Natalya Bondarchuk - about the play “The Others”, in which autistic children play on an equal basis with healthy peers and famous adult actors. Special Theater

PHOTO Vladislav Kobets

“I have a sinister laugh, I will laugh more quietly.” “Don’t, you’ll ruin the drawing of the role. We'll just remove the echo. And in general, I make the decisions here!” The assistant director is a little concerned, which is understandable. The adaptation of the play for children with autism, many of whom have never been to the theater before, is happening here for the first time. Autism spectrum disorder (ASD), in which people are unable to socially interact, inevitably condemns them to a life within four walls. In addition, people with autism often suffer from some form of sensory addiction - some cannot tolerate bright light, some in complete darkness, some have difficulty perceiving sharp sounds or movements - which means the performance will have to be slightly changed to suit the needs of the public.

I already have experience. Exactly a year ago, the Disney company and the Exit Foundation adapted the musical “Beauty and the Beast” for the first time for children with ASD, and later, within a year, adapted screenings of the films “Cinderella” and “Inside Out” were held in different cinemas across the country. The Exit Foundation has developed special program"Autism. Friendly environment" that helps you adapt public places for people with ASD.

The first stage of preparation is the so-called “ social history" This step by step description what a person can expect at the event and how to behave at it. Ordinary (neurotypical) people, even if they are new to the theater, understand that during the performance they need to look at the stage and remain silent. For an autistic viewer this is not at all obvious; he needs preparation.

An important condition for comfort is hints in the form of pictures. Many of those present are guided only by them. Buffet, toilet, hand washing, wardrobe - for everything there are accepted schematic images, which are called “visual schedule”.

The next stage is to adapt the performance for people with hypersensitivity: lower the volume of the sound, do not turn off the lights completely and do not close the doors so that you can leave the hall and then return. Few spectators are able to sit through the entire performance. For some, even 15 minutes is an achievement.

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Finally, next to auditorium There should be a sensory unloading area with soft beanbag chairs that are comfortable to lie on, a dry pool and a tent where you can retire and relax before, after and during the performance.

At the St. Petersburg Theater musical comedy such an area is equipped in the Walnut Hall with its dark green walls, carved ceiling, massive wooden fireplace and mirror in a lush gilded frame. Thanks to multi-colored balls and soft mats, the noble interior looks fun and somewhat strange - just like the Golden Foyer, decorated with intertwined garlands of bright blue balls.

However, the main thing in adaptation is not the beautiful premises, but the performance itself. The light and sound have already been adjusted, but during the run-through the actors are still worried. They had just been explained in detail what autism is, how it manifests itself, and how to react to it correctly. They took what they heard to heart and now do not dare to shout or act on stage. sudden movements. So the guard throws Aladdin into prison and chains him.

“Shouldn’t you also hit me?” – the performer of the role of Aladdin clarifies. “This is unnecessary,” the guard answers, “the children will be scared.” Pomerezh does not interfere in the dialogue - apparently, he also decided that it was better not to hit anyone, especially since the main trick is ahead: Aladdin kidnaps his princess, they disappear from the stage for a second, and then suddenly fall off the top tier and fly over the heads of the audience , either dropping very low, or soaring up to the ceiling on a spectacularly illuminated platform depicting a flying carpet. After consultations with a representative of the foundation, they decide to leave the episode with the carpet unchanged; it would be a pity to give up such a spectacle.

Spectators gather closer to 16.00. These are both children and adults - the wards of the center for creativity, education and social habilitation for people with autism “Anton is here.” The behavior of many visitors may seem strange: some of the little ones are spinning in place, waving their arms and screaming. One boy lies down on the floor and never wants to get up, no matter how his mother and grandmother persuade him. A tall guy in round glasses approaches everyone with the question: “Today is a holiday, right? Is today a big holiday? Volunteers in blue T-shirts with the inscription Disney are standing everywhere; they are specially instructed to come to the rescue in all difficult, unplanned situations. However, they are not observed. Everyone reacts well to the performance; even the many people with photo and video cameras standing in the aisles do not interfere. During the magic carpet scene, the children shout "yay!" and wave from the audience to the actors flying above their heads.

Meanwhile, from the service entrance, blue paper bags with toys, coloring books and gluten-free sweets. There are a lot of gifts (“for everyone and in abundance,” as the organizers from the Disney company said), some children take two. And yet many of them cry and do not want to leave.

