How to draw a red maiden diagram. Modeling and painting of the Dymkovo lady

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Draw the Dymkovo young lady with a pencil step by step

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We have already taught you in one of our lessons how to draw Russian national costumes with a pencil step by step - male and female. Here in this lesson we will draw a Russian beauty step by step. This is a girl in Russian folk costume. In ancient times, each region and each locality had its own special outfits. They have come down to us in drawings and in museum collections. And no matter how different women’s clothing may be in one area or another, girls’ sundresses and kokoshniks have always been considered truly Russian folk clothes. Let's start step-by-step drawing with a pencil one of the symbols of our Russian culture.

Stage 1. For now, let's draw the auxiliary lines. The circle is the head, it contains the features of the eyes and mouth, Above and on the side of the head are the lines of the kokoshnik and below the line of the neck.

Stage 2. Now we draw the oval of the face smoothly, it should be very gentle and smooth, from the chin below the line of a neat swan neck. Above the circle, draw a parting and the girl’s hair, laid on the head in both directions. On the bottom line of the kokoshnik near the face we will show jewelry - earrings.

Stage 3. Let's depict the eyes of our beauty. We taught you how to draw eyes with a pencil step by step in our lesson on the website. Her eyes are very expressive, large and beautiful. There are thick eyelashes on the eyelids. Here we’ll draw a neat nose with literally one line and a mouth with a smile below.

Stage 4. At the top of the head we make a kokoshnik - a Russian national headdress. Only unmarried girls could wear it. It is drawn between the lines from stage 1. The kokoshnik is quite large. It looks like a semicircle. There are several lines on it, between which patterns will be located.

Stage 5. Now we will show the auxiliary lines of the girl’s body. This is a quadrangle and lines of bent arms; the hem of the sundress goes lower from the chest.

Stage 6. Draw the top of the clothing. Under the sundress you can see a shirt, the collar is flounced. The top of the sundress itself has straps from the shoulders to the chest line.

Stage 7. Add the bottom of the sundress. From the chest line, draw a smooth hemline to the ground. The sundress should be long.

Stage 8. Show the folds in the fabric on the bottom of the sundress using wavy lines.

Stage 9. Now we draw the sleeves of our beauty’s shirt. Along the lines of the arms from step 5 we outline the contours of the sleeves. The sleeves are quite wide, they also have pleats. The bottom of each sleeve is cuffed. We will also depict neat hands with fingers here.

Stage 10. On the front of the sundress we will draw triangular patterns of different sizes. They remind us of flower petals. Let’s draw a handkerchief in the girl’s hand, which she waves while dancing.

Stage 11. In this stage we will draw numerous patterns on the kokoshnik, the neckline of the sundress and the bottom of the hem of the sundress. What these patterns look like is shown in enlarged form. You can choose your own patterns.

Stage 12. Let's leave the main lines of the Russian beauty and erase the unnecessary ones.

The work begins with an image of a circle approximately 1.5-2 cm in diameter. Future face Ladies, by tradition, write in white, much less often the tone of “carnation” - flesh-colored - is used. This is more likely due to the fact that the white stands out better against the bright Gorodets backgrounds.

Having written a bleach circle for the “face” and dried it well, they begin to depict the hairstyle, that is, they write, as it were, petals around the middle of a flower, only they do it in black or dark brown.

Then the Gorodets master attributes to the head neck, knowing in advance what kind of dress and with what neckline he will put on his mistress. In our case, the neckline of the dress is triangular, so the neck and neckline of the dress are also covered with whitewash. With this simple technique, the master outlines the axis of the figure, without allowing himself to get lost in proportions.

For writing shoulders and the hands of the female figure require only two strokes with a wide brush. One stroke indicates the left shoulder and the left arm bent at the elbow, the other - the right shoulder and the outstretched right arm, slightly removed from the body.

Completing the painting of the upper part of the female figurine, the master writes a tone waist, applying each of the broad, smooth strokes precisely and to the spot.

The drawing of the figure is completed by writing in white hands. At this stage, the lady’s face is usually designed. For this I use the thinnest brush with black paint. According to tradition, the face is written very schematically: thin high eyebrows, round eyes, a nose outlined in one or two strokes, a small mouth, which acquires a kind smiling expression if a bright red dot is placed in the middle of a straight horizontal line - “bow lips”. Sometimes cheeks slightly enlivened by pink color - blush. Each artist has his own techniques for painting faces, but in general, the Gorodets style of painting does not imply psychological expressiveness; here the convincingness of the figure, its positioning, gesture, turn of the head, proportions, and color of clothing are much more important. Style unity is very important: how the figurine looks in the surrounding environment - the interior of a Gorodets house, in a flowering garden, on a city street.

An integral part suit The Gorodets dandy always had a fluffy patterned skirt. It is this skirt, reminiscent of a bell in outline, that A.V. depicts. Sokolova.

Special mention should be made of the design of the lower edge of the skirt. The Gorodets master will never write it completely straight; he will make a slightly curved “living” line, which is drawn, as a rule, in black, contrasting with the color of the suit. If several female figures stand nearby, then this single black stroke emphasizes all the women’s skirts, from under which pointed shoes are visible. This is one of the characteristic Gorodets techniques, completing the lady’s costume; it can be seen on many Gorodets dons.

