Walkthrough of the game Dragon Age 1. Dragon age: origins: additional tasks - game tactics and tips from the masters

Now it's time to play Dragon Age: Origins as a Dalish elf. After creating a character, you will immediately be faced with a moral and ethical choice: what to do with people who enter your territory. I think you'll often be faced with a choice like this throughout Dragon Age: Origins. Your friend will say that these are bandits. But the people themselves will claim that they are not bandits at all, and did not even know that the forest belongs to us. First find out what they are doing here. They learned about ruins in which, in their opinion, there might be treasure. Yeah, treasure. Very often, the passage of Dragon Age: Origins gives us something much more difficult than searching for treasure. But I wouldn't mind seeing these ruins. One of the people will give us a stone on which something is written in Elvish. True, people were not able to go deeper. There was a demon there, huge, with black eyes! Ha, people's prejudices, it will be easy for us to complete quests! But they will put a choice on us again - do you believe them? Will you let me go? I let them all go. Immediately your companion will pull you into the cave. Well, let's go there. The active passage of Dragon Age: Origins begins.

Move forward, fortunately there is only one way. After two turns you will meet a pair of opponents - wolves. If, throughout the game Dragon Age: Origins, wolves were the most powerful opponents, then life would seem easy and wonderful. But this is by no means true. Kill them, which won't be difficult. Soon you will come to the ruins themselves - along the way you should inspect every little thing that stands out - which means it’s time to save and go inside. Before you are more human ruins than elven ones. This is a twist in the passage of the game dragon age origins. Go forward to the first room and you will be attacked by giant spiders! Be careful! After they are dead, move forward to the T-junction. There will be a lot more of these crossroads in the passage of Dragon Age. Although this is more likely not a crossroads, but simply a branch. In any case, go north first, and then explore the southern part. However, if you are not playing as a thief, you can continue through the northern room. You see, in Dragon Age it is easier to complete quests as a thief. Just before entering the final room, you will see a vaguely familiar statue. No, you didn’t see him during the last playthrough of the game dragon age origins. This is a statue made by ancient elven craftsmen. As soon as you come close to the door, you will be attacked from behind by the living dead. After their death, the door will become accessible. It’s strange that you didn’t even need a key, which doesn’t happen very often during the passage of Dragon Age: Origins, because the quests here are very diverse

Go inside, where you will first encounter a more difficult enemy. After his death, search the chests and examine the Mirror. And there will be a good explosion. The gray guard will carry you out. This is how you will meet the Gray Guardians for the first time in this playthrough of dragon age origins. But your friend was nowhere to be found. Interesting situation. Ask to speak with the Guardian immediately and she will be brought to you. She will tell you that we were taken over by a dark force that almost sucked the life out of us. They will tell us that we need to start looking for Tamlen, your friend. I said I felt good. A companion is being forced on us, Merrill. Okay, let's do that, because in Dragon Age, completing quests sometimes means new unexpected allies. And don’t give up allies throughout Dragon Age: Origins. But, before setting off on the main task, I suggest you look around the area. When you're done, go to the mark on the map. Merrill will be waiting for you there, with whom you will go to the cave. You will be back on the starting map and will have to retrace your steps. But this time your opponents will not be animals, but creatures of darkness. After you destroy the first darkspawn, Merrill will say that we look pale, like we have a fever. Interesting hints. Will the passage of Dragon Age: Origins end and we will die from the disease? Don't think. Walking forward a little more, you will come across a parking lot that was not there before. And the forest was completely silent. Interesting... Go into the cave, simultaneously destroying a couple of groups of creatures of Darkness. Once inside, start cleaning everything there. Merrill will say that the ruins are definitely human in origin. But there are elven things everywhere. Move towards the mirror, you don’t need anything else here. And Duncan is already waiting for us near the Mirror. He will say that he is surprised that we were able to cut through the creatures of darkness. And he didn’t help us because he fought with the creatures himself. Duncan will tell you that the mirror was used for talking at a distance. But mirrors deteriorate over time, and filth penetrates them too. And Tamlen, touching the mirror, awakened this filth to life. And because of this we got sick. After this, Duncan will break the mirror. And he will also say that we can no longer help Tamlen. He's gone. Okay, agree to return to the camp in order to discuss our treatment there. Tell the Guardian that there is no news from Tamlen. After this, Duncan will want to talk to the Guardian one on one. Later we need to join them, but first, go to one of the elves and tell him about Tamlen. This elf will begin the funeral service. May our brother rest in peace. And he will also ask you to help him tell the story to the children. I agreed. It is precisely these small joys that make up the liveliness of the game. It’s worth speaking the first lines - and the story will flow as usual, and completing quests in Dragon Age will proceed easily.

After finishing the story, go to the Guardian. Duncan will say that his order needs help, and we need treatment. We'll make a great Gray Warden. So be it, agree. You will be taken away, one way or another. Either voluntarily or using the right of conscription. No more breaking down. Let it be so. The main walkthrough of dragon age begins!

The passages of the quests are placed in spoilers, so that those who do not want to accidentally read in advance and find out something unnecessary would not spoil their enjoyment of the game.


In the case of the selected origin "noble person": In the Korcari Wilds, a little past the meeting point with the wounded soldier, you will see a wildflower, white with a red center. Davet (a fellow party member) will say that the huntsman from the camp in Ostagar is looking for such a plant, because he thinks that with its help it will be possible to heal the Mabari war dogs, poisoned by the blood of the creatures of darkness. Upon returning to Ostagar, all that remains is to find the huntsman and demand award- 50 crowns, 20 or nothing.

In other cases: When approaching the huntsman in Ostagar, a dialogue will begin. He will ask your hero, as a new recruit of the Gray Wardens, to go into a cage with a dog poisoned by the blood of the creatures of darkness and muzzle him (or you can kill him and thereby complete the quest). After this, the hound will add that to heal this dog, you need a certain flower that grows in the Wild Lands of Korcari, white with a red center. When you bring it, the huntsman will make a healing ointment.

How to get a: go to the cage with the deserter near the infirmary in Ostagar and talk to him. He will claim that he did not intend to escape at all, but in fact was trying to steal the key to the magicians' chest. Now, after sitting in a cage for several days, he is ready to exchange this key for food and water. Food can be obtained from the guard nearby:

You can give food in exchange for a key (Alistair’s approval +1, if there is one in the party) or for nothing (Alistair’s approval +2). There is another option to kill the deserter and take the key (Alistair's disapproval -5). Having received the key one way or another, all that remains is to choose a moment when the pacified one is not near the chest and take its contents (this must be done before entering the Ishala tower).

Korcari Wilds

How to get a: approach the body of the missionary Jogby, floating in the lake near the passage to Ostagar, take a letter from his father Rigby, read about the hidden supplies and find the chest according to the clues:

  • Find the tree that has fallen over the destroyed house (you need to turn around to see it),
  • Pass under the bridge made of a fallen tree (don’t miss it, because there are three hanged people on that tree),
  • Go around the collapsed tower on the right,
  • Stand between a high ruined arch and a standing stone covered with moss,
  • Walk along the path of stones and roots (there will be a pack of wolves there),
  • Find two large statues and a chest between them.

Reward: two-handed flat sword of the Chasinds (Chasind Flatblade) made of gray cast iron. Also in the chest there will be another letter to Jogby, in which Rigby writes that he could not find the Hasinds...

Code: A letter to Jogby, Farewell Letter to Jogby.

How to get a: find the body of missionary Rigby on the site behind the bridge made of a fallen tree, there will be a piece of paper with his will on it. Next, you should make your way to Rigby’s former camp on the site of the Tevinter ruins in the northwestern part of the Wild Lands, pick up the box from the cache in the fire and the Clay Idol amulet (+10 resistance to cold). You can open the box and keep its contents (unenchanted amulet) or take it to Jetta in Redcliffe Village.

Code: Rigby's Last Will and Testament.

How to get a: you need to find missionary Rigby's diary in his camp in the northwestern part of the Wild Lands, it lies in a chest between two tents, read it and look around (press and hold the TAB button) - the first sign will be found under the roots of a tree nearby. Next, you should activate it with the right mouse button (aim while holding TAB), after which other signs will become visible (see the map). Each of them must be approached and activated in the same way. The sequence of activation does not matter; the last one will still be the sign near the bridge with an ambush of creatures of darkness and traps. The Hasinda cache can be found in a rotten tree in a clearing south of the bridge.

Reward: a very good set of weapons and more - a barbarian mace made of steel (Barbarian Mace), an iron Chasind Crusher, a Wilds bow made of yew (Wilds Bow), a chief's helmet (Thane Helmet) and Chasind Robes.

Code: Signs of the Chasind.

How to get a: pick up a note and a Pouch of ashes from the body of a dead soldier behind a bridge with a darkspawn ambush and traps. Read and, if you wish, verify this information, climb the hill to the north and scatter the ashes on a pile of stones. After this Gazarath will appear...

Code: A Pinch of Ashes.


How to get a: go to Lothering as part of the story. At the entrance, your company will be stopped by bandits who will demand 10 silvers for permission to enter the village. What can be done:

  • try to pay off, but the bandits will not stop there and will want another 20 silver pieces,
  • tell the bandits that a poorly guarded trade caravan is following you, they may believe it,
  • intimidate the bandits with your affiliation with the Gray Wardens (however, having learned about this, they may covet the reward promised for your and Alistair’s heads),
  • provoke an attack (refuse to pay).

If you choose the option to fight, then during the fight you should concentrate on the leader of the bandits - he will capitulate when he becomes almost a corpse. Next, you can demand to give up all the loot (in total more than gold), and then release them or finish them off. It will also be possible to inform the family of robbed elves sitting near the bridge in Lothering about the fate that befell the bandits if they die or run away. Finally, in the church you can find the head of the templars, Sir Bryant, he will reward you with 20 silvers for the news of the disappearance of the bandits (you can also ask him for additional help and he will give you the key to the chest of drawers).

Note: There should be ancient elven boots in the chest of drawers in the church of Lothering, but due to an error they are not there. Read about how to fix this.

How to get a: after a showdown with bandits near Lothering, you can notice right there, on the road, the body of the templar they killed. Take the medallion and note from the body and read it. Apparently, the deceased was Sir Henric, who was looking for the Urn of Sacred Ashes. Next, you should find his comrade, Sir Donall, in the church, tell him about the fate of Sir Henryk and return his medallion. Sir Donall can clarify the situation a little more - it turns out that the urn is wanted for Earl Eamon of Redcliffe, who has fallen ill with an incomprehensible disease. If you ask about a reward, then Sir Donall will give out 1 gold.

Code: A Note from Ser Henric.

How to get a: Approach Elder Miriam in Lothering. She will ask you to find medicinal plants in the forest and make at least three small healing poultices for the sick, wounded and refugees. To do this, you need three elven roots (Elfroots, grow even in Lothering) and three flasks (Flasks, can be bought from Barlin). You also, of course, need to understand herbs (contact Morrigan if necessary). Reward: 50 silvers.

How to get a: approach Barlin in Dane's Refuge and ask if there is a well-paid job in Lothering. Barlin will offer to get three bottles of poison (Venom) so that he can poison the traps in his fields. To make such poison you need three animal poisons (Toxin Extracts, can be obtained from the giant spiders that settled north of Lothering), three vials (Flasks, can be bought from Barlin) and good knowledge of poisons (contact Leliana). Reward: 75 silvers.

How to get a: go to Allison in Lothering. She really wants to set traps in her fields following Barlin’s example and asks to make her three rope traps (this is the same as traps, Spring Traps). To do this you will need three triggers (Trap Triggers, available from Barlin) and some knowledge of traps. Reward: 50 silvers.

How to get a: talk to Stan, sitting in a cage, at the northern exit from Lothering. From various sources you can find out that Stan was put in a cage for the murders. However, he will express his willingness to atone for his crimes by helping the Gray Guardians in the fight against the creatures of darkness. To free him, you need the key to the cage, which is kept by the Reverend Mother, the following options are possible:

  • convince the reverend mother to release Stan into the custody of the Gray Wardens, this is difficult to achieve, to make the task easier, it is worth making a donation in favor of the church, and the more the better;
  • if Leliana is in the party, then the Reverend Mother will free Stan at her request;
  • if you have the skill of stealing from one of your party members, try to steal the key;
  • If one of your party members has hacking skills, try to break into the cage.

Trying to intimidate the Reverend Mother will amuse Morrigan (+4) and shock Alistair (-13). Note: Stan must be rescued from his cage before completing any of the following quests: Broken Circle, Arl of Redcliffe, Paragon of Her Kind, or Nature of the Beast.

Lothering Chanter's Board:

How to get a: read on the preacher's board near the church an announcement that Sir Bryant promised to pay 3 gold to anyone who can eliminate three gangs of bandits entrenched north of Lothering. Then all that remains is to do this and receive a reward from the preacher Devons (Chanter Devons, in addition to gold - the leader of the third gang must be equipped with full heavy steel armor).

Note: after this, the next two quests become available.

How to get a: read a notice on the preacher's board that farmers are complaining of pestilent bear attacks north of Lothering. After this, find three bears, deal with them and take the reward from the preacher - 1 gold.

How to get a: read on the preacher's board about a boy whose mother disappeared almost a week ago. The daredevil who finds her body or some things that could remain as a keepsake for the orphan is promised a reward of 50 silvers. Sarkhi's body lies beyond the field, surrounded by a pack of wolves. You should fight them off, take the copper filigree ring and return for your reward.

The Circle of Magi

How to get a: find in the library, on the first floor of the Circle Tower, at least half of the torn book and conduct experiments, activating various objects in strict accordance with the description of the summoning rituals (there are significant differences in the names of the Russian translation!).

Exercise one: Summoning Font, Tome of Spirit Personages, Summoning The First - ends with the appearance of a Spirit Hog.

Exercise two: Summoning Font, Rodercoms Uncommon Calling, Statue of Magus Gorvish, Summoning The Second - ends with the appearance of the Trickster Whim.

Exercise three: Summoning Font, Elvorn's Grande Bestiary, Common Table Carving Spot, Spiritorum Etherialis, Statue of Magus Gorvish, Novice Phylactery , Summoning The Third - ends with the appearance of the Fade Rifter bereskarn, which you will have to deal with (the reward will be leather gloves (+10% to electricity damage), so-called electrified mitts )).

Exercise four (is a sequence of all three previous ones): Summoning Font, Tome of Spirit Personages, Rodercoms Uncommon Calling, Statue of Magus Gorvish, Elvorn's Grande Bestiary, Table Carving Station ( Common Table Carving Spot, Spiritorum Etherialis, Statue of Magus Gorvish, Novice Phylactery, Summoning The Fourth - the last to appear is Arl Foreshadow, who is followed quickly steal before it evaporates and get a note for the codex.

Code: Summoning Sciences, The Notes of Arl Foreshadow.

