Drawing preparatory group spring March. Notes of Nod with elements of non-traditional drawing techniques with children of the preparatory group for school Topic: “Visiting spring

Notes on drawing “Spring mood”

in the preparatory group

Target: consolidate and improve children’s knowledge about spring natural phenomena.


To develop children's ability to depict a picture of early spring.

Use different art materials in drawing (gouache, watercolor, pastel, felt-tip pens).

Enrich your speech with emotionally charged vocabulary.

Know how to use a group plan.

Improve the ability to master different techniques (drawing on wet, smearing with a washcloth, wiping with a candle, dabbing with a cloth napkin, finger painting).

To develop children's aesthetic perception of spring nature.

Cultivate interest in drawing spring landscapes.

Vocabulary work: activate the vocabulary with the words “landscape”, “poetry”, “piece of music”, “Heiro”.

Demonstration material: p reproductions of paintings about spring, the book “Poems for Children about Spring”, the CD “Spring Melodies”, cards-schemes “Rules of Conduct”.

Handout: gouache, watercolor, pastel, markers, candles, water, cards for dividing into subgroups, chips.

Methodical techniques: p looking at the plan, search activity, teacher's story, artistic expression, questions, listening to music, independent activity.

Preliminary work: invite children from the younger group to participate in the search work according to the plan of the parents, involving children from the younger group in the round dance physical education “Heiro”. Preliminary drawing of clouds, birch trunks, ice floes on whatman paper with wax candles.


Children play freely in a group in the centers. A parent enters the group and finds a plan on the shelf. Invites children to examine and determine what is depicted on it.

The teacher approaches them.

Children, what are you looking at here? (Plan)

Are there any other numbers and arrows here?

What do you think they are for? (they show that you can move on them)

That's right, it says "Spring Walk" here. Let's try to walk according to plan.

Where do you think the first arrow will lead us? (To the number "1") This is the first stop.

Children approach the easel, with the inscription “Art Gallery”. It contains reproductions of artists’ paintings about spring.

Children, let's remember the rule of looking at pictures.

The teacher shows the card-scheme “Move further away, you will see more.”

The children leave.

What time of year do you think is depicted in the paintings? (Spring)

Why? (Children's answers)

That's right, there is bright sun, blue sky, thawed patches, light trees, etc.

Guys, look, all the pictures depict nature. Who knows what these paintings are called? (Landscapes)

Right. Children, let's continue our walk as planned. What's the next stop? (Children look for stop No. 2 “Poetic”, read the name)

Here mommy meets them, sitting at a table with books of poems about spring.

Hello, tell us what you can learn about spring at your station?

The guest reads a poem by A.N. Pleshcheev "Rural Song". Invites you to look at the illustration.

Children, did you like the poem? Why? (Children's answers)

That’s right, the swallow flew in from distant lands, brought spring, and everyone was in a spring mood. (Thank the guest)

Kids, let's find the next stop. (They find stop number 3. They read the name “Musical”. Here they are met by another mother)


Hello guys, it’s not for nothing that I meet you at the music station. What do you think is my favorite thing to do? (Answer)

Of course, I really like listening to music. I want to give you a disc containing music about spring by different composers. This music really relaxes and calms me down. Want to listen to everything together?

(The teacher invites everyone to lie down or sit on the carpet, listen to the work and imagine a spring picture)

Remember to follow the “Listen, don’t talk” rule while listening. Shows the children the diagram. The children are listening.

Children, what did you imagine with this music? (Children's answers)

Well done, I liked your imagination, which helped everyone see the picture about spring.

Thank you, dear guests, for telling us so beautifully about spring.

Children, let's summarize, who paints landscapes about spring? (Artists)

Who writes poetry? (Poets)

Who comes up with the music? (Composers)

Yes, that’s right, everyone wants to enjoy spring in their own way. What was your mood during our walk? (Cheerful, good, joyful, kind...)

And why? (The polar night has ended, the sun is shining brightly, it has become warmer outside)

Children, where do you and I live? (In the north)

What did we have after the polar night? (Sun)

Do you know what the northern peoples call the holiday of meeting the sun? (Heiro)

Do you want to enjoy the sun?

Then let's share our joy with the kids and invite them to join us in a round dance.

