Fabulous night city. Demos and mini-albums

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At the first glance at the album covers and posters of the Voronezh team “Tales of the Black City”, you might think that this is another metal project that exploits the fairy-tale-mystical theme that is favorite in “heavy music”. However, the team represents a slightly different layer of music, embodying in its work the traditions of the Russian language at its intersection with the diverse phenomenon called “punk”. Using heterogeneous elements of domestic and foreign musical culture, the musicians interestingly and competently observe the proportions between them.

Noteworthy is the interesting approach to the “naming” of its products. creative activity. The guys seem to be writing a multi-volume book of their own creative life, seasoned with a mystical flair, a kind of vitally lyrical fantasy. Each new full-length album is another volume divided into chapters. Each chapter is a separate track, existing as independent work and plot-wise not connected with the others. Nevertheless, the principle of naming by chapter suggests a certain “spiritual unity” and a common creative line of the team. In 2017, the guys released their third full-length album, “Volume III. Between Hell and Heaven”, consisting of 10 chapters of songs. The title of the album reflects its style quite well; there is both sublime and mundane, lyrical and mystical, frightening and inspiring.

Already at the level of familiarity with the “initial premises” underlying the collective’s creativity, from experts in history and current state Russian punk music will have a desire to build several logical-associative chains. The formula “Voronezh + punk” gives rise to memories of the group “Gaza Strip”. When listening to the compositions of the group “Tales of the Black City” in isolation from the historical, cultural and geographical context, you are unlikely to think about their great fellow countrymen. Before us is an absolutely mainstream punk project, largely oriented towards “Westernism” and “popularization” in the Russian punk and rock tradition, which rather denies than accepts the “Khoevsky” heritage. And, it would seem, apart from addressing the theme of fairy tales, presented by the two groups in completely different contexts and from different angles, these groups have nothing in common. However, there is still a distant connection, and it is visible through the mediation of another legendary punk band, associations with which are born when comparing fairy-tale-mystical themes and Russian punk. Of course it's obvious we're talking about about the group "King and the Jester". The influence of this group on their work and the similarity with it is not denied by the musicians themselves of “Tales of the Black City”. They often position themselves as continuers of the work of this group. Moreover, during Gorshka’s life, the musicians were honored to perform together with him and even recorded a common track “Werewolf”. It is no secret for lovers of Russian punk that, despite all the denial of the “heredity” of the “Gaza Strip”, the group “King and the Jester” borrowed quite a lot from this group, transplanting some motives and messages of their creativity onto a different soil, and seasoning it with a different sauce, moving away from "nationality" towards "horror". The group “Tales of the Black City” was formed in 2007, during the period when rethinking and reformatting began different lines"orthodox tradition" Russian rock. It is quite natural that they, both consciously and unconsciously, embodied some of the motives of the creativity of both groups, but in a completely different form, focusing on new realities and changed coordinates domestic rock scenes. The group represents the third "modernized" and "popularized" version of this tradition. Remembering the Voronezh origins of the group, you find it interesting to see such a unique version of the “return”, when the connection is not only not obvious, but almost imperceptible. Such a completely logical train of thought leads to the obvious conclusion about how spiritual meanings, principles of perception and concepts of creativity have changed, which inevitably led to a change in the appearance of Russian music.

Naturally, such groups as “King and Jester” are “piece projects” and the epigone “Kisha”, as well as the epigone “Sector”, will not be of interest to anyone today. The group we are considering, with similar conceptual principles, created a slightly different music, in which the influence of the group of the “fourth wave” is obvious - the wave of “rock-pop”, “mainstream rock” and diverse “Western trends”, which have long learned to be “organic”. Against the general background of Russian “mainstream” punk, the band’s compositions seem slower, “viscous” and “atmospheric”, which is created largely due to the rather significant role of the playing instruments. There is absolutely no sense of “nationality” in their work, and mythological and mystical themes are sometimes presented as a “light flair” enveloping the songs. There is quite a lot of personal content in the compositions. In the composition “Oath” the musicians raise the theme of love through the prism of tragedy and predestination. This song clearly shows the theme of “fam fatal”, which appears every now and then in other compositions of the album, and intersects with the themes of “worldview search”, problems of “the universe and existence”, presented in a very interesting way.

Listening new album collective “Volume III. Between Hell and Heaven,” you can’t help but feel like you’ve heard this before. You involuntarily become imbued with the general spirit of numerous Russian rock festivals held under the auspices of “Our Radio”. Arises whole line associations, but none of them crystallizes into pure form, every now and then in the music one can see the influence of the “Russianized version of post-punk” presented on our stage, in particular, by the Agatha Christie group. One of the most successful and killer compositions, where many trends are harmoniously intertwined, is the song “Taste of the Night”. You could say that this is best track on the album. The legacy of “KiSha” is most felt in the first and ninth “chapter”, in the songs “ The Snow Queen" and "Sinner". On modern rock It is becoming more and more difficult for the scene to find this or that phenomenon “in its pure form”, but at the same time interesting groups continue to be born that build their appearance on this very “renewed traditionality”. “Tales of the Black City” are just such an example; with all the many parallels, the new album in the chronicle of their work, entitled “Between Hell and Heaven,” turned out to be very original and unique. This kind of music may appeal to fans of various layers of Russian music.

Alexander-El. Poleff

Tales of the Night City

Two steps to Paradise

"Liquid helium boils at a temperature

close to absolute zero"

A truism

The Number of Perfection was not derived in any way. The fourth department of cognition analyst, junior registrar Kahn, had been struggling with this number for two hundred and eleven days and seven and three quarters hours. His colleagues, who, by the way, work with more mundane, but no less important matters, looked at Kahn with an openly mocking look. Like, come on, victim of inquisitiveness, show us all where your brains were at the moment when the Invisible One handed them out! The computer, by the way, is one of the best to manage, steam, whistled loudly - it was time to change the damaged punch card and activate the cooling module. Having routinely opened the reactor seal, Kahn removed the titanium cover and removed the locking device module from the depths of the machine. The gold plating was finely streaked with hieroglyphs - another indicator of the complete lack of result. Having clicked the slots and started the replacement-cooling mechanism, twenty-year-old Kahn said goodbye to his colleagues and went to the daily ritual of “Minute of Happiness”.

