Tale of a briefcase. We make up fairy tales

A fairy tale about a bag, briefcase and backpack.

We lived in the same apartment, on the same shelf were a Bag, a Briefcase and a Backpack. The bag served the owner. It was large, roomy, durable and with strong handles. At the bottom of the bag there was always an umbrella, which my mother opened in case of rain and could cover all the contents. The owner never parted with this bag. When a woman went into a store, fruits, vegetables, and a bottle of milk could easily fit into her bag.

The briefcase was purchased for the owner's daughter. She went to school with him. The briefcase was beautiful, with shiny clasps and flat so that the notebooks would not wrinkle. There was a separate compartment for pens and pencils. The girl loved and took care of her briefcase.

And for the traveler dad, the backpack was a helper. It was green, canvas, with many pockets and wide straps. Dad always carried it on his back. The backpack contained everything needed for the trip and even a large SLR camera. All family members and their friends loved to look at the photographs taken with this camera.

And then one day the owners’ assistants argued: who is more important? The bag said: “I am the breadwinner of the whole family. I bring home all the food without which the family would go hungry.” “Excuse me,” Portfolio objected, “I help the girl with her studies and without school supplies she has nothing to do at school.” And the Backpack insisted on its importance: “I can fit a lot of things and not occupy the owner’s hands. The owner walks along the path, leaning on a stick, a backpack on his back. The owner takes a photo - a backpack behind his back. The owner leaned down to the stream to drink water - a backpack on his back.”

The argument would have continued for a long time, but they decided to switch places. Early in the morning, getting ready for work, my mother, out of habit, reached out to her bag and, without looking, took the briefcase. The daughter received a backpack that same early morning. And dad had to take the bag.

In the evening the family gathered at home and everyone was upset. Mom brought very little food. After all, the potatoes didn’t fit into the flat briefcase, the tomatoes were wrinkled, and the bottle of milk didn’t want to fit into the narrow compartment. My daughter at school couldn’t get ready for class on time: pencils, markers and pens were all mixed up in one pile, she had to search for an eraser and a ruler for a long time in a huge number of pockets, and her notebooks were wrinkled. And dad couldn’t take a single photo the whole day, because he had to hold the bag with one hand and the camera with the other. It was very inconvenient. And if he put the bag on the ground, then all the contents would fall out.

When Bag, Briefcase and Backpack saw their beloved owners sad, they realized that everyone was performing their duties very well and there was no point in arguing and quarreling. Since then there has been order and friendship in the house!

I was tired, wanted to talk and went to the third one, he had a basket of pots in his hands. And then the third one became him fairy tale tell. And then the Fisherman arrived and brought back a rich catch. I came over to listen. He sits and listens. And the Third spoke about strange things. And... swallow your saliva. But their song did not last long; they ate to their bellies. And what about going home? Boring! They asked the Third, more fairy tale tell. And then the Third said, I’ll tell you and give me a pot of fish. The Potter and the Fisherman looked at each other, but there was nothing to do. Boring...


Late. “Well, okay,” dad said and lay down next to me on the bed. – What would you like to hear about? fairy tale Today? - Dad asked. – About me, of course. “About you and...” Dad looked around my room and smiled. – And... to play another role. I tried to imagine where the bottle's head was and how they could think. It turned out bad. Well, okay, because this is fairy tale. “The boy wrote a note, put it in a bottle and threw it far into the sea, hoping that it would carry his cry to people. But the bottle...


Passes and only the true ones fairy tales remain... Fairy tale- this is wisdom. To tell fairy tales, you need to know a lot, You need to see what others cannot see, And for this you need to live a long time. That's why only old people know how to tell fairy tales. As it is said in the main, ... ancient and large book of magic: “An old man is one who has gained wisdom!” And children... They love to listen fairy tales, Because they have Fantasy and the mind to think about everything, and not just about what everyone sees. And if...


