How to ignite a girl's passion. Spells to evoke strong passion

With the help of love spells, you can achieve not only the purest feelings, but also induce passion. If you need to add some zest to a relationship, then you need to carry out a conspiracy for passion. The only problem is that such rituals do not last long. You don't need any special skills to carry them out. White magic has such conspiracies.

There is no specific time for carrying out such a ritual. The timing of the ceremony depends on what is specified in the conditions of the ceremony. Conspiracies of this kind are necessary in order to help spouses return passion and desire to family life.

Options for passion spells

There are a large number of conspiracy options. Below we will consider the main ones.

  1. Lungs. In such cases, no unusual ingredients are required. They are easy to do yourself at home.
  2. Complex. They are also called sexual attachment. The method of conducting such rituals is more complex, but they also last longer. Moreover, complex options can lead to negative consequences if their implementation turns out to be incorrect.

Passion rituals do not bring love into relationships. Their main purpose is passions. Many people say that a love spell is black magic and can bring negative results into life. But the matter is quite more complicated than it seems. For example, if you decide to take a man away from your family using a passion plot, then, of course, you should expect trouble. But, if you simply decided to strengthen the connection with your loved one in this way, and then work on the relationship on your own, then there is nothing wrong with this. Most likely, negative consequences will not await you.

Conspiracy in direct contact with an object

This method will suit you if its magic is aimed at attracting an unfamiliar man. Most often, it is carried out on dates or at the first meeting. It is necessary to step away from the person and read the necessary words.

“I haven’t known you (name) for long, but I wish that you (name) would kiss me. I wish to be in your arms. I want you to kiss me with fierce force. My desire is that you should be in my power. Our meeting was not an accident for us. All higher powers have long determined us to each other. I want us to give each other amazing pleasure. Don't you dare refuse my body and lips. I promise you won't regret it. You can't say no to me. Let only “yes” sound from your lips to all my desires. Be mine forever and ever. Amen.

Rite of desire

An excellent option if the wife and husband have lost the fire in their relationship. For this plot you will need a church candle. Light a candle and, looking at the fire, you need to read the following words:

“With these words of mine I want to ignite an irresistible fire in the soul of my husband, God’s servant (name). Let all this passion appear in your head and in your heart. Let your feelings for me intoxicate you and command you. So that you can never refuse me again, even if you want to. Your whole mind and heart should belong only to me and no one else. You cannot extinguish the passion directed towards me. All of you will belong only to me, the servant of God (name). I should be your boss. You can't escape from me. Your lips will dry without my kisses. Your arms will be twisted without my hugs. Only with me now can you satisfy all your desires. You will desire my body day and night until we see each other. Your mind will darken if you want to betray me. We must remove the feeling of passion together. Only together can we experience lust and lust. Let passion burn you to the ground for me. Amen".

Universal conspiracy

This powerful spell is perfect for male and female use. To do this, you will need a photo of the desired object and a candle. Light a church candle and hold a photo above it. Now you can read the words of the conspiracy.

“I light the fire of our passion on a candle. White magic helps me. Let the sparks that form ignite passion in the servant of God (name). Let your knees tremble, your lips become dry, and your hands become covered with goose bumps. Regardless of the time of day, let the desired object desire me. Come to me, and I promise to fulfill all your whims and desires. My bed will become your favorite, and my caresses will bring happiness. Amen".

Love spell with salt

Such a conspiracy to attract a man’s passion involves the use of salt. With its help, you can not only remove all negative energy, but also create passion in your relationship. The charmed salt must be poured into food while cooking for your husband.

“There is a huge mountain over which a white woman rules. The men try to get in with her, but only get bruises and wounds. This woman advised me some words. Now I will say these words, and I will be able to bewitch my husband. Let passion and love boil in our hearts. Let the servant of God dry up without my body, like a fish drying up on dry land. May my beloved never be shy, never be afraid of gossip, and never pay attention to faith. He is allowed to commit fornication and satisfaction only with me. Amen".

Conspiracy for intimate problems

It’s not just men who experience intimate failures. In some cases, wives also experience such problems. If in your life there is a feeling that your partner is not attractive, then you can evoke this passion. In order to get rid of such a negative feeling, you need to go to the river at dawn. Get into the water and start dousing yourself with river water.

