In a dream, slide down a snow slide. Snow slide

A hill seen in a dream is a sign of obstacles that will arise on the way to your goal. But there are other explanations for why this plot is dreamed. To interpret your dream as accurately as possible, you need to remember all its details. It is also advisable to study the explanations of sleep that are available in not one, but several dream books.

Ride a regular slide

Rolling down a mountain in a dream means in reality experiencing a lack of thrills. You are bored with your calm and monotonous life, and you really want to change something. The universal dream book advises you to decide on a hobby that you could enjoy doing. It doesn’t have to be one of the extreme sports; regular dancing is also suitable. The main thing is that the classes bring you true pleasure.

If you dreamed of going down a hill while standing, think about meeting friends you haven’t seen for a long time in the near future. A friendly meeting will bring a lot of joy and help you have a good time.

Driving down a hill and experiencing incredible joy means experiencing an extraordinary love adventure in real life. Aesop's dream book foretells an acquaintance with a very attractive and cheerful representative of the opposite sex and mutual passion. The greater the happiness you experienced from skating in a dream, the greater the joy you will be able to experience in reality.

Going down a hill with a friend means participating in a joint business. If you dreamed of a stranger in the place of a friend, then get ready to make a new acquaintance in the near future. Another explanation for why such a plot is dreamed of is an exciting journey with friends or relatives.

Skiing in winter

Did you dream of a high ice slide? rolling down an icy slope in a dream means being able to cope with all problems on your own in real life, without resorting to outside help.

If the slide was made of snow, get ready to experience a number of joyful events. Especially if in a dream you were sliding down a mountain with joyful squeals, experiencing indescribable delight.

Sledding in night dreams is an important warning that cannot be ignored. Grishina's dream book advises trying to change the situation. The excessive emotional stress you are in can negatively affect your health and relationships with loved ones and friends.

If you also dreamed that the snow hill was covered with hummocks, this may promise quarrels with friends. They will most likely arise due to your bad habit of first making promises and then not keeping them. Want to keep your friends? Try to get rid of this character flaw of yours.

Miller also explains why we dream of winter skiing. Miller's dream book in this case promises the dreamer career success. High-quality work will definitely be noted by management. A promotion or salary increase is possible.

Riding down a hill on a cheesecake in winter means a fun party, which you will soon be able to attend in real life. If you hit yourself painfully while skating in a dream, try to avoid excessive alcohol consumption during the holiday. This can damage your reputation.

Various attractions

Dreaming of a roller coaster suggests that in recent months you have often experienced quite serious ups and downs. You are seriously tired and mentally exhausted. The women's dream book recommends giving yourself a rest. Try to forget about your worries for a while. Relax well. Better yet, change your surroundings.

An explanation of why such a dream occurs can also be found in Aesop’s dream book. Seeing yourself on the rides means feeling lost in reality. You can't choose which path in life you should take. Try to consult with someone you trust.

If you dreamed of a water park, get ready for a new stage in your life. Going down a water slide means actually making an important decision. Making this decision will change your entire current life.

To see someone frolicking on a water slide in a dream means hard work. While others will relax and rest, you will have to work hard. But don’t be upset, the Universal Dream Book promises a worthy reward for the work done.

A few more interpretations

Rolling down a children's slide in a dream means committing a rash act in reality. The Dream Book of the Seasons strongly recommends thinking first and then taking any action. Haste in making decisions is not the best life policy.

Aesop’s interpreter explains why you dream about going down a hill. Going down a hill means experiencing a series of failures in reality. Problems will have a very negative impact on work and personal life. To cope with them, Aesop’s dream book recommends, first of all, getting rid of fears and laziness and simply starting to act.

Did you dream about climbing a mountain or a high hill and you don’t know why you dream about such a plot? Refer to the Modern Dream Book. Climbing a hill is a good sign. With hard work and perseverance, you can achieve the heights you desire.

at the Women's Club!