How to get a: in the Great Hall on the third floor of the Circle Tower, find five torn pages, read them and conclude that the magicians who wrote these pages became victims of the fraudster Beyha Joam. After this, when moving around the global map, there will be a random encounter with him and his gang, as a result of which you will gain award- hood with cameo (Cameo Cowl, +2 to cunning, +0.5 to health recovery in battle).

Code: Five Pages, Four Mages.

How to get a: in the Circle Tower, find and read the notes for the codex: three on the first floor (in the students' rooms and in the library), two more on the second floor (near Owain and the blood mages) and the last one on the third floor, in the Great Hall. After this, in the rest room of the Great Hall you need to activate the statues in this order:

  • statue with a vessel in hand (The vessel in hand);
  • statue with a raised sword (A sword raised);
  • statue with a lowered sword (A sword lowered);
  • statue with a shield (Shielded from each side) in the central room near the stairs to the fourth floor.

If everything is done correctly, the task will be updated and you can go down to the first floor to the door to the basement. When you try to open it, the demon Shah Wyrd should appear, you just have to deal with him and take him award- Yusaris, Dragon Slayer (two-handed silverite weapon with 2 slots for runes, +20 to fire resistance, +5 to damage against dragons).

Code: Watchguard of the Reaching; Yusaris, the Dragonslayer (Yusaris: The Dragonslayer).

How to get a: find the body of the blood mage at the northern exit from Lothering to the Imperial Highway (this must be done before the destruction of the town) and pick up the letter from Bel Grus. Next, you should go to the Circle Tower and find Bel’s Cache on the second floor.

Code: Criminal remorse (Maleficarum Regrets).


Quests Lost Child and Lost in the Castle you can take it by agreeing to help the village of Redcliffe repel the attack of the living dead, and the rest - after the battle.

How to get a: talk to Kaitlyn, sobbing in the Redcliffe church. She will ask you to find her younger brother, Bevin. You should find Caitlin's house in the village, go into the bedroom on the first floor and open the closet in which Bevin is hiding. By persuasion or intimidation, you can force him to give up the key to the chest on the second floor with the family sword, The Green Blade. If it doesn’t work out, you can try again in church.

Since the sword costs money, you should pay Caitlin for it: 50, 75, 100 or 500 silver (but you don’t have to pay). The chosen amount will affect the attitude of your party members towards you - Morrigan will be against any payment, Stan will approve an amount of hundreds. In addition to the sword, you can beg a kiss from Caitlin, and after the battle help them both leave for Denerim.

How to get a: talk to Chief Murdoch about helping the defenders of the village of Redcliffe and promise the blacksmith Owen to find his daughter, Valena, in the castle, despite the disapproval of Morrigan and Stan (-5). Valena can be found in a small storage room on the lower floor of Redcliffe Castle - Main Floor. You can tell her about the underground tunnel or offer to wait in this storage room; in any case, she will run away and then stay in the forge.

However, if you do not find Valena before Connor is healed, she will be considered dead and you will have to tell Owen about it. Then later a new blacksmith will appear in the village with a different set of goods for sale; you can buy the Far Song bow from him (i.e., if you save Valena, then it is impossible to buy this weapon). Reward:

  • Amulet - if you tell Owen about Valena’s death, and then introduce yourself to the new blacksmith as Owen’s relative,
  • Shielded Dwarven Armor - if you save Owen's daughter.

Note. If Valena is saved, Owen will have Boots of Diligence and part of the Diligence Armor Set for sale. The blacksmith who will replace Owen sells the Distant Song bow, perhaps the best bow in the game. Make your choice.

Brecilian Forest

How to get a: politely talk to Cammen in the Dalish camp. He pines for the elf Gheyna, but she does not take the poor fellow seriously, because... he is just a hunter's apprentice. You can help a couple connect:

  • having obtained a wolf skin from the forest for Kammen so that he could finally become a hunter,
  • convincing Heina (influence skill!) that Kammen's social position is not that important.

Reward will be the book The Saga of Iloren (you can give it to the hermit or sell it). Or you can separate the couple forever:

  • seducing Kammen and telling Heine about it (if you have a heroine),
  • by seducing Heina and telling Kammen about it (if you have a hero),
  • assuring Heina that Kammen secretly hates her,
  • telling Heine that Kammen was really just going to get her into bed.

Code: The Tale of Iloren.

How to get a: stumble upon a wounded elf, Deygan, in Western Brecilian, and decide what to do with him:

  • throw him or kill him,
  • take it to the Dalish camp, handing it over to a patrol led by Mithra along the way.

During the examination of the wounded man, you can take his things: a dagger, arrows, blackened leather boots and a figurine of a Dalish hunter carved from maple wood (note that this will result in a deterioration in relations with the clan). If you save Deigan, then the next time you visit the camp you can talk to him and receive a reward - a sapphire, and if the elf’s things were stolen, then you can return the figurine and not spoil relations with the Dalish.

How to get a: talk to Varathorn in the Dalish camp and agree to look for him in the Brecilian forest for ironbark, from which he can make special weapons and armor. You will find the bark in West Brecilian, on a fallen tree near the northern exit to the eastern part of the forest. Next, all that remains is to take it to the master and decide on the reward:

  • ask Varathorn to make a Wolf-Killer bow (Wolf-Killer, requires 28 agility, damage 8.40, critical strike modifier 1.40%, armor penetration 7.20, +4 damage against the dead, +8 damage against animals),
  • ask the master to make a breastplate from silverite, Varathorn's Armor (Varathorn's Armor, requires 30 strength, armor 8.92, fatigue 8.75%, +3 to armor, +20 to resistance to the forces of nature, +25 to endurance),
  • if you have enough influence, convince Varathorn to do both,
  • refuse the reward and receive a consolation prize - Varathorn's Amulet, +20 resistance to the forces of nature, -1 physique),
  • be overly greedy and end up with the bark.

Note: This quest should be completed quickly to avoid glitches.

How to get a: either convince Athras in the Dalish camp to tell about his wife, Danyla, who has become infected with the werewolf curse, or stumble upon Daniella in East Brecilian. According to Atras, Zatrian claims that Danielle is dead, but he does not allow Atras to see her body. Atras is convinced that Danielle is alive, but has become a werewolf, and hopes that you will find her in the forest. You will indeed find her in the East Brecilian Forest, among a group of werewolves, after which you can:

  • kill Danielle out of pity (Wynn and Leliana will approve of this),
  • refuse to kill her and then Danielle will attack you herself.

Daniella will ask you to give Atras your Scarf. You can exchange something for this scarf with the Hermit (Mad Hermit) or give it to Atras and get it for it award - Athras's Pendant, which can also be used in exchange with the Hermit. Your choice of lines in your last conversation with Athras may cause different reactions from companions (for example, mentioning that Daniella loves Athras will cause Morrigan's disapproval (-3) and Leliana's approval (+2)).

Note: if this quest is not completed, and you took the side of the werewolves and decided to kill the Dalish, then Atras will attack you and the werewolves, and if you decided not to kill the Dalish, then Atras will say that he is leaving to look for Daniella himself (there will be no reward).


The naga beater Bemor (Nug Wrangler Boermor) asks to return at least one naga to him - alas, everyone fled in different directions. The quest ends after delivering one naga to him, but you can bring four more for money.

You should look out for pink, loudly squeaking creatures in the area, catch them and deliver them to the beater:

  • to the right of the gate to the Orzammar Commons,
  • near Brother Burkel,
  • on the bridge leading to the Test Arena,
  • near the entrance to the Deep Roads,
  • in the nook next to the door of the gunsmith Janara.

Reward: 12 silver and 25 experience for each naga brought.

Code: Nug.

Brother Burkel of Redcliffe Church, hanging out in the Commons near the entrance to Dusty Town, says he has returned to the land of his ancestors to spread the light of faith. He would like to open a church in Orzammar that will bring the Song of Light to the dwarves, but this requires permission from the Guardians. You can promise Berkel to put in a good word for him with the Chronicler of Chronicles (this will cause Leliana's approval +2 and Stan's disapproval -5), or tell him that he should not interfere with the religion of the dwarves (there will be no repeat conversation).

Chronicler Shaper Czibor resides in the Shaperate in the Diamond Quarter. In a conversation with him, you can use persuasion or intimidation (possibly for a character with a developed influence skill), as well as cunning. If your character is influential or cunning enough, then the Chronicler will give Brother Berkel permission to open a small church in Orzammar, otherwise you will have to upset Berkel with a refusal.

Note: from the epilogue you will learn that after the opening of the church in Orzammar, many converts appeared among the gnomes and this caused problems. The council decided to close the church, but Brother Berkel resisted and was killed during the peaceful procession. The Council declared this death an accident, but news of the unrest reached the Church above, where they began to talk that the High Priestess was considering a new Holy Campaign...

When completing the quest to find Jarvia in the Carta Hideout, you may come across a note about Jammer's hiding place. From this note it follows that somewhere here in a chest locked with a special lock, the loot is hidden. To open it, you will need three things from three other bandit chests, and each of them contains three items, but you need to take only the cheapest one(The Gray Guardian will receive one injury for each incorrect item taken, and he himself will disappear from the inventory, so do not worry about lost profits):

  • Kanky's Common Box, mark 1 on the map: Silver Costume Ring,
  • Jammer's Common Box, mark 2 on the map: Iron Letter Opener,
  • Pique's Common Box, mark 3 on the map): Garnet Trinket.

As soon as you collect all the correct items, they will disappear from your inventory, and in their place will appear the key to the chest with loot, which is located in the nook with the tame deep hunters (mark 4 on the map).

Reward: 7 gold 55 silver 45 copper and a Helmet for two-core (Longrunner's Cap, light helmet, +0.5 to restore stamina in battle).

Code: Jammer's Stash.

From a conversation with Shaper Assistant Milldrate, you will learn that the Guardians were robbed - they lost a rare tome. The thief is most likely branded from the slums and is described as bald.

In Dusty Town, find and kill Shady Corebit, there will be a receipt on his body. It is similar to those printed in the Test Arena and is all crumpled, the bet was clearly unsuccessful. In the middle of the northern wing of the Arena you will see a group of suspicious characters led by Fixer Gredin. Of course, you will have to deal with them (you can get to this wing only after talking with Dulin Forinder or completing the quest Perfect). Pay attention to Jertrin standing next to the thugs; he is a buyer of stolen goods and wants to buy a tome. Quest completion options:

  • Jerthrin will pay 2 gold and 30 silver for the tome,
  • assistant chronicler Mildrat will thank you, but will not give you anything (and you will not gain any experience either).

Note: If you want to sell the tome, you should do it right away, Jerthrin will not talk to you again.

On the streets of Dust Town you will see Zerlinda begging for her son. If you give her 5 silvers or ask about her situation, you can find out that she once belonged to the miner caste, but gave birth to a son from an untouchable, after which her relatives disowned her (because according to gnomish traditions, the boy inherits his father’s caste) , and the child’s father abandoned her (because he wanted a daughter to get into the miners’ caste). You can try to help Zerlinda in one way or another (Wynn will approve +2):

  • try to convince or intimidate (influence skill!) her father Ordel, who often visits the Orzammar tavern "The Innkeepers", to take her back with the child;
  • persuade Zerlinda to leave the child on the Deep Paths (as her relatives demand), after which she will be able to return home;
  • if the quest Song of the Deep Roads completed, then:
    • advise Zerlinda to turn to Brother Berkel for help,
    • try to persuade (influence skill!) Brother Berkel to allow her to stay with the new church;
  • tell Zerlinda about the absence of castes on the surface and convince her to leave Orzammar.

Reward: for reconciling Zerlinda with her family, experience points are added, ~200EXP.


Once in the Trade Quarter of Denerim, you will certainly meet Ser Landry, who will recognize you, since he was also under Ostagar, and will challenge you to a duel in order to take revenge on the Gray Warden for the betrayal and death of King Cailan (he believes the words of Loghain). You can:

  • (influence) lie that you are not a Gray Warden, then Ser Landry will apologize and leave,
  • (influence) convince Landry that if he is wrong, he will kill an innocent person, then he will say that he feels you are guilty, but he has no evidence, so he will meet you again when he finds it, and leaves,
  • agree to a duel and start a brawl with Landry and his supporters in a back alley behind the Gnawed Noble Tavern,
  • refuse the duel, after which Landry will leave, saying that this is not all (later, while crossing Denerim, you will be ambushed by him).

Reward: mace with writing (Engraved Mace, veridium, damage 6.50, agility +1, damage +1, psychic resistance +5%) from the body of Ser Landry.

Blackstone Irregulars

Volunteer quests can be started by talking to the Blackstone Connection in Dane's Refuge in Lothering or later by seeing another contact near the Redcliffe Church or in the Denerim Tavern.

How to get a: agree to deliver recruitment letters to three recruits:

  • Dernal Garrison, Redcliffe, who lives in a house opposite the stone bridge on the road to the mill;
  • Patter Gritch, Lothering, washing himself in the church, near the entrance to the Reverend Mother's room;
  • Varel Baern, Denerim, located in Elven Alienage.

Note. The letter must be taken to Gritch before Lothering is destroyed, otherwise the quest will remain incomplete.

Code: Letter from the Blackstone Irregulars.

How to get a: in the Denerim tavern "Bitten Nobleman" agree to deliver four death notices for volunteers killed in service to their wives:

  • Sara in the Denerim Market District;
  • Tania in Dirty Back Alley, Denerim;
  • Larana to the Spoiled Princess Hotel at Lake Calenhad Docks;
  • Irenia to Redcliffe Chantry.

Code: Letter of condolences from the Blackstone Volunteers (Blackstone Letter of Condolences).

How to get a: agree to return the stolen supplies to the volunteers by tracking down the deserters who appropriated them and dealing with them:

  • Sammael the Deserter, Lake Calenhad Docks;
  • Tornas the Deserter, Frostback Mountains;
  • Layson the Deserter, Denerim, Run-Down Back Street.

Note. The diary indicates that Sammael is in the Brecilian Forest.

The Mages" Collective

Quests can be started by talking to community liaisons at Lake Calenhad Marina, Denerim Trade Quarter, or Redcliffe.

At the pier of Lake Calenhad agree to deliver notices of dismissal to three not very outstanding students of the magician Terraster:

  • Starrick - located near the main gate to Orzammar,
  • Fayd - standing idle in the center of the Denerim Market District,
  • Sheth - in Wonder of Thedas in the Wonder of Thedas.

Reward: 2 gold.

Code: Letter of Termination.

At the pier of Lake Calenhad agree to find and bring 10 packages of Deep Mushrooms. These mushrooms are quite common to come across in various containers, but if you do not have 10 of them, they can be purchased from the gnome merchant Ruck in the Deep Roads. Reward: 1 gold.

