Communication of national interests in the spiritual sphere. Interests and hobbies in a person’s life are a chance to achieve success


1. Necessity, essence, definition of management.

2. Classification and typology of management.

4. Subject, method, goals and functions of management theory.



- theory - V in a broad sense- a complex of views, ideas, ideas aimed at interpretation and explanation any phenomena; in a narrower and special sense - the highest, most developed form of organization scientific knowledge that gives a holistic idea of ​​the patterns and existing connections of a certain area of ​​reality - the object of this theory;

- management – it is the process of planning, organizing, motivating and controlling necessary to formulate and achieve organizational goals;

- management- this is a system of management methods in a market economy, which involve the company’s orientation to the demand and needs of the market, a constant desire to increase production efficiency at the lowest cost, in order to obtain optimal results;

- manager is a member of the organization who carries out management activities and solves management problems.

- the science- the sphere of human activity, the function of which is the development and theoretical systematization of objective knowledge about reality;

- knowledge - form of existence and systematization of the results of human cognitive activity;

- scientific knowledge- a system of knowledge about the laws of nature, society, and thinking. Scientific knowledge forms the basis of the scientific picture of the world and reflects the laws of its development;

- concept -(from lat. conceptio- understanding, system) - a general plan, a guiding idea, a set of views interconnected and resulting from one another, a system of ways to solve a chosen problem;

- cooperation -(lat. cooperation- cooperation) - a form of labor organization in which a certain number of people jointly participate in one or in different, but interconnected, labor processes

- definition -(lat. definitio - “definition, precise indication, requirement, prescription” from finitio - “limitation, completion”) - a brief definition of any phenomena by listing its main, most essential features, qualities, properties in order to clarify the boundaries and narrowing content concept denoting this phenomenon.

- category -(from the Greek kategoria - statement, accusation, sign) - an extremely general fundamental concept that reflects the most significant, natural connections and relationships between reality and knowledge.

The essence of management is that it is a special function of social labor, which arises from the need to organize joint activities and is generated, on the one hand, by the division of labor, and on the other, by the socio-historical conditions of society that determine the cooperation of labor.

Consequently, just as the joint labor of people forms the basis of any human society, so management is a necessary element, a function of this common labor, the existence and development of society.

The centuries-old development of management predetermined the separation of management activities into a separate function, which, in its purpose and content of the work performed, is fundamentally different from the production function.

In any organization there are two forms of division of labor: horizontal and vertical:

- horizontal division of labor- this is the division of labor into components that make up parts of the overall activity;

- vertical division of labor separates the work of coordinating actions from the actions themselves.

The activity of coordinating the work of other people is the essence of management.

Under subject of management refers to the natural or legal person from whom the power comes.

Control object, that is, what the power influence of the subject of management is directed at can be individuals and legal entities, as well as social, socio-economic systems and processes.

To give a brief definition of management, we can say that:

management is a specific type of activity to determine the goals of the organization, develop mechanisms for achieving them and coordinating the work of members of the organization to obtain results consistent with the goals.


Management is a set of coordinated measures aimed at achieving a specific goal.

Story management disproportionately older than history management. When two people appeared and they needed to do something that one could not do, the beginnings of management activity arose: the desired goal and the joint actions necessary to achieve it.

As soon as prehistoric people began to live organized groups, they had the need to manage three spheres of human activity: defensive (protection from wild animals and enemies), political (establishing and maintaining order in a group) and economic (production and distribution of limited resources: food, clothing, tools, weapons, etc. .). Note. Prehistory is the history of humanity before the advent of writing. The pre-literate history of mankind is studied from the material remains of the activities of ancient people, while resorting to arbitrary designations

Management can be viewed as a system. In this case, two subsystems can be distinguished: control and controlled. These subsystems are closely interconnected with each other in the management process.

The control subsystem is the subject of management, that is, the manager. A managed subsystem is an object of management, that is, most often an employee. The interconnection of subsystems can be shown with a simple diagram:

Scheme 1. Interrelation of management subsystems

The subject, as shown in the diagram, influences the control object. However, this impact is not strictly one-sided. There is also the opposite effect (feedback).

The nature of management cannot be understood without considering the scope of its implementation. In this regard, three spheres of objective reality are distinguished and management processes are classified in accordance with them:1) management in inanimate nature, 2) management in living nature and 3) management in human society.

1) management in inanimate nature(technical systems, i.e. machines, mechanisms, production and technical processes). This area of ​​management is the subject of engineering science;

2) management in wildlife (biological systems). Studied by natural sciences;

3) management in human society(social systems, i.e. impact on the activities of people with different interests, united in groups, collectives). This area of ​​management is the most difficult, since people are immeasurably more complex than all objects of living and inanimate nature, and is studied by social sciences. It is in socio-economic systems that management activities can be characterized by the term “management”. This is their main, fundamental, but not the only difference.

Management in market conditions is called management. The distinctive features of management are that it focuses firms on meeting the needs of the market, on constantly increasing production efficiency (obtaining optimal results at the lowest cost), on freedom in decision-making, on developing strategic goals and programs and their constant adjustment depending on the situation. market.

Management- type of management activity and system management methods in market conditions ( market economy), which imply the company's orientation towards demand and market needs, the constant desire to improve production efficiency with the least costs in order to obtain optimal results.

In domestic literature and practice, the concept of management instead of management began to be widely used in the 1990s. in connection with the transition from an administrative-command management system to the formation of a management system based on market relations. Using the term “management”, the orientation of commercial organizations and firms towards the market, the consumer and the achievement of the highest efficiency of their activities (profit growth, increase in market share, etc.) was emphasized. Modern principles, methods, means and forms of management are aimed at this.

Enlarged classification of management processes according to its main classes:

1) control processes in inanimate nature(in technical systems) called managing things , which is a field of study predominantly of technical sciences;

2) control processes in living organisms refer to control of biological systems and are the subject of study of natural sciences;

3) management processes in society(in social systems) called people management , or social management , which relates primarily to the field of social sciences.

Social management is isolated from the existing three classes of management and is divided into two main ones subclass: 1) management of individual activities and 2) management of collective activities, and on three types:

- first type of control - administrative-state (political) management;

- second type of control - management of the socio-cultural sphere (spiritual production);

- third type of management - management of the production sector (material production).

In other words, the classification of types of social management corresponds to the classification of the main spheres of social organization:

- political- area of ​​relations between national and interstate, authorities and social groups;

- cultural- the area of ​​spiritual production, distribution and consumption of spiritual goods;

- economic- the area of ​​material production, distribution and consumption of material goods.

Each type of social management includes corresponding levels(organization - region - industry, state) and basic forms (material management and human resource management), and they, in turn, are the corresponding subtypes of management.

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The lifestyle and functions of the individual, society and state, as objects, determine their common interests - national interests. They act as a certain balance or compromise between the generally very contradictory interests of individuals, social organizations and government bodies.

National interest is formed on the basis of rational needs, value preferences and real conditions in which society currently finds itself. Moreover, this process (the formation of national interest) at the level of an individual country is endorsed by those social forces that have real capabilities and, therefore, a certain power substance that allows them to realize this or that interest. These are the needs of society and the state in understanding existing politicians. In other words, national interest acts as a subjective form of the objective needs of society and the state, formulated by their elite on the basis of value preferences taking into account the circumstances. And the whole question in this case is how interconnected society and the state are in the processes of reproduction of their functions. In other words, “interest is what binds members of civil society together.”

In accordance with the “National Security Strategy of the Russian Federation until 2020”, under national interest is understood as the totality of the internal and external needs of the state to ensure the security and sustainable development of the individual, society and the state.

National interests, as well as needs, are divided into internal and external. However, they are unequal and combine three interconnected blocks:

  • fundamental interests, identical for any country, as they determine the need for the “survival” of the nation. Internal ones include stability and development. Their balance makes the country stable and integral. External interests include: territorial integrity; political sovereignty, i.e. independence; preservation of the dominant political-economic regime (constitutional system); prosperity;
  • national values— national ideology and cultural identity that determine the civilizational uniqueness of the country;
  • current interests, the need for protection is determined by the current situation and ensuring the planned course of development of the country.

Fundamental interests and values ​​form a totality vital interests of the country related to its survival and development. Current interests are formulated by the country's political leadership based on vital interests. So. The national interests of the Russian Federation in the long term are:

  • in the development of democracy and civil society, increasing the competitiveness of the national economy;
  • ensuring the inviolability of the constitutional order, territorial integrity and sovereignty of the Russian Federation;
  • transforming the Russian Federation into a world power whose activities are aimed at maintaining strategic stability and mutually beneficial partnerships in a multipolar world.

Classification and types of national interests

The classification of national interests can be carried out on various grounds, which emphasizes their social significance (Table 2.1).

Classification of interests

By degree of generality

  • individual
  • group
  • corporate
  • public
  • national
  • universal

By subject

  • personalities
  • society
  • states
  • coalition of states
  • world community

By area of ​​activity

  • economic
  • foreign policy
  • internal political
  • military
  • informational
  • spiritual

By direction

  • matching
  • not matching
  • confrontational
  • parallel

By degree of importance

  • vital
  • important
  • current

Interest is a function of the subject's position in relation to other subjects. Therefore, a country's interests or national interests are manifested through its interactions with other countries. At the same time, the main factors determining national interests include:

Objective: geopolitical situation and national characteristics; availability of resources and corresponding potential: significance in the system of international relations.

Subjective: the established system for making strategic decisions; international and domestic image of the country's political and business elite.

Features of interest:

  • explanatory (declarative) - to explain one’s own intentions and actions taken;
  • justificatory - to justify one’s actions;
  • evaluative - to assess each specific situation and search for like-minded people - allies, friends, partners, hangers-on:
  • incentive - to formulate your further actions. Interest encourages action and is generated by the environment in which the subject operates (for a country - domestic and foreign policy).

Thus, national interest is a subjective form of expression of the objective needs of society, which are expressed in a generalized form through the interests of the state.

Any calculation of interests can be made only within the framework a certain system values, without which it is impossible to understand what is “loss” and what is “gain”. Therefore, the doctrine of any country is a product of its strategic culture. Strategic culture- the historically established preferred method of solving problems vital to the country. It is conditioned national traditions, spatial, geographical location, worldview and worldview, historical experience.

In a broad sense, strategic culture includes two parts:

  • basic principles about the strategic environment, the nature of the enemy, threats, place and role military force and its effective use;
  • provisions at the operational level that answer the question: what strategic decisions are more effective in combating existing challenges and threats? At this level, strategic culture influences behavioral choices.

The strategic culture of a particular state explains the features of its strategy better than the imperatives of the international environment. This means that collectively shared ideas, beliefs and norms do not change at the same speed as the external and internal circumstances influencing them. Strategic culture is influenced by two factors: it is one’s own political culture, i.e. internal factor, and external factors, for example, structural changes or the impact of external threats and challenges. In this case, the strategic culture determines the approach to solving external and internal problems, formed as a reaction to changes in the external or internal situation.

