Ballet pros and cons. Which section is best to send your child to?

Nearing completion. So they decided that they were not suitable for each other. You can say a lot of nasty things, or you can part ways amicably. Many guys wonder: how to behave with your ex-girlfriend? After a breakup, there are several options for developing your relationship. This article is intended for guys, men who don’t know how to deal with their ex-girlfriend.

Can you be friends with your ex-girlfriend?

"Let's remain friends!" - you can often hear from the lips of a guy or girl who has come to break up. Your relationship has fizzled out, but ex-love I managed to become a loved one whom I don’t want to lose. She knows you well, and you are used to sharing secrets with her or asking her for advice. Isn't this a relationship between friends? Many people think so. But this is simply the most peaceful option for parting; they usually ask to remain friends out of politeness, so as not to offend the other person. This will most likely not be friendship; you will remain ordinary acquaintances. Although even after the most stormy parting with screams and quarrels, you will still remain familiar, no matter how you look at it.

Therefore, it is important to understand two things here. First - what is a woman? Second - why do you need it? It is worth answering these questions honestly.

It implies that you will continue to share secrets, joys, ask and give advice. It seems to be a good arrangement, but only at first glance. Also, if she gets married, you will have to be happy for her. Are you ready for this? It’s worth thinking carefully, weighing all the pros and cons of such a friendship. After all, there are some pitfalls here.

Why shouldn't you remain friends with your ex-girlfriend?

A man and a woman who were in a relationship should not remain friends, if only because it simply may not work out for them. After all, people very rarely separate without hatred, claims against each other, or without the desire to start their joint romance anew. Probably someone will want to return the relationship. But is it worth it? Is this really true? Probably no. Usually such a desire arises only at first. Months, weeks or even a few days will pass, and it will fade away, especially if a replacement for your ex appears.

Also, you should not remain friends, because your new soulmate may very much not like the fact that you and your ex-woman are still communicating. If your new flame is jealous, she may think you're still having an affair. In general, if you still decide to maintain your friendship, then it is better to be honest in a new relationship and immediately tell them that you communicate well with your old friend. It’s not worth mentioning the details of the relationship, but saying that she already has a new boyfriend would be good. So new girl will be calm about the safety of your relationship and will not be jealous of your ex. Perhaps it won't. But in any case, it will be better for her to find out this from you than from someone else who will simply think that you are dating two girls at the same time.

What not to do in friendship with your ex-girlfriend?

1. The first main rule is never call your ex-girlfriend by a diminutive name or cute nicknames like “bunny”, “pussy”, “sunny” and so on. Your ex-love will perceive such treatment from you as something more than just friendship. Also, do not write or call her too often; once a week will be enough to maintain a friendly relationship.

2. The second main rule is never drink together with your ex-girlfriend. Stick to this point at least for the first time, when your feelings have not yet completely faded away. You know what alcohol leads to.

3. Don't have goodbye sex with your ex-girlfriend. Before the start of a friendship, it will be inappropriate. This means that you are not yet ready to break off relations with this person as a woman, therefore, there can be no talk of any friendship.

4. Do not say such expressions: “I don’t deserve you”, “You are good”, “Find someone else, you will be better with him.” Never say something like that. But then what should we do? You need to talk to your ex-girlfriend differently. Otherwise, she will simply think that you are putting all the responsibility on her for ending your relationship. But you can't do that to your friends.

How to stay friends with your ex-girlfriend?

If the breakup was your initiative, then find out from your current girlfriend (if you, of course, have not yet broken up with her) how she feels about friendship between a man and a woman after the breakup of their relationship, in what cases she considers it acceptable. There is no need to ask about this directly. Ask her questions indirectly. What does it mean?

You can find a film in which the characters broke up but remained on friendly terms. For example, this is the series “The Big Bang Theory”. Watch a movie with a girl, and then casually ask how she feels about this outcome of events. There is another option. Tell about your friends (you can talk about fictional acquaintances) that they broke up some time later, but continue to be friends. Test the waters and you will see how to proceed and how to deal with your ex-girlfriend.