Shoes They come in different designs - barely noticeable or completely visible, with high heels. They certainly visually slim the figure. The result is an effect similar to how the character of a bird is changed by its thin, graceful legs.

An important stage of work on the female figure is shading, as well as bleaching her clothes. In Gorodets, countless styles of dresses and their trims were invented. It seems that they can be used to study women's fashion of the second half of the 19th century. To decorate dresses, various techniques are used - lines, pokes, shading, work with bleach and colored sponges, etc.

Sequence of the image of the Gorodets lady


The proposed several simple methods with detailed examples and recommended sequence of execution will allow you to quickly learn how to draw girls in dresses.

Step by step drawing example

To understand how to draw a beautiful girl in a dress, it is enough to look at at least one detailed example. The technique proposed below will allow you to quickly and easily draw a beautiful silhouette, which can then be given new shapes and details.

Below is a sequence of how to draw a girl in a dress step by step.

Stage 1
You should start with a schematic representation of the person’s posture and face using simple lines.

Stage 2
Small details of the face and hairstyle are worked out. Clothes and shoes are specified. Extra work lines can be deleted. The resulting image is complemented with the desired color.

Draw with a pencil

A good example of how to draw a girl in a dress with a pencil begins with a schematic but three-dimensional image of the figure. Next, the details are worked out from top to bottom, starting from the head. After the face and hairstyle, you should clarify the lines of the arms and outfit, then the legs. In the end, if necessary, you can give the image clarity and draw the elements more accurately. Shadows, folds and transitions are added with the already selected colors last.

Long and short dress

This sequence will allow you to learn how to draw a girl in a short dress and a long one, using the same base. To use it, you don’t need to have any special skills - anyone can do it.

First of all, the person’s pose is outlined using simple lines. Based on this marking, the body and hairstyle are depicted in more detail.

The blank on which the image of the outfit will be applied is ready.

To depict an image with a short skirt, you need to do the same thing - outline the outline of the desired outfit, remove unnecessary lines and clarify the entire drawing with details.

At the end, you can optionally color it, draw a face, or leave it as a sketch, as in the example.

Ball gown

Even a child can explain how to draw a girl in a ball gown in this way. The basic sketches are quite simple, and with a little imagination you can diversify the drawing with new details, accessories and decorations.

Since the skirt of a long ball gown will cover almost the entire figure, there is no need to depict it. For the base, the height line, head and upper torso are enough.

First of all, the face is drawn.

Then it's time for clothes. Having given shape to the top part - the bodice, sleeves and gloves - you can begin to work on the bottom. The final stage of the sketch will be the development of folds, frills of the petticoat and shoes. After which the finished image can be filled with color.

Wedding outfit

One of the ways to draw a girl in a wedding dress is interesting in its simple execution. This is how the bride is drawn, in a characteristic outfit, with a bouquet.

First, the figure is marked: the main parts of the body, the head, the position of the arms. After which the outline of the silhouette is drawn.

Finally, the working sketches are removed and color is added to the finished image.

Russian folk dress

An interesting and detailed way of how to draw a girl in Russian folk dress is presented in the pictures below. It includes the elaboration of ornaments, clothing and jewelry that are characteristic of traditional women's costume.

In this dress, the figure is hidden by a long skirt and puffy sleeves. Therefore, it is recommended to start with marking the head and face. Small lines indicate the location of the high headdress. First, it is the face and kokoshnik that should be drawn, as shown in the pictures.

Next, the contour indicates the person’s pose and the outline of the skirt. After this, you can proceed to the details of the traditional sundress. The high-waisted top, puffed sleeves, skirt hem - fine embroidery is everywhere, adding character to the look. After drawing all these important elements, the finished drawing can be filled with color in accordance with the chosen image.

* First of all, you need to use sharp scissors to cut off the neck of the bottle. You should have a blank for the future Dymkovo toy (see photo).

* Now you need to cover the resulting blank from a plastic bottle with plasticine. It is very important to make an even and neat layer without streaks or unevenness..

* Then build a small plasticine ball that will serve as the head in the future Dymkovo toy. Be sure to make a tall kokoshnik out of plasticine, braid a braid, wear a wreath, etc. Don’t forget about your hands, as well as all kinds of additional elements: basket, handbag, bucket, child, samovar, etc.

* Now the plasticine mold must be thoroughly coated with flour, this is necessary so that the paint (for example, gouache) adheres well and does not form drops.

* Now you can start painting and decorating. Before you start painting, be sure to paint the entire figurine a single white color. Wait until the white layer dries and begin the creative process of painting.

* Below we attach some examples of patterns and colors that are used when decorating Dymkovo toys.

* Russian people have always been famous for their special ingenuity and sense of beauty. Apparently, therefore, the beginning of many decorative and applied arts originates precisely in Ancient Rus'. The News Portal decided to devote this article to another ancient craft that arose in Rus' more than four hundred years ago. We will talk about the famous Dymkovo toy.
* The value of the Dymkovo toy lies in the fact that it is unique handmade. There are no two identical Dymkovo toys in the world, because even the same master cannot create two Dymkovo toys that are as similar to each other as two peas in a pod. Dymkovo toys are made from bright red clay, then fired and subsequently painted.
* In this article we want to invite you to learn how to make Dymkovo toys with your own hands. Since we don’t have special ovens in our apartments, and it’s also not possible to get real bright red clay, we will make Dymkovo toys from scrap materials.