These approaches are specified in such “pairs” as:

  • involvement - isolationism;
  • reliance on strength—reliance on non-strength tools;
  • unilateralism - entry into alliances, etc.

In addition, strategic culture determines the very style of a country’s behavior in the international arena ( status quo - imperialism), and style of leading the country, mobilizing the population to protect national interests etc.

Identification of national interests is carried out at the level of perception of one's own needs and capabilities. It is at the level of perception that doctrines and concepts of national security are formulated. At the same time, the doctrine is a theoretical and ideological justification for state policy. Its main components are the national interests of the country at this stage and the image of the enemy preventing the satisfaction of these interests. The concept is a set of views and recommendations on what policy it would be more appropriate for the state to pursue. The concept is more “pragmatic”, applied in nature, rather than a doctrine. This is like a “theory” of ensuring national security.

Any official document in the field of national security, be it strategy, doctrine or concept, is primarily a reflection of the cultural experience of a given society in this area. Strategic culture is also determined by the fact that in some countries the national doctrine is fixed at the institutional level in the form of government policy documents (has a complete internal structure, for example, “presidential messages”), while in others clearly formulated documents of this kind may not be available. In this case, their individual elements may be scattered throughout the current speeches of state officials and reflected in theoretical works in the field of security, party programs and political movements etc. Nevertheless, not a single state can do without both a national doctrine and a concept of national security.

The doctrine of security ideologically (at the level of emotions and cultural identity), and the concept theoretically (at the level of algorithms and recommendations) set the basis for the formulation of strategic priorities (national security goals) - the result - the level of protection of national interests - required by the country.

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Analyticala noteontopic:"NationalinterestsRussia» .




Moscow, 2015

The national security of the Russian Federation means the security of its multinational people as the bearer of sovereignty and single source authorities in the Russian Federation. The national interests of Russia are a set of balanced interests of the individual, society and the state in the economic, domestic political, social, international, information, military, border, environmental and other spheres. They are long-term in nature and determine the main goals, strategic and current tasks of the state’s domestic and foreign policy. National interests are ensured by institutions state power carrying out their functions, including in interaction with public organizations operating on the basis of the Constitution of the Russian Federation and the legislation of the Russian Federation.

The interests of the individual consist in the realization of constitutional rights and freedoms, in ensuring personal safety, in improving the quality and standard of living, in physical, spiritual and intellectual development person and citizen.

The interests of society lie in strengthening democracy, in creating a legal, social state, in achieving and maintaining public harmony, in the spiritual renewal of Russia. The interests of the state lie in the inviolability of the constitutional system, sovereignty and territorial integrity of Russia, in political, economic and social stability, in the unconditional provision of legality and maintenance of law and order, in the development of equal and mutually beneficial international cooperation.

The realization of Russia's national interests is possible only on the basis of sustainable economic development. Therefore, Russia’s national interests in this area are key.

Russia's national interests in the social sphere are to ensure a high standard of living for the people.

National interests in the spiritual sphere consist in preserving and strengthening the moral values ​​of society, the traditions of patriotism and humanism, and the cultural and scientific potential of the country.

Russia's national interests in international sphere are to ensure sovereignty, strengthen the position of Russia as a great power - one of the influential centers of the multipolar world, to develop equal and mutually beneficial relations with all countries and integration associations, primarily with member states of the Commonwealth of Independent States and traditional partners of Russia, to universally respect the rights and human freedoms and the inadmissibility of applying double standards.

Russia's national interests in the information sphere lie in observing the constitutional rights and freedoms of citizens in the field of obtaining and using information, in the development of modern telecommunications technologies, and in protecting state information resources from unauthorized access.

Russia's national interests in the military sphere are to protect its independence, sovereignty, state and territorial integrity, to prevent military aggression against Russia and its allies, and to ensure conditions for the peaceful, democratic development of the state.

The national interests of Russia in the border area lie in the creation of political, legal, organizational and other conditions to ensure reliable protection of the state border of the Russian Federation, in compliance with the procedures and rules established by the legislation of the Russian Federation for carrying out economic and other types of activities in the border space of the Russian Federation.

Russia's national interests in the environmental sphere lie in the preservation and improvement of environment.

The most important components of Russia's national interests are the protection of individuals, society and the state from terrorism, including international terrorism, as well as from natural and man-made emergencies and their consequences, and in wartime - from dangers arising during the conduct of military operations or as a result of these actions . The state of the domestic economy, the imperfection of the system of organization of state power and civil society, the socio-political polarization of Russian society and the criminalization of public relations, the growth of organized crime and the increase in the scale of terrorism, the aggravation of interethnic and complicated international relations - all these factors together create a wide range of internal and external threats to the country's national security.

In the economic sphere, the threats are complex in nature and are caused primarily by a significant reduction in gross domestic product, a decrease in investment, innovation activity and scientific and technical potential, stagnation of the agricultural sector, imbalance of the banking system, growth of public debt, a tendency towards the predominance of fuel and raw materials in export supplies. energy components, and in imported supplies - food and consumer goods, including essential items. The weakening of the country's scientific, technical and technological potential, the reduction of research in strategically important areas of scientific and technological development, the outflow of specialists and intellectual property abroad threaten Russia with the loss of its leading positions in the world, the degradation of high-tech industries, increased external technological dependence and the undermining of Russia's defense capability.

Negative processes in the economy underlie the separatist aspirations of a number of constituent entities of the Russian Federation. This leads to increased political instability, weakening of the single economic space of Russia and its most important components - production, technological and transport links, financial, banking, credit and tax systems.

Ensuring state security is a set of political, economic, social, military and legal measures to protect the existing state and social system, territorial integrity and independence of the state from the subversive activities of intelligence and other special services of hostile states, as well as from opponents of the existing system within the country. Strengthening Russian statehood, improving federal relations and local self-government should help ensure the national security of the Russian Federation. An integrated approach to solving legal, economic, social and ethnopolitical problems is needed while respecting the interests of the Russian Federation and its constituent entities in a balanced manner. The implementation of the constitutional principle of democracy requires ensuring the coordinated functioning and interaction of all government bodies, a rigid vertical executive branch and the unity of the Russian judicial system. This is ensured by the constitutional principle of separation of powers, the establishment of a clearer functional distribution of powers between state institutions, and the strengthening of the federal structure of Russia by improving its relations with the constituent entities of the Russian Federation within the framework of their constitutional status.

Ensuring the national security of the Russian Federation also includes the protection of cultural, spiritual and moral heritage, historical traditions and norms public life, preservation of the cultural heritage of all peoples of Russia, formation of state policy in the field of spiritual and moral education of the population, introduction of a ban on the use of airtime in electronic media mass media for the distribution of programs that promote violence, exploit base manifestations, and also includes opposition to negative influence foreign religious organizations and missionaries.

Ensuring the military security of the Russian Federation is the most important area of ​​state activity. The main goal in this area is to ensure the ability to adequately respond to threats that may arise in the 21st century, at a rational cost to national defense.

In preventing wars and armed conflicts, the Russian Federation gives preference to political, diplomatic, economic and other non-military means. However, the national interests of the Russian Federation require sufficient military power for its defense. The Armed Forces of the Russian Federation are playing main role in ensuring the military security of the Russian Federation.

The most important task of the Russian Federation is to implement deterrence in the interests of preventing aggression of any scale, including the use of nuclear weapons, against Russia and its allies.

The Russian Federation must have nuclear forces capable of guaranteeing the infliction of specified damage on any aggressor state or coalition of states in any situation.

The Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, in peacetime combat personnel, must be able to provide reliable protection of the country from air attack and solve, together with other troops, military formations and bodies, tasks to repel aggression in a local war (armed conflict), as well as strategic deployment to solve problems in a large-scale war. The Armed Forces of the Russian Federation must ensure the implementation of peacekeeping activities by the Russian Federation.

One of the most important strategic directions in the field of ensuring the military security of the Russian Federation is effective interaction and cooperation with member states of the Commonwealth of Independent States.

The interests of ensuring the national security of the Russian Federation predetermine, under appropriate circumstances, the need for Russia's military presence in some strategically important regions of the world. The deployment there on a contractual and international legal basis, as well as on the principles of partnership of limited military contingents, military contingents - military bases, naval forces should ensure Russia's readiness to fulfill its obligations, contribute to the formation of a stable military-strategic balance of forces in the regions and give the ability of the Russian Federation to respond to a crisis situation in its initial stage, contribute to the implementation of the foreign policy goals of the state. The Russian Federation is considering the possibility of using military force to ensure its national security, based on the following principles:

the use of all forces and means at its disposal, including nuclear weapons, if necessary to repel armed aggression, if all other measures to resolve the crisis situation have been exhausted or have proven ineffective;

the use of military force within the country is permitted in strict accordance with the Constitution of the Russian Federation and federal laws in cases of a threat to the lives of citizens, the territorial integrity of the country, as well as a threat of violent change to the constitutional order.

The defense industrial complex plays an important role in ensuring Russia's national interests. The restructuring and conversion of the defense industrial complex must be carried out without compromising the development of new technologies and scientific and technical capabilities, the modernization of weapons, military and special equipment and the strengthening of positions Russian manufacturers on the global arms market.

The system for ensuring the national security of the Russian Federation is created and developed in accordance with the Constitution of the Russian Federation, federal laws, decrees and orders of the President of the Russian Federation, decrees and orders of the Government of the Russian Federation, and federal programs in this area.

The basis of the system of ensuring national security of the Russian Federation is made up of bodies, forces and means of ensuring national security, implementing measures of a political, legal, organizational, economic, military and other nature aimed at ensuring the security of the individual, society and the state. The powers of the bodies and forces ensuring the national security of the Russian Federation, their composition, principles and procedures are determined by the relevant legislative acts of the Russian Federation. national interest security russia

The following persons take part in the formation and implementation of the national security policy of the Russian Federation:

The President of the Russian Federation - leads, within the limits of his constitutional powers, the bodies and forces ensuring the national security of the Russian Federation; authorizes actions to ensure national security; in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, forms, reorganizes and abolishes the bodies and forces ensuring national security subordinate to it; speaks with messages, appeals and directives on problems of national security, in his annual messages to the Federal Assembly he clarifies certain provisions of the Concept of National Security of the Russian Federation, determines the directions of the current domestic and foreign policy of the country;

The Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation - on the basis of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, on the proposal of the President of the Russian Federation and the Government of the Russian Federation, forms legislative framework in the field of ensuring the national security of the Russian Federation;

Security Council of the Russian Federation - carries out work to proactively identify and assess threats to the national security of the Russian Federation, promptly prepares draft decisions for their prevention for the President of the Russian Federation, develops proposals in the field of ensuring the national security of the Russian Federation, as well as proposals to clarify certain provisions of the National Security Concept of the Russian Federation, coordinates the activities of forces and bodies ensuring national security, controls the implementation by federal executive authorities and executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation of decisions in this area;

federal executive authorities - ensure the implementation of the legislation of the Russian Federation, decisions of the President of the Russian Federation and the Government of the Russian Federation in the field of national security of the Russian Federation; within the limits of their competence, develop normative legal acts in this area and present them to the President of the Russian Federation and the Government of the Russian Federation;

executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation - interact with federal executive authorities on issues of implementation of the legislation of the Russian Federation, decisions of the President of the Russian Federation and the Government of the Russian Federation in the field of national security of the Russian Federation, as well as federal programs, plans and directives issued by the Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation Federation, in the field of military security of the Russian Federation; together with local government bodies, carry out activities to attract citizens, public associations and organizations to assist in solving national security problems in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation; submit proposals to the federal executive authorities to improve the system of ensuring the national security of the Russian Federation.

