An absolute music lover. Music lover: who is he, his signs and psychological portrait

Often found in periodicals (newspapers/magazines) or on the Internet on social network pages dedicated to music reviews beautiful word"music lover". In order to correctly understand its meaning, it is necessary to know the origin of this word. The term “music lover” itself has been borrowed by everyone modern languages world from the ancient Greek dialect, where “melos” means “singing”, and “mania” is translated as “madness expressed as passion”.

For the first time, the concept of “music lover”, used today, appeared at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries in the countries of the Old World - in Europe. At this time, its synonym meant "musical hobby" or "music fan". Many music fans have extensive collections consisting of discs/cassettes/records of their favorite artists, trends, and styles. It turns out that a music lover is a passionate, almost insane, music lover.

Many people believe that music addiction is dangerous disease. But actually it is not.

Listening to music, a person relaxes. As a result, his mood may change dramatically. This reaction of the individual contributes to the renewal of his psychological resource.

At the moment of listening musical composition the mood vector is recharged internal energy if it is negatively charged. It is this property of music – relaxation – that is used by professional psychologists.

Music accompanies modern man throughout life, being its irreplaceable part. You can often meet a person wearing headphones, the wire of which is connected to an iPod/iPhone, in transport or just walking down the street.

Music connoisseur

For the most part, people find for themselves one or more specific musical trends (styles) that provide comfort and psychological well-being. But there is a separate category of individuals who are able to listen and perceive “mix” in music, that is, “process” any of its compositional directions.

So who is a music lover/music lover? This is the true connoisseur of music, which can be found everywhere in the world, in any country, developing or already prosperous, among rich / poor people, workers or scientific workers. This kind of people can have any social status and different material wealth. They are united by the fact that they cannot imagine their life without music.

For example, music lovers who give preference to the classical direction in music are regulars at the conservatory and at opera/ballet performances.

And a fan of rock (metal/rock and roll) often “hangs out” on television and radio broadcasts of his favorite performers. And when they give a concert “live”, he strives to attend it.

The choice of genre most often depends on the characterological and temperamental characteristics of the individual. Also, the choice of genre of music is influenced by his environment and hobbies.

A true music connoisseur always belongs to the “demanding perfectionist” type.

Signs that distinguish a music connoisseur

In order to make sure that a person is a music connoisseur, it is enough to talk to him.

  1. A true music lover gives priority to the quality of playback and performance skill, rather than style and direction. He compiles for himself a TOP list of compositions that will forever occupy a place in his preferences.

Correctly understanding and knowing your taste preferences in musical perception, it will not be difficult for him to form this TOP list of his favorite compositions, given that music has no borders and nationality. And thanks to the Internet, numerous performing arts from all countries and over all time periods have become accessible at any time.

Psychological portrait of a music expert

Music lovers usually easily agree with by different people. They are “open” to communication, responsive, ready to help and support anyone, even a complete stranger. It is music that serves as the “key” to establishing new contacts, often later developing into friendships.

The special character traits of a music connoisseur include detachment that arises as a result of his excessive enthusiasm.

There is no negative in being overly involved in music. Except for cases when this hobby develops into mania or passive dependence, causing discomfort in coexistence with other people and harming other areas of the life of an individual music connoisseur.

Is musical passion a disease?

Passion for constant listening to music is not considered by psychologists/psychotherapists as a negative addiction/mental disorder, but is considered one of known species“auditory passivity” of the individual.

“Auditory passivity” can manifest itself both in regular listening to a favorite musical composition, and in a great desire to update and expand one’s already extensive collection. Moreover, on the Internet you can “download” any of the desired works.

Negative aspects of music addiction

Music addiction, like any addiction, is distinguished by some possible manifestations of unpleasant (negative) aspects.

Small conclusion

There is no need to fight and be treated for music addiction, because it is not a disease.

For the music lover there are a few small simple recommendations.

  1. Dosed listening to music throughout the day at high volume, especially low frequency.
  2. Do not spend a lot of time at the computer so as not to worsen your vision. Especially if there is a combination of “music addiction - Internet addiction.”

If there is a suspicion that muzmania has turned into mental dependence, you should immediately seek help and advice from a specialist: a psychologist or psychotherapist.

Often in resumes, application forms, in social networks or simply when meeting a person, the answer to the question about hobbies is a short word"music lover". IN general outline Almost everyone knows what this means - a person loves to listen to music. Indeed, it has become customary to characterize with this capacious word own hobby any music, so as not to list your favorite bands. But to tell the truth, this definition is not entirely correct.

Who is a music lover?

