The author of the musical work is the tale of Tsar Saltan. Musical characteristics of the characters

Winter evening Three sisters are spinning in the village room. The older sisters completely drove the youngest, Militrisa: bring water, heat the stove, and milk the cow. You know, they boast of their beauty and rank. “If I were a queen,” the eldest dreamed, “I myself would prepare a feast for the whole world.” Her middle sister echoes her: if she were a queen, she would weave canvases for the whole world. The younger one says that she is not skilled in baking or weaving; she would “give birth to a hero for the king’s father.” As soon as she said, Tsar Saltan entered the room and ordered her to immediately get ready to go to the palace. She will be a queen, and her sisters will be: one will be a cook, and the other will be a weaver. Envy comes from older sisters; They persuade Baba Babarikha, the matchmaker, to spell trouble for Militrisa.

Act one

IN royal palace In Tmutarakan, Queen Militrisa is waiting for Saltan to return from the war. Long ago she sent a messenger to her husband with the joyful news of the birth of Tsarevich Guidon, but there was still no answer from Saltan. The queen does not know that the evil sisters and Babarikha replaced her letter and sent with a messenger the news that “the queen gave birth that night to either a son or a daughter, not a mouse, not a frog, but an unknown little animal.” The long-awaited messenger from Saltan arrives and brings a decree in which the tsar orders “to throw both the queen and the offspring in a barrel into the abyss of water.” With tears and lamentations, the people fulfill the royal will.

Act two

The barrel floats for a long time blue sea. Prince Guidon is growing in her by leaps and bounds. But then the waves throw the barrel onto deserted shore Buyan Islands. Alone on the island are Queen Militrisa and the young prince Guidon. Suddenly the prince sees: high in the sky white swan trying to escape from the claws of a kite. Guidon shoots and kills the evil kite. The swan bird promises to repay the prince with good for his salvation. Evening is falling. Mother and son fall asleep, and when they wake up, they don’t believe their eyes: the wonderful city of Lollipop sparkles with its domes in the sun. People pour out of its gates to the sound of bells and ask Guidon to become their prince.

Act three

Picture one. Guidon lives well in the city of Ledenets. But at the sight of the ships sailing on the sea to Tmutarakan, an evil melancholy wears away his heart. Guidon wants to visit his homeland and see his father. He comes to the Swan Bird for advice. The Swan tells Gvidon to plunge into the sea three times - and the prince turns into a bumblebee.

Picture two. IN royal chambers Saltan tenderly treats the shipmen. They tell the king about the marvelous city of Ledenets, ruled by Prince Guidon, about miracles: about a magical squirrel that gnaws golden nuts and sings songs, about thirty-three heroes emerging from the waves of the sea. Saltan was just about ready to go visit Guidon, but the evil sisters Militrisa and Babarikha do not let him in, they are trying to distract him with a story about a miracle that does not exist in the city of Ledenets: about the princess, who with her beauty “eclipses the light of God during the day, at night illuminates the earth". The bumblebee painfully stings the evil aunts and Babarikha and flies away.

Act four

Picture one. The prince cannot forget the story of the unknown beautiful princess. He calls the Swan bird and asks him to tell him how to find the princess. He is ready to “go on foot from here even to distant lands.” “No, why look far?.. That princess is me!” - the Swan answers and turns into a beautiful princess. Militrisa descends to the sea. She joyfully blesses Guidon and the Swan Princess.

Picture two. Tsar Saltan arrives on the island. The king marveled for a long time at the three miracles of the city of Ledenets. But the most amazing miracle is that his beloved wife and son are alive and unharmed. To celebrate, Saltan forgives even the villainous sisters. A feast begins for the whole world.

Show summary

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Target: introducing students to musical culture using the example of N.A.’s opera Rimsky-Korsakov "The Tale of Tsar Saltan".

Tasks: accumulation of experience in perceiving works major genre, introducing children to works of a high artistic level, nurturing a positive attitude towards highly artistic works of musical art.

