Are coffins burned in the crematorium? Body cremation service - what to look for? “How is farewell conducted? Is there a ritual hall?

It is known that from birth the child was very weak, underweight and often sick. His mother, Lyudmila Yakovlevna Spesivtseva, considered her son Sasha the only joy in her life and tried to take care of him - until the age of 12, Sasha slept in his parents’ bed. In general, he had a rather reserved character, and he had no friends. At school he was bullied, Sasha could not stand up for himself, but he passionately dreamed of taking revenge on his offenders.

Alexander Nikolaevich Spesivtsev is a Russian serial killer, a cannibal, whose victims were 19 women and children, residents of Novokuznetsk, from February to September 1996. In total, Spesivtsev is suspected of 80 murders.

A. N. Spesivtsev was born in 1970 in Novokuznetsk, Kemerovo region, THE USSR. It is known that from birth the child was very weak, underweight and often sick. His mother, Lyudmila Yakovlevna Spesivtseva, considered her son Sasha the only joy in her life and tried to take care of him - until the age of 12, Sasha slept in his parents’ bed. In general, he had a rather reserved character, and he had no friends. At school he was bullied, Sasha could not stand up for himself, but he passionately dreamed of taking revenge on his offenders.

Mother Spesivtseva worked as a lawyer’s assistant in court, and soon her and her son’s favorite pastime became looking at the photographs that Lyudmila Yakovlevna brought from work. Even then, photographs of crime victims, criminals and corpses gave Sasha a strange pleasure, as he later admitted. The mother did not notice the moment when her son began to show a tendency towards sadism.

Sasha met Evgenia in 1991, and soon she became his girlfriend - the young people spent a lot of time together. However, after Sasha beat Evgenia, she decided to leave him immediately. To which Spesivtsev reacted in his own way - he locked Evgenia in his apartment and began to torture her. Later, an examination showed that the girl died of sepsis - her whole body was covered with abscesses, which made it very difficult to name the real reason of death.

Alexander was declared insane and in need of urgent psychiatric intervention, and he was taken to the Oryol psychiatric clinic.

Three years later he was discharged, the disease - schizophrenia - went into remission. By the way, he was also offended by the hospital, and also decided to take revenge someday. Among other things, by that time Spesivtsev had some problems with his genitals - a pellet, which his roommate had sewn into his genitals, caused severe inflammation.

Returning home, Spesivtsev led a rather strange lifestyle - he was always drawn to the “scum” - drunkards, homeless people, beggars. It was this company that he constantly supported at the station, where he went constantly. There, at the station, he met Elena, who became his second victim. The scenario was the same - an invitation home, torture and torture, then murder. It is noteworthy that the neighbors, who heard the screams and sounds of struggle coming from the Spesivtsevs’ apartment, did not call the police - it seemed to them that the “schizophrenic Spesivtsev” himself was having fun. He killed the third victim, also named Elena, in an absolutely identical way.

Very soon Spesivtsev got tired of killing women and decided to switch to children. At a nearby construction site, he met his new victims, inviting several children to rob his own apartment. That day, there were five children’s corpses in Spesivtsev’s bedroom. It’s scary, but when Spesivtsev’s mother discovered the corpses a few days later, she did not run to the police and did not tear out her hair, what a monster she had given birth to - on the contrary, she helped her beloved son and carried the dismembered bodies out of the house in buckets, throwing them into the river . At the same time, the woman behaved very carefully - she tried to remove the bodies in the evenings, in the dark, when her neighbors could not meet her. Later she will be accused of the fact that if not for her participation, perhaps there would have been fewer victims of her maniac son. However, Spesivtsev now had a personal “cleaning lady”, and therefore he continued his business.

However, the criminal’s mother, as it turned out, was not only a cleaner - she brought the last three victims to him herself. The corpses of children went to the farm - the maniac prepared soups, ate himself, forced children who had not yet been killed to eat, and the dog gnawed the bones.

It is unknown how long the murders would have continued if not for the plumbers, who simply needed to get into the Spesivtsevs’ apartment. In response to the criminal’s statement that he was mentally ill and would not open the door, the workers brought a local police officer. The picture that presented itself to those who entered the Spesivtsevs’ house was not for the faint of heart.