“I take the sky as my father, the earth is my mother. I ask you to ask for water so that it will give me feminine strength. I want to wish for my husband. Amen".

When you are ready to go home, fill your bottle with river water. At home you need to wash your face again.

Ritual with clothes

Since ancient times, the most effective and powerful rituals were those performed on items of clothing or food. If you wear a shirt, it will become saturated with your energy. And if the owner of the item puts it on, he will be able to feel your energy for quite a long time. The result of the ritual appears very quickly, within a few days. Items of clothing or food direct all a person’s thoughts to intimacy and feelings of passion.

To carry out the ceremony, you need to wash the item of clothing of the desired person with your own hands. The ideal option is a shirt. While the laundry is being done, imagine intimacy with this person. And imagine everything in the smallest detail. You need to dry your laundry over an open fire. When you need to hang things up, recite the following spell:

Let's sum it up

Despite the fact that such rituals are quite easy to use, they have some obligations and features:

  • the result lasts no more than a year;
  • the power of the ritual, and its duration directly depends on the energy that was directed towards its implementation;
  • you should not expect that passion will awaken love over time - these are completely different love spells;
  • it is impossible to perform a ritual on a person who treats you negatively, the result will not be achieved - before performing the rituals, you need to make sure that the desired object has positive feelings towards you;
  • It is forbidden to carry out a large number of different rituals at once - this can lead to the opposite result, and as a result to mental disorders: the object you desire will become insatiable and preoccupied.

White magic has a number of features and nuances. Before carrying out a conspiracy for strong passion, you need to think carefully. It is quite possible that all your problems can be solved naturally, without resorting to magical influences. It is best to spend more time and achieve a person on your own than to resort to magic, because there are no guarantees that the result will be exactly what you need. Moreover, to carry out conspiracies, you need to make sure that the object has a positive attitude towards you, because if the feelings are negative, then your efforts will be wasted.

Sex and passion

A conspiracy to create passion during a casual acquaintance

Sometimes sexual desire becomes like an obsession when you see some woman. This passion can be satisfied by using a spell for passion. But I advise you to first think about the consequences of your relationship: if everything suits youforward

I dream of your kiss. I want to hug you and own you (name). Our meeting was not accidental, it was I who wanted to give you pleasure. You can't refuse my look. It attracts you and fills you with passion. Be mine, my random beauty, and say yes to me when I demand it.

Arouse lust and passion

The plot is intended for both men and women. Read by an open fire: fire, candle, fireplace

I kindle a fire of passion in the lower abdomen (name). I bring that passion to my head. Let it intoxicate and intoxicate. Let him blow your mind and dominate your body.

Passion burns in (name), blazes and torments. My legs are trembling, my lips are dry, my hands are reaching out to me. There is no way to extinguish this passion. There is no way to get rid of it. Only I can extinguish this passion, only I can direct this passion.

Everything fits with me for (name). Everything is decided on me for him. I want (name) my body. I want it so much that my eyes go dark. I am (name)’s biggest dream, the sweetest piece. Let us be together in the heat of passion! Let us experience lust and lust!

Burn, fire, and burn to the bones. Burn, fire, and support me!

May my wish be fulfilled!

Khantaa ular.

Before deflowering

The plot is read in order to improve fate, to find family happiness soon after the first sexual intercourse

Rejoice, my God Vizardas, in your work. The time has come for (name) to become a woman. She prepared for this and strived, she prayed and wished for it. Create for her bright light, kind words, purity of thoughts, care and tenderness. Let (name) become the happiest of everyone I know and have heard about. Show your mercy, Lord, give her love! Protect her from deception and cruel cynicism. Save her from disappointment. Get rid of mental anguish, pain and tears. Make her passion the desire of the spirit. Protect her beauty with your care. Take care of her health and joys of life. Do your work, Lord, so that deflowering (name) becomes the opening of her destiny for family happiness and all kinds of benefits. May she never know betrayal and loneliness. May she be lucky and happiness come to her home and not leave for the sake of Your glory.

Khantaa ular.

Magic pickup

The conspiracy is used to trick someone into sex

The city is buzzing like a beehive. I am my own person in the city. I am an urban hunter of women's bodies and heads. In my arsenal there is a gun made of words. In my arsenal there is a knife-tongue. My arsenal includes acting.