Elements of fairy tales fill most of Rimsky-Korsakov’s works. Rimsky-Korsakov knew how to reveal magnificent fairy-tale scenes in orchestral sonorities with extraordinary skill. The enchanting and mysterious calls of the Swan - birds, the variationally stated song “Whether in the garden, in the vegetable garden”, which Squirrel sings with a whistle, and the powerful sharply rhythmic, march-like theme of “Thirty-three heroes” - all this is presented with festive splendor in the symphonic picture “Three Miracles” "from "The Tale of Tsar Saltan." Beneath the outer fancy, lush and ornate fairy-tale pattern The composer's works always have a deep philosophical meaning.

During the classes

A conversation about the opera “The Tale of Tsar Saltan” can be conducted as follows.

You all probably know “The Tale of Tsar Saltan” by A.S. Pushkin. Remember - Tsar Saltan decided to get married and chose one of the three girls as his wife, the one who promised to give birth to a hero for the Tsar. The sisters could not come to terms with the idea that it was not he who became queens; they did not know what to come up with out of envy and anger.

When Tsar Saltan left for war, Militrisa gave birth to a son. The evil sisters replaced the letter for the messenger, and the king received the following news:

“The queen gave birth in the night
Either a son or a daughter;
Not a mouse, not a frog,
And an unknown animal."
A. further by order of the king
The queen at the same hour
In a barrel with my son was imprisoned,
They tarred and drove away
And they let me into Okiyan -
This is what Tsar Saltan ordered.
IN blue sky the stars are shining,
In the blue sea the waves are lashing;
A cloud is moving across the sky
A barrel floats on the sea.
Like a bitter widow
The queen is crying and struggling within her;
And the child grows there
Not by days, but by hours.

The waves throw the barrel onto the island, and the prince knocks out the bottom, “Mother and son are now free.” Here he meets the Swan bird, which he saves from an evil kite. In gratitude for this, the magical Swan-bird leads Guidon and Militrisa to fairytale city Lollipop. Cannon shots thunder, a solemn sound is heard bell ringing, the people greet Prince Guidon.

But Guidon and his mother Militrisa are all thinking about Tsar Saltan. The Swan bird comes to the rescue. She turns Guidon into a bumblebee, and he goes to his father in the Tmutarakan kingdom. There Guidon hears how the shipmen who arrived to Tsar Saltan tell him about the miracles that they saw on the island, about the magical city of Ledenets, about the beautiful Swan Princess, about the squirrel that gnaws emerald nuts with golden shells, about thirty-three heroes emerging from the depths of the sea.

Of course, as in every fairy tale, everything ended well here. The swan bird turned into a beautiful maiden, and Guidon married her, and Tsar Saltan, interested in the miracles that he was told about, decided to go to Buyan Island himself to look at them. Here he met with Queen Militrisa and his son Guidon. To celebrate, they forgave the evil sisters - the cook and the weaver. The tale ended with a merry feast.

Composer Nikolai Andreevich Rimsky-Korsakov wrote on this fairy tale plot opera His like-minded people were: S.I. Mamontov, I. Vrubel, Zabela Vrubel.

View presentation #1.

We will listen to orchestral fragments from this opera.

Before starting the conversation, the teacher lets the children listen "Flight of the Bumblebee .

You've probably heard this music more than once. It is performed on various instruments - violin, clarinet, accordion and xylophone. The music is humming, "bumblebee". But this is not an annoying buzz. Remember how much joy and jubilation there is in him, and why? Who remembers who the Swan Princess turned into a bumblebee and why? That's right: Tsarevich Guidon became a bumblebee. He really missed his father, Tsar Saltan, and wanted to see his native land. When the Swan turned Guidon into a bumblebee, the bumblebee flew after the ship, hid in a crack and swam to visit glorious Saltan. That's why the flight of a bumblebee sounds so joyful.

Now let's listen to the whole symphonic picture. In it, the composer talks about individual characters fairy tales. (Audio recording starts "Three Miracles").

Probably everyone immediately understood which characters we were talking about.

Children remember that the fairy tale talks about a squirrel that gnaws golden nuts, about thirty-three heroes and about the Swan Princess. They will recognize all three wonders in this orchestral music.