There is another option that both partners want to end the relationship, but cannot decide to tell each other about it. This is, of course, the ideal situation. With it, the chances are very high that you will remain friends immediately after breaking up, as soon as you clarify all the nuances. But you still need to be able to feel this moment and tactfully express your feelings.

Ex-girlfriend as an alternate airfield

This option is not suitable for honest men, because you will have to deceive your ex-girlfriend. The meaning of this strategy probably doesn’t need to be explained to anyone. Relationships are maintained so as not to be lonely until someone better comes along on the horizon to be your beloved wife. Ex-woman as if she should be on a short leash, even if she already has new man. Cruel, isn't it? This strategy really works, no special tricks are needed here, everything is extremely simple, although it seems dubious.

How to keep a girl as a backup option?

In order for any girl, not just an ex, to become a transit point, you need to do everything exactly the opposite of the first strategy. This will make her think that you still have some feelings for her.

1. Remind your ex-girlfriend about yourself more often. Not only calls or messages, but also go somewhere together, for example, for a walk or to the cinema. It would be a direct hit if you invite her to go to a place that is special to you. For example it could be night club, where you first met. Don't forget to call the girl affectionate nicknames. Even if she was the initiator of the breakup, she will still think about the correctness of her decision. Especially if you dedicate poetry to your ex-girlfriend. It doesn’t matter whether you write them yourself or copy them from the Internet, she will appreciate it.

2. Meet your ex-girlfriend on your turf from time to time. You can invite her to your home to watch a movie alone or to a party with friends and alcohol. We all know what alcohol leads to - sex. And this is what is needed to maintain a relationship. Intimate connection does not allow women to forget the time when you were together. After several such meetings, the time will come when the ex-girlfriend will be the first to remind you of herself. If your ex-girlfriend suddenly calls you, don’t hesitate to pick up the phone, maybe she has an interesting offer for you, there’s no need to overprice yourself.

3. Congratulate your ex-girlfriend on your memorable dates. Of course, you may not remember them, but you can get any information in a conversation. As if by chance, feel nostalgic: “Do you remember, once upon a time, you and I...”, and she will most likely say exactly when that was. Usually girls remember dates. Then you can save a reminder of this wonderful event in your phone, and then offer to celebrate it somewhere. The result, as they say, will be obvious.

4. Say that you would make a great couple. Remember your disagreements, what you quarreled about. On occasion, tell your ex-girlfriend that if it weren’t for them, everything would be fine with you. This technique with the particle “would” gives hope that it is still possible to correct the mistakes of the past and start the relationship anew.

What not to do if your ex-girlfriend is an alternate airfield?

1. Don’t lie that you don’t have anyone if you’re already dating a new woman. Otherwise it will backfire on you. For example, you are walking with your new lover, and suddenly you meet your ex-girlfriend. Awkward situation, right? IN best case scenario you'll only lose your ex-girlfriend. At worst, you will not have a relationship with any of them if your ex-girlfriend tells your new one about your adventures. And some girls are like that, yes.

On the contrary, if you are honest and do not hide the appearance new girlfriend, you will only benefit from this. Firstly, your ex-girlfriend will be jealous. Especially if you tell me how good you are new lover. Secondly, you can hint to your ex-girlfriend that your relationship was wonderful. Let your ex be aware of your new relationship, tell how you two spend time together, but say that everything was wrong for you and you miss the times when you were together.

2. Never introduce your ex to a new girl. The consequences can be very different. Your ex-girlfriend may think you're just friends since you're introducing her to her. Sometimes there are comical situations. The girls will talk and unite against you, and you will be left with nothing.

Only intimate relationships with ex-girlfriend

“Why not suggest we meet for sex?” - you will think. This option has a right to life, if, of course, your ex-girlfriend doesn’t need anything else from you. Many men probably dream about such a relationship. But they won't last very long.

