Outline of a drawing lesson (middle group) on the topic: Summary of GCD for decorative drawing in the middle group. Decorative drawing in different age groups

Summary of a lesson in visual arts (decorative drawing) in the middle group “Fairytale Bird”

Purpose of the lesson:

1. Teach children to draw a fairytale bird in an unconventional way - with a palm print, placing the image in the center of a sheet of paper.

2. Practice drawing with a “poke” with a cotton swab.

3. Develop creative abilities: a sense of color, the ability to come up with a decorative pattern.

4. Foster independence, confidence and desire to engage in creative activities. Give children joy from the work done.

Material for the lesson: A-4 size paper, watercolor paints for tinting paper, gouache, brushes, cotton swabs.

Preliminary work: Looking at illustrations, reading fairy tales, tinting paper.

Progress of the lesson:

Organizational moment: children stand in a circle.

Show me your palms, stroke them, clap your hands, close your eyes with your palms, rub your cheeks with your palms. That's how many things your palms can do. You can also play with your palms. Let's turn our palms into birds.

Finger game:

Birds are sitting in nests

And they look at the street.

Everyone wanted to fly.

The wind blew and they flew.

The birds have flown away. And you would like them to stay with us. I will help you with this. Let's draw birds, but not simple ones, but fabulous ones. And our beloved palms will help us with this.

The children sit at the tables.

Look at my palm, it seems to me that it looks very much like a bird. And what do you think? Where is the bird's beak? Where's the neck? Show the body of the bird. What a wonderful fluffy tail. (The teacher points on his palm, the children on theirs).

Only our bird is not bright at all. Let's color it. Look at your sheets of paper and choose a paint color for your bird. The color should be different from the color of your background so that the bird does not get lost. (Children apply paint to their palms with a brush.)

Now place your bird in the very center of the leaf. To do this, you must open your fingers wide and place your palm on a sheet of paper. They pressed him tightly and sharply lifted him up. So we got the birds.

Do you like your birds? And if you decorate them with patterns, they will become fabulous. Let our birds rest and dry, and we will play with you.

Speech with movement:

Girls and boys clap their hands.

Ladushki - okay, okay - palms.

The porridge was cooked and stirred with a spoon.

Ladushka-okay, okay-palm.

The pied hen was given crumbs.

Ladushki - okay, okay - palms.

They danced themselves and invited their legs.

They stomp and stomp their feet along the path.

We are building, building a house. House for matryoshka.

The children spun around, the children, like nesting dolls.

We return to the tables.

Your birds waited for us, but did not fly away. Do you know why? They want to become fabulous. Now you can decorate your birds the way you want and turn them into fabulous ones. Remember, you can decorate not only with a brush, but also with a cotton swab - then the dots will turn out beautiful and even.

Children decorate their birds. The music sounds “Sounds of Nature. Songs of birds."

The teacher answers the children’s questions, prompts, and advises.

What beautiful fairytale birds you have created. You are all just great! Now, let's put your birds in a fairy meadow and admire them.

Priority educational area: " Artistic and aesthetic development"

Integration of educational areas“Artistic and aesthetic development”, “Socio-communicative development”.

Goal: improving the aesthetic abilities of children.

Be able to use in decorative painting: dots, strokes, circles, rings, straight and wavy lines, thick and thin lines, leaves, petals. Strengthen the ability to draw with the whole brush and its end, freely move the brush in different directions.

Develop aesthetic taste, accuracy, and creative capabilities.

Create a joyful mood in children, the ability to enjoy the results of their work and their comrades.

Subject-spatial development environment: rectangular tinted paper of different shades, gouache, squirrel brushes No. 1, No. 3, jars of water, palettes, napkins, posters with elements of decorative patterns, sound recordings of folk melodies.

Preliminary work:

  • teacher's story and display of objects, toys;
  • examination of objects, illustrative material with elements of decorative paintings;
  • excursion to the autumn forest;
  • multimedia presentation “Folk decorative art”.

Progress of organized activities:

Psychological attitude “Give a smile”

I invite children to hold hands, feel the warmth of their friends’ hands, smile at each other and shake hands to give the warmth of their hearts.


Neumekha came to visit us and asked for help, he needed to decorate the paths for Autumn as a gift, but he didn’t know how to draw at all.

Do you want to help Neumekha?

The children express their consent to help Neumekha.

We look at posters with elements of decorative patterns, children name familiar elements, recall the technique of drawing patterns, and suggest that they start decorating the paths. Children choose tinted paper according to their taste.

During the practical part, folk melodies are played, I follow the technique of working with a brush.


Do you want to teach Neumekha physical education?

Yes, we really want to!

Physical education minute:

Raise your shoulders up.

Don't sway, don't blink.

We will make U-turns

We will do everything willingly.

And without any rush at all,

We will repeat everything five times.

I place all the drawings on the board and invite them to look at them. I invite the children to make an exhibition “Autumn Fantasy” from the completed works. When analyzing, note the location of the patterns, color, and neatness of the work. and choose the best autumn paths.


