Some people love pork cartilage. Who loves watermelon and who loves pork cartilage

I won't lie, love will definitely make you happy. Not always! Often love is a test of strength and lice. Often love is a test of time and the red-hot iron of feelings... But love makes you alive - feeling, real. That's for sure!

22. Forewarned is forearmed!

There is another psychophysical pattern of intimacy: a person experiences the pain of separation approximately twice as fast as his relationship developed and lasted.

For example, if your romance lasted three months, then after one and a half months you will be ready for a new love adventure. If a couple lived in a legal marriage for four years and then broke up, then the partners will be able to fully recover from the breakup in two years. But that’s why it’s a rule, so that there are exceptions. Forewarned is forearmed. If a person knows the cause of his pain, it is easier for him to cope with it.

The results obtained by scientists help us understand why love throws us into the abyss of emotions - from bliss to rage. And most importantly, how love transforms when we are afraid that our feeling will remain unrequited, that our beloved will humiliate us with refusal, crush us, trample on the heart entrusted to him, that a wondrous fairy tale will unexpectedly turn into a terrible reality of disappointment.

23. Love expands boundaries

Have you ever fished? Remember the state of excitement when you cast your fishing rod and wait... And then the fish starts to bite! Come on, hook it! A short burst. And now the fish is fighting on the hook. You got it! You are in harmony with the world. But it’s unlikely that while fishing you’re thinking about an unfinished report or the economic crisis. When you catch a fish, you catch a fish... Otherwise it is very difficult to catch it. At the moment of fishing, your “I” expands its boundaries: your hand ends where the fishing rod ends, your hand ends on the hook.

Feel how the boundaries of your “I” have changed after you got behind the wheel. Your physicality has increased to the size of a car. You literally feel the dimensions of your car with your skin. The movement of your hands on the steering wheel leads to a turn, and you accurately predict its angle. You know... You hear the engine purring and you understand what it is telling you.

Your new job changes the range of your powers and your social status. You influence people, space, the world... You expand, grow within the boundaries of your “I” almost every hour.

But nothing makes you as big as love. Having met your love, you begin to live the desires of your loved one, the boundaries of your “I” expand twice, you thank the Universe for this meeting and begin to love and feel the whole world more subtly. And the boundaries of your “I” expand to the size of the Universe.

24. Your love ≠ LOVE

And yet your love is just a special case. And love as a state is the whole Universe, and the number of its particular cases tends to infinity.

There is an axiom in NLP: “Map ≠ territory ≠ other maps.” What does it mean? The map is your point of view, your vision of the situation. And the territory is not limited to even millions of different maps. The universe is a territory. Your idea of ​​the Universe is your map. But maps of the world are necessary to navigate it. If different people are given the task of drawing a map of the same territory, the maps will turn out different, because people perceive the world around them differently, they have different drawing abilities and interests. But for you, only your perception of the world is real. And this perception is individual and unique for each person.

What does this have to do with love? The most direct!

Your experiences of love may not coincide with other people's ideas of love. But everyone has the right to their own feeling. And this feeling is worthy of respect! It's time to stop being surprised that not all the opinions, desires and plans of other people coincide with yours. It's time to realize that with new incoming data, your idea of ​​love will change, and that's normal. You can even believe that, having experienced “one unearthly love,” you will survive and be able to love again. And maybe even more than once...

25. Someone likes watermelon, and someone likes pork cartilage

One likes blondes, another likes brunettes, the third likes redheads with big breasts. Some girls prefer jocks, others prefer nerds with a big... penis, and still others are looking for a daddy. It's great that people have different tastes.

One day I witnessed a very interesting dialogue.

– Does this girl intrigue you?

- No! Who would be interested in an attractive, mysterious, passionate, possibly deranged, cruel, drunk, arrogant and rude woman? Well, who needs it? To whom?!

- There are such people…

Dale Carnegie said: “I love strawberries and cream, and fish love a worm, so when I go fishing, I take a worm, not strawberries and cream.”

