What feelings does Onegin experience after the duel. Duel of Lensky with Onegin

In the novel by A. S. Pushkin "Eugene Onegin" one of the saddest scenes is the duel between Lensky and Onegin. But why did the author decide to bring them into a duel? What motivated young people? Could this situation have been avoided? Below is an analysis of the episode of the duel between Lensky and Onegin.

Before moving on to the discussion, let's make up the duels of Onegin and Lensky. This is necessary so that the review of the scene goes consistently, and the reader can understand why this episode was introduced into the novel.

Reasons for the fight

Why did Lensky challenge his friend to a duel? Readers will remember that Vladimir was a man of a soft, romantic disposition, in contrast to Yevgeny, a cynical person who was tired of the world, always bored. The reason for the duel is banal - jealousy. But who and why was jealous?

Lensky brought Onegin to Larina. If Vladimir had his own interest (he was the bridegroom of the sister of the birthday girl, Olga), then Eugene was bored. To this is added the attention of Tatyana, who is in love with him. All this only irritates the young man, and he chose Lensky as the reason for his bad mood.

Onegin decides to take revenge on his friend for spoiling the evening and begins to court his bride. Olga was a windy girl, so she gladly accepted Evgeny's courtship. Lensky does not understand what is happening and, determined to put an end to it, invites her to dance. But Olga ignores his invitation and continues to waltz with Onegin. Humiliated, Lensky leaves the party and challenges his only friend to a duel.

Brief description of the duel between Onegin and Lensky

Eugene receives a call through Zaretsky, an acquaintance of Lensky. Onegin understands that he was to blame, that such stupidity is not worth having best friends shoot because of it. He repents and realizes that the meeting could have been avoided, but proud young people do not refuse the fatal meeting...

When analyzing the episode of the duel between Lensky and Onegin, one should note Yevgeny's attempts to provoke Vladimir's refusal to duel: he is an hour late, appoints a servant as his second. But Lensky prefers not to notice this and waits for a friend.

Zaretsky counts the required number of steps, the young people are preparing to shoot. While Lensky takes aim, Onegin shoots first. Vladimir dies instantly, Eugene, shocked by this, leaves. Zaretsky, taking Lensky's body, goes to the Larins.

Could there be another outcome of the fight?

Analyzing the episode of the duel between Lensky and Onegin, it should be noted what role Zaretsky played in this story. If you carefully read the novel, you can find lines that hint at the fact that it was he who persuaded Lensky to call Onegin to shoot himself.

It was also in the power of Zaretsky to prevent the duel. After all, Eugene realized his guilt and no longer wanted to participate in this farce. And Levin's second was supposed to try to reconcile the rivals, but this was not done. Zaretsky could cancel the duel just because Onegin was late for it, and his second was a servant, although according to the rules of a duel, only people of equal social status could be seconds. Zaretsky was the sole arbiter of the duel, but he did nothing to prevent the fatal duel.

The result of the duel

What happened to Onegin after the duel? Nothing, he just left the village. In those days, duels were forbidden, so it is obvious that the cause of Lensky's death was presented to the police in a completely different way. A simple monument was erected to Vladimir Lensky, his bride Olga soon forgot about him and married another.

How is the main character revealed in this scene?

When schoolchildren write an essay on the analysis of the episode of the duel between Onegin and Lensky, they pay great attention to which side Eugene reveals himself. It seems that he does not depend on the opinion of society and is tired of the circle of aristocrats with whom he revels and has fun. But is it because he does not refuse a duel that he is actually afraid of what society will say about him? Suddenly he will be considered a coward who did not defend his honor?

An analysis of the episode of the duel between Lensky and Onegin presents a somewhat different image before the reader's eyes: Eugene is a weak-willed person who is guided not by his own judgments, but by the opinion of the world. For the sake of his selfishness, he decided to take revenge on Vladimir, not thinking about hurting his feelings. Yes, he tried to avoid the duel, but still he did not apologize and did not explain anything to his friend.

At the end of the analysis of the episode of the duel between Lensky and Onegin, one should write about the significance of the scene for the novel. It is in this fight that the real character of Eugene is revealed. Here his spiritual weakness, the duality of nature is manifested. Zaretsky can be compared with a secular society, the condemnation of which the hero is so afraid of.

