Battle of psychics on TNT final winner. Timofey Rudenko became the winner of the “Battle of Psychics”

In the second half of September this year, the eighteenth season of the show “Battle of Psychics” began airing on TNT. Clairvoyants, sorcerers and shamans from the Russian Federation and countries near and far abroad competed for the title of winner of the Battle of Psychics and the main prize - a blue crystal hand. Filming for the project ended on December 16, 2017.

The other world, superhuman abilities, telepathy, foresight and much more awaits you in the new eighteenth season of the acclaimed project “Battle of Psychics”. Previously people believed in other world and knew about its limitless power, and people who knew how to communicate with this world were respected and revered. They had the power to answer any questions and prevent any disasters, but progress does not stand still; with the development of science, people stopped believing in higher power. And gifted individuals began to be considered swindlers and charlatans, after such changes they began not to show themselves to the public, but they did not forget their purpose.

First place in the 18th Battle of Psychics: fans immediately believed in Konstantin’s victory

The brutal man, as soon as he appeared on the screen, immediately turned the heads of the female audience of the television show. A charismatic, moderately tough young man with incredible mystical abilities amazed the audience from the first part of the show.

The psychic is Ossetian by nationality. Already an experienced doctor, he assigned himself a pseudonym; the man’s real name was Taimuraz Gatsayev.

Konstantin was born on July 10, 1987. The picture of the childhood of a doctor unknown to anyone just yesterday is not yet presented in full. It is known that he grew up in Chukotka, in the village of Ugolnye Kopi, studied at school No. 3, while simultaneously learning the basics of playing the guitar in a “musical school.” The media managed to get juicy details youth of the future celebrity - Kostya fed tender feelings to the music teacher. A strong guy with early age He was fond of sports and also collected stamps.

Kostya is a descendant of an Alan magician. My great-grandfather healed people with the help of herbs, prayers, healed by laying on of hands, and used in healing practice the calling of the spirits of the dead.

Konstantin’s magical abilities were discovered in his second or third year at the medical academy, in the morgue, during pathological anatomy classes. The future doctor was dedicated to the circumstances of the death of people whose bodies were dissected by students.

Read also: The finale of the Battle of Psychics turned into hysteria

Later he learned to summon otherworldly forces on his own, at any time. The magician explains that he communicates with demonic spirits (shaitans), who are privy to the details of the lives of living and deceased people. And later I realized that these are not the souls of the dead, but spirits that receive images of the dead. About opened supernatural abilities participant of the 18th season of “Battle of Psychics” for a long time did not spread, only close people knew. He even took a pseudonym specifically so that the doctor would not be identified with a psychic.

First place in the 18th Battle of Psychics: all participants of the eighteenth season

Participants in the Battle of Psychics 18

1. Marina Zueva - natural witch from Portugal, exorcist-housewife; 51 years old
2. Nikita Turchin - housekeeper from Ufa, actor; 17 years.
3. Zhan and Dana Alibekov from Kazakhstan.
4. Olesya Molchanova from Khakassia.
5. Konstantin Getsati from Moscow, 30 years old. Urologist.
6. Sonya Egorova, fashion model;
7. Alexander Kinzhinov - tarot card fortune teller;
8. Irina Maklakova - village witch;
9. Rustam Zartdinov - sorcerer from Tashkent.
10. Irina Volkova and dog Dasya.
11. Maxim Nikitin - black magician.
12. Ivan Shabanov - city shaman.

On the TNT channel, the mystical project “Battle of Psychics” season 19 started on September 22. All participants, including shamans, sorcerers, and even clowns, were eager to receive the “Blue Crystal Hand.” The show ended on December 16, and on December 22 it became known who took what place and who won the main prize.

There were 3 participants in the final of the “Battle of Psychics”. Over the course of 3 months, all of them successfully passed tests that were significantly different from those that the participants of previous seasons had to go through. The finalists of the 19th season were Aida Grifal and Timofey Rudenko with Grigory Kuznetsov.