Before we begin to describe the passage of the storyline of the game Dragon Age: Origins, it is immediately worth noting that the introductory parts of the narrative will differ from each other depending on which character you choose to save the world. To avoid confusion from the very beginning of the story, your humble servant considers it necessary to describe all the options for the plot of Dragon Age: Origins. So, briefly and in order.
Dwarf - Crown Prince
After chatting a little with the servant, immediately go to the celebration, where you will meet your father. From him you will receive instructions to find your brother Belen, who is in the Test Arena. He will tell you that your other brother is planning something evil. As soon as you both have time to return back to the banquet hall, you will immediately be kicked off to some godforsaken city. On the way to it, you will meet a small number of opponents, which you should easily cope with, especially since a group of allies will join you on the way. Having reached the city, deal with a small detachment of mercenaries and receive a trophy in the form of a signet from the finger of one of them. Having entered the house, place your companions on slabs that stand out from the general background. After this simple procedure, you will become the happy owner of a shield from the sarcophagus. With this wealth, go outside and break the wall, after which you will have to fight a little. For committing fratricide you will be sent to prison. Before you have time to get used to the official environment, you will be sent into exile so that you can join the Order of the Gray Guardians. Having scattered all your ill-wishers along the road, you will finally meet Duncan and go with him to Ostagar.

Dwarf - Untouchable
Here, first of all, go with your partner to the tavern, where you will need to beat out a batch of lyrium, allegedly stolen from the Charter, from a local merchant. Having taken the goods from him, go to your owner Berat, who will not appreciate such official zeal and will accuse you of theft. To earn the boss's forgiveness, you will have to go to a kind of gladiatorial fight, in which you need to poison one of the opponents of your group. True, you will also have to replace the fighter who dropped out due to drunkenness by wearing his armor. Then distract Mylar with conversation while your accomplice poisons his drink. After this, you will find several trivial battles in the arena, followed by an unpleasant exposure and imprisonment. After getting out of prison and freeing your friend, make your way through the corridors, at the end of which you will finish off your employer. Now, with a clear conscience, get out into the street and after an unpleasant meeting with the guards, meet Duncan, who will invite you to go with him to Ostagar.

Man - Magician
After a short briefing, you'll be right off the bat as you'll be thrown into a bit of combat straight away. Then you will meet a magician named Mouse, who will recommend communicating with two spirits. The first of these will be the spirit of honor. You will receive a staff from him, but not before defeating him in a duel. Then, having gone a little further and scattered another portion of evil spirits along the way, you will encounter a second spirit - the demon of idleness. You can engage him in battle or try to guess his 3 riddles. As a reward for this, he will teach the magician Mouse to turn into a bear. Return back, where, with the help of the Mouse, deal with the pack of ghost wolves. A little further you will meet with the demon of anger, after a short skirmish with whom you will need to defeat him. After these adventures, you will wake up in your bed and, after talking with Jovan, you will learn that you need to see the chief magician Irving, whose chambers are on the second floor. Having reached the place, you will come across a group of people in the corridor, including Duncan. After talking a little, ask him to leave and continue your conversation with Jovan. After you promise him your help, you will need to go to the center of the hall, where one of the subdued will ask you to bring him permission from the authorities, in exchange for a fire rod. Direct your steps to the laboratory where one of the sorceresses lives. During the conversation, you find out that she is ready to provide you with paper in exchange for clearing the warehouse of spiders (the warehouse is located here). Having completed the task, take the document from her and exchange it for a fire rod. Now you, together with Jovan and his comrades, will have a walk into the dungeons of the tower. After wandering around the catacombs and fighting off a number of guards, you will reach a room with a wardrobe and a statue of a cat. Having moved the first one and using a fiery blow on the second, move further, where a small skirmish and the desired Jovan amulet await you. After getting to the surface and meeting old acquaintances, from whom Duncan will dissuade you, go with him to Ostagar.

Man - Noble
After talking with your father and Duncan who has approached, you will go to your brother’s bedchamber. Having gone into the kitchen on the way and having dealt with a whole battalion of rats together with your faithful dog, meet your brother and talk with him, after which you go to bed with a calm soul. Having awakened and realized that you were attacked, bravely scatter the adversaries in the corners and talk with your mother, then go down to the main hall. Carry out a systematic clearing of the room there and go outside through one of the doors and make your way to the already familiar kitchen. After talking with your dying father there, agree to join Duncan and go to Ostagar.

Elf – Urban
After the unpleasantly interrupted wedding, talk to Duncan and Valendrian. Having found out from them the reason for what happened, go to bring justice to the castle of Denerim. Entering through the servants' door, having previously chopped up all the guards, get hold of alcohol and poison (you will get fire water in the kitchen, and poison in the pantry). Use this potion to poison three more soldiers and move on to meet the kidnapper Vaughan. After killing him, escort the girls home and accept Duncan's invitation to join the Gray Guardians.
Elf – Dalish
When faced with a squad of people, deal with them together with your friend and go to the ruins. There, having reached the mirror room, you will meet an unfriendly creature, defeating which and approaching the mirror, you will wake up in your camp. After chatting with Duncan, first go to the elder's student, and then return to the ruins, destroying everyone in your path. In the mirror room, after talking with Duncan again, go back and tell the elder everything. Now you can safely go to Ostagar.

Elf – Mage
This plot fully corresponds to the story of the Man - Magician, so there is no point in repeating it again.

So, having reached Ostagar, the first thing I recommend is that you thoroughly look around and wander around the surrounding area. Having completed this task, go in search of Alistair - a new companion in your difficult endeavors. Having interrupted his intellectual dispute with the magician, accompany your new acquaintance to Duncan, from whom you will receive the task of collecting three flasks of demonic blood and getting old scrolls from the guards’ archives. Now, together with Alistair and two other party members, go to the swamps, where your squad will first be attacked by wolves, and then by those very demonic creatures whose blood you need to get. Having completed the first task, I recommend that you wander through the swamps in search of a red and white flower (if you are not playing as a noble person). When you find it, give the plant to the owner of the kennel in Ostagar. The reward for this will be the fighting dog Mabari (it will become available at the end of this game segment). Having reached the ruins of an old tower located somewhere in the center of the swamp, your squad will encounter fierce resistance from all sorts of evil spirits. This is not surprising, because the sought-after scrolls should be stored in the chest, which stands in the middle of the ruins. But they are not there, since they have already been privatized by the family contract of the witches - Flemeth and Morrigan. After a tactful conversation, you will not only be handed the manuscripts, but also sent back to the city. After meeting with Duncan and going through the initiation ceremony, go to King Kaylan from whom you will receive a new task. You will need to cross the bridge and light a signal fire on the tower, which has already been captured by enemies. Make your way upstairs, chopping enemies into fine vinaigrette until you reach the fourth floor. Here I strongly recommend that you concentrate, since on the last floor of the tower a hefty animal is waiting for you, responding to the nickname of an ogre. The advice for destroying it is quite simple - have plenty of healing potions with you and under no circumstances gather your squad together. If you do this, then in one attack the org will be able to inflict huge damage on all your comrades. Having dealt with the monster, light the torch, thereby completing the mission. Having woken up in Flemeth’s house and learned bad news from her, you have no choice but to go to the village of Lothering together with Alistair and Morrigan, who agreed to help your squad. By the way, if you got a flower in the swamps and gave it to the owner of the kennel, then along the way you will meet the Mabari dog fighting with several spawn of darkness. By helping the animal, you will find a loyal ally until the end of the game.

Before you have time to enter the village, a bunch of extortionists will stand in the way of your squad, demanding money for passage. There is no need to stand on ceremony with them - take them all and chop them into cabbage. In the village, a bunch of side quests await you, but if you want to immediately move further along the storyline, then head to the inn. There you will have a small fight with Loghain's soldiers. If you show mercy to them, another character named Leliana will join your party. After this, heading towards the exit from Lothering, you will encounter a man named Stan locked in a cage. If you want to release him for good behavior, then you will have to go to the local church and ask the abbess for leniency towards the prisoner. This can be done in different ways - from bribery to threats, but if Leliana has joined you, then Stan will be released automatically. As a whole private company, go to the exit from the village, where your squad will have to provide all possible assistance to two nosy gnomes who are fighting off the attacks of evil spirits. In return, you will have the opportunity to sell the junk accumulated during your adventures at a rest stop.

Then you are free to choose which regions to go to first. The order in which missions are completed does not play a fundamental role, but your humble servant went through the storyline of the game in the following sequence.

Mage Circle Tower
Once you reach the pier, persuade a man named Carroll to take you to the tower. Once you get there, you will learn from Gregor that things are going badly in the towers and if your squad enters there, the doors behind them will immediately close until peace and quiet and God’s grace sets in (keep this in mind in order to stock up on the necessary things in advance) . Immediately after entering the tower, you will be met by a squad of surviving magicians led by a person named Winn. Persuade her to join your ranks and together with her systematically make your way to the fourth floor of the tower. The first floor does not present any particular difficulties to pass, but on the second floor there are quite dangerous blood mages roaming around. In addition to them, you can meet the pacified Owain there and get a black grimoire, which Morrigan will like. On the third floor, among other things, beware of crazy templars and placed bear traps. But on the fourth, get ready to meet the demon of Idleness, who will send your hero into the darkness, and alone without the support of the team.

Finding yourself alone, get ready for a fight with Duncan and his comrades. After defeating them, activate the Twilight Zone pedestal and talk to Niall. Now travel through the shadow portal to meet the rage demon. As a reward for winning, you will be given the ability to turn into a mouse. In this guise, we return back to Niall and click on the shadow pedestal. Five new directions will become available to you. First, go to the burning tower. Here you will be met by a lot of fiery creatures, so the freezing spell will come in handy. Go up to the second floor, where, among other things, destroy the fire demon and gain the ability to transform into a burning man. Now you are not afraid of fire. Go to the location called Invasion of the Darkspawn. Now that you can ignore the flames, you can easily reach the hall in which the brave templar fights all sorts of scum. Help him cope with them, and he will present you with a form of spirit as a sign of gratitude. Well, go to get the last form in a location called the fragmented circle. Move forward and systematically take out all the enemies you come across, feet first. Your goal is to go up to the second floor, where 2 golems are waiting for you, which, of course, you will have to kill. Congratulations, you have obtained the final golem form!

Now you can safely go to clean up the Twilight Zone, destroying all the older demons in turn. The first of them, Slaveren, is waiting for you in the same location where you found your last form, with the help of which you can easily defeat him. The next candidate for corpses is Utkiel the Destroyer, who closely resembles an ogre, lives in the invasion of the creatures of darkness. Having scattered his minions in the corners, you will defeat this bastard too. Returning to Niall, enter the ghostly door and fight a lady named Jovena, as well as her two suitors. Don't forget about the burning tower area! The demon Ragos is waiting for you there. In fact, this enemy is much inferior to your Burning Man form, so killing him won't take much effort. The last guard on the path to the demon of idleness will be a certain Vereville, who lives in the templar’s ​​nightmare. Now you can free your comrades, scattered across locations called a nightmare. Just convince them that everything around is just an illusion, and they can join you in order to help defeat the demon of idleness. This will not be easy to do, so get ready for a long and exhausting battle. In it, your opponent will repeatedly change his appearance, so don’t yawn and transform into the necessary forms.

Mage Circle Tower
Having dealt with the adversary, you will be transported back to the tower, where the first thing you will do is looting - remove an extremely useful thing called the Litany of Andralla from Niall’s body. Before the stairs to the top, you will have to talk with the templar Cullen, who offers to finish off all the surviving magicians. Whether you agree to this or not is up to you, although you can abstain. At the top, another enemy, Uldred, is waiting for you. Besides his ability to transform into a giant demon, he can also turn the remaining mages against you. To prevent this from happening, use the selected Litany of Andralla on them. After victory, return to Gregor in the company of Cullen or Irving to secure his promise of help in the final battle against evil. After walking around the tower to your heart's content, head to the village of Redcliffe.

The first person you will meet in this area will be a certain Thomas, who will tell you about all the horrors happening in the village. Having entered the main temple, you will see Ban Tegan and discuss with him the sad state of affairs. He will ask you to help the local mayor Murdoch and the knight of Perth organize the defense. First, go to the mayor, who will direct you to the blacksmith Owen, so that he can tidy up his worn-out uniforms. Having reached his house and persuaded the blacksmith to do the work in exchange for a promise to find his missing daughter, return to Murdock. Now go to the mill for a rendezvous with Sir Pert. He will ask you to go to Mother Hana to bless the upcoming battle. There is nothing to do, satisfy his pious whim. Having done this, return to the knights and wait for darkness (for it to come, click on the corresponding inscription in the conversation). As night falls, the battle will begin. After you have repelled several attacks from animated skeletons, you will be informed that things are going badly in the church area and you need help there. Go to a given position and continue crushing the living bones in a new place. After the battle, talk to Bann Teagan and go to the castle in search of Eamon and Connor in the company of Eamon's wife Isolde. Go down into the dungeon through the entrance located in the mill and, after passing through a short corridor (along the way you can decide the fate of Jovan imprisoned in a cage), you will find yourself inside the castle. Here, in addition to the next portion of opponents, you will also find the lost daughter of the blacksmith. Don't babysit her and send her on her own to her dad. Once out into the courtyard, immediately open the gate so that your allies arrive in time to help you defeat another company of ghouls. Going upstairs, you will see the desired Connor and Ban Tegan. Both of these characters are clearly out of their minds, and Tegan will also rush at you with bad intentions. Having dealt with him, take care of the main problem in the person of Connor. The best option (although not the only one) to solve this problem is to ask for help from a circle of magicians. Since it has already been completed earlier, Irving will immediately agree to help. You are required to enter the twilight and fight the demon that has possessed Connor. Having expelled him, you have to find a way to heal his father, Eamon. To complete this task you will have to go to the city of Denerim.

First, go to the house of Jenitevi's brother, who, alas, will not be there. But on the threshold you will be met by his assistant Waylon, who will inform you that the person you are looking for has set sail for the area of ​​Lake Kalenhard. If you try to talk to this dubious person or simply go to the back door of the house, the impostor will give himself away and attack your hero. In a popular form, having explained how he was wrong, you will find in the back room the body of Geniveti’s real assistant, as well as information that you need to look for him in a village called shelter. There is nothing to do, follow in the given direction.

It cannot be said that in this outback they are very happy about the appearance of your squad, so do not waste time and immediately go to the chapel. There, after a short conversation with Father Eirik, send him to the next world, as well as his comrades who came to his aid. Take the medallion from Eirik's corpse and in the next room behind the secret passage you will find brother Jenitevi, who will invite you to go to the destroyed temple.

