Stream Karina. Streamer Karina - the history of the character, appearance on Twitch, interesting facts about her

Karina Kozyreva, better known as Karina Strimersha, is a well-known figure among gamers, a video blogger working in the “let’s play” genre on the Twitch streaming service and on the VKontakte social network. Also known to Internet users under the names Sychev and Krasavina.

By the end of September 2017, her YouTube channel had more than 940 thousand subscribers, her Twitch and Instagram accounts (which she called “Skuragram”) had approximately 550 thousand followers each, and about 250 thousand were subscribed to her VK page. The number of viewers watching online her hours-long streams with piquant comments sometimes reached 20 thousand.

She was able to gain such popularity (and receive 2 million rubles a month, as some experts determine her income) thanks to obscene, often aggressive behavior, in sharp contrast to her pretty appearance. Although there are other versions of the reasons for its success, including the assertion that its appearance is a business project, in the promotion of which a lot of money was invested.


The future Runet star was born on March 31, 1997. According to some sources, her homeland is Ukraine, the city of Lvov, according to others (including Wikipedia) – Russia, the city of Belgorod, where she attended school No. 42. As a child, she loved to draw, and at the age of ten she began to get involved in computer games, mainly Korean multiplayer MMOs like Perfect World.

When Karina was 13 years old, her parents divorced. She and her mother went for permanent residence to Italy, where she found a stepfather. They lived in the small resort town of Legnano, located in the province of Milan on the shores of the Adriatic Sea. Mom was engaged in selling consumer goods on the Internet, and she studied in general education and in art school, then at the College of Art to become a fashion designer.

Career development

In 2015, she joined the ranks of amateur streamers computer games, broadcasting a recording of the game online, usually through the Twitch streaming platform. The young video blogger ironically named her channel, which, by the way, is designed very professionally, “Skingaming” (“skins” in youth slang initially they called girls of easy virtue, later they began to call girls in general that way).

She played Dota 2, Counter-Strike, Minecraft, Heroes of Warcraft and other games, shocking Internet users with scandalous behavior that quickly became part of her image. Some of Karina’s Western colleagues are already operating in a similar vein, for example, HelenaLive. One of the media portals even dubbed her “Olga Buzova from video games.”

Typical Karina stream

The main audience of the enterprising Russian woman’s channel (although it is not a fact that she did not change her citizenship to Italian) were schoolchildren who had the opportunity during streams to tell her whatever they wanted, be it a compliment or, conversely, an insult. But first, for this it was necessary to pay a certain amount of money (donation).

The donors' messages were then voiced live by a voice synthesizer-bot, and the streamer reacted to them emotionally - either with smiles, air kisses, finger gestures in the shape of hearts, or screams, hysteria and obscene language, depending on the content of the messages. But she never blocked even the harshest haters’ right to communicate. The most decent of her " catch phrases” was “I am a pussy seal.” But, despite the use of pretentious expressions, she always looked perfect - stylish clothes, pretty haircut, flawless makeup.

Who is she? Many Runet users are fans of one beautiful girl who plays fashion games on a computer, broadcasting the entire process live (i.e., streaming). This girl’s name is Karina Kozyreva (or Sycheva), she blogs on YouTube, and also streams on a popular service called Twitch. The girl does not limit her Internet space and can broadcast her life through Instagram, VKontakte and any other popular social network. Let's take a closer look at streamer Karina. Who is she?

How was it all?

During the stream, viewers send the girl their donations (monetary donations) with text accompaniment, voiced by a voice robot, in which they can either wish her success in her career or express their opinion about what is happening. Often the Internet public sends humiliating and insulting messages, from which Karina begins to get nervous and enraged, and the audience gets a kick out of it great pleasure. The reaction of streamer Karina (her photo is in the article) to humiliation is the main highlight of the entire project that she is leading. Her answers, which are often filled with obscene language, become real memes, which are subsequently discussed for a long time on entertainment and humorous resources (Forchan, VKontakte groups and some forums). Karina's main target audience is Russian-speaking schoolchildren who love to play network games, such as Dota 2, CS:GO, Minecraft and many others. The girl's appearance is very attractive, she has a pretty face, beautiful makeup and hairstyle. The girl’s manners have some kind of attractiveness, due to which the public subscribes to her channels.