My prey will not leave me. My prey belongs only to me. My prey will fall into my nets.

I'm ready to hunt today. Both the weather and the time of day are favorable to me.

My art lies in the ability to hunt.

Khantaa ular.

For strong love

While reading the plot, tie together two laces of two shoes, onemale, otherfemale

I will tie the laces of two shoes together, one for men, the other for women. I will tie the destinies of two people (name) and (name) together. Let them walk together and stand together, lie together and sit together, work together and rest together, live together and sleep together. Defined, done, connected, fulfilled.

To be respected by girls

Female attentionThis is a kind of energy, the energy is quite pleasant. It helps a man to assert himself and feel more confident. Many men use it to maintain their own image, health, and well-being. Manyjust to perform sexual exploits and manipulations. They like it, and God bless them, as long as no one really suffers from it. Speak on an item that you need to carry with you

Just as “Moment” glue glues everything and induces trance, so I would glue girls and induce trance in them, so that they would be obedient to me, hang around my neck and do what I wanted.

Magic binding

The spell is used to create a magical connection in relationships and sex between someone and someone else.

God tied the moon to the earth tightly. The moon will not go anywhere from the earth, it will not go anywhere, even though it moves in its orbit. So it is forever determined, set for centuries. (name) will also be attached to (name). He will walk around and not go anywhere. It will sigh, suffer, desire, kindle lust. Will always be there, always around. He will always help, always forgive, always give a hand.

Strong friendship, true love, eternal relationship.

Khantaa ular.

Sexual attachment

The conspiracy is used to establish a sexual connection. Tie knots on a thread and say:

I tie (name) to (name) tightly.

So that no one tears it off, untangles it, or unties it, I do it at the right time, in the right place, with the right attitude. Around me there are only my friends - spirits, inside me there is only the intention to create my plan. There are no obstacles for me, there are no obstacles for me, nothing is impossible for me. Everything is within the power of my words! My friends, the spirits, can do anything!

I will come out of myself in the astral body. I'll look at myself and admire it. I do my magical work well. It will be fruitful and useful for me. I will get from her what I need. I will find my happiness from her. I'll get my own benefit.

I stand by my point. I know my stuff. I confirm my words. I tie (name) to (name) tightly.

Khantaa ular.

The plot is read at the entrance of your beloved

I went into the entrance, got into the elevator, and went up to my beloved. He rang the doorbell, gave flowers, and stayed the night. In the morning I woke up satisfied and happy. Let it be.

Khantaa ular.

Conspiracy to increase potency

The plot is used to increase male potency. It increases sexual desire, increases voluptuousness, treats sexual disorders

I will dream about the Prophetic Woman. The prophetic woman will teach me the wisdom of sex. She will show me all sorts of miracles. She will tell you about the male power that is stored in her chest. She will open her golden chest, covered with human skin, with images of babies and angels. He will take out from the chest the male power stored in red time. He will give it to me for my obedience to Vizardas. I will try on masculine strength. I will feel its great power. I'll get used to her deep breathing. I will make her mine for the rest of my life. She will serve me. She will help me with business. It will make me a hero.

I will say: “Thank you, Prophetic Woman, for your gift. It's very appropriate. Be happy and rich in love."

That's how it happens, that's all.

Khantaa ular.

Increase female libido

The plot is read to increase female sensitivity during sex; to cure frigidity and emotional coldness. The conspiracy helps to achieve orgasm, that is, it solves a similar problem, if one exists, without the participation of doctors and psychologists

I'll open my handbag. I'll find my wallet in it. I'll take three coins out of my wallet. One coin is old and no longer in use. These are my past mistakes, acquaintances, my pain and old love.

I’ll take out a second coin, a modern one, but worn out, dirty, passed around from hand to hand. This coin is my fatigue, my disappointments, my losses. I’ll look at her carefully, smile at her and sigh bitterly.

I’ll get a third coin, a coin from another state. This coin is beautiful, promising, but useless to me. I’ll look at it, admire it, squeeze it into my fist along with other coins and throw it over my left shoulder to hell! To leave me forever: my pain, my fear, my coldness and my complexes!

I will have a wallet in which I will put new coins: my passion, my love, my pleasure, my enjoyment.

