Lera Kozlova: biography and personal life (photo). Lera Kozlova, husband

Valeria Kozlova is a popular singer and actress, ex-member of the Ranetki group. It was with this group that the girl’s career in show business began. In the group, Lera served as a soloist and drummer. Despite the fact that she was always in the background on stage, she was the one who had the most fans in the group.

Lera Kozlova

However, in 2009, the singer left the group and began a solo career. Kozlova took the pseudonym “Lera Lera”. It is under this name that she releases videos and records albums. It is unlikely that the girl regrets her departure; her work finds responses from the audience. Every video of the singer makes it into the top ten. Isn't this a success?

But the girl did not achieve this alone - she is helped by producer Yuri Bardash. He saw great potential in Lera and took up her promotion, which he has never regretted. The singer's style differs from the group she was in. Perhaps because of this Kozlova left the group, maybe she liked the songs?

Lera with the producer of the Ranetki group

No, everything is more confusing here. They say that Lera had a love relationship with the producer of “Ranetok” Sergei Melnichenko. The girls from the group reproached the singer for her affair: they believed that this interfered with the further development of the group. Lera realized that all the quarrels were due to jealousy; the girls lacked Sergei’s attention.

The singer tried to restrain herself in front of her colleagues and asked her beloved to do so. But he couldn’t: emotions and feelings took over. But still, something went wrong: the couple broke off the relationship, and Lera was forced to leave the team. She decided not to talk about the reasons.

Ranetki Group

And so, in 2009, the singer already gave concerts under the name “Lera Lera”. Her first solo performance took place in Samara, the hall was full. Kozlova was amazed, everyone sang along with the girl and had a blast as best they could. Lera left the stage and took a deep breath: this performance was not easy for her.

Firstly, they missed their flight and had to wait for the next plane. And secondly, the singer got sick and came out to the fans with a fever. But as soon as the girl looked into the full hall and began to sing, all the problems and pains disappeared. She tried her best for her viewers.

Lera and Nikita Goryuk

Lera and Nikita Goryuk

Lera and Nikita Goryuk

Lera often performed with the Quest Pistols group. She starred in their videos and even went on tour with the group. But this is not surprising, because she is dating one of the participants, Nikita Goryuk. The couple has been together for a long time, but is not thinking about marriage. And let all the rumors about the upcoming marriage remain rumors.

In 2008, the first episode of the youth series “Ranetki” was released on the STS TV channel, produced by Vyacheslav Murugov, famous for the series “Kadetstvo”. The new Russian-made product is a reflection of the history of the formation and development of the popular musical girl group “Ranetki”. One of the main roles in this series is played by Lera Kozlova. Both in the film and in life, she is the lead singer and drummer of the group. True, at the moment the girl is pursuing a solo career. Her collaboration with the group ended, to put it mildly, not entirely successfully. How did a talented singer become part of a popular group? What caused her to leave the group? This article will tell you about this and much more.

Childhood and dancing

On January twenty-second, 1988, Lera Kozlova was born in Moscow. The biography of a little girl has its origins in a family where none of the members has anything to do with art. However, from childhood, the baby showed remarkable creative abilities. She never attended music school. But this in no way stopped Valeria from demonstrating her outstanding singing and dancing skills at all home events. Parents decide to send their daughter to some club. By chance, Lera Kozlova passes the selection and becomes part of the once popular ensemble “Pinocchio”. Thanks to the team and the leader of this creative association, the girl learned to dance well and even play the drums.

Many predicted a career in ballet for Lera. However, the girl chose the musical direction. Sergei Milnichenko had a huge influence on this decision. It was he who persuaded the girl to become a soloist of the Ranetki group, popular among teenagers.

The formation of a girl band

Natalya Shchelkova and Evgenia Ogurtsova (also members of the group) have been close friends since childhood. The first confidently and talentedly plays the guitar, the second plays the keyboard. Zhenya’s father and Sergei Milnichenko have been friends for a very long time. Looking at the girls rehearsing, the producer comes up with the idea of ​​​​creating a daring girl group. He places an ad in newspapers and the Internet. Thanks to the World Wide Web, the group finds a bassist, Lena Tretyakova. Lera Kozlova joins the team in place of former soloist Alina Petrova. She went abroad and was unable to continue cooperation with the group.

