Right hemisphere dominance. The right hemisphere of the brain and its effective development

What makes a person human? There are many answers to this question, but one of the most common and true is that a person has high self-awareness, is able to think and has a brain that is many times more developed than the brain of any other living creature known to science. Over thousands of years of evolution, the human mind and brain have undergone a huge number of significant changes, and this progress itself is based on the ability to develop. It is for this reason that people have moved their thinking to a qualitatively new level.

But it’s easy to guess that humanity as a whole, and each of us individually, has not yet reached the peak of our capabilities. This means that the brain is still constantly developing. But what is more interesting is that we are able to influence the development of our main organ independently. Moreover, it is also everyone’s responsibility, because first of all, personal life results, work efficiency, success in learning, mastering new skills and communicating with others depend on the degree of brain development.

Taking into account all of the above, today we want to talk about brain development. Next, you will learn interesting information about the human brain, its functions and developmental features, useful tips, exercises and training methods. All of this can create an effective system that you can use every day. To begin with, we will say a few words about the human brain as a whole in order to better understand how to develop it as much as possible.

Briefly about the human brain

The human brain is the most mysterious and enigmatic organ, and many draw an analogy between it and a computer. Throughout his life, a person learns something and everything, and all the information that is useful to him in one way or another goes into his memory and is stored there as long as he needs it. If some data becomes irrelevant, the brain simply erases it.

The functions of the brain can be listed for a very, very long time, but the main thing is that thinking, memory, imagination, speech, feelings, perception, and self-awareness depend on it. Naturally, this list is much larger, and if you want to learn more about the human brain and its development, you can find and read specialized books (Roger Sipe, John Medina, Dmitry Chernyshev and other authors).

The brain consists of the right and left hemispheres, connected to each other by the substance callosum, which serves to transmit information between them. If one hemisphere is damaged, the second is usually damaged as well. But there are cases when, for example, when the left hemisphere was destroyed, the right hemisphere took over its functions, and vice versa, thanks to which a person could continue to live a full life. As for these same functions, they are different.

The left hemisphere is responsible for logical thinking and working with numbers. It processes and analyzes information in a specific, strict sequence. And the right hemisphere is responsible for sensory perception and creative thinking - with its help music, smells, colors, art, etc. are perceived. This same hemisphere helps a person navigate the space around him. And thanks to its ability to synthesize existing information, a person gets the opportunity to think creatively, find non-standard solutions, solve puzzles, perform all kinds of exercises and play games to develop thinking and imagination (by the way, speaking about the development of thinking, it would not be superfluous to mention about, after completing which you You will be able to master twelve different thinking techniques).

In principle, the information considered is more or less sufficient for an approximate understanding of how the human brain works. And it only remains to note that thanks to special exercises the brain can be developed and made more powerful. However, it is very important to pay attention to the so-called preparatory activities, because it does not matter whether the brain of a child or the brain of an adult is trained, in any case it must be prepared for this.

How to prepare your brain for training

There are three basic rules that should be taken into account in order to make your brain more elastic, pliable and ready to perceive and assimilate new information, as well as its subsequent reproduction and competent application.

These rules include:

  • Elimination of physical inactivity. This means that you must provide yourself with the necessary amount of physical activity. Physical inactivity is characteristic of people who lead a passive lifestyle or simply move little, for example, those whose activities involve spending a lot of time in a sitting position, for example, schoolchildren and students, who like to play computer games for hours or hours. And the negative consequences of physical inactivity are expressed in the fact that it does not allow fatty acids in the body to be broken down, which leads to the formation of cholesterol plaques on the vessels that interfere with normal blood circulation. Blood provides the organs, including the human brain, with the amount of oxygen they need, and if this process is disrupted, the functions of the brain are also disrupted, as a result of which the efficiency of its work deteriorates (in particular, physical inactivity negatively affects the brain of a child and an elderly person).
  • Providing the body with phosphates and carbohydrates. Here we will only say that, firstly, you need to include in your diet foods rich in phosphorus (pumpkin, wheat germ, poppy seeds, soybeans, sesame seeds, processed cheese, nuts, oats, beans and others), as well as foods high in healthy carbohydrates (rice, corn flakes, bran, pasta, kefir, milk, shrimp, fish and others). By the way, you can read about proper nutrition. And secondly, you should minimize or completely stop drinking alcohol, which has a detrimental effect on brain neurons. In addition to harmful alcohol, alcohol contains carbon dioxide, and together with alcohol it has a very powerful destructive effect on brain cells.
  • Drinking water. We will talk about the benefits of water in detail, but now let us just remind you that clean water helps the body cleanse itself of toxins and waste, and also helps by maintaining neural communication. To provide yourself with the optimal amount of water, you should drink a liter of water per day per 30 kg of your body weight. If you are exposed to excessive stress, then it is advisable to increase the amount of water consumed even more.

