Children's drawings for February 23 to school. Master class on how to make a shirt with a jacket

How to draw carnations step by step for children

Flowers to the Defender of the Fatherland. We draw carnations step by step.

Job title:"Flowers to the Defender of the Fatherland"
Ryashentseva Liliya Vasilievna, teacher of group 3 TOGBOU
« Zavoronezhsky Orphanage", Tambov region, Michurinsky district.
The master class is intended for educators, teachers, pupils of primary, secondary and senior school age.
Target: acquaintance with mixed media drawing
Appointment of the master class: creating a picture to decorate the hall for an event, dedicated to the holiday February 23rd or as a DIY gift.
1. Introduce multi-layer painting, study the technique of painting without a preliminary pencil sketch.
2.Develop a sense of harmony and balance.
3. Foster a desire for creative exploration.


Stage 1. For work we will need:
2.a set of brushes (or a thin brush and a medium size)
3.sheet of paper
Stage 2. Making the background of the picture. Apply blue gouache with bold strokes. You can add a little white tint using white.

Stage 3. On the right side of the sheet, draw several random lines with green gouache, forming stems of carnations. There is no need to be afraid that they will not turn out quite even. After all, this is not a math lesson. And in nature we don’t find perfectly straight flower stems! Subsequently, we will correct everything, but for now let it be as shown in the photo. And then we apply small arcs on the stems - petals.

Stage 4. Draw a small oval at the tip of the stem. We add side semi-ovals to it and add two petals at the bottom.

Stage 5. Paint it with green paint and add the “crown”. Don't worry if there are some buds left unpainted. This is necessary in order to give them volume. Later, I will explain how to do this. Stages 4 and 5 will be the same for all colors.

Stage 6. Now let's start drawing flowers. Moreover, I will show different ways drawing carnations. Method 1. Apply scarlet paint with thick, pasty strokes. The result was an unopened carnation bud. You can make it small. And you can fix it later if you want to make it larger. The first flower is ready.

Stage 7. Draw the second carnation. Method 2. We connect several straight lines together in a zigzag manner. Paint over with scarlet paint. You can apply a little white to the tips of the petals.

Stage 8. Draw the second row of the flower in the same way. In the photo I showed how to add shades. You can use scarlet or ruby ​​paint.

Stage 9. Let's draw another carnation. Method 3. We apply several ovals and give them “fluffiness”, as shown in the photo. Second row - draw on the petals and paint thickly. We use scarlet and ruby ​​paints. You can add some other elements yourself.

Stage 10. We draw the next (small bud) carnation in the same way as the first. Let's make this flower Pink colour. Apply whitewash thickly and lightly touch it with a brush with scarlet paint.

Stage 11. The next carnation is a repeat of the second. Only she will also be pink. I also drew two buds on top of the picture. But this is in my opinion.

Stage 12. We draw the next carnation the same way.

Stage 13. Draw a bud with one more 4 way as shown in the photo. Apply strokes with white paint. Between them we add scarlet paint. Then we apply white again.

Stage 14. I felt like I didn't have enough flowers, so I decided to add a few stems. I painted it in 1 way.

Stage 15. But now we will remove all the imperfections on our flowers and give them volume. I did this using a contour. If you don't have it, you can just use dark green paint (or add a drop brown paint in green gouache). Brush with more dark paint(or with an outline) paint over all the irregularities and all unpainted areas on the stems, petals, and flower buds. Look, I painted the second flower stem from the top with darker paint, and the rest with an outline. I didn't notice much difference.

In every family there is someone who serves in the army, has long given tribute to the country, or is just about to join the ranks of defenders. It is these family members, friends and colleagues that we congratulate every year from time immemorial. men's holiday- Defender of the Fatherland Day. We give pleasant gifts to our dear grandfathers, men, boys and boys, dedicate poems in postcards, send beautiful congratulatory pictures with cool wishes and loud slogans about valor and courage. And, of course, this year will be no exception. Original pictures for February 23, 2018 will continue to be popular among children in kindergarten and school (for creating coloring books and school wall newspapers), among adults (for free downloading via SMS, social networks and desktop).

