What was the name of the leech from Luntik? Lunar guest at your home

TOPIC: “Letter combinations CHK, CHN, CHT, SHCHN, NC”

goals: develop skills in spelling words with combinations CHK, CHN, CHT, ShchN, NC; learn to determine the spelling of a word; develop thinking.

planned results: students will learn to write combinations CHK, CHN, CHT, ShchN, NC in words; justify the spelling of words with this spelling; distinguish between soft consonants, after which a soft sign is written or not written; find in someone else's and own work spelling mistakes.

Equipment: presentation on the lesson topic, cards with additional tasks medium and advanced difficulty.

During the classes

I. Organizing time

The bell rang

We are starting the lesson.

Sit down, see if you have everything ready for the lesson?

II. Updating knowledge

a) Spelling minuteSLIDE No. 2

Write off. Underline letter combinations in words with a soft hissing consonant sound.

Cha With, cha th, cha ynik, thicket , cha there is, there is cha , cha shka;

- What rule did you remember while completing the task? (cha-sha)

How do you understand the word thicket? (Dense frequent forest, thicket)

b) Vocabulary workSlide number 3

Language, linguist, linguistic.

Read a group of words.

How do you understand the words, explain?

Language- An organ in the oral cavity in the form of a movable soft outgrowth, which is an organ of taste;

Linguist- Scientist, linguistics specialist;

Tongue - Sharp-tongued, loves to talk, argue, quarrel.

Write down the words. Place the stress, identify the untested vowel. - What do they have in common?

How can you call these words in one word?(these are words with the same root)

What other cognate words can you think of?( tongue )

III. Self-determination for activity - Slide No. 4

What three groups can words be divided into?


los...kon...ki predatory

day... fell... the end... tip

Name the consonant sounds before the missing letter.

What can you say about them?( these are soft consonants )

How is the softness of consonants indicated in writing?( letters I, E, E, Yu, I and a soft sign)

How do you indicate the softness of a consonant?Vfirst column? ( soft sign )

In the secondcolumn?( soft sign )

- What is common in spellingin the first and second column?

( a soft sign indicates the softness of a consonant, but in the first column - at the end of the word, and in the second - in the middle of the word )

Name the sounds before the missing spellingin the third column.

What can you say about them?( these are also soft consonants )

Which letter will we use to indicate the softness of consonants?in third column? ( we will not put any letter )

Why?( in the letter combinations CHN, CHK, CHT, ShchN, НЧ the soft sign is not written )

IV. Work according to the textbook ( Part 2 )

With. 3 - read what we will learn.

U.S. 4 - Read the title of the topic of today's lesson.( Letter combinations CHN, CHK, CHT., ShchN, НЧ)

V. Work on the topic of the lesson

U.S. 4 exercise 1

Pl. O .hoy friend is not in business O powerful.

On St. O her street and chicken xr A sconce

Read the proverbs. Explain when they say that. Insert the missing letters. What other familiar spellings have we come across?(vowel being tested)

Name words with unpaired sibilant consonant sounds( assistant, street, chicken )

Write it off. Complete the last task. What combinations did you highlight?

( Letter combinations ShchN, ChK )

p.4 exercise 2 - What does the symbol in the margin mean?( You need to think about the issue and express your opinion )

- Read the words. What words require explanation?( mast )

Mast - a high post on a ship for sails.

- We answer questions after the exercise.

Do the exercise yourself.(4 students at the blackboard)

a) with the Cheka, udo chk ah, lasto chk oh, sleep chk and, ne chk A;

b) with CN, pesos chn itza, color chn itsa, molo chn y;

c) from Thursday, meh Thu a, by Thu ah, ma Thu A;

d) with SchN, help schn ik, hee schn ik, mo schn y.

How to pronounce sounds in letter combinationsCHN, LF, CHK, CHT, SCHN? ( soft )

Can we say that these are dangerous places in the word? What is the danger?