After the performance, the staff of the Anton Is Near Center collected feedback from the audience.

  • Irina Khorokhorina:“I myself am a former theater critic, and there were always many opportunities to go to the theater with my daughter, but I never dared, it was a little scary. So this was the first step for us and Anya. Excellent, one might even say, were created ideal conditions for children. My daughter really liked everything. There were no problems in the theater. The problems started “overboard” - I really didn’t want to leave, until I screamed.”
  • Anastasia Abdulazizova:“Dark cinema halls have always been a problem for children, and it’s great that everything was adapted here. It's good that the sound was muffled. And treats that made the children's eyes immediately run wild! This was the first theater for Plato, I watched the whole thing, from beginning to end, without getting up.”
  • Nargiz Zamanova:“I am very impressed, I would like to attend such events more often. My son was especially interested when there were objects on stage that were familiar to him, such as a parrot or a motorcycle - he immediately concentrated his attention. It was a holiday not only for children, but also for parents, I myself had a rest, I had never dared to go anywhere with him before. Once we tried to go to the circus, but our son was noisy there, and the audience, of course, looked at us askance. But on “Aladdin” I felt calm, I didn’t limit my son, I didn’t pull him back, as always, and he also felt free and calm.”
  • Anna Ermolaeva:“My six-year-old son did not want to leave the hall, although he understood little about the performance. But no one forced him to sit straight on a chair, and he could, whenever he wanted, go up to the stage and see up close how they sing and dance there. Nobody stopped him from having fun the way he wanted.”
  • Julia Nemerad:“My son is 17, and we haven’t been to the theater for a very long time; it’s difficult to choose a performance and comfortable conditions, but here he liked everything. He was happy".

The play is staged by the Family Inclusive Theater “I” with the support of velcom. The key role in the new play will be played by Vlada Zenevich, a 13-year-old girl who, thanks to the theater, started talking in just a year.

“The professor said: “Give the child a chance.”

Monday evening. Today the “theater” children have a choreography lesson. One of the students, tall beautiful girl, dances, unlike the others, not independently, but accompanied by a tutor, who prompts the movements. The tall girl is Vlada Zenevich, she has autism. And her “assistant” is Ekaterina Kuraksina, an inclusive theater psychologist. Vlada doesn’t dare go on stage without a curator yet.

We are sitting with Vlada’s mother in the auditorium, and while we are talking, she practically does not take her eyes off her dancing daughter: she says that the girl has completely transformed during the time she has been going to the theater. A year ago, Vlada practically did not speak, but now she communicates with children and dreams of becoming an actress.

Until the age of 2.5 years, she developed absolutely normally and spoke in ordinary childish three-word sentences. In the morning she got out of bed and ran to me: “Mom!” And one day she suddenly fell silent and sat quietly for a week. We went to a speech therapist, who sent us to a psychoneurological clinic, but for a long time the doctors could not understand what was wrong with her, recalls Victoria. - At the age of five, Vlad was diagnosed with autism. She most likely has elements of autism, but this is the only diagnosis for which she “fits.”

At three years old, Vlada went to regular school. kindergarten, where she stayed for two hours a day. But after a week I had to abandon this idea: the girl didn’t like it there.

On the last day, I picked her up with such tears that we didn’t go to the garden again. After that, she was afraid to go into the store with me and did not take off her clothes anywhere. I stayed at home for two months. Then a professor from a psychoneurological clinic looked at her and said: “Give the child a chance,” says Victoria.

So Vlada ended up in kindergarten again, but with her mother: Victoria got a job there as a nanny, and later became a teacher. For two years the girl spent speech therapy group. Everything went very well: sensitive teachers, responsive children. And then Vlada ended up in a special group, where, in addition to her, 15 people with different diagnoses studied.

The only plus is that it was good music worker, who took care of Vlada. And they also taught us to walk in formation and eat together at the table,” says Victoria.

“No problem with intelligence”

At the age of seven, Vlada became a schoolgirl. Of the three options - sending her to a boarding school, a speech school, or organizing home-based combined education - Victoria chose the last one:

Of course, I've been everywhere. At the boarding school, seventh-graders learned to press buttons, and Vlada mastered this a long time ago, because she has no problems with intelligence. They were ready to take her to the speech school only on the condition that the speech diagnosis came first, but for her it was secondary. All that remained was home-based learning.