When an undeniably handsome young brunette with eyes as black as oil entered ritual hall, no one paid attention to him. Well, one of the employees is dressed haphazardly: a silver raincoat, orange jeans and high boots with orange laces - a standard representative of his age - why stare at him? Moreover, now Happiness will be given... Kan took his seat as usual, connected the neurobracelets to his wrists and, relaxing, leaned back in a soft and comfortable chair. He made it in time for the very beginning of the session and therefore did not have to wait long. Billions of megabytes, broadcast by the most powerful control computer, enveloped the consciousness of everyone in the hall with a tender embrace. Millions of neurons immediately reacted, got ready, and began to greedily capture information. Today's happiness was Nourishing...

The restaurant hall dazzlingly hit the retina with the shine of crystal. Crystal chandelier, crystal decanters and glasses - all this will be in that happy life. "Would you like the dish of the day?" - the head waiter asks each of the visitors. A funny dressed old man - an uncomfortable black tailcoat, a sparkling white shirt and a stupid black bowtie... A relic of the past, left as a reminder to posterity. Dish of the day! Eka made me laugh, weirdo! Even a child knows that those who live in Paradise do not need a choice, it has long been made for them. And here is the dish itself. Wow, how wonderful it will be to live in Paradise! Take a look: fragrant scrambled eggs sizzling in a cast iron frying pan, a real sandwich with a WHOLE ten grams of margarine, three rings of boiled sausage and... the right half liter! Pure water- you can only dream! Salivate! Now, we will all stand up, sing a prayer to the Invisible, and then... Of course, first - water. Definitely! To cleanse the taste buds in order to fully appreciate the taste of food - this was figured out in Nihon. Then build a composition of bread (with margarine, of course!), fried eggs and sausage on top - and the din! So that even the little ones don't wake up...

It's a pity, the minute is quickly running out. But now everyone is charged with a real positive attitude so that tomorrow we will all rush to work on calculating Paradise with tenfold efforts!

In the "Zagon" - the checkpoint office, Kan took his protective overalls and personal machine gun from the number cabinet and, lowering the self-sealing film of the helmet onto his face, handed over the punch card and went out into the street. A dry stream of air lazily blew garbage through the Landfill. Kahn involuntarily admired this endless concrete sea - it was here, immediately after completing the calculations, that the experimental model of Paradise would be built. The one who has been trying for so many years to create a wise government of Terra.

Meetings in Paradise!

The phrase that pulled Kahn out of his correct thoughts belonged to two patrolmen.

See you soon! - Kan smiled at the Archangels.

Clearance level? - the patrolman took it right off the bat.

UP-4-R-147 fraction 5, K2. Registrar Kan.

Required level?

You can move on to Paradise, Registrar Kahn.

See you soon.

Already, when Kan, removing the machine gun from the safety, moved towards the outer shield, not at all in an official, but in a completely friendly voice, he was detained again:

Son, go through the third one carefully. It's not calm there today.

Kan nodded and smiled: how wonderful it is to live in a world where everyone is happy, to work towards a common goal. He was an incorrigible optimist...

The second level was essentially a shopping complex. A couple of nuclearoids in front of the entrance (there are still impassable and thorny jungles there) are not a problem. There was no need to even waste plasma; the army men guarding the port quickly dealt with the creatures. Three short bursts - and the creatures generated by the mad consciousness of the Anti-Man turned into ozone, barely audible through the filters. After checking his ID card, Kan even whistled: the electronic wallet told him that he had an amount of as much as three hundred compijes. No way Big Daddy transferred the promised bonus... Hastily shopping at the department store, including, without skimping, three brand new clips for the machine gun in his order, Kahn crossed the level and entered the transition port to the third level.

In general, Kan has always been quite lucky in life. Housing was especially lucky. You understand, getting a camera at the fourth, and not at the forty-fifth minus level is not a joke, but a huge gift of fate. Of course, he had to get home and to work on foot, and not in the relatively safe country, but at this time Kahn could always enjoy the scenery. Here, for example, is the third one. You leave the port and there is a lake to your right. You can linger a little and look at the bizarre figures created by toxic fumes. Then - along the asphalt path to the north. There was a park there in the old era. Now this is a favorite place for couples with permission - where else in Stangrad can you admire the blackened skeletons of trees without expecting danger from the fauna? Nowhere. Perhaps in Prirechye. But, firstly, it’s far away, and secondly, you can’t stay there for more than twenty minutes. The dosimeter drives you crazy with its crackling sound. But here, in the third-level park, it’s quiet and quiet. Thoughts themselves return to the great task - the search for the Number of Perfection, which, having formed an indestructible formation with the other Numbers, will give the go-ahead for the creation of Paradise...

But now, literally in a hundred meters, the proletariat quarter will begin. Working people are our waiting reserve. It is they who will work in factories, factories, camps and mines so that a perfectly calculated dream becomes ideal reality. It's worth going through them quickly. Just in case. Sometimes revolutionaries are found among the idlers...

Kahn jumped at this treatment. Directly in front of him was a wide alley, half overgrown with predatory willows - get closer than the maximum length of the lashes, and you will never leave there again. Right in the middle of this alley stood a girl, about twenty years old. Short in stature - up to Kan's shoulders, with luxurious, scattered shoulders blond hair, green-eyed representative of humanity. True, instead of the usual protective overalls, she was wearing light blue jeans and a black jacket with a fur collar. She smiled at Kan with a kind and surprisingly gentle smile, showing snow-white teeth completely undamaged by uranium.

Hello! - she turned to Kan again, - What is your name?

Kan. Registrar Kan.

Russia Tales of the Black City Tales of the Black City

Tales of the Black City- Russian punk rock band from the city of Voronezh.

History of the group


The group “Tales of the Black City” was formed in early 2007 in the city of Voronezh, when guitarist Yuri Golovkov joined the founder and leader of the group, Nikolai Erokhin.

In January 2008, the debut concert was played at the Voronezh art club “Vykhod”. This year ended for the group successful concert, where the musicians played as an opening act for the legendary Moscow group Purgen.


In mid-April 2009, the group recorded a studio demo album, which included the compositions “Shadows”, “Medicine Man” and “Werewolf”. 2009 ended with a performance at the SHURF rock festival in the Hundred Streams pub.


On April 24, the first 2010 punk culture festival, “Punk Rock Lessons,” was held at the Lensoveta Palace of Culture (St. Petersburg), organized by the oldest Russian punk group “Brigadny Podryad”. More than 500 applications from all over the country were submitted to participate in the festival, but only five groups passed the selection, among which was the group “Tales of the Black City”. .