The path to Ranetki

Sergei Milnichenko saw Lera at one of the performances of the Buratino ensemble, where teenagers performed the “March of the Drummers”. The producer invited the girl to try her musical abilities. At the casting, Lera Kozlova sat behind the drum kit for the first time. Having repeated several simple rhythms after Milnichenko and sung a couple of excerpts, the girl was confirmed as the lead singer of the group. This is how Valeria’s career began as one of the “Ranetkas”. This was in 2005.

Rise in popularity

The participating girls quickly became friends with each other. The first successes overtook the girl band in 2006. It was then that Lera Kozlova, Anya Ogurtsova and Lena Tretyakova performed at several major Russian festivals: Megahouse, Emaus and others. The following year the successful performance was repeated. At the same time, the Ranetki group is already collaborating with such famous groups as Korni, Gorod-312 and GDR.

At the same time, Lera Kozlova took part in the recording of the album of a then popular punk band called “Cockroaches”. She also excellently performs some parts on backing vocals for the famous group of the Kristovsky brothers “UmaTurman”.

TV series "Ranetki"

In 2007, the STS TV channel invited the girl band “Ranetki” to record soundtracks for the TV series “Kadetstvo”. The producer liked the cheerful and interesting girls so much that he decided to make a film about them too. After some time, the girls are given the first pages of the text. The series called “Ranetki” brings great fame to young talented musicians. The television product became very popular: many teenagers were truly passionate about watching the film, which vividly and interestingly described the events of the creation and development of a popular group. This series gave Valeria the “Discovery of the Year” award at the prestigious Ukrainian TV Star Award.

Leaving the group

As part of the musical group, Lera Kozlova performed many songs. Among them, the most popular are “We are Ranetki”, “About you”, “Winter-winter”, “It’s all about her”, “She is alone”, “He will return” and others. Before the concert in Luzhniki, the girl accidentally finds out that they are going to “ask” her to leave the group. The reason for this was her “cooled down” romantic relationship with producer Sergei Milnichenko. Although many believed that the end of the long life together of the group’s lead singer and leader would be a wedding. Lera Kozlova, however, no longer touched Sergei Milnichenko. In 2008, the brightest “Ranetka” left the group.

Solo career

Exactly a year later, Lera Kozlova’s failed husband married Natalya Shchelkova, who had been playing lead guitar in a musical group since 2005. In the same year, the first solo concert of the former soloist of the Ranetki group took place in Samara. Thus began a new round of Valeria’s life. She starred in the video “He’s Near” by the Ukrainian group Quest Pistols. Soon the producer of this male group invited Lera to sign a contract. The girl happily agreed. And after some time she begins to perform under the pseudonym LeRa LeRa.

With the new producer, the performer received a “second wind.” Already in 2010, two clips of the singer appeared on TV screens at once: “Unpleasant” and “She-Wolf”. The stunning success of Lera’s work resulted in increased love from the public and awards at prestigious festivals. From the RU.TV channel the girl received a prize in the “Singer of the Year” nomination. And exactly a year later, Lera was given a similar gift at the Bravo festival. At the same time, the bright blonde’s first solo album, entitled “Give Me a Sign,” was released.

Acting and dubbing films

In addition to music, the girl has established herself as a talented actress. Her role in the series “Ranetki” did not go unnoticed. Then Lera was invited to participate in the project “Summer, swimming trunks, rock and roll”, where she played one of the main roles. Don't forget about the successful work with the fantastic Luc Besson. The impressive Frenchman, listening to the voices of actresses who auditioned to dub Princess Selenia from the cartoon “Arthur,” immediately fell in love with the voice of the ex-Ranetka. He speaks with delight about the fragile and sensual girl, hoping to continue collaborating with her in a feature-length and non-animated film.

The intimate side of the coin

The personal life of show business stars is always interesting to others. Lera Kozlova was no exception. Did she give birth to a child? Is the ex-Ranetka married? Who is the chosen one of the talented singer? All these and many other questions plague both journalists and fans of the girl’s work.