It was assumed that she would go to school for subjects such as drawing and labor, and the rest would be taught by a defectologist at home. In practice, it turned out that no one knew what combined training was. Whole year Victoria wrote applications asking for permission for her daughter to attend singing and physical education lessons.

“We share territory with her.”

Victoria has two degrees - design and modeling of garments and psychology. She received the second when she realized that her child was developing differently from other children. But now the woman does not work because her daughter needs her.

There are no problems with her at home. We have a divided territory: I practically live in the kitchen, and the room belongs to her. Of course, I can go there if I need to, but this is her personal space, which is very important for autistic people. She has her own hobbies - she loves magazines, a tablet, and reads something in English there. I can safely leave it for two hours if necessary, for example, to go to the store. She is absolutely adapted, and will find what she needs in the kitchen,” says Victoria. - But I can’t let her go out alone. At the dacha - yes. And in the city there are roads and cars near the house. Although her orientation is fine. She knows all the metro stations, and which relatives live where.

Vlada calmly goes to visit and receives guests herself. But he does not like idle pastime.

Everything is clear for her: a birthday means a dress, cake, pizza, people, gifts. She's been waiting for guests in the morning, she's met them, they've eaten a festive lunch, and then that's it - it's time for everyone to leave. She doesn’t understand why people are sitting if all the points of the program have already been completed,” Victoria laughs. - It’s the same with the New Year: Santa Claus is waiting with gifts, but the very next day the tree can be removed.

Vlada’s dad has been living separately for a long time, but constantly visits his daughter.

He loves her, buys toys - a tablet, for example, - this is his gift. He comes consistently once a week. If I do more homework with her, he plays. They can even roll around on the floor. She is waiting for him. But she also has a limit for dad: she’s played enough - that’s it, it’s time to leave,” says Victoria.

Vlada and mom live on two benefits and a pension. In addition, Vlada’s father gives money.

She and I are not luxurious, but we are not poor either. I think if I had gone to work, I would hardly have received more,” says Victoria.

"We're lucky we got here"

She learned about the inclusive theater, created with the support of velcom, from friends and immediately took her daughter to an audition. Vlada started studying in January 2017, and the theater became a saving straw: after all, Vlada had not communicated with children since the first grade of school. Over the course of a year, both her mother and teachers note, the girl has made incredible progress in socialization and speech development. And most importantly, she really enjoys playing.

I have never seen her so happy. Ask her what Vlada wants to become, she will answer: “Vlada wants to become an actress.” She used to be afraid of crowds and noise when she was at school, and covered her ears with her hands during the bell. Now he perceives loud music completely normally. At first we went once a week only to acting, and now also for choreography. Vlada is very disciplined. For example, in acting they are given articulation. Ordinary children may take it as a game or pampering, but she takes it seriously. They told her to do it - she will do it conscientiously, without being distracted. She has grown a lot in terms of speech. Six months later she was already performing in the play. I was terribly worried, but she came on stage and blossomed. It glowed so much that I couldn’t take my eyes off of it. “I realized that she needed an audience,” says Victoria.

Vlada has already performed on the big stage twice. In the production of “The Tree of Fairy Tales” she has important role- the role of the tree.

At first it was difficult for her to repeat the movements, but now she is much better. Look, she’s been on stage for about forty minutes, and she’s not tired yet. For me it’s just a holiday,” my mother admits. “Here, for the first time in their lives, the children didn’t point a finger at her.” On the contrary, everyone helps, takes you by the hand, shows you, explains you, leads you somewhere. It’s happiness that we got here, that she was accepted and she likes it. Here is communication and perspectives.

“Vlada is a ready-made animator”

Victoria really hopes that her daughter will find her path in life, and theater has become one of the possibilities. Vlada also draws beautifully - once a week her mother takes her to the art studio.

I believe that she is a ready animator. He takes a pen and in a couple of minutes, without lifting his hand from the sheet, draws a hare from “Well, wait a minute!”, and it’s very similar. He can draw a fairy tale and use the pictures to compose a story,” says his mother. - I want Vlada to do more physical education, but there’s nowhere in particular. We found a physical therapy room, but the children there were older and not only autistic, but with different diagnoses. Therefore, for now he is working with me at home - I have my own program, exercise machine. Well, choreography too exercise stress.

Psychologist Ekaterina accompanies Vlad on stage from the very beginning and also sees progress.