On May 28, 2010, at the Lipetsk club "Tornado" the musicians performed as an opening act for legendary group“The King and the Clown” in front of an audience of one and a half thousand. The team received high praise from the leaders of “The King and the Jester” Mikhail Gorshenev and Andrei Knyazev. Also, the vocalist and leader of the group Nikolai Erokhin, together with the legendary group “King and the Jester”, performed the songs: “Forester”, “Puppets”, “Hymn of the Jester”, “Northern Fleet” and “Meeting”.

On October 2, 2010, Nikolai Erokhin gave an interview for the musical information portal“HeavyMusic.ru”, in which he told the meaning and history of the creation of the group, as well as plans for the future.


On January 30, 2011, “Tales of the Black City” again performed with the group “King and the Jester,” but in their hometown, in the “Zhara” club. In front of an audience of thousands, the songs were performed in an acoustic version specially prepared for this concert. For a more complete sound, session musicians were also brought in (violin, cello, flute).


In the spring of 2012, the group “Tales of the Black City” released debut album digitally available for free download from the Internet. .


On June 4, 2013, the song “Werewolf” appeared on the Internet, recorded together with the leader of the group “King and the Jester”, Mikhail Gorshenev.

On November 22, 2013, a cover version of the song “Dagon” by the group “King and the Jester” appeared online.


On March 1, 2014, a remixed version of the instrumental composition “Letter without Words...” appeared online, the first version of which is included in the single “Bashmachnik”.

On March 26, 2014, a cover version of the song “Happiness?” appeared online. group "King and the Jester".

On July 12, 2014, together with the groups “Kukryniksy” and “Pilot”, “Tales of the Black City” performed at the “Safoniy” festival, held in the Smolensk region.

On October 1, 2014, it was announced that the album “Volume ll Reach the Stars” was completely ready. The first song from the second album has appeared online - (Chapter I - Warlock - Volume II Reach for the Stars). The release of one song per day was announced, so that none of them was left unattended.


On June 4, a re-recorded version of the song “Forest Princess” appeared online as part of the single of the same name.

On June 14, the group performed at the first annual rock festival “Chaika”, held in Voronezh. The festival also featured such groups as “Catharsis”, “Elysium”, “Lomonosov Plan”, “KnyaZz” and “Kipelov”.

June 27 - performance at main stage festival "Moto-Maloyaroslavets 2015".

Composition of the group

Current lineup

  • Nikolay "Doc" Erokhin - vocals, lyrics, music
  • Yuri Golovkov - guitar, backing vocals, music
  • Anton Andreev - guitar, backing vocals
  • Grigory Shvyrev - bass guitar
  • Pavel Zaitsev - drums

Former members

  • Victor Nebolsin - drums (2007-2008)
  • Dmitry Kokotovsky - drums (2008-2009)
  • Vladimir Golovin - guitar, bass, drums (2008-2012)
  • Anton Serdechny - guitar (2007-2011)


Studio albums

Full-length albums

  • 2012 - Volume I. Guardians of Dreams
  • 2014 - Volume ll. Reach for the stars

Demos and mini-albums

  • 2009 - Studio demo
  • 2011 - Shoemaker


  • 2011 - Clown
  • 2013 - In the thick grass
  • 2015 - Masquerade

Concert recordings

Other tracks

  • 2013 - Werewolf (feat. Mikhail Gorshenev)
  • 2013 - Dagon (cover version of the song of the same name by the group "King and the Clown")
  • 2014 - Happiness? (cover version of the song of the same name by the group "King and the Jester")
  • 2014 - Letter without words...
  • 2014 - Stargazer (piano version)
  • 2016 - Reach for the stars (feat. Andrey Knyazev)

see also

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An excerpt characterizing Tales of the Black City