The Russian Federation intends to resolutely and firmly ensure its national security. The established legal democratic institutions, the established structure of government bodies of the Russian Federation, the wide participation of political parties and public associations in the implementation of the National Security Concept of the Russian Federation are the key to the dynamic development of Russia in the 21st century. The concept of national security of the Russian Federation is a system of views on ensuring the security of the individual, society and state in the Russian Federation from external and internal threats in all spheres of life. The Concept formulates the most important directions of state policy of the Russian Federation.

The scale of terrorism and organized crime is increasing due to changes in forms of ownership, often accompanied by conflicts, and an intensification of the struggle for power based on group and ethno-nationalist interests. The lack of an effective system for social crime prevention, insufficient legal and logistical support for activities to prevent terrorism and organized crime, legal nihilism, and the outflow of qualified personnel from law enforcement agencies increase the degree of impact of this threat on the individual, society and the state.

A threat to Russia's national security in the social sphere is created by the deep stratification of society into a narrow circle of rich people and the overwhelming majority of low-income citizens, an increase in the proportion of the population living below the poverty line, and rising unemployment.

The level and scale of threats in the military sphere are increasing. The activities of foreign special services and the organizations they use are intensifying on the territory of the Russian Federation. The strengthening of negative trends in the military sphere is facilitated by the protracted process of reforming the military organization and defense industrial complex of the Russian Federation, insufficient funding for national defense and imperfect regulatory legal framework. On modern stage this is manifested in a critically low level of operational and combat training of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, other troops, military formations and bodies, in an unacceptable decrease in the number of troops with modern weapons, military and special equipment, in the extreme severity of social problems and leads to a weakening of the military security of the Russian Federation in in general.

Threats to national security and interests of the Russian Federation in the border area are due to:

economic, demographic and cultural-religious expansion of neighboring states onto Russian territory;

increased activity of cross-border organized crime, as well as foreign terrorist organizations.

The threat of deterioration of the environmental situation in the country and depletion of its natural resources is directly dependent on the state of the economy and the readiness of society to understand the global nature and importance of these problems. For Russia, this threat is especially great due to the predominant development of fuel and energy industries, the underdevelopment of the legislative framework for environmental protection, the absence or limited use of environmental technologies, and low environmental culture. There is a tendency to use the territory of Russia as a place for processing and disposal of environmentally hazardous materials and substances.

The main tasks in the field of ensuring the national security of the Russian Federation are:

timely forecasting and identification of external and internal threats to the national security of the Russian Federation;

implementation of operational and long-term measures to prevent and neutralize internal and external threats;

ensuring the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the Russian Federation, the security of its border space;

the rise of the country's economy, the implementation of an independent and socially oriented economic course;

overcoming the scientific, technical and technological dependence of the Russian Federation on external sources;

ensuring personal security of a person and a citizen, his constitutional rights and freedoms on the territory of Russia;

improvement of the system of state power of the Russian Federation, federal relations, local self-government and legislation of the Russian Federation, the formation of harmonious interethnic relations, strengthening law and order and maintaining socio-political stability of society;

ensuring strict compliance with the legislation of the Russian Federation by all citizens, officials, government bodies, political parties, public and religious organizations;

ensuring equal and mutually beneficial cooperation between Russia, primarily with the leading countries of the world;

raising and maintaining the state’s military potential at a sufficiently high level;

strengthening the regime of non-proliferation of weapons of mass destruction and their means of delivery;

Adoption effective measures to identify, prevent and suppress intelligence and subversive activities of foreign states directed against the Russian Federation;

radical improvement of the environmental situation in the country.


State and national security is a multifaceted phenomenon that has an ambiguous interpretation due to the borrowing of its name from the Western lexicon, which should be considered: firstly, as part of the general phenomenon of security, which is an integral condition for the existence of the individual, society and state and allows for the preservation of accumulated values; secondly, within the entirety of those included in multinational state- Russian Federation - nations and national groups. When ensuring national security, it is necessary to consider a complex multi-level functional system of national security, consisting of a set of interconnected developing systems (elements): national interests; threats to national interests; national security system (NSS).

In the modern Russian legal system of national security, firstly, there are no legislative definitions scientific concepts of “national security”, “threats to national security”, and secondly, real and effective legal mechanisms for adequately countering new threats to Russia’s security are not reflected. Many provisions of the RF Law “On Security” are declarative in nature, since there is no basic scientifically based Concept of National Security of the Russian Federation.

In order to improve legislation in the field of ensuring national security, it is necessary to create a flexible legal system that adequately responds to ongoing economic and socio-political changes, ensuring the necessary level of national security.


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2. Arbatov A.G. Security: Russian choice. M., 1999.

3. Brudnikov A.S. Modern understanding essence and content of national security / A.S. Brudnikov // Proceedings of the Academy of Management of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. 2007. Zh. 3. pp. 8-11.

4. Kardashova I.B. On the concept of national security // Law and law. UNITY -DANA. 1999. Ж9.

5. Materials from the website nationalsecurity/.

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    The role of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) and the World Trade Organization (WTO) in international trade. The place and role of Russia in world trade. Pros and cons of Russia's entry into the GATT. The tasks of maintaining Russia's national interests.

    course work, added 12/23/2010

    National Interest: Action and Policy. Modern look on the national interests of Russia in the conditions of global transformation. The transition from a bipolar world order to multipolarity. Priorities, development vector and national strategy of Russia.

    test, added 07/22/2016

    The role of Kazakhstan in the formation of the Eurasian Union of States interests of the United States in the fight against terrorism. Geopolitical situation in Central Asia and America. The genesis of relations between states in security matters. Protecting the country's national interests.

    thesis, added 05/19/2015

    Common features modern national economies, models of national economic systems. The need and functions of foreign economic relations. Forecasting the national economy, its content, organization and principles. International monetary system.

    cheat sheet, added 11/22/2009

    Basic methods and tools of provision information security Russian Federation. Analysis of the main provisions of the state policy of ensuring information security of the Russian Federation and the procedure for organizing priority measures for its implementation.

Interest– is an emotion or desire to achieve a certain state of mind; the subject’s attitude towards phenomena or objects that represent spiritual value.

Hobbies– a way to achieve harmony in your personal inner world by expressing your individuality, a successful attempt to understand and accept your calling.

A person’s interests and hobbies can be safely compared with happiness. They evoke positive emotions, a feeling of fullness, satisfaction, and give joy. In turn, joy is the opposite of boredom, so a person who devotes enough time to his interests is much less likely to suffer from malaise, lack of emotions and boredom. Even constant busyness with everyday activities does not give the feeling of joy that it can give favorite hobby. In part, hobbies can also be called the meaning of life, because everyone works to earn enough money and spend it on their own pleasure, on their favorite form of recreation.

Why are a person's interests and hobbies so important?

Everyone has a need to realize themselves as an individual, to discover something new and interesting, to declare themselves to the world. It is sustained interest that attracts attention and does not cause boredom. The subject is not interested in the result, but in the process itself, from which he receives pleasure.

Each interesting activity meets certain motives, just as interest motivates you to engage in a certain hobby for the benefit of your personality. This relationship can be shown graphically:

When the benefits disappear (spiritual, emotional, material), then interest in the activity disappears, but there is no escape from the need for constant hobby. This means that hobbies can be different, opposite to each other, and interest in a person’s life can be changeable and versatile, but it is always present and can be called the main motivation and strategic emotion. Interest motivates everyone to new beginnings.

How do a person’s personal interests influence his life?

Everyone tries to realize their hobbies and interests in life in their own way. Some people manage to turn this into a successful business; in other cases, passions are interpreted as hobbies. They represent real life value, regardless of external factors. When a person systematically pays attention to his needs, he has an incentive to achieve something new, to work on himself and, thereby, improve his standard of living, and such actions entail a new, no less important quality - self-confidence. The subject has his own value, he can provide it for himself, he is ready to share it with the outside world - the personality becomes interesting. Further actions are obvious: he is looking for similar people with whom interests coincide, to exchange experiences or because of the desire to feel surrounded by like-minded people.

What types of human interests are there?

Some types of human interests can motivate the emergence of others. Depending on the benefit that a person pursues in her hobbies, material and spiritual interests, general and personal, direct and indirect, dominate.

Direct interest– the desire to achieve immediate success from a particular process.

An example of such interest is simple: a student studies directly for the sake of knowledge. He wants to gain certain experience and use it successfully. The prospect of getting a diploma fades into the background.

Indirect Interest– the desire to achieve results through certain opportunities.

This interest is demonstrated by students who simply want to obtain degrees through university studies. They are not interested in a large amount of knowledge or qualifications.

Material interests– the need to eliminate one’s shortcomings, to prevent the development of threatening situations for a comfortable and quality life.

Material interests reflect the economic needs of the individual. He is trying to sell his labor, get a benefit and the spiritual side of this deal is not important to him. Thanks to material interests, humanity is constantly making new discoveries, since they are aimed purely at improving the quality of housing amenities, enrichment, and making work easier. Work may well become a material interest if its main goal is big earnings.

Spiritual interests– actualization of the opportunity to express oneself as a person, individuality; broadening one's horizons, cultural growth, which does not provide for any material changes or enrichments.

Spiritual interests include the establishment of psychological harmony, personal growth, emotional satisfaction and saturation, peace of mind. They encourage you to explore the world, open up from a new side, and show your talents. The saturation point for each subject is determined individually. For some it is important to receive a lot of superficial information, but in different areas, someone wants to learn a specific craft and become a real master, so some people can travel the whole world in their entire life, learn several languages, while others manage to achieve results in something a certain, narrowly specialized area.

Personal interests– views, desires, motives that are inherent only to a specific subject, his subjective concepts and his needs.

Personal interests are formed on the basis of the subject’s experiences, desires, position, and material wealth. No one can impose them or force them to abandon them. The individual decides for herself what is interesting to her and what is not.