Destroyed Temple

Once inside the temple using the medallion, get ready for a warm welcome with a whole bunch of enemies. Robbers, cultist magicians, and spirits of ash in the company of archers live here. Your goal is to get to the rooms of the cultists, in one of which you will get the key to the previously locked door. Go back and go to a previously inaccessible area, where you will find another key. Open another door for them and, walking forward a little, you will find yourself at a fork. Which path you choose does not matter. In any case, your squad will encounter a new batch of opponents, among which there will be large and small dragons. After dealing with these dinosaur relatives and collecting trophies, you will meet the cult leader Kolgrim. Here you can choose from two options - agree with his proposal or go for a banal murder. It’s easier to choose the second option, and besides, you’ll get hold of a signal horn. Now, with a clear conscience, get to the surface. Ignore the flying dragon (although you can use the captured horn to challenge it to battle) and go into the next building. Here the guardian will meet you and enter into a lengthy discussion with you. Don't lose your temper and you'll easily be able to move on to the testing room. Here you will be asked riddles. If you answer everything correctly, you will move on unhindered; if you make a mistake, you will have to wave your sword. In the next room, your evil doubles are waiting for you, after the battle with them you will have to solve another puzzle. To solve it, simply place your teammates as indicated in the screenshots, gradually moving the main character forward along the bridge.

When one hero crosses the abyss, the rest can do the same. In the next room you need to take off your equipment so that you can go further. Now we take the coveted sacred ashes and leave the caves. Enter the temple again and make Brother Genitivi happy, then return to Redcliffe Castle, where you will heal Eamon and enlist his support in the final battle. All that remains is to negotiate with the gnomes, the road to which runs through the frosty mountains.

Frosty Mountains
On the way to the gnome capital Orzamar, you will encounter another group of hunters for other people's property. I think that you yourself have guessed what exactly needs to be done with them. Once you reach the city gates, you will witness a verbal altercation between the guards of Orzamar and a group of Loghain's men. You can kill a squad of homo sapiens, or persuade them to leave here.

When you enter the city, first of all discuss current affairs with the head of the council, Bandelor, who is located in the diamond district. During the conversation, it turns out that your squad will have to take one of two sides in order to prevent unrest in the city. You can seat Harrumont or Prince Belen on the throne. Since your further actions will differ depending on the chosen side, I will describe both scenarios.

If you decide to support Lord Harrumont, then after talking with his representative, you will find out that two brave fighters do not want to side with Harrumont in the testing arena. You will have to have an educational conversation with them. The first of them, Gviddon, will have enough of your eloquence, but Bayzil will balk and demand in exchange for his consent to bring him the letters stored in the indicated place. There is nothing complicated in this order, so when you bring what you need to Bayzil, he will agree to participate in the fights. True, you will also have to wave your sword in the arena, and not just once, but as many as 5 times. Having emerged victorious from all the fights, go to the local tavern, after which you will be granted an audience with Lord Harrumont.

If you choose Belen's side, you will again have to talk with the candidate for the throne not directly, but through an intermediary. He will instruct you to act as a messenger and take incriminating correspondence to Lord Helmy and Lady Days. With the first, everything is simple - he is resting in a tavern and, after reading the letter, immediately agrees to take Belen’s side. With the lady you find in the diamond area, things are a little more complicated. She will send you to her father. Follow the indicated area, completely teeming with various evil spirits. Help Lord Dace fight them off and hand him the letter. After this, go back and receive an invitation to Prince Belen.

Whichever side you accept, further instructions will be the same. Go to a dusty city and deal with a gang led by a certain Jarvia. On the main square of this seedy town, talk to Nadezhda, sitting by the fire. She will point you to a door through which bandits regularly pass; all that remains is to get the key to it. It is located in a nearby shack, where you will be greeted by a small enemy squad. Having dealt with him and taking the key, use it to unlock the closed door. When faced with a guard naively demanding a password from your team, cut it off and move on, destroying everyone in your path. Once you reach the prison, free the prisoners and go forward to meet Jarvia. The battle with her will not be easy, due to her bullish health and the large number of minions getting under your feet. Finally, having defeated the beast, return to bow to the pretender to the throne for a new task.

And it will not be easy at all. The essence of the order is as follows. You need to find such a super female blacksmith named Branka, since it is she who has the decisive vote in choosing the new king. To complete this mission, you will have to go to a location called the deep paths, where at the very beginning of your journey you will meet the husband of the desired heroine, Ogren, who will join your group. Having reached the Karidina crossroads and dealt with your opponents, go into the cave, after which you will find yourself in a large hall. The number of enemies in this zone is simply off the charts, and on the bridge your invincible squad will be warmly greeted by an ogre who arrives in time. After passing the hall, go through the tunnel, cutting down everyone in your path, you will finally reach Teiga Ortan.

Having visited this location, you will encounter extremely unpleasant opponents in the form of giant spiders. The only good thing is that arachnids attack not only brave heroes, but also supporters of dark forces, which you will witness when you reach the large hall. Clear out the remnants of the surviving adversaries and go through the corridor, after which you will find yourself in another room with a new batch of opponents. Also, here you will meet a half-crazy gnome, Rook, with whom you can talk. Drive forward like a bulldozer and pretty soon you will meet the mother of this entire spider brood. I advise you to use various inhibitory spells more often in this fight in order to reduce the boss’s irrepressible jumping ability. After the victory, read Branka's diary, from which it becomes clear that your further path lies in dead ditches.

Once you reach the bridge, you will witness the brave resistance of the dwarves to the forces of darkness. Help them deal with the hordes of adversaries, and then cross the bridge freed from enemies and run to the gate. Since they are closed, you will have to go around through a side tunnel. By the way, after rummaging around a little, you will find a set of armor of the dead legion. Having gone a little further and finding yourself in another large hall, you will be subject to targeted fire from archers. In addition, their leader has a particularly powerful bow, which will make further battles a little easier for you. Nearby in the tomb you will find another piece of armor, after which you can safely continue your path forward to the hall where animated skeletons live, and another piece of armor awaits you in one of the coffins. After wandering through the corridors, you will meet a crazy woman who will tell you that Branca has moved on. Blow into the temple of the dead legion, in which you will find the last piece of armor and the key to the door leading out of the dead moat area. Behind the door, find the medallion lying in the coffin, and destroy the ghosts that have flown out of nowhere. Well, now get ready to fight the new boss! Chopping up this overgrown octopus is neither easy nor quick. The main thing is not to attack him head-on, but rather start by destroying the tentacles. When the miracle Yudo loses his limbs, he can (and should) move into close combat. After defeating the boss and going into the next tunnels, you will unexpectedly meet Branka. Now you need to escort her to an artifact called the anvil of the wasteland. Your squad will overcome new corridors without any problems until they find themselves in a room filled with gas and inhabited by four golems. First, turn off the gas by activating the valves on the sides, and then deal with the opponents one by one. After passing through the next room, in which golems are also waiting for you, you will find yourself in a hall where you will be attacked by the spirits of gnomes, animated by a mask on the column. To cope with this witchcraft, after each destruction of the spirit, you will have to hammer on the anvil standing right there. After seven or eight repetitions of this exercise, you will be able to begin the final (by God, I’m not lying!) fight in this location. Here the game again gives you a choice of which side to take. If you support Branca, you will have to fight against Caridin and his four associates. On your side will be Branka herself and 4 more golems. If Karidin sympathizes, he will have to cope with his own forces with the support of three golems against Branka and her four stone assistants. Whoever you choose, in the end, you will be given the perfect crown and sent on your way. With the trophy you have received, you will go straight to Orzamar to perform the coronation of your chosen heir. By the way, no one is stopping you from changing your previously made decision and placing any of the two contenders on the throne. Having restored the monarchy and enlisted the support of the newly-made ruler, it’s time to stomp into the Brecilian Forest to free the Dalish from the invasion of werewolves.

Brecilian forest
Upon entering the forest, you will immediately be stopped and escorted for a conversation to the elder Zatrian, who will tell you that his fellow tribesmen are being attacked by werewolves and therefore the elves have no time to help you now. It’s another matter if your squad, out of the kindness of their hearts, copes with the leader of the werewolves living in the depths of the forest. Having agreed to complete this task, be prepared to exterminate not only werewolves, but also the already well-known spawn of darkness. True, a little later your squad will meet one of the leaders of the talking wolves, with whom, with a certain amount of eloquence, you can part ways peacefully. Further, having made your way to the edge, you will meet extremely unfriendly Ents. When the enraged trees are turned into sawdust, your party will be able to get to their leader, who is quite peaceful. This huge oak tree will ask you to bring him an acorn that was stolen from him by some crazy person. On the way to the eastern part of the forest, you will meet a dying female werewolf who will ask you to give the scarf to her husband. Take it - it can help you get through. The elderly kidnapper is located in the hermit's clearing in the northeastern part of the forest. You will have several ways to take the acorn from him. For example, exchange it for some other item (a previously received scarf will do). Although I personally preferred the option of killing this forest pest. We return with the loot to the oak tree and give it the stolen acorn. In return, he will provide you with a magic staff, allowing you to go into a previously closed area of ​​​​the forest, where you will be attacked by the already familiar local leader of the werewolves. Having dealt with him, go to the ruins in search of the most important ghoul.

Go down and systematically destroy the evil spirits crawling under your feet until you reach the large hall. Here you will have to fight the first serious dragon in the game. Before you start attacking the fire-breathing lizard, I strongly recommend disarming at least some of the traps, which are found in abundance here. It is best to harass the adversary himself with the help of ice spells, keeping magicians and archers at as great a distance as possible. In addition to a significant reward for victory, your group will be able to advance to the second level of the ruins. Here, skeletons will also join the spiders, and when you reach the next hall, you will encounter the ghost of a child, who, however, does not pose a danger. Having gone out into the corridor and having reached the fork, it is more advisable to turn right. By the way, right there you can find a blue crystal, with the help of which you can obtain the specialization of a combat Mage in the next room with the altar. Having overcome a couple more rooms stuffed with traps and enemies, your invincible armada will have to battle with a creature called witchcraft horror. He is absolutely nothing terrible, so when you have mastered him, bravely dive into the lake and get ready to find yourself in a werewolf lair.

There will be a small battle with shaggy enemies, after which you can get an audience with the leader of the werewolves. Once again, the game gives you the freedom to choose the side you will fight for. Having decided to support werewolves, you, in the company of a fanged company, will go to the elf camp and organize a massive genocide there. If you support the elves, your group will have to seriously reduce the number of wolf shifters. Well, the most profitable solution would be the option of removing the spell from the long-suffering inhabitants of the forest. To do this, you will have to bring Zatrian to the lair and strongly persuade him to do a good deed. After this, return to the elf camp (if you did not slaughter it on the werewolves' side) and obtain a promise from Zathrian's successor Lanae to help you in the final battle, which is just around the corner.

But before you enter it, you have to go to Radcliffe Castle, where Earl Eamona decides to hold a general meeting to elect a supreme ruler. However, all the main actions will take place in Denerim, where you will move after a conversation with Lord Radcliffe.

When talking with Loghain, I strongly recommend choosing the most loyal and streamlined phrases, and most importantly, you should not mention Alistair in the conversation if you want to put him on the throne. After finishing the dialogue, you can safely go to Earl Eamon’s office, where the queen’s maid will tell you that her mistress was kidnapped by Earl Howe and is being held in the mansion against her will. Embark on a rescue expedition to rescue Her Majesty from the mansion of Earl Denerim. On the way to the estate, local punks will attack you, so be prepared for such a turn of events. Having reached the house, you will understand that you will not be able to break through the front doors, so, following the advice of the maid, go around to the back entrance, fighting a group of guards along the way. Next, you can wait until the queen’s maid distracts the guards’ attention from the back entrance, or you can brazenly break in and cut everyone off. True, I highly recommend that you walk around the mansion using a disguise. Otherwise, a tour of the estate will be too bloody. Having reached the queen's room, it turns out that a magical seal has been placed on the door, preventing her from leaving. Now go to Howe's room, where you can get hold of interesting documents stored in the chest and try to break into the treasury located nearby. From the office, go straight down to the basement, where you will come face to face with the guard. However, you won’t have to engage in battle, since the quick captive will quickly strangle him and change into a trophy uniform. From this moment on, the disguise ceases to work and you have no choice but to fight with each of the opponents you encounter. Also, do not hesitate to free prisoners from captivity along the way. A little later you will meet Earl Howe. Howe himself does not pose a serious threat, but with two magicians you will have to tinker a little. Having dealt with him, return to the queen’s room and lead her out. However, Loghain’s people will already be waiting for you there, who will offer you to surrender.

If you choose this option for yourself, be prepared for the forced release of the hero from prison (on your own or with the help of your loyal comrades). In the company of comrades, you will just have to break through the fort’s guards and get to the cell in which the main character is imprisoned. The reverse is exactly the same. The self-release option is more elegant. First you need to lure the guard into your cell and take possession of the coveted keys there. Next, get first to the chest with your equipment, and then to the mannequin with the guard’s uniform. Now you need to get the password. This is not at all difficult to do if you have the skill of pickpocketing. Just steal the piece of paper with the password from the pocket of one of the guards. If you do not have such talents, then after meeting with the colonel and talking with two recruits, go to the quartermaster and threaten him with problems with the colonel, after which he will give out the blades. After talking with the colonel again and answering his question: “No discipline,” go to the exit, where you will find out the password from one of the guards - “Rabbit.” Now go to Eamon's mansion.

If you do not want to surrender, you will have to fight Loghain’s people, and then go to Eamon’s mansion and talk with him and the queen, from whom you can enlist support at the upcoming council.

It's time to visit the Elyphian Region, but before that, visit the local tavern and talk with the previously freed prisoners.

Elifia District
After learning that the elves are suffering from the plague, go to the main square, where you will meet a character named Shianni. From her you will learn about the existence of a dubious hospital, behind whose walls strange things happen. Having entered this establishment from the back door, having previously killed the guard, we explore the premises of the hospital and find a letter there. After this, we get out into the fresh air, scattering several opponents there, and talk to Shianni again. Now she sends you to a house near the hospital. Make your way through this building, defeating a small group of soldiers, and then head into the storage areas. There you will meet another elf named Devera, who better convince her that fighting with you is a futile task. Moving forward with her and killing small riffraff along the way, you will reach the main villain of the local spill, Caladrius. You don’t have to fight him at all, but you can simply agree on a deal in which he will provide you with incriminating evidence on Loghain, and you will let him leave. However, if you choose a forceful solution to the issue, you will get what you want, especially since this mini-boss is not very difficult. After leaving the room and talking with Shianni, go to the land meeting.

Land Assembly
During the debates, do not let Loghain down and fight off his attacks against you. Also, do not forget to mention the threat posed by the creatures of darkness. If you have secured the support of the right allies before the council in advance, then you should not have any big problems. Realizing that he lost the election, your opponent will become furious and attempt a coup. Pacify this endeavor in the bud, after which you will have to fight Loghain one on one. This is not an easy task, since your opponent is a skilled fighter with good armor. A magician is best suited for the role of a duelist with him, due to his ability to use paralyzing magic. The fighters will have a hard time, but a large number of healing potions will help them. After defeating your opponent, you can choose one of three options - kill him, spare him, or spare him and turn him into “Gray Guardians”. Depending on the decision made, the game will provide you with various options for dividing the throne, from which you can choose any one you wish. So, the kingdom is united, it's time to enter the final battle!