Swift gusts of wind, a rapidly pounding heart, laughter - all this is a rollercoaster.

Any dream book interprets riding on ice slides or attractions as a dream associated with your vital energy and strength. And since this type of entertainment is always associated with sharp increases and decreases, in reality the dream promises change. Often riding in a dream means a lack of emotions in reality. Routine has taken over your life, and this calm and regularity begins to irritate you.

But to find out why you dream about a slide, you need to remember a few nuances. For example, what kind of slide it was, what sensations you experienced and what company you were with.

There are different types of slides, everyone knows that. There is an ice slide, a water slide in a water park or an amusement park. Let's consider several dream options.

Winter skiing

Riding down an ice slide in a dream means imminent events in your life that will lead to large-scale changes. Moreover, there is a chance that you will find yourself participating in a truly risky, but inspiring business.

A steep ice slide that you dreamed about at night symbolizes your willingness to bear responsibility. If you roll down a high ice slide in winter, in reality you are a very strong person who can endure all adversity on your own. And thanks to this resilience, everything will work out.

Sliding down an ice hill on a sled is a sign that in reality you are tired of routine. Sledding in a dream seems to warn you that you need to change your surroundings. Treat yourself and have fun this weekend. Finally, see some old friends you really value. Add a little something to your everyday life. real life.

If the hill you dreamed of is snowy, life is preparing a whole series of joyful surprises for you. When you dream of riding a hill with bumps and lumps, and you feel them as you roll down, good luck awaits you at work. Perhaps your manager has already noted your successes, and praise is not far from promotion.

Roller coasters are not for the faint of heart. Riding on American attractions at night means experiencing a strong dizzying hobby in real life. But do not take this interpretation exclusively for the love sphere. It may happen that you become seriously interested in a new business or find a new hobby.

Also, riding a roller coaster in a dream means that over the past period of your life you have taken off and fallen as sharply as on an attraction. This is a call from your subconscious that it’s time to put things aside and relax. Restore your inner state.

Water element

Water always symbolizes future changes. Having fun on water slides in a water park in a dream means coming to a responsible decision in reality. Think carefully about your actions in the near future, your fate may depend on them. In any case, the outcome is the same - you will step onto a new stage in your life.

If you're just watching other people have fun at the water park, know that you have a lot of hard work to do. At the same time, you will look with envy at the people on vacation. But it’s too early to be upset; your work will be appreciated and fully rewarded.

Naturally, any descent, be it amusement rides or a water park, evokes emotions.

  1. If in a dream you feel intense childish joy while sliding down a hill, get ready for a grandiose love adventure. Very soon you will find an attractive person in your circle. You will immediately like each other, and the relationship will be very passionate. At the same time, partly the dream can be called prophetic, since the greater the joy you feel in your dreams, the happier you will be in reality.
  2. When, while sliding down a hill, you feel a friend’s shoulder next to you, in reality you will find yourself participating in an interesting business together. Another meaning of the dream is that a rich and unforgettable journey awaits you in the company of your loved ones.
  3. Trying to get down on your feet means you need support in life. And you can find her in your friends. Call old acquaintances whom you have not seen for a very long time, see each other. This meeting will give you a lot of energy and strength.
  4. Feeling afraid while descending means in reality you doubt a lot and worry for no reason. You need to stop torturing yourself and take it easier on the changes that happen in life every day.

A dream associated with a descent can be interpreted in different ways depending on the actions you perform on the slide.

If in a dream you climb up through snow or ice, difficulties await you. Overcoming them will not be easy, but with your diligence and hard work, you will cope and eventually find yourself at the top.

However, when you dream that you can’t climb up, and you are drowning in the snow and constantly slipping, in reality it’s time to stop. You have taken on too much, and this volume is simply beyond your strength. You are struggling with something that is not worth your effort. Let everything go and move on.

By helping someone climb a hill, you give yourself the opportunity in real life to receive the support of friends and acquaintances in a situation when they start playing against you. You are not alone, so ill-wishers will not be able to realize their evil plans.