At the Rostovs', as always on Sundays, some of their close acquaintances dined.
Pierre arrived earlier to find them alone.
Pierre had gained so much weight this year that he would have been ugly if he had not been so tall, large in limbs, and so strong that he obviously carried his weight easily.
He, puffing and muttering something to himself, entered the stairs. The coachman no longer asked him whether to wait. He knew that when the count was with the Rostovs, it was until twelve o’clock. The Rostovs' lackeys joyfully rushed to take off his cloak and accept his stick and hat. Pierre, as was his club habit, left his stick and hat in the hall.
The first face he saw from the Rostovs was Natasha. Even before he saw her, he, taking off his cloak in the hall, heard her. She sang solfege in the hall. He realized that she had not sung since her illness, and therefore the sound of her voice surprised and delighted him. He quietly opened the door and saw Natasha in her purple dress, which she had worn at mass, walking around the room and singing. She walked backwards towards him when he opened the door, but when she turned sharply and saw his fat, surprised face, she blushed and quickly approached him.
“I want to try singing again,” she said. “It’s still a job,” she added, as if apologizing.
- And wonderful.
– I’m so glad you came! I'm so happy today! - she said with the same animation that Pierre had not seen in her for a long time. – You know, Nicolas received the St. George Cross. I'm so proud of him.
- Well, I sent an order. Well, I don’t want to disturb you,” he added and wanted to go into the living room.
Natasha stopped him.
- Count, is it bad that I sing? - she said, blushing, but without taking her eyes off, looking questioningly at Pierre.
- No... Why? On the contrary... But why are you asking me?
“I don’t know myself,” Natasha quickly answered, “but I wouldn’t want to do anything that you wouldn’t like.” I believe you in everything. You don’t know how important you are to me and how much you have done for me!..” She spoke quickly and not noticing how Pierre blushed at these words. “I saw in the same order, he, Bolkonsky (she said this word quickly, in a whisper), he is in Russia and is serving again. “What do you think,” she said quickly, apparently in a hurry to speak because she was afraid for her strength, “will he ever forgive me?” Will he have any ill feelings against me? How do you think? How do you think?
“I think...” said Pierre. “He has nothing to forgive... If I were in his place...” Through the connection of memories, Pierre’s imagination instantly transported him to the time when he, comforting her, told her that if he were not he, but best person in peace and free, then he would be on his knees asking for her hand, and the same feeling of pity, tenderness, love would overcome him, and the same words would be on his lips. But she didn't give him time to say them.
“Yes, you are,” she said, pronouncing this word “you” with delight, “another matter.” I don’t know a kinder, more generous, better person than you, and there cannot be one. If you had not been there then, and even now, I don’t know what would have happened to me, because... - Tears suddenly poured into her eyes; she turned, raised the notes to her eyes, began to sing and began to walk around the hall again.
At the same time, Petya ran out of the living room.
Petya was now a handsome, ruddy fifteen-year-old boy with thick, red lips, similar to Natasha. He was preparing for university, but Lately, with his comrade Obolensky, secretly decided that he would join the hussars.
Petya ran out to his namesake to talk about the matter.
He asked him to find out if he would be accepted into the hussars.
Pierre walked through the living room, not listening to Petya.
Petya tugged at his hand to attract his attention.
- Well, what’s my business, Pyotr Kirilych. For God's sake! There is only hope for you,” said Petya.
- Oh yes, it's your business. To the hussars? I'll tell you, I'll tell you. I'll tell you everything today.
- Well, mon cher, did you get the manifesto? - asked the old count. - And the countess was at mass at the Razumovskys, she heard a new prayer. Very good, he says.
“Got it,” answered Pierre. - Tomorrow the sovereign will be... Extraordinary noble assembly and, they say, ten per thousand per set. Yes, congratulations.
- Yes, yes, thank God. Well, what about the army?
“Our people retreated again.” They say it’s already near Smolensk,” Pierre answered.
- My God, my God! - said the count. -Where is the manifesto?
- Appeal! Oh yes! - Pierre began to look in his pockets for papers and could not find them. Continuing to pat his pockets, he kissed the hand of the countess as she entered and looked around restlessly, apparently waiting for Natasha, who was no longer singing, but also did not come into the living room.
“By God, I don’t know where I put him,” he said.
“Well, he’ll always lose everything,” said the countess. Natasha came in with a softened, excited face and sat down, silently looking at Pierre. As soon as she entered the room, Pierre's face, previously gloomy, lit up, and he, continuing to look for papers, glanced at her several times.
- By God, I’ll move out, I forgot at home. Definitely...
- Well, you'll be late for lunch.
- Oh, and the coachman left.
But Sonya, who went into the hallway to look for the papers, found them in Pierre’s hat, where he carefully placed them in the lining. Pierre wanted to read.
“No, after dinner,” said the old count, apparently anticipating great pleasure in this reading.
At dinner, during which they drank champagne to the health of the new Knight of St. George, Shinshin told city news about the illness of the old Georgian princess, that Metivier had disappeared from Moscow, and that some German had been brought to Rastopchin and told him that it was champignon (as Count Rastopchin himself told), and how Count Rastopchin ordered the champignon to be released, telling the people that it was not a champignon, but just old mushroom German.
“They’re grabbing, they’re grabbing,” said the count, “I tell the countess to speak less French.” Now is not the time.
-Have you heard? - said Shinshin. - Prince Golitsyn took a Russian teacher, he studies in Russian - il commence a devenir dangereux de parler francais dans les rues. [It becomes dangerous to speak French on the streets.]
- Well, Count Pyotr Kirilych, how will they gather the militia, and you will have to mount a horse? - said the old count, turning to Pierre.
Pierre was silent and thoughtful throughout this dinner. He looked at the count as if not understanding at this address.
“Yes, yes, to war,” he said, “no!” What a warrior I am! But everything is so strange, so strange! Yes, I don’t understand it myself. I don’t know, I’m so far from military tastes, but in modern times no one can answer for themselves.
After dinner, the count sat quietly in a chair and with a serious face asked Sonya, famous for her reading skills, to read.
– “To our mother-throne capital, Moscow.
The enemy entered Russia with great forces. He is coming to ruin our dear fatherland,” Sonya diligently read in her thin voice. The Count, closing his eyes, listened, sighing impulsively in some places.
Natasha sat stretched out, searchingly and directly looking first at her father, then at Pierre.
Pierre felt her gaze on him and tried not to look back. The Countess shook her head disapprovingly and angrily against every solemn expression of the manifesto. She saw in all these words only that the dangers threatening her son would not end soon. Shinshin, folding his mouth into a mocking smile, was obviously preparing to mock the first thing presented for ridicule: Sonya’s reading, what the count would say, even the appeal itself, if no better excuse presented itself.

Alexander-El. Poleff

Tales of the Night City

Two steps to Paradise

"Liquid helium boils at a temperature

close to absolute zero"

A truism

The Number of Perfection was not derived in any way. The fourth department of cognition analyst, junior registrar Kahn, had been struggling with this number for two hundred and eleven days and seven and three quarters hours. His colleagues, who, by the way, work with more mundane, but no less important matters, looked at Kahn with an openly mocking look. Like, come on, victim of inquisitiveness, show us all where your brains were at the moment when the Invisible One handed them out! The computer, by the way, is one of the best to manage, steam, whistled loudly - it was time to change the damaged punch card and activate the cooling module. Having routinely opened the reactor seal, Kahn removed the titanium cover and removed the locking device module from the depths of the machine. The gold plating was finely streaked with hieroglyphs - another indicator of the complete lack of result. Having clicked the slots and started the replacement-cooling mechanism, twenty-year-old Kahn said goodbye to his colleagues and went to the daily ritual of “Minute of Happiness”.

When an undeniably handsome young brunette with oil-black eyes entered the ritual hall, no one paid attention to him. Well, one of the employees is dressed haphazardly: a silver raincoat, orange jeans and high boots with orange laces - a standard representative of his age - why stare at him? Moreover, now Happiness will be given... Kan took his seat as usual, connected the neurobracelets to his wrists and, relaxing, leaned back in a soft and comfortable chair. He made it in time for the very beginning of the session and therefore did not have to wait long. Billions of megabytes, broadcast by the most powerful control computer, enveloped the consciousness of everyone in the hall with a tender embrace. Millions of neurons immediately reacted, got ready, and began to greedily capture information. Today's happiness was Nourishing...

The restaurant hall dazzlingly hit the retina with the shine of crystal. A crystal chandelier, crystal decanters and glasses - all this will be in that happy life. "Would you like the dish of the day?" - the head waiter asks each of the visitors. A funny dressed old man - an uncomfortable black tailcoat, a sparkling white shirt and a stupid black bowtie... A relic of the past, left as a reminder to posterity. Dish of the day! Eka made me laugh, weirdo! Even a child knows that those who live in Paradise do not need a choice, it has long been made for them. And here is the dish itself. Wow, how wonderful it will be to live in Paradise! Take a look: fragrant scrambled eggs sizzling in a cast iron frying pan, a real sandwich with a WHOLE ten grams of margarine, three rings of boiled sausage and... the right half liter! Clean water is just a dream! Salivate! Now, we will all stand up, sing a prayer to the Invisible, and then... Of course, first - water. Definitely! To cleanse the taste buds in order to fully appreciate the taste of food - this was figured out in Nihon. Then build a composition of bread (with margarine, of course!), fried eggs and sausage on top - and the din! So that even the little ones don't wake up...