Final battle
First, head to the familiar Redcliffe, which has already been attacked by the Archdemon’s minions. All the survivors took refuge in the castle, where you actually need to go. The walk to the estate will be easy, because you will not meet any serious opponents along the way. Unless a lost ogre wanders into the castle courtyard by mistake and this will be his fatal mistake. Having broken into the castle, talk with Eamon and Riordan and learn from them that the Archdemon’s army has decided to deliver the main blow to Denerim, so the whole honest company will have to return back. Riordan will also report that only the “Gray Guardian” can defeat the main adversary, and even then at the cost of his life. Don't rush to get upset! In a conversation with Morrigan, you learn that you have a chance to survive the final battle if you “help” the charming witch get pregnant from you. If you are playing as a female character, then you will need to persuade Alistair or Loghain to do this procedure. However, you can refuse this tempting offer. In this case, your hero will die at the end of the game, and the disgruntled Morrigan will leave your squad immediately. Having gone to Denerim in the morning and hacked up all the goons in its vicinity, go to talk to Riordan. Here, in addition to the assignment to find and destroy two enemy generals in the company of 3 comrades, you will gain access to the forces that were promised to you as support in the final battle during the game. Which armies will be available depends on the decisions made earlier. They can be used by one squad at each game location, so use them sparingly and profitably.

To begin with, go in search of the first general in the elfinage, where you will meet with Shianna, who will report that the barricades are about to break down. Go to the aid of the defenders of the area and destroy all the small riffraff from behind the barricades, but take a close look at the general who is left alone, surrounding him from all sides. Any army specializing in close combat would be well suited for this task (Radcliffe's army or werewolves would be just right). Now go to the market square, where the second brave general is waiting, surrounded by loyal ogres. The principle of its elimination is exactly the same, so you shouldn’t have any problems.

Having dealt with this sweet couple, move to the palace quarter, where after watching the video it will become clear that your path lies in Fort Dragon. On the way to it, it makes sense to send another army forward so that it can help deal with detachments of various evil spirits. True, before storming the fort you will have to repel wave-like enemy attacks from the gates of Denerim. After this, you can safely break into the fort. On its first floor, only small riffraff are waiting for you, which can be easily exterminated from a distance, but on the second floor you will have to tinker a little, since more serious rivals are crowded there. Although, there is no point in focusing specifically on them - as the game progresses, you had to participate in more difficult battles. Finally, go up to the roof and take a deep breath, you will have a final fight with the main villain of the game - the Archdemon dragon.

When fighting him, don't hesitate to use your best powers (mages, golems or elves). Watch his movements carefully. As soon as he decides to breathe fire or rises up, try to have time to withdraw your people from the affected area. When his life level drops below 50%, he will begin to call upon his minions in huge numbers for help, and with his last breath he will make walking bombs out of them, exploding the unfortunate ones near your allies. Sooner or later he will run out of strength, and he will fall to the ground dead.
So you have completed the game Dragon Age: Origins and I hope that this description has helped you with this.

And we also have

A child doesn't need a good father. He needs a good teacher. And a good friend to a person. And for a woman - a loved one. And in general, let’s talk better about track stitches.

Arkady and Boris Strugatsky, “Distant Rainbow”

It's not just the Blight that threatens the peace of Ferelden. Hundreds of scum of all stripes raised their heads, expecting the end of the world. We can either join them or punish the scoundrels. And so that you are sure not to miss a single opportunity, we have compiled a list of additional tasks that have not yet been discussed on our pages.

  • Ostagar and the Wild Lands - the beginning of the story
  • Lothering - the living dead city
  • Circle of Magicians - magical secrets
  • Redcliffe - universal appeal
  • Vault - Classic Easter Egg
  • Brecilian Forest - traces of corruption
  • Orzammar - Thieves and Their Prey
  • Denerim - quest series
  • Guilds - find everything
  • Sheila - rugged beauty

Let's start with the backstories of our heroes. In each case, we will be able to complete several additional tasks, but they are simple - training ones. You can even skip them and go straight to Ostagar. However, painstaking exploration of the initial territories will bring you not only money, experience and some equipment. At the very beginning, when the hero is very young and inexperienced, you can learn a lot of interesting things about the world that you won’t be able to find out later. So we advise you to look into all corners, at least at first.

Each background story will bring you something useful and make your path easier. A noble man will receive a dog, a Dalish man will receive a good bow... in a word, to each his own. But there is one hero who will have a much easier time at the start than the others. This is the noble dwarf - he leaves with Duncan, jingling more than twenty gold pieces in his pocket! Well, let's go after them.

Ostagar and the Wild Lands

Sick dog

Dwarven politics

Talk to the huntsman in the camp and he will tell you about a sick mabari who swallowed tainted blood. To cure him, you need a special flower that grows in the wild lands of Korcari. According to the plot, you will still have to visit there, so feel free to agree. Look in the ruins a couple of meters from the place where you will meet a wounded soldier. The cured dog will join you after the Battle of Ostagar, if you have not yet acquired a pet.

Hungry Prisoner

In the camp, an unfortunate soldier is hanging in a cage. Not only are they not letting him out, but they are also not feeding him. The poor guy will ask you to get him some food. Before giving consent and food, ask the prisoner why he was imprisoned. At the end of the story, you can demand the key to the magicians' chest from the prisoner. You can get food from the guard by convincing or bribing him. And the chest can be opened only after returning from the wild lands, when the pacified one leaves him.


You can trick the messenger Peak into getting a good sword. But first the boy must be caught - find him with the warriors of the ash, and then run after him.

Missionary Chest

Near the border of the wild lands you will find the body of the missionary Jogby. You can remove a letter from it with hints on where to find the treasure. Look for the chest in the south of the map.

Traces of chasing

In the west of the wild lands there is an abandoned parking lot and a chest containing a magazine. Read it and follow the mark that appears. A chain of such traces will lead you to the treasure.

Last will

The dog plays the role of a psychoanalyst

The professor is sleeping - the students are happy

In the center of the wasteland you will come across the corpse of Rigby. The will describes where his belongings are hidden: in an abandoned camp west of the body. Having dug up the casket, you can either open it or take it to the widow Jetta. She is waiting for you at Redcliffe Church.

Demon from the Ashes

On the corpse of a soldier, not far from the Garlock emissary, lies a bag of ash and a piece of paper with a local legend. The legend is true, and by pouring the ashes onto the pile of stones northwest of the bridge, you will summon Gazarath, the “orange” demon of wrath. Good trophies await the winners.


Create three poultices/traps/bottles of poison

The tasks are of the same type, taken from Miriam, Allison and Barlin, respectively. There is nothing complicated, you just need the appropriate skills and components, which are bought from Barlin and collected on the map.

Dead Templar

At the entrance to the location after the battle with the bandits, you will find the corpse of a templar. The things from it must be taken to Ser Donall in the church.

On a note: in the same church, you should reveal to Sir Brian that you are a gray guard and ask for help. He will give you the key to the poultice cabinet.

Preacher board

If you complete all four tasks from the local preacher board, you will receive a nice sword as a reward.

Circle of Mages


On the first floor of the tower, in the library, you can perform several summoning exercises. To do this, find two halves of the book: in the library and next to the stairs to the next floor. Complete all three rituals and the task will be completed. But that is not all. Repeat the steps of all three rituals in a row and activate the fourth summoning flame - it is located in the room where the second half of the book was. A creature will appear and quickly disappear. You can steal it by getting the note. But that's not all! On the preacher's board, you can later take on a quest that talks about disappearing travelers. It turns out that the demon we summoned decided to profit. We kill him, take the trophies, inform the preacher and go to pour out the pangs of conscience with ale.

The main character makes it clear with all her appearance how much she wants to be a gray guardian and save the world

Apparently, this is the only way Ogren sees us all...

Guardian of the Limit

What dwelling of magicians is complete without secrets? We definitely have it in our tower. To solve the puzzle, you need to find several student notes: a couple in the students’ rooms, another in the library, two lie next to Owain and the blood mages, and finally, one will be in the main hall. Now activate three statues in the large hall - a statue with a bowl, with a raised sword, a lowered sword - and a statue with a spear (it is in another room, in the center of the floor). Go down to the first floor, go to the place where you met Wynn, and try to go to the basement. Kill the guard and pick up a great sword that will help you, for example, defeat Flemeth.

Chest Jenny

In the office of the main sorcerer you will find not only Flemeth's grimoire, but also a small chest. It can be delivered to a house in the Denerim Market District near Curiosities of Thedas. If, of course, you picked up the note about Red Jenny after meeting Zevran. As a reward, you will receive money, but not a drop of information about this mysterious box.

Enchanted Templar

On the fourth floor you will meet a templar possessed by the demon of desire. If you attack them, you will get some good trophies, but if you let them go... you will most likely not see them again, but there is a small chance of meeting them on the map above the mountain of corpses: the demons will satisfy their insatiable hunger. They can’t avoid reprisals here!


Gathering troops

Bann Tegan gives us a plot task (which has several additional ones): prepare the village for a siege. To do this you need to talk to Pert and Murdoch. The first one will ask you to bring him amulets. We will receive them from mother in the local church. In addition, in the shop you can find a bunch of barrels of oil. Perth needs to be told about them too.

Murdoch will ask you to bring more warriors and get weapons for them. The ranks of “volunteers” can be joined by the gnome Dwinn, if you persuade him well. The local tavern will bring us several recruits at once. First of all, there is a suspicious elf at the table. Your robbers will help you discover his spy essence. The innkeeper himself, Lloyd, will go after the elf, and he will have to be threatened. But it’s better to first ask the waitress Bella and the men in the tavern about their lives. You can promise to help the waitress, and for the defenders you can bargain for free ale from Lloyd. You can beg a weapon from a blacksmith, promising him to save your daughter.

Pestilence came to one noble noble family

Spectacular lighting makes Stan even more convincing

Blacksmith's Daughter

You will find it in the castle, in a small storage room on the first floor.

Hidden boy

Caitlin is standing in the church, asking to find her missing brother. He hid at home, in the closet. After questioning the boy, we learn about the family sword, which can be either appropriated or returned.


If you play as a magician, you are able to independently enter the shadows to free the son of Eamon. The demon will offer a deal. You can get an extra spell point, a blood mage specialization, a “forbidden pleasure” with a demon... Please note that the choice will affect the ending of the story.


In the village itself, as well as in the temple, there are no additional tasks (except perhaps the delivery of scrolls to the church of Denerim), but there is a very funny “Easter egg”, which can already be considered a classic of role-playing games. After finishing the story quest, return to the village and go to the local cemetery. You will probably like the epitaphs. Here are just a few of them:

    Cheryl isn't here. She was cremated.

    “I can do an ax too” - Jim, the sword swallower.

    Multiplayer with love.

    Great-great-great-grandfather Gygax.

To play as Sheila, you need to download the separate Stone Guardian module. Let's get to know this dangerous girl better.

Gifts for Sheila
Present Where to look
Magnificent amethyst The dusty city of Orzammar, Alimara market
Magnificent diamond Common Halls of Orzammar, Trader Garin
Magnificent emerald Orzammar Community Halls, Figor's Shop
Magnificent sapphire Common Halls of Orzammar, Trader Legnar
Magnificent malachite Circle Tower, Quartermaster
Magnificent Garnet Denerim Trade District, Wonders of Thedas Shop
Magnificent ruby Elfinage, Alarita shop
Magnificent Jade Cellar of a house in Honnlite
Magnificent topaz Frost Mountains, Trader Farin

Sheila is a former dwarf who became a golem. She manages to combine femininity (for example, she wants to sew red shoes) and feigned rudeness (“Let's go crush a couple of heads”). In general, jokes on the topic of the golem’s “hermaphroditism” are perhaps the most interesting in the entire game. By the way, she hates all birds without exception, which she constantly reminds of (“I don’t believe in the Creator. After all, an intelligent being would never create birds! What was he thinking?!”).

In combat, Sheila is a true all-rounder. She can be a hitter, a shooter, a controller, and even a support. In the last incarnation (the branch of stances) it is most effective. It is almost impossible to destroy a group consisting of a standing golem, a healer, a mage and a warrior with a two-handed weapon. There is only one inconvenience: moving our talisman takes some time.

As you can see from the table, there are no special gifts for her, but you can easily make her happy by dressing her in crystals for the first time.

Personal quest is associated with memory restoration. Sheila is curious about who she was before she became a golem. The quest can be obtained after talking with Perfect Caridin, according to the plot. To complete it, go to the Kadash teig that appears on the map of deep paths. Go through the teig all the way to the heroine’s statue.

Brecilian Forest

Bitten wife

In the Dalish camp, talk to Atras. His wife was bitten by werewolves and everyone says she's dead, but he doesn't believe it. Danaila will be waiting for you near the northern entrance to the eastern forest. Unfortunately, it will not be possible to save her.

Iron bark

The gunsmith Varathorn will ask you to bring him rare ironwood bark, from which local craftsmen create magnificent equipment. The bark can be stripped from a fallen tree near the northern passage to the eastern forest. As a reward from the master, you can receive a bow, armor (or both, if you insist) or an amulet, if you refuse everything.

Elf in love

Last family photo. Very soon, most of them will not be alive - traitors are worse than evil...

Apparently, not only female characters are copied from popular people... And Eddie Murphy not only voiced the donkey from Shrek

Sick gall

In the camp, the caretaker of the Gauls, Elora, had a problem: one of her charges was sick. You can use survival to find out what the reason is, or you can convince the caretaker that the animal is incurably ill.

Bitten Elf

In the center of the western part of the forest, not far from the ogres, lies the wounded Deigan. He can be taken to the camp, healed, robbed, abandoned or killed. A wealth of choice - isn't that what we want from a good role-playing game?

On a note: if you first rob the elf and then send him to the camp, then he can return his things and restore relations.

Deadly dream

To the south of the Great Oak lies an abandoned but very cozy camp, in which you are tempted to relax... Having woken up, one or more members of your squad will begin a battle with the shadow that created the illusion. Defeat the demon and re-inspect the “cozy” rest stop.

This is interesting: After completing the story mission in the forests, go to the camp and talk to Leliana. She will play you a song from the main menu of the game.


Lost Son

The story is over. The hero stands on the road and thoughtfully looks at the sunset... But it’s too early for him to retire!

In the Common Halls we will come across Filda. Her son went to the deep paths and did not return. We will find the hand in the Ortan tag, it is connected with the plot - don’t miss it.


Berkel wants to open a church in Orzammar. You can help him with this by convincing the chronicler (in the hall of guardians) to give permission. The reward you will receive is meager, but this church will have a decisive influence on the fate of the world. And not the most favorable...