By following these three rules, you will create a serious foundation for brain training. And any development system should be based on them - the brain of a child and the brain of an adult require special “care” and attention to themselves. And a lot of useful information on the presented topic is contained in thematic books (Roger Sipe, Mark Williams and Denny Penman, Alex Lickerman and other authors).

Development of both hemispheres of the brain

Let's remember: the left hemisphere processes speech and numerical information, logic, conclusions, analysis, linearity, etc. The right hemisphere provides spatial orientation, color perception, perception of shapes, sounds, colors, rhythms, dreams, etc. In general, of course, data is perceived by both hemispheres, but each of them predominates in its own area (you can read about functional asymmetry in).

Hence the conclusion: by developing one hemisphere, you can, for example, “get better” in your ability to perceive images and become super creative, but at the same time experience serious difficulties in solving arithmetic problems. Or, conversely, you can become a pro in analytics, but be unable to see beauty in paintings or not be able to compose a banal four-line poem.

Therefore, educational institutions often teach not only core disciplines, but also those that are completely unrelated to the specialty. Remember the same mathematicians who study literature, history and other humanities subjects, or philologists whose schedule includes technical disciplines. This serves as further evidence that both hemispheres require development. And for this you can resort to performing the following exercises:

Exercise 1

For the first exercise you will need a partner. Let him blindfold you with something. Once this is done, take a short walk around the room or area where you are currently located. After that, answer the following questions:

  • Has the activity of your senses increased, and if so, how?
  • What helped you overcome the uncertainty of not being able to see?
  • What sounds do you remember?
  • Was there anything that worried you?
  • Was there anything that calmed you down?

Based on these answers, you will understand how the body reacts to the shutdown of one of the senses. And the exercise itself will help you activate additional resources of both hemispheres.

Exercise 2

Through the second exercise, you will learn to synchronize the work of both hemispheres of your brain. It is done like this:

  • Stand up straight and extend both arms forward or up;
  • Draw a circle in the air with your left hand and a square with your right;
  • Perform the exercise until you succeed, and then switch hands.

This exercise can also be complicated by drawing more complex shapes in the air with your hands. And based on the idea of ​​the same exercise, there is even a special system for the development of both hemispheres. Its meaning is to do familiar things in non-standard ways. You can, for example, wash dishes, brush your teeth or eat with the other hand, hold the phone to the other ear, carry a bag or backpack on the other shoulder (the word “other” means the left side for right-handers, and the right for left-handers).

Exercise 3

A banal and simple exercise at first glance, but in reality it perfectly helps to synchronize the work of the right and left hemispheres. This is done as follows:

  • Stroke your stomach with your right hand clockwise;
  • Now with your left hand, lightly tap your head with vertical movements;
  • After a little practice, perform the indicated movements at the same time.

It is interesting that very often the hands themselves begin to confuse the movements: the left hand does what the right hand should, and the right hand does what the left should. The exercise is very interesting, and after the first option is mastered, simply change hands.

It is very effective to use these three exercises when you want to influence the child's brain. But they will also be extremely useful for adults - despite their apparent simplicity, they perfectly train the brain, as a result of which thinking, memory, imagination, etc. improve. But it will be even better if you combine your training with the development of thinking, for example, with passing.

The exercises of the two subsequent groups can be performed separately and together with each other, as well as in combination with those already discussed. It depends on your personal needs and preferences.