Social interests– needs, accomplishments, wishes that a social group experiences based on the internal motivations of each individual.

The interests of social groups depend on the socio-economic situation and their position in the social and labor sphere. In most cases, the social interests of an individual are reduced to the sphere of politics and economics.

What interests does a person have that influence his perception of the outside world?

Quite often there is a version that a person’s social and personal interests are one and the same. A person is an individual, and a social group is a social unit, acting as one object, which pursues common goals for all. But comparing these two concepts is not correct. Personal interests underlie social interests. They form a common position and can coincide either completely or partially. Everyone can succumb to common goals and interests, or they can remain unconvinced.

Social interests can cover different spheres of culture and science, but they cannot be called 100% accurate, because each individual has formed his own concept, which differs from the general opinion. One subject may experience more interest than another, and such a fact is a difference between individuals.

Areas in which personal and social interests intertwine:

  • Reading. Educated people often love to read. Moreover, each person has his own favorite author, his own work;
  • Communication. This is more of a need than an interest, but with a good conversationalist there is always something to talk about, and the conversation can be quite exciting;
  • Sport . Different sports bring together people who are ready to support their favorite team or become a participant in their favorite game;
  • Computer games. Probably one of the main hobbies of our time. In this case, you can play alone or in a team - it all depends on the individual wishes of the individual;
  • Music. Different directions and styles of music make it possible to make a choice to your liking.

The list contains only a small part of those areas that can unite people by interests and, at the same time, be the cause of their disagreements. Therefore, it is not correct to compare individual and social interests.

The role of an individual’s social interests in her life

Social interest can cause an incentive to intensify the activity of the subject. After an individual is included in relations between society, he becomes part of a social group. The following conditions influence social interest:

The phenomenon of social interest lies in the subject’s ability to share the feelings of a social group and the ability to identify himself as part of it. This social group is not limited to close people, but is more global in nature. Social interest begins in infancy during the period of communication between the child and his parents and continues to develop throughout life.

Social interest is manifested in the individual’s willingness to cooperate with people under different conditions, even not very favorable ones, the individual’s efforts to give others more than he demands in return, his willingness to empathize and accept other people’s experiences. According to A. Adler’s theory, the main task of each person is to be part of society. And if a person is capable of cooperation, she will be accompanied throughout life by friendship, love, understanding, and trust.

Social interests are built on a comparison of the interests of one social group against the interests of another. Thus, in addition to cooperation in the forms of interrelation of interests between social groups can be attributed to rivalry.

But there are social interests that are supported throughout the world and unite peoples; the list includes the interest in preserving life on Earth, civilization and culture.

Priority of spiritual interests

Whatever interests a person may have, he will always give priority to the realization and development of spiritual interests. Spiritual interest motivates the subject to grow, overcome uncertainty, and express himself as an individual. They force us to abandon the status of a consumer of culture and move to the level of its creator. Thanks to spiritual interests, a person discovers new facets of this world, receives knowledge, and expands his horizons. The desire to become better gives exactly the emotional saturation that everyone seeks in their hobbies. A person reveals his talents and capabilities through work that does not bring discomfort and fatigue.

Everyone’s activities throughout life, their achievements and disappointments can influence interests, encourage the emergence of new ones, or completely kill old ones. Social status, environment, changes can radically change the interests of a subject, just as interests influence a person’s life. Achieving success in one field or another, the desire to be interesting is worth overcoming all obstacles. Final result always brings positive emotions, self-affirmation, reverence and the desire to move on. Thanks to such experiences, life becomes much better and brighter.

The national interests of Russia are a set of balanced interests of the individual, society and the state.

National interests determine:

The main directions of activity of the individual, society and the state, which contribute to the strengthening of the existing political system in our country and create conditions for the prosperous life of each individual and society as a whole;

Conditions for the safe functioning of individuals, society and the state in all spheres of their life (economic, domestic political, social, international, informational, military, border, environmental, etc.).

National interests are long-term in nature and determine the main goals, strategic and current tasks of the state’s domestic and foreign policy. National interests represent a set of balanced interests of the individual, society and the state, therefore, they must be ensured by the combined actions of all citizens of Russia, individually each in their own field of activity, by the entire Russian society and state.

Only in an optimal, harmoniously balanced distribution of duties and responsibilities for the observance of Russia’s national interests can success follow in the formation of Russia as a great power, capable of realizing its potential capabilities given to it by nature and ensured by the activities of previous generations.


Only the consistency of views and actions of the population and government structures in respect of national interests can ensure the advancement of our country towards general well-being. This unity of views and actions of every individual, society and state determines the level of the general culture of our society in the field of security.

What do the interests of the individual, society and state represent in the general content of Russia’s national interests?

Personal interests are determined by the ability of every citizen of Russia to realize their constitutional rights and freedoms in ensuring personal safety, in improving the quality and standard of living, in physical, spiritual and intellectual development as a person and citizen.

Interests of society are ensured by the strengthening of democracy, the creation of a legal social state, the achievement and maintenance of public harmony, and the spiritual renewal of Russia.

Interests of the state are determined by the inviolability of the constitutional system, sovereignty and territorial integrity of Russia, political and economic stability, the unconditional provision of the rule of law and the maintenance of law and order, and the development of equal and mutually beneficial international cooperation.

Everyone should know this

Russia's national interests in the domestic political sphere consist of:

In maintaining the stability of the constitutional system and institutions of state power;

In ensuring civil peace and national harmony, territorial integrity, unity of legal space, law and order;

At the completion of the process of becoming a democratic society;

In neutralizing the causes and conditions contributing to the emergence of political and religious extremism, ethnic separatism and their consequences - social, interethnic and religious conflicts, terrorism.

Russia's national interests in the economic sphere are to ensure:

Dynamically developing production and market;

High standard of living of the peoples of Russia.

Russia's national interests in the spiritual sphere lie in preserving and strengthening:

Moral values ​​of society;

Traditions of patriotism and humanism;

The cultural and scientific potential of the country.

Russia's national interests in the international sphere are:

In ensuring sovereignty;

In strengthening Russia's position as a great power - one of the influential centers of the multipolar world;

In the development of equal and mutually beneficial relations with all countries and integration associations, primarily with the member states of the CIS and traditional partners of Russia;

In the universal observance of human rights and freedoms and the inadmissibility of the application of double standards.

Russia's national interests in the military sphere are:

In protecting its independence, sovereignty, state and territorial integrity;

In preventing military aggression against Russia and its allies;

In providing conditions for the peaceful, democratic development of the state.

It should be noted that Russia’s national interests in the modern world are aimed primarily at ensuring the security of individuals, society and the state from external and internal threats of a natural, man-made and social nature in all spheres of their life.

By decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated May 12, 2009, the National Security Strategy until 2020 was approved. It is a basic document for planning the development of the national security system of the Russian Federation, which sets out the procedure and measures to ensure security. This document is the basis for constructive interaction between government bodies, organizations and public associations to protect the national interests of the Russian Federation and ensure the security of the individual, society and state.

Main threats to Russia's national interests and security

The main objective of the National Security Strategy until 2020 is to create and maintain internal and external conditions by national security forces that are favorable for the implementation of strategic national priorities.

In the strategy, national security is understood as a state of security of society and the state from internal and external threats, which allows us to ensure constitutional rights, freedoms, a decent quality and standard of living for citizens, sovereignty, territorial integrity and sustainable development of the Russian Federation, defense and security of the state.

It should be noted that at present, the level of awareness of each person, and society as a whole, of the degree of dangers associated with various dangerous and emergency situations of a natural, man-made and social nature that arise in everyday life, which directly affect the national security of Russia, does not correspond their real danger to the life of the individual, society and the state.

Such underestimation by society of existing and growing dangers that threaten human life is increasingly leading to large-scale tragic consequences associated with the death of people and the destruction of material assets.

It should be noted that in the process of life, a person constantly expands the scope of his interests to meet the needs of life, but at the same time he cares little about compliance with safety measures and the possible consequences of his activities, which has led to an increase in the scale of various emergency situations that arose due to human fault. Scientists note that the scale of the impact of emergency situations on social, economic, political and other processes of modern society has already exceeded the level that made it possible to treat them as dramatic events of a local nature. Currently, the mistake of one person (or several) can lead to an emergency on a large scale (for example, the Chernobyl disaster).


Here is how the Minister of the Russian Federation for Civil Defense, Emergencies and Disaster Relief S.K. Shoigu spoke about this at the All-Russian meeting of the leadership of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia on December 14, 2004: “The strictest laws and rules will not help reduce the number of people losses from emergency situations and other negative and dangerous factors, unless a system and conditions are created for the formation of a culture of a safe personality. All executive authorities without exception must take part in this work, and it must begin from childhood.”

Forming a culture in the field of life safety among the country's population to a level corresponding to the development of our civilization has become a priority in ensuring the national security of the state from external and internal threats.

The experience of specialists from the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations, who analyze the causes of various emergency situations and their tragic consequences, convincingly shows that in 80-90% of cases the person is to blame. The human factor is having an increasingly negative impact on the security of the individual, society and the state in all spheres of their life.


Let us give the most typical examples of data on events that have taken place in recent years.

In 2008, there were 218,322 road traffic accidents, resulting in 29,936 deaths and 270,883 injuries. The main causes of road accidents (up to 80%) were: violations by vehicle drivers of the Rules traffic, drinking alcohol while driving and technical malfunction of vehicles.

In 2008, 2,155 emergency situations occurred on the territory of the Russian Federation. As a result, 4,491 people died and 3,756 people were injured.

The largest number of emergencies occurred in the Siberian (412) and Volga (475) federal districts.

The sad first place on this list is occupied by man-made emergencies (1966). As a result, 4,455 people died and 2,176 people were injured.

Statistics show that, in general, the causes of emergency situations and their tragic consequences in 80-90% of cases it is the human factor. This indicates a very low general culture of the entire population of the country in the field of life safety. According to the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations

At this point in your life, the authors of the textbook once again advise you to think carefully and choose your path in life: or begin to truly prepare yourself for safe life in this difficult, constantly changing world around you, for which you need to constantly increase your general level of knowledge and skills in the field of safety culture, try to minimize risk factors for your life and health in the process of everyday life and in various dangerous and emergency situations; or live, hoping that the state will ensure your safety in all areas of your life. True, with this option, your role in ensuring your own safety will be zero.

In conclusion, the authors once again appeal to you and want to remind you that the national security of Russia is to a certain extent in your hands; your decision will largely determine in which country you will live.

We will discuss what we mean by overall security culture in the next paragraph of this chapter.

Formation of a general culture of the population in the field of life safety

In the modern world, emergencies of a natural, man-made and social nature have become an objective reality in human life. These situations constantly accompany him, pose a threat to his life, lead to the death of people, damage and destroy material and spiritual values ​​accumulated by humanity, and cause enormous damage to the natural environment, society and civilization.