The death of Lensky suggests that people with a fine mental organization cannot survive in a deceitful one. They are too elevated, sensitive and sincere. It is worth noting that Eugene Onegin is a collective character who has absorbed the typical features of secular society.

But as readers know, the author did not spare Onegin, and in literature he is considered a cynical hero with a hard heart. He rejected Tatyana's love, ruined a friend, played with human feelings. And when he repented and realized that he had done wrong, it was already too late. Onegin never found his happiness, his destiny is loneliness among people who are not interesting to him ...

This was a brief analysis of the episode of the duel between Onegin and Lensky, which reveals the essence of this scene in the work.

Lensky's death is described differently than all the others. This is the culmination of the plot, an event that decides the fate of all the main characters. One can treat Lensky condescendingly, notice all the ironic maxims about him, generously scattered by Pushkin, but one cannot ignore the fact that the death of the young poet is in the author and in his heroes (even at first in Olga, personifying the human and literary standard), and in readers-characters (for example, in the “young city dweller”), and simply in readers, it constantly responds with bitterness and compassion. V.G. Belinsky, despite serious reasons, in vain considered the death of Lensky the most worthy way out of the inevitable vulgarization in the future. The vulgarization is problematic, and, moreover, it seems to us that Pushkin left the possible fate of Lensky unpredictable and at the same time set up a small trap for readers, offering them to solve the alternative of stanzas XXXVII and XXXIX of the sixth chapter from the standpoint of "superiority, perhaps imaginary." The death of Lensky, of course, is a great misfortune, which occurred primarily because of the irreparable mistake of the protagonist. In this regard, let us recall the first reaction of the perpetrator of the bloody drama:

* In anguish of heart remorse,
* hand clenching the gun,
* Looks at Lensky Yevgeny.
* "Well? killed,” the neighbor decided.
* Killed! .. With a terrible exclamation
* Struck, Onegin with a shudder
* Departs and calls people.
* (VI, 132)

Zaretsky utters his remark in a deliberately registering tone, but his even “killed” echoes in Onegin’s soul with a “terrible exclamation”.

Lensky's death occupies virtually the entire second half of the novel. It can be said that it is reproduced in the text, paradoxically repeated. If we almost don’t remember cursory remarks about the death of many characters, then the murder of Lensky emphatically occurs twice: Onegin plunges him with a “long knife” in Tatyana’s dream and kills him with a pistol in a duel. Indeed, in the poetic world, dream and reality are equally real (12)*. The death of the poet in the philistine mode is also described. Lensky, as it were, was killed once preliminary, the other - for real, and once again dies posthumously. An absolute event, on the one hand, is reinforced by these repetitions, on the other hand, it becomes probabilistic. Hidden behind the text in the omitted stanza XXXVIII of the sixth chapter is the heroic modus of death:

* He could make a formidable path,
* In order to breathe one last time
* In view of the solemn trophies,
* Like our Kutuzov or Nelson,
* Or in exile, like Napoleon,
* Or be hanged like Ryleev.

Incidentally, the high mode of stanza XXXVII is preceded by XXXVI, which is quoted much less frequently. In it, the death of the poet is given on reminiscences of many mournful elegiac lamentations with a characteristic exclamation “where”:

* Faded! Where is the hot excitement
* Where is the noble aspiration
* And the feelings and thoughts of the young,
* Tall, gentle, daring?
* Where are the stormy desires of love ...

So, the death of Lensky with its various echoes throughout the second half of the novel (only the fourth chapter remains completely outside the motive, although there are “overtones” in it as well) receives much more weight than all the other deaths combined. Our initial impression of death as a natural moment in the cycle of being suddenly shifts sharply in a large amplitude of meaning. At first, life and death are almost equal to each other, and then death turns out to be a dramatic event. Pushkin calmly allows this antithesis to remain, and the two assessments of death give rise to structural and semantic tension with their unresolved contradiction.

The role of A.S. Pushkin in Russian literature is paramount. Thanks to the activity of the poet, national literature freed itself from imitation and acquired originality. There were works of a completely different kind, both in form and in content.