Do you want to see the work of your focused thoughts, and how the Universe, down to the smallest detail, recreates each of them. Self-executing fairy tales- this is a new Simoron technique, with the help of which each person can influence the favorable course of events in... fairy tales? Or a life script, call it whatever you like, but the secret is that while writing fairy tales, all stages of the thought process necessary to fulfill the desire are activated. And most importantly, you program your brain to do...

In one country, each newborn was given a briefcase, it had two compartments. The first contained smart thoughts. The adults placed them first. Then the child himself supplemented it when he read books, surfed the Internet, and talked with people. The second compartment was for the senses. Adults also tried to put something there, for example, shame or fear of elders. But more often the second compartment was filled by the child himself, carefully stuffing surprise and admiration, tenderness and love, joy and anger into it. It is clear that there were keys for each compartment. Is it possible to let all your thoughts or feelings out? And outsiders have nothing to do with this portfolio. Over time, the briefcase became so filled with thoughts and feelings that it became a real briefcase - a person’s wealth. Some called it wisdom.

And there lived one man in this country. His name was Tyr.
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He was tall and handsome. But it should be small and not very beautiful. I honestly don't know. But it so happened that he always unlocked only the first compartment of his briefcase. He read all the time, met people, thought, learned, and in connection with this he had a lot of thoughts. And these were truly wonderful thoughts that delighted other people and allowed Tyr to achieve success. And he rarely remembered about the second department. Only sometimes, through a hole in the lock, some kind of melancholy, a fear of something unclear, leaked out. Then Tyr still opened the second department,

pushed the melancholy deeper, and quickly covered the edge of the sadness he saw with anger. Then he tightly locked his feelings, and carefully hid the key from those around him. Many of them even thought that Tyr had received a defective briefcase from birth - with only one compartment.

But one day, when Tyr took out a drop of anger from his briefcase, which is always necessary in work (and our Tyr was the boss of something), he thought about something. And tenderness jumped out of the briefcase. She did not hesitate and wait for Tyr to push her back. And it went straight into his heart. First, she enveloped the soul in a silvery web of hope, then filled her hands with warmth and ruffled her hair.

Tyr was confused. He understood, felt that something had happened to him. In confusion, he went to the mirror and saw his face: in general, the same as before, but in some ways completely new. “Well, hello,” Tyr told him.
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- Let's get acquainted.

And spring was beginning outside. And the sticky lilac leaves were already preparing to begin to climb out of the dense buds.

Self-attitude and educational activities

The boy Seryozha studied at the same school. He surprised teachers with the contrast of his behavior. During lessons, he violated discipline very creatively: he shouted from his seat, threw papers, and loudly commented on the children’s answers. It was difficult for teachers to work in this class. The students really liked Seryozha. They laughed at his attacks, having difficulty switching to their studies. At the same time, when Seryozha was one-on-one with the teacher, for example, in additional mathematics classes, he became a different person: well-mannered, kind, motivated to study. In the 7th grade, Seryozha became completely talkative, he began to interfere so much that they began to apply disciplinary measures to him:


Invite them to a teachers' meeting with their parents, deprive them of classes in their favorite clubs. But the opposite effect was observed. After each teacher's meeting, his behavior became much worse. It seemed that for some reason he was trying to harm himself.

How often do you meet students whose manifestations are similar to our Seryozha? Probably in every class there is at least one Seryozha, absolutely normal alone with the teacher and completely unpredictable when surrounded by classmates.

In fact, the problem that bothered Seryozha can manifest itself in different ways, but it is always destructive in relation to the educational process. For this reason, today we will definitely talk about it. First, let's give it a name - low level of self-esteem or low self-esteem. Now Serezhino’s behavior is absolutely clear. Every person wants to feel important and earn high praise from others. If Seryozha had been a girl, perhaps he would have become a “nerd”, he would have studied with all his might in order to gain recognition from teachers, classmates, and parents. But he's a boy. At the same time, his level of self-esteem is too low. And such people want to achieve recognition only if it is not associated with the risk of “what if it doesn’t work out?” They act when they are absolutely confident of success. And in this regard, they choose for themselves the easiest way to gain recognition from their peers - behavioral violations. They seem to be playing the role of a matador. For them, the classroom is an arena and their peers are spectators. And the teacher is a bull who needs to be angrier in order to gain applause from the audience. For this reason, the stronger the punishment of adults, the greater the admiration for our matador; sees in the eyes of his peers and the more pleasure he receives; et. It would seem like a closed circle. What happens, Seryozha can only tolerate such people?