With the help of a dream book, finding out why a slide is dreamed of will not be difficult. And if you also take into account all the features of the dream, the interpretation will be complete. Which will ultimately give you a real guide to action.

And the most important advice

Sliding down a slide is a fun activity not only for children, but also for many adults. But sometimes you become afraid of the consequences when you do not have time to brake in time on a steep and slippery surface. We’ll find out why you dream of riding down a hill in proven dream books.

The mountain represents the level of the dreamer's capabilities. This is that high place that can be seen from everywhere. It makes you raise your head up and is a guide for those who are used to comparing their actions and decisions. The higher a person rises in a dream, the more he overcomes himself, enriching himself with new knowledge, experience, and receiving spiritual and physical development.

For a business person striving for a prestigious position and a high salary, such a dream clearly reflects the position of his career growth. The higher the mountain, the wider you expand the boundaries of your hidden capabilities, discovering new potential of strength, energy and internal resources.

In Chinese philosophy, the hill symbolizes constancy, strength, immobility, inviolability, eternity. The peak is a sign of a state of full consciousness. This predicts that the dreamer will reach a new level of development, spiritual renewal, enlightenment, and rebirth. Such visions are very symbolic for those who expect dramatic changes and strive for this in every possible way.

In religion, mountains are closely associated with the sky; they are seen as some kind of stairways to heaven. For the sleeper, this means his cultural enrichment, elevation, craving for self-knowledge and meditation. This is a place of cosmic power and energy for magicians, priests, healers, and sages.

It is very important for the dreamer to remember the feelings on the mountain. Joy, excitement and delight on a slippery mountain are experienced in a dream by those who are brave and courageous people. The character of such people does not allow them to live in peace; they choose very serious professions that may require physical training, nerves of steel, endurance and the ability to get out of any unforeseen situation.

At the same time, you don’t have to be a fireman or a policeman; such a plot can also be imagined by a businessman. After all, sometimes they have to work twenty-four hours a day, experience fatigue, stress, be able to turn away from a seemingly profitable path and change tactics in time.

For a woman to roll down a mountain means to be disappointed in love. The steeper the plumb line, the greater the suffering from the feelings experienced. Rush forward, but someone is trying to stop you - in reality. perhaps there is a chance to restore the old relationship. But if the man never caught up with you, you are destined to experience loneliness and pain from separation.

I dreamed of rolling down an icy slope with my loved one - making a mutual decision to separate without mutual reproaches, insults and scandals. Everything has its time, apparently, this relationship has outlived its usefulness and your place is already waiting somewhere with someone else.

Watching in a dream how children have fun riding down a slide means having a positive perception of the surrounding reality and being a very receptive person. That period when the dreamer wants to throw away the burden of responsibility, stereotypes imposed by society and simply fall in love. Such a case is foreseen; the main thing is not to stop on the path to personal happiness.

For a mature person to slide down on a sled - in reality he will get tired of the gray everyday life and monotony. You need a change and a breath of fresh air. New emotions can be obtained by changing the environment.

Author's dream books

Gustov Miller

The interpreter personifies the mountain with the stages of human development. Climbing it, the dreamer overcomes a number of difficulties and obstacles in order to find himself at a certain social level. The higher you rise in a dream, the closer you will be to success and recognition. Going down a mountain in a dream is an unfavorable sign. This may reflect a series of problems and adversities that will negatively affect relationships with others and the internal state of the sleeper.

Rolling down a hill at high speed and experiencing fear means finding yourself in a position of no control over the situation. You are unable to control the unpleasant events that will befall your head. You should especially beware of envious people and competitors who are waiting for the right opportunity to destroy you.

Sigmund Freud

Finding yourself at the top of a hill and not knowing how to get down from it means, in reality, experiencing confusion from the variety of sexual relationships. You are at the peak of your sexuality, popularity among people of the opposite sex, but you are no longer happy about it at all. You want to fade in the glory and stop this sexual marathon.