The criminal himself managed to escape through the roof, but a couple of days later he was caught at the entrance to his own house.

It’s unfortunate, but all the two dozen human victims of the maniac might not have existed - when Spesivtsev was suspected of being in connection with the corpses that were raised from the river, according to all the documents, he was supposedly in a mental hospital, and therefore they did not look for him.

Spesivtsev began giving testimony from the very first interrogation; his mother did the same. It was never possible to establish the exact number of victims, but not all the things found in the maniac’s house were identified by the relatives of the murdered.

His mother was given 15 years, Spesivtsev himself was again declared insane and sent to a high-security psychiatric hospital in the city of Kamyshin, Volgograd region.

The documentary film "The Siberian Ripper" from the series "Criminal Russia" was based on the story of Spesivtsev.

Look around. Look into the eyes of the man standing next to you on the subway. Look at the faces of passers-by. Any of them could turn out to be a serial killer, whose manic passion is known both to the police and to the psychiatric institution. Many people know. Except for potential victims. Why? But because he (or even she) is declared insane, released from responsibility and after a certain number of years... released from “a specialized psychiatric hospital with intensive observation” to freedom. Like someone who has been successfully cured.

In case of termination of the use of compulsory treatment in a psychiatric hospital, the court transfers necessary materials in relation to a person who was undergoing compulsory treatment, to health authorities to resolve the issue of his treatment or referral to a psychoneurological social security institution in the manner prescribed by the legislation of the Russian Federation on health care. Translated from legal language: an insane criminal, upon discovery of an improvement in health or upon final transformation into a vegetable, can be released and transferred to the supervision of doctors at the place of residence.

There are hundreds of cases where, after some time, psychiatrists recognized especially dangerous criminals as not posing a public danger and released them to live in society. In our society with you.

There are many examples. I will give just a few of the most terrible ones. And I will do this not to scare, but because we have the right to know WHOM US WAIT SOON:

Shemyakov Eduard Vasilievich . Born in 1973. By the age of 25 he had committed 10 murders. After his arrest, Shemyakov said that he saw eyes in the water that ordered him to commit murders, cut off and drown the heads of victims, thanks to which he would become a superman.

Eduard Shemyakov

U Shemyakov committed the murders on the following days: September 4, 1996, June 8 and November 12, 1997, January 19, April 18 and 24, May 18 and 30, June 2 and July 20, 1998. Several times, starting with the second murder, he tied the victims' hands. He raped the dying victims. The youngest girl, killed on May 30, 1998, was barely 11 years old (this girl was separated from the company of relatives who had come in two cars to sunbathe on the beach, and became a victim of a maniac wandering nearby), four othersAlsowere underage.At fourx cases, including the last one, Shemyakovcut off the heads of the victims, and once threw the head into a stream - as “eyes in the water” demanded

the last time, on the morning of July 20, 1998, being completely alone (his parents were at the dacha), Edward invited his sister’s friend to visit, beat her with a gun handlebody, corpse dismembered in the bathroom, threeI fried a piece of meat cut from a thigh and ate it with cranberries, buried one thigh, body and head not far from the house in a vacant lot, and put part of the other thigh and both arms in the refrigerator.

Experts discovered that Shemyakov had a chronic mental disorder in the form of paranoid schizophrenia, an inability to recognize the actual nature and social danger of his actions and to manage them, and as a consequence- insanity. On February 5, 2002, Eduard Shemyakov was sent not to prison, but to a special hospital for murderers and other criminals.All patients of such hospitals, after being declared cured, are discharged and released.. .

Spesivtsev, Alexander Nikolaevich Born in 1970. In 1988 he first poppedl to the "psychiatric hospital". Later, Spesivtsev married a 17-year-old girl, Evgenia, and beat her both at home and in the hospital ward. In 1991, Zhenya died, and even then the future maniac had a chance to go to jail, but he was saved by the lack of evidence of his wife’s murder and the presence mental disorders. The sadistic groom ended up in a special psychiatric hospital in Orel, where he stayed until 1995.