Only sex with an ex-girlfriend: why not an option?

No matter what the girl says, sooner or later sex with you will not be enough for her; she will begin to claim the role of your friend or even wife. And here it doesn’t matter whether you discussed this moment with her or not. Such relationships will eventually end, it's a matter of time. Maybe a few weeks will pass, or maybe a few years. Nobody will give any guarantees.

How to achieve only sex with your ex-girlfriend?

You can directly offer one intimate relationship, but there is little chance that the ex-girlfriend will give a positive answer. What should I do? Be smarter with your ex-girlfriend. Invite her to parties from time to time, alcohol will do its job, and you will most likely end up in the same bed. Then tell her that you had wonderful sex, but otherwise you are not suitable for each other. Her reaction will tell you how to proceed.

What not to do if you only have sex with your ex-girlfriend?

Don't talk about your new passion if even your ex-girlfriend knows that you are dating someone. Your ex-girlfriend most likely already has doubts about your relationship, and in this way you will only increase her doubts about this, and she will decide to end the relationship. Or she may become very jealous and will do everything to eliminate her rival. And she will certainly find words for yours new woman how and what to write. Your ex-girlfriend will be offended that she is not suitable for the role of your life partner.

It’s up to you to decide what to do with your ex-girlfriend: be friends with her, have only sex, or not communicate at all.

10 chosen

According to the films, words "let's remain friends"– one of the most common phrases during breakups. According to reality, this is perhaps the most dishonest words. The only thing that can compete with them is the sacramental "It's not about you, it's about me..." Practice shows that former lovers rarely remain friends. More often - they keep a good face when bad game. Let's figure out why this happens, in what cases is friendship between former lovers impossible, but in some cases it’s worth trying.

Why is it needed?

If during the relationship a man has become a dear and close person to you, it is understandable to want to continue communication and not lose money from your friend. If, on the contrary, the hobby was light and short-lived, and at the end you realized that you are not very interested in each other, it is not clear why you should continue communication in a new form.

There are situations when girls, breaking off relationships, They leave their ex-lover “to themselves.” The young man, continuing to harbor hope for the restoration of relations, is always nearby, will help if necessary, support, congratulate you on the holiday and will not let you feel lonely. On the one hand, it is convenient: There is always someone who will reinstall Windows, pick it up from the airport, and pay compliments. On the other hand, it is not fair to your ex-lover. The situation can be the opposite, when a man leaves his ex-girlfriend “with him.” It’s not good to put a person in such a situation; it’s definitely not worth getting caught in it yourself. So, offering young man“stay friends” honestly answer yourself the question why you need this.And is it even necessary?

Peace is impossible

Often friendship after a relationship is impossible due to the fact that one person initiated the breakup, while the other continues to love and suffer. Or if mutual grievances overpower everything good feelings to each other. Usually at the end of such a relationship, the partners are more likely to be in a state of brutal war rather than friendship. Everyone is hurt, and because of this, he tries to hurt his ex-lover even more.

“If there were betrayals or betrayals in the relationship, then, most likely, no friendship will work out; resentment, revenge, anger will still not give the opportunity to completely forgive your partner.”, - believes psychologist Maria Pugacheva.

There is a chance!

Couples have the greatest chance of becoming friends feelings in which slowly and evenly faded away, but respect for each other remained. Or people who calmly and peacefully realized what they have now different goals, so they can’t go further together.

The problem is that such things are very difficult to realize calmly.– partners usually put pressure on each other, try to win each other over to their side, and things often end in scandals, swearing and unpleasant scenes. And it is very difficult to move from such a situation to friendship.

"Former" and "current"

Even if the relationship turned out great after the breakup, problems may arisewhen one of the “ex” has someone “current”: jealousy and a sense of ownership have not been canceled. Moreover, against the background of the happy personal life of your ex-lover, you feel your own loneliness more acutely.