Streamer Karina was born on March 31, 1998 in Belgorod (Russia). In one of her videos, the girl said that she lived in Belgorod with her family until she was thirteen years old. Then she moved to Italy, where she began to live and study in the city of Legnano. Little is known about the family of streamer Karina. According to some sources, some of her relatives live in Russia, and she and her mother live in Italy. In Legnano, Karina studied at college, majoring in fashion design. From the age of twelve, the girl began to get involved in games. I loved multiplayer online games from Asian developers (like Perfect World). In 2013, the girl started playing Dota.

Way to success

In the summer of 2015, a modest girl Karina was at home and did not know what to do with herself. IN free time she watched Dota 2 streams on Twitch and didn’t think about starting her own channel. A few days later, the girl was given decorative lenses, which she really liked. After this, Karina decided that she wanted to try to start her own live broadcasts on this service. The aspiring streamer had a dual-core laptop with a low-quality webcam at her disposal. It was impossible to work with such a technical arsenal, as there were constant delays and lags.

The girl decided to use her school tablet as a webcam (in Italy, children are given tablets in schools), and play Dota 2 on the computer itself. minimum requirements. In such simple conditions, Karina became a streamer. On the first day there were seventy viewers on her stream, on the second - a little more than two hundred, and by the third their number had grown to three hundred. Soon, one famous eSports streamer drops in on her stream, followed by his entire audience of thousands. Karina's popularity increased sharply, and donations began pouring in every minute. A month later, the girl earned money on a good webcam and powerful gaming computer which he still uses to this day. They began to discuss her in many public pages on VKontakte, make memes with her, creating Bloggers filmed exposes with the titles “Streamer Karina, who is she and why is she trending,” which only fueled general interest. Almost everyone made up myths that this was a commercial project, that it was being deliberately promoted everywhere, paying a lot of money for it. Over time, her person began to be discussed at the level of major online publications and television. Everywhere there were headlines: “Streamer Karina: who is she and how can you make money playing your favorite video games.”

What is Karina doing now?

In March 2017, the girl celebrated her 20th birthday. After this date, streamer Karina moved away from the Twitch service, because its format began to contradict the site’s policy. Currently, Karina Kozyreva has a successful channel on YouTube. It’s called “Streamer Karina”. IN currently she has a little more than a million subscribers, on average her videos get one and a half million views. The girl makes various kinds of vlogs about her life. Now her work has nothing to do with games, loud obscenities and hysterical screams. In December 2017, Karina recorded a video called “The whole truth about my hype,” where she honestly told her whole story about how she became a streamer and how she came to YouTube.

Streamer Karina: personal life

On the Internet there were constant disputes about whether Karina had a boyfriend and who he was. Who is this lucky guy, so the Russian schoolchildren thought. For a long time there were assumptions that the girl was a member of romantic relationships with Andrei Nabokov, who is its producer and author of the entire project. As it turned out later, Andrei is Karina’s uncle, which immediately dispelled the myths about their connection. Why didn’t the girl immediately clarify her personal life? Apparently, discussions, disputes and guesses from the public only worked to the benefit, because thanks to this, the activity of her channels only increased: likes, reposts, retweets, comments - everything that is needed for a successful video blogger.


Now Karina goes to the gym and works on her body. For 2018, he sets a goal to squat 80 kilograms and increase strength in the deadlift.

In 2015, a character like streamer Karina burst into the life of Twitch like a hurricane. He burst in and immediately won a remarkable .

And it’s not surprising, because the Internet has never seen anything like this before! Who is this girl and what brought her such fame?

Streamer Karina - biography

Meet, Karina Kozyreva.

Yes, that’s exactly the name of the famous streamer: the widespread myth with the surname “Sycheva” is just another fake.

The girl was born in 1997 in the city of Belgorod, where she spent the first 13 years of her life.

Then the future streamer moved with her mother to Italy.

Modern place residence

Like many other details of the biography of Streamer Karina, the girl’s real address is still surrounded by many ridiculous rumors.

The main and most common myth is the following location: Cheboksary, Michman Pavlov Street.

This, allegedly calculated from the IP address, was posted along with a message by one of the donors during the next stream. And you know, many believed.

In fact, the girl lives in the suburbs of Milan, specifically in Legnano. Karina Kozyreva herself admitted this in one of her first streams, and the photographs regularly posted on Instagram only confirm this information.

Just look at the subtle trolling in the form of a photograph of the La Scala opera in Milan, signed as the Cheboksary Drama Theatre.