The novel in verse "Eugene Onegin" is an exceptional work of Pushkin. Exceptional in its novelty, in the display of characters and mores, in the description of the era, in the number of tender elegies, in the level of poetic skill.

In the center of the story are two young men - Eugene Onegin and Vladimir Lensky. Onegin is a young, metropolitan dandy, by right of birth and upbringing - an aristocrat. At the celebration of life, he is one of the first: “having fun and luxury a child”, a genius of “science of tender passion”.

Onegin is where there is an endless string of balls and holidays, theaters and restaurants, festivities and masquerades.

But, being a man of an acutely critical mind, Onegin quickly loses interest in secular life. Onegin is taller than the surrounding crowd. The tinsel of light no longer seduces him.

By the will of fate, he finds himself in the village, where he meets Vladimir Lensky, a man with views that are opposite to him, to Onegin.

Lensky belongs to the type of young people who are enthusiastic and enthusiastic about life. He is a romantic, a freethinker, a poet. Skepticism and boredom are not familiar to him.

It would seem that young people are completely different. In his moral and psychological appearance, Onegin is an individualist and egoist. Lensky is completely different. He ardently believes in love, in ideal friendship, in a youthful way. He lives in obedience not to reason, but to the call of his heart. Rationalism is not his forte.

But, despite significant differences, these two heroes have something in common. Both of them are without a real, masculine affair. There are no prospects to benefit our Fatherland in the future. They are both products of their time and their society.

In the countryside, in the open spaces, Onegin and Lensky became friends. And, despite the fact that “everything gave rise to disputes between them,” relations between friends developed, and at first nothing foreshadowed trouble.

But, as is often the case in novels, life and death go hand in hand.

The duel that arose between Onegin and Lensky is the central, turning point in the novel "Eugene Onegin". What events led to the duel?

The reason for the duel was Onegin's incorrect behavior towards both his friend Lensky and Lensky's fiancee, Olga. On one of the holidays, Onegin defiantly flirts with Olga. And she, a narrow-minded young lady, empty and frivolous, succumbs to flirting. Lensky is furious and demands to resolve the situation in a duel.

Why did Onegin begin to show signs of attention to Olga, whom he never liked? The fact is that he wanted to take revenge on Lensky for bringing him to a holiday with the Larins, at which Tatyana (in love with Onegin) showed herself not from the best side. Tatyana could not hide her hysterical-nervous mood, which was not befitting this situation. And Onegin organically could not stand the exciting, nervous moods.

"Tragi-nervous phenomena,
Girlish swoons, tears
Eugene could not stand for a long time ... "

Onegin was angry with both Lensky, who delivered him to the Larins, and Tatyana.

Lensky, seeing Onegin's inappropriate behavior and Olga's reciprocal attentions, challenged Onegin to a duel.

The note to Onegin was handed over by "Zaretsky, once a brawler, Ataman of the Cartege gang."


A duel is a denouement, an event not uncommon in fiction. The duel had no primordial roots on Russian soil. For Russians, the solution of controversial issues through a duel is not typical. This "procedure" was borrowed by the Russians in Western Europe. The word "duel" itself comes from the French word duel.

Why did the denouement come so quickly? Why could the controversial issue be resolved in only one way - a bloody duel? To understand this issue, you need to know some biographical facts from the life of the heroes of the novel.

The formation of the personalities of Onegin and Lensky took place under the influence of Western ideologies.

During Onegin's upbringing, which took place under the guidance of French teachers and tutors, the emphasis was not on the scientific and labor principle, but on the desire to make a secular person with appropriate habits out of the ward. The duel is an inevitable companion of secular strife. And Onegin in his soul was always ready for a duel.

In addition, Onegin is a nobleman, and at that time it was customary to clarify all misunderstandings among the nobles in a duel.

Lensky, in turn, who was educated abroad in Germany, like Onegin, was cut off from his native soil. He was influenced by the then fashionable romantic trend in Europe. The vague ideas of the representatives of the German romantic school were instilled in the students. The disciples lived under the influence of these ideas, that is, in a world of dreams and fantasies.

The ideals of eternal love, the victory of good over evil, the thrown glove, pistols - all this "romance" was in Lensky's blood. Far away was only the true reality, the true state of things.