( the sound is pronounced softly, but the sign is not written )

What are such dangerous places called in Russian words? ( spellings )

Physical education “Turtle” slide No. 5

To develop students' speech

A turtle walked across the field ( let's walk with our fingers )

And she was shaking all over with fear ( hands in a fist, fists are shaking )

Bite, bite, bite! Bite, bite, bite! ( thumb and index finger "bite")

I'm not afraid of anyone! ( denial - index finger )

VI. Introduction to the Rule

U.S. 5 - Read what information about language Aunt Owl tells us.

U.S. Exercise 5 3SLIDE No. 6

Complete the task for the exercise

Dandelion - plant with yellow flowers, with milky juice and fluffy seeds that are carried by the wind.

Donut – round fried pie (with jam);

Chick - diminutive to the chick;

Tip - diminutive for the word end;

Pancake - name of a sweet dish

Glass - a small glass.

We answer the questions under the exercise. Do the exercise yourself.

VII. Reinforcing the material studied Slide No. 7

1. Exercises in writing words with the studied spelling.

- Guess the riddles, write down the clue words

Multicolored sisters

Bored without water.

Uncle, long and thin,

Carrying water with his beard

And the sisters together with him will draw a house and smoke.

(paints and brushes chk A)

What is it with Galochka?

A thread on a stick.

Stick in hand

And a thread in the river. ( udo chk A )

In a wooden house

Dwarves live.

Such kind people

They hand out lights to everyone.

( sleep chk And )

There are dense lumps on the branches,

Sticky leaves do not sleep in them.

( By chk And)

Guess what kind of bird it is:

Little dark girl

White from the belly,

The tail is spread into two tails.

( lasto chk A )

With a delicious name,

Can't be sad

Looks cheerfully around

He is Dunno's best friend.

(By LF IR )

VIII. Reflection Slide No. 8

Kon...ki, almost..ta, chick..chick, less..she, predator..sick, sick, very..ki

- Write down the words in which the soft sign is not written. Underline the spelling. ( By Thu ah, pte LF ik, hee schn IR, glasses )

- Self-test. One student reads the words, the rest clap their hands if they agree.

IX. Result SLIDE No. 9

- What is the name of the spelling pattern that we met in the lesson? (combinations CHK chn ....

- What do you need to remember when writing words with this spelling? (we write without the ь sign

Tree of knowledge

We sit at a desk if we are not confident in our knowledge;

we stand up if we have mastered the material well;

raise your hands if you are confident in your knowledge

X. Homework

U.S. 5 Rule by heart; With. Exercise 5 4; ex. 5;

Letter combinations chk, chn, nch, rshch, cht, schn, nsch

Are written without soft sign

1. Words for spelling analysis and for commentary writing.

Christmas tree, daughter, barrel, pike, squirrel, arrow, match, pen, bud, bird, little thing, joke, minute, parcel, joke, stove, lowercase, personal, stocking, eternal, candle, boring, comic, sheep, heartfelt, oncoming, familiar, brooch, cloud, socks, tiny, line, rose, river, sonorous, bun, night, petty, milky, vase, night, bakery, successful, fox, flowers, cucumber, country, mushrooms, boat, dacha, cream, mustard, pack, milk, egg, rag, fairy tale, thread, duck, night light, handkerchiefs, butterfly, flour, granddaughter, egg, bottle, boat, sand, creamy, oven, fabulous, mustard, juicy, key, eternal, rag, bench, sunny, sister, titmouse, pigtail, blacksmith, mysterious, note, month, final, habit, sick leave, toy, cannon, frying pan, bench, glasses, capital, shoe, blueberry, border guard, blackberry, gall, porch, brick, thorn, excellent, wall, parcel, rubber band, button, cloudy, puck, cheek, pharmaceutical, greenhouse, strawberry, artistic, festive, laces, lingonberry, tiny, electric train, gingerbread, fist, chewing gum, buckwheat, swallow, street, flower girl, napkin, wheelbarrow, pheasant, cup, buffalo, ice cream man, mail, cabbage, suitcase, chick, lamplighter, caftan, powerful, vegetable, chestnut, tangerine, reader, sarafan, predator, dreamer, lemon, picker, furniture maker, greengrocer, dream, cockroach, tinsmith, mast, pen, donut, overseer, mastman, welder, postman, monstrous, orange, appraiser. Reading, predatory, drummer, racer, read, housing, predator, power, organ grinder, volcano, buoy, bath attendant, concrete worker, bar, instigator, harpooner.