The girl makes streams and at the same time thinks about her career as a designer. And he not only thinks, but also takes active steps in this direction.

So, in parallel with regular school, she graduated from art school, and this moment is one of the students at the Institute applied arts them. Antonio Bernocchi in Legnano.

What does he say about his future profession streamer herself?

“I want to develop and not stand in one place, so it’s difficult to imagine what will happen in 3-5 years, this is a rather serious period of time. I think that these will be some projects related to entertainment media.”

Well, we’ll wait for new projects by Karina Kozyreva, but for now let’s talk about “our daily bread,” in other words, about her streams.

How it all began

The first video on behalf of Streamer Karina appeared on Twitch in August 2015, at the time the girl created a “chebupeli stream” together with her friend Andrei Nabokov. But popularity was in no hurry to come.

The decisive moment in promoting the image was the clip with the best “funny” moments of the streams. The video quickly gained more than 3,000,000 views on YouTube and attracted a lot of attention to the girl. Not without active PR on social media. networks.

Streamer Karina's popularity peaked in December 2015. A positive post by blogger Enjoykin also helped to stir up interest in the image. Music clip“Lamp Nyasha” (More than 16 million views).

Popularity of channels

Now streamer Karina actively shares broadcasts of her game on Twitch, and also regularly posts videos on a YouTube channel called “Skingamer”. Interesting name, is not it? The girl herself commented on the following fact:

“In modern everyday speech, “skin” has long been synonymous with the word “girl”; there is nothing offensive here, for example, like a guy is a boy.”

And now some statistics:

  1. Number of subscribers. As of July 2016, more than half a million subscribers were subscribed to Karina’s YouTube channel; a slightly smaller number of users follow her on Twitch. The number of subscribers to pages on VK and Instagram is about 200,000.
  2. Daily number of new users. The streamer's channels are actively developing and attract about one and a half thousand new users every day. A very good result.
  3. Number of views. The average number of views is 200,000, and up to 20,000 viewers simultaneously watch broadcasts on Twitch.

What is the reason for such popularity?

Let's try to understand this issue. Traditionally, a good streamer is presented as a player with excellent knowledge of tactics, capable of teaching the player something new and, in addition, having a pleasant manner of speech and timbre of voice.

Streamer Karina is an exception to this image, but the exception is very popular.

What's the matter?

  • The girl has good external characteristics: a beautiful figure, which she happily, as if by chance, emphasizes, and Karina’s sweet face are the decorations of every stream. A kind of lamp nurse.
  • Creativity. Where else will you see a stream dedicated to cooking shawarma?
  • And now the most important thing. Contrary to popular belief, the girl is far from stupid and with her acting talent, she has been skillfully capturing the attention of viewers for a year now and even inspiring them to make large donations. The streamer deliberately allows users to troll herself (considering that the main audience of the channel is Russian schoolchildren, this move is more than successful), and besides, negative PR is also PR. The scandalous image of an aggressive hysterical woman is something new and involuntarily memorable.

How much does streamer Karina earn?

Playing Dota on camera, KS, and commenting on incoming messages, the girl actually gets quite good money.

Average earnings per stream are equal to 40,000 rubles. Add to this income from YouTube, Signal and other resources and you will get a salary close to 1,000,000 rubles per month.

Top 5 interesting facts about Karina

  • Answering the question “How much does Streamer Karina earn?”, I would like to mention not only the minimum (initially 15 rubles, now 30), but also the maximum donation amount. It’s hard to believe, but such a donation amounted to as much as 3 and a half thousand dollars or 150 thousand rubles, and this generous contribution belonged to a user with the nickname “Old Jew.”
  • Another interesting fact related to donations is the appearance in streams of such large donated amounts as a million and half a million. For a long time, debates raged among network users about whether such donations were a system error or another director’s fake move. Unfortunately, the answer to this question is still unknown.
  • But the nineteen-year-old girl is far from new to the world of computer games. Karina began to get involved in the MMO genre, according to her, at the age of 10, and one of the first games that interested her was Perfect World. The streamer has been playing Dota, to which a large part of her broadcasts are devoted, for about 3 years.
  • Are you used to seeing an aggressive girl on the screen with the character of an imp and a habit of hysterically shouting vulgarities and curses? But it all started out completely differently - Karina’s first streams were in a completely different style. As one of the famous bloggers said: “There is a completely different atmosphere there, there is no such hatred.” An image known to millions is a manner of playing with the audience, acquired in the pursuit of popularity.
  • Many questions arise regarding the personal life of Streamer Karina. Presumably her boyfriend, as well as the main producer of the project, is Andrei Nabokov, noted on the girl’s VK page as “dad.”