Lensky, in a fit of anger, guided by the rules of honor, decides to kill Onegin. And he dies, as he himself believes, for the honor of Olga. He brings the idea of ​​being "her savior" to life. At the same time, he does not consider it necessary to speak frankly with Olga. Pride does not allow.

Pride is an essential evil. It blocks the true qualities of a person, introduces him into a circle of ridiculous delusions. Olga was not going to cheat on Lensky. Onegin had no views of Olga. And if Lensky humbled his pride, figured out all this, then there would be no duel. And Lensky would not have laid down his head ahead of time.

The terrible truth of life lies in the fact that the fate of Pushkin, our beloved poet who died so early, turned out to be similar to the fate of Lensky. Pushkin was also killed in a duel.

There are similarities between the duels Lensky - Onegin and Pushkin - Dantes. Both duels took place in winter (in the snow). A Onegin pistol of the same brand (the work of Lepage) that Pushkin used on his fateful day. Both duels took place a la barriere (to shoot at the barrier).

Was it possible to cancel the duel? Why did Onegin accept the challenge? After all, he knew perfectly well that either he himself or his friend would die. Although he was confident in his abilities. At the same time, he understood that the reason for the duel was insignificant. In fact, he could explain himself to Lensky. But to enter into negotiations with an eighteen-year-old boy - he is not like that! And what will the world say? And although he despises the neighbors of the landlords and puts him in no regard, he cannot disregard public opinion. To be considered a coward in someone's eyes is not for him. Since it so happened and the gauntlet is thrown to him, he is obliged to accept the challenge to a duel. Such was the code of dueling honor, which, in turn, was associated with the concept of "noble honor."

Were there any indirect ways for Onegin to prevent the duel? Were. And he took advantage of them. Firstly, Onegin was late for the duel. Failure to arrive on time could already lead to the cancellation of the fight. Secondly, he brought as his second - a lackey, a French servant Guillot. Having chosen a servant for the role of second, Onegin grossly violated the generally accepted, if not written, dueling code: a competition, as a matter of honor, could only take place between nobles. And the seconds, as witnesses to the duel, were no exception, they also had to belong to a high class. Onegin did not bring a person of noble birth, besides, the lackey was also a foreigner.

Zaretsky, Lensky's second, in this case, had to make a complaint and stop the fight. But the retired officer Zaretsky was too bloodthirsty. Despising the fact that he was not given the honor due to a nobleman, he simply "bit his lip." He didn't cancel the duel.

As a result, Lensky was killed. Onegin is "drenched in instant cold" driven by repentance. His friend will never get up again. Zaretsky is carrying home a terrible treasure. This is the result of the duel.


The novel "Eugene Onegin" Pushkin's contemporaries did not understand everything and not everyone accepted it. The only thing they were in solidarity with: the novel did not leave anyone indifferent. Centuries have passed. The eras have changed. But we still continue to argue, re-read the novel, worry about the characters. Pushkin's novel touched a nerve.

We feel sorry for the enthusiastic young man Lensky. Pushkin put a pistol into Onegin's hands in order to eliminate Lensky. Which, like Onegin, critics ranked among the "superfluous people" in society, not fighters, people who are not able to lead society to development.

The duel between and became a key moment in the fate of the main characters of the work. Once former friends, having passed the test of many life tests that Pushkin prepared for them, they failed the test of murder. The reason for this was the "Russian melancholy" of Onegin.

What caused such an outcome of events? Why did Lensky decide to challenge Onegin to a duel? It all happened on a birthday, when Onegin neglected Vladimir's bright feeling for Tatyana's sister Olga. For fun, he talked sweetly with the girl all evening, dancing and having fun with her. At one point, when Lensky wanted to invite his beloved to dance, Olga replied that she was dancing the next dance with Onegin. This caused unreasonable jealousy of Vladimir. He considered himself offended and humiliated. And in order to defend his honor, he decides to challenge Eugene to a duel.

Most likely, Zaretsky pushed him to this step. About Zaretsky, Pushkin said that he was a master of "friends to quarrel the young / And put them on the barrier."

