How to open a point in a shopping center: step-by-step plan. NGS.Business - Business online magazine

Opening a street stall is not at all the same as opening a kiosk. In the first case, minimal investments and minimal hassle are required, in the second you will have to work hard and invest larger capital, but it is worth it.

What is special about trading at a kiosk?

This retail outlet is a small architectural form, which is most often stationary and the installation of which requires mandatory permission from the municipal authorities. When choosing this type of business, you need to decide on the main thing - where to open a kiosk. If not everything, then a lot depends on the location, and the best options would be bus stops, squares near metro stations, parks, and central streets. Kiosks located in walk-through areas of residential areas are also popular. The main task of an entrepreneur is to locate where there will always be a lot of people, and based on who is passing by and why, you can choose the type of product.

The kiosk can sell food, household chemicals, snacks, drinks, vegetables and fruits, and flowers. Also popular are “themed” kiosks with homemade baked goods or cakes, sandwiches, and pies. Another option is office supplies, newspapers or magazines. If a businessman doesn’t know where to start, you can simply look at what exactly is popular in a given area: even if you repeat after your competitors, you can achieve success simply by offering customers some kind of twist or unique type of product.

Another important nuance is the selection of the pavilion itself. Small architectural forms are quite expensive (up to 300 thousand rubles), so it is best to open a kiosk, simply rented. As a rule, pavilions for rent are offered exactly where they are most needed, therefore, by turning to the landlord, a businessman automatically decides the issue of the location of his outlet.

And, of course, before you start working and think about how much it costs to open a kiosk, you definitely need to officially register. The main thing that should be is a certificate of registration of individual entrepreneurs. In addition, you may need a license to sell alcoholic beverages, a permit to sell food products, and product certificates. The latter are needed if trade in goods made independently is carried out. Also, sellers working with products will need health certificates. All this will be checked by the sanitary station and local authorities, and only after that a trade permit will be issued. If you work with non-food products, such difficulties can be avoided, but before opening a kiosk, you will need to obtain permission from the fire inspectorate.

How much money should you have in stock?

If an entrepreneur has set his sights on renting a kiosk, then you should expect costs of 30-50 thousand rubles per month. In small towns the price will be lower. In this case, as a rule, payments are made for the first two months at once, so it is better to have up to 100 thousand on hand in order to be able to pay the rent.

In addition, the answer to the question of how much it costs to open a kiosk also depends on what equipment is chosen. Costs may be:

  • 30-40 thousand – for refrigeration equipment (refrigerator, display cases, etc.)
  • 10-20 thousand – for commercial equipment (racks, shelves)
  • 8 thousand – for a cash register (you can save money and choose a used one, which will cost about 2.5-3 thousand rubles)
  • 3 thousand - on the scales

In addition, about 35 thousand rubles will be needed for a license giving the right to trade in alcoholic beverages. And, of course, you need to allocate funds for the purchase of a basic assortment - regardless of its specifics, it is worth allocating 150-200 thousand rubles for these purposes.

In addition to this, there are also monthly costs that determine whether it is profitable to open a kiosk in a given situation:

  • 4-6 thousand rubles will be spent on electricity (in winter the figure will be higher, since the cost of heating the room will be added)
  • 4 thousand will be spent on other utilities - water supply, ventilation, sewerage (all of this may not be available at the kiosk, so you can save money at this point)
  • 4 thousand - for the salary of an accountant (the businessman himself can act in his role)
  • 16-20 thousand (minimum) - for the seller’s salary (again, you can save on it if you open a family business and trade on your own)

The profit from such a business will directly depend on where to open a kiosk and what to sell in it. However, in general, payback for a kiosk can be achieved within the first 6 months of operation. Even if you earn 2-3 thousand rubles daily, the monthly profit will reach 60-90 thousand. This will be quite enough to pay regular payments and leave 30-40 thousand rubles of net profit. Over time, this amount will increase, but the answer to the question of whether it is profitable to open a kiosk will depend on the entrepreneur himself - the more interested he is in developing the business, the more chances he has to achieve excellent income with minimal additional costs.

