday.
Heroes of the past and present.
A great feat of my people.
The influence of beauty on the heroes of works.
Seasons. Poetry Festival
Children's magazines
Laws of a fairy tale.
Winter as depicted by Russian poets.
Gold in Russian fairy tales.
Ivanushka the Fool is the main character of folk art.
Interest in history in epics.
How to improve your reading speed?
What is the role of proverbs and sayings in the life of a modern person?
L. Andreev “Petka at the Dacha” and A.P. Chekhov "Vanka"
Motifs of spring in poetry and painting
No one is forgotten, nothing is forgotten!
They defended their homeland!
Reflection of ancient ideas about the world in fairy tales.
Why is reading necessary?
Poetry V.A. Zhukovsky.
Poetry I.A. Bunina.
A journey through the fairy tales of A.S. Pushkin.
Russian bogatyrs
Collection of works about the Motherland.
Tales of G.H. Anderson.
Let's create our own fairy tale
Creating a collage “My Motherland”
Creation of a collection of epics
Comparison of the literary work “Lilac” by L. Kushner and the painting “Lilac” by P. Konchalovsky.
Comparison of the positive and negative hero of a fairy tale.
Comparison of the content of the work with illustrations.
Compare the content and order of events in the fairy tales “Sivka-Burka” and “Kroshechka-Khavroshechka”
Comparative analysis of poems about autumn by A.S. Pushkin and A.A. Feta.
Means of artistic expression in poems.
Secrets of the name
There on unknown paths.
Man in the world of culture. Its past, present and future.
What is a feat?
Elements of a fairy tale in author's works.
Bright colors in the poems of S.Ya. Marshak.