Freed after 3 years of imprisonment in the hospital, Spesivtsev returned to his apartment, where in 1996 he began organizing bloody feasts. His mother, under false pretenses, lured victims into the apartment (sometimes Spesivtseva’s sister helped her), where a maniac with fists and a knife was waiting for them. He “slaughtered” and dismembered the victims, whose meat was boiled and eaten by Spesivtsev himself (although the fact of cannibalism was never confirmed), by a domestic “diver” dog, and sometimes by the following victims. The maniac raped girls and women. Thus, in the Spesivtsevs’ apartment from February to September 1996, at least 4 teenagers aged 10 to 13 years and 15 girls and women aged from 11 to 40 years died.

Alexander Spesivtsev

By Investigators later found in the apartment complete sets clothes that belonged to a much larger number of people, and Spesivtsev himself boasted of murders that were impossible to prove. Many (but not all) of the remains were carried out at night by the maniac's mother in buckets and thrown out in various places

During Spesivtsev’s arrest, the following were found in the apartment: a human torso in the bathroom, a woman’s head with a face distorted from death horror in a laundry bin, parts baby body in a bucket, a blackened child's head on the floor... In the room there was a half-dead 15-year-old girl, one of 3 friends who had disappeared a month earlier - they were latest victims Spesivtseva. The girl was wounded with a knife - the maniac did not have time to kill her, but she died 3 days later.

Maniac's mother, who served a 15-year sentencein Mariinskaya women's colony , was safely released. Spesivtsev himself is in a special hospital in the city of Kamyshin, Volgograd region, from where he may be released in the near future (which his sister and mother are incredibly happy about in their letters!). In the psychiatric hospital, he receives a pension, which he spends “on Snickers” and saves money for his imminent release.

Petrova, Maria Alexandrovna. Born in 1978. She committed 2 murders and 4 attempted murders, mainly in the metropolitan area of ​​Zyuzino. She worked as a teacher - she taught physical education at one of the technical schools in Moscow. Maria was registered at a psychoneurological dispensary. She had masculine (male) characteristics - above average height, broad shoulders, muscular figure, rough voice.

Maria Petrova

In early March 2002, in the evening, at a public transport stop near the Shalom cinema near the Varshavskaya metro station, Maria Petrova killed 20-year-old Sergei Makariev with two knife blows - in the neck and abdominal cavity. At the same time, despite the presence of witnesses on the street, she did not immediately disappear, but, standing with a bloody knife in her hand, watched the agony of the victim and was convinced that “the job was done” and no new blows would be required. The second victim: 60-year-old pensioner Nikolai Zhabin, whom Petrova snuck up from behind and slit his throat with a knife. It happened on Sivashskaya Street. This is how Maria Petrova acted in the future - she walked with a knife along a certain route in Southwestern district capital from 16 to 21 hours ("rush hour"), until she noticed a suitable victim. But the victims of her subsequent attacks survived. Most of them were elderly men in a drunken state. As we can see, the Zyuzinskaya maniac was a serial killer male type, as she was street hunting with a knife for strangers- like many “classic” male maniacs

Maria Petrova was detained in her apartment on the night of April 23, 2002. Her parents were also summoned for questioning. Maria answered the investigators' questions calmly and was adequate. During investigative experiments at crime scenes, she willingly and thoroughly talked about everything. As a result, in the summer she was charged with Article 105 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (murder). However, a psychiatric examination, carried out for more than a month at the Serbsky Institute, revealed the maniac’s insanity (experts made this conclusion mainly from an analysis not of her personality, but of her crimes) and in the fall of 2002, Maria Petrova, having avoided imprisonment, went for compulsory treatment to closed special hospital. He may be released soon.

Ershov Victor. Born in 1967. Ershov committed 4 brutal murders of women in the Vladimir and Nizhny Novgorod regions.

The first time Ershov went out onto the highway with the goal, as he himself explained, to kill someone, there was an ax in his backpack. Soon a 16-year-old girl appeared. Ershov let her go ahead, then caught up and struck her in the neck with an ax. Having dragged the corpse into the bushes, the killer stripped the victim, cut off the breast and ate it, then cut the vagina and tried to cut off the head.

T That same summer, Ershov boarded a commuter train, where he met two girls who, getting off the train, headed to the lake. The killer caught up with them and hacked them to death with the same axe. He dragged the corpses into the bushes and began stabbing them in the chest and vagina. As he himself later said, “I just wanted to see.”