Going down the mountain means experiencing dissatisfaction from an intimate relationship with a partner. It seems to you that this connection has long outlived its usefulness and you see no other way out but parting. Sometimes we have to regret that we were once underestimated. Stop halfway and look around - in reality, find new points of contact with a loved one, expressing claims and wishes for the future to each other.


A mountainous landscape in a dream is a sign that you will face difficult challenges, be it a long journey or a short journey in the future. But this path is worth going through in order to be imbued with new thoughts, ideas, and knowledge. Wisdom comes with experience. And the will was given for this, to break away from the place where it was comfortable and stable, towards new achievements.

Descending from the hill means feeling disapproving glances. Someone will obviously try to slander, discredit you, or accuse you of lying and dishonesty. If you ran downhill quickly and cheerfully, this means you will be able to painlessly and quickly restore your good name and regain your authority in the eyes of others. But if you had to stumble and fall, you will experience a lot of trouble and suffering. You are one of those people who are very receptive and emotional. Be prepared for mental turmoil and stress.

Walking down towards a specific goal, seeing a tree or hut at the end of the path, reflects the dreamer’s inner composure and concentration. You have a glimmer of faith to overcome all barriers, you clearly understand where to limit and stop yourself, and where to succumb to temptation and desires. To discover dilapidated housing and a rotten stump - hopes are not destined to come true.

Evgeniy Tsvetkov

It’s fun to slide down a mountain, having first climbed it - in reality you will find success in life and not be afraid of losing everything. The dreamer's nature is very extreme, gambling and optimistic. You have already gone through and seen a lot in life, so the value for you at the moment is not material wealth, but health, the love of loved ones, and the devotion of friends.

A rapidly pounding heart, swift gusts of wind, cheerful laughter - these are all rollercoasters. This is a vision that is associated with your strength and vitality, as every dream book says. Sliding downhill is a form of entertainment that is always associated with sharp decreases and increases. Consequently, a waking dream promises significant changes. Basically, you can find out that in reality you experience a lack of emotions by opening a dream book. Rolling down a hill means getting rid of routine, regularity and calmness in life, which already annoy you.

What does the dream mean?

What does the dream book say about this? Going downhill in general is about overcoming obstacles. Although the interpretation will depend on the actions of the person who is sleeping: whether he will go up or down, what his mood will be, the moment that the mountain was in front of him plays a huge role.

But to determine why she is dreaming, you need to remember some nuances. So what kind of slide was it, what company were you with and what sensations did you experience?


Slides can be different, everyone knows that. There is a water park in the water park, etc. Let's consider the dream options.

Extreme, dream book

Roller coasters, which many people love to ride, are entertainment for true lovers of hot sensations. Riding them at night means that in real life a person experiences a dizzying, intense passion. Only this interpretation does not apply exclusively to the love sphere. It may happen that you become seriously interested in a new business or find a new hobby.

In addition, riding a roller coaster symbolizes that you have risen and fallen sharply over the past period of life, as if on this attraction. Your subconscious mind calls you to rest by putting things aside. Restore your emotional state first.

Winter skiing

What does the dream book tell us about this type of pastime? Sledding down a hill is a symbol of the fact that in reality you are tired of the constant routine. Such skating seems to warn you that you urgently need to change the situation. Have fun this weekend and treat yourself. See your friends whom you value very much. Introduce a little taste of life into your ordinary life.

Let's continue to look at the dream book. Skating down an ice slide is your willingness to take responsibility. If you roll down an icy high slide in winter, you are in reality a strong person who can endure all hardships on your own. And thanks to this persistence, everything will work out as it should. Riding down an ice slide in a dream means rapid events in life that will entail major changes. In addition, there is a possibility that you will become involved in an inspiring but risky business. This is what the dream book talks about.

Riding down a hill in a snowy winter - life is preparing a whole series of all kinds of joyful surprises for you. If you dream of a slide with lumps and bumps, and you feel them as you go down, good luck awaits you at work. Probably, your manager has already noted your successes, while promotion is very close.