Actually no. It is necessary to reprogram it from negative leadership to positive. To do this you need to

create situations of success when Sergei can achieve a certain positive result, for example, invite him to prepare a speech on an interesting topic, a report on the topic of the lesson. For a job well done, be sure to reward, emphasize Sergei’s services to the class, praise for demonstrating positive behavior, for example: “You did well, your participation helped me make the lesson interesting,” or “Sergei, you showed courage today, and this is worthy of respect,” etc. Encourage participation in Olympiads and creative projects. Encourage him to participate in sports sections (football especially), theater studio, and involve him in participation in all competitions in which he can win, receive a certificate or prize.

It is very important to help him develop reflection on his behavior (in cases of fights or conflicts, both with children and adults, give him the opportunity to cool down, switch to another matter and be sure to discuss in a calm atmosphere, preferably in private, what happened and how to fix it situation).

So, we have looked at how low self-esteem (or self-esteem) affects learning and manifests itself in human relationships.

What else can it influence? It turns out that it is due to health conditions. Experiments have shown that actions that cause a decrease in self-esteem lead to a weakened immune system and, as a result, greater vulnerability to disease. More complex connections were also discovered, however, in the study of monkeys. Based on them, it was assumed that in people with increased self-esteem, the level of serotonin, a certain biochemical element, increases in the body. It turns out that changes in self-esteem also have a physiological effect.

But I think it is not extremely important to convince anyone of this. Probably everyone has noticed that situations that help increase self-esteem cause a surge of strength, good self-esteem.



Feeling. And vice versa, for example, after a showdown with parents, fatigue sets in, someone starts to have a headache, someone’s blood pressure rises.

Unfortunately, in our culture too little attention is paid to a person’s attitude towards himself and the need to improve it, such as preventing illness and reducing professional activity. At the same time, this cannot be avoided, especially for those who work in a human-to-human profession and are susceptible to emotional burnout. We are hindered by such social stereotypes as “it’s a shame to be immodest”, “don’t praise yourself, wait for others to praise you”.

At the same time, today more and more experts agree: a person has a certain need, so fundamental and so essential that if it is satisfied, then everything else will be in harmony - the person will be healthy, he will be happy as an individual. This need is high self-esteem, a sense of self-worth, or, as they sometimes say, deep self-love, joyful self-acceptance. In this regard, one of the psychiatrists at the New York Psychiatric Clinic argued: if people, instead of self-deprecation and confidence that they are good for nothing, felt self-love, their workload would be reduced by half. Another specialist, now from the Mental Health Clinic at the University of California, said that the main job of a psychiatrist is to help the patient find all the good that is in him, and as soon as the patient begins to think better about himself, he will feel better.

For this reason, it seems to me that each of us should make it a habit (similar to going to the morning toilet) that it is extremely important to “put our planet in order” - ourselves.

The methods are different, based on the desire of the person. You can, for example, remember and name your good qualities, while trying to ensure that each time the number increases, more and more subtle qualities are recalled.

stva. It is interesting to make a list of those people who need us for various reasons, who have already been helped, and who would feel worse without our participation.

It is very useful to periodically remember and realize the important and valuable things that you managed to accomplish during the day, week, month. J. Rainwater’s exercise “A word of praise for yourself” can help with this. It is best done in a group, but can also be done individually.

For 10 minutes, with your eyes closed, remember your life.

Start from early childhood.

Remember every achievement, every merit, every action that you can be proud of.

Refuse any modest and degrading remarks (for example: “At the institute, I was the first in the group. True, there were only ten people in it.” Drop the second sentence and leave only the first!).