P The last and fourth murder was committed by Ershov in a park not far from the bus stop. He grabbed the young woman by the hand and dragged her into the bushes, where he struck her first in the neck with an ax and then fifteen times with a knife. The corpse was covered with branches.

In and Ktor Ershov is a mentally ill person. On the street, among people, he heard “voices” sounding in his head. The examination established that Ershov suffers from schizophrenia. He is declared insane and sent for compulsory treatment. Further fate he is unknown and it is quite likely that Viktor Ershov is already free and walking somewhere among us, choosing the next victim .

Igor Elizarov . Born in 1979. Lived in the city of Shakhty, Rostov region. As he later admitted, better than toys for him there were animals, the sight of whose torn corpses he really liked. He loved to kill kittens and puppies, and especially hedgehogs. Moreover, he preferred a painful death - he crucified them. And at the same time he masturbated. Igor, like many “beginning” maniacs, developed pyromania (a tendency to commit arson) and a tendency to destruction. He set fire to several warehouses and tried to cause a train accident. And Igor was constantly drawn to the cemetery. He loved to walk there and watch the funerals. Especially at funerals of women of any age. Then he began to dig up fresh women's graves and caress the corpses.

Igor Elizarov Elizarov in childhood. With Mother.

While walking in the cemetery, Elizarov met a drunken elderly tramp and strangled her, experiencing acute pleasure. Nobody was interested in the homeless woman’s death, and a year later Igor committed a second murder - a 5-year-old boy whom he raped, strangled and continued to rape the dead man.

In total, Igor Elizarov committed 3 murders and 17 attempts. But witnesses saw him with a 5-year-old child, which was the reason for his arrest. Igor did not deny it, but immediately told the investigators about everything (he told it with pleasure!) and showed where he hid the child’s body. The trial in the Rostov regional court was closed.

Elizarov was sentenced to imprisonment for only 15 years in a maximum security colony, but with compulsory treatment while serving his sentence. Currently Igor Elizarov is serving his sentence and will soon be released. It is also surprising that in social network“In contact” I even found a page for “Igor Elizarov’s community.” Here she is:

The beginning of 2016 was rocked by several expert findings: one after another, the pedophile who stole a boy from orphanage Orenburg region, and a teenage killer of his own mother, who forbade him to play on the computer. This means that they and other murderers and rapists will not end up in the zone, but will be subject to compulsory treatment in clinics for the mentally ill.

A pedophile who stole an orphan from an Orenburg orphanage has been declared insane. Photo: Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the Chelyabinsk Region recalls the most famous maniacs who are still not isolated from society. Moreover, if the treating doctors decide that they have recovered, the criminals can gain freedom.

"Eyes in the Water"

Shemyakin was helped to commit crimes by his “eyes in the water.” Photo: Wikipedia

A native of St. Petersburg Eduard Shemyakin explained his atrocities simply: they whispered to him about the need to kill “eyes in the water.” The investigation was able to prove the maniac's involvement in the murder of ten people. The killer's youngest victim was only eleven years old: the girl fell behind the crowd and fell into his hands. Before killing, he raped all the girls he came across. The investigation found that Edik’s mental problems began in the army, where he was humiliated and insulted. “In civilian life” he decided to take revenge. He inflicted dozens of blows on the girls with a knife or an awl. However, he left two victims alive and asked them to tell the police his signs. Perhaps deep down he wanted to be caught. The maniac dismembered one of the dead, his sister’s friend, fried some of the meat and ate it, and put the rest in the refrigerator. The mother, having accidentally discovered the remains of a murdered girl in the refrigerator, herself turned the killer over to the police. This is where all the crimes were revealed. With a diagnosis of “paranoid schizophrenia,” Shemyakin was not placed in prison special regime, and to a psychiatric clinic for compulsory treatment. Relatives of the victims tried to protest this court decision, confident that the killer had successfully escaped punishment. However, the maniac who killed ten people is still in a medical facility.

Mother and sister as assistants

Spesivtsev's own mother supplied victims. Photo: Wikipedia

Alexander Spesivtsev was born premature and grew up behind his peers. His mother Lyudmila She doted on her son - for her he was the only close person. When she was fired from the school where she was a caretaker for theft, the woman managed to get a job as an assistant lawyer in court. Lyudmila brought home photographs of corpses from work, and she and her son looked at them for a long time. Later, Lyudmila had a daughter. According to investigators working on the case, the mother, her son and daughter, all three of them, were isolated from the world and had common features: all three stole, stayed away from people, but tried to keep the apartment clean.