If you want to attract other people, you need to stop judging the world only based on your “map”. By the way, you should not be surprised, worried, or indignant if your “map” does not coincide with the “map” of another person. It is better to treat this fact with interest and understanding - “the other sees and perceives everything differently than I do. I wonder why?" This position provides an opportunity to learn something new for yourself. It is especially surprising to see in another person a reflection of one’s “map”, one’s shortcomings, the way one reacts to difficult situations, because despite all the differences, we can be very similar.

26. Take what the universe gives

Have you noticed that when you really want something, the Universe itself begins to help you in different ways: the right offers come in, people, money, connections, opportunities are found? The main thing is to really want and learn to accept the prompts of the Universe.

We constantly live in anticipation of love, forgetting that love is everywhere.

In the most difficult moments of our lives, we remember those we love, not those we hate. Love has thousands of definitions and millions of faces. Sometimes masks. Lichin. Roles. Stories. She's hiding. She gets naked. Gives himself to us.

But we don't take it. We always want something else. Unearthly. Or too earthly. If only it weren't what it is.

And she is here. In the bustle of every day. In the eyes of the people who surround you. Just take a closer look! And take love. But at the same time, it is important not to overdo it and not rush around like a wounded bison. One must learn to desire without wanting. Like this? Just! Repeat every day like a mantra:

- Lord, give me what I really need, and not what I want.

And accept life as a gift - as it is.

Do you think there are not enough princes for everyone, not with your snout in a row? Throw this linguistic ballast of the Soviet past into the trash!

They say that luck doesn't like sweaty people. So stop fussing over the client. He will do everything himself. Sometimes, if some problems are not solved, they are solved on their own. And loving people themselves appear and show themselves in unexpected situations. And it turns out that you are not alone at all. And important. And needed. And we love it.

Tune in to love and remember: the Universe is a friendly system, filled with the resources you need.

27. Love is the most resourceful of states

Love is serious capital.

In the world of economic crises, geopolitical squabbles and computer viruses, Love always remains. It exists so that it can be shared with each other, energy can be transferred from one vessel to another, enriching oneself and filling one’s partner...

The world has enough everything you need for a happy life. Life constantly gives us love, gives us a second chance, but whether we use them, whether we accept them is another question. Remember: what you think about the world today, it will send to you tomorrow! Think about love! Live by love! Love and be loved!

One likes blondes, another likes brunettes, the third likes redheads with big breasts. Some girls prefer jocks, others prefer nerds with a big... penis, and still others are looking for a daddy. It's great that people have different tastes.

One day I witnessed a very interesting dialogue.

– Does this girl intrigue you?

- No! Who would be interested in an attractive, mysterious, passionate, possibly deranged, cruel, drunk, arrogant and rude woman? Well, who needs it? To whom?!

- There are such people…

Dale Carnegie said: “I love strawberries and cream, and fish love a worm, so when I go fishing, I take a worm, not strawberries and cream.”

If you want to attract other people, you need to stop judging the world only based on your “map”. By the way, you should not be surprised, worried, or indignant if your “map” does not coincide with the “map” of another person. It is better to treat this fact with interest and understanding - “the other sees and perceives everything differently than I do. I wonder why?" This position provides an opportunity to learn something new for yourself. It is especially surprising to see in another person a reflection of one’s “map”, one’s shortcomings, the way one reacts to difficult situations, because despite all the differences, we can be very similar.