I propose to show works similar to real autumn paths

1. Which autumn path did you like best? Why do you think so?

Which fall path looks most like the real thing to you? Why do you think so?

2. What did you like most about the lesson?

3. Were we able to help Neumekha?

Decorative drawing in kindergarten

2. Methodological recommendations for decorative drawing in the middle group (the fifth year of a child’s life)

The objectives of teaching decorative drawing in the middle group are as follows:

Develop compositional skills in the rhythmic arrangement of shapes in a pattern on a strip, square, circle;

Develop a sense of color - the ability to beautifully combine contrasting colors;

Develop skills in drawing various large and small shapes - simple elements of a pattern;

Develop technical skills in using a brush (lightly touch the paper, making dots; use the entire surface of the brush, drawing stripes, strokes).

Decorative drawing tasks in the middle group for compositional tasks are similar to gluing ready-made forms. At first, children learn to draw straight lines with a brush and apply rhythmically repeating strokes or dots between them, alternating strokes by color, changing their position when the pattern becomes more complex.

A brushstroke is the easiest decorative element to perform, since it does not require particularly precise movements and is obtained by lightly applying the brush to the paper. Therefore, strokes are included in the pattern first, and then dots. The point requires mastering a new technique of working with a brush (the brush is held vertically) and sufficiently developed coordination of movements to just touch the paper with the end of the brush.

The composition of the first drawings is also the simplest: rhythmic repetition of the same element. The rhythm of hand movement inherent in a person facilitates this repetition and helps convey the rhythm in pictorial forms.

Alternation is a more complex compositional technique, as it is based on a combination of several forms. Children in the middle group can alternate between two elements by shape or color.

The complication of the program material is due to a more complex composition and the introduction of new visual elements into the pattern. In addition to dots and strokes, children learn to use circles and rings in patterns, the drawing techniques of which they became familiar with in the younger group.

In decorative drawing, the image of these forms changes somewhat: they are smaller in size, when drawing they must all correspond to each other in size and, in addition, they are not associated with the image of the object, which also makes their image more difficult for the child. In addition to stripes, children learn to place patterns on other shapes - square, circle. These shapes require a different composition in the pattern. Naturally, it is impossible to use a simple linear repetition here, since a square has sides, corners, and a center; The circle has an edge and a center.

Children of the fifth year of life can be given more complex tasks in decorative drawing, since the level of development of aesthetic feelings at this age is much higher.

Children need to be taught:

Arrange the pattern symmetrically depending on the shape of the sheet of paper or three-dimensional object;

Use a variety of straight, rounded lines and shapes, plant elements in the pattern;

Find beautiful color combinations depending on the background; skillfully use a brush (paint with the end, the whole brush, move it freely in different directions).

First, the skills acquired in the middle group are consolidated in drawing up patterns consisting of straight lines, strokes, and dots on different forms. But this is not a simple repetition of the material of the average group. Children are given a larger number of colors to choose from; elements combined in patterns can be of different sizes.

In the first quarter, children are taught a new technique for constructing a pattern on a circle - filling the entire shape with a pattern built from the center by symmetrically building up elements in concentric circles. In addition to the square and circle, children are given an oval, a triangle, a rosette and a hexagon - shapes that are more complex for constructing a pattern.

Work on decorative drawing will achieve the desired goal only if drawing is connected with the work on developing the artistic taste of children, their observation, the ability to see beautiful things in the life around them, elegant patterns, decoration of buildings, color combinations both in objects of art and in nature. To do this, it is necessary to attract children’s attention to such objects as painted dishes, fabrics, carpets, folk embroidery, etc.

On walks, you should take your children to look at beautiful buildings, flower beds, attractive landscapes, the colors of autumn leaves and much more that can always be found anywhere in our country. Each area has its own characteristics, its own unique natural beauty, its own artistic crafts. Introducing children to the richness of their native land, combined with learning ornamental drawing, will help to cultivate a sense of beauty and love for folk arts and crafts and their native nature.

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Open lesson

in the middle group on developing skills for successful social interaction:

"Filimonov toys"

decorative painting

based on Filimonov painting

Abstract developed

Educator: Ivanova M.K.

November 2010

Software tasks: Teach with confidence(without interruption) draw straight lines. Strengthen children's ability to decorate a silhouette with elements of decorative painting(dots, straight lines and dashes) .

Develop an eye, a sense of color, shape, rhythm, proportions.

To cultivate interest and aesthetic attitude towards folk art, independence, accuracy.

Preliminary work: Acquaintance with Filimonov toys, their origin, examination of illustrations depicting Filimonov products. Drawing all the elements of Filimonov painting, practicing them in independent and joint activities. Didactic games “Rainbow” for the purpose of exercising in the selection of harmonious color combinations.

Materials, tools, equipment: silhouettes of ducks, geese, cockerels; paints, pony brushes No. 3, napkins, cups of water,

Demo material : Filimonov toys.

Vocabulary work : Filimonov toys, museum

Progress of the lesson.

Educator: I invite you to the museum of folk toys. Here we will see various toys made by the hands of craftsmen. Now, to test your knowledge, we'll play.