When Alexander met a 17-year-old girl, Evgenia, they met and walked, but after that the groom began to raise his hand against her. The girl decided to break up with Spesivtsev, but he did not forgive such treatment. To take revenge, he locked her in the apartment for a month and tortured his former passion all this time. The girl died of sepsis - her entire body was mutilated. And her tormentor was placed in a psychiatric hospital for compulsory treatment, but was discharged three years later with stable remission.

This mistake by the doctors cost the lives of at least four girls - this is the number of victims that was proven by the investigation, although the estimated number of those killed was 82. The maniac invited girls to his apartment, sometimes several at a time. There he beat, raped, dismembered. At least one case of cannibalism on the part of Spesivtsev has been proven. Mother and sister, according to investigators, were witnesses brutal murders, and the first one even brought victims to her son. According to unofficial information, the maniac forced his “more recent” victims to eat the bodies of previous ones.

Spesivtsev got caught by accident when he did not let the plumbers in during a routine inspection of the house. They returned with the local police officer and opened the apartment. What they saw shocked them: everywhere - in the rooms, the bathroom, the refrigerator - there were human remains: faces, heads, bones. The doctors were given the last, half-dead 15-year-old girl who had been tortured by a maniac, but she died in the hospital. Also in the maniac's apartment they found the clothes of several dozen girls. He was declared insane and is still undergoing treatment in one of the hospitals in the Volgograd region.

Lyudmila Yakovlevna did not admit her guilt. The court found her guilty of complicity in three murders and sentenced her to 13 years in prison in a general regime colony; she has already been released. The sister was involved in the case only as a witness.

In 2013, Spesivtsev’s mother and sister even planned to return to the old Novokuznetsk apartment where the maniac committed his crimes. This caused protests from neighbors, who even wrote an appeal to the governor asking him to rid them of such neighbors. As a result, Lyudmila Spesivtseva and her daughter changed their minds about stopping by.

Caught, treated, released

Dzhumagaliev managed to escape more than once. Photo: Wikipedia

Nikolay Dzhumagaliev carefully prepared for his first murder. The victim was a woman, an adherent of the sect, whom Dzhumagaliev tracked down in a vacant lot. He drank her blood, took the meat home and ate it for a month. He admitted later that at first he ate through force, and then he got used to it. Then during 1979 he killed and ate five more women. When Dzhumagaliev was caught, he was again admitted to the hospital, as he was diagnosed with schizophrenia.

The cannibal spent only a year in treatment and was released from the hospital. He immediately committed three more murders. He was caught in the ninth murder: Dzhumagaliev invited boys and girls to his place, killed one of the latter and began to dismember the corpse in the next room. The guests who looked there were shocked and called the police. The law enforcement officers, having found him over the corpse with bloody hands, froze, and the criminal fled. They managed to catch him a couple of days later own home. Later he will be charged with the tenth murder.

Dzhumagaliev was again sent to a closed hospital, where he stayed for 8 years, and then escaped during transportation. He was caught, sent for treatment, and then again recognized as cured and released. According to some reports, all this time the maniac was killing girls and women. Once he even submitted a petition for death penalty. He managed to mislead the investigation by sending letters, for example, with information that he was in the capital. So the cannibal hid in Kyrgyzstan, Russia, and Kazakhstan. Currently, he is again undergoing compulsory treatment in a clinic fenced with barbed wire.

Zyuzinskaya maniac

Petrova worked as a teacher at a technical school. Photo: Wikipedia

Maria Petrova Since childhood I looked like a boy. High growth, remarkable strength, broad shoulders, powerful torso - the girl’s place was in the gym. Despite the fact that such strong girl could have fought back, Petrova still survived sexual violence. At some point, a “click” occurred in Maria’s head, and she decided to take revenge on all men indiscriminately. Petrova at that time was already working as a physical education teacher in one of the Moscow technical schools, that is, she was in the public eye. Judging by the description, she continued to play sports - swimming, and also opened educational institution section on kettlebell lifting. The girl was reserved, but at work they were quite happy with her. The first victim of the maniac was a young man, the second was an elderly man who tried to look after her. She stabbed the next man with a knife in a crowded place, because Petrova, it seems, was not at all afraid of being caught. Petrova walked mostly around the Zyuzino district, clutching a knife in her bosom. The girl's victims were mostly drunken men walking alone. The investigation did not establish any logic in her actions; Petrova was declared insane and was also placed for treatment in a medical institution.