One of my friends noticed that in such a situation, the “happier” one should be gentler with his ex-partner: talk less about your relationship, pay attention to him, emphasize his importance. In that case, of course, if he wants to maintain friendly relations.

Of course, it is better to communicate when the former lovers have both already established their personal lives. But even here there can be a place for jealousy. If the relationship was serious and important, “becoming family friends” most likely will not work out in the near future.

Danger of relapse

From this follows the conclusion that it is best to communicate with exes for whom nothing is happening in their personal life, or, more precisely, it simply does not exist. On the one hand, in this case you are not in danger of jealousy. With another - there is a risk of relapse. When your soul is lonely, your ex-lover begins to seem ideal. A Returning to an old relationship is often psychologically much easier than starting a new one.

If it's worth it, then for God's sake. But for some reason you broke up, didn’t you? And if these were insoluble contradictions, they most likely will not go away. This means that you will only waste time during which you could find your true “soul mate.”

We share friends, or boys to the left, girls to the right

As I said, in some situations peace is clearly impossible. There is a lot of unpleasantness in difficult and painful breakups. One of the bonus difficulties is communicating with mutual friends. Friends are animate beings, it will not be possible to divide them as property, they themselves will choose with whom to be friends. Here it is important to behave in a civilized manner, not to pull your friends over to your side and not to be offended if they continue to communicate with your “ex”.

According to my observations, if both a young man and a girl are equally important to friends, they find the opportunity to continue communicating with both. But if one of the former partners was less close to the company, he will very quickly leave it.

“If a couple had a hard breakup, with scandals, betrayals and betrayals, it is often impossible to keep mutual friends, and, as a rule, the most painless scheme remains: girls continue to be friends with girls, and boys with boys,”– says Maria Pugacheva.

Theory and practice

I propose to move from theory to practice - in front of you A short survey of my friends who found themselves in similar situations.

Alice, student: “Of course, you can be friends with your exes. For example, in the evening I go to a cafe with my ex-boyfriend, we have a very good relationship and we meet at least once every two weeks. However, from experience, immediately after a breakup there is some time to not communicate while emotions are too strong and memories are too vivid. Otherwise, you can quarrel for life, because one will demand the attention of the other, get offended without receiving it. But over time, you can return to frequent communication."

Sergey, designer: "It depends on the reasons for the breakup. With some ex-girlfriends I’m friends, but others still don’t want to see me, although a lot of time has passed.”

Lisa, lawyer: “Be friends with exes? Surely it’s possible. But I couldn’t do it. My ex-boyfriends don’t want to talk to me for some reason. Maybe because I was usually the initiator of the breakup.”

Dmitry, yoga teacher:“Being friends with exes is absolutely normal. True, it’s difficult if one continues to love and hope... Another question is what love is. If this is not banal selfishness, then friendship is possible even in such a difficult situation.”

What do you say? Do you think it’s possible to be friends with ex-lovers? Tell your stories.

Women, men, boys, girls, family members, relationship experts and other life experts all disagree on whether ex-lover ever become a true friend after he was in a relationship with you. Opinions are obviously divided almost equally: in 2004, a survey by the American television channel NBC showed that 48% of respondents remained friends after a relationship. For some, friendship with exes is natural development events. For others, it is an absolutely fruitless undertaking with the danger of causing each other even greater pain. Success will depend on your individual characteristics and shared history with your ex-partner, but if you're ready to try, read on!


Part 1

truce after breakup

    Realize that not all exes can become friends. There are many reasons Not become friends with your ex-boyfriend. He may still have sympathy for you - in which case, communicating with him simply as a friend will be cruel. The opposite is also true - if you are still in love with him, all this will only cause you disappointment. And finally, your separation could have occurred due to an event after which it is simply impossible to look at each other without indignation. If you have both been deeply hurt, allow each of you to go your own way.

    • Even if your ex is calm, emotionally stable, and your general history doesn't contain any gaping wounds, you just may not want to see him again. This Fine. You don't have to make former friends.
  1. Give him time. Even the most peaceful breakup can be fraught with difficult feelings on both sides. Immediately after a breakup, a person is likely to feel sad or angry. During this period, there can be no talk of any friendship. Wait for the emotions to subside before moving on.

