What can you do with Chinese? Things to do in China

The capital of China is Beijing

Ancient civilization China was closed from prying eyes for many centuries, and only in the second half of the 20th century did international tourism begin to actively develop here. Among the holiday destinations in China there are compulsory programs covering historical and architectural heritage countries, as well as interesting and unique natural places. Having familiarized yourself with the list of things to do in the Middle Kingdom, you can safely hit the road.

Enter the Forbidden City

Most of excursions around Beijing begin with a visit Forbidden City. A unique complex of palaces, turned into a huge museum, receives several million people a year, half of whom are Foreign tourists. Since the area of ​​the Forbidden City is quite large, it is better to set aside a whole day to visit it, from morning to evening, with a short break in a cafe next door. And it’s even better if tourist groups explore the Forbidden City in two days - this is also possible.

Forbidden City

Walk along the Great Wall of China

Immediately from the Chinese capital you can go to explore the country's greatest building - Great Wall of China. Before you decide on this trip, you need to remember that of all the surviving 4 thousand kilometers of the wall, only 400 kilometers are accessible to tourists. different regions China. From Beijing there are three directions to the surviving areas: Badaling, Jinshanling-Simatai-Gubeikou And Mutianyu. The first section is the most famous, which has led to huge crowds of tourists at any time of the year. The third section is the best restored - it is served by funiculars for the ascent and skids for the descent.

See “red” Beijing

Patriotic Chinese often suggest starting to get acquainted with the country not with ancient buildings, but with historical sites modern history. Mausoleum leader Mao Zedong, located on the iconic Tiananmen Square, in this format of excursions around the Chinese capital is the main object of visit. Monument To the People's Heroes , located here, is one of the obligatory objects for memorable photographs. If a trip to China is planned for the May holidays, then traditional demonstrations cannot be ignored.

Tiananmen Square

Visit the tailor

Talent Chinese tailors It’s foolish to dispute - in every city you can see an atelier where entire sets of costumes are created almost by hand. You can behave like a typical tourist and order a suit from a national chinese style with patterns depicting dragons, pandas and other symbols of the country. Or you can do as the Chinese do - bring the tailor a photo from the latest collection large house fashion, draw a rough pattern and in a couple of days you will receive a finished item that is no different from the original. But such a thing will cost tens of times less.

Take a photo of the Terracotta Army

Promoted thanks to Hollywood films Terracotta Army is located in an average city by Chinese standards Xian. Clay statues are found at tomb of Qin Shi Huang- first emperor of a unified China. Today, the Terracotta Army is the object of full-fledged excursions; all 8 thousand statues are covered with a huge pavilion roof, which protects them from bad weather. Tourists have the opportunity to view the Army from the balconies along the perimeter of the exhibition pavilion.

Terracotta Army

View Guanshan

Unique natural object - Guanshan Mountains- best to visit in summer. The rocky spurs formed 100 million years ago are now included in a single nature reserve, which is a UNESCO site. The tops of the rock formations are covered with dense forests, and some heights are climbed. Picturesque landscapes, opening from here to last years are actively used by filmmakers for location shooting, including Hollywood films.

Order a massage session

If massage in Thailand has long been an integral attribute rest, then about Chinese massage Many tourists still have vague ideas. In fact, this service can be offered even in the cheapest hotel, but the question of medical effectiveness will already arise. If you want to give your body the right tone, then it is best to order such a massage in medical centers or SPA salons at large hotels. There are two types of this service - foot massage, which can be ordered everywhere, and general massage, which, however, is better to order in clinics.

Get to the rice plantations

Several thousand varieties of rice have been developed, making China the leading exporter of this product. The country's food industry has done a good job for tourism - now foreign tourists can see how the main product of the Chinese nation is grown. Most often they come to Yuanyang County where are the famous rice terraces. Having risen to a sufficiently high altitude, tourists can choose one of observation platforms, overlooking stepped terraces of rice cultivation. The best time to visit this district is from November to April.

Rice plantations

Buy real Chinese tea

Many have tried the real one Chinese tea, but few know about the laws of the tea ceremony. If dosed tea drinking is not to your taste, then you can go to any tea store and buy one of several hundred, or even thousands of varieties. A number of varieties green tea you need to buy with the knowledge that the duty when crossing the border can be quite high, so it is better not to purchase large quantities of tea.

