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Many people think that since modern technologies allowed us to begin exploring the Moon and Mars, launching spacecraft to Jupiter, Saturn and other planets, then there are no longer any secret and unexplored corners on Earth. In fact, this is completely true.

But today there are quite a lot of areas on the globe that remain, for one reason or another, little studied, where a person’s foot has stepped at most a couple of times. We have collected 10 of the most unexplored corners and places of our planet.

1. Northern Columbia Mountains

Multi-tiered mountain ranges with a system of caves, picturesque areas and dense vegetation are unlikely to be suitable for your solitude, since they serve for the solitude of other people - namely Colombian drug dealers. Having captured this completely unexplored territory, they keep it in complete submission, thanks to the fact that the mountains are very difficult to storm, and the lush year-round green vegetation provides excellent cover.

However, dedicated scientists who spend time there at their own risk scientific expeditions, talk about new unique discoveries in animals and flora, especially in intermountain isolated valleys.

2. Angel Falls

Also known as Kerepakupai vena, meaning "Waterfall" deepest place" This is the tallest continuous waterfall in the world. It is located in the tropical forests of Venezuela, in the territory National Park Canaima. Water cascades from the top of Auyantepui, the largest of the Venezuelan tepuis - its name means “mountain of the devil” in Russian.

The water falls from a staggering height of 979 m. The waterfall was named after Jimmy Angel, the US pilot who was the first to fly over this waterfall. This place remains one of the most inaccessible on Earth due to dense jungle and lack of means of transportation.

3. Papua New Guinea

An open but unexplored land, which amazes with its landscapes, diversity of fauna and other natural beauties, also delights researchers with discoveries in the human world. The whole point is that more and more new tribes and cultures are found there, most often cannibalistic, which, by the way, interfere with the exploration of this territory.

If you still decide to admire the pristine beauty of nature without smoking chimneys, admire the rivers without waste flowing into it, and still go to Papua New Guinea, then remember that you will have to be extremely careful in this little-explored area - the population is unfriendly, and If help comes, it will be extremely untimely.

4. Greenland Ice Sheet

Greenland has the world's second largest ice sheet (after Antarctica), and the island is used as a testing ground for basic research glaciers: glaciologists here study the dynamics of the glacier, microbiologists - ancient life, frozen in ice. However, the most significant aspect remains the study of the paleoclimatic aspects of the research, since the ice has air inclusions that can provide information about the atmosphere of the past. A total of six deep wells have been drilled in Greenland, and the least explored place is the Northern edge of Greenland, the Lincoln Sea and other surrounding ice-covered waters. Throughout their history, only a few ships have visited here, among them were our nuclear icebreakers. But this entire icy desert is gradually melting, and at current rates the shield will disappear in 2,000 years.

5. Tristan da Cunha

Moderate warm climate, rich fauna and flora, the south Atlantic Ocean - what could be better privacy and quiet old age? In addition, it is extremely difficult to get here, there is no way by air - only by sea, and only on certain days when the sea is calm and there is no danger of running into a rocky ridge.

However, there is Internet on the island, there is radio communication, so everything you need for happiness to modern man can be found there. Disadvantages - about 300 more people have chosen such a heavenly place; you will have to put up with this company, as well as the fact that you will have to produce food yourself - catch fish with homemade nets or plow on plantations like those same 300 people.

6. Amazon Rainforests

7. Tibetan plateau

To travel 20 days on foot, travel 81 days and not see a single person, do you think this is only possible on the surface of the Moon? No, this Tibetan plateau is one of the most mysterious places on Earth. With the exception of a handful of monks in certain areas, you risk running into no one here at all, even if you move permanently to a small village.

Cartographers still do not have a general map of the area, and if we talk about blank spots anywhere, then only about Tibet. The championship is held by the border mountains of Gankar Punsum; having chosen these heights, you will have to get to the nearest settlement about a month and a half without the possibility of using any transport.