A new world is dawning for me. New means of payment will be with oneself, people and the world.

Khantaa ular.

Prolong sexual intercourse

How long is it to fly from Moscow to Vladivostok by plane, and even longer to travel by train; how long to study at school and college; Just as long as it takes to write thick books, let (name) have sex for a long time. He doesn’t get tired, he doesn’t get out of breath, he doesn’t lose his enthusiasm, but he gets pleasure and gives pleasure to his lady.

How much power and passion a volcano has; how much energy and power the stars have; Just as the sun has a lot of light and warmth, so may (name) have a lot of masculine strength and sensuality, masculine energy and desire, spiritual light and human warmth. Let him share these treasures with women and bring joy.

He can't get laid! And with young and with old, and with thin, and with plump, and with strict, and with hot, with everyone with whom you want. Everyone will like it, everyone will enjoy it!

His penis will always stand without falling and do its natural job.

My word is weighty, but my deed is easy.

Khantaa ular.

Change sexual orientation

A conspiracy is used to change a person’s sexual orientation. Valid only in case of unconventional orientation: a man loves a man, a womanwoman. If you want to change the sexual orientation of a normal person, the conspiracy will not work

The stone idol turned towards the sun. It has been standing for so many centuries and people look at it. The sun warms it and gives it light. Turn you (name) to the sun, to God’s light. Let it look at you and give life.

Love is a tradition for you. Sex for you is an extension of life. You don't care about deviations. Perversions are unacceptable to you. Classics are a sweet deal for you.

Be in your place.

Khantaa ular.

Conspiracy for a favorable situation

This conspiracy creates a favorable situation that promotes sexual attraction, the emergence of passion, the expression of feelings, the kindling and satisfaction of the flesh. Read by candlelight or fire

I'll climb the mountain. There is a stone circle on the mountain. There is a red stone in the center of the circle. A spirit lives in this stone - the Master of the area. I will make him a fire with offerings. I'll light some incense. I will sing songs about the beauty of these places.

The spirit will hear me and come out to meet me. He will listen to my request. My request is this: “I want love and happiness! I want passion and bliss! I want animal love! I want to set my flesh on fire to the skies!

Do it, Master Spirit, for my benefit! Put my request into form! Guide me on the right path! Reveal to me luck and joy of life!”

The sun is setting below the horizon. The Master Spirit retires. I go down the mountain to the city and get my wishes.

Khantaa ular.

Get rid of an obsessive person

The plot is read to get rid of someone, to get rid of obsessive communication, to ward off the love of a boyfriend or admirer that weighs on you

Between the gray houses I will walk along my familiar road, not noticing anyone, not greeting anyone. I don’t need anyone, especially (name). The wind will take (name) away from me. The rain will wash it out of my way. The sun will burn it. I am on my own, and (name) is on my own. Our communication is over, our passion for each other is over. I’ll raise my chin, straighten my shoulders, and walk past (name). I am moving towards my goal, but (name) is not noticeable.

The clouds of steam from a passing car disappeared into the air, and so did my relationship with (name).

Between the gray houses I walk along my familiar road, completely alone. And I like it.

Khantaa ular.

Sign Spell

Hello Irina. Everything will be fine and wonderful for you. You think correctly, you want prosperity and love. Long-term and serious relationships are built on feelings that pass after a while, on respect that must remain, and on money. This is how our lives are structured, which requires funding. If it requires it, then you need to look for ways to do it. One way is a successful marriage. But there are now too many applicants for rich men, and where is the guarantee that you will succeed... By working with magical conspiracies, you increase your chances, but you need to be able to use these chances: hang out correctly, communicate competently, skillfully manipulate sexually. Yes, and we should not forget that rich men are now very sophisticated in women's issues, and picking up one of them is a whole battle plan. At this level, most often there is no talk of love, other categories hover there, so try to identify some real goals that are within your reach and act. As far as I understand, in your letter you are not talking about very great wealth, but about average income. Men with average incomes, as a rule, have been married for a long time and are looking only for sexual adventures. Attempts to take one of them away from the family are largely doomed to failure, and it is not worth doing this. Other men of this level, who are not married, have hidden or obvious shortcomings and vices: alcoholism, sexual perversions, sadistic tendencies, despotism. Do you need this? I recommend that you find yourself a man who, in your opinion, has good potential, and help him rise in finances, of course, not forgetting about your interests. Where can I find it? Isn't it lying around on the road? The time will come, it will be found, the main thing is to look for it! And regarding the orgasm, it just seemed to me that your subconscious guilt complex and fear from childhood prevented you from experiencing it. As soon as you find yourself a normal, reliable man, a guy, live with him for a very long time and understand that this is your destiny, you will not have any physiological problems. What you are talking about is felt by more than half of all women, simulating intimate experiences.