One of the least expensive and labor-intensive types of small business is your own stall, sales tent or small kiosk. It is the lack of high initial capital that attracts a large number of aspiring entrepreneurs.

But before you start opening a store, you should choose a suitable niche for yourself - what you can sell in a stall. These can be everyday goods (bread, chips, newspapers) or specialized luxury products (cigarettes, tea, coffee, jewelry).

But remember that retail also has its downsides. These include high competition. For your business to be profitable, you need to locate your kiosk in a crowded area. Walking distance, impeccable knowledge of client psychology, the uniqueness of the product sold, convenient work hours and an individual approach will allow you to quickly earn money and acquire regular visitors.

What about advertising? If the store is located in the central part of the city or village, then you don’t have to worry about outdoor advertising and don’t have to spend money. The most important thing is a bright, inviting sign and correctly placed goods in the window.

The total income most often depends on the territorial location. The products on store shelves are also important. If you have not yet decided what you can sell at a stall, then we suggest reading an article written specifically for novice businessmen.

The legal side of the coin

Even opening a small kiosk requires registration with the tax office. You should register as an individual entrepreneur and register with the Pension Fund and State Statistics Committee. Since 2004, the registration procedure has been significantly simplified. Now it is enough to register only with the tax office. If you want to sell low-alcohol drinks, you will need permits from the Licensing Chamber. The procedure may take up to a month.

You will need to obtain a document from the Department of Construction and Architecture, it will need to be agreed upon with the Department of Trade. During this period you will have time to find a suitable point. You can use the services of specialists from a real estate agency, but in this case you will have to pay a commission.

A stall for trade is usually rented. Building a store is more expensive and takes a lot of time. The kiosk can be located both indoors (shopping center, train station, metro station) and on a street square.

Of course, an indoor store has advantages such as communications, security, heating and traffic flow. Among the disadvantages is the high fee. After you install your kiosk, you should coordinate it with the sanitary and epidemiological station (SES). Business in a stall requires a lot of effort and patience, but if you want to become the master of life, then do not give up.

What can you sell in a stall with a small area?

You can choose food items. Specialize in several product categories at once: dairy products, sausages, vegetables, fruits, bread. Don't forget about chewing gum, chocolates and other little things that young people often buy.

The business idea is quite profitable and profitable. Just carefully monitor shelf life, as products such as milk, sausages and yoghurts spoil quickly. If there is a hypermarket next door to you, then do not go overboard on the price and strictly monitor the quality.

Music and video discs

Questionable business. Immediately prepare for constant inspections by regulatory authorities, because the law allows you to sell only licensed products, and this, accordingly, will significantly reduce profits. If you are ready for this, we recommend locating street kiosks close to shopping centers, where the traffic of paying customers is much higher.

Alcohol products (beer, gin and tonic, cocktails), juices, water, chips

This range of products is the most common and least profitable. However, if you live on the Black Sea coast, then this niche is quite promising and can bring good income. But it’s better to set up a store closer to the coast and include kvass, corn, and ice cream in the sale. Everything will more than pay for itself within the season.

Souvenirs and printed products

It is better to open such stalls at train stations, airports and metro stations. There is a lot of traffic in these places, so the income will be considerable. Attract customers with bright covers, new products and interesting souvenirs (Olympic toys, coins, hats).

How to open a stall on wheels: equipment for small-piece goods

The business organization scheme for opening a kiosk is the same for absolutely any category of goods sold. Reporting and registration were written above, now let’s talk about what equipment will be needed to implement the idea. So, let us immediately note that the area of ​​the retail premises should not be less than seven square meters.

A full-fledged kiosk cannot exist without auxiliary equipment:

Refrigerated display case (freezer),

Cash machine,

Racks for products,

Furniture (chair, table).

The list of equipment directly depends on the product range. Once you have installed everything you need, you can get to work. At first, it is better to trade on your own in order to gain capital and evaluate the correctness of your choice of niche.

Financial component

If you have clearly defined what you can sell at the stall, then it’s time to move on to the financial plan, so to speak, to drawing up an estimate. Of course, compared to a large store, the capital investment is not so large, but it still exists.