Pay special attention to those events that would have taken a completely different turn without your participation (for example, the time you stood up and defended your workmate, or the time you were late for an appointment because you were helping a lost child get home ).

And don’t forget about actions that may seem trivial to someone, but were difficult for you (for example, when you stood up against a bully, although your knees were shaking; or when you, a person not very capable of languages, decided everything finally improved their French from grade B to grade A and succeeded in this).

At the same time, it is very important to see those existing sources of joy that we do not always notice. The “Level of Happiness” exercise proposed by J. Rainwater will help with this.

Make a list of what you can be grateful for at the moment. Make sure your


the list included everything that was worth gratitude: a sunny day, savings (even if the amount is not very large), one’s own health, the health of family members, housing, food, beauty, love, peace.

And if we regularly engage in this kind of emotional psychohygiene, then our professional success and health will improve every day.

This wonderful fairy tale was shared by our regular subscriber and the author of a fairy tale already published with us, Larisa Zabelina. Larisa wrote this fairy tale in our course.

The fairy tale was specially written for a 7-year-old boy who was about to go to the hospital. He loved this tale so much that he told it many times. And then the doctor looked at the test results and decided to continue treatment on an outpatient basis! This is true.


In one country there lived a Backpack. THE OWNERS bought it a long time ago and took it with them on trips, hikes in the forest, on vacation, and on business. It had many small and large pockets, several zippers and even a secret compartment.

The whole family loved your BACKPACK because you could put a lot of things you needed for your trip in it.

He was also unpretentious, he could spend the night in the forest, get caught in the rain and snow, but in any conditions he diligently preserved everything that was entrusted to him and did not lose anything.

The owners treasured their backpack, and at home it had its own place on the hanger, next to the umbrella.

Time passed, and the OWNERS decided to give their BACKPACK to a restoration workshop. For the first time, BACKPACK found itself on the street without things, and although he, as usual, hugged the warm shoulders of the OWNER, he felt an incomprehensible alarm.

It became even worse for him when the OWNER entered some unfamiliar room, took him off his warm shoulders and handed him over to some strangers.

The BACKPACK looked at the OWNER with all his eyes, but he turned in front of the door, smiled and said: “Well, friend, get repaired, SEE YOU!”

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BACKPACK has never felt so bad! And although he was shown a new place in a new room, and he was not alone, next to him there was a small handbag that looked like a puppy and huge boots, but he it was lonely and scary.

He curled up so as not to see anyone. “Why did they leave me here, why? What will happen to me, what does this word “repair” mean? When will they take me home? The poor thing was so upset that he didn’t notice that he started talking out loud.

This probably went on for a long time because he was tired and wanted to sleep. But it was impossible to fall asleep, because some strange sounds were heard very close by.

BACKPACK turned around and looked around. A small purse, like a puppy, was crying next to him. “She was probably abandoned too! — thought the BACKPACK, “It’s a pity, she’s so pretty!”

And he wanted to feel sorry for the baby. He quietly stroked her hand and said the words that the OWNER spoke to his little daughter: “Don’t cry, baby, I’m with you, everything will be fine!”

The little bag sniffled a few more times, sighed, trustingly pressed against the BACKPACK and calmed down.

It was so strange, because for the first time our BACKPACK found the right words to calm another. And at the same time I calmed down! Yes, he not only calmed down, but even felt that he was not so abandoned and unhappy! He looked around and saw another neighbor, or rather, two at once.

- “Dear ones, could you explain to us where we are? – BACKPACK timidly addressed them.

“Of course, this is not the first time we have visited the restoration workshop, they help us become younger and stronger! - the boots answered, - Look, the side zipper on your right does not close, the left strap is very weak, and, excuse me, you are all stale, you need to be cleaned.

Our OWNERS are so attached to us that they don’t want to throw them into a landfill, so they put them here, in this workshop. After all, they themselves sometimes being treated in hospital. That’s what they, the people, call a workshop.”

The next day, from the very morning, various procedures began for the BACKPACK: it was cleaned with different solutions, broken zippers were removed with a razor, and new ones were sewn in with a sharp needle. It was scary, but our hero already knew what it was for.