    • Likewise, listen to your heart. If you're still angry or a little depressed, give yourself time to calm down before making contact.
    • The duration of the period of rest from each other depends on the circumstances of the separation itself. Bad breakups can take months or even years before feelings calm down and you get to the point where normal friendships are possible.
  2. Work on yourself. The period after a breakup is a great opportunity for reflection and self-improvement. After your emotions return to normal, spend the time on yourself that you previously spent with your ex. Devote yourself to your hobbies and studies. Spend time learning new skills. Do what brings you pleasure and satisfaction, alone or with friends. By working on yourself, you'll also rebuild your confidence in yourself and your abilities, which will make it easier for you to start new friendships (and coincidentally, romantic relationship).

    • After a couple of weeks of working on yourself, you may notice that you don’t even remember your ex! Thus, it will be much easier for you to start being friends with him or ignore him completely - the choice is yours.
  3. Make contact. Once you've spent enough time with yourself and feel ready to jump into the deep end, call him, text him, or email him. Taste the water carefully - it may be worth talking to one of your ex's friends to first determine what kind of situation he is in. emotional state. Communicate as easily and casually as possible - do not start talking about your former relationship or breakup. Just say that you haven't seen him for a long time and would like to just meet. If you have truly “experienced it,” then these words will be true!

    • If your ex doesn't respond immediately to your attempt at contact, there's no need to try again right away. He might just not have gotten over yours yet. former relationship as quickly as you managed. Give him more time.
    • No matter what happens, you shouldn't leave a dozen messages on his phone! If you feel tempted to do this, you are definitely not ready for friendship yet.

    Part 2

    the beginning of a new friendship
    1. Spend time with him (carefully). Chat with your ex during short walks in public places. At first, your meetings should be short and discreet - for example, a walk to a cafe or art gallery. You should have a busy daily routine (or at least pretend that you do). If communication becomes awkward, you can always run away using the excuse that you are late for some important meeting!

      • Definitely Don't do anything together that could be construed as a date. Don't stay up late, don't drink alcohol, don't dance. You may start to fall in love with each other again, and if you haven't sorted out the issues that led to the breakup, you're guaranteeing yourself more heartbreak in the near future. What's worse, you could ruin a new romantic relationship one of you started with another person.
    2. Tell him directly that you want to be friends. Your ex may be confused by your intentions if you are not crystal clear about what you want. Just say, "I hope we can still be friends?" Or ask him: “We’re still friends, right?” Do not leave This issue is unresolved - if you are not very clear about what you want from your new relationship, your ex may think that you are just trying to get back together with him. Protect yourself from dramatic moments, being upfront about their intentions from the start.

    3. Don't pretend nothing has changed. One of the biggest mistakes you can make is pretending that nothing has changed since your breakup. By behaving this way, you will give your ex the impression that you never cared about any of this. This can really hurt his feelings - in this moment this is not at all what you are trying to achieve. After establishing contact, acknowledge the fact of the breakup without dwelling on it for too long. You can use a phrase like:

      • "I'm so glad to see you again"
      • "I really hope you feel better. I do."
      • "I want to move on and start as friends"
    4. Tell your friends that you are just friends. If your friends have been aware of your relationship, they may be curious to know what's going on. If you suspect that your ex might tell your friends lies about what your relationship is like now, don't let him start a false rumor. Tell your friends that you are just friends and nothing more. If they hear from him that you're desperate to get back together, and they hear from you that you're not desperate, they'll likely make the right decision about which of the two of you is desperate.