Water element

Future changes are always symbolized by water, as every dream book tells us. Riding down a slide in a water park in a dream - you will come to some kind of responsible decision in reality. Think carefully about your actions in the near future, your entire fate depends on them. In any case, there is only one outcome - you will be taken to a new stage in your whole life.

If you are just watching other people having fun from the outside, know that soon you will have to work hard and a lot. At the same time, you will glance with envy at the vacationers. It’s just too early to be upset, your work will be appreciated.


Of course, any descent (water park or attractions) evokes emotions in us. If in a dream you feel childish wild joy while sliding down a slide, get ready for a grand love adventure. Soon an attractive person will appear in your environment. You will like each other immediately, and the relationship will be incredibly passionate. In part, the dream can be called prophetic, since the more joy you feel in your dreams, the happier you will be in reality.

If, as you roll down, you feel your friend’s shoulder nearby, you will actually find yourself participating in some interesting business together. The next meaning of this dream is that an unforgettable and eventful journey awaits you in the company of your loved ones.

Going down a hill on your feet means you lack support in life. And you can find her among your friends. Call your old friends whom you haven’t seen for a long time and see each other. This meeting will give you a lot of strength and energy. To experience fear during the descent - in reality you often worry and doubt without reason. You need to stop torturing yourself and take change more easily.


A dream that is associated with descent can be interpreted in different ways. It depends on the actions you take on the hill. If in a dream you climb up on ice or snow, difficulties await you. They will not be easy to overcome, but through your hard work and diligence you will be able to cope and as a result you will be on top.

But when you see that you can’t climb up, you’re drowning in the snow and slipping all the time, it’s time to stop in reality. You have taken on too much, and this volume is not up to you. You are working on something that is not worth your energy. Let everything go and then start moving on.

By helping a person climb a hill, you give yourself the opportunity to receive the support of acquaintances and friends in real life when someone starts playing a game against you. You are not alone at all, therefore, ill-wishers will not be able to bring their evil plans to life. With the help of a dream book, it won’t be difficult to understand why you dream about a slide. If you can also take into account all the features of this dream, you will get a complete interpretation. What will ultimately give you real guidance for the upcoming actions.

Other interpretations

Rolling down a children's slide in a dream means doing it in reality. The Dream Interpretation of the Seasons recommends initially thinking, only then taking action. At the same time, haste in making any decisions will not be a good life policy for you.

Aesop's interpreter explains why he dreamed of going down a small hill. It means that you will have to experience a series of failures in reality. In this case, the problems will negatively affect your personal life and work. To cope with them, Aesop’s dream book advises, first of all, to cope with laziness and fears and begin to act.

Have you seen in a dream climbing a high hill or mountain and don’t understand what it’s for? The Modern Dream Book will answer this. Climbing a hill is a very good sign. Through persistence and hard work, you will achieve heights that you can only dream of.

Dream interpretation ice slide

What are your most vivid impressions of winter from childhood? In addition to the New Year and gifts from Santa Claus, I immediately remember snow and the opportunity to ride down an ice slide.

How much delight and adrenaline you feel when you rush down the slope at high speed! This is in reality, but why do you dream about a slide?

What does this dream mean?

In general, a slide in night vision symbolizes obstacles. True, the interpretation will depend on the actions of the sleeping person, whether he will descend or rise, in what mood, the fact that the mountain was in front of him plays an important role.

Dream book predictions

I dreamed of ice

Although this article will mainly consider information regarding what an ice slide means in dreams, it is still worth considering the general interpretations of dream books.

It matters a lot whether you are going up or down the mountain.. It is not superfluous to clarify whether it is flat or steep. And, of course, with what emotions did you do this?

Miller's Dream Book

In a dream, a mountain appears before the sleeper - unforeseen events will arise that will confuse all plans. You just have to wait out a streak of bad luck, and soon everything will return to normal, the dream book promises.

