Alexey Shcherbakov first stand-up performance. The wife of Alexey Shcherbakov from stand up - photo, personal life, children

Popular stand-up comedians, residents "Stand Up" on TNT Alexey Shcherbakov And Ivan Abramov will perform on the stage of one of the most fashionable clubs in the capital - RED.

Alexey Shcherbakov- a comedian who captures the attention of the audience from the first second of his appearance on stage. His jokes are always filled with drive and emotions that you want to share. He shows us ourselves in everyday situations: ridiculous, awkward, stupid and very funny. His ability to sharply and intelligently make fun of modern reality makes him one of the most interesting comedians in Russian stand-up.

Ivan Abramov illustrates his jokes with music. He can take a guitar and sing an ironic song, or parody a show business star by playing along with himself on a synthesizer. Abramov He’s also good at “classic” stand-up. He speaks out about what worries the audience, he can go over political news with biting satire, or he can add lyrics to his speech and talk about personal experiences. The main thing is that it turns out harmonious and very funny.

Also taking part in the concert will be: Arthur Chaparyan (“Stand Up” on TNT) and Andrey Sharapov (“Open Microphone”).

The concert will take place in a prestigious Moscow club RED, located on the territory of the famous confectionery factory “Red October” on Bolotnaya embankment.

For your convenience, the gathering of guests will begin at 18:00. An interesting entertainment program will be prepared for you, during which you can have a drink and a snack.

It is not uncommon that the wives of celebrities, and especially comedians, become the objects of their jokes and ridicule. Alexey Shcherbakov’s wife, Elena, quite often acts as this very object of creativity for her stand-up comedian husband, Alexey. And what is it? Fact or fictional character for monologue?

Alexey Shcherbakov from stand-up is a simple guy and an exemplary family man. He was born on December 15, 1988 in the Moscow region. His hometown is Zelenograd. Alexey appeared on television for the first time in 2011, on the MUZ.TV channel. The next time the young man was seen at the “Comedy Battle” competition as a participant. Now Shcherbakov is known as a resident of Camedy Clab, stand-up comedian, comedian and comedian.

By the way, Alexey leads a healthy lifestyle: he doesn’t drink, doesn’t smoke, and plays sports. Shcherbakov inherited such a negative attitude towards bad habits from his parents, who raised him in strictness. Father and mother showed by their example how to behave in order to become a worthy and educated person.

As a child, Alyosha was a very busy and sociable boy. In addition to the fact that Shcherbakov was a very good student, he studied music and was even a member of a school rock group. And also, the love of sports was also instilled in Alexey since childhood. The guy was involved in martial arts and acrobatics.

After leaving school, Shcherbakov entered Moscow State University. At the same time, the future star studied in the theater. Theater classes helped Alexey develop his speech technique. But Shcherbakov never graduated from the university. Alexey took “academic” and decided to join the army. After the army, the guy did not continue his studies. But other surprises awaited him. His personal life took shape.

Alexey Shcherbakov's wife - photo

Alexey Shcherbakov met his future wife during his school years. He liked a girl whose name was Elena Lomakina. The comedian himself shared in an interview that he liked Elena back in high school, but then she had another lover, and the girl did not pay any attention to Alexei’s advances. After the army, Shcherbakov became bolder and invited the girl on a date. Elena agreed and since then they have been inseparable. A photo of Alexey Shcherbakov’s wife is presented below.

In 2011, the lovers got married. Shcherbakov's wife soon gave birth to his first child. The son was named Daniel. Alexey Shcherbakov and his wife Elena are raising a strict boy. They believe that one can grow up worthy only through strictness, as Shcherbakov himself grew up.

At one of his speeches, Alexey admitted that his wife was expecting a second child. Naturally, the audience began to applaud and congratulate the young comedian. The second child in the young family was born in 2017. Alexey Shcherbakov and his wife are incredibly happy about the new addition to the family.

Repeatedly, his wife and children become the objects of Alexei's jokes. As Elena says, she doesn’t see anything wrong with this, there’s no point in being offended here. In addition, in the comedian’s monologues, Elena is a completely different person.

By the way, Alexey maintains his own Instagram, where you can see his personal photos and photos of his wife Elena. Elena also has an Instagram account, but her profile is closed. Most likely, Shcherbakov’s wife is very modest and is not going to show off her personal details. The family spends their free time together. Photos of Alexey Shcherbakov and his wife traveling have repeatedly appeared on the Internet.

As a caring and loving wife, Lena always supports her husband in all his endeavors. Alexey Shcherbakov, by the way, is an example of that same person who tries to achieve everything on his own. In his speeches and humorous stories about relationships with his wife and raising children, many see themselves. It is possible that work in the “Stand Up” project will become the main activity of the young artist.

Twenty-eight-year-old Alexey Shcherbakov is an enterprising Russian comedian who is trying to make a name and career for himself by performing in clubs, corporate events and parties. He already has a fairly large army of fans, which is greatly facilitated by the Internet. YouTube and social networks contain a considerable number of videos of Alexey’s performances. The aspiring stand-up comedian finds plots for them in life: since childhood, he has had his own, humorous point of view on many events in the reality around us. Relatives and friends, Alexei Shcherbakov's wife, acquaintances, employees, just passers-by - everyone can tell him a topic for an interesting reprise. And in his mouth the most ordinary things become funny.