She interacts with children and is very open. We started with classes of 1-5 minutes, gradually increasing the time. First individually, then we decided that it was time to join the general group. It happens that some movements don’t work out, then I rework them to make it easier for her. Vlada is very good at miniatures; her favorite thing is articulation exercises. She was getting used to work; for her it was not entertainment, but work. But the main thing in our theater is that the child is happy and leaves classes with a smile,” says Ekaterina.

The premiere of the play “The Tree of Fairy Tales” will take place on April 2 at the Republican Palace of Culture of Veterans with the support of the telecom operator velcom. Starts at 19.30.

A joint project of the Creative Association of Golomazov Workshops and the Theater on Malaya Bronnaya - a charity performance about people with special needs " Special people"opened the Small Stage of the Theater on Malaya Bronnaya.

“Special People” is the first and only performance of its kind that talks about parents of children with special needs. It was created to draw attention to social problems children with psychological and speech development and was first shown in 2014. The authors of the idea were the actors of the Theater on Malaya Bronnaya Ekaterina Dubakina And Artemy Nikolaev, and the artistic director of the Theater on Malaya Bronnaya acted as director Sergey Golomazov.

The play is based on play of the same name Alexandra Ignashova, which is based on the stories of families in which children with disabilities grow up disabilities, and those texts written by the parents themselves.

“It seems to me that this topic chose us, and it is a great honor and responsibility. Our story began from the day when we first arrived at the Center for Curative Pedagogy and became better acquainted with special families and their special ability to love. Our production is also a declaration of love amazing people. We want our performance to help everyone stop being afraid of differences and be sensitive to each other. We are not artists in this performance, we are people who talk about what hurts in us. "A man needs a man" - that's for me main meaning in our work,” says project author Ekaterina Dubakina.

The action of the play takes place right in front of the viewer on a small stage, practically devoid of scenery, and even without the participation of children with autism themselves - they are replaced air balloons on strings and three actors who will not utter a word during the entire performance.

Children with autism often behave as if they are on some special wavelength: they do not show interest in the games of other children, refuse to participate in general games, do not smile and do not react even to parents who do not understand what is going on. They, who suddenly became simply “parents of a child with special needs,” ask to cure their children.

But “autism is not an appendix, but a way of being. He determines everything, every event. It cannot be cured. And when you say that you want autism to not exist, I hear “there was no child,” emphasizes the chairman of the foundation, played by the Honored Artist of Armenia Vera Babicheva.

Often parents decide to give their child to foreign families who want to take small child or even a teenager with autism. What pushes them to take such a step is a lack of understanding of the state and their loved ones: the heroes of the play knock on the doorsteps of officials and lose the support of loved ones.

There are no adults with autism in Russia: upon reaching 18 years of age, they are diagnosed with schizophrenia and, as a rule, spend the rest of their lives in a psychoneurological boarding school. But all these people are changing the world, and no one knows what they are capable of - the actors of the play repeat over and over again. “I have not met a single child, even among the most profoundly autistic, who did not want to communicate. They simply cannot communicate according to our rules. Each of us makes a choice: stay there, safe inside, but alone, or get out. But as a rule, a person decides to come out of hiding if he knows that there, behind the walls of this shelter, someone is waiting for him,” explains the heroine of Ekaterina Dubakina, a volunteer of the foundation, to the heroes of the play and all spectators.

This volunteer girl herself became a “mother of a child with special needs,” but did not despair. “Do you know why I chose this profession? - she turns to her stage partner, - it’s a feeling as if you are standing in the center, and there are waves of emotions around you<…>I first worked with deaf people and then with autistic people. Everything is tougher there, but the waves are stronger. When you are in this center, you feel alive, you feel that there are people around you. It's like taking medicine: it's like drinking a cup of undiluted life. This clarifies the look very well,” explains the heroine.

This performance is another attempt to encourage society to understand special people and treat them with care, respect and understanding.

“These children do not come to us by chance: God does not have software errors. “They are better, they are cleaner than us,” the chairman of the foundation addresses the audience. - And they are born with wisdom in their hearts. With the wisdom that sometimes comes to us only at the end of life, when we have already lost everything, when we have been deceived and when we have already been deceived. And they are born with this wisdom in their hearts and simply teach us to love. Just love, without conditions, without ambitions. And they accept us as we are. And many people in our world need to learn this.”