      • This has the added benefit that he will most likely be hanging out with his friends, and they will tell him that your relationship is just friendship. If he sees that in front of other people you have defined your relationship on a purely platonic plane, he will have a huge incentive to respect your decision.
      • if you have new guy, or he has a new girlfriend, don't forget immediately clarify for them the essence of your current relationship with your ex. Even if you do this, feelings or jealousy may inevitably arise—if so, you'll have to weigh that against your new friendship with your ex.
    5. Show him that you still care about him and his feelings. Let him know that he can still turn to you if anything unpleasant or sad happens to him. If he's having a bad day, talk to him. Show him that his experiences and mood are still important to you. However, do all this as a friend - don't hug him, don't cuddle with him, don't do anything that might stir up old feelings. Instead, invite him to talk - most likely, the guy will appreciate the opportunity to communicate with someone who understands him well.

      • Conversely, let him show (in a respectful manner) that he is willing to care for you. This is probably true. Take it good attitude come to you, talk if necessary, but don’t let him take advantage of your vulnerability and take over your heart again.

    Part 3

    restoring relations
    1. Know what signs indicate he is still in love with you. It would be difficult for anyone in this situation to be platonic with someone you used to love. Some people just can't do it. If your ex exhibits the following behavior, you may want to give him more time to get over your breakup:

      • Calls or texts you regularly and for no particular reason.
      • Constantly communicates with your friends.
      • Makes inappropriate, too intimate jokes or hints.
      • Remembers moments from your relationship when you were dating.
      • Touches you or “unexpectedly” bumps into you, causing physical contact (accidentally or intentionally).
    2. You need to explain the situation to your new boyfriend absolutely clearly. If you have a new boyfriend after you broke up with your ex, the situation becomes more complicated. Even the most understanding guy will be a little jealous at first. Some people will never get rid of the feeling of jealousy. The best thing you can do is to calmly and clearly explain that you don't have feelings for your ex. Explain to your boyfriend that you only love him, and that you want a harmless formal relationship with your ex, just to have fun - nothing more. Make your point very, very clearly and say that Not think (better say that even you can not think) about your ex romantically.

      • Your ex should have the same conversation with his girlfriend, if he has one.
      • Don't do anything that would make your boyfriend suspicious. For example, don't stay out late with your ex if you promised you wouldn't do it until your boyfriend accepts your relationship with your ex. However, if your new boyfriend is acting paranoid about his ex's friendship (constantly texting you to see how things are going when you're out with him), you have the right to tell him off. If you haven't given him any reason not to trust you, you deserve his trust.
    3. Don't fall back into old patterns. If you want to be friends with your ex, do not do it the things you did when you met him. Otherwise you will provoke inappropriate feelings of infidelity (if you have a new boyfriend) and the matter will end again broken hearted. Start again - take advantage of the opportunity to discover new interesting places and activities as friends.

      • Avoid places that you visited together when you met - do not go to the cafe where you often dined, or to the bar where you met.
      • Give up the usual activities you used to do together - if he invites you to feed the ducks in the park like you did every Sunday, tell him that you'd rather meet for a cup of coffee.
    4. Make sure that the heart wounds - both yours and your ex's - are healed. The first meetings with your ex can be tense, but with any luck, it will soon turn into genuine politeness. However, once you let your guard down, you may find that you are still suffering from unhealed emotional wounds. Deep feelings of betrayal and heartbreak may take time to heal. If you encounter these feelings, it may be a sign that you are not ready to be friends yet.

      • If you start to get angry or sad when you're with your ex, even though you were planning to have fun together, if you feel like you want to say more than you can afford without violating the rules of politeness, then your problems are probably still going on. not allowed. Put your friendship aside for a while.
      • Conversely, if he seems sad or irritated, or doesn't want to talk about anything meaningful despite agreeing to meet with you, then he's most likely ruminating on your past relationship and/or the reasons that led to the breakup. You can ask him if this is true, but keep in mind that this may push him into irrational anger or sadness.
    5. Allow your relationship to gradually become deeper. Over time, you can close the distance between you. Let things happen gradually - allow your friendship to grow and mature as long as it feels natural. Set boundaries for yourself early on—things you won't discuss with this person or things you won't do—and only push the boundaries when you feel like you can trust your ex.