Yes, this is “Three Miracles” - that’s what Rimsky-Korsakov called the introduction to the second film fourth act operas. This program work can be heard not only in opera, but also in concert performance.

Now let’s compare how the poet and composer, each with his own means (words and music), told us about the wonders of Buyan Island.

The first miracle.

Under the tall tree
He sees the squirrel in front of everyone
The golden one gnaws a nut,
The emerald takes out,
And he collects the shells,
Lays even piles,
And sings with a whistle
To be honest in front of all the people:
“Whether in the garden or in the vegetable garden.”

A small, nimble, graceful squirrel, gnawing golden nuts, is characterized by light and lively music and folk song“Is it in the garden, in the vegetable garden,” which the composer entrusts to the piccolo flute (the highest and most sonorous wind instrument) and pizzicato strings.

Miracle two:

The sea will swell violently,
It will boil, it will howl,
It rushes onto the empty shore,
Splashes in a noisy run,
And they will find themselves on the shore
In scales, like heat, burning,
Thirty-three heroes.

In this miracle, descending scale-like passages accompanied by the sound of the roar of sea waves create the impression. Signal blasts of trumpets and energetic chords convey the march-like gait of thirty-three heroes emerging from the foam of the sea under the leadership of uncle Chernomor.

Third miracle:

There is a princess beyond the sea,
What you can't take your eyes off:
During the day the light of God is eclipsed,
At night it illuminates the earth,
The moon shines under the scythe,
And in the forehead the star is burning.

The Swan Princess is characterized by gentle “patterned” music. Soft, measured chords go against the background of a calm ascending movement of the harps. This theme gives way to a bizarre melodic pattern of solo violins.

(Comparison of the reproduction of M. Vrubel’s painting “The Swan Princess” with the musical image of N.A. Rimsky-Korsakov).

Using opera music as an example. “The Tale of Tsar Saltan” can be performed with children useful work by their differentiation of timbre sounds. Rimsky-Korsakov, an excellent colorist, gave a bright timbre color to each image.

The teacher includes a fragment from the symphonic film “Three Miracles” and asks the children to say which character the music is about. Children usually compare poetic and musical text and, relying on bright timbre coloring, as well as other means of expression, for the most part correctly identify each of the miracles.

Currently, the opera “The Tale of Tsar Saltan” is staged in many theaters in Russia. We present to your attention a viewing of fragments from the performance of the State Musical Theater national art p/r Vladimir Nazarov.

View presentation #2

To reinforce the material covered, a musical crossword quiz is held.


1. Main character opera, son of Tsar Saltan and Queen Militrisa?

3. (The theme of the heroes from the suite “Three Miracles” is heard in the audio recording.)

4. (The princess’s theme, the Swan, from the suite “Three Miracles” is heard in the audio recording.) Who is featured in this piece of music?

5. (The fragment “Flight of the Bumblebee” is heard in the audio recording). Who is featured in this piece of music?

8. Which character in the opera pronounces these words:
"Hello, red maiden, –
He says - be a queen
And give birth to a hero
By the end of September"?

10. Which character in the opera pronounces these words?
“If only I were a queen,”
Then for the whole baptized world
I would prepare a feast."


2. The artist who painted the painting “The Swan Princess”?

6. The poet, whose literary text is the basis of the opera?

7. (The squirrel theme from the suite “Three Miracles” is heard in the audio recording). Who is featured in this piece of music?

9. Which opera character pronounces these words?
“If only I were a queen,”
Then there would be one for the whole world
I wove fabrics.”

On a winter evening, three sisters are spinning in the village room. The older sisters completely drove the youngest, Militrisa: bring water, heat the stove, and milk the cow. You know, they boast of their beauty and rank. “If I were a queen,” the eldest dreamed, “I myself would prepare a feast for the whole world.” Her middle sister echoes her: if she were a queen, she would weave canvases for the whole world. The younger one says that she is not skilled in baking or weaving; she would “give birth to a hero for the king’s father.” As soon as she said, Tsar Saltan entered the room and ordered her to immediately get ready to go to the palace. She will be a queen, and her sisters will be: one will be a cook, and the other will be a weaver. Envy comes from older sisters; They persuade Baba Babarikha, the matchmaker, to spell trouble for Militrisa.