2. Write down, inserting the spellings CHK, CHN, SHCHN, NC.

Ru...no, pe...a, bre...at, vnu...a. hee...hic, but...a, pte...ik, babo...a, then...y, kame...ik.

3. Change the highlighted words so that the combination CHK appears in them.

Feed squirrel. Drink milk. Kind heart. Beautiful candle. Draw dog. Catch pike.

4. Change the words so that they contain the combination CHK, CHN,

Milk, egg, luck, tit, sound, flowers, fox, socks, castle.

Unstressed vowels

If the letter is a vowel

Raised doubts

You her immediately

Put it under emphasis.

1. Grammar fairy tale.

Enchanted letters.

Somehow in beautiful country ABC studies has arrived evil wizard. Vowel letters came out to meet him. He bewitched them. So much so that they became similar to each other.

The letter O began to resemble A, E and I, A to O, and E. the sorcerer disappeared, and the greatest confusion began in the country. Only a good Accent could help the letters. It was enough for him to strike the vowel letter with his hands, and the deceptive magic mask immediately flew off, and the letter became itself. The letter under the Accent is clear and understandable. It's called the Shock Vowel. But those vowels that have not yet been touched by stress are called Unstressed Vowels. They are still enchanted and waiting in the wings. You guys could help them. Remember magic words: Stressing over a vowel can make the letter clear.

2. Words for spelling analysis and for commentary writing

To check the unstressed vowel in the root of a word, you need to choose a word with the same root or change the form of the word so that the stress falls on this vowel.

Jam, cubs, swing, long ago, starlings, eye, mountain, blackbirds, gift, border, miner, far, leg, rainy, debtor, home, daughter, heat, golden, coil, kid, watch, give, fall, flood, evaporate, stable, steam room, shepherd, timid, feline, weed, rabbit, novelty, little nose, fertile, say, night light, birdhouse, sharpen, manage, postman, parents, gardener, look, greenhouse, rocky, spring, old man, hiding place, salt shaker, dining room, lump, trail, beavers, structure, dance, pine, smell, blade of grass, praise, ferret, reed, choir,

dam, brave man, firecracker, charm, palisade, walk, guardhouse, solid, exit, asked, fell, rocky, pinned, needles, drowned, guarded, board, hair, correcting, horse, hidden, lakes, country, ants, busy, cook, fills, roll, call, odorous, skates, playground, cashier, leader, bark, icon, have pity, saves, beauty, tinkering, overwhelmed, thorns, stands, sick, dragged, dried up, heat, drown, furry, blush, field, plowed, humps, salvation, silent, guessed, perches, grieve, wolf cubs, reeds, broke, dragged, swing, moles, villain, distant, action movie, imprisoned, dug up, horse, skating rink, caressed, pantry, kindness, subsides, plant, little house, mower, disease, cold, litter, crown, midges, watchmaker, busy, feeding trough, fair, sorceress, tails, carpet. Big, sat down, doctors, it's time, sing, goat, horses, grabbed hold of, little waves, prickly, lumps, resin, small, head, seemed, kids, give, scarves, clearing, rooks, pillars, slide, crawled, dew, courtyards, crane, school, sentry, brewed, hungry, wander, fell silent, seas, treated, dear, steamer, words, catch, caress, rinse, spread, pugnacious, owl, grass, seemed, happy, seine, want, stilts, herbal, become obsolete, hills, belt, sheepskin, spend the night, crumble, vest, call.