      • There's an equally good chance that you won't enjoy being friends with your ex! In this case, just stop communicating with him, but keep in mind that he may not give up that easily. An awkward feeling of clinginess and intrusiveness is a very real prospect when trying to start a friendship with an ex.
    • If someone asks you what's going on between you and your ex, this is the perfect opportunity to say, "Oh, we're just friends." This way you will direct the relationship exactly the way you want.
    • Make jokes and make him smile.
    • Talk to him as if you were best friends.
    • If you both go to the same school, try to enroll in the same group as him. Teamwork will help you become closer.


    • Don't try to be friends with your ex if he did something bad and it caused the breakup. He will think that you are approaching him to take revenge.
    • Never talk about “old times” with him - this can create awkwardness in communication and destroy your goals.
    • Depending on how badly your relationship ended, you may not be able to start a friendship with your ex.

Some girls like to brag that they have maintained good, friendly relationships with their ex-boyfriends. Is there really any point in this, and is this friendship real and not self-deception? Sometimes the game is not worth the candle, and there are reasons why it is better to refuse communication with your ex-lover. That's why you should give up such friendship.

1. You won't be able to let him go. If you allow your ex-boyfriend to remain in your life, you are guaranteed to complicate it. Constant communication and close relationships will not allow you to forget everything, turn the page and start new novel. As long as he is at arm's length, this friendship will not bring you anything good. Learn to put a point.

2. You will compare him to your new boyfriend. But a new guy may not appear if you spend time with your ex and waste your free hours on him. In order not to spoil your new relationship, do not compare the guy you fell in love with with your ex.

3. You will forget about his unworthy behavior and begin to feel sad. By regularly communicating with him as a friend, you will forget about the nasty things he did while he was your boyfriend. You will find him funny and sweet, and you will want to be in a relationship with this attractive man again. Don't be fooled.

4. Everything can end in scandal and tears. Ultimately, you will remain guilty. Good friendships may make you think that you can become a couple again. You will offer him a reunion, which he will reject, and you will be left with a broken heart. Why do you need such problems?

5. You wouldn't like your boyfriend's friendship with his ex-girlfriend. It's rare that a girl can be happy that her boyfriend is friends with his ex. It will not be easy to pacify your jealousy. Therefore, it is not very fair to demand from others what you cannot do yourself. If you don’t like your boyfriend’s friendship with his ex, then you shouldn’t be friends with your ex-boyfriend, because it’s not very pleasant for his new girlfriend either. It is much better to leave the past in the past and you will begin to build new relationships with other people.

6. This friendship will never be real. Even if you were friends before you started dating, you can’t get that back. You will be upset and depressed because he fell in love with someone else. Now imagine that your ex-boyfriend asks you, as a girlfriend, to help him choose an engagement ring for his fiancee? There is little pleasure in this.

7. Relationships with an ex-boyfriend are always a drama. Why spend yours best years for sad memories, regrets, stress and tears? Give your time and energy to new acquaintances, travel, hobbies.

8. Your girlfriends will be glad that you put an end to this relationship. Your closest friends highlighted how bad you felt after breaking up with him. They listened to you lament at three in the morning and dragged you for a run when you, going through a bad breakup, scored excess weight. If you tell your friends that you want to be friends with your ex-boyfriend, they are unlikely to have the strength to help you again if you quarrel with your “friend.” Let your friends remind you what state you were in after the breakup. Do you really want to repeat this?

9. You have many friends even without him. Before you ask him to be friends, think about all your friends. Who have you been forgetting to call back for a week? Who did you agree to go to the cinema with on the weekend? And answer all the missed messages from friends on Facebook. You will see that you already have enough friends and communication, why do you need him too.

10. Your breakup was not a mistake. It doesn’t matter anymore who is to blame - you, him or both of you. This is already in the past. But a friend is one who will not cheat, betray or hurt you. Are you sure he deserves to be your friend?