Act one

In the royal palace in Tmutarakan, Queen Militrisa is waiting for Saltan to return from the war. Long ago she sent a messenger to her husband with the joyful news of the birth of Tsarevich Guidon, but there was still no answer from Saltan. The queen does not know that the evil sisters and Babarikha replaced her letter and sent with a messenger the news that “the queen gave birth that night to either a son or a daughter, not a mouse, not a frog, but an unknown little animal.” The long-awaited messenger from Saltan arrives and brings a decree in which the tsar orders “to throw both the queen and the offspring in a barrel into the abyss of water.” With tears and lamentations, the people fulfill the royal will.

Act two

The barrel floats for a long time on the blue sea. Prince Guidon is growing in her by leaps and bounds. But then the waves throw the barrel onto the deserted shore of Buyan Island. Alone on the island are Queen Militrisa and the young prince Guidon. Suddenly the prince sees: high in the sky, a white Swan is trying to escape from the claws of a kite. Guidon shoots and kills the evil kite. The swan bird promises to repay the prince with good for his salvation. Evening is falling. Mother and son fall asleep, and when they wake up, they don’t believe their eyes: the wonderful city of Lollipop sparkles with its domes in the sun. People pour out of its gates to the sound of bells and ask Guidon to become their prince.

Act three

Picture one. Guidon lives well in the city of Ledenets. But at the sight of the ships sailing on the sea to Tmutarakan, an evil melancholy wears away his heart. Guidon wants to visit his homeland and see his father. He comes to the Swan Bird for advice. The Swan tells Gvidon to plunge into the sea three times - and the prince turns into a bumblebee.

Picture two. In the royal chambers, Saltan affectionately treats the shipbuilders. They tell the king about the marvelous city of Ledenets, ruled by Prince Guidon, about miracles: about a magical squirrel that gnaws golden nuts and sings songs, about thirty-three heroes emerging from the waves of the sea. Saltan was just about ready to go visit Guidon, but the evil sisters Militrisa and Babarikha do not let him in, they are trying to distract him with a story about a miracle that does not exist in the city of Ledenets: about a princess who, with her beauty, “eclipses the light of God during the day, illuminates the earth at night.” The bumblebee painfully stings the evil aunts and Babarikha and flies away.

Act four

Picture one. The prince cannot forget the story about the unknown beautiful princess. He calls the Swan bird and asks him to tell him how to find the princess. He is ready to “go on foot from here even to distant lands.” “No, why look far?.. That princess is me!” - the Swan answers and turns into a beautiful princess. Militrisa descends to the sea. She joyfully blesses Guidon and the Swan Princess.

Picture two. Tsar Saltan arrives on the island. The king marveled for a long time at the three miracles of the city of Ledenets. But the most amazing miracle is that his beloved wife and son are alive and unharmed. To celebrate, Saltan forgives even the villainous sisters. A feast begins for the whole world.

Show summary

Stage conductor
Alexander Anisimov,
production director -(Moscow),
production designer - Honored Artist of Russia (Moscow).



First action

Second act

Alexander Matusevich, 07/07/2013

"Tales of Tsar Saltan" at the Opera

Photo: Vladimir KOTMISHEV

Tatiana Bogomolova

An old fairy tale - a new opera
Portal "", 05/15/2013

Closing of the season
TRC "SKAT", 06/04/2013

Premieres - ballet "Queen of Spades" and opera - "The Tale of Tsar Saltan"
TV channel "Guberniya", 06/06/2013

The 82nd theatrical season of SATOB is coming to an end
Alina Lelikova, 06/05/2013

The season at the opera house will end with premieres
Irina Egorova
Portal "", 06/07/2013

A new version of "The Tale of Tsar Saltan" was presented in Samara
Portal "", 06/20/2013

“The Tale of Tsar Saltan” will be presented in Samara
Portal "", 06/21/2013

In Samara, the opera “The Tale of Tsar Saltan” will be presented in 3D
TRC "Terra", 06/20/2013