E, I, I

Mushroom, spring, lake, ice, sister, forest, squirrels, affairs, animals, number, nest, swifts, arrow, colored, candle, meat, wide, kids, sew up, read, handwriting, cleanliness, chain, evaluate, earth, mirror, circus performer, crackling, warm, attached, central, flower garden, pulled, heavy, sitting, shock, blue, chattering, silence, current, drinking, crowdedness, private, endure, glass, bullfinch, watch, twirl, poisonous, glacier, leaf fall, heart, scream, peck, hibernate, greens, whistler, repair, lying down, strongman, pork, brighten, drill, move, belt, offend, nickel, illuminate, ruler, earthly, wife, flew around, eloquent, frolic, cut, spotted, dozed off, bee-like, straighten, looked, menagerie, sculpted, river, dance, broad-shouldered, writer, singer, matures, lowland, hurry, leaf fall, dress up, trust, hum, feather, loneliness, root, world, necessarily, snake, knitting, locker room, honey, medicine, fly away, lose, forester, excuse, offend, five, ten, endurance, discern, nest, pest, times, siskins, twirl, day, met, squealed, hang, ridge, little thing, evening, notify, crackling, lazy, branchy, top, trust, insect, amuse, freckles, knitting, starfall, illuminated, hammer, whiten, pig, wrote, held, daredevil, tie, lies, cherry, lazy, maple, creaked, thinned, icy, brought out, roar, dirty, protect, explained, read, leaves, yolk, chew, live, freezes, arrives, wall, worm, creaky, ripples, heavy, violinist, poured, looks out, river, drank, snow, bumblebees, foliage, approaching, cut, bruise, shady, residential, amazing, appeared, changed, dawn, shimmered, raked, remarks, straight, length, sang, blizzard, run, chick, feather bed, clear, heaven, hang, flooded, stuck, feathered, darkness, refreshing, visible, forests, fox, moving, kids, river, squeak, place, fox, sister, wide, licked, charged, fungus, warmed, rosehip, secured, blueberries, crossbills, blooms, whiten, poor thing, approached, reader, poor man, white-browed, snowflake, pathfinder, baking, icebreaker, check, firefly, relieve, ghost, spring, pulled up, sat, turned gray, disheveled, clearing, warms up, dungeon, splashed, drank, began to sing.

3. Write the words in three columns.

P...so, b...yes, dl...na, m...snoy, l...stva, t...mnota, s...stra, zm...i, cr...chat, str...zhi.

4. Write it down, write a test word before each word.

Sample: eye - peephole.

K...tenok, l...sok, sound...river, st...lovaya, vr...chi, tr...va, sk...la, ...vtsa, sp...na, dv...ry, m...chi, sl...dy, m...ryachka , l...schi, r...dy, v...lna, hv...sty, d...lil, sk...pit, n...sil, r...gaty, color...tet, d...wait.

5. Write the words in singular or plural.

G...for, h...sy, st...na, bl...ny, gn...zdo, hl...ba, p...la, gr...by, s...sleep.

6. Write two words with the same root for each word.

Distance, garden, salt, leaf, table, forest, pain, whistle.

7. Write it down, adding a word that is similar in meaning.

Child -..., village -..., grief -..., silence -....

8. Select a test word. Write it down.

Surprisingly (amazing, maiden), m...nyat (mine, replacement), l...drink (sticky, molding), subtract (honor, pure), l...ny (laziness, molting), sk...puchy (creaking , paperclip), m...erase (bridge, master).

9. Explain the spelling in the following quatrains.

Behind the mountains, behind the forests, First winter snow

Across the wide seas, it flies like white fluff.

Not in heaven - on earth First light frost

An old man lived in a village. Cheerful and invigorating.

10. Select the missing related words for each word and write them down in three columns (each line will then contain a related noun, adjective and verb).

noun adjective verb

… … clean

... gift ...

pain … …

… white …

11. Change the word combinations according to the example, inserting the missing letters, underline the test words.

Sample: Fur hat- fur hat.

Wool...wool dress -...

D...wooden building -...

Meat cutlets - ...

Golden ring - ...

12. Write down, inserting the missing letters, check the unstressed vowels using words with a diminutive meaning.

K...zel -...Losh...d -...

K...for - ... S...va - ...

Skv...rets - ... ...sel - ...

13. Replace these phrases with one word that answers the question “What to do?” or “What should I do?” Place dots under the unstressed vowel.

Sample: To feel pity - to feel sorry.

Make a gift - …

To speak impudently -...

To make a cry -...

Landing -...

Emit light -...

14. Read and determine which unstressed vowel in the root needs to be checked. Choose a test word. Write it down by filling in the missing letters. Sample: babbling - babbling.