- Preparation of documentation – from 10 to 100 thousand rubles.

Buying a cash register – 5-7 thousand rubles.

Kiosk rental – from 10 to 30 thousand rubles.

Purchasing a stall – 50-100 thousand rubles.

Scales – from 2500 rub.

Refrigeration equipment – ​​from 10,000 rubles.

Purchase of goods – from 50,000 rubles.

As you can see, the minimum costs are quite large. To start, you need to have at least 150,000 rubles. This does not include employee salaries. As practice shows, small retail trade brings the first profit after six months, but again, a lot depends on the traffic of customers, location, schedule and product. As you work, you will understand which products are more in demand and which are not in demand. Based on this, place your bets.

Opening a shopping island is an attractive idea for small businesses. This is an economical type of retail that does not require high start-up investments. One of the less risky options is working under a franchise.


In search of an economical, but convenient and functional place for sales, many entrepreneurs turn their attention to an island in a shopping center. This interest is understandable: if there is not enough money to open a store in a separate room, then an excellent opportunity to start a business without significant start-up investments is to install a lightweight modular structure in the central part of the hall, in a gallery or passage of a shopping center, where there are the most visitors. However, practice shows that this type of retail trade has its own characteristics that should be taken into account by those who are thinking about opening it.

Pros and cons of islands

Like any business, trading islands have their advantages and disadvantages, which future owners should be aware of in advance.


  • Compactness (on average from 2 to 15 sq. m), which allows you not to overpay for rent
  • Possibility of selling a wide range of both food and non-food goods and services. Here are just a few of them: ice cream, sweets, gadgets, perfumes and cosmetics, express manicure (nail bar), accessories, coffee, leather goods, watch repair, express payments, pawn shop, jewelry, etc.
  • Convenient location in the “pass-through” areas of supermarkets
  • Ease of assembly and disassembly, mobility (if there is a wheelbase)


  • Lack of storage facilities and fitting rooms (which narrows the range of goods for sale)
  • Limited display space (if there are miscalculations in determining demand for products, there is an excess of unclaimed items)
  • Strict standards for the type of retail structures, which are often introduced by the landlord.

To minimize risks and unplanned investments when opening a trade on an island, you need to carefully study the rental conditions, analyze the trafficability of the selected point and the presence of a target audience for your type of goods and services.

Selecting a location

When designing large stores or multifunctional centers, as a rule, the layout of free space already takes into account the presence of shopping islands. During the process of putting the facility into operation, their number may change, but only slightly. On the one hand, this allows future tenants to look in advance for the best places to open their own “point”; on the other hand, there is a need to take into account the interests of the landlord, who often makes demands on island owners to work in accordance with the general concept of the center.

An important criterion for choosing a location for a trading island is the traffic indicator (see Fig. 1)

But it would be a mistake to make a choice based only on the popularity of the shopping center. It has been noticed that in the most “pass-through” supermarkets, the more successful islands are those representing recognizable brands with big names: brand names of watches, ice cream, cosmetics, jewelry. If next to them there is an original, but “unfamiliar” manufacturer, “banner blindness” begins among visitors to the shopping center. It is difficult to influence it without special marketing tricks that require additional costs.

In addition, the more “serious” the landlord is, the more conditions he has. For example, the Arena shopping mall (Voronezh) requires that the islands do not exceed a height of 160 cm, be transparent and equipped with internal lighting, so as not to disrupt the perception of visitors to the main shopping galleries.

Representatives of centers with “famous names” often wish, upon approval, to receive a colorful booklet from the retailer with a detailed description of the shopping island and many of its images in the interior of the hall. This is an additional expense: design bureaus estimate such an order at 60-70 thousand rubles.

That is why experienced entrepreneurs advise beginners to “start” in less pretentious and large retail enterprises, while choosing places with high traffic, but a minimum set of counter conditions from the landlord. This will allow you to show maximum imagination in decorating a shop window, product presentation, etc. And you will compete with neighboring kiosks mainly due to the originality of the idea and the profitable presentation of your product.

Which product should I choose?