Two premieres on the opera stage
Information portal "", 06/07/2013

Excursion to the Samara Opera and Ballet Theater
Nina Dyukova, 06/19/2013

Rehearsal of N. Rimsky-Korsakov's opera "The Tale of Tsar Saltan"
Nina Dyukova, 06/20/2013

Samara admired “The Tale of Tsar Saltan”
Photo by Ekaterina Elizarova
"Samara newspaper", 06.23.2013

A new version of the opera "The Tale of Tsar Saltan" was presented in Samara
Irina Chechurina
"Rossiyskaya Gazeta", 06/24/2013

The premiere of “The Tale of Tsar Saltan” took place at the Opera and Ballet Theater
Author: Tatiana BOGOMOLOVA
Photo: Yulia RUBTSOVA, Andrey SAVELIEV
"Volga Commune", 06.24.20213

Magical premiere - "The Tale of Tsar Saltan"
TV channel "Guberniya", 06/25/2013

Premiere at the Samara Opera House - “The Tale of Tsar Saltan”
Photo by Elizaveta Sukhova
"Komsomolskaya Pravda", 06/24/2013

In the light, what a miracle
Margarita Praskovina
"Samara newspaper", 06/27/32013

Ksenia Chuveleva, photo by Elizaveta Sukhova
Information portal "", 06/24/2013

" Meeting point "
TV channel "Guberniya", 07/05/2013

3D with soundtrack from Rimsky-Korsakov
Valery Ivanov
"Samara news", 09.27.2013

Characters and performers:

MILITRIS, younger sister
WEaver, middle sister
COOK, older sister

Nikolai Andreevich Rimsky-Korsakov (1844–1908).

Libretto by V. Belsky based on the fairy tale of the same name by A.S. Pushkin.

Genre: Opera

Name: The Tale of Tsar Saltan

Duration: 2 hours

Number of actions: 2

Age: 6 +

About the performance Characters

In this opera the composer addresses famous fairy tale Pushkin. Familiar to us since childhood fairy tale images- Tsar Saltan, Tsarevich Guidon, Militrisa, Baba Babarikha, beautiful Swan Princess, Shmel‒ received expressive musical characteristics from Rimsky-Korsakov. The production uses modern technical means; in 3D video content, viewers will be able to see “Flight of the Bumblebee,” the city of Lollipop, and a kite attacking the beautiful fairy-tale Swan Princess. In the production of the Samara theater, Rimsky-Korsakov’s opera is adapted for family viewing, due to some reduction musical material, but basic storylines And musical images"Tales of Tsar Saltan" preserved.

Stage conductor
- Honored Artist of Russia, National artist Republic of Belarus, laureate of the National theater award « Golden mask", laureate State Prize The Republic of Belarus Alexander Anisimov,
production director -(Moscow),
production designer - Honored Artist of Russia (Moscow).



Winter evening. Played out in the village square folk festival. Buffoons and mummers amuse the crowd with dancing and singing. Three girls-sisters appear among the merry, dressed-up fellow villagers. The two older sisters boast to each other about their stature and beauty. Each of them dreams of becoming a queen. The eldest promises to arrange a feast for the whole world, the middle one promises to weave linens, Militrisa promises to give birth to a hero for the father-king. Suddenly the king appears, disguised as a buffoon. He listens to the sisters' conversation and tells them to follow him to the palace. Militrisa will become the queen, and her sisters will become the Cook and the Weaver. The sisters are annoyed and ask Babarikha to help them take revenge on Militrisa. Babarikha suggests: when the king leaves for war, and the queen gives birth to a son, instead of good news they will tell the king: “The queen gave birth to either a son or a daughter that night. Not a mouse, not a frog, but an unknown animal.” The sisters approve of her plan and celebrate their victory in advance.

First action

The royal court of Saltan. Militrisa is sad. The prince woke up. Everyone admires him, the choir performs toasts in honor of Tsarevich Guidon and the queen. A messenger appears with the royal letter. Militrisa tells the clerks to read: “The Tsar orders his boyars, without wasting time, to throw both the queen and the offspring in the barrel into the abyss of water.” Everyone is at a loss. Militrisa is in despair. The sisters and Babarikha rejoice angrily. Tsarevich Guidon is brought in. Amid the crying of Militrisa and the lamentations of the people, the queen and her son are walled up in a barrel and thrown into the sea.