And he also saw that the little handbag next to him was courageously enduring the same operations and not crying at all!

In the evening, when all the procedures were over, things began to talk about their OWNERS, about travel and adventures, and they played interesting games.

Left a reply Guru

Azka about the briefcase

The boy, his name was Petya. And he had a best friend, Sasha. One day Petya and

Sasha went to school as usual. Petya noticed that his friend had a

New briefcase. When all the lessons were over, they went home together.

Sasha, you have a beautiful new briefcase, but I have some dirty junk! - Petya exclaimed.

“You also have a very beautiful briefcase, and in general, you need to appreciate what you have,” the friend said calmly.

“You’re better anyway,” Petya said quietly.

Briefcase Petin heard all this and was very offended. And he thought that once

No one needs him, then he will run away from his master tonight. And they

We went to school together from grades 1 to 3, and he only has one hole and

One spot. But Petya didn’t think about washing his

Briefcase and sew up. And it will be like new.


Evening. Petya did all his homework and began to collect his briefcase. When I finished,

I went to bed. As soon as his head touched the pillow, Petya fell into

The country of Morpheus. Meanwhile, the briefcase had already pulled out all the books and

I went to the exit. He quietly opened the door and ran out into the street. Briefcase

I still couldn’t believe that no one needed him. He went to the park and sat down

On the bench.

When Petya woke up, he

I went to the bathroom, washed my face, brushed my teeth, ate, got dressed and wanted to pick up

The briefcase, but...he didn’t find it. But I saw only a stack of notebooks and five

Textbooks on the table. The boy did not bother to understand, he put everything in a bag and

Went to school.

Today Petya had

The most terrible day. On the way, his bag tore and everything fell out on

Sidewalk. He had to carry school supplies in his hands.

After lessons he went home, did his homework and decided to take a walk in the park,

To relax. Petya went into the park, sat down on a bench and said to himself:

Briefcase, how I want you to come back to me. Why did I then say that I don’t need you?

Sad Petya spoke, but the briefcase heard him and fell from the bench so that

Draw attention to yourself. And suddenly the boy saw his

Friend. When he took it in his hands, he almost kissed it.

They came home together, and Petya quickly washed and sewed it up himself. When the briefcase was washed and sewn up, he said:

I have the most beautiful briefcase. And Sasha, it turns out, was right: you need to appreciate what you have!

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Left a reply Ser012005

In the Forgotten Land, in the land of forgotten things, there lived an alarm clock. But it was a very old alarm clock that needed a good repair. Just think, he once lived in a family where he was loved and without whose call the children could be late for school and kindergarten, and parents for work. But one day this family was given a new beautiful wall clock, which also had an alarm mechanism installed. Soon the whole family quickly got used to this clock, and they gradually began to forget about the alarm clock.
Since then, the forgotten alarm clock went to the Forgotten Land. Now he lives here and still hopes that someone will find his call useful...
One day, when the alarm clock was again thinking about its future, he heard someone’s gentle voice. But the alarm clock still couldn’t understand: “Who is this?, What is this?” Maybe someone from that family really came for him? But hearing that this voice was fading and gradually moving away, the alarm clock was very upset. So it's not for him. And he again began to remember his past and those who loved him. After a while, this voice began to approach again. Closer and closer and closer... And then someone came very close to him and took him in his hands. It was a little girl about six years old. She immediately began to examine the old alarm clock and discovered that several of its mechanisms were broken.
-It’s okay, my dad will fix you. You'll be good as new!
Suddenly she noticed how something was sparkling.
- Oh, what is this?
She came a little closer...
-This is my doll! This is what I've been looking for for so long!
Beaming with the happiness that filled her from the inside, she tightly hugged the doll with the alarm clock and, without letting go of her embrace, ran home.
The alarm clock was unusually happy to be noticed. And such a kind and good girl too.
A lot of time has passed since then... but the friendship between the alarm clock and the girl only grew stronger.