8. Mariana Trench

Almost the entire bottom of the World Ocean can be called the least explored space on our planet. However, the most mysterious known point is the oceanic deep-sea trench in the western Pacific Ocean. The depression is named after the nearby Mariana Islands, and its deepest point, “Challenger Deep,” is located in the southwestern part. According to measurements in 2011, its depth is 10,994 ± 40 m below sea level. Only 3 people have visited this place: Jacques Picard and Donald Walsh on the bathyscaphe Trieste in 1960, and James Cameron on the bathyscaphe Deepsea Challenger in 2012. The pressure at this depth is 1,106 times the pressure at sea level, but 20 thousand microorganisms were discovered at the bottom of the Challenger Deep. Fauna collected included isopods and six species of shrimp-like amphipods. Further study of the depression, according to scientists, can tell us more about the adaptation of organisms to high pressure and, perhaps, even reveal the secret of the origin of life.

9. Cape York Peninsula

The natural reserve on the northern peninsula of Australia is also famous for the fact that it is extremely difficult to reach, only by air. Large flat areas, where absolutely no one lives, are interspersed with small settlements of aborigines, who are extremely unfriendly to tourists trying to penetrate their protected area.

It is not called a reserve for nothing - only there you can meet up to 150 various types animals and plants that are found on Earth only in Cape York and nowhere else. Beautiful hilly landscapes and ocean bays still attract extreme tourists, who say that traveling to Cape York is very expensive due to the absolutely undeveloped infrastructure of this part of the mainland.

10. Naica Crystal Cave

This is a giant cave of natural crystals, including some of the largest ever found. It is located adjacent to the city of Naica, Chihuahua, Mexico. The cave was discovered by miners during excavations of a new tunnel in 2000. It has the shape of a horseshoe. Temperatures reach up to 58 °C (136 °F) and humidity ranges from 90 to 99 percent. Without proper protective equipment, people can only stay inside for about ten minutes due to the high temperature. It is noteworthy that access to the cave is provided through the pumping activities of the mining company. If it stops, the cave will again plunge under water.

There are so few places left on Earth that man has not yet been able to visit. New technologies, images taken from satellites, modern gear and equipment - all this has led to the fact that it is now almost impossible to visit some uncharted territories where civilization has not yet reached. Therefore, TravelAsk decided to show you the most interesting places that have not yet been fully explored.

Namuli Mountains

The north of Mozambique is covered by the most unexplored plains of the East African Plateau. This place is very picturesque and extremely romantic, but to a greater extent Exploration of this territory is subject only to professional climbers.

Javari Valley

In this region of Brazil, about 14 of the most isolated tribes can be distinguished, which have absolutely no contact with the civilized world. Their right to live in isolation is protected by a special government organization, and the territory under their jurisdiction is comparable to Austria.

Northern Patagonia

Chilean rainforests include glaciers, warm springs and fjords. Such a sparsely populated region of the country as Northern Patagonia shows its visitors the most delightful and amazing beauty in the world. Even though getting to this place is extremely difficult, it is definitely worth it.


This Russian peninsula is an extraordinary place that has remained largely unexplored. Kamchatka has an incredibly rich nature; in addition, its territory has over 300 volcanoes. The population of the peninsula is small - about 400,000.

New Hebrides Rift

In the Pacific Ocean, in the east off the Australian coast, there is the mysterious New Hebrides fault, which began to be studied quite recently. The robots that were sent to the bottom of this crack revealed great amount inhabitants of the underwater depths, which were previously unknown to science and had never been found anywhere.

Northern forest area

There are many tropical forests in Myanmar whose riches have not been touched by destructive human activities. Thus, in Kachin State there are forests in the depths of which a very large population of tigers lives, the largest in the world. In addition to them, you can meet red pandas and gibbons here. rare species and wild bears.

Tsingy de Bemaraha

That's what the big one is called national park Madagascar, whose territory extends over one and a half thousand square kilometers. You can spend months in the reserve, but still not explore it entirely. There is an abundance of different types plants and inhabitants of the animal world, which scientists have classified as endemic. Also, in their opinion, many “local residents” are still hidden, they have yet to be discovered. The reserve is not completely open to tourists; access to most parts of it is prohibited.