The shore of Buyan Island. Stormy waves throw the barrel ashore, and Militrisa and the grown-up prince emerge from it. They rejoice at their salvation, but the queen is concerned: after all, “the island is empty and wild.” Guidon calms his mother down and gets down to business - making a bow and arrow.

Suddenly there is the sound of a struggle and a groan: it is on the sea that “a swan is struggling among the swells, a kite is flying over it.” Guidon takes aim and fires an arrow from his bow. The amazed queen and prince see the Swan bird emerging from the sea. She gratefully turns to her savior Guidon, promises to “repay him with kindness” and reveals her secret: “You didn’t deliver the swan, you left the girl alive. You didn’t kill a kite, you shot a sorcerer.”

Dawn is coming. The fabulous city of Ledenets emerges from the morning fog. The queen and prince wake up and admire the vision. Jubilant people come out of the city gates, thank Guidon for getting rid of the evil sorcerer and ask to reign in glorious city Lollipop.

Second act

The shore of Buyan Island. A ship is visible in the distance. These are the ship's guests going to Saltan's kingdom. Guidon looks after them with longing. He wants to see his father, so much so that he himself remains invisible. The swan bird helps the prince turn into a bumblebee, and he flies off to catch up with the ship.

Imperial Courtyard. Tsar Saltan sits on the throne. Near him are the Cook, the Weaver, and Babarikha. A ship approaches the shore. Trade guests are invited to the king, and they begin stories about the miracles they saw on the island of Buyan. The Cook and the Weaver try to distract the king's attention, and the Bumblebee gets angry with them and stings each on the eyebrow. Tsar Saltan wishes to visit the wonderful island. Then Babarikha starts a story about the most amazing of miracles: about a beautiful princess whose beauty “eclipses the light of God during the day and illuminates the earth at night.” Then the Bumblebee stings Babarikha right in the eye. A general commotion ensues, Bumblebee is caught, but he flies away safely.

Evening descended on the shore of Buyan Island. Guidon dreams of a beautiful princess. He calls the Swan bird, confesses his love for the princess and asks her to help find her. Swan doubts his feelings. But the prince insists, he is ready to follow his beloved “even to distant lands.” And finally, the Swan says: “Why far away? Know that your destiny is close, because this princess is me.”

Morning comes. Guidon and the Princess see ships at sea. This is the fleet of Tsar Saltan approaching. The ship docks at the pier. The king's retinue comes ashore, followed by Saltan, accompanied by the Cook, the Weaver, and Babarikha. Guidon welcomes the noble guest and invites him to admire the wonders. At a sign from the prince, the heralds sound the trumpet, the squirrels appear and dance in a circle, then the knights emerge from the sea with Uncle Chernomor, and finally the Swan Princess emerges from the tower.

Saltan is surprised and excited. The queen appears on the porch. The king asks about his son. Guidon steps forward. The Cook and the Weaver fall at the feet of Tsar Saltan, begging for forgiveness. Babarikha runs away in fear. But out of joy, the king forgives everyone.

Samara miracle for any age
Alexander Matusevich, 07/07/2013

"Tales of Tsar Saltan" at the Opera
Portal "BezFormat", 02/20/2013

"Tales of Tsar Saltan" at the Opera

Photo: Vladimir KOTMISHEV
"Volga Commune", 02/19/2013

The premiere of Rimsky-Korsakov's opera "The Tale of Tsar Saltan" will take place in Samara

Tatiana Bogomolova
Information portal "Volga News", 05/13/2013

A wonderful fairy tale opera was created by N. A. Rimsky-Korsakov for the 100th anniversary of A. S. Pushkin, although V. Stasov back in the 1880s. drew the composer's attention to this plot.

On November 3 (October 21), 1900, the premiere of “The Tale of Tsar Saltan” took place in Moscow at the Association of Russian Private Opera.