(Kids from a neighboring group come in and a round dance is held physical education session "Heiro")

Heiro! (step right foot to the right - arms up)

Heiro! (left foot to the right, bring it to the right - arms down)

The sun is shining! (same movements to the right)

Heiro, heiro, we are welcoming spring! (same movements from the left leg to the left side)

Heiro, heiro, and in the spring the kids (make a spring for each other)

Heiro, heiro, have fun from the heart!” (clapping overhead)

Repeat 2 times.

Thanks guys! You made each other so happy. What's your mood now? (good)

Children, what do you always want to do if you are in a good mood? (Children's answers)

And I always have a desire to draw. I propose to paint a big picture about spring. And let all the guests and children of our kindergarten, looking at her, also have a spring mood. Do you agree?

To make it easier to draw, let's divide into teams and draw in parts, and then glue them together.

Let's play the game "Who can form a team faster."

Divide into teams to select chips of different colors. And on three tables there are three different cards: “river”, “earth”, “sky”.

Whoever has a blue chip will draw a spring river. Whoever comes across a brown chip draws the ground. And those who have yellow paint a bright sun in the sky.

Guys, consider what materials you will use? What is a washcloth, napkin, crayons, etc. for?

Children name everything that is on the tables.

I suggest you close your eyes and imagine what you will draw.

Children name snow, thawed patches, snowdrops, trees with buds, the sun, birds, ice on the water, spring boats, etc.

You can agree with your friends and start drawing. Remember the rule “Don’t disturb others”! (The teacher “accidentally” spills water on a piece of whatman paper)

Children, don’t worry, it was probably the spring breeze that pushed me. Let's imagine that we will draw on melted snow on a wet sheet. And the picture will be real spring. I suggest moistening the remaining sheets with water.

And a spring melody will help you in your work. (Play spring melody soundtrack)

Children, the guests, I hope they are also in a good mood, let’s also invite them to draw a spring picture.

Parents join in drawing with subgroups of children.

At the end of the lesson, look at all the pictures.

Tell me what you drew?

Who did you help draw?

What did you enjoy drawing the most?

What didn't work out so well for you?

Carry out a mutual analysis of the drawings of children and adults.

Summary of the lesson.

What was your mood while drawing?

Are you happy with your drawings?


Okay, the paintings will dry, we will glue them together and show the big spring landscape to all the children and parents.

Thank you everyone for the spring mood!


MDOU "Kindergarten No. 8 "Tundrovichok"

Norilsk, Krasnoyarsk Territory

Suturina Oksana Yurievna
Job title: teacher
Educational institution: MBDOU "DSOV No. 79"
Locality: Irkutsk region, Bratsk
Name of material: Abstract
Subject: Summary of an open drawing lesson "What color is spring?" Preparatory group
Publication date: 13.03.2016
Chapter: preschool education