After a painful departure from the group, Nikita Goryuk (musician of Quest Pistols) provided the girl with great support. It was he who helped me cope with stress and believe in myself. After some time, the girl realized that she had fallen in love with her friend. Having surrounded Nikita with care and attention, she gradually achieved reciprocity. Rumors that the girl is allegedly pregnant and Lera Kozlova’s child will bear the last name Goryuk have not been confirmed. Time will tell whether the union of two hearts will be long-lasting and lasting. The couple has no plans for now.

Photo 1 of 6: © From the personal archive of Lera Kozlova

Lera admitted that she does not pay attention to the words of her mother, who is not at all delighted with her chosen one, Nikita Goryuk. But the singer has not yet decided to move to Kyiv with Nikita, since her beloved is unlikely to be able to accept all her hobbies. Read about this and much more in an exclusive interview with E-motion.

- Lera, you have a long-term relationship with Nikita Goryuk. Are you getting ready for the wedding?

At this age I would already like a family, but I understand that at this stage it is unrealistic due to the fact that we rarely see each other. Now, for example, he is on tour in St. Petersburg, and I am in Crimea taking part in the “Summer with a Star” project.

- But you have a desire to live together, don’t you?

Of course, I want to move to Kyiv with him. But the apartment is a question, he is renting for now, and I have cats in Moscow that I cannot part with. They are only two years old, I recently adopted them.

- Are cats more important than Nikita?

No, I just don’t know how he will feel about this zoo at home.

- How do you see your wedding with Nikita Goryuk?

I want a wedding with friends, I want it to be in a green meadow, I want it to be a beautiful car without a roof, like in the movies. I can’t imagine a wedding in Moscow.

© Press service

- What should your wedding night be like?

Everything should be very romantic, at sunset, on the beach, where there is a sea of ​​greenery, with flowers. This must be remembered for a lifetime. I definitely wouldn’t refuse sex on the beach on my wedding night!

-Have you already introduced him to your parents?

Yes, he knows me, and I know him. My mother, when she found out that I was dating Nikita, started showing me photos on the Internet where he was naked or showing his butt. She says to me: “Lera, what is this?” And I answered: “Mom, he’s joking, he’s kidding.”

- Were you personally immediately pleased with his shocking image?

When we met, I didn’t know what he could do. When we are together, he behaves completely differently - he is reasonable, balanced, with him I feel protected and calm.

© Press service
- Externally, is he the ideal of beauty for you?

I never look at appearances, for me the main thing is his soul.

- Do you plan to have children from him?

I wouldn’t start a relationship with a person if I didn’t see myself with him in the future. Even my first love kiss happened with him. We've been together for two years now.

- Is Nikita jealous of other guys?

Yes, but he is mostly calm, because he is confident in his woman. But I cut these guys off myself. I immediately say that I have a loved one, and they say that the young man is not a closet, he will move.

- When you quarrel, who is the first to reconcile?

We try not to sulk at each other, why waste time and unnecessary nerves? We immediately come up to each other and hug each other tightly, promising to no longer pay attention to the little things that lead to quarrels.

© Yaroslava Rozhok

- Romantic relationships and everyday life are two different things. Do you see yourself with him in everyday life?

Yes, recently I visited him, we cooked together in the kitchen, went to the store, bought groceries. We can go shopping freely, but Nikita always advises me to wear dark glasses, and somehow I don’t like wearing sunglasses.

- How often does he give you gifts?

I recently brought a sweater and jeans from Germany, he already knows all my sizes very well, so it’s easy for him to choose clothes for me. I never ask him how much he spent on me, I feel somehow uncomfortable.

- Does he tell you something creatively?

No, he is now busy with his group “Diamonds”, he has no time for that yet. But he asks me if I like his songs.

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Can love resist temptations, big money and incredible distances? The answer to this question is known to the halves whose names undergo dozens of tests. Having met once, they intuitively feel a kinship of souls. Two independent, strong natures see themselves reflected in each other, and a wave of feelings covers them headlong.

Neither Valeria nor Nikita ever have problems in relationships with the opposite sex. Finding it easily and also easily parting, they do not strive for marriage for a long time. That is why it is very easy for them to understand each other during the first meeting. There is a feeling that they have known each other all their lives - too many common interests and hobbies unite the future couple.