According to the dream book, the hill you are climbing promises an opportunity to cope with difficulties. Miller believed that a sleeping person has enough knowledge to overcome future obstacles.

Go down - you create difficulties yourself. Even the most insignificant obstacle in your eyes becomes insurmountable and causes a storm of negative emotions.

Going downhill means that ill-wishers will try to do everything possible to annoy you, so you should be extremely careful and not trust everyone.

According to the dream book, an ice slide promises a fun time. The mountain is strewn with sand - you will have to forget about rest for a while, as you will have to do household chores.

If you don’t go down the hill on a sled, you will be able to have a good rest and have fun without spending money. A “hare” holiday will not spoil your good mood at all.

Vanga's Dream Book

To be at the very top in a dream

Climbing to the top - good luck and happiness await a sleeping person. To make his dreams come true, he will only need a little effort.

Go down - colleagues are unfriendly. They will put a spoke in the wheels, slander, do everything to ruin the career of a sleeping person. You should always be on guard; if you are too lazy, you will lose your position.

Dream Interpretation of Hasse

What you might dream of about rolling down a hill means trouble in love, according to the dream book. The blame for the breakup will be entirely on you; your partner will get tired of tolerating a frivolous attitude towards himself.

Rolling down the ice with your loved one means you will soon separate. This will be a mutual decision without mutual accusations and insults, your feelings will become obsolete.

In a dream, you are afraid of the upcoming descent, and your partner is trying to persuade you to do it - unfortunately, you will not be together forever. You shouldn't keep this person.

Esoteric dream book

Just seeing a slide for children in a dream - the dream book considers this image in two ways:

  • you are young at heart, this positive trait will remain with you forever;
  • you don’t want to perceive the reality around you, you don’t want to grow up or make responsible decisions.

Descending rapidly in a dream

Go down it - you want to return to the good old days. But, as you know, it is impossible to enter the same river twice.

Roller coasters from a psychological point of view

According to psychologists, the mountain symbolizes your real position in society. Standing at the top - you will find yourself in a situation from which only ingenuity and intuition will help you get out.

If you go down a hill, you feel dissatisfied with your partner. Sigmund Freud's dream book clarifies that your dissatisfaction is dictated by temporary insanity; you suddenly decided that you deserve better.

Take time and everything will fall into place, otherwise you may greatly regret breaking up with your loved one after the scales fall from your eyes.

Mountains made of ice and snow

According to the dream book, riding down a hill in a dream promises quick and drastic changes in your real life. Life can not only change dramatically, but also present you with a real adventure. You will be interested in participating in the case, although you will understand that this is a big risk.

If the ice slide in your dream was so steep that just looking at it took your breath away, it means that you are ready to take responsibility for everything that happens around you.

Experience the delight of descending in a dream

Roll down and feel delighted - in fact, you are a strong and resilient person who can endure many trials.

According to interpreters, going down a hill on a sled is a dream-indication. You are tired of gray everyday life, you need to unwind, experience new sensations, change your surroundings.

The ice on the slide is covered with snow - many unforgettable and happy events await you ahead.

Why do you dream about troubles?

If in a dream you tried to climb an ice slide, but you didn’t succeed, your feet constantly slipped or got stuck in the snow - take a break in real life. You have taken on too many responsibilities on your shoulders; you should think carefully about whether you could entrust them to other people.

Why do you dream about a hill if you managed to climb it? This means that no matter what difficulties come your way, you are able to overcome them. The main thing is not to forget that there is a reward waiting for you at the end.

Not only climb to the top yourself, but also help others - in reality, you have true friends who will lend their shoulder.

The dream of descending from a snowy mountain is poorly regarded by interpreters. Especially if you hit yourself painfully while sleeping. This means you should be careful with drinking alcohol, otherwise you risk seriously damaging your reputation.

Can’t drive normally because there are always bumps on the way? You will conflict with friends, and the reasons for the quarrels will be the most insignificant.