The consequences of emergency situations occurring in Russia have an increasing impact on the state of Russia's national security.

In the Russian Federation, the trend in the number of emergency situations caused by hazardous natural phenomena continues. In the technogenic sphere, there is a high level of accidents, and for certain types of production there is an increase in its growth.


The main reasons for the increase in the number of natural and man-made emergencies are: hazardous natural phenomena;

natural disasters;

accidents and man-made disasters

It should be especially noted that in the technogenic sphere, a high level of accidents continues to persist. This occurs primarily due to the growing scale and complexity of production and the large number of unfavorable factors accompanying it: irrational placement of potentially hazardous facilities throughout the country from a safety point of view, low rates of implementation of resources and energy-saving technologies, a decrease in the professional level of workers, low level of labor discipline and labor quality and a number of other factors associated with a negative impact on the safety of the human factor.

The human factor has an ever-increasing negative impact on the security of individuals, society and the state and is, if not the main, then the determining factor in ensuring the national security of Russia.


In the modern world, a special place is occupied by emergency situations of a social nature: wars, terrorism, kidnapping, drug addiction, alcoholism, smoking, etc. These emergency situations are often called “man-made”, when the cause of the incident is only a person, i.e. the human factor is 100 %.

Currently general theory life safety has been worked out in sufficient detail and is expressed in the corresponding security systems: personal, collective, social, public, state, national and international. Ensuring the life safety of the Russian population is carried out within the framework of the overall national security system. Ensuring the life safety of the population in emergency situations in peacetime and wartime means:

Monitoring and forecasting emergency situations of natural, man-made and social nature; warning the population about emergency situations; engineering protection of the population and territories from emergency situations;

Radiation and chemical protection of the population; evacuation of the population;

Organization of emergency rescue and other urgent work in emergency zones, life support for the population affected by emergency situations. All these measures are carried out by the state and are aimed primarily at protecting the country’s population, its material and cultural values ​​from emergency situations, ensuring the security of the individual, society and the state, as well as the national security of Russia.

However, it should be noted that the role of the person himself in order to ensure personal safety and national security of Russia has increased significantly.

Technological progress gives man powers that are often comparable to the forces of nature. In the process of production activities, it increasingly influences the metabolism and energy in nature, disrupting natural ecological processes.

In addition, the safety of each person largely depends on himself, on his readiness to correctly assess the emerging dangerous situation and find the safest way out of it.

It should be noted that with any dangerous situation in the process of life, a person initially, as a rule, encounters one on one and the consequences of a dangerous situation are largely determined by how he behaves at the first moment, what decision he can make and how much he can implement it. first of all, for him personally, but also for those around him.


The ability to behave safely in various dangerous and emergency situations determines a person’s protection from the negative impact of environmental risk factors on him and characterizes his level of general culture in the field of life safety.

Thus, general culture a person in the field of life safety can be characterized as his ability to promptly and adequately respond to various dangerous and emergency situations of a natural, man-made and social nature, find the safest way out of the current situation, and reduce the risk factor for himself and for others.

General culture in the field of life safety, in addition, presupposes that a person knows and complies with the norms of a healthy lifestyle, owns health-saving technologies that ensure the preservation and strengthening of health, and is responsible for preserving the natural environment as a human habitat.

A person who has a general culture in the field of safety and life, knows well the basic laws and other regulations in force in our country, and consciously fulfills their requirements in everyday life.

Module 3.Organizational basis for protecting the country's population from emergency situations in peacetime and war.

Unified State System for Prevention and Elimination of Emergency Situations (RSChS), its tasks. (9th grade 57-63, 10th grade 82-83)

(9th grade 57-63) Unitedgovernment systemprevention and response to emergency situations (RSChS)

On the territory of the Russian Federation, various emergencies of a natural and man-made nature may occur, which may result in human casualties, significant material losses and disruption of people’s living conditions.

The prevention and elimination of emergency situations, the organization of the protection of the population and territories from emergency situations have always occupied a leading place in the policy of any state.


In our country in April 1992, to implement state policy to protect the population and territories from natural and man-made emergencies in order to unite the efforts of federal executive authorities, representative and executive authorities of constituent entities of the Russian Federation, local governments, as well as organizations and institutions and enterprises, their forces and means in the field of prevention and liquidation of emergency situations, the Russian Government System of Prevention and Action in Emergency Situations was created by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation, which in 1995 was transformed into a unified state system for the prevention and liquidation of emergency situations (RSChS).

On December 30, 2003, by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 794, a new “Regulation on the unified state system for the prevention and liquidation of emergency situations” was approved (amended on May 27, 2005).

Everyone should know this

The main tasks and decisions of RSChS are:

Development and implementation of legal and economic norms related to ensuring the protection of the population and territories from emergency situations;

Implementation of targeted and scientific and technical programs aimed at preventing emergency situations and increasing the sustainability of the functioning of enterprises, institutions and organizations, regardless of their organizational and legal forms, as well as production and social facilities subordinate to them V emergency situations;

Ensuring the preparedness for action of management bodies, forces and means created to prevent and eliminate emergency situations;

Collection, processing, exchange and distribution of information in the field of protecting the population and territories from emergency situations;

Preparing the population to act in emergency situations;

Forecasting and assessing the socio-economic consequences of emergency situations;

Creation of reserves of financial and material resources to eliminate emergency situations;

Implementation of state examination, supervision and control in the field of protection of the population and territories from emergency situations;

Elimination of emergency situations;

Implementation of measures for social protection of the population affected by emergency situations, carrying out humanitarian actions;

Implementation of the rights and responsibilities of the population in the field of protection from emergency situations, including persons directly involved in their elimination;

International cooperation in the field of protecting populations and territories from emergency situations.

The unified system consists of functional and territorial subsystems and operates at the federal, interregional, regional, municipal and facility levels.

Territorial subsystems of RSChS are created in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation to prevent and eliminate emergency situations within their territories and consist of units corresponding to the administrative territorial division of these territories.

At each level of the RSChS, coordination bodies, permanent management bodies, day-to-day management bodies, forces and means, reserves of financial and material resources, communication, warning and information support systems are created.

Coordinating bodies of the unified system are:

at the federal level- Government Commission for the Prevention and Elimination of Emergency Situations and Providing fire safety, Commission for the Prevention and Elimination of Emergency Situations and Ensuring Fire Safety of Federal Executive Bodies;

at the regional level(within the territory of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation) - the commission for the prevention and liquidation of emergency situations and ensuring fire safety of the executive body of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation;

at the municipal level(within the territory of the municipality) - the commission for the prevention and liquidation of emergency situations and ensuring fire safety of the local government body;

at the object level- commission for the prevention and liquidation of emergency situations and ensuring fire safety of the organization.

Within the relevant federal district (interregional level), functions and tasks to ensure coordination of the activities of federal executive authorities and the organization of interaction between federal executive authorities and state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, local governments and public associations in the field of protecting the population and territories from emergency situations carried out in the prescribed manner by the authorized representative of the President of the Russian Federation in the federal district.

Permanently operating governing bodies of the unified system are:

at the federal level - Ministry of the Russian Federation for Civil Defense, Emergency Situations and Disaster Relief, divisions of federal executive authorities to solve problems in the field of protecting the population and territories from emergency situations and (or) civil defense;

at the interregional level- territorial bodies of the Ministry of the Russian Federation for Civil Defense, Emergencies and Disaster Relief - regional centers for civil defense, emergency situations and disaster relief (hereinafter referred to as regional centers);

at the regional level- territorial bodies of the Ministry of the Russian Federation for Civil Defense, Emergency Situations and Disaster Relief - bodies specially authorized to solve civil defense problems and tasks for the prevention and liquidation of emergency situations in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as the main departments of the Ministry of the Russian Federation for Civil Affairs defense, emergency situations and disaster relief in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation);

at the municipal level- bodies specifically authorized to solve problems in the field of protecting the population and territories from emergency situations and (or) civil defense under local governments;

at the object level - structural divisions of organizations authorized to solve problems in the field of protecting the population and territories from emergency situations and (or) civil defense.

Day-to-day management bodies of the Unified System are:

Crisis management centers, information centers, duty and dispatch services of federal executive authorities;

Crisis management centers of regional centers;

Crisis management centers of the main departments of the Ministry of the Russian Federation for Civil Defense, Emergency Situations and Disaster Relief in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, information centers, duty and dispatch services of executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and territorial bodies of federal executive authorities;

Unified duty and dispatch services of municipalities, duty and dispatch services of organizations (facilities).

RSChS forces and means

The forces and means of the unified system include specially trained forces and means of federal executive authorities, executive authorities of constituent entities of the Russian Federation, local governments, organizations and public associations, intended and allocated (recruited) for the prevention and liquidation of emergency situations.

The composition of the forces and means of the unified system is determined by the Government of the Russian Federation.

Civil defense forces and means are involved in organizing and carrying out measures to prevent and eliminate emergency situations of a federal and regional nature in the manner prescribed by federal law.

The forces and means of each level of the unified system include forces and means of constant readiness, intended for prompt response to emergency situations and carrying out work to eliminate them (hereinafter referred to as the forces of constant readiness).

The basis of the constant readiness forces consists of emergency rescue services, emergency rescue formations, other services and formations, equipped with special equipment, equipment, equipment, tools, materials, taking into account the provision of emergency rescue and other urgent work in the emergency zone for at least 3 days.

The list of permanent readiness forces at the federal level is approved by the Government of the Russian Federation on the proposal of the Ministry of the Russian Federation for Civil Defense, Emergencies and Disaster Relief, agreed upon with the interested federal executive authorities, executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and organizations.

The list of forces of constant readiness of territorial subsystems is approved by the executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation

Federation in agreement with the Ministry of the Russian Federation for Civil Defense, Emergency Situations and Disaster Relief.

The composition and structure of the permanent readiness forces are determined by the federal executive authorities that create them, the executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, local government bodies, organizations and public associations, based on the tasks assigned to them in preventing and eliminating emergency situations.

(10 grades 82-83) The unified system unites governing bodies, forces and means of federal executive authorities, executive authorities of constituent entities of the Russian Federation, local governments and organizations whose powers include resolving issues in the field of protecting the population and territories from emergency situations, and carries out its activities in order to fulfill the tasks provided for by the Federal Law “On the Protection of the Population and Territories from Natural and Technogenic Emergencies.”

The current level of industrial development both in our country and abroad does not exclude the possibility of accidents and disasters at various facilities.

The greatest danger comes from accidents at nuclear power plants and chemically hazardous facilities, accidents with the release of bacteriological and biological substances, explosions at facilities and transport communications, aircraft accidents, accidents on railway transport and oil pipelines.

In almost all regions of the Russian Federation, due to geographical and climatic conditions, various natural disasters are possible, the main of which are earthquakes, floods, forest and peat fires, avalanches, hurricanes and tornadoes.