MBDOU "DSOV No. 79" Summary of an open drawing lesson
“What color is spring?”
Preparatory group Compiled by teacher: Suturina Oksana Yuevna Bratsk 2016
Program content: To teach children the vision of an artistic image, the unity of content and language of landscape painting. To learn to see the main thing, to think about what aroused the artist’s interest when perceiving the spring landscape, to correlate the content of the picture with the means of expression. Continue to learn how to mix paints to obtain the desired color, use a palette, and depict different types of trees, taking into account the spring color. Tint the background on a wet sheet of paper, creating a spring sky and earth with thawed patches. To develop emotional responsiveness to the spring manifestations of nature, the ability to correlate a picturesque image with a poetic image by mood. Enrich children's speech with emotionally charged vocabulary, aesthetic and art terms; develop aesthetic perception and cultivate a love of nature. Material: Reproductions of paintings: I.I. Levitan - “Spring. Big water" A.K. Savrasov - “The rooks have arrived.” Baksheev - “Blue Spring” Samples of trees and landscapes of different seasons, audio recording by P.I. Tchaikovsky "Seasons". Watercolor and gouache paints, brushes, tinted sheets of paper, water, Materials for non-traditional drawing (matches, foam rubber, crumpled paper, cotton swabs, straws. Previous work: Observations on walks of spring changes in nature; examination of illustrations, paintings, conversations on them: Levitan I.I. “Spring. Big water”, A.K. Savrasov “The rooks have arrived.” learning poems and riddles about spring and trees.
 teach children to depict different periods of spring in drawings from memory and imagination;  clarify and generalize children’s knowledge about spring as a season when living conditions in nature quickly change (it becomes warmer, daylight hours increase, the ground thaws, snow and ice melt, a lot of water is formed, so all plants come to life, leaves and flowers bloom, insects come to life);  learn to select the appropriate color scheme;  continue to teach children how to properly use a brush (end, all bristles) when drawing trees;  teach children to use various materials in drawing (parolon, paper, plasticine, matches, cotton wool);  continue to teach children to use various drawing techniques (dots, strokes, dipping, strokes);  fix and use colors: gray, yellow, brown, blue, green, red, black, white, pink to convey color; expand and activate the vocabulary in art classes based on deepening ideas about spring  teach children to use synonyms in speech (light - sunny - cheerful, elegant - beautiful - festive - joyful - laughing);  creating a friendly environment in class, strengthening faith in one’s own capabilities;  developing memory, imagination, presentation, attention, intelligence, logical thinking when comparing different periods of spring;  generate interest in the activity;  develop coherent speech.
Enrichment and activation of children's vocabulary: nouns: spring, trees, streams, drops, ice drift, flood, rain, thawed patches, grass, rainbow, thunderstorm; adjectives: spring, early, sunny, light, gray, blurry,
long-awaited, joyful, cheerful, changeable, laughing, green, bright, motley, light green, young, tender, juicy, elegant, festive, emerald, ringing, noisy, loose, grainy; verbs: came, rings, runs, murmurs, shimmers, rushes, sings, cheers; adverbs: beautiful, elegant, fun, light, warm, sunny, festive, ringing.
- 4 tables, 3 boards, 3 sheets of whatman paper depicting 3 periods of spring, 3 paintings by artists (A. Rylov “Landscape with a River”, A. Savrasov “The Rooks Have Arrived”, I. Levitan “Spring. Big Water”?? ?), a laptop with recordings of excerpts from P.I.’s musical works. Tchaikovsky “The Seasons” (March, April, May), watercolors, gouache, thin brushes, foam rubber, crumpled paper, matches, jars of water for each child, paper napkins, cloth napkins, plates for dirty papers, A-size sheets 3.
teacher’s classes: “The Great Migration of Birds to Their Homeland,” “Who Hasn’t Woke Up Yet,” “Flood. A hare in a tree, a squirrel in a boat”, “Spring is coming - make way for spring”, “Forest incidents. Christmas tree for insects. The anthill began to move”, “Collective farm calendar. Amazing buds. Mysterious pits";  excursion to the park “The Rooks Have Arrived”;  quiz “Spring is coming to us with quick steps”  “Admire spring is coming...”  “When it happens”  memorizing proverbs and sayings about spring;  observations in nature;  asking riddles about spring.
1. Invitation to the art studio (3) 2. “Photography” will take place in the hall of the kindergarten. (3) 3. Looking at paintings, having a conversation about color. (5)
4. Physical exercise “Streams” (3) 5. Didactic game “Let’s help the artist.” (4-5) 6. Finger game “Streams” (1-2) 7. Independent work of children. (10-15) 8. Analysis of children's works, composing a story about spring (2-3) and that (37) PROGRESS OF THE LESSON: (The teacher enters the group and reads a poem, the children come closer at this time) Into the spring forest, for a walk I invite you to go. We guys can't find a more interesting adventure. Stand behind each other, hold hands tightly, along the paths, along the paths, let's go for a walk in the forest. Maybe here in the spring forest we will pick flowers? Vos: Children, today we have a very interesting activity: you and I will go to the art studio to draw different (radiant, light, bright, and maybe changeable, a little cloudy, fresh), the spring that you want, watch carefully along the way looking at what will surround you, perhaps we will see signs of spring, if we see exactly spring signs, then we will definitely photograph them. (children together with the teacher go along the corridor, meeting on their way “puddles” “cloudy clouds” “swallows” “streams” “rook” “willow” “sun” “flowers”; they discuss whether it is necessary to photograph this or that object) Near the art studio on The stand displays reproductions of three paintings (I.I. Levitan - “Spring. Big Water” A.K. Savrasov - “The Rooks Have Arrived.” Baksheev - “Blue Spring”)
Vos-l: Our land is beautiful in all seasons, and every season is beautiful in its own way. But there is a time of year in nature when nature awakens from winter sleep and lives in anticipation of warmth and sun. This time is called "spring". And there is no more sleep. Something joyful and restless sounds in this name. Spring brings everyone the joy of love, life, and the joy of creativity. This feeling covers all people, poets write poetry, composers write music, artists write their paintings. Spring comes with its own palette of colors. What colors are on it? Now we will see how the artists talked about spring. - Remember who painted this picture and what it is called? - That's right Isaac Ilyich Levitan. "Spring. Big water."
The trees are swaying The village is swaying The rooks wouldn't blow away They scream, they scream They make noise, dropping their feathers The noisy village.
Voss: So we came to our art studio (reads a poem near the door) All the snowstorms have stopped making noise, And the frosts are not crackling. Drops dripped from the roofs, and icicles hung in a row. More fun and warmer The days have become sunnier. In our garden, in the alleys, thawed patches are already visible. A tit tinkling loudly near our window... Soon the real spring will knock on our door! (they enter the art studio and all come to one table) Vos-l: - Look at what wonderful photographs we took on the way here... and now I suggest you take one card each and divide into three teams: spring of light, spring of water, spring of flowers and each team to take a place near the desired easel. (backgrounds for drawing different springs are attached to the easels in front of the children) The didactic game “Let’s Help the Artist” is held. (Children are asked to match each picture with cards depicting natural phenomena characteristic of each period of spring). Have our cards gotten lost? What phenomena are characteristic of Spring - light? What did the artist forget to draw near Spring - water? Spring flowers? Finger game: Blooming a napkin “Streams” I invite the children to close their eyes and, using a magic wand, turn these pictures into the ones the artist wanted to draw. Let us choose a background (depending on who wants to draw which spring). We already started it in the last lesson
paint. What will you draw now? (Trees, streams, grass, drifting ice...) Are all trees drawn the same way? How to draw a birch? aspen, rowan, poplar, apple tree? (trunk, branches). Children tell and show with their hands and fingers how to draw a trunk and branches. What material can be used for drawing? (Fabric, paper, foam rubber, matches, cotton swabs, gouache, watercolor, brushes, etc.). Guys, let us tell you about Spring based on the drawings that you have just drawn (composing stories about spring based on children’s drawings). Today you painted Spring: bright, sunny, joyful, cheerful, festive, green. Did you like your drawings? Did our guests like them?