Development of the left hemisphere of the brain

Here we will also look at three exercises:

Exercise 1

The meaning is very simple - you just need to perform all actions and manipulations with objects in the surrounding world using your right hand. Although this is natural for right-handers, even for them it will be extremely unusual, and left-handers will get excellent practice.

Exercise 2

This exercise is not much more difficult than the previous one - to develop the left hemisphere, spend a little time every day on solving arithmetic problems.

Exercise 3

Again, a very simple exercise - solve crosswords and scanword puzzles for 30-40 minutes every day. Solving them is considered to be largely an analytical rather than an intuitive process, which means that the left hemisphere is involved in it.

Development of the right hemisphere of the brain

There are four exercises in this group:

Exercise 1

Systematically listen to your favorite music, and fantasize, because... This is what the right hemisphere of the brain is responsible for. The more relaxed you feel, the better.

Exercise 2

To develop the right hemisphere, perform all actions and manipulations with objects in the surrounding world with your left hand. If in the previous block left-handers experienced inconvenience, then in this case right-handers will have to try. By the way, it will be cool if you learn to read and write from right to left, for which it is very effective to practice Arabic writing. At the same time, you will train your memory.

Exercise 3

Because the right hemisphere is more likely to synthesize rather than analyze data; spend time drawing, because it is during drawing that abstract thinking develops. Set aside 30 minutes daily for this. In addition, drawing can be replaced or combined with interior or clothing design. This exercise can be called an additional advantage.

Exercise 4

Develop empathy. This means that you need to develop the ability to empathize and perceive the world through the eyes of other people. Taking this into account, the right hemisphere is developing just fine, and you can learn more about the development of empathy by going to.

All the exercises we talked about, when performed regularly, will make your mind sharper and more flexible, and your brain trained and capable of serious achievements. The most important thing is to remember to pay attention to both hemispheres.

And finally, some more good tips for brain development:

  • Play sports (go to the pool, jog, etc.);
  • Communicate with people around you on interesting topics;
  • Provide yourself with good sleep and good conditions for rest;
  • Eat right and eat more vitamin-rich foods;
  • Develop stress resistance and positive thinking;
  • Play educational games and chess;
  • Read educational literature and educational books (Roger Sipe, Carol Dweck, Arthur Dumchev, etc.);
  • Educate yourself and take courses on the development of thinking (course in cognitive science).

This development system will allow you to always grow personally, train your intellect and have an active, healthy and strong brain. We wish you success and the opportunity to use your potential to the maximum!

How to unlock the potential of your brain and become the darling of fate? The secret is out! It is necessary to develop the right hemisphere...

Imbalance in human development

Managing your own brain¹ is a completely natural process, planned for a person by nature itself.

But history has taught people to pay attention to the external, forgetting about the internal. The same applies to the brain. According to research, on average people use only 3-5 percent of their brain potential!

Unfortunately, most abilities remain beyond the realm of possibility for people, something out of the realm of fantasy. It’s similar with the brain: for most people it works as it should.

A person is not able to fully control his memory and other neural processes of the brain, although this, it would seem, should be as easily accessible to him as the ability to lift a glass into the air. Therefore, we cannot independently solve memory problems, develop imagination, and much more.

It’s the same with superpowers: esoteric texts say that every person can develop these abilities. But he cannot do this due to the underdevelopment of the right hemisphere of the brain.

Why should we strive to develop the right hemisphere of the brain?

Nowadays people primarily use the left hemisphere. It is responsible for logic, analysis; the work of this hemisphere is alien to creativity, imagination and creative mental activity. It makes us, at best, good performers.

Only the right hemisphere makes it possible to be an active creator of your life; it is responsible for creativity, imagination, creation and intuition.

There are people whose brains spontaneously switch to a different mode of operation, including the right hemisphere. Such people usually make artists, performers, musicians and representatives of other creative professions.

But in science, in technology, and in other types of activity, serious achievements are simply impossible without the involvement of the right hemisphere!

We can say that the right hemisphere creates ideas, and the left hemisphere directs, seeks ways of expression.