Valeria and Nikita - hot love without obligations

Nikita manages to easily seduce Valeria. Knowing how to look after her beautifully, he will give her many new impressions, introduce her to interesting people, and show her unknown cities and countries. The halves will enjoy every current moment. They are unusual in thinking about the future, striving for stability and creating a family. Their relationship, like a fire, flares up and then fades out, but continues for a long time on mutual initiative.

Intimate harmony

Amazing compatibility of Nikita and Valeria in bed makes the union almost indestructible. The partners' temperaments and fantasies coincide so much that they are ready for the most daring experiments. However, the couple never demonstrates their feelings in public. When visiting, in public, in public places, they behave with restraint and slightly aloofness. Therefore, many do not even suspect their love.

The ease in the couple's relationship, however, is deceptive. Having become accustomed to a free life, it is difficult for halves to begin life together. They are annoyed by each other's habits, late arrivals home, eternal chaos, friends and girlfriends who come at the wrong time. Learning to patiently accept this and much more, plan life and lead a life together is the first test that a couple must withstand.

What does the compatibility number tell you?

The number of the name Nikita is 5. It characterizes an extraordinary personality with a lively mind and natural charm. “A” people are resourceful, impetuous, incapable of routine work, and do not tolerate failure well. Travel and adventure are their element. The number of the name Valery is 3. It gives a cheerful character and a penchant for scientific activity. “Troika” people avoid intrigue and skillfully use their strengths.

The number that characterizes Compatibility of the names Nikita and Valeria- 8. Everything that such a couple will do will benefit people. When implementing joint projects, halves act on equal terms and use legal methods. For this they will be respected and recognized. Success accompanies matters related to law, finance, and insurance. Charitable activities are also possible.

Relationship forecast

Does happiness await a couple with names? Nikita and Valeria are married? Only life will answer this question. But they should not miss the chance given by fate. Everything is possible - quarrels, partings, intrigues of rivals, hostility of relatives, life away from each other. But the true feelings of the halves Nikita and Valeria, compatibility who are 100% in love, are capable of conquering a lot.

Having children is a great joy and the second serious test for a couple. Each of the partners reconsiders their priorities during this period. Unfortunately, sometimes the result of these thoughts can lead to a breakup. Only Nikita’s deep feelings and serious attitude can save the relationship. It is he who needs to lead the family ship in the hours of storms and guide it on a long journey to prosperity and success.

Lera Kozlova is a Russian singer who gained popularity as a member of an all-girl rock group. The girl performed in an unusual role for the music world as a soloist-drummer, which immediately attracted the attention of fans. Moreover, the group members played in the series of the same name, which made the girls idols of youth throughout Russia.

After leaving the popular girl group, Lera Kozlova began a solo career and created the projects “LeRa” and “Lera Romantika”. The girl’s joining a pop group brought a new round of popularity, in which Lera quickly took the role of lead singer.

Valeria Sergeevna Kozlova, better known to fans as Lera Kozlova, was born in Moscow. Despite the fact that her entire future life was connected with music and singing, the girl never attended a music school and did not develop her vocals with professional teachers. But Leroux’s innate hearing and ability for music led him to the children’s ensemble “Pinocchio”. Here she learned a lot. For example, playing percussion instruments.

What the girl did best was dance. Her extraordinary plasticity allowed her family to hope that Valeria would certainly become a famous choreographer in the future. But Kozlova decided differently. Most of all she wanted to sing. To get into domestic show business, the girl entered the capital’s Institute of Culture, choosing the specialty “Producing”.


In 2005, when Lera Kozlova turned 17 years old, she and her friends organized a rock band. The girls called her “Ranetki”. At first, Kozlova played drums, and another participant was the soloist. But when she went abroad, Lera took her place. The group quickly became popular. The soloist-drummer became a striking feature of “Ranetki” and brought them fame.

How quickly the group's popularity was gaining momentum can be judged by the fact that in the same year when Ranetki was born, they signed a full-fledged contract with a famous label. Already in 2006, girls-bands received applause at the largest Russian festivals.

Real fame fell on Lera Kozlova and the members of her group after the release of the TV series “Kadetstvo”. "Ranetki" recorded several compositions for the series that instantly became hits. The popularity of the girls prompted the producers to make a new film, giving it the same name. The series, released on STS, also starred Lera Kozlova. The youth film was a considerable success.