Before starting a family, Alexey thoroughly prepared for the coming adult life. He served in the army: in the Tambov 16th Special Purpose Brigade of the GRU, and then received an education at the Moscow Institute of Management with a degree in Finance and Credit and found a job as an installer in the capital's metro. His “school for a real man” also includes a passion for music in an amateur group, several years of martial arts and acrobatics, as well as parkour. He dated his girlfriend, Elena, for many years before the lovers decided to tie the knot. They got married in 2011 and, some time later, the young couple had a son. The boy was named Danila.

Alexey began his public appearances without interrupting his main job, and even now he is in no hurry to part with it. After graduating from the Moscow Theater-Studio "Art-Master", Shcherbakov first performed in the comedy show "Crazy Beautiful" on the Muz-TV channel and several episodes of "Comedy Battle", and then moved on to the television program "Stand Up" on the TNT channel. Elena “roots” for her husband and wishes him victories, despite the fact that she often becomes the object of his jokes. He mentions his beautiful wife very often and his jokes are not always harmless. However, you shouldn’t take all the comedian’s statements about his wife seriously: in life, Elena, of course, differs from her humorous “script image.” She herself, naturally, shares her husband’s attitude towards herself and his inventive humor on stage.

The Shcherbakovs’ little son has already grown up and is already more than four years old. A non-drinking and non-smoking father raises him with proper severity, imitating his own parents, but he deliberately allows some rude words when communicating with him. One can hope that Danila’s parents were able to reach the optimal agreement on this issue. At one of the stand-up comedian’s last performances, the audience learned that Alexei Shcherbakov’s wife was expecting a child again and, in response to his confession, the audience burst into applause. The second child of the young couple, who is due to be born in 2017, will be another joy for his parents, and fans of the increasingly popular comedian can hope that things are going well in his family.

Alexey Shcherbakov - organizing and ordering performances on the agency's official website. On general issues of organizing performances with the participation of Alexey Shcherbakov, conducting tours and performances, solo concerts, as well as a presenter for private events, corporate events. Call +7-499-343-53-23, +7-964-647-20-40

Welcome to the official website of agent Alexey Shcherbakov, a comedy-talk artist and resident of the popular television show “Stand Up”. He was born on December 15, 1988 in the Moscow region. Alexey spent his childhood in Zelenograd. Since his school years, the artist has been interested in music: he plays percussion instruments and guitar, and performed in a local rock band. Another hobby of Shcherbakov is sports. At first, Alexey studied martial arts, and later mastered acrobatic elements and parkour tricks. In 2005, the guy entered the economics department of the Moscow Institute of Management. Specialty: finance and credit.

The beginning of a creative career

An excellent sense of humor and artistry are traits that have been inherent in Alexey since childhood. During his student years, he found a use for them on the stage of the Art Master theater studio. After university, Shcherbakov was drafted into the army. The artist served in the Tambov brigade of the Main Intelligence Directorate of Russia. In 2012, Alexey returned to Moscow. He got a job as an installer in the subway. During the same period, Shcherbakov started a family.

Participation in Comedy Battle

Shcherbakov first appeared on television in July 2012. He became a participant in the 12th edition of “Comedy Battle” on TNT. The popular program was an analogue of “Laughter Without Borders” and “Slaughter League.” TV viewers were invited to watch the competition of conversational artists. The comedians' performances were evaluated by an authoritative jury, whose members at different times were Semyon Slepakov, Garik Martirosyan, Sergei Svetlakov, Olga Buzova. Presenter: Pavel Volya. In 13, Shcherbakov again got involved in the project. He performed in the first and second rounds of Comedy Battle. Without Borders". In 2014, the artist participated in the fifth season of the comedy show and this time reached the semi-finals. The premiere of the program with his participation took place on TNT in December.

Achievements in Stand Up

After his debut in “Comedy Battle”, Shcherbakov was invited to the “Stand Up” show in the “Open Microphone” section. In the spring of 2016, the artist became a permanent participant in the Moscow “Standup”. Videos of Alexey's performances receive hundreds of thousands of views. The most popular numbers with viewers at the moment: “A story about a missing dog, greed for money and a vacation with family”, “About queues at the supermarket and nasty grandmothers”, “About a sword, raising a son and homeless people”, “About strange names, special forces and real bombs."


From time to time, the artist presents original entertainment performances in Moscow clubs. In February 2016, Alexey, together with Georgy Perborshchikov, became a guest of Kirill Seattleov’s “Evening Show”. Shcherbakov regularly posts sketches of his own production on Instagram. Author's videos with Alexey sometimes appear on YouTube and VKontakte. Last June, residents of Tolyatti had the opportunity to see the artist, who decided to spend a Saturday evening at the NEBO restaurant. The event took place on the banks of the Volga on an open summer terrace. You can find more information about the artist on the official website of Alexey Shcherbakov.


Alexey Shcherbakov - ordering a presenter, agent contacts, organizing performances. For general and individual questions about organizing performances and ordering concerts for your holiday with the participation of Alexey Shcherbakov, invitations to corporate events, emcee for a wedding, anniversary, performances for a birthday, party, you can call us on the phone in Moscow +7-499-343- 53-23, +7-964-647-20-40. Official website of the agent or write to the mail, in the contacts section.