One of the first questions a future retailer has is: what to sell in the sales area on the islands? What to prefer: edible products or non-food products? Who should you bet on: the public focused on consumer goods, or the discerning buyer of exclusives?

Magazine “Trade Practice. Retail Equipment" in 2014 published a forecast of the retail market until 2016 (see Fig. 2)

As you can see, the markets for food and non-food products are almost the same in dynamics: the economic difficulties of recent years are making themselves felt. Let's look at examples of successful projects from the TOP - 25 most profitable franchises of 2015 according to

Cocktails Tea Funny Point

The original food brand for pedestrian areas. Based on the preparation of the “bubble tea” cocktail, invented in Taiwan, which includes tea, milk, syrup and jelly-like balls with juice inside.


  • the shopping island takes up little space - about 4 m²
  • royalty in the amount of 4% of revenue is paid from the second year of operation
  • starting capital (about 0.8 million rubles) can be obtained from Rosbank under the “Successful Start” program
  • the design of the retail island and equipment placement was developed by the franchisor and successfully implemented in large shopping centers, which helps to avoid additional approvals with landlords.

Designer T-shirts Provocation

Many visitors to the largest supermarkets remember the bright windows of the islands of the Provokatsia brand, where you can buy T-shirts with hooligan prints. The owner of the stores and creator of the franchise, Hasmik Gevorkyan, recalls that a buyer “threw this successful idea” to her. She opened her first store in Kursk, and now represents the brand’s products in large Moscow malls, and another 91 points are the result of a partnership with franchisees.

  • Estimated initial investment- 0.55 million rubles.
  • Profit: 3.57 million rubles.

Car device for “advanced” buyers

Those who plan to open trading islands in trading floors draw business ideas from successful projects. This is exactly how the business of Nizhny Novgorod entrepreneurs S. Seregin and M. Vakhrushev can be considered. In 2009, they began selling automotive electronics: navigators, video recorders, radar detectors and accessories - under the Autodevice brand.

Today it is one of the most profitable franchises, according to Forbes. The cost of the initial investment is 0.9 million rubles, the profit is 2.1 million rubles. The Autodevice offer for franchisees is interesting because the lump-sum payment is minimal - only 39,000 rubles, and there are no royalties.

Summary: The main rule when choosing a product for sale in a trading island format is targeting the target audience. For success, not only the idea is important, but also a well-executed concept, attractive display design, consideration of popular and non-traditional positions, and a clear promotion strategy. All these requirements are met by franchises that have already proven themselves to be a profitable business. By using them, you can minimize possible risks.

What to consider when opening a trading island?

Before you start your own business, take advantage of expert advice to help you avoid annoying mistakes:

  • When choosing a place to rent, do not limit yourself to the simplest solutions (“by acquaintance”, “closer to home”, “largest store”, etc.), arrange a small “tender” for landlords, indicating your wishes on the Internet. It’s better to choose from several offers - less likely to miss
  • Study the shopping center audience! Where the public lives, who come to buy food or furniture, gadgets are unlikely to be in demand
  • Don’t hope that the business will start working without your participation: at least for the first time, you will have to supervise the hired sellers. Consider the travel time factor to the store and back. For example, the owners of the Madrobots shopping island in the MEGA Belaya Dacha shopping center in Moscow estimated that it took them 4 hours a day to do this
  • Be extremely careful when choosing an island contractor! Study reviews about it on forums, get “live” recommendations, read the contract and project documentation in advance. You must be confident that the delivery and launch of the finished module will be met and that the supplier will not lose interest in you if you notice a design defect and ask for it to be corrected.
  • By approaching the organization of your business with due attention, you will get a competitive business that will bring you satisfaction and profit.

Walking along the streets, we periodically come across large and small stalls that offer their customers fruits and vegetables, various small items, ice cream and flowers, newspapers and magazines. Surely each of you has seen small chaotic markets where you can buy fresh berries and herbs. They are sold by summer residents, which guarantees the naturalness of these products. But few people know that you must first obtain a permit to sell on the street. What is it and how to get it, we’ll talk today.