It's a pity, the minute is quickly running out. But now everyone is charged with a real positive attitude so that tomorrow we will all rush to work on calculating Paradise with tenfold efforts!

In the "Zagon" - the checkpoint office, Kan took his protective overalls and personal machine gun from the number cabinet and, lowering the self-sealing film of the helmet onto his face, handed over the punch card and went out into the street. A dry stream of air lazily blew garbage through the Landfill. Kahn involuntarily admired this endless concrete sea - it was here, immediately after completing the calculations, that the experimental model of Paradise would be built. The one who has been trying for so many years to create a wise government of Terra.

Meetings in Paradise!

The phrase that pulled Kahn out of his correct thoughts belonged to two patrolmen.

See you soon! - Kan smiled at the Archangels.

Clearance level? - the patrolman took it right off the bat.

UP-4-R-147 fraction 5, K2. Registrar Kan.

Required level?

You can move on to Paradise, Registrar Kahn.

See you soon.

Already, when Kan, removing the machine gun from the safety, moved towards the outer shield, not at all in an official, but in a completely friendly voice, he was detained again:

Son, go through the third one carefully. It's not calm there today.

Kan nodded and smiled: how wonderful it is to live in a world where everyone is happy, to work towards a common goal. He was an incorrigible optimist...

The second level was essentially a shopping complex. A couple of nuclearoids in front of the entrance (there are still impassable and thorny jungles there) are not a problem. There was no need to even waste plasma; the army men guarding the port quickly dealt with the creatures. Three short bursts - and the creatures generated by the mad consciousness of the Anti-Man turned into ozone, barely audible through the filters. After checking his ID card, Kan even whistled: the electronic wallet told him that he had an amount of as much as three hundred compijes. No way Big Daddy transferred the promised bonus... Hastily shopping at the department store, including, without skimping, three brand new clips for the machine gun in his order, Kahn crossed the level and entered the transition port to the third level.

In general, Kan has always been quite lucky in life. Housing was especially lucky. You understand, getting a camera at the fourth, and not at the forty-fifth minus level is not a joke, but a huge gift of fate. Of course, he had to get home and to work on foot, and not in the relatively safe country, but at this time Kahn could always enjoy the scenery. Here, for example, is the third one. You leave the port and there is a lake to your right. You can linger a little and look at the bizarre figures created by toxic fumes. Then - along the asphalt path to the north. There was a park there in the old era. Now this is a favorite place for couples with permission - where else in Stangrad can you admire the blackened skeletons of trees without expecting danger from the fauna? Nowhere. Perhaps in Prirechye. But, firstly, it’s far away, and secondly, you can’t stay there for more than twenty minutes. The dosimeter drives you crazy with its crackling sound. But here, in the third-level park, it’s quiet and quiet. Thoughts themselves return to the great task - the search for the Number of Perfection, which, having formed an indestructible formation with the other Numbers, will give the go-ahead for the creation of Paradise...

But now, literally in a hundred meters, the proletariat quarter will begin. Working people are our waiting reserve. It is they who will work in factories, factories, camps and mines so that a perfectly calculated dream becomes an ideal reality. It's worth going through them quickly. Just in case. Sometimes revolutionaries are found among the idlers...

Kahn jumped at this treatment. Directly in front of him was a wide alley, half overgrown with predatory willows - get closer than the maximum length of the lashes, and you will never leave there again. Right in the middle of this alley stood a girl, about twenty years old. She is short - up to Kanu's shoulders, with luxurious blond hair scattered over her shoulders, a green-eyed representative of humanity. True, instead of the usual protective overalls, she was wearing light blue jeans and a black jacket with a fur collar. She smiled at Kan with a kind and surprisingly gentle smile, showing snow-white teeth completely undamaged by uranium.

Hello! - she turned to Kan again, - What is your name?

Kan. Registrar Kan.

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Tales of the night city 0

Jen - the story is centered on action or plot, without emphasis on romantic line

Rating: R- fanfictions in which there are erotic scenes or violence without detailed graphic description."> R Genres: Angst- strong feelings, physical, but more often spiritual suffering of the character; fan fiction contains depressive motives and some dramatic events."> Angst, Philosophy- philosophical reflections on the meaning of life or some other eternal problem."> Philosophy, Songfic- fanfic written under the influence of a song, the text of the fanfic often contains its words."> Songfic Warnings: Ozhp- Original female character, appearing in the canon world (most often as one of the main characters)."> OZhP Size: Mini- a little fanfic. Size from one typewritten page to 20.">
Reader Awards:

Not yet


Award fanfic "Tales of the Night City"

Come up with anything, but keep in mind that the author can refuse the reward, and you will certainly be banned for insults.



A girl listens to stories of the night city

Publication on other resources:
Author's Notes:

I just wanted to write a fairy tale.