Upon learning of the challenge to a duel, Onegin realizes that he was wrong, that he acted stupidly. This impulse of Lensky, Eugene writes off for his youth and inexperience. But despite this, he accepts the challenge. The question arises, why did Onegin, admitting his mistake, agree to a duel? The answer lies in Onegin's character. He, being a public person, was very dependent on public opinion, Onegin was afraid to seem like a coward. That is the only reason why he decides to participate in this stupidity.

In my opinion, the duel between Onegin and Lensky cannot be called anything other than stupidity. At that time there were many ways to avoid bloodshed. But here Zaretsky played his role. He was the bearer of public opinion, and society demanded blood. Pushkin shows us that Onegin grossly violated the rules of the duel. So, Eugene took Guillot, who was a simple servant, as his second. According to the rules of a duel, the second had to have the same social status as the duelist. But Zaretsky does not pay attention to this. In addition, Zaretsky was obliged to offer reconciliation to the duelists, but again ignored this rule.

Now it becomes clear who allowed this bloodshed. Unfortunately, Onegin, being dependent on the foundations of secular society, could not make a choice on his own. The outcome was predetermined. Pushkin shows us all the weakness and dependence of Yevgeny's nature. All his attempts to change his life, to become independent were in vain.

Onegin kills Lensky.

Pushkin showed us how Onegin became a hostage of public opinion. He condemns his hero, showing us his deceit. In the end, life punished Eugene. He will be remembered by the reader as an "extra person" with a stone heart and a hardened soul.


Boris Kustodiev Pushkin on the Neva embankment 1915

Today I want to recall one of the most famous literary duels. In rankings, social In the polls, I'm sure she should be number one in popularity. But first, let's remember the names of the duelists.


A. Samokhvalov Onegin at the ball

He is the protagonist of the novel - a young landowner. Onegin is the son of a wealthy gentleman, "the heir to all his relatives." He did not have to work because of a piece of bread, "hard work was sickening to him." The upbringing received by Eugene was the worst. He grew up without a mother. The father, a frivolous gentleman, an official, did not pay any attention to his son, entrusting him to hired tutors and governesses. They taught the boy almost nothing, did not educate him in any way and only slightly scolded him for pranks.
In Petersburg, Onegin leads an empty, aimless and empty life. Meeting with friends in a restaurant, visiting the theater, balls, wooing women.
Tired of being bored in Petersburg, Onegin goes to be bored in the countryside. And here his life is not distinguished by a wealth of events: swimming in the river, horseback riding and walking, reading magazines, kissing serf girls.


A. Samokhvalov Lensky before the duel

Onegin's "half-Russian neighbor", "an admirer of Kant and a poet" has no clear idea of ​​real life. Lensky is young. He is 18 years old in the novel. He is 8 years younger than Onegin. Nevertheless, Lensky graduated from the best university in Germany. Lensky is partly a young Onegin, not yet mature, not having time to experience pleasure and not knowing deceit, but already heard about light and read about it.
Lensky is a friend worthy of Onegin. He, like Onegin, is one of the best people in Russia at that time. A poet, an enthusiast, he is full of childish faith in people, romantic friendship to the grave and eternal love. Lensky is noble, educated, his feelings and thoughts are pure, his enthusiasm is sincere. He loves life.
And it is precisely such a positive character that the author “kills” in a duel.

The history of the duel itself seems to be banal and simple. Lensky is in love with Tatyana Larina's sister, Olga. Olga's romance with Lensky is developing rapidly. They walk, read, play chess. Lensky thinks about his beloved all the time.
Lensky invites Onegin to Tatyana's name day. Onegin agrees to go.
Onegin deliberately courts and dances only with Olga, she promised him all the dances. Lensky is jealous, leaves with the thought of a duel. Noticing Vladimir's absence, Onegin became sad, and so did Olga. Lensky chooses his second:
Zaretsky, once a brawler,
Ataman of the gambling gang,
The head of the rake, the tribune of the tavern...
Zaretsky brings Lensky's challenge to Onegin. Having received a duel challenge, knowing full well his wrong and the senselessness of this duel, Onegin nevertheless accepts the challenge and kills his young friend Vladimir Lensky.
The murder of Lensky turned Onegin's whole life upside down. He is no longer able to stay in those places where everything reminded him of his terrible crime, "Where the bloodied shadow appeared to him every day."

Well, now read the stanzas of the novel and look at the artists' illustrations for this chapter.