Viewers note that the performance really teaches this and not only provides aesthetic pleasure, but also brings food for thought: “The music was very well chosen, very well played - there is not a single unnecessary movement, everything is very restrained, but, nevertheless, it’s a hit to the top ten. This problem is becoming more and more pronounced because there are more and more people with autism every year, and no one knows why this is happening. Maybe this means that something is going wrong in our world?

In December 2015, at the invitation of the Association for Assistance to People with Developmental Disabilities and Mental Disabilities, the play went on tour in Yekaterinburg, and now the production will be shown twice a month on the stage of the Moscow theater. Funds raised through the performance are transferred to the Center for Curative Pedagogy, which is a partner in the project.

“We believe that theater can change the world - at least a little. We have the power to attract public attention to those who really need it. The appearance of the “Special People” project on the renovated Small Stage of the theater is an invitation to a conversation at exciting topics, which we hope will be of interest to the audience,” notes the Theater on Malaya Bronnaya.

The small stage of the Theater on Malaya Bronnaya opened in the year of the theater’s 70th anniversary.

Theater " Creative association workshops (TOM) Golomazov" is a Moscow youth theater, created on the basis of four editions of the Workshop of the Honored Artist of the Russian Federation, artistic director of the Theater on Malaya Bronnaya, Professor Sergei Golomazov at RUTI-GITIS (issues 2002, 2006, 2010 and 2014. Issue 2014 - together with People's Artist RF, artistic director Theater named after Mossovet, professor P.O. Chomsky).

As part of the social project of the Golden Knight theater forum in Moscow, the play “The Others” was shown, dedicated to the problems of children suffering from autism. Natalya Bondarchuk, screenwriter and director of the children's professional theater “Bambi,” spoke about the details of the work on the RP play.

- Natalya Sergeevna, your play “The Others” is about children suffering from autism and how difficult it is for their parents in an unenlightened society. Did the production involve children who actually suffer from autism?

Yes, I have children with autism in my play, and I don’t want to turn them into a zoo. Here was a child, uniquely gifted, and he did everything that was required on stage. I will not specifically say what gender this child is. Let me just say that I met our artist’s mother at one of the conferences. We got to talking, and I suggested that her child try to work out in my kindergarten professional theater"Bambi." They came and did everything right away, and did a great job. Then it was necessary to read the text in the recording studio, and the child coped with the task brilliantly. Now it is difficult to distinguish him from ordinary children involved in the play. Of course, I was worried that rehearsals are one thing, but when a little more attention is paid to special children, they can become withdrawn. But this was not the case. Everything happened as I expected.

- Is it easy for you to work with special children?

Yes, it's easy for me to work. But please note: there are different forms of autism. Some children, despite their peculiarities, are very sociable, while others do not like excessive attention. Artem Rabins, who played the main character in the play “The Others,” has an older brother who is autistic, and in a very severe form. He came to our hall, but did not want to participate in the performance. Despite this, he is very interesting person. The brothers love each other, they have established contact, and this is very important. But for me it is important that our actor learned everything from his brother: to move like autistic people, to speak, to burr a little, and so on. I could not wait for such a child, I could take him main role another, but then everything would be untrue.

- Does the stage help special children open up?

Yes. We had a boy with cerebral palsy, and when I invited him, he was an outcast in society. He was not accepted into kindergarten, school, or any clubs. He was the smartest child and very talented, but so peculiar. I gave him the role of the main robber in " To the Snow Queen" He was funny, like a cuttlefish, due to his plasticity, his speech was slightly impaired. And the audience didn't know about it. They saw the funny chief robber and applauded. The child was absolutely happy. Do you know who this child became? As a child psychologist, he wanted to rehabilitate children like him. I also had a girl whose one hand was dry. And we came up with a costume for her with wings, she played a bird for us. Her withered hands were not visible, and she coped with the role perfectly. I also remembered a phenomenal incident that happened to us. A girl, Zhenechka Tchaikovskaya, who was paralyzed after the flu, corresponded with our children's theater. She was carried in her arms to children's performance in Simferopol, because she was not walking. She watched our performance and suddenly got up and went! Theater heals, but you just need faith, this is very important.

- How, in your opinion, did the audience receive the play “The Others”?

You know, when I went on stage, I thought that no one had come to the performance. There was such silence. But a lot of people came, there were a lot of children. In such natural, incredible silence in the hall it is very convenient for artists to play. Because such a performance cannot be performed in a noisy hall.