Children prepare with the greatest zeal for Defender of the Fatherland Day. Under sensitive leadership they make teachers bright cards and draw funny drawings, to thank dads and grandfathers for their support, protection and guardianship. We provide our selection of simple pictures for February 23, so that children in kindergarten can use Additional materials in his works. Beautiful thematic images can be printed and cut out for postcards, they can be easily transferred through carbon paper to create an entertaining coloring book, they can easily be used to decorate a group and cover a board to further familiarize the children with the history of the celebration. Funny and simple pictures on February 23rd for children in kindergarten you can always download on our website for free at any convenient time.

A selection of simple pictures for children in kindergarten for the holiday of February 23

Beautiful pictures for school on February 23 (Defender of the Fatherland Day)

Unlike kindergarteners, older children at school will benefit from more meaningful, but no less beautiful pictures on February 23 - Defender of the Fatherland Day. Children aged 7-13 are already familiar with the subtext of the holiday, but their knowledge is not too strong and deep. Using high-quality illustrations, the teacher can explain to schoolchildren interesting historical facts, which led to the celebration. But first you will have to free up some time to download for free on our website and print beautiful pictures for February 23 (Defender of the Fatherland Day) for school.

A collection of beautiful pictures for Defender of the Fatherland Day for children at school

Funny pictures for the wall newspaper on February 23, 2018

Just like decades ago, today, in schools all over the country, children prepare bright congratulatory posters with congratulations and funny pictures for the holiday of February 23. On thematic wall newspapers, the guys draw colorful headlines, write loud congratulatory words, paste up photographs of their heroic relatives, drawings military equipment and brave soldiers. And in order for the poster to radiate the spirit of heroism and fully correspond to the theme of the celebration, it is supplemented with printed and carefully cut out images. Funny pictures for the wall newspaper for February 23 can be downloaded from popular Internet sites or selected in our next section.

A selection of suitable pictures for the school wall newspaper for February 23

Cool coloring pictures for schoolchildren on February 23

For schoolchildren who want to congratulate their fathers and grandfathers with handmade gifts, we have selected a whole collection of cool coloring pictures for February 23rd. Such images can be colored on a computer in special program or live with paints and pencils, and then sign and give to the hero of the occasion. Cool coloring pictures for schoolchildren on February 23 are very diverse, so any little artist choose the most suitable image for yourself. And mom will always help you download and print the finished version!

Gallery of children's coloring pictures for schoolchildren for Defender of the Fatherland Day

Original pictures for February 23rd for dad

February 23, as official holiday— Red Army Day, celebrated since 1922. A little later in the USSR, the date was solemnly renamed into a single Day Soviet army and the Navy. And only after the collapse of the Union the holiday received its last and now current name- Defender of the Fatherland Day. Every year on February 23, everyone congratulates dads, grandfathers, brothers, male colleagues, friends and neighbors with postcards and original pictures, wishes all military personnel, those liable for military service and defenders “in reserve” all the best and future achievements, organizes a small event at home and has fun with their men. Don’t forget to download the original pictures for February 23rd for your dad, brother, and grandfather in advance in order to thank your dear defenders in time for the peace in the house and peace in the country.

A selection of original pictures for dads on February 23rd

Festive pictures for men and grandfathers with congratulations on February 23

On the solemn Defender of the Fatherland Day, we can wish all men and boys bulletproof health, armor-piercing success, homing luck, beautiful girlfriends and loyal friends, a considerable monetary trophy and valiant victories in all daily endeavors. But are wishes alone enough? We offer to support them with festive pictures for men and grandfathers with congratulations on February 23. Such signs of attention are completely free and available for download at any time, but at the same time they are very pleasant for both young guys and elderly grandfathers. Unlike paper cards, bright holiday cards greeting cards for men and grandfathers there is no need to go to a store or market, they can be downloaded on our website right on the eve of February 23.

A collection of greeting pictures for men and grandfathers on Defender of the Fatherland Day

Funny congratulatory pictures on February 23 (Defender of the Fatherland Day) for men

As you know, Defender of the Fatherland Day is a serious male celebration, which means congratulations should be fully consistent with the brave and warlike spirit of the holiday. But there is an exception to every rule. Funny greeting pictures for February 23 (Defender of the Fatherland Day) are no less popular among men than brutal and official cards with loud slogans. They're in mild form make fun of typical features military personnel, which lifts their spirits. Download several interesting pictures with jokes for your man and send him to his mobile phone on the holiday morning of February 23rd.