This is the only lady on the list, which can be continued with a considerable number of names of cannibals, rapists, murderers and sadists who are still under compulsory treatment.

Maniac Spesivtsev is a famous serial killer and cannibal active from 1991 to 1996. He tortured, raped and killed women and children. At the same time, in court it was possible to prove his involvement in the murder of only four people; the exact number of victims remains unknown. He committed all the crimes in the city of Novokuznetsk. Their peculiarity was that he operated indoors. She helped him in committing crimes birth mother.

Biography of the killer

Maniac Spesivtsev was born in 1970. He was born in Novokuznetsk. His full name- Alexander Nikolaevich. In this city he remained to live in the same apartment with his mother. It was there that he committed all his crimes.

It is known about the maniac Alexander Spesivtsev that he was born underweight, which is why he was often sick in childhood. Until the age of twelve, he slept in the same bed with his mother, for whom he developed a special love.

He did not do well at school, and was also an unsociable child. His character always remained gloomy, so it was impossible to make friends. In addition, his peers often offended him, presumably, he dreamed of taking revenge on them for this. He grew up in the family with his older sister.

His mother worked at a school as a caretaker. But she was fired when plumbing thefts came to light. After that, she managed to get a job as an assistant lawyer in court. She began regularly bringing home photographs of corpses from criminal cases, which she loved to look at for a long time in the evenings with her son.

In fact, at that time, criminal cases replaced the books that his peers read for the future maniac Alexander Spesivtsev. Later, at the investigation stage and at the trial, he said that over time he had a strange feeling when he looked at these photographs.

His health problems became apparent when Alexander underwent a medical examination before serving in the army. He was not accepted into the armed forces, but instead was sent for compulsory treatment to Hospital No. 12 in Novokuznetsk. This happened in 1988.

First crime

The story of the maniac Spesivtsev begins in 1991. It is known that he met a girl whose name was Evgenia Guselnikova. They spent a lot of time together, went for walks, Alexander even read poetry to her. However, one day, in a fit of anger, he severely beat her, after which she decided to break off relations with him. It is not known for certain what the cause of the conflict was.

Angry about this, he took the girl to his apartment and locked her there. For about a month he abused her, cruelly tortured her. By official version, which is in the case file, the girl died of sepsis. By that time, her entire body was covered with purulent boils. Most likely, for this reason, doctors were unable to establish the real reason her death, it was not determined that she was abused before her death.

Under treatment

By that time, Spesivtsev was registered with local doctors. In 1992, the city court decided to send him for compulsory treatment to the Oryol psychiatric clinic. He was officially diagnosed with schizophrenia.

Spesivtsev was discharged from the hospital with signs of remission only three years later. However, no records of discharge were made in his medical record for an unknown reason. Therefore, law enforcement officials for a long time believed that he was still undergoing treatment.

It is also known about his stay in a psychiatric hospital that he was constantly worried about inflammation of the genital organ, since he himself asked one of his roommates to sew a pellet into him there. The procedure was carried out unsterilely, which caused inflammation.


Soon after he returned home, the maniac Spesivtsev committed another crime. His next victim was a child, a little girl named Lyudmila. Trying to cover my tracks crime committed, he dismembered the corpse in his apartment, and his mother took out the remains and buried them in a vacant lot.

The next three victims were lured into the apartment of the maniac Spesivtsev by his mother herself. He killed two girls in a row, and forced the second of them to dismember the bodies and eat soup from the meat of his own girlfriend with him. Spesivtsev’s dog gnawed the bones before her eyes, as follows from the materials of the criminal case.


Despite the fact that there was an active search for the maniac in the city, he was caught completely by accident. This happened during a standard routine walk-through before the winter heating season. A team of plumbers came to the Spesivtsevs’ apartment, but they refused to be allowed inside. The man explained this by saying that he was locked out because he had a severe mental disorder and was unable to open the doors himself.