TO WHOM - WATERMELON, AND TO WHOM - PORK CARTILAGE... Everyone, of course, has their own tastes, and everyone decides for himself what products are suitable for his table, but still it seems wild to buy meat, cookies and other products when there is a layer on it dust and dirt, and in the store, which is just a stone's throw away, you can buy the same thing in the form required by GOST. However, almost a good half of Zarinsk does not share this opinion... The topic of unauthorized trade in the center of Zarinsk, near the Maria-Ra store on Stroiteley Ave., has been repeatedly raised in the city’s social network communities and local newspapers. For a long time and demandingly, everyone talked about the need for order, which the city authorities must ensure. They also wrote that you won’t find such smoked lard and other meat delicacies in stores! There was debate about a possible location for the city market. So what's the result? Yes, everything is the same! Because it is not only the government that determines how we live, what we eat and drink. We organize our own lives. On April 20, once again the police, representatives of the deputy corps and the committee for economics and municipal property management of the city administration conducted a raid to suppress illegal trade. And all the same faces of traders... This is not the first time that four of them have received protocols for violating Art. 27 AK and pay fines, but this does not stop them in their activities. Or maybe it’s the size of the fine: 3,000 rubles a week, apparently, is not a big loss for traders of fish, meat, and counterfeit gold? Let's wait and see, as they say. But so far this administrative measure has not led to the desired result: the city center is a large bazaar in the style of the 90s. Traders have no fear of liability before the law: the case is not criminal! As for fines, paying them is much more profitable than changing the location of trade. But this is only one side of the problem. While government officials are fighting according to all laws, the townspeople have been buying and will continue to buy, not cheap, by the way, goods from hustlers in this spontaneous market. And I will say more: during the raids, the residents of Zarinsk are so outraged by the actions of the authorities that they do not hesitate to use even obscene language against them!.. No, we are not talking about the culture of education now. And, probably, not even about consumer culture. The point is that you and I are like weak-willed dolls! There is a voice, which means we will shout that the market in the city center is bad, but we are not able to stop it, because we ourselves shop there! We demand that someone stop this, and then we ourselves look at who knows what kind of product! People! Well, we don’t like looking at panties on the main street of the city - we pass by without looking at whether they are thick or small! And if you like to spend time with diarrhea after “amazing” salsa, then there is no need to start a verbal bazaar. We will live with helminths and proudly wear “Turkish” gold, which methodically enriches the pockets of illegal traders.

Provincial Russia took revenge on the capital
Remembering the 70s, the hungry Soviet outback, the unforgettable Ryazan and Vladimir electric trains, filled to the brim with sausage from Moscow, it is not difficult to recall the general attitude towards us, Muscovites, living in a well-fed, beautiful and comfortable city. It was a mixture of respect, envy and intense hostility.

For the last couple of years, I, a fourth-generation Muscovite, have been living in my hometown with a strange feeling that in those very Soviet years, the Great People's Avenger grew up in some distant village. And since 2014, he has been taking revenge on Muscovites for provincial Russia, making life in the center of a multimillion-dollar city truly unbearable.

Until recently, politicians, businessmen, and famous artists lived in the center of Moscow. Just touch them!.. But now, when they have all moved to the nearest Moscow region, to guarded cottage villages with their own infrastructure, you can show off over Moscow! Who remained in the center? Pensioners and lousy intelligentsia, Facebook hamsters... The same “middle class” that still dares to blather against the general line... But press them all now, so that they know who’s boss!

Narrow the roadways everywhere! Look, we're all gone... In the North, two-lane roads are rare, but here they have it until five o'clock! Stalls - remove! There is no point in having convenient food outlets within walking distance! Let them go to the outskirts for food. Parking there will be free. For now... And parking at the shops and restaurants that remain in the center is prohibited! Are you saying small businesses will collapse? Nothing, nothing, whoever needs it and the big one will not collapse, it will only grow. And remove the trolleybus lines in the center! Let them sniff gasoline, which will burn even more as the streets narrow!

Tell me, what should we, Muscovites, do today? Well, without extremism, eh? How can we protect ourselves, how can we keep the Avenger from making catastrophically illiterate decisions, because it is clear to all normal people that in a few years most of these innovations will be reversed, and again at our expense! There is also little hope for the upcoming elections. Now they will be voted on by the population of New Moscow, which equally hates the old Muscovites, a huge, meaningless new formation clinging to the underbelly of the ancient city... And the main electorate, scattered in residential areas, was not particularly affected by all these exercises either. Most residents of Ochakov, Bibirev and Zyuzin, who spend more than two hours on the road every day, just rub their hands joyfully when they learn about another slap on the head from “this center.”