Right hemisphere potential

Every person is capable of awakening the right hemisphere and developing their mental abilities. And as a result, develop any talents in yourself and achieve success in life.

What is the difference between the activity of the right and left hemispheres?

The human brain is naturally electromagnetic. This activity is expressed by a certain rhythm in which the brain works. It is the rhythm that determines what state we are in.

Electromagnetic oscillations of the brain produce a certain number of repeating cycles per second. The number of such cycles per second is the rhythm of brain activity. Rhythm has its own frequency. For most people, it can range from one cycle every two seconds to forty cycles per second.

Depending on the rhythm of brain activity, there are four main brain states: alpha rhythm, beta rhythm, theta rhythm and delta rhythm.

For example, when a person is awake, his brain works in the beta rhythm. When he sleeps, and the mind is turned off and does not dream, the brain is immersed in the delta rhythm: it rests in it.

How to develop the right hemisphere?

During light relaxation, immersion into the alpha rhythm occurs. When falling asleep, the brain is in a state of theta rhythm. And this state is key for the development of extrasensory abilities and brain potential.

This state is difficult to catch, and at the same time it can be learned: you need to increase your awareness, and simply train your body to pay attention to this short moment. In the theta trance state, you can receive secret knowledge from the information field of the Universe³, control reality to achieve success in life, fulfill desires, develop superpowers and much more.

Konstantin Yakovlev

Anna basis

The brain is a complex and not fully understood part of the human body. It is responsible for important functions in the process of life: memory, attention, emotions, decision making, coordination and thinking. The brain makes people who they are. Despite the rapid development of modern medicine, it still harbors unsolved mysteries. The internal reserves of the brain go far beyond what has been studied: scientists believe that people use only 5-10% of its potential.

What doesn't allow it? The point is Mother Nature: having awarded humanity with the greatest gift - intelligence - she also created protective functions that save the mind from excessive stress. Therefore, he protects himself by working in “economy mode” and not allowing his reserves to be quickly depleted.

However, the brain, like other parts of the human body, needs constant training throughout life. In addition, everything in the body is interconnected: an active and bright mind increases the level of health, mood and well-being. Various games and exercises for brain development will help keep him in good shape. They will help memory, develop creative and analytical abilities.

Games for brain development

One of the most effective and interesting methods of training the mind is considered to be games for brain development. With their help, you can have fun and usefully spend your free time. So why not make such activities a habit? After all, nothing prevents you from devoting a couple of hours in your free time to exercising your mind instead of doing routine things. The main goal is for the brain to start working actively, looking for ways to solve problems and answers to questions.

The following logic and intellectual games for brain development are popular:

group games;
logic puzzles and others.

They help develop intelligence, logic and memory. In addition, board games allow you to feel the joy of competition and victory; it is not for nothing that they have been known since ancient times. Such a pastime is a powerful training for several human abilities at once: logical, analytical and deductive, imaginative thinking, concentration. It is a proven fact that people who play chess or similar games from childhood are much smarter than their peers in adulthood.

So, games and attention contribute to:

Improving strategic thinking, since they involve careful thinking about actions several steps ahead, studying alternative options for the development of events. An excellent skill to use in life, for example, when traveling to unfamiliar places, when you need to quickly plot routes and choose the best one among them.
Acquiring the skill of remembering possible results from planned actions. A habit that is useful in everyday life, work and business. It allows you to reduce the number of rash and impulsive decisions, since a “decision-action-result” chain immediately forms in your head.
, increasing stress resistance and reducing the likelihood of unnecessary conflicts.
Development of erudition, because many group games involve the continuous acquisition of new information.

Exercises for the development of the brain hemispheres

Depending on the dominant hemisphere, a person’s abilities and preferences are determined. Right hemisphere – emotions, imaginative and abstract thinking. It is well developed among people of creative professions. The left is responsible for logic, consistency, analytical abilities, and rationalism. To become a harmonious person, you need to train both parts.

Sets of exercises have been developed for the development of the brain hemispheres, which significantly improve certain human qualities. Here are the popular options with brief descriptions:

You will need a couple of pens and a piece of paper. You need to simultaneously draw geometric shapes, numbers, and letters with both hands. It seems that the exercise is quite simple, but in practice few people manage to complete it the first time.