Lesson notes on visual arts
in the preparatory group
Drawing according to the theme: “Spring outside”
The goal is to develop the ability to conceive the content of your drawing and bring
plan to completion.
Lesson objectives:
 To develop children’s ability to depict a picture of early spring;
 use different art materials in the drawing;
 Enrich children's speech with emotionally charged vocabulary.
 Develop the ability to use a palette to prepare the desired
shade of color, paint sample;
 Develop the ability to dilute watercolor paints with water to obtain
light colors;
 Develop emotional responsiveness to the spring awakening of nature.
 To cultivate in children an aesthetic perception of spring nature.
 Cultivate love for one’s native land.
Equipment: reproductions of paintings about spring, album sheets, watercolors
paints, colored pencils, wax crayons, felt-tip pens, palette, brushes,
glasses of water, napkins.
Progress of the lesson
Educator: our land is beautiful in all seasons, and every time
wonderful in its own way. But there is a time in nature when nature awakens from
winter sleep and everything lives in anticipation of warmth and sun. When do you think this is
It happens?
Children: this happens in the spring.
Educator: Indeed, in the spring. What a kind and gentle word
spring! Spring brings everyone the joy of life, the joy of creativity and activity! This

the feeling covers all people, and poets write poetry, composers write music,
artists - paintings. Now I will read poems about spring, and you close your eyes and
imagine what I will read about...
The snow is still white in the fields,
And in the spring the waters are noisy -
They run and wake up the sleepy shore,
They run and shine and say -
They say all over:
“Spring is coming, spring is coming!
We are messengers of young spring,
She sent us ahead." (F. Tyutchev)
Driven by spring rays,
There is already snow from the surrounding mountains
They fled through muddy streams.
To the flooded meadows.
Nature's clear smile
Through a dream they greet the morning of the year. (A. Pushkin)
Educator: Have you seen spring? What mood did the poets convey?
Children: The poets conveyed a joyful, cheerful mood.
Educator: You and I have read many poems about spring, and all of them are joyful.
Why do you think?
Children: Winter is ending, the cold and frost are leaving. Spring is coming. Brighter
the sun is shining. Thawed patches and the first snowdrops appear. Birds
returning from the south and singing their merry songs.
Educator: Spring comes with its own palette of colors. What colors are on
her? The teacher attracts the children's attention to the exhibition of reproductions of paintings about
spring, makes it possible to examine them.
Children: In early spring there is a clear blue sky, in thawed patches there is gray or
black earth, green grass; melted snow, blue streams. On this background
Slender birch trees stand out with their whiteness, from which blue shadows fall, so
the sun shines brightly.
Physical education lesson “We will become trees”
We will become trees (they walk in place)