It was a difficult period in the Mamontov enterprise. Although Savva Ivanovich was already acquitted in court ( we're talking about about the scandalous “Mamontov Case”, in which the highest financial circles led by S. Yu. Witte were involved, and where the philanthropist-entrepreneur became a victim of financial and political intrigue) and was released in July, not a trace remained of his former power. Thanks to the efforts of a number of enthusiastic artists who donated their modest savings to the theater's box office, Mamontov's opera was transformed into a Partnership. The situation was extremely difficult. At the beginning of 1899, F. Chaliapin, director P. Melnikov, K. Korovin (who later, during the prosecution of Mamontov, did not behave very correctly towards him and destroyed all correspondence) left for the imperial stage. Many friends turned their backs on Savva Ivanovich.

But there were also “acquisitions”. Relations with M. Vrubel became closer and more friendly. The spat associated with the participation of his wife N. Zabela in “The Snow Maiden” has become a thing of the past (Mamontov did not want to give preference to her alone; he also “moved” other singers). It was Vrubel who became the artist for all the productions of 1900 - early 1901 ("Asya" by Ippolitov-Ivanov, "The Enchantress" by Tchaikovsky, "William Ratcliffe" by Cui, "Tannhäuser" by Wagner). However, the artist's mental illness soon interrupted this fruitful collaboration.

oh for now full of energy Vrubel devoted all his talent to the scenery for "Saltan", which aroused the delight of his contemporaries (especially everyone was shocked by the scene of the appearance of the dazzlingly bright city of Ledenets from the sea waves).

Nadezhda Zabela recalled this period as the happiest in her life, and her Swan Princess (following the artist’s painting of the same name) became one of the symbols of that era. And even now, for many of us, this image from childhood is one of the most vivid artistic impressions.

The main roles were cast (except for Zabela) famous singers A. Sekar-Rozhansky, E. Tsvetkova and others. Director M. Lentovsky created a bright fairy world folk fair action. The composer actively participated in the production process. For example, at his insistence, children portrayed the bumblebee and the squirrel (and not mechanical dolls, as the director intended). korsakov opera saltan musical

Special mention should be made of the musical merits of the production, where vital role Along with the author, conductor M. Ippolitov-Ivanov played, who managed to reveal the wonderful visual discoveries and poetic charm of orchestral episodes of Rimsky-Korsakov’s music (introduction to Act 2 “Stars Shine in the Blue Sea”, symphonic picture “Three Miracles”, “Flight of the Bumblebee” and etc.).

The composer himself was very pleased with the work of the theater (which, given its well-known rigor and exactingness, can be considered a significant achievement of the Partnership).

"The Tale of Tsar Saltan" is the last of Rimsky-Korsakov's relatively "serene" fairy-tale operas. Other times came, and subsequent works of this genre (which accompanied the composer throughout his entire career) creative life) were already more satirical than folk-fantasy ("Kashchei the Immortal", "The Golden Cockerel").

Let us briefly trace the production fate of the work. In 1902, the opera was staged at the St. Petersburg Conservatory (enterprise of U. Guidi, conductor V. Zeleny), in 1906 in Opera House Zimin (conductor Ippolitov-Ivanov). Only in 1913 the work “reached” imperial theaters and was performed in Moscow (Bolshoi Theater, conductor E. Cooper, the part of Saltan was sung by G. Pirogov, the Swan Princess - E. Stepanova). In 1915, the opera was staged at the Mariinsky Theater (conductor A. Coates, the role of Guidon was performed by the outstanding tenor I. Ershov). IN Soviet time the opera was also repeatedly staged in Leningrad (1937), Riga (1947), Moscow (1959, Bolshoi Theater, conductor V. Nebolsin), Kuibyshev (1959), Frunze (1964) and other cities Soviet Union. Once again in the repertoire Bolshoi Theater the opera appeared in 1986 (conductor A. Lazarev, director G. Ansimov).

Recent productions include the 1997 premiere at the Moscow musical theater named after K. S. Stanislavsky and V. I. Nemirovich-Danchenko (director A. Titel, who previously staged this opera in Sverdlovsk), premiered in 2005 at the Mariinsky Theater (director A. Petrov, conductor P. Bubelnikov). In the year of the 100th anniversary of the composer's death (2008), the opera was staged at the Moscow Children's Musical Theater named after. Natalia Sats and at the Rostov Musical Theatre.