Everything will be great for you. You are young, humorous, and know what you want. God will help you.

I wish you happiness, love, material wealth.

Sex and passion

A conspiracy to create passion during a casual acquaintance

Sometimes sexual desire becomes like an obsession when you see some woman. This passion can be satisfied by using a spell for passion. But I advise you to first think about the consequences of your relationship: if everything suits youforward

I dream of your kiss. I want to hug you and own you (name). Our meeting was not accidental, it was I who wanted to give you pleasure. You can't refuse my look. It attracts you and fills you with passion. Be mine, my random beauty, and say yes to me when I demand it.

Arouse lust and passion

The plot is intended for both men and women. Read by an open fire: fire, candle, fireplace

I kindle a fire of passion in the lower abdomen (name). I bring that passion to my head. Let it intoxicate and intoxicate. Let him blow your mind and dominate your body.

Passion burns in (name), blazes and torments. My legs are trembling, my lips are dry, my hands are reaching out to me. There is no way to extinguish this passion. There is no way to get rid of it. Only I can extinguish this passion, only I can direct this passion.

Everything fits with me for (name). Everything is decided on me for him. I want (name) my body. I want it so much that my eyes go dark. I am (name)’s biggest dream, the sweetest piece. Let us be together in the heat of passion! Let us experience lust and lust!

Burn, fire, and burn to the bones. Burn, fire, and support me!

May my wish be fulfilled!

Khantaa ular.

Before deflowering

The plot is read in order to improve fate, to find family happiness soon after the first sexual intercourse

Rejoice, my God Vizardas, in your work. The time has come for (name) to become a woman. She prepared for this and strived, she prayed and wished for it. Create for her bright light, kind words, purity of thoughts, care and tenderness. Let (name) become the happiest of everyone I know and have heard about. Show your mercy, Lord, give her love! Protect her from deception and cruel cynicism. Save her from disappointment. Get rid of mental anguish, pain and tears. Make her passion the desire of the spirit. Protect her beauty with your care. Take care of her health and joys of life. Do your work, Lord, so that deflowering (name) becomes the opening of her destiny for family happiness and all kinds of benefits. May she never know betrayal and loneliness. May she be lucky and happiness come to her home and not leave for the sake of Your glory.

Khantaa ular.

Magic pickup

The conspiracy is used to trick someone into sex

The city is buzzing like a beehive. I am my own person in the city. I am an urban hunter of women's bodies and heads. In my arsenal there is a gun made of words. In my arsenal there is a knife-tongue. My arsenal includes acting.

My prey will not leave me. My prey belongs only to me. My prey will fall into my nets.

I'm ready to hunt today. Both the weather and the time of day are favorable to me.

My art lies in the ability to hunt.

Khantaa ular.

For strong love

While reading the plot, tie together two laces of two shoes, onemale, otherfemale

I will tie the laces of two shoes together, one for men, the other for women. I will tie the destinies of two people (name) and (name) together. Let them walk together and stand together, lie together and sit together, work together and rest together, live together and sleep together. Defined, done, connected, fulfilled.

To be respected by girls

Female attentionThis is a kind of energy, the energy is quite pleasant. It helps a man to assert himself and feel more confident. Many men use it to maintain their own image, health, and well-being. Manyjust to perform sexual exploits and manipulations. They like it, and God bless them, as long as no one really suffers from it. Speak on an item that you need to carry with you

Just as “Moment” glue glues everything and induces trance, so I would glue girls and induce trance in them, so that they would be obedient to me, hang around my neck and do what I wanted.

Magic binding

The spell is used to create a magical connection in relationships and sex between someone and someone else.