Very quickly move your fingers in order, connecting them into a ring with your thumb. You can try it on one hand first, and then on both at the same time.
Exercise "conductor". To perform it, you need to imagine yourself as an orchestra conductor in your free time, turn on the music and raise both hands to shoulder level so that one is slightly lower than the other. In this position, simultaneously draw a vertical infinity sign in the air: with your right hand, from the middle of the sign, make movements to the right and up, with your left hand, to the left and up. Then repeat everything in reverse order.
Gymnastics that help relieve one hemisphere of monotonous work and activate the other. You will need a sheet of A4 paper, on which two straight, clear lines are drawn in the form of a horizontal “X” symbol. Hang the sheet at eye level and, looking at it, do the following:

- reach with your left elbow to your right knee and vice versa, keeping your back straight, do 6 approaches for each side;

- touch your left elbow with your left knee and vice versa, do not bend your back either, the number of repetitions is equal to the previous one.

This exercise will only take five minutes, but the effect will be felt immediately - a clear and refreshed head.

You should know that the cerebral hemispheres have feedback from the sides of the human body. That is, the more actively you train the left side with physical activity, the more the right side of the brain improves and vice versa.

Exercises to develop the right hemisphere of the brain

The right side of the brain manages the holistic perception of reality, enhances intuitive comprehension of reality, and creative abilities. Therefore, the development of this hemisphere is promoted by: visualization, meditation, drawing. In general, all actions related to operating with holistic images.

Effective exercises for developing the right hemisphere of the brain are writing poems, singing, dancing, creating literary works, even if it is keeping a diary or blog. The main thing is that these types of activities are directly related to the functions for which this hemisphere is responsible.

As an example, we can recommend the currently popular right-hemisphere drawing courses. A special technique used when sketching an image teaches you to move away from stereotyped thinking patterns and recreate the desired object on paper as realistically as possible. Such activities allow you to expand the boundaries of consciousness, look at familiar things with different eyes, appreciate the world around you in a new way and develop your imagination.

Exercises to develop the left hemisphere of the brain

Since the left hemisphere of the brain is responsible for the ability to analyze and calculate, the best exercises for its development are:

Solving mathematical problems and studying the exact sciences. The greater the number and the higher the complexity of the tasks, the better the left hemisphere develops.
Solving crosswords, scanwords, puzzles. Such exercises involve analytical thinking, which implies the development of this part of the brain to a greater extent.
Physical exercises aimed at the right side of the body.

Neurobics exercises for brain development

They are a set of exercises aimed at using the senses in an unusual way, which increases brain activity and improves mental abilities. In this case, you need to do the following:

After waking up in the morning, get dressed and wash yourself without opening your eyes. Or an alternative option - while having breakfast, communicate with loved ones without using speech.
Change your usual routine, “get off the beaten path.” To improve brain function, it is useful to periodically change routes to and from work, use an unaccustomed hand to hold cutlery, find other stores to buy groceries, sign up for clay sculpting, take a walk in the rain, or aimlessly watch the clouds.
A great exercise for brain development is traveling to unfamiliar places. Travel is a great way to stimulate the mind. There is an opinion that thanks to the “wandering” lifestyle, ancient people made a huge leap in improving the objects of labor and skills. In addition, visiting all sorts of places involves, and this also helps to improve brain activity.
Take an example from children: they are mobile, constantly in a state of perception and knowledge of the world around them. An adult may not notice the color of a friend’s jacket, or the cost of the purchased item. It turns out that children's brains are more active than older people's.

To restore and improve the functioning of brain cells, we can recommend a kind of “mental gymnastics”:

perform simple actions with your eyes closed;
purchase new products in a store or order unknown dishes in a restaurant;
communicate with strangers, study a foreign language, absorb new information;
find interesting hobbies or study a narrowly focused field;
watch TV with the sound turned off, while commenting on the dialogues you see;
look for and regularly change your favorite perfume;
try to do as many actions as possible with your non-working hand;
come up with unexpected answers to everyday questions, surprising your interlocutors;
: items of clothing in dark and cool shades are diluted with bright colored things - this will certainly affect the way of thinking;
learn to determine the denomination of banknotes using your fingers, learn sign language - this will have a positive effect on the development of sensory perception;
write jokes and anecdotes;
add variety to home relaxation: why not sit on the floor instead of lying on the sofa?

