Drawing of the transformation of a white swan into a princess. Swan Princess

“The Swan Princess” (1900) is one of the most mysterious paintings Vrubel. The plot of this image is connected with Russian fairy tales and mythology, as well as with famous literary images- the swan princesses from “The Tale of Tsar Saltan” by A. Pushkin, as well as the heroines of the opera by N. A. Rimsky-Korsakov based on the plot of the same fairy tale by Pushkin. The role of the Swan Princess from the opera was sung by Vrubel’s wife, Nadezhda Zabela-Vrubel. The artist loved to embody the image of his beloved wife in many of his paintings.

However, in this picture of the painter there is no even remote resemblance to his wife - the face of the Swan Princess does not resemble her at all, nor to the heroines of the fairy tales of Pushkin and Rimsky-Korsakov. There is pure major music, joy; although these are magical, they are quite “earthly” images. The Swan Princess from the fairy tale marries her loved one, and with her help life fairy-tale heroes is getting better and proceeds safely and happily.

But Vrubel’s Swan Princess is not like that. Her face is mystical and distant. Her eyes are full of knowledge of the secrets of existence unknown to man. It is unlikely that such a maiden will become a man’s wife. Her destiny is a different love, and other spaces unknown to man.

This bird-maiden has only a face, hands, and hands from a person long braid. But this face is incomprehensible and mysterious. You can’t tear yourself away from the dark pool of her eyes, looking into your very soul. These eyes and facial expression are sad and anxious. There is no peace in them. Who knows what they saw in the world where this creature came from, and what secrets were revealed to him. When you look at this face, you begin to worry about some alarming premonitions, and a feeling of trouble creeps into the soul.

The background of the picture speaks about the same thing - passionate and disturbing at the same time. The mysterious maiden is depicted against the backdrop of a gloomy sea and the approaching sunset. Dark colors The sea and sky merge on the horizon into a single whole, and only the pink strip of the setting sun separates them. The bird maiden herself is depicted in the middle of this gloomy and dark endless sea, as if she appears from the water and comes into contact with it. It feels like a fusion of two elements - air, into which it can rise on its huge snow-white wings, and water - the depths of the sea, which hides in its depths amazing secrets, and can be terrible and harsh, angry and raising waves to the skies.

Behind the back of the fabulous diva is a dark dense forest. In front of her - mysterious lights mysterious island. The maiden herself does not approach us, but moves away - she is about to go into the darkness, and it seems that she is in last time she turned around to say something, but didn’t open her lips.

From her beautiful face with subtle features face, full sensual lips, thin oval face, huge, soulful and somehow incomprehensible eyes, thin lace veil, radiance precious stones on the crown and on the rings, the airiness of snow-white wings blows unearthly beauty and goodness. This maiden resembles the face of an angel. But the angel is not only sensitive and vulnerable, but also detached from man. In everything it is felt that she is a creature from other worlds, and not from this mortal earth.

I want to endlessly wonder what secret this face hides, what did she see on this earth? Where did it come from and where will it go? This is a virgin, which means her image is associated with love. Since it is surrounded by the landscape familiar to us - forest, sea, then it means it is on earth. Where does it come from? From a loved one? What is the story, what relationship connects her with him? And why couldn't she stay? Did he offend her, was unable to appreciate and accept her love, or, on the contrary, is he pining for this unearthly creature, which must go back to where it came from? Where, to what dark distances does the Swan Princess go now?

This is a picture of the unknown that so inescapably beckons human soul– from the usual routine of life to a fairy tale, to a myth, to the incomprehensible mystery of existence. And Vrubel the artist perfectly managed to convey and express the alluring anxiety and mystery of this image with the mysterious symbolism of pure colors, the play of reflections, and the gloomy coloring of the picture.

I want to endlessly look at the mysterious canvas, solving those riddles about which the beautiful Swan Princess is silent.

Swan is wonderful and very beautiful bird, which is considered royal in England. Also, it is considered one of the largest birds that can swim on water. In this article we will tell you step by step how to draw a swan.

Beautiful drawing in 5 steps

This drawing example is quite simple, but at the same time beautiful. Prepare pencils, markers and a piece of paper, we will start with an example that will tell you how to draw a swan step by step.

1 step

For convenience, you can draw two lines: one horizontal and the other vertical. At the end of the drawing we will erase them, since they are auxiliary.

We draw an oval of the head, and from it we draw the neck of our bird in the form of the English letter “S”.

Step 2

We draw a second line for the neck and draw feathers at the other end of the drawing.

Step 3

Let's draw the wing. His top part it should turn out smooth, and the left side should look like feathers.

Step 4

We depict a long key and the eye of our bird.

Step 5

Our drawing is ready. If you wish, you can color it, frame it and put it on a shelf.

Also, don't forget to draw the waves that he leaves behind in the lake.

Simple pencil example

Like the previous one, this drawing is very beautiful, but the drawing method is a little simpler. Be sure to prepare an eraser, as now we will learn how to draw a swan with a pencil.

The first thing we need to do is to draw a diagram of the body and head of our future bird. Don't press too hard on the pencil as we will have to erase some of these lines in the future.

Based on our auxiliary drawing, we will draw a head with eyes and a beak and a long neck.

Now let's work on the torso. From below it is quite smooth, and from above it is steeper, creating a small hump. The end of the body on the left side is connected by a sharp tip.

Take an eraser and erase everything unnecessary, as in the example below.

The final stage will be drawing the feathers and wings of our swan. And also the waves emanating from his body.

Example for a child

A very, very simple drawing example that is perfect for a child. So, we teach children to draw swans.

Nobody likes to get D's, but today we need exactly that. We draw a beautiful and smooth two, which will later turn into a beautiful swan.

Now, on the right edge of our two, we draw on the plumage with sharp corners, and below we can add waves.

At the upper tip we draw a beak and an eye.

The final touch will be the neck and wing. You can also add more waves and color the resulting picture.

Easy way

We've come to simple way, which will help us learn how to draw a swan in the lake. For this method, we will use a marker or a regular pen.

Let's start drawing from the head. Several simple lines you should get something similar to the picture below.

As in previous examples, we carefully output English letter"S".

Do not forget that the lines must be smooth and neat. If you don't succeed the first time, don't worry. You can always draw everything again.

Well, at the very end we work with small details, namely we draw the eye, plumage and waves from the lake.

Couples in love

At the end of the article, we come to the most romantic way of drawing birds. Now we will figure out how to draw two swans in love.

First we need to get a heart like in the picture below. The heads of the two birds come together wonderfully and their necks form the outline of a heart.

We add torsos to our heart on the left and on the other side.

We depict the lower parts of the bodies of our lovers. If you didn’t do something very neatly, then it’s not a big deal, because then we will outline our birds with a felt-tip pen.

We take a felt-tip pen and trace our sketch.

The final stage in drawing our couple will be the development small parts and adding water surface.