God tied the moon to the earth tightly. The moon will not go anywhere from the earth, it will not go anywhere, even though it moves in its orbit. So it is forever determined, set for centuries. (name) will also be attached to (name). He will walk around and not go anywhere. It will sigh, suffer, desire, kindle lust. Will always be there, always around. He will always help, always forgive, always give a hand.

Strong friendship, true love, eternal relationship.

Arousing a woman is an art. To do this correctly, you need to find the right balance between showing aggression and passivity. You must know how to properly touch a woman's body and understand what she wants and when she wants it. If you want to find out how to add some sparkle and ignite a woman's passion, then follow the tips below.


It's all about the mood

  1. Create a romantic atmosphere. If you can create a romantic atmosphere, your girlfriend will be ready for business even before the first kiss. You should make sure that the lighting, smells, and sounds in your den are set for romance. Here's how to achieve this:

    • Turn on soft and romantic lighting. When you enter your apartment, the lights should be dimmed in advance - so that she can see you in general, but not bright enough so that she does not suddenly feel awkward. Light some candles.
    • Arm your apartment with sexy scents. If you know that a girl will come over for dinner in the evening, then ventilate your room throughout the day. Some aromatic blends can refresh a room. When your lady enters the room, light a few scented candles discreetly.
    • Strengthen your success with romantic music. A selection of the necessary melody will help win the girl’s heart with even greater success. Jazz will help her feel refined, while R&B can get her in a sexy mood. Whatever you choose, make sure you keep it subtle and remain classy.
  2. Enhance the sexiness of your home. Your home should be prepared for sexuality in advance so that the mood remains conducive to love, while avoiding all kinds of distractions. Here are a few things you should buy for this occasion:

    • Beverages. Stock up on red and white wines, as well as any other drinks your guest likes. Perhaps you will return from a date in a restaurant, where you have already had a little sip, and now that you are both in your apartment and things are nearing the climax, you need to refuel the right mood with a couple of sips of a suitable drink - just in case.
    • And something to eat. If you need a little more time to warm up before going to the bedroom, then fill your kitchen with the appropriate provisions: chocolates, strawberries, grapes and other berries that can stimulate not only the appetite of the stomach, but also other parts of the body. Avoid fatty foods, which can cause gas. Gas is something that is sometimes best kept to yourself.
    • Personal care products. If you are going to make a love “feat” tonight, then prepare a clean and fresh towel and soap for your girlfriend. After all, you don’t want to frighten away all the romance by mistakenly giving away your towel, soaked with material evidence of successfully completed physical exercises in the gym?
  3. My home is my fortress, and in this “business” too. Work hard to sexually arrange your living space so that the girl, without taking a single step, wants to get into your bedroom as quickly as possible. Drum roll... Here's how to do it:

    • Keep everything clean. This, by the way, is the most important part in creating the mood you want. Hide your dirty clothes and laundry well, tidy up everything thoroughly, and also pay special attention to decorating your restroom. Your girlfriend needs to feel as comfortable as possible before she reaches a state of full “combat readiness”.
    • Be stylish. Your apartment does not require millions of investments in order to get a girl. Invest in classic wood or leather furniture, some nice artwork and a good stereo system to show that you care about your surroundings. Eliminate socially inappropriate photos of your ex-girlfriend and you.
    • Buy a sexy bed. Wash all bedding, wipe down the coffee table, fluff the pillows. It's also time to hide your mom's photos. Your partner must feel comfortable enough in the web of your blankets and pillows before she is ready for the invasion of your body.

Foreplay at the highest level

  1. Make sure she is comfortable. Once you have achieved the right mood for you and the girl, you should make her feel at home. If she is relaxed, it will be much easier for her to get down to business. Here's how to do it:

    • Hang up her coat and let her take off her shoes. She will feel more relaxed after this.
    • Offer her a drink. You shouldn't force her to drink anything, but give her a glass of wine if she wants one, and you should drink some wine with her, otherwise she may feel awkward.
    • Give her some compliment. Make her feel good by telling her, for example, how much you like her. Talk about how great she looks, how much fun it is to spend time with her, or how much you enjoy her laugh.
  2. Touch her sexually. When your guest feels more relaxed, she will want to get closer to you. Don’t be shy - sit closer to her and begin to delicately touch her body, thereby giving rise to foreplay. Here's how to proceed:

    • Sit next to her so that your legs touch each other. Hug her with one arm. If she likes it, then start flirting with her hair.
    • If she wears dangling earrings, gently take one of them in your hand while gently stroking her ear with your fingers.
    • Give your hands a little more freedom and even take her hands and start lapping her fingers if she allows.
    • Give her a sexy massage. Massage her shoulders, lower back, or even her biceps. This way you will definitely get it on the right note.
  3. Kiss with passion. Kissing is the first big step you'll take, and you have to get it right during this love ritual if you want to move on to the next step. To become a master kisser, you need to find an irresistible kissing style.