And I have been living on Novinsky Boulevard for almost half a century, in a house that was considered elite at the time of construction. In an area that is still called prestigious: on the left is the US Embassy, ​​on the right is New Arbat, in the back is the White House, in front, literally within shooting distance, is the Kremlin: from my floor the stars on the towers are clearly visible. The width of the sidewalk near the house is 11 meters. Previously, up to 30 cars of residents and guests were parked there without disturbing pedestrians. Well, if officials have absolutely nothing to eat during a crisis, make us paid parking! Done. And two months later, the Avenger drove by and complained that parked cars were mercilessly disfiguring the new tiles... The next day, sandblasting guns arrived, scraped off the parking markings, which really disfigured the tiles, and now we have... NO parking AT ALL, even in the alley nearby. Although there are eight places in the courtyard for 175 apartments. There is such swearing and fighting every day...

The streets were equipped with bicycle paths... Why? This is not even a joke, but a direct sabotage against the population! You will ask doctors how soon and what kind of pulmonary disease will a person who rides a bicycle in the middle of city traffic get? They put “comfortable benches for relaxation” on Sadovoy... Have you gone completely crazy? What normal person would sit down to rest in this air, saturated with poisonous gases to a tangible density? But the homeless people chose these benches for drinking and sleeping, one of them even froze to death under my house in January.

And the day before yesterday, landscaping work suddenly began in my yard. For some reason, smiling bearded Tajiks took out an old, quite usable curb stone, and now they are starting to break up good asphalt. The work plan has not been agreed upon with ANYONE, including the chairman of the housing association. They don’t tell anyone what we will have there now, they only say that everything is being done in accordance with the approved municipal program. So whose yard is this? If the truth is mine, then I would like me and my neighbors to ask what we lack and what we don’t need to spend money on. Or is this not my yard after all? Then why does the Great People's Avenger have it under my house and refurbish it for my money? Sergey Mirov

Tatamo: oh, what a universal cry - I recognize the stuffiness of the capital, I immediately remember Ostrovsky’s plays, “Woe from Wit” with classical aphorisms, as well as some sketches from Alexei Tolstoy... Nothing can erase philistinism from souls. And what an exquisite style - all exclamation marks! And kicking the “hungry Soviet outback” won’t hurt. And vapche, citizens of the “intellectuals”, you need to write not “eat”, but “eat” - wherever you were taught to read and write. And we should take punctuation marks more seriously...

By the way, don’t whine: you got what you wanted - in the 90s you had the free choice of free people.

Michael Argyle in his book “The Psychology of Happiness” wrote that the concept of happiness itself is very vague and unclear, but most people are fully aware of what it is: “When surveys were conducted on this topic, it turned out that by happiness people mean either a state in which a person experiences joy or other positive emotions, or satisfaction with life. These two components are often studied in various studies of happiness, and we will see that the reasons for them are somewhat different. Quite often, another component is considered – the absence of depression, anxiety and other negative emotions.”

I won't lie, love will definitely make you happy. Not always! Often love is a test of strength and lice. Often love is a test of time and the red-hot iron of feelings... But love makes you alive - feeling, real. That's for sure!

22. Forewarned is forearmed!

There is another psychophysical pattern of intimacy: a person experiences the pain of separation approximately twice as fast as his relationship developed and lasted.

For example, if your romance lasted three months, then after one and a half months you will be ready for a new love adventure. If a couple lived in a legal marriage for four years and then broke up, then the partners will be able to fully recover from the breakup in two years. But that’s why it’s a rule, so that there are exceptions. Forewarned is forearmed. If a person knows the cause of his pain, it is easier for him to cope with it.

The results obtained by scientists help us understand why love throws us into the abyss of emotions - from bliss to rage. And most importantly, how love transforms when we are afraid that our feeling will remain unrequited, that our beloved will humiliate us with refusal, crush us, trample on the heart entrusted to him, that a wondrous fairy tale will unexpectedly turn into a terrible reality of disappointment.

23. Love expands boundaries

Have you ever fished? Remember the state of excitement when you cast your fishing rod and wait... And then the fish starts to bite! Come on, hook it! A short burst. And now the fish is fighting on the hook. You got it! You are in harmony with the world. But it’s unlikely that while fishing you’re thinking about an unfinished report or the economic crisis. When you catch a fish, you catch a fish... Otherwise it is very difficult to catch it. At the moment of fishing, your “I” expands its boundaries: your hand ends where the fishing rod ends, your hand ends on the hook.