Go to Pingyao

Official status ancient city China does Pingyao a popular place among tourists. According to historical documents and archaeological evidence, the first settlements on the site modern city were already 12 thousand years ago. local residents widely support historical tourism, often wearing traditional costumes For daily work and arranging for tourists the most different views.

Walk the Path of Faith

So-called Path of Faith- This unique place in Zhangjiajie city district. On a steep cliff at an altitude of more than a kilometer, a serpentine path was created from reinforced glass and metal structures. A person walking along this path walks along an abyss and, if he looks down, he will see everything that is under this cliff.

Path of Faith

Visit the pandas

The largest nature reserve in China, where giant pandas live in conditions as close as possible to the natural environment, located in the city Chengdu, Sichuan Province. 1000 pandas live here permanently different ages. It is better for people to come in the morning, when the heavy bears have not gone to sleep during the day.

It has long ceased to be exotic and is popular among gourmets all over the world. You don’t have to visit a restaurant to eat Chinese food; the recipes with photos offered in this article will help you easily prepare it at home. Dishes prepared according to traditional recipes can be served both at family gatherings and on holidays to guests.

Chinese food: noodle recipe

Residents of the Middle Kingdom are very fond of rice flour or a flour mixture of soy and green beans. Preparing such noodles is a long and labor-intensive process.

You only need 2 ingredients: half a glass of water and 250 grams of any flour - rice or soy. You need to knead a stiff dough, which you then cool well. Next, the dough is rolled out very thin, it needs to be pulled, tossed, folded in half when it reaches its maximum length. You need to continue such manipulations until the dough, folded in half over and over again, produces many thin, long threads - this is noodles.

This is such a difficult Chinese food to prepare! The recipe is simple, but takes a lot of time and effort. Today it’s easier to buy noodles in a store than to bother, and they’re inexpensive.

Chinese rice with egg and onion

There are a lot of rice recipes in Chinese food! If you are a rice lover, then try cooking it in a new way. The Chinese know a lot about cooking this cereal, because it is the basis of Chinese cuisine. Let's take the simplest ingredients that every housewife has in stock. This side dish will go perfectly with both meat and fish.

To prepare rice you will need:

  • half a glass of rice;
  • 250 ml water;
  • head onions;
  • a small bunch (about 50 grams) of green onions;
  • one egg;
  • a tablespoon of sunflower oil and soy sauce;
  • a third of a teaspoon of salt.

This small food kit makes 2 servings of delicious traditional Chinese food. Recipe step-by-step preparation see below.

How to cook rice in Chinese

  1. Pre-boil water in the amount indicated above.
  2. Place rice in boiling water, add salt, cover with a lid.
  3. From the moment it boils, you need to cook the rice for 15 minutes. During this time, do not stir the cereal or open the lid.
  4. If after 15 minutes the water has not completely boiled away, then you need to evaporate it: open the lid and turn on the gas at maximum power, stir the cereal, otherwise it will burn.
  5. Transfer the rice to a wide dish to cool slightly.
  6. The onion needs to be peeled, chopped into small cubes, and fried in sunflower oil for three minutes.
  7. Place the rice and onions in a frying pan and fry everything together for a couple of minutes.
  8. Break the egg into a bowl, beat it a little, then pour it over the rice and onions, stir, fry everything together until the egg is ready.
  9. Next, you need to turn off the heat and place the rice in a deep dish. Then pour in soy sauce, add chopped green onions, and mix.

That's it, the dish can be laid out on plates. Chinese food, the recipes we offer, is universal. It can be served as a separate dish, or you can add meat ingredients. The same applies to all the meat dishes described below. They can be served with or without any side dish.

Sweet and sour meat

We suggest you consider the preparation delicious meat according to this recipe. Chinese food is notable for the fact that the taste is difficult to decipher; it is at the same time sour, sweet, salty, and spicy - real gourmets will appreciate it!

To cook meat in Chinese you will need:

  • 400 grams of any meat, but it is better to take beef or boneless chicken;
  • two chicken eggs;
  • half a glass of flour;
  • half a glass of sunflower oil;
  • three tablespoons of soy sauce;
  • a little salt;
  • a teaspoon of sugar and the same amount of dried paprika or Korean carrot seasoning.