Dwarven magician

Dagna really wants to get into the circle of magicians. You can stop her by telling her father Jannar about his daughter’s plans, or you can help by talking to the first sorcerer, if, of course, he is alive. As a reward we will receive a good rune or lyrium. In addition, Dagna will become an outstanding scientist.

Search for Nagas

All his pets fled from the beater Bemor. You need to look for Nagas in the Community Halls, there are five of them in total. For each animal we get 25 silver coins. And if you talk to Leliana after this, she will admit that she really wants such an animal. You can get it in Dusty Town from an idle gnome for a modest fee. Now this “hedgehog” will live with you in the camp.


After receiving the first task from any of the contenders for the throne and leaving the Diamond Halls, you will see local bandits threatening the merchant Figor. If you follow them to the shop, you can help the merchant. If you settle the matter peacefully, he will thank you and stay to trade, but if you kill the robbers, then... he will scold you and run away.

Fights without rules

In the west of the Test Halls, in a small room there is a gunsmith who will offer to take part in the battles. The reward for each battle is trivial, but the ring that you receive after four victories is good for blood mages.

Unwanted child

In the Dusty City you can find an unfortunate dwarf who was kicked out of her family because she gave birth to a son from an untouchable. You can force her to get rid of her son, as her relatives want, or you can convince the latter that they are wrong and restore the family.

Dragon in the throne room

This is how you need to place two characters in the throne room to summon a dragon

If you run out of preparations and need to say something, it turns out like this

Dwarven architecture sometimes brings surprises. After studying the inscriptions on the throne, we will receive a note in the codex. Now you need to correctly position the squad members: one in the “dressing room” on a square in the center of the hall, and the other two in the throne room itself, in its southwestern part, on buttons that look like the end of an arrow. As the last character, we click on the throne again and get acquainted with the local prisoner.

The thieves

While running past the king's treasury, you will come across a group of thieves who were trying to dig a tunnel. Deal with them and receive a well-deserved reward from the guard who came running in response to the noise.


In one of the chambers for the nobility, you will meet the herbalist Vidron, standing by the bed of a dying lady. He will tell you that she was poisoned and ask her to make an antidote. After which he will give you a recipe, which will be the main reward.

Stolen book

The assistant chronicler in the Keeper's Halls wants us to find a valuable book that was recently stolen. The Dodger lives in Dusty City. Negotiations with the thief will reach a dead end... But a note picked up from the corpse will lead us to the bandits who are just carrying the tome to the buyer in the Test Halls. After the battle, the book can either be sold to the same buyer or returned to the custodians.

The Missing Bloodline

The gnome Orta believes that she comes from the noble house of Ortan, but bad luck: the records of her family tree disappeared in the teig of the same name. At least she didn’t find them in the Guardian Halls, which means nowhere else. The records really lie in the center of the teig, not far from the Ruka cave.

List of golems

In the room with the Void Anvil, there is a table that lists everyone who has become a golem. The names can be copied and taken to the chronicler.

Wanderers' treasure

Find four piles of stones in Caridin's Crossing:

    At the western exit to the map.

    Southwest of the bridge.

    Near the intersection of three roads.

    East of the Deep Hunter's Cave.

Our pet nag named Shmoples. They seemed to get along with the dog

After this, a mark with the tramp’s hiding place will appear on the map.

Legion's Honor

As soon as we collect all the pieces of the Dead Legion armor, we will be given the quest “Dead Castle”. Now we can get the emblem of the caste of the dead from the sarcophagus (in the legion room in the dead ditches) and take it to the chronicler. But before you leave the temple, dress someone in full armor and activate the Legion's Relic.

Overlander's Sword

In the deep paths you can get hold of one of the best one-handed swords - By the honor of the overlander. First, find a tomb in the Ortan taiga (southeast corner). Now we are looking for pieces:

    The pommel lies in the Ortan teig in a vase in the Ruka cave.

    The hilt can be removed from the corpse of the Genlock Emissary at the Caridina Crossroads (Genlock is waiting for you in the tunnel that goes from west to south).

    The blade is removed from the corpse of an ancient creature of darkness in the Dead Moats (on the bridge in the center of the map).

Once you find everything, return to the tomb.


In the charter's hideout we will acquire Jammer's diary, which talks about the treasure. We need to find three chests: Jammer himself, Kanka and Pique. From them we take out a silver ring for a dress, an iron letter opener and a garnet decoration. You can't take anything else! All that remains is to find the cache near the tamed brontos and open it.

Life of the Guardian

To receive the task, touch the wall of memories in the Halls of the Guardians. Now find three rune stones:

    Near the chief of miners in the Common Halls.

    In the southeastern caves of Caridina Crossroads.

    In the western of the central rooms in the Dead Moats.

We return to the wall of memories for the reward.

Torn Demon

Dwarves are thorough guys: if they destroy a demon, then they spread the pieces throughout all the lands: what if they grow together? You can collect these pieces on deep paths.

    Limbs in the north-west of the Educanov taiga.

    The body and head are at the Caridin Crossroads, in the southeast and northeast, respectively.

We take this to the altar in the Ortan taiga and revive the demon. We are faced with another choice - let him go for money or finish him off. This time it's final. What will you choose?


Help the law

Sergeant Kilown stands next to Blacksmith Wade's house. He will complain to his superiors and ask for help in dealing with crime. You can act either by force of persuasion or simply by force. If you want a high reward, listen to what the customer prefers.

Dark Deeds

We are trying to explain the idiot-
to the gnome that it is impossible to “fall into the sky.” Winn and I are still trying to get through, and Sheila offers... basically the same thing, but in a much faster way

Eamon has a great sense of beauty. In all his mansions you can find
real works of art

On the other side of the house, the forge is worth the sneaky Couldry. Only robbers will be able to meet him. He has two lines of tasks: for thieves and for burglars. Stealth will come in handy in both lines.

It is important: Do not forget to leave too visible companions in the camp for the duration of the mission.

Before the land meeting, we will be able to complete three thefts and two break-ins. Another theft and two break-ins followed. If your stealth is not at a master level, then money, persuasion and fists will help you in some tasks.


In one of the alleys (you will visit there when you exterminate bandits ordered by the church) you will find the corpse of Ser Frieden, who died trying to destroy the sect of blood mages. You can finish this noble deed - go to the abandoned house (a new location on the Denerim map) and slaughter the villains.


Evil has settled in the shelter in the Elfinage, as the templar Otto will tell you about. Collect some clues, including asking the elven girl sitting on the doorstep. After clearing the shelter, do not forget to return her amulet to the elf.

Prisoners of Howe

In the cellars of Earl Howe's estate you can find several prisoners at once.

    In the torture chamber, the son of Bann Sieghard is hanging on a rack, and as a reward he will stand up for you at the meeting.

    In prison, the templar Irminrik went crazy. Take his ring to Ban Alfstanna.

    Veteran Rexel also could not stand his captivity. You need to tell the preacher Rosamund about him.

Guild Quests

The tasks of most guilds (preacher boards, blackstone volunteers, assassins and “interested”) are mostly completed without problems: fortunately, the targets are marked on the map, or at least their approximate location is described. But there are a few exceptions.

If in the final task volunteers you choose the father's side, then in order to get to the son, you must not go to Lothering, which will be destroyed by this moment, but simply pass by the town. Taoran will come across you in a “random” encounter.

Love notes requested by one of interested(tasks are given by the innkeeper in “The Bitten Nobleman” of Denerim), scattered literally all over the world. Finding them is not easy. Here are all the places:

    In the Dalish camp, behind the merchant.

    Near the entrance to the ruins in the Brecilian Forest is a secret door on the left.

    In the royal palace of Orzammar, in an inconspicuous room in the east of the palace.

    In the Orzammar Charter Hideout, in the room to the right of the hall where Jarvia fell.

    In another hideout, this time in a village, next to the entrance to a house with a bloody altar.

    In the "Spoiled Princess" tavern near the magicians' tower.

    In the tower itself, on the second floor, in the eastern room.

    In the Redcliffe windmill (where the secret passage to the castle is).

    In the basement of Redcliffe Castle, just before the exit to the courtyard.

    At Wade's forge in Denerim.

    In the brothel "Pearl" (location in Denerim) in the southeastern room.

    In Eamon's estate in Denerim in the northwestern room.

In addition to these very persons, they will force you to run and mages from the community.

Bloody marks

We need to mark four doors in Denerim with blood: two in the Trade Quarter and one each in Gryazny and Dark Lanes.

Places of power

We need to activate four places of power.

    Grave in western Brecilian.

    Altar in the Ortan taiga.

    Tree in the Elvenage of Denerim.

    Stairs to the second floor of the magician's tower.

Scrolls of Banastor

You need to find five scrolls at the following addresses.

    The southeastern destroyed room on the second floor of the mage tower.

    The northwest room on the third floor of the Mage Tower.

    The southeastern library in the abandoned temple with Andraste's ashes.

    Western barracks (entrance from the center) in an abandoned temple with the ashes of Andraste.

    The southeastern room in the werewolf lair.

The remaining tasks should not cause difficulties.

Races and classes

Like every Bioware game, this one starts with choosing a character's appearance, gender and class. They also allow us to choose one of the races and the origin of the hero. These factors determine how other races treat the hero. In addition, each of them has their own first mission, starting location and, accordingly, backstory. To choose from: Dalish and City Elf; noble and humble gnome, noble man and magician. Of course, some missions and the characters’ approaches to them are different.

Here are the bonuses each race gives:

In humans, one is added to strength, dexterity, magic and cunning.

The Elf has two for magic and stamina.

A gnome has one added to his strength, agility and body strength and a 10% chance that he will resist magic.

Dwarf: +1 Strength, +1 Dexterity, +1 Constitution, 10% chance to resist hostile magic.

Now a few words about classes:


Health: 100

Stamina: 100

Bonuses: strength - +4, agility - +3, Constitution - +3

Starting Skill: Combat Training

Has: Shield Bash, Accurate Shot (or Dual Weapon Skill)

Defense: 45


Health: 90

Stamina: 90

Bonuses: Constitution - +4 Willpower - +2 Cunning - +1

Starting Skill: Poisons

Has: Dirty fight

Defense: 50

Health: 85

Stamina: 115

Bonuses: Magic - +5, willpower - +4, Cunning - +1

Starting skill: Poisons

Has: dirty fight

Defense: 45

Moreover, note that a gnome cannot be a magician!

In addition to classes, DAO also has specialization, which allows you to expand skills within a class. Each class can have two specializations, and at levels 7 and 14, each of them will be offered two specialization options. But keep in mind that in order to get a specialization, you first need to discover it: to do this, you need to find a master who will help with its development (much like in Jade Empire).

Aero, exclusive for the site

Three bottles of poison and a manuscript

Regardless of class, the passage begins in the war-torn fortress of Ostagar. The king himself will come to meet your young talent - the same ardent, yesterday's youth. Unfortunately, His Majesty will soon leave us alone, with one task: to join the ranks of the Gray Wardens

We have nowhere to rush, there is still a lot of time before the end of the game, so walk around the city, if you have the skill of a thief, hack everything you can. If it doesn't come in handy, at least sell it. At the initial stage, you can’t do without this.

When you're done, find Alistair. Oh, there he is, chatting with the wizard. Like a gentleman (even if these words are not from this world), the hero will wait until their dialogue is completed. The magician will leave, and Alistair is at our disposal. Why do we need it? And without him and another Gray Guardian, we simply will not be allowed to participate in the Initiation ritual. After talking with him, the guy will agree to stand under our banners.

Well, okay, now, following the mark on the map, we go to Duncan and say that we are ready to go through fire, water, whiskey and, preferably, not shaken. You can also find two candidates for the Gray Wardens even before talking with Duncan. They are close to the main area. In any case, Duncan, what impudence, instead of whiskey he will offer three vessels with the blood of evil spirits. Don't drink, but find!

Moreover, you will have to look outside the gates, in the wild lands. In addition, you need to find the ancient archives of the Guardians and look through them instead of sleeping pills. Seriously, this document says that other races should, as they now say, provide all possible assistance to the Guardian. It remains to be seen who left these priceless notes in the wasteland.

There is nothing to do - we run to the gate. Scary? Otherwise, the world needs to be saved. What do you need to do to get three vials of evil blood? At best, kill three creatures, for example, Genlock. At worst, you will have to kill more: until enough bubbles fall out of their corpses.

In any case, the killings don't end there: see where the marker is pointing? - we go there, to the upper right corner of the map, and the road is not covered with rose petals. In fact, there are many predators here, and many fiends of darkness. For now, your character is adequate in a one-on-one battle, but if your squad is attacked by three or more warriors, this is fraught. Try to lure out enemies one by one.

On the way to the castle we will cross the bridge. The Hurlock Emissary is standing here. Further, not far from the ruins, a Knight is scratching his head - a powerful Hurlock, and even with a retinue. You can lure out its members one by one, or try to break through shouting “I’ll be lucky.” But this is not Google for you, and it may not lead you. In general, passing these two posts is somewhat difficult. But after them, you can almost fearlessly rummage around the area, collect dropped items and empty chests (we’re not even talking about additional quests yet).

Well, we have arrived at the place, what next? - no documents in place. And where? It didn’t take long to guess: a local beautiful witch named Morrigan will tell you that they haven’t been here for a long time. Her mother took them. The girl will agree to take us to her, and she, without much resistance, will give the documents to us. Let's go back to Duncan?!

“Well, Duncan, these are the blood, these are the writings, when will the ritual take place? What? Right now? No problem. What do we have to do"? “Yeah, okay, drink the poison we just brought. But we won't... no? Okay, let's drink." Hurray - you are a Gray Guardian.

Battle of Ishal Tower

Well, now you are a member of gangs... uh, orders and the king will let you in on his plans. Our first combat mission is to light a signal fire on the Ishal tower. Swept away. Where to run? Over the bridge? A couple of trifles. Have you moved on? Have you seen how our people are preparing for war? Are you imbued with patriotism? Let's hit the road! Yeah... slow down your horses. Two guards will tell us something like “Houston, we have problems.” Apollo 13 has nothing to do with it, just the opposite: trouble crept up from underground. It was from there that Evil entered the tower.

Nobody canceled our order, but there was more work: to take the tower back. In theory, a magician should join you, but maybe two guards. Move through the gate, help our people in battle, then tell the enemy archers that matches are not a toy for children and run through the area, collecting equipment.

When you enter the first floor of the tower, you may fall into a trap, and then into an ambush. The easiest way to get around it is to switch to control of one character and carefully guide all squad members manually. Well, then you will find a big battle, a la a bunch of small ones. Join us, just leave the magician, if he is with you, a little further away. Have you cleared the room? Up. On the next floors there are more serious opponents, in the Alpha and Emissary sections. Save before going here. And use a mage who shoots fire arrows.