Who took what place in the “Battle of Psychics” of season 19

The number of participants in the “Battle of Psychics” in season 19 was traditionally 12 people, represented by:

  1. Aida Grifal, who received the gift as an inheritance from her gypsy grandmother;
  2. Artemy and Vladimir Nikar, twins;
  3. Varvara Panina, who mastered magic on the Internet;
  4. Vitaly Bortsov, a former police officer who served in hot spots;
  5. Georgy Malinovsky, sorcerer, participant in season 16;
  6. Grigory Kuznetsov, whose vocation is runic and sexual magic;
  7. Manana Marshunova, a clairvoyant from a simple village in Georgia;
  8. Maria Schweide, an orphan whose parents were killed;
  9. Natalia Abramovich, stillborn witch;
  10. Svetlana Nazarova, for whom food is cemetery soil;
  11. Timofey Rudenko, a clairaudient schizophrenic;
  12. Yulia Kotova, singer, countertenor.

So, the places among the finalists are distributed as follows:

1st place – Timofey Rudenko;

2nd place – Aida Grifal;

III place – Grigory Kuznetsov.

The winner of the show admitted during the first test that he was schizophrenic. Meanwhile, viewers found interesting information about him on the Internet: it turns out that the man participated in KVN for many years and Comedy Battle, so he was not taken seriously on the show; they considered him not a psychic, but a showman.

Timofey Rudenko said that he began to hear voices after his father’s death. At first it was difficult for him to control them; they drove him crazy. Now he knows how to enter this state whenever he wants. It was difficult for the man to pass the tests: he literally “passed through” many of them. However, he knew that his relatives and his beloved were always next to him. When Timofey Rudenko was named the winner, he could not hold back his tears.

The new 19th season of “Battle of Psychics” started on screens on September 22. The composition of psychics, magicians, sorcerers and battle priests has been determined. And now we can already guess who will reach the final and win, and who will finish the fight in the coming series.

The main casting for the 19th season of the “Battle of Psychics” project took place in the summer in Moscow. About 200 candidates took part in the fight for a place in the “Battle of Psychics”. paranormal abilities. Among them were not only witches, magicians and sorcerers, but also vampires and children of the Network.

With each new season, there are more and more atypical characters in the project. And the favorite, as a rule, becomes the one who at first seems funny and strange, or who is simply not liked by the public because of his arrogance and unfriendly behavior. Often abilities the strongest participants are revealed only in the middle of the project, and future winners begin to pass the tests more and more successfully. New season“Battle of Psychics” is richer than ever in unusual participants...

Blue Hand Hunters

Maria Schweide. The girl began to hear the voices of the dead in childhood, after the death of his mother. Her parents were killed in the 90s, and since then Maria has been in an eternal struggle. The participant does not call herself a psychic, noting that she simply sees and hears more than others. I made a mistake in testing the trunks, but chose the car of the man who was hiding.

Yuliy Kotov.“I am energy, I am flow, I am strength,” Kotov says about himself. The participant is tested using a unique high-frequency vocal. While singing, he looks for similar vibrations with an object or person. He discovered his abilities after long meditations in India. I easily found the man in the trunk.

Timofey Rudenko. The young man calls himself schizophrenic. He was diagnosed with schizophrenia after the death of his father, after which he began to experience auditory hallucinations. Rudenko considers this to be clairaudience and is completely able to control his attacks. He passed all tests successfully. In his work he uses the hair of a deceased Novosibirsk witch.

Varvara Panina. Girl having a big external resemblance with the witch Marilyn Kero, calls herself a new generation witch. The fact is that she studied magic on the Internet. However, knowledge did not help her find the person in the trunk.

Aida Grifal. The flamboyant clairvoyant inherited the gift from her grandmother. The woman attracted the attention of onlookers, frightening them. But after twice finding a man in the trunk, she delighted the public. After talking with the clairvoyant, viewers felt “warmth and kindness” from her.

Grigory Kuznetsov. Rune priest, has been studying runes for more than 10 years. Possesses the gift of clairvoyance and practices sex magic, but does not use it for personal purposes. During the test, he made a great impression on the women, who melted at his gaze.

Georgy Malinovsky. A participant in the 16th season of “Battle”, where he was a black magician, in the new season he turned into a white sorcerer and grew a beard. He failed the test with luggage racks, causing ridicule from observers.

Svetlana Nazarova. A housewife who is interested in extrasensory perception calls herself “Aunt Sveta from Kazan.” Eats during tests cemetery land with bread. This didn't help her find the man in the trunk, but it did make the audience laugh.

Natalya Abramovich. Calls herself a witch. The woman claims that she was born dead, but miraculously returned from the other world. Even before the test began, she predicted who was hiding in the trunk. But she failed the test.