Anyone who doesn't like onions in any form will love this dish!

How to cook sweet and sour meat

You need to start preparing this dish “yesterday”. That is, in order to serve it tomorrow, we start preparing today, since the meat must marinate for a day in order for it to end up tender and soft.

  1. The meat must be cut into thin, long pieces, rinsed, then placed on a paper towel to drain the moisture.
  2. Mix the meat with seasonings, sugar and salt, soy sauce, and a spoonful of sunflower oil. Cover the dish with a lid or wrap cling film, put it in the refrigerator to marinate for a day.

The next day you can start preparing the dish itself.

  1. Prepare a batter from two eggs and half a glass of flour. If it turns out a bit thick, you can dilute it with milk, water or mayonnaise.
  2. Heat in a frying pan or deep fryer sunflower oil, the quantity of which should be such that the pieces of meat are completely immersed in it.
  3. Mix the meat with the batter, or dip each separately, and fry until golden brown.

This kind of meat - The recipe at home can be modified, for example, removing sugar from the ingredients, because not everyone likes the sweet taste in meat dishes. The result is meat that is aromatic, slightly sour, tender and very tasty. The main thing is to marinate for at least a day in soy sauce.

Pork with sweet and sour sauce

Can you cook authentic Chinese restaurant food at home? The recipe offered here was taken from the chefs of Chinese restaurants, it is a traditional dish, which the inhabitants of the Celestial Empire love very much.

To cook meat you will need:

  • 0.6 kg pork tenderloin without lard;
  • a third of a glass of soy sauce;
  • large carrots;
  • 4 tablespoons starch;
  • a teaspoon of sesame seeds;
  • two teaspoons of chopped parsley (you can take either fresh or dried);
  • a glass of vegetable oil.

Ingredients for sweet and sour sauce:

  • half a glass of water;
  • two tablespoons of sunflower oil;
  • three tablespoons of 9% vinegar;
  • 4 tablespoons of sugar, two - tomato paste (not ketchup, but thick paste);
  • half a teaspoon of sesame oil.

There are no supernatural products on the list, everything is simple and accessible. The preparation itself is also easy, everyone can handle it, even those who have never cooked Chinese food. We will describe the recipe step by step, so you don’t get confused.

Cooking pork in Chinese style

  1. The meat needs to be frozen so that it can be easily cut into thin layers. Slice, pour soy sauce and marinate for 20 minutes in the refrigerator.
  2. Next, add starch and mix well to coat each piece.
  3. In a deep fryer or deep frying pan, heat the sunflower oil and fry the pieces in it on both sides for about three minutes to form a golden brown crust.
  4. Using a slotted spoon, remove the meat from the oil, place it at a distance from each other on a paper towel so that all the meat is absorbed. excess fat.
  5. Carrots need to be grated Korean carrots, or cut into thin, long strips, mix with parsley.
  1. Place the sugar and tomato paste in a saucepan, turn on low heat, stirring, and fry until the sugar dissolves.
  2. Then add water and vinegar and simmer for a couple of minutes.
  3. Next you need to add 2 tablespoons of sunflower oil, you can take what is left in the deep fryer after frying the meat.
  4. Add the meat to the sauce, then the carrots and parsley, mix well, cover and simmer for 5 minutes.
  5. When serving, sprinkle the meat with sesame seeds.

Rice prepared according to the recipe in this article is suitable as a side dish. You can simply boil the rice, prepare mashed potatoes, noodles (either Chinese or regular), or any other side dish.

Chinese sweet and sour meat

Cooking recipes sweet and sour sauces There are many varieties for meat in China, and this allows each lover of exotic food to choose the one that is more preferable. We invite you to consider a very tasty option for preparing meat from traditional Chinese cuisine.

For 4 servings you will need:

  • half a kilo of pork with a small layer of lard (if you don’t like lard, then take it without it);
  • 200 grams of pineapples;
  • onion head;
  • carrot;
  • bell pepper;
  • a tablespoon of starch, the same amount of flour;
  • half a glass of soy sauce;
  • a little salt.

For the sauce:

  • 4 tablespoons of tomato paste;
  • two tablespoons of sugar and table vinegar (9%).