Without regular exercise and training, a person’s brain, like his body, becomes “hardened” and performs its functions worse and worse. Because of this, the level of mental and physical abilities of a person decreases. To slow down such changes and enjoy life at any age, you need to make it a rule to continuously do gymnastics to improve your mind. Let these tips and tricks help you choose the right ways to develop your brain and make them an ingrained habit.

March 17, 2014, 11:51

Hello, dear friends!

The brain is the heart of our nervous system. This is a kind of computer capable of processing many incoming signals.

It is thanks to its precise work that we can perform actions that are closely related to the thought process, the correct assessment of what is happening and, of course, self-awareness.

The brain is divided into two hemispheres. Their symbiosis must be harmonious, coordinated and synchronous. Only in this way will a person be able to sanely and adequately carry out important activities of life. How to develop the left hemisphere of the brain?

The brain is a mysterious organ, and scientists are still trying to solve the puzzle of how the hemispheres work. Thus, the theory of interhemispheric asymmetry dominates the world. What does this mean in simple terms?

The theory is based on the statement that the left part of the gray matter is responsible for, and the right part for the flight of creativity and feeling. The truth is that, thanks to numerous experiments, the fate of two parts of the brain at the same time has been proven.

That is, both the left and right sides are responsible for both components of the thought process. It is worth noting that the theory has existed for a long time and at the same time is a leading one.

Logical thinking is the responsibility of the left hemisphere. This is how a person develops a tendency towards analysis and mathematical miscalculations.

The left hemisphere is responsible for the sequence of processing processes, our speech, writing, etc. It also helps to remember and, which is not unimportant, to perceive numbers and numbers.

The aforementioned hemisphere of the brain controls the right side of the body. For example, if an individual is right-handed, then, accordingly, the development of the left hemisphere is more noticeable.

The development of logic, as a type of thinking, helps to more effectively find ways out of life situations. It develops mental flexibility and makes it possible to think through incoming information more consciously and clearly.

This is why people strive to develop the work of the left hemisphere to super speed. The brain is a muscle that definitely needs to be developed and pumped. Only in this way can a person take what is rightfully his.

What features have gone unnoticed?

The left hemisphere of the brain takes control of the following areas of the body:

  • musculoskeletal function of the right side of the body and, accordingly, coordination;
  • remembering mathematical symbols, birthdays and people's names;
  • comparison of logical facts and arguments that were analyzed from the outside;
  • literal perception. The left hemisphere has no place for feelings or emotions;
  • feeling of temporary space and self;
  • awareness of the concept of “I” and the ability to distinguish it among a crowd of individuals;
  • introvertism in the character of humanity is also a merit of the left side of the brain.

How do you know which hemisphere is better developed?

I suggest using the following determination methods that allow you to find out the dominant part of the brain in both a child and an adult:

  • interlace the fingers of both hands together. If you observe the left thumb from above, then the left side of the brain is dominant and vice versa;
  • start clapping your hands. Pay attention to the hand that is controlling when clapping. Often, it is located on top and obeys the instructions of the opposite hemisphere;
  • with a more developed left hemisphere and in the case of crossing the arms at the level of the solar plexus, the right hand is always on top.

Basic exercises for every day

Of course, as children develop and grow, parents should definitely note the activity and synchronicity of the two sides of the gray matter. In educational institutions, the child will be able to acquire consistency skills, as well as learn the basics of the imaginative and logical thought process. But how can you help if you still notice problems with your work?

Exercises to develop the left hemisphere

1. “Ear-nose”

You need to grab the edge of your nose with your left hand. Use your right hand to find the opposite ear and grab it as well. Next, quickly release your hands and clap your hands. The main task is to change hands so as not to get confused.

This exercise should be performed as often as possible to get maximum results.