A variant of funny pictures with congratulations on February 23 to men and grandfathers

Beautiful pictures for February 23rd for your desktop

Antique pictures collected in last section, just recently we congratulated our grandfathers and fathers on February 23, and today they are already used as screensavers for the PC desktop. Using these characteristic images, which accurately reflect the culture of Soviet-era countries, it is easy to create the right atmosphere for Defender of the Fatherland Day. Also, beautiful pictures for February 23rd for your desktop are good as a screensaver for a mobile phone or tablet, in the format of a postcard for friends or relatives, or in printed form for various thematic events.

A selection of pictures on the theme "Defender of the Fatherland Day" for free download to your screensaver or desktop

Beautiful pictures for February 23, 2018 - universal and practical. Using thematic images with wishes, you can congratulate fathers and grandfathers on Defender of the Fatherland Day, create a school wall newspaper or funny coloring books for children in kindergarten. Cool pictures can be downloaded for free to your mobile phone and sent to all the men you know. Or you can simply print it on a color printer and decorate your home for the occasion.

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Initially, February 23 was still considered a holiday for those men who are associated with the military sphere. Now, this is a holiday for all males, so everyone needs to be congratulated: grandfathers, fathers, brothers. And, most importantly, put a piece of your soul into this congratulation, so I want to come up with something original and solemn.

Of course, more often such cards are made by children; mothers only supervise the progress of the work. But you can turn it into a masterpiece if you use different techniques and call on the entire reserve of your accuracy. By the way, there is one for this holiday.

I want to inspire you different ideas, so that you put aside your business and get creative.

In our kindergarten, children are not yet given homework; they try to make themed greetings themselves, but sometimes the child himself asks on the weekend to make an applique or a postcard. Then you also have to look for ideas that are not difficult to repeat, but also show the child how aesthetically pleasing the result looks.

Of course, most often children remember that they need to make a postcard when they go to bed, and it needs to be submitted tomorrow. So let's look at a few easy ideas that will take no more than half an hour of your time together to implement.

For example, create a greeting with a three-dimensional Russian flag. I know that at this age kids still cannot cut straight along the lines, so you will have to prepare the blanks in advance.

Use scissors with jagged edges.

The cardboard is folded in half and a backing is glued to the front side.

A black strip is glued diagonally, which will serve as the basis for the flag.

Three stripes of the same size (about 4 cm) in the colors of the Russian flag are cut separately: white, blue, red.

These strips are glued only at the ends, creating a small arch.

If it is difficult for a child to explain how to make such a flag, then use a simplified version.

Take red paper and toothpicks.

Cut a small strip of paper measuring 3*1 cm and fold it in half.

Make two cuts near the edge that did not become folded and glue this flag to the toothpick.

It's very easy to replicate the following idea.

You will need two strips of cardboard of the same width, but different lengths. A number is cut out from one edge. Next, glue both halves at the beginning.

I also liked one idea. The execution results in a very mature and strict design. But it is also done quickly.

We roll up the cardboard - the base.

We take smaller paper and cut out a star and a slot in the middle for the inscription.

Before gluing the two sides, write text in the place where the slot is.

You can mark this place with a pencil.

How to make voluminous cards for school with your own hands

Volumetric congratulations always look more original than the usual flat ones. But it also takes more time to create them. They have more details, so these options are more suitable for schoolchildren.

For example, the idea with a boat and an anchor looks very nice.

To do this, you can print a template, cut out the ship, waves and anchor according to the internal diagrams.

Transfer the drawing to colored paper and carefully repeat the inner lines of the drawing with a stationery knife.

Then you need to bend the cardboard in color and place it with the fold up.

Glue paper with a cut out ship onto the front side of the cardboard. You can use contrasting cardboard.

Paste a white sheet of paper inside on which you can write a congratulation.

Interesting options with three-dimensional images balloons and ships.

For example, on this postcard a boat is made using the origami technique. And on the basis of it the entire composition is created.

Here detailed diagram, in what order the sheet should be folded.

Or like this interesting option with a 3D ship.

I would also like to show you a sweet version of a three-dimensional congratulation.

I think that our defenders will definitely appreciate this!