Cooking sweet and sour meat

  1. We wash the meat, cut into wide, thin slices;
  2. Soy sauce should be mixed with starch and flour, salt, pour it over the meat, and put in the refrigerator to marinate for half an hour.
  3. Chop the carrots and onions, fry until golden brown, then add diced pineapple and bell pepper.
  4. Fry the meat in a small amount of oil on both sides. When the second side is browned, add the mixture of tomato paste with vinegar and sugar and simmer for 10 minutes.
  5. Next, pour in the sauce in which the meat was marinated, lay out the fried vegetables, salt, if thick, add a little water. Cover with a lid and simmer for 20 minutes.

The best side dish for such meat would be a simple one. boiled rice. You can also serve meat without a side dish, because it contains a lot of vegetables.

Chicken in Chinese sauce

This is also a dish from the menu of a Chinese restaurant. Chicken is easy to prepare, all ingredients are available. As a result, the dish turns out very tasty and aromatic, it will not leave anyone indifferent!

Products for cooking:

  • 400 grams chicken breasts;
  • two bell peppers;
  • two cloves of garlic;
  • two tablespoons each of soy sauce, apple cider vinegar and sunflower oil;
  • three tablespoons of water;
  • a teaspoon of starch, half a teaspoon of salt;
  • a tablespoon of sugar;
  • parsley and sesame - to taste.

How to cook chicken in Chinese

  1. The first step is to cut the breasts correctly - into thin strips and only along the grain;
  2. Heat sunflower oil in a frying pan, fry the pieces on both sides until white.
  3. In the same pan you need to fry the bell pepper cut into strips. Ideally, if the pepper is soft on top but remains elastic inside, check with a fork.
  4. Now prepare the sauce by mixing sugar, salt, starch, soy sauce, Apple vinegar and water.
  5. Place the meat in a frying pan with pepper, pour in the sauce and simmer over low heat for about 15 minutes until the liquid thickens.
  6. When serving, sprinkle the chicken with sesame seeds and parsley.

Rice or Chinese noodles are ideal as a side dish.

In this article, we have suggested popular ways to prepare Chinese food at home. Recipes with photos will help you prepare these wonderful dishes correctly and very tasty. Bon appetit!

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It was love at first sight with China. After two years passionate romance when in the object of adoration you see exclusively positive traits, our relationship has become more like a marriage. We have gotten used to each other, come to terms with our shortcomings and exist very comfortably together. I'll tell you about some of the features of my beloved country.