The name of this desert place in Namibia fully justifies its content. Namib refers to a completely empty area where there is nothing. It is noteworthy that dinosaurs lived here eighty million years ago. This desert is the oldest and driest in the world, but despite this, life still exists here. Its territories contain extensive deposits of uranium and tungsten ore.

Star Mountains

The high kilometer-long limestone mountain, called the Hindenburg Wall, can be designated as one of the most important attractions of Papua New Guinea. This mountain, turning into a plateau of gigantic proportions, hides on its territory places that have been preserved in their original form since the emergence of the ecosystem. Researchers who recently reached these lands discovered a huge number of previously unknown species of both animal and plant life.


Greenland is rich in its hidden territories; in 1999 alone, as many as 6 new islands were discovered, where no one had ever been before. A huge part of the continent is still uninhabited. Ice here covers about eighty percent of the land.


This New Zealand national park was once created by glaciers and is now considered the largest in the country. Its territories are among the wildest places on the planet. A huge number of rare animal species live here. For example, scientists found takahe here, belonging to a species of flightless birds, but they were considered extinct for more than a century.

North Sentinel Island

These Indian territories are the homeland of the Sentinelese. The number of this small people is 50-400 people. The natives do not contact outsiders and may even attack them, which is why the island is so poorly explored to this day.

Son Doong Cave

The cave in the Vietnamese province of Quang Binh hides in its depths huge halls 200 meters high and one and a half hundred meters wide. At the moment, this cave is recognized as the largest in the world. Shondong has holes through which sunlight penetrates, giving life to plants that have grown to the size of a jungle. Insects, various birds and even monkeys live on trees.

Cape Melville

Cape Melville is located in Australia, near Brisbane. These places are so wild that it is only possible to see what is happening here using a helicopter, and this makes it difficult for scientists to carry out the necessary research. But even in this way, it is possible to constantly find new animals there; the last three species were discovered relatively recently - in 2013.

Saha Republic

Another area of ​​our vast homeland can be included in the list of little-studied ones. The Sakha Republic, located above the Arctic Circle, occupies an area no smaller than India. There is probably no more extreme climate than here on Earth. However, many animals, plants and even tribes live in these permafrost conditions.

Even a thousand years ago, people were firmly convinced that the Earth was the center of the universe and did not explore anything beyond the oceans. However, thanks to adventurers such as Magellan, Columbus and others, new continents were discovered. And the idea of ​​our world has changed forever. With the development of technology, namely with the spread of travel by plane, people began to independently explore every corner of our planet. The question arises: is there anything else that can be explored? Here you will learn 10 places that are still considered insufficiently explored.

Amazon rainforest

The Amazon forests are so vast that there are still tribes that have not been reached modern civilization. main reason, why unknown areas of the forest are not sufficiently explored - the danger from deadly poisonous creatures. In addition, several countries lay claim to these forests and therefore there is no specific policy on how to deal with this territory. However, there is a lot to explore.


One of the least populated countries in the world on one of the least populated continents, Namibia covers an area of ​​48,280 km2. It is also the least explored place in the world. It is also the only country in the world whose constitution talks about protecting the country's nature. Namibia's policies have strict laws to protect nature and preserve its pristine state. Therefore, many places are still unexplored, including the Kalahari Desert.

Greenland Ice Sheet

You must be wondering why people haven't explored Greenland's glaciers yet? There simply isn't enough reason to take the risk of exploring a land that's 80% ice. The ice, measuring 966 km2 according to scientists, may melt in a few hundred years, but you still have the opportunity to set foot on these untouched lands.

Tristan da Cunha Archipelago

Tristan da Cunha is one of the most isolated archipelagos in the world. One of the islands, almost 11 km wide, is part of other islands, which at one time were called the Inaccessible Islands. And this is not without reason - you can find a lot of shipwrecks off the coast.

Mariinskaya Trench

When talking about the least explored places on Earth, one cannot fail to mention the Mariinsky Trench. More than 11 km deep, this place is the most unexplored place on Earth and is of extraordinary interest to scientists. Even now it is unknown what life forms inhabit this deep depression. The Mariinskaya Trench is indeed a very mysterious place.