Other interesting articles.

IN modern world Online entertainment allows you to not only have a great time, but also earn decent money. One of the most profitable things to do in the gaming community is to run your own streams. How does this happen? You play one of the most popular computer games, and at the same time show it in real time to other network users who make monetary contributions (donations). Be a good streamer (stream from English - “ flow") is a complicated matter. Well-thought-out broadcast text and a pleasant voice are the main criteria for popularity. But there are exceptions (most shining example - streamer Karina), and the gamer gains his audience using his charisma and emotionality.

Karina Chepubelya

Let's meet - a native of Lvov, Karina Kozyreva (born 1997), for a long time lived in Belgorod, where she graduated 42 high school. Now lives in the vicinity of Italian Milan. In 2015, Karina together with his friend Andrei Nabokov, create " Chebupeli-stream».

The peak of the project's popularity fell in December 2015. After that, it only grows, and today it reaches at least 60,000 views per day. The image of the stream's host - a girl with a "cute" face, but with a rather "sharp" tongue - was loved primarily by teenagers. School age forms the main backbone of the fan movement " Karina Sycheva" - this is exactly the pseudonym that is persistently promoted on the Internet


What is the project designed for? Money, money and more money! Fans donate enough in an original way. To be able to interact, fans must make a donation. A special service displays a message on the screen along with donations, Karina hysterically comments on what she read - everyone is happy.

Below is a video of her next expressive broadcast:

Streamer Karina: reasons for popularity

Top streamers must have phenomenal skills in correct commentary, specific etiquette and a good sense of the viewer. To replenish the ranks of your admirers, you need to constantly surprise the viewer - grow and develop professionally. Does streamer Karina have these qualities? Let's figure it out:

  • Speech. Karina's comments are filled with obscenities and other vulgar statements.
  • Experience in the game. Looking at how our heroine plays Dota 2, many people have a question - is this really how a TOP gamer should play?
  • Ethics. Moral standards do not exist for Karina. In addition to her rude speech, she constantly drinks soda on air and maybe even has a snack.

As you can see, Karina does not have extraordinary talent. She captivates the audience by reading and listening to the offensive comments of her fans that they send along with donations(with monetary donations) and then she usually makes a rude comment about him.

Her statements almost always degenerate into meaningless nonsense... although - perhaps this is the real reason real popularity?

Now probably only the deaf have not heard of the streamer Karina. Who is she, the girl with a pleasant voice and the appearance of an anime heroine? We have collected only the most Interesting Facts:

    1. Real name. Karina is called by her fans: Karina Chebupelya, streamer Karina, Karina Sycheva. More recently, our heroine herself revealed her last name - Sycheva. This happened after she showed her electronic wallet in her broadcast, and there, as you know, you only need to indicate real passport data.
  1. Age. The year of birth of our streamer is 1997. According to unconfirmed reports, Karina was born in the city of Lvov.
  2. Location. The heroine of the review constantly focuses her attention on the fact that her true place of residence is Italian city Milan. Fans claim that this is a fake myth, and the girl lives in the city of Cheboksary. One day she was drinking a carbonated drink. Someone who watched her broadcast asked, “Is this a jaguar?” To which she replied that the jaguar is prohibited in Russia.
  3. Reason for popularity. Karina is not a beginner, as many might think, and has been streaming for several months now. The reason for the growth of her popularity is due to the streamer social networks. Her video was posted on large VK public pages, for example “MDK”, after which many turned their attention to the girl.

Below is the video from which Karina gained wild popularity not only on Twitch, but also on YouTube, entitled “Meet streamer Karina, part 1”:

Chebupeli-stream: project profitability

Thanks to user donations, today the stream is one of the most profitable network projects. There is an opinion that all this was achieved thanks to precise psychological game Karina and the work of the small team that supports this stream.

It all started with donations of 15 rubles. Now the minimum contribution is at least 30 rubles. The most passionate fans send Karina 100 - 200 or even 1000 rubles. Quite recently, a remarkable incident occurred - a spectator dropped the girl 50,000 rubles. Agree, this is too generous a contribution. Detractors immediately suggested that the producer of the project did this in order to increase the popularity of the stream.