  • The concept of “one’s own” for the Chinese is decisive in relation to a person. If you are a fellow countryman, a friend of a friend, and even more so a relative - no matter what distance - you can expect special treatment. If you are “one of our own”, then they trust you, they give you best price, they will always help you, but, of course, they expect the same from you in return. China is a society based on the provision of mutual favors. Here it works better than money.
  • Context is very important when talking to the Chinese. “Yes” is rarely heard here, and “no” is even rarer. If they say “maybe” to you, then depending on the situation it can mean “yes”, that is, “I will try very hard, but only heaven knows whether it will work out.” “No” - “I definitely can’t, I just don’t want to offend you with a refusal” or “maybe”, “I would like to do it, but I’m not sure if it will work out.” Such a multiplicity of meanings puts Western Europeans in a state of constant stress, but for people who grew up in Russia, which, whatever one may say, is still Asia, after a while it becomes easier. Well, at least for me personally. (Although overlaps still happen).
  • According to my observations, all Chinese have the rare ability to sleep whenever and wherever they want, completely oblivious to the noise or light around them. It's like they have an off button. By the way, almost everyone practices afternoon naps, with the exception of residents big cities. For example, in small town, where I lived, from 12:00 to 14:00 almost all shops close, and certainly all government institutions, where the lunch break lasts from 11:30 to 14:30: an hour to eat and two hours to sleep.
  • There is no such thing as “Chinese cuisine” in China. There are very specific regional traditions. Depending on where you are in China, different products, different spices and different ways preparations. The Sichuan province is famous for its spicy dishes, the north for dumplings, the city of Wuhan for noodles with peanut sauce and spicy duck necks, etc. Culinary tourism is one of the most common leisure activities among the Chinese. Regional cuisine is as much an attraction as the mountains, temples and museums. When I asked what we would do in Chengdu - a city famous for its huge nature reserve and panda breeding center - my Chinese friends looked at me in amazement and said: “Like what? Eat!"
  • The most common medicine in traditional Chinese medicine is hot water. It doesn’t matter if you have a cold, a stomach ache or a headache, you will definitely be advised to drink more hot water. hot water Everyone drinks here, regardless of whether they are sick or healthy. Large titans with boiling water can be found in all in public places- from airports and railways stations to parks. That’s why there are free public toilets at every step here, including in the metro.
  • On Chinese trains, linen does not change with each new passenger. If, say, you boarded at an intermediate station and not at the final station, then the best you can count on is a slightly tidied bed by the conductor. But it is completely unknown how many people slept on this very bed before you.
  • In Chinese restaurants, dishes are often served wrapped in plastic wrap - it all looks very hygienic. But Chinese friends always rinse these “clean dishes” with boiled water (which is served to you immediately) before they start eating.
  • Diapers for babies are a very sign big city. In all other places, Chinese kids wear pants with a slit at the bottom (in any weather) and, if necessary, satisfy their natural needs aside on the sidewalk, naturally, under the strict supervision of their parents.
  • When describing appearance, the Chinese break down the face into its component parts. They say: “You are beautiful because you have big eyes / high nose (high bridge of the nose) / small mouth / white skin.” Antique Chinese proverb says: "White skin erases three deformities." Local young ladies (and often young men) make incredible efforts to whiten their skin and avoid exposure to the sun in every possible way. To do this, they carry umbrellas on a sunny day, wear caps with a dark glass mask in the style of a welder, and constantly use bleaching creams. The idea that there are people somewhere who specifically spend time and money to make their skin darker seems absurd to the Chinese. As you understand, there are no solariums in China.
  • Relationships are always started with marriage in mind. For the vast majority of Chinese, family and children are the main goal in life. Chinese men are incredibly caring and love children very much. A crowd of twenty-year-olds cuddling babies is a completely common sight here. As my Chinese friend says, a Chinese boyfriend is expected to clean the room, cook the food, and peel your grapes. And it's not a joke.
  • IN traditional China It is not customary to publicly show your feelings and touch each other. Couples holding hands in big cities- rather the influence of the West. Public hugs and especially kisses are considered indecent. Moreover, if a man touches a woman, everyone will assume that they are in a relationship. Chinese friends (even of the same sex) do not hug each other: the Chinese generally do not like to be touched; a crush in the subway does not count. The words “I love you” are very rare even between husband and wife and between parents and children. Feelings are expressed in care and in increased feeding of the object of feelings.
  • Chinese women's skirts and shorts can be as short as desired, there is nothing reprehensible in this, while the chest and shoulders are always covered. They don't wear a neckline here, but during the heat chinese men they roll up their T-shirts like crop tops, exposing their bellies. This is folk sign: “If Chinese men bare their bellies, summer has come.”
  • Learning Chinese from a phrasebook is the most useless activity you can think of. Not to mention that the sounds of Chinese are very different from Russian, the main problem is that Chinese is a tone language. This means that the same word, pronounced with different intonation, can mean completely different things. Trying to explain what you want using books like this is like trying to sing an unfamiliar song with the words right in front of your eyes. The sounds may be similar, but you don’t know the melody, and without the melody, it’s impossible to understand what you’re singing there. You might as well speak Russian. In big cities there is a good chance to meet those who know a little English, but take a step to the left, a step to the right - and no one understands you. It's better to accept it right away. Speech will be useless. The good news is that they really want to understand you, so they will try their best.
  • Russians are loved in China. Russia is a friend and neighbor. They explain everything that the Chinese know about Russia with one phrase: “Because it’s very cold there.” In Russia they drink a lot. This is because it is very cold. After girls get married, they always gain weight (there is such a stereotype about Russians in China). Because it's very cold. But Russian girls are very beautiful. Big eyes, high nose and white skin.
  • The Chinese explain all their problems by the number of people. Is the environment bad? Because there are a lot of people. Rules are not followed traffic? Because there are a lot of people. And so on ad infinitum.