D/i “Choose a Filimonov toy” (from the proposed toys - Gorodets, Dymkovo, Filimonov - choose the last one and justify the choice)

Are you familiar with these toys? Name them? (children look at and name familiar toys)

Well done! You completed the task. And now I invite you to become masters for a while and invite you to the workshop.

To enter it, you need to answer questions.

What are Filimonov toys made of?

What elements of Filimonov painting do you know?

What tools are needed for painting toys?

To divide into groups, I suggest you take cards and find each other based on the elements of the painting. Select a messenger to receive the task. The messengers choose a silhouette.

The children come in and sit down at their work stations.

Now you get to work. Try to make your work beautiful and neat. A good master's workplace is always clean and tidy. Check if everything is ready to go?

All we have to do is warm up our fingers

Finger gymnastics

A spider walked along a branch,

And the children followed him.

The rain suddenly fell from the sky,

The spiders were washed to the ground.

The sun began to warm up,

The spider is crawling again

And all the children crawl after him,

To walk along the branch.

Children begin to work, the teacher monitors the work, advises, suggests techniques

Physical education minute

We nod our heads,
Let's shake our noses,
And let's knock our teeth
And let's be silent for a while.
(Press index fingers to lips).

We'll roll our shoulders
And let's not forget about the pens.
Let's shake our fingers
And let's rest a little.
(Bent down, swing with relaxed arms).
Lesson summary

Educator: Let's see how our masters coped with the work.

Are all the ducks okay?

Whose work do you like best? Why?

Which toy is the neatest?

Who decorated it with their own pattern?

Educator: Those who worked from the heart, now have fun, dance!

Children dance to Russian folk music, have fun and rejoice.

Topic: “Decorating an apron” (decorative drawing) in the middle group

Program content: Strengthen children's ability to decorate items of clothing using lines, strokes, dots, circles and other familiar elements. Learn to select paints according to the color of the apron. Develop aesthetic perception, independence, initiative.

Materials for the lesson: image of an apron, gouache paints, a jar of water, brushes, a napkin (for each child), demonstration board, magpie (finger theater), illustrations of a magpie, samples of decorated aprons, a magic wand for children's work.

Progress of direct educational activities:

The teacher brings a magpie into the group.

- Guys, what kind of bird flew to visit us? (magpie)

The teacher reads I. Demyanov’s poem “The Magpie Apron”

Look at the magpie

Black apron on the chest!

I burned out the stove and forgot to take it off -

And now it flies over the garden.

“So many things have accumulated!

I would like to wash my apron:

Everything turned black near the stove!”

- Guys, why did the magpie's apron turn black? (lit the stove)

How can you help a magpie? (wash, buy, give...)

Guys, let's give the magpie new, beautiful aprons.

Magpie, look how many aprons we have. I see that they are not decorated at all. The guys and I will decorate them and give them to you. Do you guys agree?

I have aprons with different patterns. Let's look at them.

What is the apron decorated with? (different patterns)

That's right, patterns. Where are the patterns located on the apron? (at the bottom of the apron)

Do you know how to draw patterns? (stripes - draw a straight line from left to right with the end of the brush)

Guys, what is the next apron decorated with?

That's right, leaves and flowers. How are they located on this apron?

Well done, of course, one leaf is on the right, another is on the left, and between them is a flower. What do the flowers look like? (in circles)

That's right, into circles. What color paint was used for decoration?

Well done, the leaves are green, the flowers are red.

To draw a leaf: you need to attach (touch) the brush with all its bristles to the paper and remove it - the leaf is ready. How to draw flowers?

That's right, you can draw a circle with a brush, but I suggest you draw flowers with your finger: put paint on your index finger and apply it to the paper - the flower is ready. Then we wash our finger and dry it on a napkin.

Let's look at the pattern of another apron. What changed?

That's right guys, this apron has a different pattern. Three leaves - on the left, on the right and between them, next to flowers and again three leaves.

Look at the aprons, how are they similar?

That's right, the elements of the pattern are the same: leaves, flowers and stripes.


Magpie flew to us

Belogruda, Belobok

She chattered, she galloped,

I crushed the loose bed

With its beak I dug somewhere,

I wet my tail in a puddle,

Then she shook the feathers,

She ran and flew up!

Independent activity of children.

Magpie and I will watch you draw.

Individual assistance, verbal instructions, showing in your silhouette, encouragement, reinforcement. (What element are you painting? What color? Where are they located? How should you “bathe” the brush?)

Analysis of children's works.

Anyone who has already decorated an apron, bring it to our board. Let's take a look at them. And look at the magpie.

Olya, find an apron with an even pattern. Why did you choose this apron?

Well done, because the stripes are drawn evenly and the pattern between them is neat. The leaves are drawn on the left, on the right, and between them are flowers.

Soroka, do you like our aprons?

Of course you like it?

We give them to you so that you don’t get your feathers dirty.

Guys, let's say goodbye to our guests.

Now we need to clean up our workplace. Well done guys, good job, pat yourself on the back.