Prevention and response to emergency situations remains a pressing task today. The issue of organizing the rescue of people, preserving their health, reducing damage to the natural environment and localizing emergency zones of a natural and man-made nature at the government level was resolved in 1992. Then Resolution No. 261 “On the creation of a Russian system of warning and action in emergency situations” was adopted (RSChS)."

In December 1994, the Federal Law “On the protection of the population and territories from natural and man-made emergencies” was adopted (see § 16). In pursuance of this law, Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 794 of December 30, 2003 approved a new Regulations on the unified state system for preventing and eliminating emergency situations.

The Unified State System for the Prevention and Elimination of Emergency Situations (RSChS) was created with the aim of uniting the efforts of government bodies of all levels, forces and means subordinate to them for the prevention and liquidation of emergency situations.

A unified system, consisting of functional and territorial subsystems, operates at the federal, interregional, regional, municipal and facility levels.

At each level of the unified system, coordination bodies, permanent management bodies, day-to-day management bodies, forces and means, reserves of financial and material resources, communication, warning and information support systems are created.

The coordinating bodies of the unified system are:

At the federal level - the Government Commission for the Prevention and Elimination of Emergency Situations and Ensuring Fire Safety, the Commission for the Prevention and Elimination of Emergency Situations and Ensuring Fire Safety of Federal Executive Bodies;

At the regional level (within the territory of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation) - the commission for the prevention and liquidation of emergency situations and ensuring fire safety of the executive body of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation; - at the municipal level (within the territory of the municipality) - the commission for the prevention and liquidation of emergency situations and ensuring fire safety of the local government body;

At the facility level - a commission for the prevention and response to emergency situations and ensuring fire safety of the organization.

Within the relevant federal district (interregional level), functions and tasks to ensure coordination of the activities of federal executive authorities and the organization of interaction between federal executive authorities and state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, local governments and public associations in the field of protecting the population and territories from emergency situations carried out in the prescribed manner by the authorized representative of the President of the Russian Federation in the federal district.

According to the Law “On the Protection of the Population and Territories from Natural and Technogenic Emergencies,” all citizens of the Russian Federation have general rights and responsibilities for protection from natural and man-made emergencies.

Rights and obligations of citizens of the Russian Federation to protect against natural and man-made emergencies

Citizens of the Russian Federation have the right:

To protect life, health and personal property in case of emergencies;

In accordance with the emergency response plan, use collective and individual protection equipment and other property of executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, local governments and organizations intended to protect the population from emergency situations;

Be informed of the risks they may be exposed to certain places stay on the territory of the country, and about the necessary security measures;

For compensation for damage caused to their health and property as a result of emergency situations;

For a number of other compensations and benefits.

Citizens of the Russian Federation are obliged to:

Comply with laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, laws and other regulatory legal acts of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation in the field of protecting the population and territories from emergency situations;

Observe safety measures in everyday life and daily work activities, avoid violations of production and technological discipline that can lead to emergencies, follow environmental safety rules; w study the basic methods of protecting the population and territories from emergency situations, methods of providing first aid to victims, rules for using collective and individual protective equipment, constantly improve your knowledge and practical skills in the field of safety;

- comply with established rules of behavior in the event of a threat and emergency situations;

If necessary, provide assistance in carrying out rescue and other urgent work.


General educational institutions are the object of the functional subsystem of the RSChS, created by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation to solve problems of protecting the life and health of students and staff in emergencies of a natural and man-made nature.

Civil defense as component national security of the country, its tasks and purpose. (9th grade 64-69, 10th grade 120-121)

(9th grade 64-69) civil defenseas an integral partnationalsecurity and defense of the country

Initially, the civil defense system in our country was created as a system for protecting the population and national economic facilities from air strikes. It was then called “Local Air Defense” (LAD).


Before the start of the Great Patriotic War (1941-1945), the creation and preparation of various air defense services was basically completed.

The experience of the Great Patriotic War showed that the anti-aircraft defense system made a significant contribution to the protection of the population and national economy from Nazi air raids.

In July 1961, the MPVO was transformed into civil defense (CD). Civil defense has become an integral part of the system of national defense measures carried out in peacetime and wartime in order to protect the population and national economy of the country from weapons of mass destruction (WMD) and other means of enemy attack, as well as to carry out rescue operations in hot spots and catastrophic flooding zones .

Thus, civil defense has always been an integral part of the system of national defense measures carried out in peacetime and wartime to protect the population and economic facilities of the country from the dangers of peacetime and wartime.

Currently, the goals and objectives of civil defense are determined by a system of officially accepted views on the conduct of civil defense, taking into account the foreign and domestic policies pursued by the state to ensure national security and preserve the country's defense capability.

Directions for the development of civil defense in modern conditions are determined:

The presence of conflict situations near the state borders of the Russian Federation;

Maintaining the trend of development and strengthening of NATO;

The presence and improvement of weapons of mass destruction, the emergence of new generation weapons;

The growing threat of terrorism, including the use of components of weapons of mass destruction;

The increasing role of high-precision weapons in armed conflicts and the development of new generation weapons, including those based on new physical principles;

A significant increase in economic, political, informational and other types of impact on the population;

Increasing threat of emergencies of a natural and man-made nature, including due to the presence of large stocks of chemical weapons and nuclear power plants subject to disposal.

Currently, civil defense is a system of measures to prepare for the protection and protection of the population, material and cultural values ​​on the territory of the Russian Federation from dangers arising during military operations or as a result of these actions, as well as in the event of emergencies of a natural and man-made nature.

Everyone should know this

IN Federal Law “On Civil Defense” determined main tasks in the field of civil defense and population protection:

Training the population in ways to protect themselves from dangers arising during military operations or as a result of these actions;

Evacuation of the population, material and cultural assets to safe areas;

Providing the population with shelters and personal protective equipment;

Carrying out activities on light camouflage and other types of camouflage;

Carrying out emergency rescue operations in the event of a danger to the population during military operations or as a result of these actions, as well as in the event of a natural or man-made emergency; priority provision of the population affected by military operations or as a result of these actions, including medical care, including first aid, urgent provision of housing and taking other necessary measures; fighting fires that arise during military operations or as a result of these actions, as well as in the event of natural and man-made emergencies; detection and designation of areas subjected to radioactive contamination, chemical, biological and other contamination;

Disinfection of the population, equipment, buildings, territories and carrying out other necessary measures; restoration and maintenance of order in areas damaged during military operations or as a result of these actions;

Urgent restoration of the functioning of necessary public services in wartime; urgent burial of corpses in wartime; development and implementation of measures aimed at preserving objects essential for the sustainable functioning of the economy and the survival of the population in wartime;

Ensuring the constant readiness of civil defense forces and means.

Besides, in “Fundamentals of a unified state policy in the field of civil defense for the period until 2010.” it was determined that civil defense as an integral part of the country’s national security and defense system must be ready: I, carry out missions in any scenario of military operations and large-scale terrorist attacks, including in conditions of massive enemy use of modern and advanced weapons; in this case, the main attention should be paid to readiness to act in conditions of local and regional wars using various types of weapons;

Take part in the protection of the population and territories in emergencies of a natural and man-made nature, as well as during terrorist attacks.

6 in peacetime the main tasks of civil defense are:

Creation of civil defense authorities;

Training of civil defense forces;

Public education;

Maintenance of readiness, modernization and further development of protective equipment;

Systematic accumulation of resources necessary to carry out civil defense activities;

Creation of conditions for the rapid deployment of a system of protective measures, forces and means during a threatened period;

Carrying out a set of preparatory measures aimed at preserving objects essential for the sustainable functioning of the economy and the survival of the population in wartime.

In the event of large-scale emergencies of a natural and man-made nature, as well as terrorist attacks, civil defense forces and resources can be directed to carry out individual work.

During the period of increasing military threat (during the threatened period) before the announcement of mobilization, the main task of civil defense is the implementation of a set of planned measures aimed at increasing the readiness of administrative bodies and civil defense forces, as well as organizations that carry out mobilization tasks and special formations created for the period of wartime to be transferred to the organization and composition of wartime, and federal government bodies, government bodies subjects of the Russian Federation, local governments and organizations to transfer to work in wartime conditions. With the announcement of mobilization, civil defense is entrusted with carrying out the entire scope of measures to transfer it from peacetime to wartime within the established time frame.

In wartime, the main tasks of civil defense are:

Carrying out a set of measures to ensure maximum preservation of the life and health of the population, material and cultural values;

Increasing the stability of the economy in the face of the enemy’s use of modern and advanced weapons, including weapons of mass destruction.

Planning and carrying out civil defense activities must be carried out by all federal executive authorities, executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, local government bodies and organizations, regardless of their organizational, legal forms and forms of ownership.

Organizational basis of civil defense constitute the bodies that manage civil defense; services, forces and means of civil defense of various authorities, local administrative-territorial entities and organizations (enterprises, institutions).

Civil defense leadership

State policy in the field of civil defense is carried out by the federal executive body authorized by the President of the Russian Federation to solve problems in the field of civil defense.

Civil defense management in federal executive bodies and organizations is carried out by their leaders.

The management of civil defense in the territories of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and municipalities is carried out by the heads of executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and heads of local government bodies.

Heads of federal executive authorities, executive authorities of constituent entities of the Russian Federation and organizations bear personal responsibility for organizing and conducting measures for civil defense and protection of the population.

In addition, in the “Fundamentals of a unified state policy in the field of civil defense for the period until 2010” determined: “The coordination of the activities of executive authorities in the field of civil defense is carried out by the Ministry of the Russian Federation for Civil Defense, Emergencies and Disaster Relief (EMERCOM of Russia) in accordance with the powers assigned to it.”

Everyone should know this

Basic rights and obligations of citizens of the Russian Federation in the field of civil defense

Citizens of the Russian Federation in accordance with federal laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation:

Are trained in ways to protect themselves from dangers arising during or as a result of military operations;

Take part in other civil defense activities;

Provide assistance to public authorities and organizations in solving problems in the field of civil defense.

(10kl 120-121) Civil defense (CD) is a system of measures to prepare for the defense and to protect the population, material and cultural values ​​on the territory of the Russian Federation from dangers arising during the conduct of military operations or as a result of these actions, as well as in the event of emergencies situations of natural and man-made nature.

Since its inception, civil defense has always been an integral part of the system of national defense measures carried out in peacetime and wartime to protect the population and economic facilities of the country from dangers arising during the conduct of military operations or as a result of these actions. Civil defense can most fully carry out its mission together with the Armed Forces of the country, ensuring the maximum weakening of the enemy’s armed influence on economic facilities, cities, administrative and other centers of the country in order to maintain the stability of the functioning of the state.