You and I, dear Primorye residents, due to the location of our beloved land, are not averse to heading to China once again. In case you have found yourself in the real “Chinese” China - you understand what I mean - this article can help you avoid uncomfortable situations that, one way or another, arise when our and Chinese mentalities collide.

Don't be openly complimentary
You may be stunned after complimenting a Chinese man about his hospitality and wonderful dinner, because he will answer you: “No, no, no, no! Everything was terrible! You will hear the same thing after you note how handsome and smart child- he will answer you: “No, he’s not handsome at all and even stupid!” But this is not rude at all. They are just very modest and polite. Stay humble no matter what! Don't immediately agree with praise directed at you.

Be careful not to make the Chinese blush
The worst thing you can do to a Chinese person is to publicly humiliate or embarrass him. Don't point out his mistakes and don't raise your voice at him in front of people. But there's good news: you can cheer up your Chinese friend by loudly appreciating his hard work and thoughtfulness. Do this whenever possible.

Don't show your irritation
If you are irritated, be angry openly, especially if it is connected with your Chinese friend and if you yourself are NOT Chinese - it’s a disaster. For the Chinese, of course. This should be avoided at all costs. The Chinese prioritize harmony in society, so you, fellow foreigner, once again keep silent, swallow, but be polite and do not show your indignation.

Don't call Chinese people by name
The Chinese have first and last names - no wonder, right? But here's the thing: when writing names in China, surnames are written first. Family and roots are a higher priority for them than individuality. Someone known in the West as Joe Smith will be Joe Smith in China. If someone introduces themselves to you as Li Ming in China, you can safely call this person Mr. Li. BUT NOT MISTER MING!
Unlike Westerners, the Chinese do not call each other by their first names. Only a family member or very close friend uses just a first name - like, "Hey Ming!" They may add the prefixes “Lao” (to elders) or “Xiao” (to younger ones) to their surnames to indicate that the relationship between people is close. Lao Li can turn to his younger friend with the surname Chen as Xiao Chen, for example.

Never take food from a shared dish without turning over the chopsticks
Please note sometime that in the common dishes on Chinese tables there are no spoons for serving. This is because it is customary there to take food from a common dish with your chopsticks, but with the other ends - not the ones with which you eat from your plate - opposite. You turn over the sticks and only then climb into the common plate.

Never drink alcohol poured into your glass without toasting it.
Chinese banquets often include 9-10 courses and rivers of alcohol. Sometimes it's rice wine, sometimes it's Mai Tai famous for, that non-Chinese people are killed with two glasses. The only way Don't be the first to finish at a Chinese drinking party - observe drinking etiquette. Toast! Don’t forget to make toasts in honor of the banquet host, which are customary to blurt out before each sip. This will not only prevent you from leaving prematurely, but will also show your gratitude to the host and other guests. But if someone said “gân bçi” (gahn bay), that’s the end. To you. This means “To the bottom!” But you can always say “shuí yì” (shway ee) in response to this and take just a sip instead of downing the entire glass in one gulp.

Never let a Chinese person pay your bill the first time.
Westerners are, to put it mildly, surprised when they see what happens at the end of a Chinese feast: the Chinese greedily fight for the opportunity to pay the entire bill themselves. This is a normal procedure, a demonstration of good manners - nothing more. And this can last a long time - the Chinese snatch the bill from each other’s hands until someone else takes it. So, you can safely express your desire to take on the bill yourself - it’s not a fact that you will be allowed to do this so easily, but everyone will undoubtedly appreciate it.

Don't come to the Chinese empty-handed
The Chinese often exchange gifts, not only special occasions. If it is a business dinner, the Chinese exchange gifts as a sign of goodwill towards each other. For a Westerner this is wild. In short, if you go to China, take a lot of small souvenirs with you. Suddenly you become friends with a crowd of Chinese, and everyone gives you something as a keepsake as a sign of your warm communication.

Never accept a treat the first time
No self-respecting Chinese will accept a treat just like that. It doesn't even matter how hungry or thirsty he is. Showing off at such moments is a tradition in China. In their minds, this means showing that you are not a greedy freeloader. So, before you agree, refuse the freebie offered to you a couple of times.

Never take the Chinese "Thank you, no thanks" literally.
You already understand that the Chinese need to show off before accepting anything from another person. If you offer a Chinese a treat, be prepared to hear a couple of refusals, but don’t stop there - offer the same thing a third time. In most cases, agreement necessarily occurs.