Strong, big.
Legs are roots (feet shoulder-width apart, hands on waist)
Let's space them wider
To hold the tree (fist to fist)
They didn't let me fall
From the depths of the underground (bent over, palms cupped)
They got water
Our body is a strong trunk. (Bend over, palms down the body from top to bottom)
He sways a little.
And with your top (hands like a hut)
It touches the sky.
Our hands are branches, (open palms, spread fingers)
The crown is formed. (Close fingers)
Together they are not afraid (shakes their heads)
If the winds blow. (They swing their arms over their heads)
Educator: And now I suggest you draw your own picture of spring.
Think about what kind of story you want to draw and what you will use to draw it with.
Children are offered paper, watercolors, wax crayons, colored pencils,
markers. Children start drawing, the teacher reminds them that drawing
must be placed on the entire sheet of paper. Clarify the rules for mixing paints,
features of using wax crayons. At the end of the lesson it is organized
exhibition of works.
Children are asked to talk about their drawing.

"Spring landscape" summary of educational activities for visual arts.

Author: Svetlana Anatolyevna Nomokonova, teacher of MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 197" of a combined type, Barnaul

Summary of a lesson in visual arts "Spring Landscape" in the preparatory group of children with special needs.

Target: Teach children to reflect the signs of spring in their drawings, using various drawing techniques (brush, cotton swabs).
Educational areas:
OO "Artistic and Aesthetic Development";
NGO "Cognitive Development".
NGO "Speech Development".
Software tasks:
Objectives of artistic and aesthetic development:
- Expand knowledge about the genres of fine art;
- Exercise the ability to arrange objects in space;
- Determine the foreground and background;
- Develop the ability to paint with watercolors using different techniques;
- Develop fine motor skills.
- Arouse in children creative interest, emotional responsiveness, and a desire to create.
Objectives of cognitive development:
consolidate children's knowledge of spring natural phenomena;
To consolidate knowledge about the profession of an artist and genres of fine art.
Speech development tasks:
Clarify and activate vocabulary on the lexical topic: “Spring”;
Improve connected speech;
Objectives of physical development:
Develop mental processes: logical thinking, memory, auditory and visual perception, voluntary attention;
Develop gross and fine motor skills (drawing, speech with movement)
Objectives of social and communicative development:
Cultivate interest in nature and seasonal changes;
Develop communication skills, the ability to coordinate your actions, listen to each other, teach endurance and patience;
Instill a love for the poetic word;
To cultivate community in joint activities, the ability to bring the work started to the end.
Materials and equipment:
paintings depicting landscapes, still lifes, portraits,
cotton buds,
utensils for cotton swabs,
watercolor paints
background for drawing on a landscape sheet,
meadow with flowers,
drawing napkins
brush stands,
sippy cups.
Preliminary work:
looking at paintings by artists,
remember the genres of painting,
drawing landscapes, portraits, still lifes,
prepare a background for drawing on a landscape sheet
Methodical techniques: Literary word, demonstration, explanation, game, encouragement, musical accompaniment.

Progress of the lesson:

1. Organizational moment
(Children enter and stand on the carpet on which there are flowers)
-To begin with, I would really like to know in what mood you came to class today. You and I know that every mood has its own color, here in our fairy-tale meadow there are many colorful flowers - please, each of you choose a flower that is similar to your current mood. -Which flower did you choose? Why? What is your mood, Sveta? What about you Styopa?
-I’m very glad, guys, that you all chose bright and rich colors, which means that your mood is joyful, good, bright, and all the gloomy flowers remained in our meadow. Now, stand in a circle, and so that we are all in a good mood, let’s say compliments or kind words to each other