Grade: 0

I walk along the quiet streets of long-familiar ones concrete jungle. Baggy pants, shabby sneakers with new laces and glued soles, a large sweatshirt and a hood pulled over his eyes. So you can't say that I'm a girl. This is just a small precaution.
I walk among repeatedly broken lanterns. I feel a little discomfort from the absence of such favorite headphones in my ears, which serve as a guide to the world of my illusions and dreams.
I wander along the avenues and quiet streets. Every night I have a new route. I'm exploring mine hometown, wandering aimlessly through it all night long. Someday I will know him completely and completely, I will be able to find his heart. But this will not happen soon. In the meantime, I’m walking, but not just like that, without headphones.
I walk and listen to every rustle. The dog barks. Her bark is filled with sadness and sorrow. I listen to this bark and begin to discern in it the whispers of the old city. He says that this dog's owner died today.
He was short, but strong and handsome man. Just too gullible. He believed one bad woman who lied to him about universal love. The dog warned him that he should not trust it, but the owner, intoxicated with love, did not understand anything and did not listen to his faithful friend.
Every day this woman slipped something into the owner’s tea. He wasted away before our eyes. The dog tried, wanted to help, even once snatched the cup from the owner’s hands, but for this he received his own fist on the back. But the dog still loved his owner more life and tried to help him. She understood that her owner loved her too, just angry woman influenced him so much, but in fact he loves her as much as his owner’s dog.
A few months later the owner died. And the evil woman kicked the dog out into the street and now lives where her owner lived, and manages everything that her owner once owned. The dog wanted to run to the cemetery to follow its owner there, but they didn’t let it, they drove it away from the coffin and hit it painfully. The dog lost consciousness, and when he woke up, there was neither the car with the owner nor his smell. But the evil woman did not let her home. The dog wanted to bite her, but she didn’t do it because the owner wouldn’t like it. He was very kind to all people. And he paid for it.
A very sad tale. Although, the city does not know how to tell others. True, there are exceptions. For example, the sound of a car is heard. Its owner is a tall, white-haired man, a former military man, and now a successful businessman. One of the few who honestly made it and earns an honest living. He hurries home to his immensely beloved wife. A curly-haired writer with the eyes of a dreamer. He wants to surprise her by returning early from a business trip, bringing a huge bouquet of roses and a ring in a small red box.
You might think that his wife is with her lover at this time, but no. She is sitting in a large bed, she has a laptop on her lap and she is enthusiastically typing. new chapter his bestseller. The poor thing doesn't keep track of time at all, immersed in an imaginary world. All he does is flutter his fingers across the keyboard. She already has a small belly visible. The girl does not like ultrasounds and therefore does not go to them. She does not yet know that she is carrying not one child, but two at once. Boy and girl. When they are born, they will be forever inseparable.
Happy family, bonded true love, who has endured many trials. You rarely see such a tale in the city. A smile creeps onto your face. I really want to wish them luck. They'll need it.
But this fairy tale is not a very happy one. Even here I hear screams and swearing. This happened on the fifth floor of one of the houses nearby. The drunken husband returned from yet another mistress. His wife endured a lot, but now she couldn’t stand it, she yelled at him, expressed everything she thought, she was just about to throw this drunkard out the door, when he pounced on her, began to beat the floor on her face, stomach, back, everything he could reach. And then by chance the wife got her hands on a knife. Not understanding anything, languishing in pain and wanting to stop all this, she squeezed the knife in her hand and began to cut it. He woke up covered in his husband’s blood and with a knife in his hands. Soon she will be imprisoned, but they will take into account the fact that she was in a state of passion. She won't sit for long. But her life will never be the same.
I really feel sorry for the woman. But on the other hand, she has herself to blame. our every failure is justified by our choices. And it has always been like this.
I quicken my pace, I want to get out of there as quickly as possible, before the wind brings the smell of blood to me.
It's getting light. Means more fairy tales won't and it's time for me to go home. And it has always been like this. The city becomes kinder and tells its secrets only at night. After all, there are very few irritated people at night. They don't interfere with the city. But I prefer to listen to what the older storyteller - the forest - says. Every tree in the forest holds amazing stories. But, alas! Now I’m not in the forest, but in a stuffy city that rarely talks much, and if it does, it’s in such a way that I don’t want to listen anymore.
But every storyteller needs a listener. And this city has a listener - me. This is my responsibility, my duty. The city trusts only me, and if I ask, it will trust me during the day.
You may ask who am I really? I have many names, here are some of the main ones: Crazy, Crazy, Violent, Crazy, Witch, Snake. Choose whatever you want, but no one suspects what I’m capable of. And no one knows what you can ask the city and the forest for if you listen to all their tales....

Jen, R, Originals, character/pairing match

Dreams of a Madman 4

Fandom: Originals Rating: R- fan fiction that contains erotic scenes or violence without detailed graphic description."> R Genres: Angst- strong feelings, physical, but more often spiritual suffering of the character; fan fiction contains depressive motives and some dramatic events."> Angst, Drama- conflicting relationships of heroes with society or with each other, intense and active experiences of various internal or external conflicts. Both successful and sad resolution of the conflict are possible."> Drama, Mysticism- stories about paranormal phenomena, spirits or ghosts. "> Mysticism, Philosophy- philosophical reflections on the meaning of life or some other eternal problem."> Philosophy, Horror- intense, frightening atmosphere of the narrative."> Horror, POV- the narration is told from the first person."> POV, Songfic- fanfic written under the influence of a song, the text of the fanfic often contains its words."> Songfic , Mythical creatures- the text mentions vampires, elves, werewolves, demons or other mythical creatures."> Mythical creatures, Historical eras- The text takes place in a clearly defined historical period."> Historical eras, Friendship- Description of close, non-sexual, non-romantic relationships between characters."> Friendship Warnings: Violence- description of actions of a violent nature (usually not sexual)."> Violence, Obscene language- the presence of obscene language (swearing) in the fanfic."> Obscene language, Kink- in fan fiction it denotes circumstances, usually associated with violence and exotic sexual practices, which not everyone enjoys reading about."> Kink, Gender switch- Some fanfic characters change gender."> Gender switch, Non-chronological narrative- The events of the work occur in a non-chronological order."> Non-chronological narration, Guro- Descriptions of scenes with dismembered or gutted bodies, bloodshed, cutting off limbs, sophisticated murders, etc."> Guro, - fan fiction in which one or more minor characters die."> Death minor character, Geta elements- romantic and/or sexual relations between a man and a woman."> Geta elements Size: planned Midi- average fanfic. Approximate size: 20 to 70 typewritten pages. "> Midi, written 6 pages, 1 part Status: in progress

Do you remember what you dreamed about? Dreams almost always frighten us. And sometimes, no. But they are never repeated. With rare exceptions.

Peeled oranges 1

Fandom: Originals Pairings and characters: me, people close to me, evil spirits, enemies Rating: R- fan fiction that contains erotic scenes or violence without detailed graphic description."> R Genres: Angst- strong feelings, physical, but more often spiritual suffering of the character; fanfic contains depressive motives and some dramatic events."> Angst, Action- fan fiction, full of action, battles, chases. Emphasis on action, not on dialogue and relationships."> Action, Horror- intense, frightening atmosphere of the narrative."> Horror, POV- the narration is told from the first person."> POV Warnings: Violence- description of actions of a violent nature (usually not sexual)."> Violence Size: planned Mini- a little fanfic. Size from one typewritten page to 20."> Mini, 1 page written, 1 part Status: in progress

In this fanfiction I will simply talk about the trash that my consciousness generates during sleep.