Many people have heard that you can make money by reselling goods from China. However, not everyone knows how to start acting and find their niche. Selling goods from China as a business has been popular in Russia for several years and brings income to many citizens. You can start working in the field without starting capital.

Business with China for resale without investment

Beginners can start making money from scratch, even if they have no starting capital. Business on Chinese goods is profitable due to the low price of clothing, equipment, etc. in China. If you resell even with a small margin, you can make a profit without leaving your home. Business with China on resale without investment is an order from a supplier of goods already paid for by clients (prepaid).

In this case, the dropshipping scheme is used:

  1. They choose what they want to sell.
  2. They find a supplier with whom they agree on cooperation on the principle of dropshipping.
  3. They start earning money.

It is important to consider that parcels from China costing up to 1 thousand euros do not require customs clearance. Thanks to this, you can handle significant supplies. If the price of the parcel is more than 1 thousand euros (about 65 thousand rubles), then you can negotiate with the supplier so that when sending it, he will lower the cost, then the goods will cross the border without problems. You can sell things from China through your own one-page websites, social networks, and retail outlets.

Business with China for resale with investments

To start working on a large scale, initial capital is required. Money is needed for promotion, payment for the first delivery, advertising, etc. For delivery you can use different variants, but the most reliable is transportation by road. It is important to choose the right supplier who has an export license. Subject to availability only of this document It will be possible to transport the purchased products to Russia.

To start a business with China for resale with investments legally, you need to adhere to the following rules:

  1. Buy from the supplier only goods with certificates and warranty cards.
  2. Go through customs clearance at the border officially and pay the state duty.
  3. Prepare documents for imported products from China.

How to start a business with China

Eat great amount paid and free videos on how to turn cooperation with China into profit (for example, the Chinese Compote portal, video tutorial from Chinaberry). Whether or not to undergo training is up to everyone to decide for themselves. However, it is worth focusing on several mandatory stages of a startup. To start a business with China, you need the following:

  1. Choose an idea: what to sell, to whom, how much money you can earn. For example, copies of iPhones, clothes for children, dishes, etc.
  2. Niche testing: creating a website, advertising, analyzing the number of applications from buyers.
  3. Sales method: your online store, Avito, a store, Instagram, VKontakte and more.
  4. Find a platform for purchasing products: Aliexpress, Taobao, Alibaba and others.
  5. Order the first batch of goods and start selling.

How to build a business with China

If you believe reviews and video courses about in this direction work, then it becomes clear that it is better to choose a supplier yourself, checking the company’s reliability and production. To do this, entrepreneurs who are ready to invest in business are recommended to go to China. If this is not possible, then you can read reviews about the seller and choose only stores with high ratings. You need to decide with the supplier the issue of which postal service will deliver the products in order to reduce shipping times. Many work through an intermediary, but this increases costs.

To build a business with China, you need to remember several conditions, what you need to do to start cooperation:

  1. Ask the owner of the company for all necessary licenses, certificates, certificates.
  2. Compare the company's legal address with its real one.
  3. Find out on the Internet what is located near this company.
  4. Be sure to request copies or scans of the company's bank documents in Chinese.

How to work directly with China

To significantly reduce average costs, it is recommended to do without intermediaries and personally cooperate with manufacturing factories in China. However, this option involves expanding the scope of work. You will have to trade a wide variety of goods, depending on the chosen specifics. Working directly with China is much more profitable, especially for businessmen involved in household appliances, furniture, branded items, fur coats. Manufacturers are more willing to make discounts and make concessions.

Trading with China for Beginners

To initial stage To avoid disappointment in this area of ​​business, it is worth adopting a few rules. Trading with China for beginners will begin to be profitable if:

  1. Select a specific product group without trying to cover the entire market.
  2. Parcels from China must be delivered by paid postal services in order to speed up the process of receiving products.
  3. To attract customers, you should constantly launch promotions and discounts.
  4. If an entrepreneur is limited in finances, it is worth choosing inexpensive goods: toys, accessories, etc.
  5. It is worth taking care of sales receipts and guarantees for purchased goods. This will improve the reputation of the entrepreneur and of Chinese products in general.

Video: Doing Business with China