Beautiful congratulations from paper for dad on February 23

I would also like to congratulate dad in a very unusual way. For example, giving a card that requires very painstaking work.

To create it, you need to take a sheet of cardboard and bend it in half.

Then draw 3 squares, measuring 2.5 * 2.5 cm. Inside which you can draw thematic objects: anchor, steering wheel, balloon, plane, ship, watch or star. You can draw it yourself, but I’ll give you a template.

Then carefully cut along the contour with a sharp blade or stationery knife.

Paste a congratulation printed on a white sheet of paper inside.

You can make a card in the form of a shirt and tie.

They are different, for example, those with a drawn tie.

Or with a jacket.

You will see a template for such a postcard just below in the corresponding section.

Let's create such an orange, bright postcard ourselves.

For this we need double-sided cardboard and one sheet of colored paper.

Fold the sheet in half. On the front side, at the fold, we make a cut at a distance of 3 cm from the edge.

On the back side of the sheet we completely cut off a line 3 cm wide. This way the collar of the shirt will protrude above the postcard.

Now we also retreat 3 cm from the sides and make horizontal cuts 3 cm long. We bend their ends inward.

It's time for the tie.

We need a square of double-sided colored paper, measuring 15*15 cm.
We fold it diagonally.

Then we turn the ends to the resulting fold.

Turn the tip up.

Now we turn the end inward, as in the photo.

We bend the edges towards ourselves and push them inside with our finger.

Now we reduce the width of the free edge of the tie by tucking the sides.

We glue the resulting part onto the postcard.

They look very nice contrasting colors: black and white.

Also, to achieve greater similarity, use a sheet of velvet paper as a basis.

DIY greeting cards using scrapbooking technique

Congratulations created using the scrapbooking technique are very rich and unusual.

When many different parts with different textures are used. Anything will do here: wallpaper, twine, buttons, wood. Of course, it's better to choose color scheme, which combines well with different colors.

You can even sew on some decoration elements using a sewing machine.

I also like the option of wooden cards. But due to the fact that not everyone knows how to cut from it and does not have a special milling machine, let’s take this design as a basis. And we will replace the wood with thick cardboard, which is sold in stores for handicrafts and creativity.

Or such a cool idea.

Because this card looks very noble and expensive.

Schemes and templates for postcards for February 23

I have prepared several templates with congratulatory inscriptions. Which you can print and use in your creativity.

Template for creating a star for this greeting.

Take a sheet of paper and stick two strips on it for the St. George ribbon.

Then cut out the star according to the template.

You tuck its edges using your finger and a ruler. Then, using the same ruler, we bend each ray of the star in half.

You need to start along a line from top to bottom. As in the photo. This will make 5 lines from each end.

Now we make these lines more visible with our fingers and begin to glue the star to the blank with St. George ribbons.

All that remains is to cut out one star and find it on big picture Right place.

Now I want to show the inscription options.

This template can be printed on colored paper.

Another idea for congratulations.

Set of fonts.

Also a diagram for cutting out an airplane.

Template for unusual cards. Figures in squares need to be cut out.

Scheme of a small postcard.

Template for a postcard - a jacket.

Take note of ready-made solutions.

Original applications for Defender of the Fatherland Day

Nowadays, applications with congratulations using the origami technique are very popular.

Here is a diagram for creating a greeting in the form of a shirt.

Here is another very cute idea for an applique in the shape of hands.

We will need two sheets of cardboard.

Trace your left arm and cut it out.

And we fold it in half, then in half again, to make a small accordion. We tuck the ends because we will glue them to our palms.

Now you need to decorate the front side of the applique.

Glue the edge of the accordion to one palm, the other edge to the other palm.

The applique is not at all complicated, but it will be very interesting for children to make.

There are a lot of options for original postcards for men, the main thing is to choose the one that best suits the character of your men.

For example, our dad perceives this holiday purely in the colors of camouflage and vest, so we choose the color background of the cards accordingly.

If you do not want to focus on the military past of the holiday, then you can create such interesting options with stylized features of a man: a hat, monocle, mustache or cane.

I would like to know your opinion on the entire selection of ideas. Bookmark the article to repeat your favorite illustration with children.


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In anticipation Defender of the Fatherland Day the relevance of the issue increases significantly. The most valuable gift for men will be something made from pure heart, with your own hands. In this article we will tell you How to make your own postcard for February 23rd.