Why do authorities control street trading?

In fact, authorized bodies have enough reasons to dislike spontaneous markets. This is due to frequent violations. Large accumulations of trays are difficult to control; such markets can reach quite large sizes, which means that the risk of fires and accidents on the roads increases.

Not only the city administration, but also entrepreneurs who act in accordance with the law also have a negative attitude towards such sellers who set up tents right under the windows of their establishments. This reduces the influx of visitors, and ultimately affects profits and the treasury by reducing incoming taxes.

Who is authorized to carry out supervision?

There are special authorities that can check street stalls to ensure that their activities comply with the law. These events can be planned or spontaneously organized, so it is very difficult to predict the date. The main inspection bodies are:

  • SES (Rospotrebnadzor).
  • Local administration.
  • Tax service.
  • Police.

Each of them has their own claims to the entrepreneur. The SES and the police note violations of trading rules, and the tax service will punish if it detects lack of registration and tax evasion.

Who needs such a document

First of all, we remember summer residents with radishes and strawberries, as well as grandmothers who sit with newspapers and magazines. But this is not the only audience. A permit to trade on the street will also be required for those who are formally located on the premises. These are small, prefabricated stalls that are installed without a foundation. By law, these are also street stalls. In addition, a catering establishment will need a similar document if its owner wants to install outdoor tables nearby. As you can see, the audience is quite large, so the topic is relevant to many.

Business plan

Do not forget that a private person will not be able to obtain the relevant documents. Therefore, when you see summer residents who sell products from their gardens, you can be sure that they do this without any control. Only an officially registered entrepreneur can obtain permission to sell on the street. There is one more nuance: the city administration itself determines places for trade. If the stop you choose does not go according to plans, then it is impossible to obtain documents, and working without them is fraught with fines.

The procedure for placing trade objects

Since we are talking about the distribution of places for commercial activities, let’s dwell on this issue in more detail. The easiest way to obtain a street trading permit is if you are determined to enter the territory of municipal markets. In this case, you just need to contact your local administration to obtain the appropriate document. Having purchased it, you can immediately install the tray and carry out commercial activities. The only thing that is required of you is to regularly pay the administration “for the place.”

But there are other options. It is logical to assume that street trading in the market area takes place in conditions of fierce competition. In a more advantageous position will be merchants who already own land, the intended purpose of which allows it to be used for trade.

If you don’t have your own plot, you can contact the owner of the chosen one. This may be the administration or a private owner. You will need to discuss the terms and enter into a rental agreement for a place to place a tent or tray.

Choosing products

Street trading is a certain risk group, since the conditions do not imply full compliance with sanitary standards and rules. This means that if you want to trade, the city administration will definitely organize an inspection and close your enterprise if violations are detected. There is one caveat. Summer residents selling greens in the morning are usually not bothered. Although if a lot of them gather together, the police can disperse them for one day, but without applying penalties. Another thing is an indoor stall in the middle of the city that sells cakes, pastries or something similar.

Responsibility for breaking the law

If an entrepreneur believes that he can take any product, settle down in a convenient place and conduct commercial activities for his own pleasure, then he will soon be greatly disappointed. If the seller is not registered as a legal entity or individual entrepreneur, then he risks receiving a fine of 2 thousand rubles. The punishment will be much more severe if the goods sold are of poor quality.

  • For an individual - 2 thousand rubles.
  • For officials - 10 thousand rubles.
  • For unregistered entrepreneurs - 20 thousand rubles.
  • For legal entities - 30 thousand rubles.

Trading in the wrong place is subject to a fine of 1.5 thousand rubles. for the first time. If the violation is repeated, or the entrepreneur wants to open pavilions for trade without permission, then the punishment may be more severe.

No problems with the law

To sleep peacefully and not have troubles in the future, you need to know certain rules. Trading on the street without a permit may generate income for a while, but if it comes to a serious inspection, you can lose a lot more. So, first of all, you need to register with the local tax service as an individual entrepreneur or LLC. Right now you will have to choose a mode for work. For a start-up, small business, a simplified system and a single tax are best suited. The authorized bodies can tell you more about them directly; today we will not dwell on these subtleties.