Mount Kankar Punsum in Bhutan

Lying on the Chinese border, between Bhutan and Tibet, Mount Kankar Punsum is so remote that until recently there were no clear maps. There are also disputes over the mountain that border on politics. Climbing mountains in Bhutan is illegal due to religious beliefs, and even for explorers it is difficult to obtain permission to trek in the mountains. There was an expedition from Tibet that managed to reach only the three smallest peaks of the mountain, but still, Kankar-Punsum is one of the few places on Earth unexplored by man.


What could be the reason for the lack of exploration of Antarctica, if not the fact that it is a huge block of ice in an incredibly cold South Pole Earth. Despite the fact that there are certain expeditions, Antarctica is a very mysterious place.

Northern Mountains of Colombia

It is difficult to say exactly what percentage of mountains have been explored by humans and what percentage has not. Many brave souls have never returned from traveling through these mountains, but you can take the risk.

Papua New Guinea

Papua New Guinea is considered one of the less explored countries in the world. But, despite the amazing biodiversity, there are places in the country where no human has set foot!

Siberia (northeast and northwest, Kamchatka Peninsula)

Being 70% of the territory of Russia, having 30% of the country's population, Siberia is one of the few places in the world with such a harsh climate that it is simply impossible for humans to thoroughly explore. The northeast and northwest of Siberia almost certainly were not developed by humans. Moreover, Kamchatka is also almost unexplored. Great news for enthusiasts!

Our vast planet is full of places that impress with their unimaginable beauty and mystery. From time immemorial, people have always been attracted to themselves. There are so many places on Earth where unimaginable events occur, and there are such amazing creatures that impress not only ordinary tourists, but also scientists who have met many. Researchers are trying to find out more about what they see, but many questions remain unanswered, and mysterious mysteries remain unsolved.

Amazing buildings

The most mysterious and unexplored places are historical buildings, about which there are various rumors and legends. And no one knows a reliable answer to the question of where they came from and in what century BC. It is very interesting to get answers to these questions, but when will this be possible? Someday people will find answers to these mysterious questions.

To figure out exactly how many such places and buildings are on our planet, we can give a whole list of specific examples.


This is the very first and probably the most famous attraction that does not have reliable information about its origin. The place where this building is located is called Wiltshire, which is located in England. This monument of the world is considered the most mysterious. Around him, scientists and researchers make hundreds of assumptions that are not similar to each other. But, unfortunately, disputes do not move forward.

It is precisely because of its mystery that this building attracts people from all over the world.

This stone structure evokes a variety of fantasies. Movies were even filmed at this place. They say that this amazing miracle was created extraordinary people with high development, who thus arranged memorial place to those who died in their times. This theory - one of many - is confirmed by the fact that burials were actually found near this place.

Underwater pyramid of Yonaguni

This place is the most mysterious. From the name it is clear that it is located underground in water. Scientists have determined that this unusual building is approximately ten thousand years old. She is located in Japan. This place is especially memorable for those who love to scuba dive. It was a diver who found these pyramids about twenty years ago.

It is interesting that one of the walls of this monument has a sharp cliff that goes to a depth of about thirty meters. Some scientists suggest that this monument was at first an ordinary rock, but then it was transformed by people, and subsequently it acquired the appearance that it has now.

Nazca Lines

Still incomprehensible and surprising are the Nazca Lines, which are located in Peru, near the Nazca Desert. From above, these drawings look especially neat and resemble some kind of pictograms that could hardly have appeared on their own. The clarity of these lines is explained by the fact that their geographical location, which implies a constantly dry season, has preserved them in their proper, one might say, untouched form. In addition to lines, you can also see images of various animals and insects, as well as other objects.

This most mysterious place in the world has been the subject of many speculations by historians and archaeologists. They say that these amazing lines were created for religious ceremonies performed by the ancient Indians. Some believe that this is only evidence that huge looms were used in this place in the past.

New Grange Mound

No less mysterious is the mound, which is located near Ireland and is called New Grange. This mound above the ground has a diameter of 85 meters. And it reaches a height of about 11 meters. The most interesting thing about this mound is that although the roof is made of earth that has been overgrown various grass, the walls are not earthen, but stone, that is, made of quartz, which distinguishes this mound from all others and makes it unique.