The main thing in the article

Postcards for February 23rd for kindergarten made of paper: photo ideas and instructions for implementation

In kindergarten, children are just beginning to develop creative skills. Homemade holiday cards for dads, grandfathers or brothers can be for kids. Depending on the age of the children, you can offer the following gift cards that the children can make themselves.

For the little ones
The little ones can give their dads a painted card. These could be brush strokes different colors or finger painting. Postcards with a baby's palm are popular. The main thing is that the teacher or mother signs children's creativity, and the baby will be happy to present a hand-made gift to dad.
For middle group
Children from the middle group not only draw, but can also handle glue, so they can be offered to make an applique as a gift for February 23rd. If the kids have already learned how to use scissors, then let them cut out the details for the future card themselves. If they do not yet have such skills, then prepare the necessary preparations for the composition in advance. The applique can be folded into the shape of a rocket, ship, tank or car.

For senior group
Children from the older group can prepare different postcards for February 23rd. The following options will look great:

  • Drawn postcard.

  • Application.

  • Creativity using semolina, which is glued on and painted in different shades.

  • One of the new directions is compositions from napkins.

Any of the options will look great and will discreetly please the defender of the fatherland, who will receive such a homemade postcard as a gift.

Postcards for Defender of the Fatherland Day to school: photo instructions

We offer schoolchildren primary classes make postcards in the form of medals. They can be simple or complex using many elements.

Simple gift medal
We prepare the following tools and necessary materials:

  • medal template;
  • decorative parts;
  • colored pencils or paints;
  • scissors;
  • lanyard or ribbon for medal.

Medal for February 23rd using origami technique
To make such a gift you need:

  • colored cardboard;
  • green colored paper in two shades;
  • scissors;
  • glue (preferably in a pencil);
  • lace or ribbon.

How to make a postcard for dad with your own hands: templates and photos

You can make a postcard for your beloved dad with. The idea is original and not difficult to implement, so even a child can cope with making such a gift.

To work you need to have:

  • colored cardboard;
  • paper (blue, red, white);
  • scissors;
  • ruler;
  • glue, for children it is better to take it in a pencil.

Now you need to make the following preparations:

How to make a three-dimensional postcard for February 23?

There is nothing complicated about gluing a three-dimensional postcard. Let us describe its step-by-step production. The main element of the postcard will be the boat. For a three-dimensional boat, you should prepare colored cardboard blue color. This will be the base. Next, fold a sheet of white paper in half and make a boat using the template.

Line designation:
________ - lines for cutting;
_ _ _ _ _ _ - lines for folding.
For decoration you can use the following templates.

Now all that remains is to decorate the resulting card by gluing the prepared decor.

A gift card can have any three-dimensional element. So, for example, you can make an interesting option with an airplane.

Applique postcards for February 23: manufacturing instructions

For an appliqué postcard you need to prepare the following:

  • colored cardboard, which will be the basis of the postcard;
  • colored paper;
  • glue;
  • scissors.

Now to the work process:

You can also make another applique with a boat.

Postcard-shirt for February 23: how to make it yourself?

There are many options for folding a card-shirt. Its production is not limited to color. The photo below shows two ways to fold such an unusual card as a paper shirt.

Funny cards for February 23: photo ideas

Postcards with congratulations for Defender of the Fatherland Day

Children's cards for February 23

A child can give his dad or grandfather a hand-made congratulations card. Great for children's performance postcard with a tank. To make it you will need:

  • cardboard base;
  • colored paper;
  • scissors;
  • glue stick.

Initially, you need to print stencils for the tank.

Transfer the details (elements) onto colored paper according to the template. Let the child cut them out. The parts of the tank need to be glued onto pre-prepared cardboard. The postcard is ready! You can also use felt or any other suitable material.

How to make a video card for February 23?

Today, even a schoolchild can make a video card for February 23rd. All you need is a phone with a camera.

A video postcard can be:

  • in the form of changing pictures or photographs accompanied by a song;
  • just a recorded video with congratulations.

After such a postcard is completed, it can be recorded on a flash drive, which can be presented to the defender of the fatherland, or it is quite possible to send such a congratulation through social networks.

Making beautiful cards for men for Defender of the Fatherland Day: video