This term appeared in Europe back in the 19th century. Who is a music lover according to people of that time? This is a person who is very interested in music. This is what they called those people who were very passionate musical styles and works, but had shallow, superficial knowledge of the subject. But this knowledge was versatile and easily applicable in conversation. Moreover, such a person might not have a professional music education and just be an amateur enthusiast.

Who is a music lover in modern understanding this word?

Such people listen to music in general. Music for music lovers is like water for a fish, it is its environment, its air, its life. In addition, such a person does not just listen to music large quantities, he also strives for knowledge. These people often have a huge amount of information about modern and ancient genres of music, its styles and directions. You can always get an answer to a question about a specific performer or group, and also listen to a short lecture about the biography, important life milestones the author of the song or just a couple of fun facts. Such people can easily carry on a conversation about music with almost anyone, because their audio interests are very diverse. So, who is a music lover? This is a man who understands both hip-hop and baroque lute equally well. music XVI century. At the same time, a music lover himself may give preference to a particular style, but due to his own curiosity, desire for variety and simply liveliness of mind, he will listen to all kinds of music in addition to his favorite bands. Therefore, if you have a friend who is a fan of hard rock, but at the same time can list by name all the performers of chanson, trip-hop, as well as disc jockeys popular this season, you are lucky - you are communicating with a music lover.


And finally, who is a music lover and what is the difference between him and a phonophone? Don't expect to find something in your music lover's home. huge collection music. He may well love her, as they say, from a distance. But people who devote their lives to collecting musical media with works are called “phonofans”. They may not understand at all the intricacies of musical genres and authors, as well as notes and chords. Their goal is to collect a collection of audio recordings on topics that interest them. So these concepts should be separated. But if you are lucky enough to meet a person who combines these two hobbies, know that you are faced with a real storehouse of erudition, truly worthy of respect.

A recent study by neuroscientists from Canada's McGill University showed that listening to your favorite tracks triggers the release of dopamine. The volume of release of this “hormone of happiness” is comparable to the effects of drugs or orgasm.

2. Music lovers are faster

Researchers at the University of London have discovered a relationship between running success and the tempo of the music chosen as the soundtrack to a run. It turned out that upbeat compositions help athletes run a distance of 800 meters much faster.

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3. Music lovers - Zen masters

Music, according to authoritative psychotherapists, reduces the level of cortisol in the blood and makes it easier to cope with stressful situations. And people who practice playing percussion instruments and singing are practically invulnerable to sadness and can boast of iron immunity.

4. Music lovers sleep like a hero

45 minutes of quiet or classical music help you to seamlessly transport yourself to dreamland. This was proven by a medical experiment involving 94 students.

5. Music lovers find it easier to stay in shape.

Research conducted Institute of Technology Georgia, has proven that dim lighting and the sound of music contribute to less calorie consumption during meals and greater pleasure from it.

6. Music lovers are the best drivers

Dutch scientists are convinced that listening to music has a positive effect on a person’s mood while driving and, therefore, makes the trip safer overall.

7. Music lovers remember everything

Music promotes more effective absorption and reproduction of information. Participants in the experiment were asked to remember Japanese characters and at the same time listen to either your favorite compositions or melodies that are neutral to them. The results were unexpected: professional musicians they remembered data better under neutral music, and reproduced what they had learned better under tracks that gave them pleasure, while in the case of ordinary music lovers everything was exactly the opposite.

8. Music lovers are able to cope with pain on their own

Work from Drexel University in the US demonstrates that music therapy– an excellent tool in the fight against pain symptoms both for people undergoing remission after cancer and for patients in intensive care units. It is important that it is music that the patient loves.

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9. Music lovers can talk anyone out

Just a month of music lessons significantly increases the level of verbal intelligence. This is evidenced by a study from the University of York: 90% of children aged 4 to 6 years performed better due to the “carry-over effect”, where the skills learned during musical practice continue to work in the area of ​​memorizing words and the ability to explain their meaning.

10. Music lovers are intellectuals

Those who listen to music and play instruments have higher IQs and academic success than, for example, those who attend a drama club. And those who sing best cope with their studies.

11. Music lovers are bursting with new ideas.

Music played at a moderate volume during work increases the complexity of information processing just enough to enable abstract thinking and creativity.

12. Music lovers never age

Lead Researcher medical center in Kansas conducted cognitive testing, which showed that professional and amateur musicians remain sober and have good memory longer than people without such experience. Music affects several areas of the brain at once, which allows it to build more diverse connections and, as a result, stay healthy longer.