They say that this building is about five thousand years old, of course, during this time the walls have collapsed a little, but they are neatly built. It is also very interesting to know exactly what this building looks like inside. Just entering inside, you can immediately find yourself in a long corridor that leads to a room located across.

This room consists of tall monoliths, holes in the walls, rings and other decorations carved into the walls, and a large stone bowl. Many people are surprised by what happens to the sun during the solstice in December. At this time, a thin ray of sun literally penetrates into this mound for a few minutes. It is interesting that the sun's ray does not penetrate through the entrance, but through small hole, which is located above the entrance.

These amazing places around the world show that our history was preceded by important events when someone unknown built these monuments. Now people just have to find out the real origin of these buildings.

But no less interesting are also places that no one created; they are so amazing that they simply lead to extraordinary admiration.

Beautiful and extraordinary places on Earth

There are many places on Earth where you can admire the beautiful, mesmerizing nature. It is in these places that the most incomprehensible and most inexplicable things happen. Here are just a few examples of this.

Salar de Uyuni

Describing the most mysterious places on Earth, one cannot fail to mention the sky, which creates the impression of inversion. We can say that this is a natural mirror, which reaches ten thousand square meters in area.

There is a desert in Bolivia that is completely different from all the deserts that exist on Earth. What is its superiority and difference? This desert is unusual in that it contains many salt marshes. Therefore, we can say that it is not sandy, but salty. Surprisingly, there are also active volcanoes here, cacti grow here and there are geysers. It is truly huge in size. But when the rainy season comes, it becomes even more extraordinary than before. When it rains, here on the dry lake the water is practically not absorbed into the ground, but creates a giant mirror. Many people who have been there say that it feels like the sky has turned upside down.

The end of the world

The sea is considered one of the extraordinary places on our planet, namely the junction of two seas - the Baltic and the North. This place is located in Denmark, near the city of Skagen. Locals So they called this place the end of the world, since the junction of these seas is so clearly visible that it seems that one world ends and another begins.

This miracle is explained by the fact that in the waters of these two seas there are two separate currents of different densities. Therefore, they do not mix, but create a separate border that is clearly visible.

Forest with crooked trees

The forest in which the trees grow is considered even more mysterious and inexplicable. unusual shape. This forest is located in Poland. It did not grow on its own, but was planted before the Second World War in the thirties of the twentieth century.

This forest has about four hundred trees that have a bend in the trunk in one direction, it looks so synchronous and smooth that it is simply surprising. It is difficult to find a sensible explanation for such unimaginable growth of pine trees. We can say that this landmark in Poland is one of the most memorable, which is why the state carefully protects it. It also assigned the status of a nature reserve to the forest.

Sable Island

When considering the most mysterious places on the planet, it is important to mention the island, which is located in the Atlantic Ocean. Interestingly, its dimensions are 42 meters by one and a half meters. But this is not the only thing that is mysterious and amazing. What is more strange is that it is precisely near it that ships cannot sail normally. According to statistics, approximately seven hundred ships have already been shipwrecked.
This fact is explained by the fact that this island is not located in a very good place. Namely, at the intersection of two currents, cold and warm, the Labrador and Gulf Stream. These two different currents create constant strong storms near the island, which are characterized by heavy fog and high waves. For this reason, many sailors are simply unable to see the low, flat island, which is barely visible from under the water.

It is also interesting that this island has the ability to move. It has been observed that Sable in the ocean can move at a speed of two hundred meters per year. The surprising thing is that not a single island can move faster in the ocean, and the ocean floor itself moves only a few millimeters per year. Therefore it is also considered inexplicable.

It is also worth noting that the reason for this movement is that the island is under pressure from two sides. On one side the ocean erodes, and on the other side the current brings sand. Because of this, the island also not only changes its position, but also its size, sometimes growing, sometimes decreasing. It is because of this that ship captains cannot be one hundred percent sure where exactly this island is located, as well as what size it is.