In the USSR, it was planned to ensure the protection of the population from weapons of mass destruction by the advance preparation of various protective structures; creating stocks of personal protective equipment; carrying out evacuations from large cities; warning of the danger of enemy attack.

Civil defense in modern conditions is an integral part of the country's national security system and defense capability.

Currently, the nature and methods of solving international and other problems using armed struggle, as well as the methods of conducting it, are changing. Possible wars will take place predominantly on a regional scale and will be characterized by high intensity, transience, selectivity and the degree of destruction by high-precision weapons. Threats of natural and man-made emergencies are increasing.

Under these conditions, to main tasks in the field of civil defense and population protection include: training of the population in the field of civil defense; I notify the population about the dangers arising during the conduct of military operations or as a result of these actions, as well as in the event of emergencies of a natural and man-made nature; evacuation of the population, material and cultural assets to safe areas;

Providing the population with shelters and personal protective equipment;

Carrying out activities on light camouflage and other types of camouflage;

Carrying out emergency rescue operations in the event of dangers to the population arising during military operations or as a result of these actions, as well as due to emergencies of a natural and man-made nature;

Priority provision to the population affected by military operations or as a result of these actions, including medical care, including first aid, urgent provision of housing and taking other necessary measures;

Fighting fires that arose during military operations or as a result of these actions;

Detection and designation of areas exposed to radioactive, chemical, biological and other contamination;

Sanitary treatment of the population, disinfection of buildings and structures, special treatment of equipment and territories;

Restoring and maintaining order in areas damaged during military operations or as a result of these actions, as well as due to natural and man-made emergencies;

Urgent restoration of the functioning of necessary public services in wartime;

Development and implementation of measures aimed at preserving objects necessary for the sustainable functioning of the economy and the survival of the population in wartime;

Ensuring the constant readiness of civil defense forces and means.

The conduct of civil defense on the territory of the Russian Federation or in its individual localities begins from the moment a state of war is declared, the actual outbreak of hostilities or the introduction by the President of the Russian Federation of martial law on the territory of the Russian Federation or in its individual localities.

The management of civil defense in the Russian Federation is carried out by the Government of the Russian Federation.

State policy in the field of civil defense is carried out by the Ministry of Civil Defense, Emergency Situations and Disaster Relief (EMERCOM of Russia).

In order to implement state policy in the field of civil defense, the federal executive body authorized to solve problems in the field of civil defense carries out appropriate regulatory regulation, as well as special, permitting, supervisory and control functions in the field of civil defense.

On the stages of creating civil defense in the USSR and the world

Initially, the civil defense system in our country was created as a system for protecting the population and national economic facilities from air strikes. In 1932, the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR approved the Regulations on the country's air defense. According to this document, local air defense (LAD) was separated from the country's general air defense system as an independent part to protect the population and national economic facilities from enemy attack from the air.

The anti-aircraft defense was intended to solve the following tasks: warning the population about the threat of an air attack and warning when the threat has passed; implementation of camouflage of populated areas and national economic facilities; eliminating the consequences of an air attack; preparation of bomb shelters and gas shelters for the population, etc.

The experience of the Great Patriotic War showed that the anti-aircraft defense system made a significant contribution to the protection of the population and national economy from fascist air raids. According to available data, during the war, the MPVO forces eliminated the consequences of more than 30 thousand German air raids, prevented more than 32 thousand serious accidents at national economic facilities in cities, and neutralized more than 430 thousand aerial bombs. Through the efforts of the MPVO formations and units, 90 thousand fires and fires were eliminated.

In the 1950s New weapons have appeared in the arsenal of states - nuclear weapons, as well as new means of delivering nuclear weapons - missiles. All this led to the need to improve the system of measures to protect the population and national economy from new nuclear missile weapons.

In July 1961, the MPVO was transformed into civil defense (CD). Civil defense has become an integral part of the system of national defense measures carried out in peacetime and wartime in order to protect the population and national economy of the country from weapons of mass destruction (WMD) and other means of enemy attack, as well as to carry out rescue operations in hot spots and catastrophic flooding zones .

In the 50-60s. XX century a civil defense system was created in most large countries - the USA, Germany, Canada, Italy, Sweden. In almost all countries, special importance was attached to the creation of a network of shelters and shelters. For these purposes, a number of countries made maximum use of various underground structures, mine workings, abandoned mines, etc.

In all these states, significant attention has been and is being given to training the population in the rules of behavior in the event of military operations and in the event of various natural and man-made emergencies.

The Ministry of the Russian Federation for Civil Defense, Emergency Situations and Disaster Relief (EMERCOM of Russia) is the federal governing body in the field of protecting the population and territories from emergency situations. The role of the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations in the formation of the modern level of life safety culture among the population of the country. (9th grade 57-70)

In the territory of the Russian Federation, various emergencies of a natural and man-made nature may occur, which may result in human casualties, significant material losses and disruption of people's living conditions.

The organizational framework for protecting the population from emergency situations in peacetime and wartime is strange.

The prevention and elimination of emergency situations, the organization of the protection of the population and territories from emergency situations have always occupied a leading place in the policy of any state.

Historical facts.

In our country in April 1992. To implement state policy to protect the population and territory from natural and man-made emergencies in order to unite the efforts of federal executive authorities.

Everyone should know this

The main tasks and solutions of the PCChS are:

    development and implementation of legal and economic norms related to ensuring the protection of the population in the territory from emergency situations;

    implementation of targeted and scientific and technical programs aimed at preventing emergency situations and increasing the sustainability of the functioning of enterprises, institutions and organizations, regardless of their organizational legal forms, as well as objects of production and social significance subordinate to them in emergency situations

    ensuring readiness for action of control bodies, forces and means created to prevent and eliminate emergency situations

    collection, processing, exchange and distribution of information in the field of protecting the population and territory from emergency situations

    preparing the population to respond to emergency situations;

    forecasting and assessing the socio-economic consequences of an emergency situation;

Fundamentals of security of the individual, society and state

    Creation of reserves of financial and material resources for emergency response

    Implementation state examination supervisors of control in the field of protection of the population and territory from emergency situations;

    Elimination of emergency situations;

    implementation of measures for social protection of the population affected by emergency situations; carrying out humanitarian actions;

    implementation of the rights and responsibilities of the population in the field of protection from emergency situations, including persons directly involved in their elimination;

    international cooperation in the field of protecting the population of the territory from emergency situations.

The unified system consists of functional and territorial subsystems and operates at the federal, interregional, municipal and facility levels.

Territorial subsystems of PCES are created in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation to prevent and eliminate emergency situations in their territories and consist of links corresponding to the administrative territorial division of these territories.

At each level of PCES, coordinating bodies are created - permanent management bodies, day-to-day management bodies, forces and means, reserves of financial and material resources, communication systems, warning and information support.

The cooperative organs of the unified system are:

    at the federal level - the Government Commission for the Prevention and Response to Emergency Situations and Ensuring Fire Safety, the Commission for the Prevention and Response to Emergency Situations and Ensuring Fire Safety of Federal Executive Bodies;

    at the regional level (within the territory of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation) - the commission for the prevention and response to emergency situations and ensuring fire safety of the executive body of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation;

    at the municipal level (within the territory of the municipality) * commission for the prevention and liquidation of emergency situations and ensuring fire safety of the local government body;

The organizational framework for protecting the population from global and wartime emergencies is strange.

    at the facility level, the commission for the prevention and liquidation of emergency situations and ensuring the fire safety of the organization

Within the relevant federal district (interregional level), functions and tasks to ensure coordination of interaction between the activities of federal executive authorities, organization of interaction between federal executive authorities, government bodies of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, local government bodies and public organizations units in the field of protection of the population and territory from emergency situations in accordance with the established procedure, the plenipotentiary representative of the President of the Russian Federation in the federal district.

The permanent management bodies of the unified system are:

    at the federal level - Ministry of the Russian Federation

for the purposes of civil defense, emergency situations and liquidation of consequences of natural disasters, divisions of federal executive authorities to solve problems in the field of protecting the population and territories from emergency situations and (or) civil defense;

    at the interregional level, the territorial bodies of the Ministry of the Russian Federation for Civil Defense, Emergency Situations and Disaster Relief - the regional center for civil defense, emergency situations and disaster relief (hereinafter referred to as regional centers);

Fundamentals of security of the individual, society and state

    At the regional level - territorial bodies of the Ministry of the Russian Federation, and for civil defense, emergency situations and mitigation of natural disasters - bodies specially authorized to solve civil defense problems and tasks for the prevention and liquidation of emergency situations in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation (hereinafter - the main departments of the Ministry of the Russian Federation on matters of civil defense, emergency situations and liquidation of the consequences of natural disasters in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation);

    at the Municipal level - bodies specially authorized to solve problems in the field of protecting the population and territories of emergency situations and (or) civil defense under local governments;

    at the facility level - structural units of the organization authorized to solve problems in the field of protecting the population and territories from emergency situations and (or) civil defense.

The day-to-day controls of the unified system are.

    Crisis management centers, information centers, duty dispatch services of federal executive authorities;

    Crisis management centers of regional centers;

    Crisis management centers of the main departments of the Ministry of the Russian Federation for Civil Defense, Emergency Situations and Disaster Relief for the constituent entities of the Russian Federation; information centers, duty dispatch services of executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and territorial bodies of federal executive authorities;

    Unified duty control services of municipalities, duty control services of organizations (objects).

RSChS forces and means.

The forces and means of the unified system include specially trained forces and means of the federal executive bodies

authorities, executive authorities of the subjects of the Russian Federation, local governments, organizations and public associations intended and allocated (involved) for the prevention and liquidation of emergency situations

The composition of forces and means of the unified system is determined by the government of the Russian Federation.

Civil defense forces and means are involved in organizing measures to prevent and eliminate emergency situations of a federal and regional nature in the manner established by federal law.

The composition of the forces and means of each level of the unified system includes forces and means of constant readiness, intended for a specific response to emergency situations and carrying out work to eliminate them (hereinafter referred to as the forces of constant readiness). The basis of the forces of constant readiness consists of emergency rescue operations, emergency rescue formations, and other services and formations equipped with special equipment, equipment, tools, materials, taking into account the provision of emergency rescue and other urgent work in the emergency zone for at least 3 days.

The list of permanent readiness forces at the federal level is approved by the Government of the Russian Federation upon the submission of the Ministry of the Russian Federation for Civil Defense in Emergency Situations or Disaster Relief, in agreement with the interested Federal executive authorities, executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and organizations

The list of forces of constant readiness of territorial subsystems is approved by the executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation in agreement with the Ministry of the Russian Federation for Civil Defense, Emergency Situations and Elimination of Consequences of Natural Actions.

The composition and structure of the forces of constant readiness are determined by the federal executive authorities, executive authorities, Russian Federation, local government organizations and public associations that create them, based on the tasks assigned to them in preventing and eliminating emergency situations.