    • Be gentle. Kiss her gently at first, without much force on the tongue. Lightly part your lips and touch her tongue with the tip of your tongue. If she reciprocates, then move your tongue towards her mouth area, but do it slowly.
    • Leave her waiting for more. Take breaks from kissing by closing your eyes, stroking her hair, or starting to gently kiss her shoulders or neck. There's no need to blindly kiss for hours, which can either get boring or just make both of you tired.
    • It's time to be more aggressive with your touch. As you kiss her, move your hands lower to her waist, gently touching her breasts and hips. But make sure that she is comfortable with your movements.
  4. Start taking off your clothes. As soon as your kisses have become hot and passionate, it’s time to undress to continue the banquet. To set the tone for the subsequent hot sexual intercourse, it is necessary to remove clothes in a certain sequence. Exactly like this:

    • First, take off your blouse. Gently slide your hands under her blouse and lift it over her head. If you see buttons in your way, slowly unbutton each one and passionately throw the blouse to the side.
    • Then take off your shirt. Don't take off all your things at once, which can scare your girlfriend off by making it seem like very aggressive behavior. Do not hurry.
    • Once your top is off, continue kissing, then you should take off your bra. Pay attention to the location of the clasp, which can be either at the back or at the front, and try to be elegant when removing your bra. You shouldn't be awkward or joke about the fact that it's been a while since you've had to do this, or how difficult it is to take off her bra, because all of the above excuses can only scare her away and indicate your inexperience.
    • Gently touch the girl's underwear. This will hint to her that it’s time to take off this part of today’s wardrobe. If she is wearing pants, slowly pull them down, and if she is wearing a skirt, gently pull it down along her legs.
    • Finally, take off your pants, or wait until the girl does it herself, if she feels comfortable and relaxed enough.

An arsenal of correct movements directly in bed.

  1. Be open about your intention to have sex. Of course, it’s understandable, you’re both lying half naked in your underpants, but still, it’s better to clarify, just to be sure, to avoid feelings of awkwardness or misunderstanding during the process itself. Here's the easiest way to do this:

    • Ask: "Are you ready?" or “Are you sure you want to?”, be absolutely frank about your desire to move to the next level of your relationship.
    • If she agrees, be prepared to use a condom. Show dexterity and dexterity when putting on a security item so as not to kill the romance.
  2. Get your girlfriend as excited as possible before sex. Men get to the “ready” position faster than women. Even if you have invested a lot of time in foreplay, take the time to apply a little more tender patience before you begin the act of love. Do it something like this:

    • Caress and kiss her body at the most sensitive points. Kiss her neck, shoulders, chest, belly, thighs.
    • Tell her how much you like her, or how excited you are about certain parts of her body.
    • Touch her genital area gently. You can tease her a little, then move your hands to other parts of her body, which will leave her wanting more. As soon as it is ready, start.
  3. Choose your sexy style. There are dozens of ways to have great sex, and once you start, you need to get a good feel for your partner in order to determine the approach that is most comfortable for her. Below are a few things to keep in mind:

    • Try different positions. Start in the top position, then let her climb to the top if she so desires, or even try something extravagant. You should not use any tricks at first, rather spend another minute studying each other, and then, having reached a unanimous decision, try aerobatics.
    • Observe what mood she likes best: gentle or aggressive. Try small bites on different parts of her body or some sensual touches so that if she reciprocates, then continue, if not, then change the tactic to the opposite.
    • Play with grease. Greasy is not for everyone, but if your guest likes it, then calmly continue to talk sassy to her, which will lead to even more excitement on her part. If she doesn’t smell of reciprocity, then calm down your tone.
  4. Strong ending. Both partners should enjoy the labor of love, so before you finish, make sure your girlfriend has enjoyed the experience, too. Check out a few points about a spectacular ending:

    • Remember that many women do not reach orgasm during sex, so if she does not reach the peak of pleasure, continue to caress her until she does.
    • After you're done, don't run out of the room and into the shower like you're scalded. Stay and spend some time with the goal of caressing your girlfriend.
    • Don't be upset. If your friend doesn't have an orgasm, or if you quit early, don't be upset. This happens much more often than you think, and a calm attitude towards it will show that you are confident in your abilities - so, for the future.
  5. Leave her pleasure not quite complete. Once the "bed transaction" is completed, there are several ways to continue the love business with you, either later that evening, or sometime this week. Here's how to put a comma in your relationships:

    • Invite her to take a shower together after bedtime. If she is for it, then kiss her tenderly in the shower.
    • Don't become isolated after this. Give your girl some mental space and space, but also let her know that you are exactly the same cool guy she made out with a while ago.
    • Tell her that you had a good time with her that you would like to do again sometime. When she leaves, see her off like a real gentleman. Dress her in your jacket if the weather turns bad, give her a ride home or call her a taxi, and kiss her goodbye.
    • Pretend to be calm. Don't say, "When can we get laid next?" Instead, express your enthusiasm for your night together and tell her you'll call her soon.
    • Make her look forward to her next meeting with you. Once she's gone, send her a casual phone message reminding her of a hot night with you. Believe me, she will want it before you have time to recharge your candelabra with new candles.
  • Don't be lazy - share. Give your girlfriend at least as much love as she gives you. Focus on making her feel good.
  • If you reach a premature orgasm, don't act like an annoyed brat. Play up the situation and apologize politely, but don't dwell on it.


  • Use condoms to avoid sexually transmitted diseases. You should always use a condom if you are sleeping with someone for the first time. Do not convince a girl that sex will be better without a condom - this is dangerous, and you can catch a serious virus from her.
  • Never force a woman to have sex with you. Let her make this decision on her own. She should never regret spending a night with you.

How to conduct the ceremony correctly

Ritual for lust

How to conduct the ceremony correctly

Rituals are not tied to a specific time of day. They can be performed at any time, day or evening, unless required by a specific ritual. You can read conspiracies at home, but it is advisable to stand by the window and look at the sun or moon. Words must be pronounced loudly and clearly, with self-confidence and faith that the ritual will give the desired result.
Conspiracy upon contact with an object

This magical ritual is suitable if you want to arouse passion in a stranger, for example, on a first date or during a chance meeting. Move a little away from the purpose of the ritual and read the words of the conspiracy in a whisper:

“I, the servant of God (name), dream of your kiss, servant of God (name). I want to kiss you, I want to hug you, I want to own you, servant of God (name). Our meeting was not accidental; we were destined for each other by fate. I want to give you pleasure, and for you to give me pleasure. You will not be able to refuse my gaze, my touch, my lips. I will beckon you, I will fill your heart with passion. You will be mine, servant of God (name), you will say “yes” to me when I wish it. Let what is said come true. Amen. Amen. Amen".

Ritual for lust

“I, servant of God (name), kindle a fire of passion in the belly of the servant of God (name). I will raise passion in your heart, in your head. Let thoughts about me intoxicate you, let them intoxicate you, let them dominate your thoughts and command you.

To perform this ritual you will need a church candle.

Passion will burn in your body, servant of God (name), and will torment you. Your legs and hands will tremble, your lips will dry out for me, you will reach out to me, come to me, look for me. You can’t extinguish the passion in your body, you can’t forget about me.

You can't get rid of thoughts about me. Only I can quench your thirst and hunger, only I know how to satisfy your passion. Everything is on me, the servant of God (name) for you, the servant of God (name) converges, everything is done on me. You want my body, you want it so much that it becomes dark in your eyes.

I am your dream, I am your desire. We will be with you in the heat of passion. We will experience lust and lust. Burn, fire, in the heart of God’s servant (name), burn him to the very bones.”

If you want to take your husband away from your family, then you are not doing the best thing and should be prepared for possible negative consequences.

But if the purpose of a love spell is only to attract the attention of a lover in order to independently achieve his love and honestly build a relationship, then there is absolutely nothing wrong with it.