2. “Mirror Letter”

For this study you will need a pair of pencils or pens with a blank sheet of paper. Now equip both hands with stationery for writing and start drawing mirror-symmetrical letters.

I’ll tell you right away that it won’t be a masterpiece. It will take time for the brain to understand the technique and adapt. But such “training” is very useful for the entire gray matter, and especially for the left hemisphere.

3. "Rings"

Relax the fingers of both hands and shake them. Then begin to move them so that the thumb, index, middle, ring and little fingers take the shape of a ring when connected.

This procedure perfectly stimulates the functioning of the nerve endings in the finger bundles and makes the brain actively work.

Definitely, completing such tasks is useful. And at the same time, supporting them with other techniques, reading, analysis and your own habit of thinking, you will achieve.

4. And finally, a good video

The more developed a person’s personal “computer” is, the greater heights he can achieve. Are we not striving for success, friends?

Well, I'll finish my thought here.

Subscribe to blog updates and recommend reading it to your friends on social networks. In the comments, tell us about what exercises you practice and have you ever met an ambidexter - a person who can use both hands equally well?

See you on the blog, bye-bye!

They are mirrored, but they are not. If you study the issue more carefully, you can notice their asymmetry. When measuring the size of the brain, it turns out that the left hemisphere is always slightly larger than the right. But that's not the only difference. The right hemisphere contains long fibers connecting distant parts of the brain, while the left hemisphere has short fibers that form connections in a limited area.

Medical observations

While examining the brain of a patient who suffered from loss of speech, Paul Broca, a French physician, in 1861 noticed that the area of ​​the frontal lobe, which is responsible for the production of speech, was damaged in the left hemisphere.

And only very recently scientists were able to determine what else each hemisphere is responsible for separately. The fact is that during normal functioning, our brain works as a single coherent system, and information is instantly transmitted from hemisphere to hemisphere along a wide bundle of nerve fibers connecting them. These fibers are called

In epilepsy, this communication bridge can cause problems and damage the brain. In an effort to prevent such an outcome, neurosurgeons in some cases dissect the corpus callosum.

Such patients live normal lives, and scientists can carefully study the functioning of the hemispheres separately. And that's what was determined.

Able to express himself through speech and perform complex calculations and logical operations. The right hemisphere responds only to simple, light speech.

But the right hemisphere has an excellent awareness of space and structure, so it creates geometric and perspective drawings better than the left. The left hemisphere controls the right side of the body, and the right hemisphere controls the left.

When the right hemisphere is damaged, a person experiences impairments in recognizing faces or perceiving information, depth, and space. Scientists obtained additional information about the relative specialization of the right hemisphere by observing patients whose speech was impaired, but the ability to sing was preserved. It follows that the right hemisphere is responsible for musical abilities.

Differences between the hemispheres

Asymmetry can be mental, sensory and motor interhemispheric.

When studying psychophysiological functions, it was found that control over the verbal information channel in speech is exercised by the left hemisphere, and control over the non-verbal channel, i.e. voice and intonation, follows the right. in the left hemisphere it is carried out analytically, sequentially, according to the principle of induction. The right hemisphere processes incoming information simultaneously, synthesizing it according to the principle of deduction.

The left hemisphere most often represents positive emotions and suppresses the manifestation of weak emotions. The right hemisphere is more “emotional” and represents mainly negative emotions, controlling the manifestations of strong ones.

In the sensory sphere, the right and left hemispheres differ in their ability to visually perceive. The right hemisphere of the brain perceives a holistic visual image and copes more easily with the task of distinguishing objects and visualization. The left hemisphere approaches the assessment of the visual image in a dissected, analytical way. Consciousness and are associated primarily with it.

Motor asymmetry of the hemispheres is expressed in right-left-handedness, which is controlled by the motor cortex of the opposite hemisphere.

Development of the right hemisphere

To develop intuition, you need to learn to activate the right hemisphere. How to achieve this? The simplest and most natural way is to engage in activities that activate the right side of the brain. These are all types of creativity: drawing, singing, dancing, as well as listening to music, smelling, operating with symbols and images.