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Today a person who has a superficial knowledge of music of all times and peoples, of all schools and trends, calls himself a music lover. In the past, the interpretation of this term was different: a music lover moved purely among adherents of classical music, knowing more than anything about it. Let's try to consider both interpretations: Both cases are united by the fact that the addiction to music is usually so strong that from time to time it looks like a disease.

Types of modern music addiction

Modern music lovers are not all the same. An ardent follower, a fanatic, who does not remove the headphones from his ears, with a constant itch to find, learn, listen and download something new, most often “sticks” to one or several, quite close in essence, Who is a music lover - is he really crazy? In some aspect - yes. An insane desire to renew and constantly accumulate music recordings, close to insanity, almost round-the-clock vigil on the Internet so as not to miss something important is, of course, a painful manifestation of music addiction. Representatives having this characteristic, are also called philophans, although collecting music on various media is a bright distinguishing feature music lover of almost any kind.

Music didn't connect us

But it often happens that two music lovers cannot get along. Music for music lovers is different, since everyone is a separate person. Fans of the "industrial metal" style are always offended by adherents of Oginsky's "Polonaise" or creativity for an absolute lack of understanding of such a choice. "I can listen to all these moonlight sonatas, although it’s a bit boring, why don’t they want to join my music?” the industrial music lover is indignant. One can understand them. Music is also a drug: along with the unconditional positive influence influence on the human psyche, there are many negative facts of infection with music addiction. Listening to your favorite composition affects hormonal levels, stress recedes as the overall level of mood and will to live rises. Even the blood vessels dilate, blood circulation accelerates, memory becomes more stable, and intelligence develops. However, not all music and not for every music lover has such an effect. To industrial - industrial, and to God - God's, so to speak. Listening to unloved music will have the opposite effect. And this does not mean that only an omnivorous listener can be considered a music lover.

Mutual language

Music lovers communicate quite simply and willingly with other people. Tastes, of course, are different for everyone, and this applies not only to preferences regarding “butt and pork cartilage", but also music in the first place. Even in its purely modern manifestations, lovers of beauty sometimes adhere to polar points of view on the very definition of “musical”. There are different types of music lovers: some like heavy metal, there are fanatics of club rhythms, and some buy a bunch of subscriptions to the Philharmonic. And to the question: “Who are you?” - “A music lover!” - each of them will proudly answer. In general, they can be found, since all this is music, and every connoisseur of it cannot imagine life outside of his mania. Therefore, communication is most often possible at the level of inspired information (with a certain amount of culture and politeness introduced to the interlocutor by upbringing, so as not to ask again: “Who is Dark?”).

A music lover in the old meaning of the word - a lover of music in all its manifestations - is almost never found anymore. But the commonality of the subculture, if there is one, brings us together and unites us “in an adult way.”

Language from . “Melos” “”, but “man” is already Slavic. If you put both roots together, it turns out that a music lover is someone who is attracted to music. This concept came into the Russian language relatively recently, the first records, and, accordingly, the opportunity to collect them. At first, music lovers were precisely those passionate collectors of gramophone and vinyl records, tapes and cassettes.

Is every music lover a music lover?

People who practically never remove headphones from their ears are quite common. However, not all of them can be considered music lovers. For some, music serves simply as a background, a certain level of noise for them. Without this, they feel out of place. Most often, such background lovers will not distinguish one group from another; they absolutely do not care what is recorded on their player. They are indifferent to this, which is why they are not music lovers.

Is a music lover an omnivore?

Music lovers, like other people who are very passionate about something, are not omnivores at all. Among them there are generalists who are equally well versed in classics and “heavy metal” styles. But most often, a music lover prefers one or more genres - for example, classics and folk, classics and rock from the middle of the last century, folk and metal. There are also fans of one style who know absolutely everything about it, but have only a general idea about other directions.

Is it good to be a music lover?

Any strong hobby has its negative sides. A universal music lover easily gets along with people and is a welcome guest in any company, since he is well versed in musical styles. Collections of true music lovers help manufacturers create series of discs - for example, back in Soviet time For a large series of records by V. Vysotsky, the collection of the famous Leningrad collector M. Krzhanovsky was used.

Music lovers participate in radio broadcasts, dedicated to history one or another musical direction. An interesting collection of records can also become the basis for a museum. However, it also happens that a person who is very passionate about music simply does not see anything else. His whole life is limited to searching for records, which sometimes turns into a monoidea. This may go away over time, but it can also last a lifetime. It is impossible to cure a person from this, especially if he is already an adult. You can try to show a teenager that there is still a lot of interesting things in the world that will make his life more enjoyable, but will not interfere with his passion for music.