Not a human 2

Fandom: Originals Rating: R- fan fiction that contains erotic scenes or violence without detailed graphic description."> R Genres: Angst- strong feelings, physical, but more often spiritual suffering of the character; fan fiction contains depressive motives and some dramatic events."> Angst, Drama- conflicting relationships of heroes with society or with each other, intense and active experiences of various internal or external conflicts. Both successful and sad resolution of the conflict are possible."> Drama, Science Fiction- stories about technical progress, distant planets and other worlds, starships and blasters."> Science Fiction, Philosophy- philosophical reflections on the meaning of life or some other eternal problem."> Philosophy, POV- the narration is told from the first person."> POV, Experiment- experiments with the language of fanfic, its form or plot (for example, fanfic with only verbs or fanfic where all words begin with the same letter)."> Experiment Size: Mini- a little fanfic. Size from one typewritten page to 20."> Mini, 9 pages, 1 part Status: completed

So they talked me into participating in another competition. I definitely won't fall for them again. This is the task. Each participant came up with three characters, and the evil scammer mixed them up and distributed pieces of salad to each of the participants. And now I needed to tie together three characters:

Ju - Sleeping Girl 5

Fandom: Originals Rating: R- fan fiction that contains erotic scenes or violence without detailed graphic description."> R Genres: Mystery- stories about paranormal phenomena, spirits or ghosts. "> Mysticism, Horror- intense, frightening atmosphere of the story."> Horror Size: Mini- a little fanfic. Size from one typewritten page to 20."> Mini, 2 pages, 1 part Status: completed

In an apartment building charred by fire, they could not open one single room for two years. And there was a secret in it that no one should know...

Strangers. 0

Fandom: Originals Rating: R- fan fiction that contains erotic scenes or violence without detailed graphic description."> R Genres: Science Fiction- stories about technical progress, distant planets and other worlds, starships and blasters."> Science Fiction, Philosophy- philosophical reflections on the meaning of life or some other eternal problem."> Philosophy Size: Drabble- an excerpt that may or may not become a real fanfic. Often just a scene, a sketch, a description of a character.">

You just need to understand. Who and why? For what? To probably fall in love.

Letter from the Other World 1

Fandom: Originals Rating: R- fan fiction that contains erotic scenes or violence without detailed graphic description."> R Genres: Angst- strong feelings, physical, but more often spiritual suffering of the character; fan fiction contains depressive motives and some dramatic events."> Angst, Everyday- description of ordinary everyday life or everyday situations."> Everyday life, POV- the narration is told from the first person."> POV Warnings: Death of the main character- fan fiction in which one or more main characters die."> OOC- Out Of Character, “Out of character” is a situation where a character in a fic behaves completely differently than one would expect based on his description in the canon."> OOC, Ozhp- An original female character appearing in the canon world (most often as one of the main characters)."> OZP Size: Drabble- an excerpt that may or may not become a real fanfic. Often just a scene, a sketch, a description of a character."> Drabble, 1 page, 1 part Status: finished

If you're reading this, it means I'm dead.

"damn 30 days" 0

Fandom: Originals Pairings and characters: Stacy, Marie, Ilya, Maxim, Alex, Ashton, Jennifer Rating: R- fan fiction that contains erotic scenes or violence without detailed graphic description."> R Genres: Drama- conflicting relationships of heroes with society or with each other, intense and active experiences of various internal or external conflicts. Both successful and sad resolution of the conflict are possible."> Drama, Philosophy- philosophical reflections on the meaning of life or some other eternal problem."> Philosophy, Everyday life- a description of ordinary everyday life or everyday situations."> Everyday life, Banter- comical situations on the verge of mockery, sometimes black humor."> Banter, Educational institutions- a significant part of the fanfic takes place in school or around school or student everyday life."> Educational institutions Warnings: OOC- Out Of Character, “Out of character” is a situation where a character in a fic behaves completely differently than one would expect based on his description in the canon."> OOC, Obscene language- the presence of obscene language (swearing) in the fanfic."> Maxi- big fanfic. The size is often larger than the average novel. Approximately 70 typewritten pages. "> Maxi, written 5 pages, 4 parts Status: in progress

What can I tell you about this ff...This life story and more precisely, a piece from the life story of a girl who can’t stand herself. She closed herself off and lets few people into her environment, but chance, or rather not chance, but time, or rather 30 days, changed her life, her...

Memory at home 15

Fandom: Originals Pairing and characters: Joshua Blomfield Rating: R- fan fiction that contains erotic scenes or violence without detailed graphic description."> R Genres: Mystery- stories about paranormal phenomena, spirits or ghosts. "> Mysticism, Everyday life- a description of ordinary everyday life or everyday situations."> Everyday life, Experiment- experiments with the language of fanfic, its form or plot (for example, fanfic with only verbs or fanfic where all words begin with the same letter)."> Experiment Size: Mini- a little fanfic. Size from one typewritten page to 20."> Mini, 5 pages, 2 parts Status: frozen

Houses, like people, retain the memory of their residents.

Temple 1

Fandom: Originals Rating: R- fan fiction that contains erotic scenes or violence without detailed graphic description."> R Genres: POV- the narration is told from the first person."> POV, Songfic- fanfic written under the influence of a song, the text of the fanfic often contains its words."> Songfic, Angst- strong feelings, physical, but more often spiritual suffering of the character; fan fiction contains depressive motives and some dramatic events."> Angst, Horror- intense, frightening atmosphere of the story."> Horror, Philosophy- philosophical reflections on the meaning of life or some other eternal problem."> Philosophy Size: Mini- a little fanfic. Size from one typewritten page to 20."> Mini, 4 pages, 1 part Status: completed

A journey into your own mind... Too dubious entertainment, even for me. I didn’t want to agree - I was just afraid of what I could see there. But the circumstances turned out to be stronger.

City of dead 13

Fandom: Originals Pairings and characters: Prim, Lee, Nori, Mrs. Lure, Sarah and others. Rating: R- fan fiction that contains erotic scenes or violence without detailed graphic description."> R Genres: Fantasy- a story about magic, imaginary worlds, mythical creatures, in other words, “the world of sword and magic.”> Fantasy, Science Fiction- stories about technical progress, distant planets and other worlds, starships and blasters."> Science Fiction, Action- fan fiction, full of action, battles, chases. Emphasis on action, not on dialogue and relationships."> Action, Horror- intense, frightening atmosphere of the narrative."> Horror, POV- the narration is told from the first person."> POV, Popadantsy- The main character, in one way or another, ends up in another world or moves into the body of a character from another world."> Popadantsy, Friendship- Description of close, non-sexual, non-romantic relationships between characters."> Friendship Warnings: Death of a minor character- fan fiction in which one or more minor characters die."> Midi- average fanfic. Approximate size: 20 to 70 typewritten pages. "> Midi, written 34 pages, 6 parts Status: in progress

Since ancient times, our world has been divided into three governments: people, sisters and brothers. Since childhood, only one single phrase has been hammered into our heads: “People are evil.” Obeying the established system and rules, none of us even thought that all this time the elders who control our entire lives could be hiding something important from us. Who would have thought that one day the system of elders would fail and reveal the whole truth of our existence.