2. Main part

Well done, now let's quietly take our seats. Sit down correctly, pay attention to your posture.
-In our drawing classes, we began to get acquainted with different genres of fine art.
- What is the name of the profession of a person who paints pictures? (artist)
- What genres of painting do you know? (landscape, still life, portrait)
- Show me a picture of a portrait?
- So what is a portrait? (paintings of people)
If you see what's in the picture
Someone looks at you:
Or a prince in an old cloak,
Or a steeplejack in a robe,
Pilot or ballerina
Or Kolka is your neighbor, -
Required picture
It's called a portrait.
- Show me a picture of a still life? Why do you think this is a still life? (flowers, fruits, berries, household items)
- How to create a still life? (the artist first arranges objects beautifully, trying to place the main objects so that the rest complement and decorate them. And then he draws these objects from life).
-Why are still lifes needed? (plucked flowers will wither, people will eat fruits and berries, but those drawn by the artist will live forever)
-What is a still life?
If you see in the picture
A cup of coffee on the table, Or fruit drink in a large decanter,
Or a rose in crystal,
Or a bronze vase,
Or a pear, or a cake,
Or all items at once -
Know that this is a still life.
- Show me a picture of a landscape? How did you find out? (forests, fields, cities, villages, sea, mountains, glades)
- When drawing a landscape, do not forget about the foreground, near, far and background. -What is called a landscape?
If you see it - in the picture
A river is drawn
Or spruce and white frost,
Or a garden and clouds.
Or a snowy plain, Or a field and a hut, -
Required picture
It's called a landscape. Well done guys, you chose all the genres correctly.
Physical education minute.
Turned around themselves
And they turned into the trees.
They raised their hands and shook them - these are trees in the forest.
Elbows bent, hands shaken - the wind knocks down the dew.
We wave our hands smoothly - the birds are flying towards us.
Let us show you how they sit down: their wings are folded back.
- Well done. Everyone sat down correctly in their seats, let's continue the lesson.

Music is playing.
- Children, what kind of beautiful music does this sound, someone is probably in a hurry to visit us
Spring is coming.
I come with affection
With my own fairy tale.
I'll wave my magic wand,
I will wake up every living thing.
The rooks are returning
And the snowdrop blooms.
A bear sneaks through
Through the dead wood!
-Hello children! I, the red spring, have come to visit you.
- Hello Spring! We've been waiting for you all winter. We all love spring. We will now tell you why we love you. Children tell why they love spring.
And we know a little physical education about you.
Thanks, guys, but the problem is, winter doesn’t want to give up its place for me, it will either cover me with snow or hit me with frost. I just can't cope with her.
- Spring is red, maybe we can help you? Tell me what we need to do?
- In order for winter to recede, you need to paint beautiful pictures, spring landscapes.
Let's guys first remember what we need to remember when we draw a landscape.
When we draw a landscape, we remember that there is a foreground, a background, and a background.
-What do they draw in the foreground?
-Objects that are closer to the artist.
-What are we depicting in the background?
Objects that are in the distance.
-How we draw them.
-Objects in the foreground are larger than those in the background.
Let's remember how to draw trees correctly.
I show you a diagram of how to draw a tree.
We draw tree leaves with cotton swabs.
Before we sit down to work, let's stretch our fingers.
Finger gymnastics:
Go, spring, go, red
(fingers walk on the table)
Bring me a spike of rye,
Oat Sheaf,
A box of berries,
Fragrant apples,
Golden pears,
(bend fingers starting from the little finger)
Great harvest for our region.
(Clap their hands.)

Independent work of children
3. Summary of the lesson
-So our drawings are ready, bright, elegant!
While our drawings are drying, let's tell the spring what genres of artistic activity we talked about today?
Vesna: Thank you very much for your help, for your drawings, for your knowledge. For the fact that you helped me, I present you with the “Helpers of Spring” medals.
Spring says goodbye and leaves.


Fairytale meadow with flowers:

Scheme of drawing a deciduous tree.

Tatiana Afanasyeva
Summary of GCD in the preparatory drawing group on the topic: “Spring is coming, make way for spring!”

1. To consolidate and clarify children’s knowledge about spring, its characteristic features; consolidate knowledge about the genre of fine art art: scenery.

2. To develop in children the ability to come up with the content of their work, to create a spring composition using watercolors.

3. Foster an aesthetic perception of nature, arouse a keen interest in the changes occurring in nature in the spring.

Material. Landscape sheets, paints, brushes, cups of water, ball, paintings: "Spring Flow" I. Grabar, "Emerald spring» V. Byalynitsky-Birulya.

Guys, let's welcome our guests.

Psycho-gymnastics "Good morning" Hold hands.

Invented by someone simply and wisely

At the meeting greet"Good morning!"

"Good morning!"- sun and birds

"Good morning!"- smiling faces

And everyone becomes kind and trusting

May good morning last until evening.