Then the plumbers called the local police officer, who broke down the door. The men were shocked when they found the torso of a girl with severed arms and legs in the bathroom. From the tank they removed a chest and a severed head. Spesivtsev himself last moment managed to escape. He managed to escape by climbing onto the roof of his own house. Two days later, Spesivtsev was detained near the entrance of his own house.

Release from captivity

They managed to free a 14-year-old hostage, whose name was Olya, from the maniac’s captivity. She gave detailed testimony against the attacker, telling what was happening in the apartment. At the same time, doctors assessed her condition as serious, the girl was hospitalized, and she died in the hospital.

From her testimony it follows that the man introduced himself as Andrey. First he killed her friend Nastya. At night he ordered the corpse to be cut up to make it easier to hide. After that, the maniac handed her and another friend a hacksaw, which they used to cut the body, and separated the meat from the bones using a knife. He himself did not take part in cutting up the body, but only gave orders and instructions.

Olya performed the terrible procedure together with her friend in misfortune Zhenya. He fed his dog bones and meat. The girls had to take the cut-off parts to the bathroom and put them in the tank and bathtub. Olya stated that his mother and older sister were present at the time and did not take any action to stop the flayer.

On other days he beat children. As Olya told me, he broke his wife’s arm, smashed her head, and then sewed it up himself several times, using ordinary thread and a needle.

Criminal investigation

Even before the arrest of the suspect, law enforcement agencies managed to discover one of the graves. It was located in a vacant lot between the dance floor and pedagogical institute. This happened in June 1996. About 70 fragments of children's bodies were found. Experts were able to establish that they belonged to fifteen children aged from three to fourteen years.

Around this period, Spesivtsev himself went into hiding, and a series of brutal rapes and murders of children swept across Tolyatti and the surrounding area. Moreover, the handwriting of the criminal was similar. The culprit of those crimes was identified. It turned out to be unemployed Oleg Rylkov. Between 1992 and 1997, he raped 37 underage girls and then killed four. At first, he was suspected of crimes in Novokuznetsk; moreover, shortly before Rylkov’s arrest, it became known that he was going to go to this city.

However, when three more children disappeared after Rylkov’s arrest, it became obvious that another maniac was operating in Novokuznetsk. Every effort was made to search for him. Files were checked psychiatric clinics, however, Spesivtsev did not come to the attention of the police because, due to a bureaucratic error, he was still considered a patient of the Oryol psychiatric hospital.

During the investigation, he was accused of 19 murders. He confessed to the crimes, but then retracted his words, saying that he had incriminated himself under pressure. As a result, investigators were able to prove Spesivtsev’s involvement in only four murders.


A special forensic laboratory arrived in Novokuznetsk, since identifying the remains required expensive genetic testing. The laboratory occupied an entire train carriage. However, there was not enough money for a comprehensive and thorough study.

As a result, it turned out to be impossible to determine the exact number of victims of the maniac; it has not yet been established. During a search of the apartment, 82 sets of bloody clothes were found, about forty jewelry, and a large number of nude photographs of children. Relatives of the children who died at the hands of the maniac did not identify all the things found in his house.

According to experts on such crimes, the key motive for Spesivtsev to commit the crime was the desire to mock his victims. Threatening them with a knife, he forced them to have sexual intercourse, then forced them to beg for mercy and leniency, which made him feel omnipotent and self-important.

Court sentence

By a court verdict, Spesivtsev was found sane. For the murder of three girls he was sentenced to ten years in prison. On next year During the retrial of the case, he was declared insane at the Serbsky Institute. According to the new court decision, he was sent for compulsory treatment.

His mother admitted that she herself brought the girls to her son, and then buried their remains. The prosecutor's office demanded 15 years in prison for her, and the defense asked for an acquittal. The woman herself refused to admit guilt. The court ruled that she was involved in three murders, sentencing her to 13 years in a general regime colony.

Maniac's location

Many are interested in the maniac Spesivtsev, where he is now. As of 2018, the offender continues to undergo compulsory treatment in a special type psychiatric hospital, which is located in the Volgograd region. This is a high security facility with intensive monitoring - that's where he is now. Maniac Spesivtsev is located in the village of Dvoryanskoye in the Kamyshinsky district.