Now about the facts. There are plenty of people who want to be featured. Statistics show that every 3 seconds a donation of at least 30 rubles is received. The last donations arrive, just think about it, even after 30-40 minutes after the end of the broadcast. From what we have read we can conclude - The average donation amount is about 60,000 rubles per day.

How long will Karina Sycheva’s creativity last?

The phenomenon of Karina as a sought-after personality lies in her maintaining a state of unbridled fun on stream. She doesn’t know how to play professionally, but they watch her for the comments that Karina receives in chat or in messages from her donation and for her reaction to them.

The second point is that Karina is an excellent psychologist. It is naive to assume that the girl is a simple “ugly girl”. Like a true actress, she constantly plays along with the audience, and keep her near the monitors.

How long will this project last? Now this question is difficult to answer. In any case, Karina needs to develop and come up with new “tricks”. Fans may simply get tired of insulting a girl and hearing obscene comments from her in reverse side. In addition, competitors may appear who can outshine our diva.

Top Russian streamers-Karina's competitors

  • Etozhemad(aka Ilya Maddison), is famous for his signature humor and keen knowledge of game tactics.
  • VeRsuta. It’s probably not worth calling him a TOP player. He stands out for his defiant behavior: swearing, shouting and insults - everything is present in his comments.
  • Dread. He became popular among teenagers thanks to his swearing and vulgar jokes. Although, unlike other similar characters, he achieved certain results in professional e-sports.

We hope we have looked in detail at who the streamer Karina is. Some are delighted with the girl with an angelic appearance and the character of a little devil, others discuss her with indignation. All you have to do is watch a few of Karina’s streams (video in this article), and create own opinion about her.

Video about streamer Karina

Beloved by many teenagers and children, streamer Karina was born in March 1997 in Belgorod. IN hometown the girl lived until she was 13 years old, after which she was forced to move to permanent residence to Italy with his mother. After her parents' divorce, Karina stopped communicating with her father, trying to focus on studying and drawing. The young lady's passion for design is also explained by her periodic participation in small business mother. A woman sells clothes from Italian manufacturers through online stores.

From the age of 12, not only a hobby appeared in Karina’s life art, but also interest in video games produced in Asian countries. And by the age of 15, she could no longer imagine her life without Dota. At the same time, the girl not only loved to play, but also dreamed of creating her own website with entertainment content for teenagers.

In the summer of 2015, Karina decided to go on air for the first time with own channel on the Twitch resource. The aspiring streamer was supported in the development of the project by her uncle Andrei Nabokov. He not only thought through the strategy for operating the resource, but also suggested current topics to communicate with fans. The main goal of the small team was to attract large quantity subscribers to skillfully make money from this.

And if at first Kozyrev ( real name girls) doubted the possibility of success, then soon her delight knew no bounds. An attractive young lady with model parameters (she is 180 cm tall and weighs only 45 kg), she quickly found her own audience. It was necessary to think through a further strategy for the development of the channel to increase fame and profit.

Expanding the scope of virtual space

In just a year active work Karina's popularity skyrocketed. She was forced to conduct her first streams using a weak computer and without special equipment. But soon the money earned was enough for the young star to purchase all the attributes for constant communication with fans. She decorated the room with a theme, began to dress brightly, and never allows herself to go on air without professional makeup and hairstyle.

Karina’s channel is designed in such a way that money transfers can be made without problems. Each message sent by subscribers to their idol costs at least 30 rubles. For an additional fee, a girl can easily send wishes, make signs, or draw hearts with her hands.
Although the streamer's main topic is streaming games like Dota, Counter Strike, and Minecraft, she willingly communicates with fans on any topic. Karina never bans even haters, realizing that they are also part of her income.

The scandalous side of life

Views of Karina’s channel number several tens of thousands in one day, and her video clips on YouTube break all possible records. Many are attracted by the scandalousness and frankness of a girl who does not mince words, can cook food during communication or openly show her hysterics in case of failures.

Some time ago, everyone closely followed the scandal between Karina and her boyfriend, who posted intimate photos beloved online. The girl was able to explain to subscribers the essence of the situation in such a way that most of people following her life were even more imbued with interest and desire to help their idol.

She always informs subscribers in advance of the expected date of the next stream, giving time to prepare possible questions. And although, according to Karina, she periodically feels empty and tired from such a busy schedule, she does not plan to abandon her project.