I don't want to pretend to be alive anymore 4

Fandom: Originals Rating: R- fan fiction that contains erotic scenes or violence without detailed graphic description."> R Genres: Angst- strong feelings, physical, but more often spiritual suffering of the character; fan fiction contains depressive motives and some dramatic events."> Angst, Drama- conflicting relationships of heroes with society or with each other, intense and active experiences of various internal or external conflicts. Both successful and sad resolution of the conflict are possible."> Drama, Poetry- Poetry is a rhymed text or a text built according to a certain rhythmic pattern."> Poems Size: Drabble- an excerpt that may or may not become a real fanfic. Often just a scene, a sketch, a description of a character."> Drabble, 1 page, 1 part Status: finished

Silence 0

Fandom: Originals Rating: R- fan fiction that contains erotic scenes or violence without detailed graphic description."> R Genres: Drama- conflicting relationships of heroes with society or with each other, intense and active experiences of various internal or external conflicts. Both successful and sad resolution of the conflict are possible."> Drama, Science Fiction- stories about technical progress, distant planets and other worlds, starships and blasters."> Science Fiction, Post-Apocalyptic- Stories about a world where some kind of catastrophe occurred that put humanity on the brink of extinction or in very difficult conditions for survival."> Post-apocalyptic Warnings: Death of the main character- fan fiction in which one or more main characters die."> Death of a main character Size: Mini- a little fanfic. Size from one typewritten page to 20."> Mini, 3 pages, 1 part Status: completed

All you know is that you are a member of the crew of an orbital station. All you see is the red water of the sea and the black earth. But can you accept the answers?

Ode to self-destruction 0

Fandom: Originals Rating: R- fan fiction that contains erotic scenes or violence without detailed graphic description."> R Genres: Mythical creatures- the text mentions vampires, elves, werewolves, demons or other mythical creatures."> Mythical creatures, Poems- Poetry is a rhymed text or a text built according to a certain rhythmic pattern."> Poems Size: Mini- a little fanfic. Size from one typewritten page to 20."> Mini, 1 page, 1 part Status: completed

My sincere love for self-destruction

Doll 0

Fandom: Originals Rating: R- fan fiction that contains erotic scenes or violence without detailed graphic description."> R Genres: Angst- strong feelings, physical, but more often spiritual suffering of the character; fan fiction contains depressive motives and some dramatic events."> Angst, Horror- tense, frightening atmosphere of the story."> Horror Warnings: Violence- description of actions of a violent nature (usually not sexual)."> Violence, Death of a minor character- fan fiction in which one or more minor characters die."> Death of a minor character Size: Mini- a little fanfic. Size from one typewritten page to 20."> Mini, 8 pages, 1 part Status: completed

main character- girl, about twelve years old. She does not live, so to speak, in a wonderful family. School is no better. And he randomly ends up in his own reality. Where will he spend all his time? It would seem that everything is getting better, but real life, something will break her completely.

In the twilight of my useless life 3

Fandom: Originals Pairings and characters: Naoki Hasigawa, Alex Emerald, Akira Hioshi Rating: R- fan fiction that contains erotic scenes or violence without detailed graphic description."> R Genres: Angst- strong feelings, physical, but more often spiritual suffering of the character; fan fiction contains depressive motives and some dramatic events."> Angst, Drama- conflicting relationships of heroes with society or with each other, intense and active experiences of various internal or external conflicts. Both successful and sad resolution of the conflict are possible."> Drama, Mysticism- stories about paranormal phenomena, spirits or ghosts. "> Mysticism, Detective- detective story."> Detective, POV- the narration is told from the first person."> POV Warnings: Death of the main character- fan fiction in which one or more main characters die."> Death of a main character, Violence- description of actions of a violent nature (usually not sexual)."> Violence, Obscene language- the presence of obscene language (swearing) in the fanfic."> Obscene language, Guro- Descriptions of scenes with dismembered or gutted bodies, bloodshed, cutting off limbs, sophisticated murders, etc."> Guro, Death of a minor character- fan fiction in which one or more minor characters die."> Death of a minor character Size: planned Midi- average fanfic. Approximate size: 20 to 70 typewritten pages. "> Midi, written 18 pages, 7 parts Status: in progress

Naoki always dreamed of becoming a writer. After a long stay in America, she returns to her homeland in order to make her dream come true. But suddenly she becomes the only witness to a very brutal attack, and with only one piece of evidence she tries to solve the case. Will she succeed and what awaits her next?

dart2323 Fandom: Originals Rating: R- fan fiction that contains erotic scenes or violence without detailed graphic description."> R Genres: Science Fiction- stories about technical progress, distant planets and other worlds, starships and blasters."> Science Fiction, Historical eras- The text takes place in a clearly defined historical period."> Historical eras, Friendship- Description of close, non-sexual, non-romantic relationships between characters."> Friendship Warnings: Obscene language- the presence of obscene language (swearing) in the fanfic."> Obscene language Size: planned Midi- average fanfic. Approximate size: 20 to 70 typewritten pages. "> Midi, written 24 pages, 5 parts Status: in progress, Darkfic is fanfic with “dark” content. The themes of such fics include physical and sexual violence, mutilation, suicide, and so on."> Darkfic, Horror- tense, frightening atmosphere of the story."> Horror, Poetry- Poetry is a rhymed text or a text built according to a certain rhythmic pattern."> Poems, Dystopia- Description of a state or world in which negative development trends have prevailed."> Dystopia Size: Drabble- an excerpt that may or may not become a real fanfic. Often just a scene, a sketch, a description of a character."> Drabble, 1 page, 1 part Status: finished

War is always a huge test and endless grief.

, Everyday life- description of ordinary everyday life or everyday situations."> Everyday life, POV- the narration is told from the first person."> POV, Mythical creatures- the text mentions vampires, elves, werewolves, demons or other mythical creatures."> Mythical creatures, Educational institutions- a significant part of the fanfic takes place in school or around school or student everyday life."> Educational institutions Warnings: Death of the main character- fan fiction in which one or more main characters die."> Death of a main character Size: planned Midi- average fanfic. Approximate size: 20 to 70 typewritten pages. "> Midi, written 14 pages, 7 parts Status: in progress

There are many options for the apocalypse. Zombie apocalypse, meteorite fall, nuclear war. That is, there is blood, chaos, fire everywhere. Has anyone thought about the idea of ​​an icy Armageddon? Among calmness, indifference and winter? Became interesting? Then read and enjoy, my children.