Many people took part in the play “Others” famous people, including Elena Proklova. Was it easy for her to agree to take part in a production with such an important social theme?

When I invited Lena Proklova to play the main role, I simply explained literally two or three lines from the script, and she said: “Natasha, I got goosebumps.” Today, during the rehearsal, she watched the play from the sidelines for the first time; her role was played by another actress from our children's theater. Lena was all dressed up and came to the show even more attuned to her role. But her readiness is phenomenal. In general, I admire Lena, I have this feeling for her now tender feeling! She is a true professional and, as it turns out, an excellent teacher. Lena made very important comments to our little artists and helped us a lot.

Photo: Alexey Sovertkov / “Russian Planet”

- At the same time, the performance was absolutely free for spectators, admission was by invitation.

Yes, thanks to the support of the Ministry of Culture, this performance was charitable. I fundamentally want all screenings of “The Others” to be free for viewers, this is social project. Therefore, it is necessary to prepare society so that such performances are supported by trade unions, because actors work, and, unfortunately, we cannot simply ask them to do this for a bowl of soup. Therefore, I urge everyone who is not indifferent to help us somehow. We don’t need much just to survive as a theater and as people, so I really hope for a response from society.

- Will you tour with this performance and somehow continue the topic raised in other productions?

Necessarily. I think that our first tour will be in Ryazan, we have already agreed on this with the Minister of Culture and Tourism of the Ryazan Region, Vitaly Popov. The most difficult thing that awaits us when touring is transporting very complex scenery. They are voluminous, they were made by my wonderful friend - the artist Sergei Vorobyov, who worked on the films “Pushkin: The Last Duel” and “Gogol. Nearest". He made powerful, stunning sets that can transform, but you need money to transport them. And transportation must be well prepared. I want to show this performance on April 2, World Autism Awareness Day. This is very important topic, and you need to draw attention to it.

My thoughts are to continue this theme, this performance. I want there to be a second performance with the same actors, but to continue the plot. I have already submitted this project to the Ministry of Culture, it will be called “Challenge”. And also, you know, I dream that a film will be born from the play. I will do everything possible to plead with the Ministry of Culture, because this is a very important topic. I would put her in the very, very first place.

Photo: Alexey Sovertkov / “Russian Planet”

Just by the way your eyes light up when you touch on this topic, it is clear that you have put a lot of effort and soul into it.

I have been working on the topic of children with autism for 20 years. It was so many years ago in Klaipeda in Lithuania that I first saw a boy sitting and constantly looking at one point. I asked: what’s wrong with him? I was told it was autism. That was the first time I heard about this diagnosis. It turned out that America had overtaken us here. Not only did they make Rain Man, they made an amazing Feature Film"Temple Grandin", as many as ten global films about autism. And yet this topic has not yet been completely disclosed. Humanity has not yet figured out what it is facing. But it is very important to have time to understand this. I did not say the following information from the stage: it has already been calculated that now every 68th person on planet Earth has autistic syndrome, only with in different forms manifestations. The number of autistic people increases by 15–20% per year. Scientists have estimated that perhaps in 10 years, every second child in America will be born with autism spectrum disorder. Then, excuse me, what wars? Everything will fade into the background. And in the first place will be the evolutionary change of humanity - that’s what awaits us. This is the problem I dedicated the play to.

Your performance gives hope that our society will be able to understand and accept special children. Their parents really need the support of others.

I want to say to the parents of such children: know that, first of all, you are not alone. Fortunately or unfortunately, there are already a lot of such parents. And it’s really true: fathers often cannot stand the current situation, and the burden of worries falls on mothers. I filmed an episode for a play in Sevastopol. There, the mother talks about her child, without, of course, hiding the fact that he is autistic; her son is already six years old. She's like that bright man, and when I asked: please tell me, how do you feel about this? As a punishment from the Lord or, on the contrary, as a gift? She says: of course, like a gift! This is how you should approach it. These children teach us love. And I want to tell everyone: learn love from such children. Then we will have a humane humanity. What, in fact, is what this performance is dedicated to: learning to love and respect all forms of neurological development of humanity. Because we are not the same. None of us are the same, and by the way, we all have traits of autism. Everyone can remember that in some situations they behaved like our heroes. Therefore, it is important to understand, forgive and love.