F. Konstantinov Onegin and Lensky

It was pleasant, noble,
Short call, il cartel:
Courteously, with cold clarity
He called his friend Lensky to a duel.
Onegin from the first movement,
To the ambassador of such a commission
Turning around, without further ado
Said he was always ready.
Zaretsky got up without explanation;
Didn't want to stay
Having a lot to do at home
And immediately went out; but Eugene
Alone with your soul
He was dissatisfied with himself.

And rightly so: in a strict analysis,
Calling himself to a secret court,
He blamed himself for many things:
First of all, he was wrong
What is above love, timid, tender
So the evening joked casually.
And secondly: let the poet
Fooling around; at eighteen
It is forgiving. Eugene,
Loving the young man with all my heart,
Was supposed to render myself
Not a ball of prejudice,
Not an ardent boy, a fighter,
But a husband with honor and intelligence.

He could find feelings
And not to bristle like a beast;
He had to disarm
Young heart. "But now
It's too late; time has flown...
Besides - he thinks - in this matter
The old duelist intervened;
He is angry, he is a gossip, he is a talker...
Of course, there must be contempt
At the cost of his funny words,
But the whisper, the laughter of fools ... "
And here is the public opinion! 38
Spring of honor, our idol!
And this is where the world revolves!

Seething with impatient enmity,
The poet is waiting for an answer at home;
And here's the eloquent neighbor
Brought solemnly the answer.
Now it's a holiday for the jealous!
He was afraid that the prankster
Didn't joke around,
Inventing a trick and chest
Turned away from the gun.
Doubts are now resolved.
They must go to the mill
Arrive tomorrow before dawn
Pull the trigger on each other
And aim at the thigh or at the temple.

All evening Lensky was distracted,
Now silent, then cheerful again;
But the one who is cherished by the muse,
Always like this: furrowing his brow,
He sat down at the clavichord
And took on them some chords,
That, looking at Olga,
Whisperer: Isn't it true? I'm happy.
But it's too late; time to go. shrunk
It has a heart full of longing;
Saying goodbye to a young maiden,
It seemed to be torn apart.
She looks into his face.
"What's wrong with you?" - So. - And on the porch.

Arriving home, pistols
He examined, then put
Again them in a box and, undressed,
By candlelight, Schiller opened;
But thought alone embraces him;
In it, a sad heart does not sleep:
With indescribable beauty
He sees Olga in front of him.
Vladimir closes the book
Takes a pen; his poetry,
Full of love nonsense
They sound and flow. Reads them
He is out loud, in lyrical heat,
Like Delvig drunk at a feast.

A. Kostin Lensky before the duel

So he wrote dark and sluggish
(What we call romanticism,
Although there is no romanticism here
I don't see; what's in it for us?)
And finally before dawn
Bowing your weary head
On the buzzword ideal
Quietly Lensky dozed off;
But only sleepy charm
He forgot, already a neighbor
The office enters the silent
And wakes up Lensky with an appeal:
“It’s time to get up: it’s already seven o’clock.
Onegin is surely waiting for us.”

But he was wrong: Eugene
Slept in a dead sleep at this time.
The shadows are already thinning at night
And met Vesper with a rooster;
Onegin sleeps deeply.
The sun is rolling high
And a migratory blizzard
Shines and curls; but the bed
Eugene has not left yet,
A dream still flies over him.
He finally woke up
And the veil parted the floors;
Looks - and sees that it's time
It's been a long time to leave the yard.

He calls quickly. Runs in
To him the servant of the Frenchman Guillo,
Bathrobe and shoes offers
And gives him clothes.
Onegin hurries to get dressed,
Servant tells to get ready
To go with him and with you
Also take a combat box.
Running sleds are ready.
He sat down, flies to the mill.
Rushed. He tells the servant
Lepage 39 fatal trunks
Carry after him, and the horses
Drive off into the field to two oak trees.

Lean on the dam, Lensky
I've been waiting impatiently for a long time;
Meanwhile, the village mechanic,
Zaretsky condemned millstones.
Onegin goes with an apology.
"But where," he said with astonishment
Zaretsky, where is your second?
In duels, a classic and a pedant,
He loved the method out of feeling,
And stretch the man
He allowed - not somehow,
But in the strict rules of art,
According to all the legends of antiquity
(What we should praise in it).