He must remain there until he is completely cured. So, it is theoretically possible that the maniac Spesivtsev will still be free. However, according to law enforcement officials, in this case he faces a long sentence for crimes for which he was found sane. And now the maniac Spesivtsev remains in a medical institution, and there is no information about his condition.

Mother is free

It is unlikely that we will ever know that the maniac Spesivtsev has been released, but his mother is already free. This happened back in 2008. It is known that after this she permanently resides in the city of Osinniki, Kemerovo region.

Many were surprised that the court did not have any claims against the maniac’s older sister. Although she lived with her mother and brother all this time, her involvement in the crimes could not be proven. As a result, she remained free.

After the release of the maniac’s mother, information appeared in the media that local residents They fear that the Novokuznetsk maniacs Spesivtsevs have settled next to them.

Journalists also wrote that Lyudmila Spesivtseva was begging near one of the grocery stores in the city of Osinniki. According to some reports, she had previously failed to settle in the villages of Vysoky and Abagur, after which she moved to Osinniki.

Spesivtsev, Alexander Nikolaevich

Alexander Spesivtsev

Birth name:

Alexander Nikolaevich Spesivtsev


« Novokuznetsk monster»
« Siberian Ripper»

Date of Birth:

USSR Russia

Number of victims:
Killing period:
Main killing region:

Alexander Nikolaevich Spesivtsev(b. March 1, 1970) - Russian serial killer, maniac and cannibal, who from February to September 1996 killed and ate 19 women and children in Novokuznetsk. Suspected of committing more than 82 murders. The peculiarity of his crimes are the circumstances of their commission: being indoors (not afraid of being caught), complicity of family members.

Life before crimes

Spesivtsev's parents, in particular his mother, Lyudmila Yakovlevna Spesivtseva, lived in the city of Novokuznetsk, at the address: Pionersky Avenue, building 53, apartment 357. It was in this apartment that Spesivtsev subsequently committed all his crimes. Spesivtseva received this apartment in the mid-1970s. Unlike the other residents, she lived a secluded life, believing that she was unlucky in life. She considered her only joy in life youngest son- Sasha.

Alexander Spesivtsev was born underweight, barely survived, and later was often ill. Until he was 12 years old, he slept in his mother's bed. At school, Sasha, unsociable by nature, had no friends. He was often offended by his peers, and he dreamed of one day taking cruel revenge on them.

When Lyudmila Spesivtseva, who worked as a caretaker at a school, was kicked out for stealing plumbing fixtures, she got a job in court as an assistant to a lawyer. She loved to bring home photographs of corpses from criminal cases and spent a long time looking at them with her son. Criminal cases replaced books for Alexander; moreover, as he would later tell, he had a strange feeling when he looked at photographs. The mother did not even notice how Alexander began to show sadistic tendencies.


After 3 years, Spesivtsev was discharged from the hospital with signs of remission. He decided to take revenge for all the insults he suffered in a psychiatric hospital. He was also very worried about the non-healing inflammation of the genital organ, since at the clinic, at his own request, one of his roommates sewed a pellet into it.

The files of psychiatric clinics were checked, but Spesivtsev did not come to the attention of the investigation due to a bureaucratic error - according to the documents, he continued to be in the Oryol mental hospital. This mistake claimed at least 20 lives.

After his arrest, Spesivtsev testified during the first interrogation. Soon his mother was also arrested. She also soon admitted to complicity in murders and concealment of crimes.

The exact number of Spesivtsev’s victims has never been established. During the search, about 40 pieces of jewelry and 82 sets of bloody clothes were found, as well as nude photographs of unknown children. Not all of the items were identified by the relatives of the children who died at the hands of the maniac.


The court sentenced Lyudmila Spesivtseva to 15 years in prison, and Alexander Spesivtsev was again declared insane and sent for compulsory treatment to a special type of psychiatric hospital with intensive supervision in the city of Kamyshin, Volgograd region.

In popular culture




  • Personalities in alphabetical order
  • Born on March 1
  • Born in 1970
  • Born in Kemerovo region
  • Serial killers in alphabetical order
  • Russian serial killers
  • Cannibals
  • Serial killers of the 1990s

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