Use of hired labor

The second point that you need to decide is whether you will directly engage in trade or hire sellers for this. The second option requires registration with the Pension Fund and Social Insurance Fund. When the issue with these documents is resolved, you can move on. Since obtaining permission is not at all difficult, it is better to go through the entire procedure to the end. This way there will be fewer problems in the future.

So, the next step is to go to the local government administration. It is otherwise called the trade department. Along with the application of the established form, you must provide a complete package of documents. As a rule, you will need:

  • Plan or map of the location of the retail outlet.
  • A copy of the registration certificate in the form of an LLC or individual entrepreneur.
  • Document confirming registration with the tax service.
  • A copy of an identity document.
  • Certificate of absence of unpaid taxes.

The decision you make will depend on the location you choose. There are certain areas in the city where trade pavilions are not located, and this will have to be taken into account. Within 10 days, the commission reviews the submitted package of documents, after which it issues its verdict. The permit is issued for a certain period, and in case of refusal, you have the opportunity to submit the package for verification again.

Let's get started

So, all the documents have been collected, all that remains is to equip the place and get to work. Now let’s return once again to what you will be trading. Remember that the SES also often conducts raids around the city and searches for violators. Therefore, if you plan to sell food products through a street counter, you will need a health certificate and mandatory compliance with all standards. If the products sold include meat or fish, then be prepared for the fact that you will also be required to have a veterinary certificate confirming the quality of the product. In general, food trading is one of the most difficult areas. You need to understand it in detail so as not to earn large fines.

How much does a patent cost?

No more expensive than your peace of mind and safety. In fact, it is difficult to say in advance how much you will have to pay for paperwork. Everything will depend on the policy of the city authorities, the scale of your business and the chosen taxation system. In certain areas specially designated for such activities, even renting a plot may be free. The main thing is compliance with sanitary standards.

Registration with the tax authorities is also not a very expensive procedure. You will need to make copies of documents, attach an application and pay a fee, which does not exceed 400 rubles. If you decide to use the services of special organizations that independently prepare for you the entire package of documents for opening and running a business, then the prices may vary. The easiest thing to do would be to call some of them first and find out how much a patent costs. Then you will have specific numbers on hand. Or maybe it’s more convenient to run a business using CS? It is better to ask an accountant about this.

Basic requirements of Rospotrebnadzor

If you plan to sell flowers, glasses or souvenirs, then you can safely skip this point. However, most often it occurs to entrepreneurs to make money from the fact that people want to eat and drink. This is indeed a profitable business, but you need to pay close attention to the equipment of the workplace so that there are no comments from the inspection authorities. Of course, every seller must have a health certificate. It's not even negotiable.

  • Sales without refrigeration equipment are unacceptable. Therefore, selling fish and meat, milk and other similar products on the street in the summer heat is simply prohibited.
  • Storage of returnable containers at the place of work and adjacent areas is not allowed. It needs to be taken out regularly.
  • The trading table must be kept perfectly clean. The entrepreneur or seller himself is required to come to the workplace in neat work clothes, wear a hat and have a badge.
  • In tents and food trucks, it is permissible to sell a combined assortment of goods, but only if the area allows each group to be placed on a separate shelf. In addition, if the sale is carried out by one seller, then all products, including bread, must be in their original packaging.
  • Hot finished products (pies, whites, cutlets) must be released from isothermal containers.
  • The temperature in the workplace in summer cannot be higher than +26, and in winter lower than -18 degrees.

Instead of a conclusion

Running your own business is a tempting idea that haunts many people today. If you decide to try and start with street trading, then first get acquainted with the material presented in our article. This will allow you to avoid mistakes at the start and lay a solid foundation for your future. Many giant retail chains started with street stalls, gradually growing as they gained regular customers and demand for the products they offered.

To understand how to open a food kiosk, you must first refer to the current Russian legislation. After all, the legal registration of such an organization in modern conditions is sometimes much more difficult than directly searching for funds to start a business.

