How to draw fabulous ones from ordinary gloves. Drawing “Patterns on gloves

Drawing mittens: decorative painting. Step-by-step master class. Template for download. Examples of children's work.

Drawing mittens: decorative painting

The master class was shared by Vera Parfentyeva, technology teacher, circle leader children's creativity, reader of “Native Path”, participant in our Internet Workshop of educational games “Through the game - to success!”

In the master class you will find not only drawing, but also a discussion of an important ethical situation with a child, as well as introducing the child to a ruler and compass as tools (you can replace this part and simply draw a circle using a cardboard template).

Introduction: a poem about mittens

Read a poem about mittens to the children.

From a small boy
Mittens lost.
Andrey gave him his:
- Here, take mine for now!
He hugged the boy with his hand,
Tells him:
- Let's go to!
Mittens we are with you
We'll definitely find it!
Yu. Yakovlev

After reading, ask the children:

— What would you do if your friend lost his mitten? What can you say about Andrey - what is he like? Has your friend ever helped you? What does the proverb “A friend is a friend in need” teach us?

- Do you have mittens? You could, like Andrey, give them away little boy who lost his mittens? What color are your mittens? What pattern are they? What kind of mittens do your mothers have? (color, pattern)

Let's try to draw a mitten with you.

How to draw mittens: tools and materials

To draw a mitten you will need a landscape sheet and colored felt-tip pens.

How to draw mittens: step-by-step master class in photographs

Step 1

Place your hand on a piece of paper and trace it with a felt-tip pen of any color. At the bottom of the mitten, use a ruler to draw two parallel lines the width of the ruler.

Step 2

Shade the resulting segment obtained in the mitten with straight columns at approximately the same distance from each other.

Step 3

We draw an ornament on the mitten. To do this, you need to draw another parallel line the width of the ruler. Using a brown felt-tip pen, draw 3 columns in the resulting new segment. These will be the trunks of the Christmas trees.

Step 4

Draw 3 triangles on each tree trunk with a green felt-tip pen and paint over them.

Step 5

Using a compass, thinly mark a circle with a diameter of 3-4 cm in the center of the mitten (depending on the size of your mitten). Use a felt-tip pen of any color to place dots in a circle.

Step 6

Using a ruler, divide the circle into 8 equal parts, so that all lines pass through the center of the circle.

Step 7

On each line we draw two small lines at an angle to it. As a result, we get a snowflake, and in the middle of it - a star.

Step 8

Now let’s decorate the inside of the snowflake: use a felt-tip pen of a different color to put dots. And in the center of the snowflake we will draw a circle with dots.

Step 9

Decorate the mitten with an ornament.

This is the kind of mittens the children got :)

Creative task:

— What patterns do you think the craftswomen usually knitted on the mittens?

— What was the meaning of the patterns on clothes? (They were pleasing to the eye, carried beauty within themselves, helped make ordinary household items, and also served as a talisman).

- Come up with your own patterns for the mitten.

- Draw your mitten.

- For children over 6 years old, you can give a task to develop the ability to cooperate with each other and negotiate. Together they need to draw patterns on the mittens for the Snow Maiden. To make the mittens paired, you need to agree in advance on the color and shape of the patterns on them with each other.

The resulting mittens can be used to decorate winter panels and postcards.

Alina Sergeevna Ivashchenko

I conducted a lesson on drawing"Patterns on gloves"

The purpose of the lesson was:create interest in the image and design gloves, to form precise graphic skills, to teach oneself to create an ornament according to idea or design, to develop imagination, to coordinate the movements of the hand and eye, to give a visual representation of symmetrical paired objects.

At the beginning of the lesson I used a game technique (game "Find a pair")

During the game we found out the main thing - the pattern on the gloves should be repeated.

Then we went to work. The children listened carefully to the algorithm of actions, and we began to complete the drawing.

After the explanation, the children began independent activities.

Some children needed help, and I took an individual approach to them.

And here is the result of our work. These turned out great patterns on gloves!

Publications on the topic:

Nitography is a long time ago famous technique creating paintings using wool threads. These paintings can be completed even by a child, of course.

Abstract of GCD “Winter Patterns” Winter patterns Program content Educational tasks: Continue to introduce children to the non-traditional drawing technique using semolina.

Dear Colleagues! Quite by accident, I took an unconventional drawing course (sand painting). After them, I got excited about the idea of ​​making it happen.

Hello, I would like to introduce to your attention our work with children in unconventional technology drawing. Subject " Autumn forest" For work.

Lesson on unconventional drawing “Frosty patterns” in the preparatory group Lesson on artistic and aesthetic development. Unconventional drawing. Theme “Frosty patterns” using thread blots.

Abstract of an open integrated GCD on non-traditional drawing methods in the senior group “Frosty Patterns” Abstract of an open integrated GCD for unconventional methods drawing in senior group"Frost patterns". GBOU Secondary School No. 1 named after I. M. Kuznetsov.

This year I have preparatory group. After passing the CCP younger age, I consulted with the guys, and we decided to do it.

Masha Ilyina- created June 27, 2015
Now almost EVERYTHING (80%) is made in China!
Clothes like zara, h&m, colins, etc.; shoes from well-known sports companies such as Nike, Reebok, etc.; iPads, iPhones, Galaxy, cameras, stoves, luxury curtains, sports equipment, etc., etc. .. It’s impossible to list everything!
So China should not be disdained.
The Chinese are great. Especially not Chinese consumer goods, but production under foreign brands, when they work in Chinese factories and factories quality control inspectors from these brands. They earn a hundred dollars, which other countries have never even dreamed of.
China currently leads the world in coal, iron ore and timber production; is the world's largest producer of cast iron, steel, aluminum, zinc, tin, nickel, and of course televisions, radios, mobile phones, washing and sewing machines, bicycles and motorcycles, watches and cameras, fertilizers, silk fabrics, wheat, rice, tobacco; In addition, China is the world's largest automaker. Literally in 5 years it will be a better economy than the United States. You'll see!
So WELL DONE Chinese thing- it's not bad.

Vanessa Tulush- created January 31, 2015
Which online store did you buy the black bowler hat from? send me the link

Polina Bond- created January 03, 2015
you look great! your style is very close to me! I really enjoy such images))) excellent video - I liked everything!!! Where do you live? Apparently in the South?

sss Tynchurins- created November 06, 2014
Retro, retro, retro look!!! class! I like vintage too!

Evangelina sky- created November 03, 2014
Lovely collection! The hats suit you incredibly. Thanks for the video. I had a lot of fun.

MarijaViolet- created October 30, 2014
Karinochka, thanks for the video! I watched it with great pleasure! You are so beautiful!!! I also really love hats, but, as you correctly noted, in the city you rarely see a person wearing a hat, so it seems that they will look at you as if you were an alien :-)

Snezhana Chernova- created October 26, 2014
Cool hat) black where it says ROMWE) I didn’t like more than one thing)

Tatyana Ruchkina- created October 25, 2014
Karinochka, in Lately I became a fan of your video. I really like your clothing style. The accessories are great. I used to wear hats too, but then I decided that they add age and somehow cooled down to them. After watching your video I decided to reconsider my position)