Video about the most mysterious places in the world

These are the most mysterious places in the world. It's very interesting to learn about what's going on. When you notice how beautiful and mysterious everything is, unique feelings arise.

You can find out all the most unknown things on Earth and get to know them better not only by reading about it on the Internet, but also by visiting them in person. It is by seeing everything with your own eyes and tasting it by touch that you can get an unforgettable experience.

Today, many scientists are trying to unravel all the secrets of our world, but there are a huge number of places formed for an unknown reason, as well as mythical and mysterious territories that defy any logic, much less scientific facts.

To begin with, let's look at several little-known cities that keep a centuries-old and interesting history.

  • In the center of the Pacific Ocean there is a certain island-city of Nan Mazol, formed from volcanic rocks.

Nobody knows how this city appeared and it seems strange. This abandoned one stone city is a huge structure without windows or doors, as tall as the famous Pyramid of Cheops. By appearance the city reminds big volcano. Many people think that this place was previously inhabited by giants, who built this structure.

  • In the Chelyabinsk region there is a certain mystical city Arkaim, which changes the lives of people who find themselves in this unique place.

This ancient city must receive his visitor. There are legends that once visiting this mystical part of Russia, people understand their lives differently and begin to change it. Also, all the diseases that a person had before this moment disappear after visiting this city in a completely inexplicable way.

  • Present in our world and anomalous zones, where people hear and see various objects and sounds, unimaginable phenomena occur.

Among such places one can name the city of Kyzylkum in Central Asia, the Moleb Triangle in Russia, the famous Loch Ness in Scotland, the Mexican town of Chawinda, the Czech Catacombs and many other territories unknown to science.

In addition, in the world you can see so much Beautiful places, which cannot be compared with anything, but tourists simply do not know about the existence of these amazing natural beauties.

  • Beautiful sand dunes that were nicknamed the Wave due to their appearance.

This natural wonder is located in the United States, between the states of Utah and Arizona. You will never forget such a desert.

  • Another beautiful place is a small pond in Brazil. Its name corresponds to the sensations - Enchanted Well. It is located in a cave in the state of Bahia. The reservoir is filled with the purest transparent water, through which they penetrate Sun rays, piercing this well to the very bottom with a blue glow.

  • The Fly geothermal geyser is of indescribable beauty, covered with multi-colored rocks.

This source is located in Nevada, USA. In height this education reaches 1.5 meters, but every year the geyser grows, accumulating more and more iridescent layers.

  • Another equally interesting and charming place is the great blue spot in the Atlantic Ocean.

This amazing place nicknamed the Great Blue Hole, which formed inside the Lighthouse Reef, owned by the state of Belize. In fact, this is a deep sinkhole that divers from all over the world love to explore.

  • One of the most little-known places on Earth is the island of Socotra, located in the Indian Ocean.

The territory of this island is full of completely unique nature. You will not be able to find the trees that grow in Socotra anywhere else. The tourist flow to this area is so small that the nature remains almost untouched, which is very rare these days. It’s as if you find yourself in another world that needs to be explored from the very beginning. Its name translates as Island of Happiness. The cleanest ecology reigns here, there are no hotels, roads or expensive restaurants.

  • In Canada, there is a unique Spotted Lake that enchants the eye.

This is the healing lake Kliluk, which has captivated the world with its beauty and is famous for its high concentration of various minerals, which create peculiar circles of a certain color on the surface. During the summer, some minerals crystallize, forming hard formations around the spots that you can walk on.

  • The dry valleys of Antarctica are also considered an amazing place.

This place is the only dry area among the Antarctic glaciers. There is no precipitation here, and the climate, according to scientists, is as close as possible to the climate of Mars. A frozen salt lake was discovered in the valleys, in which previously unknown organisms and bacteria were found, which theoretically confirms the possibility of life on Mars.

Of course, one can list such beauties almost endlessly, since humanity does not even know half of all possible natural phenomena, which cannot be explained using existing technologies on this moment. All corners of the world deserve special attention, but this cannot be limited to just one article. Do not stop only at the most proposed options popular places, because you will be able to skip many unique zones where no one has set foot before!