Foreign theaters also turned to opera. Among the productions were performances in Barcelona (1924), Brussels (1926), Buenos Aires (1927), Aachen (1928), Milan (1929), Sofia (1933). Of particular note is the 1929 production in Paris ("Theater of the Champs-Elysees"), carried out by the "Russian Private Opera in Paris". This enterprise was organized by the outstanding singer M. Kuznetsova together with the famous entrepreneur A. Tsereteli (in whose private troupe she made her opera debut as Margarita in Faust in 1904) with the money of her then husband A. Massenet (nephew outstanding composer). The premiere was carried out by conductor E. Cooper and director N. Evreinov (who later turned to this opera again in 1935 in Prague). In the same year, the play (together with other productions, including “Prince Igor”, “Sadko”, “The Tale of the Invisible City of Kitezh and the Maiden Fevronia”, “The Snow Maiden”) was great success shown on tour in Madrid, Barcelona, ​​Munich, Milan, cities South America. IN post-war years the opera was staged in Cologne, Dresden and other European cities. In the mid-90s, the opera was staged at the Berlin Komische Oper (directed by G. Kupfer). In the 2008/09 season, the opera is included in the repertoire of theaters in Munich, Athens and Maastricht (Netherlands).

Evgeniy Tsodokov

Opera"The Tale of Tsar Saltan" written in 4 acts with a prologue. Libretto by V. Belsky based on the fairy tale of the same name by A. Pushkin, preserving many of the original poems. Premieres of the first productions: Moscow, Russian Private Opera Association, October 21, 1900, under the direction of M. Ippolitov-Ivanov, artist M. Vrubel. Petersburg - Big hall Conservatory December 22, 1902

The opera uses traditions folk theater, buffoon games, tale techniques. Its main idea is that art and beauty overcome the difficulties of life and transform the world; it is embodied in a highly poetic form.

The poetic element is associated with the images of Militrisa, Guidon, the Swan Princess, with pictures of nature - the sea and heavenly elements - and the wonders of Lollipop captured in incomparable beauty of symphonic interludes.

The voices of sorcerers and spirits, boyars, noblewomen, courtiers, nannies, clerks, guards, troops, shipmen, astrologers, walkers, singers, servants and maids, dancers and dancers, people, thirty-three sea knights with uncle Chernomor, squirrels, bumblebees - performed chorus

The action takes place partly in the city of Tmutarakan, partly on the island of Buyan.

Choir"You will grow like a strong oak tree" from the first act of the opera. The people bow to Tsarevich Guidon and wish him all the best. In the literary original of "The Tale of Tsar Saltan" there are no words taken for the chorus. It can be assumed that the text was compiled by the author of the libretto, V.I. Belsky. By its nature, the text is close to Russian epic tales. The text is written in tonic verse. Tonic verse is characterized by stress on the 3rd syllable from the beginning and from the end of the line. Such a verse may lack rhyme. In addition, the text has a cyclic form, that is, each subsequent stanza begins with the words of the previous stanza.

"S strong d at I wish you POV s grow,

Higher O Blak ascended And be smart.

God forbid!

Higher O Blak ascended And keep your wits about you

Scientific And thank you all at drosma,

Scientific And thank you all at drosma,

Court rank And yeah, reprisal A Russian

God forbid!

At the time of time e I'm married And hush,

Take from A sea ​​households I yushka,

God forbid!

Take from A sea ​​households I yushka,

Press with her And there is no treasury e I'm sorry!

God forbid!

Press with her And there is no treasury e tight,

People And twelve o'clock s newer

People And twelve o'clock s newer,

Up to a hundred years e t you percent A rejoice,

God forbid!

Up to a hundred years e t you percent A rejoice,

See A grandchildren, etc. A grandchildren,

God forbid!

Up to a hundred years e t you percent A rejoice.

And into the mind e and in solid A wrinkle

No pain e great prest A curl,

God, please!"

IN in this case"God forbid!" acts as a refrain.