Initially, the civil defense system in our country was created as a system for protecting the population and economic facilities from air strikes. It was then called “Local Air Defense” (LAD).

Historical facts

Before the start of the Great Patriotic War (.l 941-1945), the creation and training of various MBO officers was basically completed.

The experience of the Great Patriotic War showed that the MBO system made a significant contribution to the protection of the population and national economy from Nazi air raids.

In July 1961, the MPBO was transformed into a civil defense (CD).

Civil defense has become an integral part of the system of national defense measures carried out in peacetime and wartime for the purposes of

protecting the population and national economy of the country from weapons of mass destruction (WMD) and other means of enemy attack, as well as for carrying out rescue operations in hot spots and catastrophic flooding zones.

Thus, civil defense has always been an integral part of the system of national defense measures carried out in peacetime and war to protect the population and

objects of the country's economy from peacetime and wartime dangers.

Currently, the goals and objectives of civil defense are determined by the system of officially accepted views on the conduct of civil

defense, taking into account the foreign and domestic policies pursued by the state. To ensure national security and preserve the country's defense capability. The directions for the development of civil defense in modern conditions are determined:

    The presence of conflict situations near the state borders of the Russian Federation;

    Maintaining the trend of development and strengthening of NATO;

    The availability and improvement of weapons of mass destruction with the emergence of a new generation of weapons;

    The growing threat of terrorism, including the use of components of weapons of mass destruction;

    The increasing role of precision weapons in armed conflicts and the development of a new generation of weapons, including new physical principles;

    A significant increase in economic, political information and other types of impact;

    Increasing threat of emergencies of a natural and man-made nature, including due to the presence of large stockpiles of chemical weapons and nuclear power plants subject to disposal. Currently, civil defense is a system of measures to prepare for the protection and protection of the population of material and cultural assets on the territory of the Russian Federation from the dangers arising during military actions and as a result of these actions. And also in the event of emergencies of a natural or man-made nature.

Everyone should know this.

The Federal Law “On Civil Defense” defines the main tasks in the field of civil defense and protection of the population:

    training the population in ways to protect themselves from dangers arising during military operations or as a result of these actions;

    Evacuation of the population, material and cultural assets to safe areas;

    Providing the population with shelters and personal protective equipment;

    Carrying out activities on light camouflage and other types of camouflage;

    Carrying out emergency rescue operations in the event of a danger to the population during military operations or as a result of these actions, as well as in the event of a natural or man-made emergency;

    Priority provision of the population affected by military operations or as a result of these actions, including medical care, including first aid, emergency housing and taking other necessary measures;

    fire fighting. Arising in the event of military actions or as a result of these actions, as well as in the event of emergencies of a natural and man-made nature, the discovery and designation of areas exposed to radiation contamination, chemical, biological and other contamination;

    disinfection of the population, equipment, buildings, territory and carrying out other necessary measures;

    restoration and maintenance of order in areas affected by the introduction of hostilities or as a result of these actions;

    urgent restoration of the functioning of necessary communication services in wartime;

    urgent burial of corpses in wartime;

    development and implementation of measures aimed at preserving

objects essential for the sustainable functioning of the economy and the survival of the population during the war

    ensuring the constant readiness of civil defense forces and means.

In addition, in the framework of the unified state policy in the field of civil defense for the period up to 2010, it is clear that civil defense as an integral part of the national security and defense system must be ready:

    carry out tasks under any scenarios for the deployment of military operations and large-scale terrorist attacks, including conditions of the enemy’s massive use of modern and promising weapons;

    in this case, the main attention should be paid to readiness to act in conditions of local and regional wars using various types of weapons;

    take part in the protection of people and territories in emergency situations of a natural and man-made nature. Also in case of terrorist acts.

In world times, the main meanings of civil defense are:

    creation of civil defense authorities;

    training of civil defense forces;

    training the population;

    maintaining readiness, modernization and further development of protective equipment;

    systematic accumulation of resources necessary for carrying out civil defense activities;

    creating conditions for the rapid deployment of a system for the rapid deployment of a system of protective measures, forces and means during a threatened period;

    carrying out a set of preparatory measures aimed at preserving objects essential for the sustainable functioning of the economy and the survival of the population in wartime;

In the event of large-scale emergencies of a natural and man-made nature, as well as during terrorist attacks, civil defense forces and resources can be directed to carry out individual tasks.

During the period of increasing military threat (during the threatened period), in order to announce mobilization before the announcement of the main task of civil defense, it is the implementation of a set of planned measures aimed at increasing the readiness of administrative bodies and civil defense forces, as well as organizations that carry out mobilized tasks and created for the period of wartime special formations to be transferred to the organization and composition of wartime, and federal government bodies, local government bodies and organizations to be transferred to work in wartime conditions

During the period of increasing military threat (during the threatened period) to announce mobilization, the main task of civil defense is to carry out a set of planned measures aimed at increasing the readiness of the civil defense forces, as well as the executing organizations, as well as the organizations executing mobilization tasks and created for the period of wartime special formations to be transferred to the organization and composition of wartime, and federal government bodies, government bodies of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, local government bodies and organizations to be transferred to work in wartime conditions. With the announcement of mobilization, civil defense is entrusted with the implementation of the entire scope of measures for its transition from peacetime to wartime within the established time frame. In wartime, the main tasks of civil defense are:

    Carrying out a set of measures to ensure maximum preservation of the life and health of the population, material and cultural values

    increasing the stability of the economy in conditions of the enemy’s use of modern and advanced weapons, including weapons of mass destruction.

Planning and implementation of civil defense measures must be carried out by all federal executive authorities, executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, local governments and organizations, regardless of their organizational and legal forms of ownership.

The organizational basis of civil defense is made up of bodies that implement civil defense management; civil defense forces and means of various authorities, local administrative-territorial entities and organizations (enterprises, institutions)

Leadership of Civil Defense

State policy in the field of civil defense is carried out by the federal executive body authorized by the President of the Russian Federation to solve problems in the field of civil defense. The leadership of civil defense in federal executive authorities and organizations is carried out by them. Management of civil defense of the territory of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation of municipal formations is carried out by the heads of executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and heads of local authorities

Heads of federal executive authorities, executive authorities of constituent entities of the Russian Federation and organizations bear personal responsibility for organizing and carrying out measures for civil defense and protection of the population.

In addition, in the “fundamentals of a single public policy in the field of civil defense for the period of 2010" it is determined that "coordination of the activities of executive authorities in the field of civil defense is carried out by the Ministry of the Russian Federation for Civil Defense, Emergencies and Disaster Relief (EMERCOM of Russia) in accordance with its possible powers.

Everyone should know this

Fundamental rights and responsibilities of citizens of civil defense citizens of the Russian Federation in accordance with federal laws and other regulatory legal acts

    They undergo training in ways to protect themselves from dangers arising during the conduct of military operations or as a result of these actions;

    Take part in other civil defense activities;

    Provide assistance to public authorities and organizations in solving problems in the field of civil defense.

Module 4.The main activities carried out in the Russian Federation to protect the population from emergency situations

Monitoring and forecasting of emergency situations. Engineering protection of the population and territories from emergency situations. (9 grades 77-84)

Monitoringand emergency forecastingsituations

IN common system measures to counter emergency situations, priority is given to a set of measures aimed at reducing the risk of emergency situations and mitigating their consequences. This can be ensured if a certain system of monitoring the state and development of various natural, man-made processes and phenomena is in place, as well as anticipatory prediction or determination of the likelihood of an emergency situation of a natural or man-made nature.

Such a system, aimed at observation and prediction, constitutes the general concept of “monitoring and forecasting of emergency situations.”


Monitoring is understood as a system of constant monitoring of phenomena and processes occurring in nature and the technosphere in order to anticipate growing threats to humans and their environment.

The general purpose of monitoring hazardous phenomena and processes in nature and the technosphere is to increase the accuracy and reliability of emergency forecasts based on combining the intellectual, information and technological capabilities of various departments and organizations involved in monitoring certain types of hazards.

Monitoring data serves as the basis for forecasting. In general, forecasting is a creative research interest that results in obtaining data about the future state of an object, phenomenon, or process.


Forecasting emergency situations is a proactive reflection of the likelihood of the occurrence and development of an emergency situation based on an analysis of the causes of its occurrence, its source in the past and present.

Forecasting includes a number of elements. One of them is information about the forecast object (natural phenomenon), revealing its behavior in the past and present, as well as the patterns of this behavior.

All methods, methods and techniques of forecasting are based on a heuristic or mathematical approach.

The essence heuristic approach consists of assessing the opinions of specialist experts. It is used to predict processes that cannot be formalized.

Mathematical approach consists in using available data on some characteristics of the predicted object, processing them using mathematical methods, obtaining a relationship connecting these characteristics with time, and using the found relationship to calculate the characteristics of the object (man-made process) at a given point in time.

Forecasting in most cases is the basis for preventing natural and man-made emergencies.

In the mode of daily activities, the likelihood of emergency situations is predicted - the fact of the occurrence of an emergency event, its location, time and intensity, possible scale and other characteristics of the upcoming incident.

In the event of an emergency, the course of development of the situation, the effectiveness of certain planned measures to eliminate the emergency, and the required composition of forces and means are predicted. The most important of all these forecasts is the forecast of the likelihood of emergency situations. Its results can be mainly effectively used to prevent emergency situations (especially in the technogenic sphere, as well as to protect against some natural disasters), proactively reduce possible losses and damage, ensure preparedness for them, and determine optimal preventive measures.

For predicting the occurrence of a man-made emergency monitoring is organized at specific economic facilities. For example, at chemically hazardous facilities, it is important to control parameters that ensure the storage of toxic substances at a given pressure and temperature, the reliability of technological devices (pipelines, valves, pumps, valves, drives, tank sensors, thermal insulation, compressors), as well as the resistance of facility structures to influence of design loads. IN forecasting hazardous natural processes are used

two approaches.

The first approach is based on studying the precursors of specific catastrophic natural phenomena and analyzing information obtained from monitoring networks.

The second approach relies on mathematical calculations based on available statistical data.


In 1997, the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations deployed a geographically distributed system for receiving and analyzing aerospace information. information. The system is designed to promptly identify natural and man-made emergency situations, monitor potentially dangerous territories and objects, and provide information to government bodies at the federal and territorial levels of the Russian Emergency Situations Service.

Using this system, the country's territory is monitored to identify precursors of emergency situations, assess the dynamics of their development and determine the extent of their spread.

According to the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations, territorial centers for monitoring and forecasting emergency situations have been created in almost all constituent entities of the Russian Federation, 62 of which were functioning on a regular basis already in 2004. Thanks to this, during 2005-2006. Based on forecast data, measures were developed and implemented for the trouble-free passage of flood waters and preparation for the fire season, which made it possible to prevent a number of emergency situations.