One of the rooms will be divided into south and north. It doesn’t make much difference where you go; the composition of the enemy groups is almost the same: many Harlocks and one or two Jenlocks. In general, there are many of these enemies in the four-story tower. On the third floor you will see dogs in cages - let them out, let them help, earn their living. Carefully search the room, do not leave the chest and basket unattended - there is a lot of things here that may be useful. When you finish with the enemies and run upstairs with looting, there, on the last floor, we will meet the first boss - the Ogre.

The monster won't cause any problems. He has an abundance of health and strong rapid attacks, but he’s no match for us. The “run and shoot” tactic is not the most effective, but the simple one works great here. If there is a magician left on the team, then he will greatly simplify our life here. The dog also copes well with the giant's legs. In short, there are a lot of tactics, you can even circle around the cannibal while his teammates chop him up.

In any case, when he takes his last breath, do not rush to light the signal. Search the room, and now do what you came for. Watch the video.

You will wake up in the company of the already familiar Mini-gun, oh, Morrigan. After being wounded, the hero has a headache and confuses all the names. So what happened? It seems we have been betrayed and left to die. But Mother Morrigan liked us so much for some reason that she decided to save us. Thank you. We leave the room and talk to her mother. So here it is: in her opinion, it is we who can stop the invasion of Darkness.

And something else? Unite the lands? How is that? In general, they puzzled us with a couple of quests. The task is more or less clear: you need to convene a team to save the galaxy from the Reaper... no, this seems to be a plot of Mass effect. Yes, the middle of the game is about the same here and here: find friends, although this is not directly stated. And it says that you need to go to the village of Lothering.


On the way to the village, a group of bandits will attack our brother, or rather demand tribute. We have three main options: convince them, intimidate them, or attack them. If you decide peacefully, then it’s better not to go near the boxes - this is their property and they will fight for it. A little further away lies a cult minister - search him and an additional quest will begin. Our road lies further to the village.

Here we have a lot of opportunities and quests. In general, supporters of taking everything from games will find a notice board with a couple of quests in every settlement. You can also ask people. Basically, circle around, but don't go into the tavern until you're ready, because there's a bit of a fight waiting there. In it, Lelyana will unexpectedly come to your rescue. The easiest way to defeat him is to use a mage - Morrigan. You can use the vulnerability skill and then attack with natural elements. After the fight, Lelyana will ask to join your squad - take it: a thief will always come in handy.

If you want, you can take a few more quests without leaving the bar, wander around the area and move on - to the north of the map. Here you'll see the next potential travel companion: Stan. Stan, do you work as a monkey? No? Why are you sitting in a cage then? Ah, for murder... well, that can probably be solved. If your character has developed hacking skills, you can simply hack the cage.

If not, then go to the chapel and talk with mother. If Lelyana has already joined you, mother will agree to let Stan go. You can also intimidate her, or donate a large sum of money. Complete all additional quests and move to the exit from the map to the northwest, following the marker, do not get lost. At the entrance to the village, the servants of darkness attacked the gnomes. They should help, eh? Yes... it is necessary. Well, that helps. Then we can chat with him, but he will refuse to go with you: business, business, business, time - money and so on. But this is another merchant on the map (the second one in the village, in the bar. Where we met Lelyana) - there will always be someone to hand over the junk to and get jingling coins in the bag.

We repeat again - complete all quests. We won't come back here again, even if Stan wants to go back to the cage. Upon leaving the map we see visions, and after that we find ourselves in a parking lot. There is also a merchant and his son standing here - he can improve your weapons. Have you rested? Then let's go and save the world. Then we are free to choose where to go: to Radcliffe, the Circle of Magicians, the Frosty Mountains, or to the Brecilian Forest.

Lake Calenhard and Circle Tower

In fact, we will not linger on the lakes themselves - our path lies to the Tower of Mages. To go to her, find a person at the pier who will agree to transport us. Guy, isn't your name Charon? No, isn't this Styx? Okay, we don't care about going there.

Upon arrival, a knight will enthusiastically greet us and tell us that everything is bad. The point here is this: because they were drunk, they forgot to lock the doors, and the forces of darkness filled the tower. Now it’s not at all clear whether anyone is still alive there, and I’m afraid to go and check on my own. The guys are waiting for permission to shoot the magicians. In the conversation we will have to choose the side of the cultists, or magicians. This will affect who will go with us on the final journey... in the sense of the final battle.

Now forward - to the tower. Uh-uh. What? How is it that they won’t let us out of the tower until everything is resolved? That is, how, at all? Got it. Then wait, let's go now, buy potions, weapons, and in general, let's take a last breath of air - the tower probably hasn't been ventilated for a long time.

The tower is round, as it should be. At the first level you won't have any problems with the monsters, but there may be a problem with the magicians you meet. Yes, they survived, but they don’t let us pass. Talk to them. If you agree to help, Wynn (healer magician) will join you under the stormy protests of Morrigan. If you don’t want to help, cut these magicians down and be done with it. True, then you will lose a person who can treat the group completely free of charge.

There are many boxes on all four floors of the tower, but there are even more enemies. Our goal is to get to the fourth. Most enemies won't attack unless you go into all the doors, but otherwise you won't get the tower's goods. There are a lot of magicians on the second floor - they need to be taken out first, otherwise they will seriously spoil the blood of your squad. On the third floor - the cultists have gone wild and rush at you, shouting “banzai”! - what impudence, we don’t know Japanese. There are a lot of corpses in one of the halls, but don’t be fooled - they will come to life as soon as you cross the room, and then the Secret Horror will come running to their aid - he’s not to be trifled with. Save in front of the stairs - next is the boss.

What's your name, monster? Idleness? - Listen, they sometimes call me that too, so it’s a namesake? Insulted? I? You? Come on, maybe we can settle the matter peacefully? Well there is no way.


Idleness will send the hero into the shadows, from where he must get out on his own. First of all, we will meet with Duncan and fight with him, and then we will have to choose the next location of the Shadow. Here Niall will meet us, waving his hands and talking about his difficult lot as a person locked in the Shadow. In fact, he will tell you what needs to be done to get close to Idleness: destroy his minions, who cannot be defeated so easily. We go to the portal, activate it and find ourselves in front of the demon of Fury.

After the battle, the mouse will teach us to take the form of a mouse in gratitude. In this form, you can hide in the shadows and remain unnoticed, as well as climb holes. Return to Niall. There are now five locations available to you. Move along them in any order. In each of them you will have to destroy one of Idleness’s colleagues in order to earn the right to get out of here.

Invasion of Darkness.

We immediately take the form of a mouse and go to the hole. Further on there is another hole. Behind it is a room, in the middle of it is the Cunning Magnifier. Did you click? They have become more cunning. We run back to the main corridor. There are two paths here: the short one leads to a room with burning creatures. It is better to choose this road if you have already received the burning man form. Why? Yes, because there is no further way - a wall of fire. Then we go through another hole, it leads us to a cultist who is fighting the darkness. Help him, and he will grant us the form of a spirit - now spiritual doors are not a problem for us.

Burning Tower. Go to the second floor: you can use a mouse, you can use a person, however, in the latter case, draw your sword. Run north, shoot back and climb into the hole. In the next room, say hello to the burning man. The easiest way is to freeze it. Be that as it may, after victory we will receive a burning form, which will allow us to cross fiery barriers.

Broken circle. We're actually going in circles. The doors are closed, everything around - literally - is on fire, so the burning man is the squeak of the local fashion. In addition, the level is full of stone golems, and in hot form you can launch a fireball, which does not weakly destroy this pile of boulders. Besides them, there are magicians along the way. When the last golem is destroyed in the last room, you will receive its form.

It's time to start clearing out the demonic ranks. Let's start from here. Run upstairs, open the doors and go ahead, kill the freaks. In the next room is the boss. Take the golem mold and make it.

Poking your nose into the location " A Cultist's Nightmare“It’s better to do it last, so you can use all the forms. First, we pass through the wall with the mouse, then we take out the enemies. The mouse is the next room. And here is a powerful cannibal. Do not try to deal with him hand-to-hand with a golem - it is better to choose distance fighting tactics.

All in all, an unforgettable cruise through the rooms awaits you - some of them can only be entered in the form of a spirit - do not forget to use this form if you suddenly realize that you are at a dead end. In the end, we change into a burning form and go through the portal. Here, having defeated the enemies, we turn into a mouse and go through the hole to the boss. It won't be difficult to deal with a golem.

Then we find ourselves in a familiar room called “Invasion of the Forces of Darkness”: we open the doors wide for dear guests: we greet the horde of Jenlocks and Harlocks with Golem-like applause. At the end of the meat grinder there is a door, behind it is the boss. His attack style is a fast attack: keep your distance.

Shall we go further? " burning tower" The local boss can best be convinced to surrender with a flame form. Now it's time to make friends. Go to " Nightmare” and convince them to leave this place. When you free everyone, return to Niall. Here we pass through the transparent door in spirit and defeat the enemy. If the tower is clean, it is easy to check whether the symbols are in place of all the islands that we visited. If yes, then go ahead to the central island.

The local boss likes to change forms, so we will have to do the same. Note that if you do not free your comrades, you will fight alone, but in this case, this is not the best solution - the boss is quite strong. After the victory, we will return from the Shadow to the Tower.

Circle Tower

Take Andralla's Latanya from Niall's body and move on. Again, the cultist wants to argue about whether it is necessary to organize a genocide of magicians or not. If you decide to carry out a massacre, Wynn will leave the squad and attack. You can solve the problem in a neutral way, or refuse to kill innocent people. Run upstairs. Here is the fight with Uldred. He loves to use freezing and tries to turn surviving magicians into demons. It's easy to stop him: use Andralla's Litany when Uldred offers his gift to the magicians.

When the enemy is defeated and at least one magician remains alive, they will automatically become allies. Then approach either Gregor or Irving and demand help in the final fight. They will agree, and we will move on to new adventures.

On the bridge leading to the village, Thomas will meet you and tell you that the village is being attacked by the forces of Darkness. They come running under cover of darkness from the direction of the castle. For further details we will be sent to the temple, specifically to Tigan. He will ask for help in preparing for the night battle. We go to the headman and ask what we should do. He will complain about the lack of weapons and the blacksmith’s reluctance to cooperate.

The blacksmith will tell you that his daughter is locked in the castle. Promise to help her, and he will agree to get to work. If you wish, you can kill the blacksmith, or tell the headman that he refused. Go to the headman and receive a well-deserved thank you. Ask what else we can do to help, and he will send us again. This time to the mill. You won’t have to draw your spears against her, just talk to the knight. He wants a blessing. Where can I get it?

Find your mother and talk to her. She, of course, can refuse. In any case, return to the knight and tell him that you are ready. Click "wait for night". Here we are waiting for a massive battle with hordes of the dead. They come in waves of 5-7 corpses. When you fight back, they will tell us that the defense has been broken through. You can ask the knights to help, or you can go there yourself. In the latter case, it will be much more difficult to survive, because there are many times more opponents.

After the battle, talk to the commander. He will tell you how to get into the castle through the mill. We go there, having previously completed all the minor quests, and find the entrance to the mill. And in the castle we make our way through the undead, going to the stairs. You will also meet the magician Jovan there: he is sitting behind bars in a damp dungeon. He can be released, kicked out, killed or left behind. It’s not worth killing and driving away; for now it’s better to leave in place.

Climb the stairs and get to the main floor. Clean it completely. In the right corner of the map there is a blacksmith's daughter - tell her to run away. We are going down to the basement to meet with the local boss and his retinue. Open the castle gates, where the knights will rush in and help in the battle.

Go upstairs to the central hall, where you will have to fight the possessed Connor and his demons. After this, you need to free Connor from influence. You can sacrifice one of the characters - the path is easy, but not heroic. The second is more difficult, but more interesting: go to Lake Kalenhard and ask for help from local magicians. If this location has not yet been completed, you will have to complete all the story missions in it first. So, the magicians will send you to the Shadow, where we will fight Connor’s demon and win - who would doubt it.

Frosty Mountains

This is one of the most extensive quests - we have to gather the gnomes under our banner, and it is unlikely to be an easy walk. You will see this for yourself as soon as you meet fellow robbers. If the fight with them seems difficult, turn around and play other quests. Along the way, you will meet more envoys of Loghain, talk to the rude people: you can let them go, or chop them into pieces. The second option is more interesting and inevitable if eloquence is not very developed.

After dealing with them, the gnomes will happily reveal the enemy to you. Don't expect any fanfare, but overall the welcome is warm, as befits mountain dwellers. You will quickly be sent to the city, and to the hall of fame - it’s good that not as exhibits. Walk around here, talk to the residents and pick up quests. The main task will appear after the dialogue with Bandelor. Here, you see, elections are planned: decide which side to take, Prince Belen, or Lord Harromount.

There will be a slight branching of the plot here.

Belen. His supporters can be found in the House of Assembly. They will not let us near the prince, but will offer to prove our loyalty by completing a couple of assignments. First, take the letters to two people. They say that the lord promised the same estate to two people if they supported him. The first one sits at the bar in the Commons Hall. The second is in the diamond district. She will send us to our father in the cave houses (Aeducan Thaig). They are inhabited by monsters, but after walking a little, you will find Lord Dace, the girl’s father, attacked. Help him, give the letter and return to the chambers. We will have an audience with the prince.

Harrowmont. we go to the Council Hall, and not far from the exit we meet a representative of Lord Doolin. He won’t let us see him either, so we’ll carry out two tasks. Persuade two fighters to participate in the competition. One will quickly agree, and the second will ask for his correspondence in exchange for his services. To do this, you need to go to Miaji and Lakian's room and pick the lock. Return to the warrior and give the letters. This does not save you from fighting! Enter the arena and fight five battles. After the victory, go to the bar and tell about your success, which will earn you a meeting with the lord.

Kill the bandit leader

The task of killing a local authority is just right: a lot of corpses and various junk from chests are guaranteed. Go to the dusty city, talk to the guys by the fire, they will say that the gang sometimes appears through the gate, but the gate cannot be opened. We go to one of the huts and run into these same bandits. After the fight we will become the sole owners of the key. We run to the door, open it and with an exclamation of “ta-dam”, we burst into it. Nobody here. Farther and farther. Those who will ask for the password next - tell them something, and they will attack. Apparently the password is incorrect.

Then there will be battles around every turn, so don’t rush ahead, otherwise you’ll find yourself in the minority. The dungeon is generally linear; the only attraction is the prison, from which you can free the prisoner. At the end of it, a battle with the same leader awaits us. She is a pretty strong opponent, and even with a lot of guards, and there are a lot of traps in the room.

Find Perfect

Please your boss with the death of the bandit, and he already has a new task - to find Paragon - Perfection. His word will be decisive in choosing the king. This is a very difficult task. If you're not ready, turn back. Go map the deep trails. On the way there we will meet Ogren - he is an obligatory plot character, so you will have to take him with you. He plays the role of a warrior, so based on the complexity of the mission and balancing, it is worth considering taking with him an attacking mage - Morrigan and a healing one - Wynn.