Trembling - ... Gatehouse - ...

Evening - ... Greenery - ...

Fun - ... Busy - ...

15. For these words, select words that are opposite in meaning. Place an accent mark and a dot to indicate the unstressed vowels being tested at the root.

Cheap - ... Well-fed - ... Old - ...

Hot - ... Lengthen - ... Get sick - ...

To be sad - ... Sick - ... To be silent - ...

16. From proverbs, write down words with an unstressed vowel at the root, write test words for them.

A big talker is a bad worker.

Things are as white as soot.

Let's sit next to each other and talk well.

Then dance when they play.

I. Cloud, girl, squirrel, daughter, swallow, deceiver, granddaughter, shirt, Bug, flowers, night, precise, cloudy, sunny, lemon, eternal, durable, racer, powerful, tip.

II. Chick, jerboa, mustard plaster, birdhouse, excellent student, habit, water, bud, bone, glass, hearty, cloudy, milky, nut, flour, ordinary, night, driver, helpless.


1. A candle was burning brightly on the table. 2. The chick fell out of the nest. 3. I send you my heartfelt greetings. 4. Previously people enjoyed sundial. 5. The kids built a sand castle. 6. The birds pecked at the juicy berries. 7. The pie has a golden brown crust. 8. At the end of the sentence you must put a period. 9. Good habit- harden cold water. 10. Children brought flowers to the Eternal Flame.

1. Father is repairing the car with a wrench, 2. It’s boring to sit around doing nothing. 3. Rainwater flows into the barrel. 4. Granddaughter for Bug, Bug for granddaughter. 5. Moths fly towards the light. 6. I came to school exactly when the bell rang. 7. Grandma drinks heart drops. 8. Swallows have built a nest under the roof. 9. Jumping on the wall sunny bunny. 10. Father has urgent work.


1. Write down the words. Next to write the words formed from them with a diminutive meaning.

Chick, cat, dog, night, bun, socks, goat, cloud, water, star, squirrel, fox.

2. Listen to excerpts from poems and riddles. Write down words with combinations chn, chk.

On the winter, boring road

Three greyhounds are running,

Single bell

It rattles tiresomely.

(A. Pushkin)

The cheat approaches the tree on tiptoe.

(I. Krylov)

Endless road

Runs away like a ribbon into the distance.

(S. Yesenin)

Cute tits

Small in stature,

So don't bother living

They can wear a mitten.

(A. Prokofiev)

I’m for a candle, a candle for the stove...

(K. Chukovsky)

But mom has a habit

It's always the wrong thing to say.

I tell her about the bird,

And she told me about the coat.

(A. Varto)

Yellow lumps,

They run after the quotation.

Light as cotton wool

Who is this? (Chicks)

Not a tree, but with leaves,

Not a shirt, but sewn,

Not a person, but a storyteller. (Book)

The black dog guards the whole house. (Lock)

White chickens are sitting on a red crossbar. (Teeth)

Shakes a little in the breeze

Ribbon in the open.

The narrow tip is in the stream,

And wide - into the sea. (River)

Far away my knock can be heard all around.

I am an enemy to worms, and a friend to trees. (Woodpecker)


Emphasize tin with combinations of nch, chn, chk.

Great harvest in our garden! Sweet apples, red cherries, juicy pears. Birds flew in. They also want to eat berries and fruits. On the tops of the trees, only the pits of the cherries remained.


My sister Lizochka was born. I help my mother take care of her. Every day I go to the dairy kitchen and bring bottles of milk. Mom heats milk in the kitchen, and I show Lizochka toy animals. She reaches out to them and smiles.


I usually use ballpoint pens. They appeared recently. What people haven’t written before! Wooden chopsticks on clay tablets. Goose feathers using ink. Much later, the pens we are familiar with appeared. They are comfortable and durable. They are sometimes called eternal feathers.


The weather outside was dull and damp. People finished their usual business. Night lights glowed as small dots in some of the windows. It was quiet and silent. And suddenly the sounds of a violin bow were heard. A street musician played a sad and melancholy melody. Night city listened to a lullaby.