"My second? Eugene said,
Here he is: my friend, monsieur Guillot
I foresee no objection
For my presentation:
Although he is an unknown person,
But certainly an honest little one.”
Zaretsky bit his lip.
Onegin Lensky asked:
"Well, start?" - Let's start, perhaps.
Vladimir said. And let's go
For the mill. While away
Our Zaretsky and honest fellow
Entered into an important agreement
Enemies stand with downcast eyes.

A.Samokhvalov Seconds before the duel

Enemies! How long apart
Was their bloodlust taken away?
How long have they been hours of leisure,
Meal, thoughts and deeds
Shared together? Now it's wicked
Like hereditary enemies,
As in a terrible, incomprehensible dream,
They are each other in silence
Prepare for death in cold blood...
Do not laugh at them until
Their hand did not turn red,
Do not part amicably? ..
But wildly secular feud
Fear of false shame.

Now the pistols are flashing
A hammer rattles on a ramrod.
Bullets go into the faceted barrel,
And he pulled the trigger for the first time.
Here is gunpowder in a grayish stream
Falls on the shelf. jagged,
Securely screwed flint
Still raised. For the near stump
Guillo becomes embarrassed.
Cloaks are thrown by two enemies.
Zaretsky thirty-two steps
Measured with excellent accuracy,
Friends spread on the last trace,
And each took his gun.

F. Konstantinov Duel of Onegin and Lensky

"Now come down."
in cold blood
Not a target yet, two enemies
Gait firm, quiet, even
Four steps passed
Four death steps.
Your gun then Eugene,
Never stop advancing
Became the first to quietly raise.
Here are five more steps
And Lensky, screwing up his left eye,
He also began to aim - but just
Onegin fired... They struck
Fixed hours: poet
Silently drops the gun

Ilya Repin Duel of Onegin with Lensky 1899

He puts his hand gently on his chest
And falls. misty eye
Depicts death, not flour.
So slowly down the mountain slope
Shining sparks in the sun,
A block of snow falls.
Immersed in instant cold
Onegin hurries to the young man,
He looks, calls him ... in vain:
He no longer exists. Young singer
Found an untimely end!
The storm has died, the color is beautiful
Withered at the dawn,
Extinguished the fire on the altar!..

He lay motionless, and strange
There was a languid world of his chela.
He was wounded through the chest;
Smoking, blood flowed from the wound.
A moment ago
In this heart beat inspiration,
Enmity, hope and love,
Life played, blood boiled:
Now, as in an empty house,
Everything in it is both quiet and dark;
It is silent forever.
Shutters closed, windows chalked
Whitewashed. There is no hostess.
Where, God knows. Lost a trace.

Pleasantly cheeky epigram
Enrage a blundered enemy;
It's nice to see how he is, stubbornly
Bowing his boisterous horns,
Involuntarily looking in the mirror
And he is ashamed to recognize himself;
It's nicer if he, friends,
Howl foolishly: it's me!
Even more pleasant in silence
Him to prepare an honest coffin
And quietly aim at the pale forehead
At a noble distance;
But send him to his fathers
You will hardly be pleased.

Well, if your pistol
A young friend is smitten,
With an immodest look, or an answer,
Or another trifle
Who offended you over a bottle,
Or even himself in an ardent annoyance
Proudly challenging you to battle,
Say: with your soul
What feeling will take over
When immovable, on the ground
Before you with death on your forehead,
He gradually stiffens
When he is deaf and silent
To your desperate call?

E. Samokish-Sudkovskaya Death of Lensky 1900s

In anguish of heart remorse,
hand holding a pistol,
Yevgeny looks at Lensky.
"Well? killed, ”the neighbor decided.
Killed!.. With a terrible exclamation
Struck, Onegin with a shudder
He leaves and calls people.
Zaretsky carefully puts
On the sleigh the corpse is icy;
He brings home a terrible treasure.
Sensing the dead, they snore
And the horses are fighting with white foam
Steel wet the bit,
And they flew like an arrow.

The text of the novel in verse by A.S. Pushkin "Eugene Onegin" was used
materials of the site "Eugene Onegin"