Go to the Caridina Crossroads. There are a couple of gnomes at the entrance - nothing complicated; further - cannibals, gunlocks and other locks. This way we will reach approximately the center of the map, but the path further is blocked. You can move left or right. On the right is a bridge with a lot of locks, on the left are hunters. There are many of both, but as a result, no matter what path you choose, you will come to the same place - to the exit to the next level.

There is only one path in the Teigs of Ortana, but after it you will completely stop loving spiders. There are plenty of them here, and there is also one mini-boss in the form of this arthroplasty. In addition, there are golems and jenlocks. In the middle of the map we will meet a gnome, although he will immediately run away. The next time we meet him, and if we leave him alive, then we can sell the accumulated goods to our comrade. The bridge is guarded by one golem on each side, so don't try to run across the bridge - you can't handle two. Finally, closer to the exit, the queen spider will offer to wrap us in natural silk. Politely refuse, citing swords.

Read the diary on the table. Well, it looks like we still have to run and run through these dungeons. So it won't be long before depression. Forward into the dead ditches. After the video, run forward - a party of gnomes is standing here, campaigning for a new candidate for the corpses. Help them with the Jenlocks, talk, take a leaflet about the dangers of smoking and run across the bridge. Yes, I forgot to say - there are a lot of creatures here. There are a couple of locks at the gate after the bridge, but there are no problems with these. But it will be more difficult!

Run to the left - there is a tunnel leading to the castle. Ha, how lucky, and why do we need gates? You can look to the left - there is a tomb. On the right is the square, behind it is a destroyed bridge. Go around again?! Mockery. Again there is a long, ornate cave, and behind it is a square, from which turn left. This path will lead to a forge where a pack of locks and a mini-boss await. A dangerous guy, it is better not to come into direct contact with him. Waging a guerrilla war, fortunately the place allows. After it, we run further, to a new site.

There are an indecent number of skeletons here, and not a single closet. Further in the passages there is a crypt and a crazy dwarf woman. She will say that we still have a long way to go. Hmm, we didn’t expect to hear anything else. We go to the large hall. He is guarded by two spirits. There is zero attention to us - so we do our job: rob the sarcophagus behind them. They didn't like it - they were dead. Again. We burst into the next door with the same exclamation of “well, we weren’t expecting it!” and here it’s true, they didn’t expect it. And it would be better for us to leave here - the boss is too scary.

Stand on a stone ledge and chop off its tentacles, and when weak opponents begin to fall, concentrate fire on them, otherwise they will beat you. Take a breath. Then it's even worse - the last dungeon. Quiet. Suspiciously quiet. And here is Branka, Ogren's wife. She asks to pave the way for her. “Through crowds of monsters,” we think. But it's not that simple. Yes, of course there will be cannibals, loks and the undead. But when we reach the gas trap, it becomes clear that everything is worse.

Two valves on the sides stop the gas supply, and you stop the supply of four golems as you wish. Next room - golems come to life in twos. Just six. Next corridor. There is a mask hanging on the wall. Come up and she will call the spirits. Kill them and immediately hit the mask. One of the mask parts will fall off. When you're done, go into the left passage and here we will see Perfection - a talking golem. He asks to destroy the Anvil, and Branca demands to give it back. What to do?

If you help Branka, Perfection and four golems will attack you. Otherwise, Branka and her four golems will attack. If we help Perfection, then in the final battle the gnomes will fight for us, if Branka - the golems. After the decision, you will go back to the city and can crown the king. Any one you want.

If you crown Harromount, Belen will attack and have to be killed. As a reward, Haromunt will agree to help in the fight against evil and will give him a staff.

If Belen is crowned, Haromunt will be executed, and Belen will give a hammer as a gift and will also help in the war.

Urn of Sacred Ashes

It's time to start treating Earl - we need people as allies, don't you think? There are many strong opponents and crowds of sectarians ahead, guarding the Sacred Urn, behind which we have come. First, let's go to the village of Denerim, and there, in the shopping district, we will find Genetivi. His student will be at home, ask him about Genetivi. He's not home. When will it be? Unknown... And where did you go? Behind the trash can?! Eh, this guy is hiding something from us! Try pushing him. He will attack, after which in the back room we will find diaries that tell us where to look for the missing one. Or you can go to a hotel, where they will tell you where to go and look.

In any case, you will have to go to The Village of Haven. Talk to the discourteous guard. Then go to the merchant. Try going to the back door twice. He will attack - show him how to protect your goods. After which the sectarians will attack you. Then go to the chapel, talk to Eirik and deal with him as quickly as possible. Did you make it? Great. In the same room there is a secret passage, and behind it... Genetivi. He is tired and wants to go to an abandoned temple.

Destroyed Temple

This is not a pleasant place: those same sectarians live here, and, in general, if the first meeting with them was not so difficult, now expect trouble. First we go to the place marked as rooms. There is a crowd of monsters in it. Now you need to go to the southeast, where there will be a similar room. There we will find a chest and the key to the main gate. Open it and after the fight, choose a route - any, the battles are similar in any direction. Yes, and don’t open the chests - there are enemies in them.


There are sectarians and dragonets ahead. Run straight to the fork. Turn right and fight cultists and adult dragons. In the passage on the left you will meet Kologrim. He will offer to help him: you can agree or refuse. In the latter case, we are in for a pretty good fight, but Wynn and Liljana will not leave the squad. You decide.

Leave the caves and leave the sleeping dragon alone. For now, anyway. Go forward to the testing room. Talk to the guard and guess his ten riddles. Listen carefully to what he asks and there will be no problems with solving them. If you answered incorrectly, kill the guard and move on. Fighting your doppelgängers is not a pleasant encounter. Hit the mages and melee fighters first. And the next puzzle is perhaps the most nerve-wracking in the entire game, and sometimes the solution to the puzzle is different. You need to cross the bridge.

There is a round hall ahead. There are six buttons on the left and right. Switch to direct control. We count the buttons from near to far:

Step one:

Place one on the left on the third button

Place the second one from the left on the sixth button

Place the third one from the right on the second button

Place the fourth one on the bridge

Step two:

Move from third from left to fourth from right

Swap right two to left one

We put the fourth one on the bridge

Step three:

Rearrange from sixth on the left to fifth on the right

Rearrange from fourth on the right to first on the left

We put the fourth one on the bridge

In the next room there is a wall of fire. Take everything off, go through it and put your clothes back on. Take some ashes from the Urn and leave. Now, if you wish, you can fight the dragon. In any case, after we have the ashes, talk to Genetive and go treat the earl. Now Earl agrees to help fight the enemy in the final battle.

Brecilian Forest

The time has come to meet the long-eared forest dwellers! The Dalish elves are so happy about your arrival that they will immediately surround you and ask what we want? We, as decent gentlemen, will demand an audience with the head of the clan. He will pay us for the hard life and the swine flu epidemic. Oh, that is, bothnic fever. Every day werewolves come from the depths of the forest and bite its people. Forty rabies vaccinations won't help - you need to go into the forest and kill the main werewolf named White Fang. Leave Jack London alone, he has nothing to do with it. Of course, we refuse to help, close the game and turn off the computer. If we agree, we will continue.

In the forest, our werewolf friends will attack us. It's strange, but we thought they were just wolves. We run along the path to the east until we reach the trees in which the demons have taken possession. Cut your way through their fallen trunks and get to the Oak, of course, the Great. He will give you the task of returning the acorn. Great, we haven’t run for acorns yet.

Run to the waterfall, and then to the clearing to an old man named Hermit. You can exchange something with him for an acorn, or just kill the thief. However, the thief is an excellent magician, so it won’t be easy. Anyway. Return to Oak, he will give you a wand that will help you get to the werewolves.

Elven ruins

Ruins: it's been a while since anyone removed the cobwebs here! And here are its owners: spiders. However, there are still werewolves. Having reached the room with columns - this is a large hall, don’t miss it, go around the center of the room and talk with the dragon in the language of swords and magic. Behind the fallen fire-breather is a staircase. Let's go there.

On the second floor, skeletons are added to the many spiders - of course, there is a real crypt here! Oh yes, the dead have set many traps in the halls - move carefully. There are several halls ahead - one larger than the other. They, of course, are the most triumphant. Towards the end of the map you will find Arcane Horror - this guy is not easy to defeat, however, those who have already completed the Tower of Mages have developed their own tactics to deal with him.

Next is a small room with an exit to the Werewolf den. At the entrance we will talk peacefully with them and go to meet the werewolf girl. She will tell the story of her people, and then we have an ethical choice: kill all the elves along with the werewolves, or vice versa - kill the girl. There is really still a possibility: to convince Zatrian to remove the curse from the werewolves.

If you take the side of the elves, then you will have to fight the werewolves here and now. If you persuade the werewolves to attack the elves, a whole crowd will attack. You decide.

Land Assembly

From now on, as they say, anything you say can be used against you. Or for you - depending on which answer options you choose. You go to Denerium, and then Loghain pesters you with questions. Answer with the most polite phrases. Immediately after the conversation, you can go to Eamon’s house (or you can get some fresh air and complete various missions). Here the maid will tell you that the local earl has put the queen under house arrest. We are politely asked to help, but we agree, there is nothing to do. Saving queens is our hobby.

On the way to the mansion, you will run into a fight, and when approaching Earl Howe's mansion, you will run into a crowd. Talk to the maid, she will tell you that you can get into the house from the back entrance. Now you have the opportunity to put on a disguise. Without her, you will have to go to the queen through the corpses. But even with a disguise, you shouldn't try to go through the doors and talk to the real guards.

Having reached the queen's room, it turns out that there is a magical seal on it. Woe is me - we need to look for Earl Howe's office. Found it? Great: have a good look around here. And now, feeling omnipotent, run to the basement (you can get into it directly from the same room). Kill a guard, free prisoners, deal with a crowd or two of guards - in general, everyday life. In the end, you will have to kill Howe himself. Behind him are two more prisoners.

The release of the captives is imperative because their voices, and the voices of their loved ones, will be decisive at the Assembly of the Lands. You will find them later in the tavern. They will give you a quest. Once you complete them, consider their votes in your pocket, if so. Of course, if I may say so.

On the way back, a crowd of guards will intercept you and ask you to surrender. You can surrender - this will show that you have no evil intentions, you can say that the queen was held by force, but she will lie, saying that you stole her. Or you can solve everything the old fashioned way - with a fight.

If you give up, you end up in Fort Dragon. Here you need to decide: attack the Fort, or get out yourself. In the latter case, the procedure is as follows. We attract the guard, kill, take the key, and leave the dungeon. We take our property from a box nearby. In the next room we kill the dogs and guards and go to the warehouse. Here we remove the guard armor from the mannequin and put it on.

You still cannot leave the castle. Find the colonel, then talk to a couple of soldiers. From them you will learn about the problem with the swords. We go to the guy who squeezed them, and, threatening them with problems, we get them (swords, not problems). We distribute it to the soldiers. Then we go again to the colonel and to the question “what can’t a soldier live without” we answer: “without discipline.” After this, one friend will tell the password - rabbit. Jokers. Now you can leave the castle.

We go to Eamon's house, and from there to the Elven area. Along the way, stop by the tavern to pick up the quests. There is an epidemic in the Elven area. Talk to Shianni to find out the situation. She will talk about a strange hospital. Strange because no one returns from it. Go to the back entrance to it. Having learned everything we need, we go out into the street, but here they are already waiting for us. And not doctors at all. Deal with them and talk to Shianni again.

Go to the landowner's office next to the hospital - it looks like the elves from the hospital are sent here. After several fights and a conversation (if you don’t have enough conviction, then a fight) with the elf Devera, you will get to her boss. This scoundrel holds the elves captive and offers to ransom his life for dirt on Loghain. Our actions: fight, agree with the proposal, or intimidate. The most gentlemanly option is battle.

Now comes the fun part: the meeting itself. If you have completed all the quests and won over Queen Anora, then you have an advantage. But there's one more thing to remember: don't let Loghain put the blame on you. If possible, counterattack him yourself with questions about his inglorious actions on Ostagar. No need to mention Alistair. But we can say that what is important now is unity before the forces of Darkness.

If everything went right and the majority voted for you, Loghain will start a rebellion. Fight him and his minions. When his strength is running out. Someone will offer a fair duel. You can choose who will fight against him. Perhaps the best option is a magician, but it's up to you. Just keep in mind that Loghain is not a weak opponent.

At the end, if Loghain is spared, several options for dividing the kingdom will appear:

Alistair is the sole ruler;

Alistair rules with you (provided you play as a woman and he loves you);

Anora rules with you (assuming you're playing as a man). Perhaps Alistair will kill Loghain;

Anora is the ruler of the country if Alistair gives up the throne. Loghain lives, but has not become a Gray Warden;

Alistair marries Anora and they rule together. Loghain becomes a Gray Warden. Convincing Alistair to marry is no easy task.

last fight

Go to Radcliffe. Here a party took place without us, after which all the residents disappeared, and only ruins remained. The guy will tell us that all the residents locked themselves in the castle. We're going there with a fight. As soon as we get there, it turns out that everything is in vain: the forces of Darkness are going to Denerem, and not to Redcliffe. What to do? Gather an army and flee back to Denerham.

Find Riordan on the second floor. He will tell you good news: only the Gray Guardian can defeat the archdemon, and he himself will die. Go down and talk to Morrigan. She offers a deal: she saves you, but takes your child. Child? Well, yes, if you play as a man, then Morrigan will offer to become a mother, and if you play as a girl, then she will point to one of the possible fathers (Alistair, or Loghain, if Alistair left the team).

If we agree, we will remain alive after the battle; if not, we will die. So, now we run to Denerem, cutting out everything in our path. As soon as the stream of creatures dries up. Go to Riordan and talk to him. Now you can select an army:

Elves - archers

Golems are walking tanks. Save them for the most difficult battle

Dwarves are good foot soldiers, but weak in attack. It only makes sense to take it if we were able to persuade the Legion.

Mages - powerful attacks, and hit large areas

Cultists are good warriors

Redcliffe's army is the same as the cultists: they will go to fight mere mortals

Now your task is to defeat the two generals. One is in the market square, the other is in the elven quarter. Now run to Fort Dragon. There are two floors littered with monsters. Don't forget to grab anything you might need, especially potions. As soon as you finish with them, the decisive battle will begin. Call the golems, or magicians.

The first stage of the battle lasts until you remove half of the Dragon's health. After this, he will begin to summon motley creatures to help. When the Dragon is on its last legs, the dragon will begin to explode its subordinates so that they cause serious damage to your team.

After defeating the dragon, there are either end credits or a couple of cutscenes. It all depends on whether you refused Morrigan or not. Now you can rest: there are several DLCs ahead and, of course, a sequel.