Vitaly Bortsov. A former police officer served in hot spots. There he predicted the death of his fellow soldiers, for which he was nicknamed the shaman. The day before he dreamed that he was not will pass the test trunks - the dream turned out to be prophetic.

Manana Marshunova. A woman lives in a remote Georgian village and considers herself the owner of a magic ball. She uses the object in tests: with the help of the threads of a ball, she can tell everything about a person.

Artemy and Vladimir Nikara. The vampire brothers claim that their unborn third brother, whom they feel on a mental level, helps them pass the tests. The vampires found a man in the trunk, but observers suspected the brothers of dishonesty - the trunk was visible. The participants were rechecked - they failed the second time.

Contenders for victory

In season 19, there are again psychics working in pairs - vampire brothers. In one of the previous seasons, a mother and daughter worked in tandem, who, like the brothers, were often caught in dishonesty. Vampires are the only ones who fail the Mr. X test.

Varvara Panina and Natalya Abramovich also turned out to be the weakest. They didn't produce strong impression on observers and on show hosts. These candidates may be the first to be eliminated. Also not impressed psychic abilities Malinovsky and Nazarova, but they can linger on “Battle” due to their shockingness.

Confident “average” players will be Manana Marshunova with a magic thread, Maria Shveide, Georgy Kuznetsov, Yuliy Kotov. They will most likely stay in the project for a sufficient number of episodes. And Vitaly Bortsov may be the one who “saves” the weak psychic, and voluntarily, nobly leaves the “Battle” himself. What moles mean: signs and beliefs

The main contenders for victory are Novosibirsk clairaudient Timofey Rudenko and clairvoyant Aida Grifal. Grifal also made a big impression on observers and “Mr. X,” who turned out to be Dana Borisova. The psychic told many details from the TV presenter’s personal life and gave her advice, leaving the celebrity satisfied.

Rudenko was given the most time on air. During the test with trunks, he showed character, getting angry at the tricks of the presenters. The same situation was with the winner of last season - Konstantin Getsati. Dana Borisova did not immediately appreciate the abilities of the clairaudient, but then she had a private conversation with him “without cameras” and took his phone number. Which also speaks about his future high rating in the project.

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As we all know, the 18th season of the “Battle of Psychics” is approaching its logical conclusion. This means that on December 23rd they will announce who the winner is this time.

Since the voting ended on Saturday, after the final, it was immediately clear that the name of the winner would be known in advance. We remind you that the finalists were Zhan and Dana Alibekov, Sonya Egorova, Konstantin Getsati and Alexander Kinzhinov.

How are the seats distributed?

The last, fourth place went to Dana and Zhan Alibekov. For his sincerity, the top three are opened by Alexander Kinzhinov. This was the only intrigue that remained until the very end. Second place rightfully went to Sofya Egorova, who managed to demonstrate the strength of her abilities and help many people, guests of the project.

The winner of the 18th season was Konstantin Getsati, a descendant of Alan seers, a man of great soul and kind heart. He made a splash from the very beginning. Absolutely everyone liked his performances. You can remember how he finds people in trunks - this has never happened before.

What will they show us on Saturday?

Perhaps they will tell us in more detail about Konstantin Getsati, about his life, hobbies and philosophy. There will definitely be no more tests: all participants have fully demonstrated what they are capable of.

This season has already gone down in the history of the show, becoming one of the most striking, because it had many unusual events, non-standard decisions in voting, testing, and selection of participants. Of the most bright participants you can remember Marina Zueva, who was one step away from the final. One can recall Nikita Turchin, the young key keeper, who impressed the audience positive impression from the very beginning of the show.

One way or another, we have something to remember. Interestingly, the audience’s favorite, Swami Dashi, was present at the presentation. Winner previous season climbed onto the podium by a large margin and took blue hand as we all remember. Naturally, fans of the show would be interested to see Swami Dashi presenting the prize to Konstantin Getsati. In addition to Dasha, Victoria Raidos and Alexander Sheps came to present the hand, so this will be a star-studded episode.

We congratulate Konstantin Getsati on his well-deserved prize and the respect of TV viewers, show guests and other participants. has been done serious job, the result of which was recognition, fame and making new friends. Good luck to you, and don't forget to press the buttons and

19.12.2017 10:44

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