Feel how the boundaries of your “I” have changed after you got behind the wheel. Your physicality has increased to the size of a car. You literally feel the dimensions of your car with your skin. The movement of your hands on the steering wheel leads to a turn, and you accurately predict its angle. You know... You hear the engine purring and you understand what it is telling you.

Your new job changes the range of your powers and your social status. You influence people, space, the world... You expand, grow within the boundaries of your “I” almost every hour.

But nothing makes you as big as love. Having met your love, you begin to live the desires of your loved one, the boundaries of your “I” expand twice, you thank the Universe for this meeting and begin to love and feel the whole world more subtly. And the boundaries of your “I” expand to the size of the Universe.

24. Your love ≠ LOVE

And yet your love is just a special case. And love as a state is the whole Universe, and the number of its particular cases tends to infinity.

There is an axiom in NLP: “Map ≠ territory ≠ other maps.” What does it mean? The map is your point of view, your vision of the situation. And the territory is not limited to even millions of different maps. The universe is a territory. Your idea of ​​the Universe is your map. But maps of the world are necessary to navigate it. If different people are given the task of drawing a map of the same territory, the maps will turn out different, because people perceive the world around them differently, they have different drawing abilities and interests. But for you, only your perception of the world is real. And this perception is individual and unique for each person.

What does this have to do with love? The most direct!

Your experiences of love may not coincide with other people's ideas of love. But everyone has the right to their own feeling. And this feeling is worthy of respect! It's time to stop being surprised that not all the opinions, desires and plans of other people coincide with yours. It's time to realize that with new incoming data, your idea of ​​love will change, and that's normal. You can even believe that, having experienced “one unearthly love,” you will survive and be able to love again. And maybe even more than once...

25. Someone likes watermelon, and someone likes pork cartilage

One likes blondes, another likes brunettes, the third likes redheads with big breasts. Some girls prefer jocks, others prefer nerds with a big... penis, and still others are looking for a daddy. It's great that people have different tastes.

One day I witnessed a very interesting dialogue.

– Does this girl intrigue you?

- No! Who would be interested in an attractive, mysterious, passionate, possibly deranged, cruel, drunk, arrogant and rude woman? Well, who needs it? To whom?!

- There are such people…

Dale Carnegie said: “I love strawberries and cream, and fish love a worm, so when I go fishing, I take a worm, not strawberries and cream.”

If you want to attract other people, you need to stop judging the world only based on your “map”. By the way, you should not be surprised, worried, or indignant if your “map” does not coincide with the “map” of another person. It is better to treat this fact with interest and understanding - “the other sees and perceives everything differently than I do. I wonder why?" This position provides an opportunity to learn something new for yourself. It is especially surprising to see in another person a reflection of one’s “map”, one’s shortcomings, the way one reacts to difficult situations, because despite all the differences, we can be very similar.

26. Take what the universe gives

Have you noticed that when you really want something, the Universe itself begins to help you in different ways: the right offers come in, people, money, connections, opportunities are found? The main thing is to really want and learn to accept the prompts of the Universe.

We constantly live in anticipation of love, forgetting that love is everywhere.

In the most difficult moments of our lives, we remember those we love, not those we hate. Love has thousands of definitions and millions of faces. Sometimes masks. Lichin. Roles. Stories. She's hiding. She gets naked. Gives himself to us.

But we don't take it. We always want something else. Unearthly. Or too earthly. If only it weren't what it is.

And she is here. In the bustle of every day. In the eyes of the people who surround you. Just take a closer look! And take love. But at the same time, it is important not to overdo it and not rush around like a wounded bison. One must learn to desire without wanting. Like this? Just! Repeat every day like a mantra:

- Lord, give me what I really need, and not what I want.

And accept life as a gift - as it is.

Do you think there are not enough princes for everyone, not with your snout in a row? Throw this linguistic ballast of the Soviet past into the trash!

They say that luck doesn't like sweaty people. So stop fussing over the client. He will do everything himself. Sometimes, if some problems are not solved, they are solved on their own. And loving people themselves appear and show themselves in unexpected situations. And it turns out that you are not alone at all. And important. And needed. And we love it.