In principle, the package of documents for opening any store at the initial stage is standard, be it a milk kiosk or, for example, a newspaper pavilion. Each trade organization begins its formal existence with the formation of a legal entity or registration of an individual (founder) as an individual entrepreneur and obtaining the appropriate certificates. It is also necessary to have constituent documents, which by law are the charter and/or the constituent agreement. After receiving these documents, you need to contact the tax authority and register your organization as a taxpayer. The last required paper from the standard set is Goskomstat codes, which are issued in person at the Rosstat Statregister, an institution that deals with state statistics of business entities.

With this documentation, the organization can already begin economic activity, but in order to express it in such a form as a food stall or pavilion, it is not enough - to start retail or small wholesale trade, it is necessary to collect an additional set of papers.

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Completion of registration: additional documentation

Firstly, a rental agreement for the premises or a certificate of ownership of it is required. This pavilion (sales outlet) must meet all the requirements put forward by sanitary and epidemiological supervision authorities and fire services. Representatives of the SES and the Ministry of Emergency Situations will carefully inspect the stall, and based on this event it will be determined what violations exist and what shortcomings need to be eliminated in order to obtain permission to sell food products. When the premises are completely put in order and the employees of the relevant organizations give the go-ahead for trading activities, the owner of the company (founder or individual entrepreneur) will be provided with the following documents: a fire safety report, an alarm service agreement, a BTI plan, a SES conclusion, an agreement for disinsection works. Also, in order for the stall to start operating, you also need an agreement for the removal of solid household and food waste with a private or government contractor. A copy of it must be provided to the SES.

The organizers of a small trading enterprise, which is a kiosk, should pay special attention not only to the internal and external condition of the premises itself, but also to the working conditions. Only after the SES finds them acceptable will the company be issued a workplace certificate. The employees themselves (usually no more than 6 people) must have health records, which confirm the absence of diseases that are unacceptable for working with food products.

The trade pavilion must have a law on the protection of consumer rights in its current version and, in addition, a book of complaints and suggestions.

The final step for those who are planning to do so is to choose the form of taxation. Currently, the most suitable option is the Unified Tax on Imputed Income (UTI). The tax rate is established by the Tax Code of the Russian Federation in Article 346.31, and at the moment it is 15% of the amount of imputed income.

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Organization of a retail outlet: location, personnel, assessment of activities in monetary terms

The stall should be located either in an area with a large number of residents, or in a place where it will be most in demand. In particular, a food pavilion can be located near a large office or industrial enterprise, in an area where high demand is initially expected.

The higher the demand, the faster the project will pay off.

Recruitment should never be taken lightly. After all, if you hire the “wrong” person, you can lose considerable benefits. The person must be interested in this position, even if the profession of a salesperson-cashier does not imply high earnings. It would be very good if a person has a secondary specialized education in a trade profile - this can be a great help for the future development of the organization. At the initial stage, you should not hire more than 2-3 sellers, especially if the kiosk will not be open 24 hours a day. It would be better to distribute shifts taking into account the wishes of the people hired - this will improve their motivation to work.

Initially, of course, certain and quite significant cash injections will be required, which are formed either from personal savings or by resorting to bank lending for small businesses. The necessary calculations for costs and income will be averaged across the country, so as not to be limited to one locality, but to be able to look at the most general picture.

Purchasing a premises (be it a stand-alone stall in a trailer format or a special pavilion at the market) will cost approximately 500,000-700,000 rubles. Ultimately, everything will depend on the area. To purchase everything that is useful for equipping the sales area (cash register, shelves, display cases, refrigeration equipment, etc.) it is worth setting aside an amount of about 120,000-200,000 rubles. To create a stable supply of food products, you will need to allocate at least 140,000 rubles (in remote and northern regions, the amount will have to be increased by 20-30%). It is definitely worth having money in case of force majeure, at least 100,000 rubles. In total, excluding payroll, land rent, utility bills and taxes, the required minimum amount will be equal to 860,000 rubles. Taking into account these provisions, it increases by an average of 80,000-130,000 thousand, depending on the number of employees and their wages, the operating hours of the kiosk, and the volume of revenue.