"Ranetki" recorded their album, which received the name of the group. It sold well and increased the army of fans of the girl group. However, in 2008, Lera Kozlova left the group and began a solo career. Fans saw the singer’s first solo concert in 2009 in Samara. The project was called "LeRa". In the same year, the singer starred in a video for a fashion group and signed a contract with the KRUZHEVA Music label. Kozlova appeared on stage under the new creative pseudonym “Lera Lera”.

In 2010, fans of “Lera Lera” received 3 new videos from their favorite singer, which were very warmly received and brought her awards. According to the RU.TV channel, Kozlova became singer of the year.

A year later, Lera received a gold Bravo statuette and consolidated her success by releasing her debut solo album, Give Me a Sign. The disc includes 12 compositions, including the popular “She-Wolf”, “Unpleasant”, “I’m Drowning”, the lead single “Give Me a Sign”, “Dancing in the Rain”, recorded together with “Quest Pistols”, “Safe Sex” and others.

In 2011, viewers saw Lera Kozlova on the screens in the film “Summer, Swimming Trunks, Rock and Roll,” where the girl got one of the key roles.

As part of the project, the performer also released a number of independent singles: “You will meet, you will love”, “This music”, “Nearby”, “The snow is melting”, “Last call”, “I miss you”, “Fear nothing”.

In 2015, it became known that Lera Kozlova’s creative biography had taken a new turn: the performer became a member of the musical group “5sta Family”. She first appeared as part of the group at a concert dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the Great Victory, singing the song “The Sky is on Fire.” At that time, the group consisted of its “old” members, Vasily Kosinsky, Valery Efremov and the “new” Lera Kozlova.

On July 8, 2015, the group recorded a new single, “Metko,” which the band members declared as a kind of presentation of the new member of the group.

On November 1, 2015, fans of the group learned that the vocalist and soloist of the group, Yulianna Karaulova, had left the “5sta Family” team. However, for fans of Lera Kozlova this can also be called good news, because now the girl has become the only soloist of “5sta Family” and thus has finally come to the fore.

Personal life

From the moment when the popularity of the Ranetki group rapidly increased, the personal life of Lera Kozlova and other members of the group began to be of keen interest to fans of the girls-band. It is known that the head of Ranetok, Sergei Milnichenko, and Lera had an “office romance.” Even the fact that Sergei was married and had a daughter, who was not much younger than the Ranetki, was not a hindrance. Due to rumors constantly circulating in the yellow press about their relationship, Sergei’s marriage broke up. As they write on social networks, the couple lived in a civil marriage for some time.

A year later they broke up. Various reasons are given. They say that due to her closeness to the leader of the group, Lera began to be late for rehearsals or not show up at all. A conflict arose between her and Milnichenko, which put an end to the relationship. Kozlova left the group.

The blonde beauty was not alone for long. Soon, on the set of the “Quest Pistols” video, she began a relationship with its member Nikita Goryuk. At first it was just friendship. Nikita helped Lera overcome depression after leaving the group and breaking off relations with her former lover. But then a romantic feeling flared up between them. For some time it seemed to both of them that it was serious. The couple was thinking about marriage. Goryuk introduced his beloved girl to her parents. But this relationship did not result in marriage.

Now Lera Kozlova is not married and has immersed herself in creativity.

Lera Kozlova now

Lera Kozlova’s creativity as part of the “5sta Family” collective resulted in the recording of a number of individual compositions and even the shooting of music videos for some of them.

On January 21, 2016, Lera Kozlova and the group “5sta Family” presented the composition “Erasing Borders”. At the beginning of May of the same year, the team released the track “T-shirt”, and at the end there was a music video for this composition.

On January 24, 2017, the team recorded another fresh single - “Vesuvius”. April brought fans of the group the premiere of the composition “High-rise buildings”, as well as the release of a video clip for this song.

But this era in the creative biography of Lera Kozlova has come to an end. The singer openly informed fans about her departure from the team and even warned fans about this event in advance. Back on November 5, 2017 on Lera’s page in “ Instagram"news has appeared that the last concert, in which Lera Kozlova and the 5sta Family group will jointly participate, will be held in Nizhny Novgorod in a month - December 2, 2017.


  • 2006 - “Ranetki” (as part of the group “Ranetki”)
  • 2010 - “Give me a sign”