Good afternoon and good hour

I am very happy to see you.

You will find out what we will talk about today by guessing my riddle:

She comes with affection and her fairy tale

He will step with a magical step

The snowdrop will bloom in the forest. Spring

That's right, let's talk about spring.

What spring months do you know? (March April May)

I suggest you play the game "Gates spring»

The first pair is the gate. You will take turns naming the signs spring. Whoever names it correctly is in the gate spring will pass. Children name the signs and pass.

Well done! We remembered the signs spring. But to spring was coming to us faster, let's give her beautiful words. I have a magic ball. Whoever takes this ball in his hands will hear a beautiful word about will call spring. (Children name adjectives about spring)

I suggest you take a moment to exercise "Spring Sun"

Sun, sun, come out!

And illuminate the whole earth,

So that spring has come soon,

To make us warmer,

So that the drops sing loudly,

So that the streams rang in the spring,

So that the flowers bloom,

Birds were returning from the south

Sun, sun, warm the earth

Let spring will come soon!

Children perform movements according to the text.

The amazing world surrounds us - this is the world of nature. See artists will help him.

Go to the easel.

Look how they portray spring Russian artists. What is the name of the genre in which these paintings were painted? (Scenery)

Landscape is a depiction of nature. To draw a landscape, you need to know and understand nature. Looking at landscapes, it’s as if we look out the window and see a forest, a meadow, a field, a river, and we want to run on the grass and smell the flowers.

The first picture is called "Spring Flow", its author is artist Igor Grabar. What state of nature do you think the artist wanted to convey? (early spring, awakening of nature) What is spring flow? (spring stream) What colors did the artist use? (blue, gray, white) What did the artist depict? (Artist drew blue cool stream, it runs in the forest. There is still snow along the banks of the stream. The snow is melting and there is more and more water in the stream. There are large trees near the stream. There are no leaves on them yet, no grass has appeared. Early spring drawn.

Second picture "Emerald spring» , artist Witold Byalynitsky-Birulya. What is emerald spring? This is the first green spring, the first spring grass.

What colors did the artist use to convey the spring mood? (green, blue, blue) Which the artist painted spring? By what signs did you guess this? What did the artist depict in his painting? (Artist drew a road in the forest. She is old and dirty. Along roads The first green grass appears. The blue sky is reflected in the puddle. The buds on the trees are already swollen. Spring is in full swing.

Spring comes with its own palette of colors. What are her colors? (blue, cyan, green, yellow)

I suggest you draw your own pictures of spring. Think about what kind of story you want draw. In your works you can draw the beginning of spring when nature wakes up from sleep or spring is in full swing: the first green grass, snowdrops, trees with swollen buds.

Everyone is happy spring and our fingers too.

Girls and boys

Where are your fingers?

Send your fingers in the morning

Visiting Aunt Razigra

We sat on the bench,

We got drunk on tea,

I'll play a prank for tea

The sun was given a little palm

They raised their fingers and became rays.

Children sit at tables and draw.

Bottom line. What beautiful landscapes you have created. You did your best. We will place these works at the exhibition, and spring admire them from the window.


Hold each other's hands and transfer a piece of warmth into your palm. I take Misha’s palm in my palm and convey to you all a piece of my warmth and it goes from me to Misha. And I feel that with a piece of warmth there is more friendship and good mood.

Publications on the topic:

Each season has its own definition. Summer is hot and sultry. Autumn is colorful and gloomy. Winter is snow-white and cold. Here comes spring.

CORRECTIONAL AND DEVELOPMENTAL GOALS: 1. Activate and clarify children’s vocabulary on the topic: “Spring”; 2. Develop skills of syllabic analysis and synthesis.

So the warm spring days have arrived, and although spring stubbornly fought against winter, there is a way for spring, there will be spring! I started my work with travel.

Summary of an integrated educational activity with children of the senior group “Spring is coming, spring is on its way” Summary of an integrated educational activity with children of the senior group. "Spring is coming, spring is on its way." Goal: acquaintance with spring natural and folk phenomena.

Summary of cognitive and speech development “Spring is coming, make way for spring” (preparatory group) Educational activities on cognitive and speech development in the preparatory group on the topic “Spring is coming, make way for spring” Objectives: 1.

Purpose of the lesson: to expand children’s understanding of the signs of spring. Objectives: Educational: expand your horizons, expand your vocabulary;.