A painting with a drawing of winter made of plasticine. Master class “New Year’s paintings” using plasticineography technique

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Plasticineography Winter

The purpose of the master class: improving the professional skills of teachers, obtaining new knowledge and mastering it in practical activities. Objectives of the master class: mastering by teachers of non-traditional techniques for working with plasticine; training master class participants in the “plasticineography” technique; develop interest in unconventional methods of drawing and promote their widespread use in kindergarten. Expected result: manifestation of creativity of teachers in creating a stucco painting depicting semi-volume objects on a horizontal surface, in different ways; increasing the level of professional competence of teachers in the use of plasticineography in working with children.

Quietly humming a fairy tale, winter floats by in the twilight, covering the Earth and trees and houses with a warm blanket.

Plasticineography is an unconventional fine art technique, the principle of which is to create a molded picture depicting semi-volume objects on a horizontal surface. By doing plasticineography, children gain knowledge, skills, abilities, they also consolidate the information received in direct educational activities to familiarize themselves with the environment, communication, drawing, get acquainted with the world of different objects in the process of partial use of waste material, and expand the possibilities of children's visual activities. In the process of creating stucco paintings, children develop fine motor skills, hand coordination, and eye control. This technique is good because it is accessible to children, allows you to quickly achieve the desired result and introduces a certain novelty into children’s activities, making it more exciting and interesting.

Sculpting from plasticine is very interesting. In addition, each new craft is a new toy, painting, postcard that will bring you and your children a lot of joy, because you made it together and with your own hands. How can you learn to sculpt and draw using plasticine if you have no sculptors or artists in your family? Very simple! To do this, the MOST IMPORTANT thing is that you need to have a little imagination, skillful hands and, of course, “magic plasticine”! The master class can be useful for parents, educators and teachers in working with children of senior preschool and primary school age.

Today I want to introduce you to the types of plasticineography: Direct plasticineography - an image of a stucco painting on a horizontal surface. Features of the work: 1. Roll up the parts of the depicted object one by one, first in a three-dimensional shape (in the form of a ball, sausage). 2. Place them on a horizontal surface. 3. Then ra Reverse plasticineography (stained glass) - an image of a stucco painting from the reverse side of a horizontal surface (with a contour designation). Features of the work: 1. Use a transparent plastic surface for work (transparent plastic lids, containers, etc.). 2. Draw the outline of the design on the back of the transparent surface with a marker. 3. Roll up the details of the depicted object one by one, first in a three-dimensional shape (in the form of a ball, sausage). 4. Place them on the surface, rubbing and filling in the details of the image. flatten, connecting parts.

Contour plasticineography is an image of an object along the contour, using “flagella”. Features of the work: 1. Draw a picture with a pencil or marker. 2. Roll sausages or thin flagella from plasticine. 3. Consistently lay out a long flagellum along the contour of the image. 4. You can fill the inner surface of the image with flagella of a different color. Mosaic plasticine painting is an image of a molded picture on a horizontal surface using plasticine balls or ball plasticine. Features of the work: 1. Roll small balls of the desired color. 2. Place them on a horizontal surface, filling the surface of the depicted object with the corresponding color. 3. Press lightly.

Each of these techniques is a small game. Their use allows children to feel more relaxed, bolder, more spontaneous, develops imagination, and gives complete freedom for self-expression. Create, imagine. I wish you success!

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A lesson in modeling using the “plasticine painting” technique.

Subject: "Winter landscape".

Program content:

Teach children to depict a winter landscape with plasticine on cardboard using the plasticine painting technique.

Learn to reflect the impressions received while observing winter nature and looking at works of artists.

To give an idea of ​​the beautiful and harmonious in nature.

Development of attention, observation, the ability to notice new, unusual in familiar phenomena, to admire the beautiful, touching in nature.

Develop fine motor skills of the hand.

Cultivating a sense of joyful anticipation of the winter holidays.


Reproductions of paintings by I. Grabar “February Azure”, “Winter Landscape”; I. Levitan “Village in Winter”; illustrations of winter landscapes; sample work on colored cardboard (A4 format), colored plasticine, colored cardboard, oilcloth, stacks, napkins, small sparkles for decoration.

Progress of the lesson:

Invite children to look at pictures of winter nature. Pay attention to the beauty of the Russian winter.


Winter is very beautiful in its snow-white decoration! What is she like? Why do we love her? What beautiful words can you use to describe her?

(Children's answers).


Artists, composers and poets sang winter in their works. There are many riddles, proverbs, sayings and signs about winter. Tell me which ones you know.

(Children's answers).

Complete the children's answers:

The cat scratches the floor - in the wind, in the snowstorm.

A goose stands on one leg - it means frost.

Take care of your nose in the extreme cold.

The frost is not great, but it does not require you to stand.

Invite children to guess riddles about winter:

The white tablecloth clothed the whole world.(Snow).

A star from the sky, and water in your palm.(Snowflake ).

Like across the sky from the north,

A white swan swam

The well-fed swan swam,

Threw down - poured

There are little lakes in the fields

White fluff and feathers.(Winter).


These riddles were invented by the Russian people. These are some beautiful words that can be said about winter. Now listen to how the poet Nikolai Alekseevich Nekrasov spoke about the Russian winter.

Reading a poem"Frost the Voevoda".

It is not the wind that rages over the forest, whether the tops of the pines are fluffy,

Streams did not run from the mountains, Is the pattern on the oak trees beautiful?

Frost is the commander of the patrol And are the ice floes tightly bound?

Walks around his possessions. In great and small waters?

He looks to see if the snowstorm is good, he walks through the trees,

Forest paths are covered, crackling on frozen water,

And are there any cracks, crevices, And the bright sun is playing

And is there any bare ground somewhere? In his shaggy beard...


And the poet Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin wonderfully talks about the beauty of winter nature in the poem “Winter Morning”.

Under blue skies

Magnificent carpets,

Glistening in the sun, the snow lies;

The transparent forest alone turns black,

And the spruce turns green through the frost,

And the river glitters under the ice.

What winter is depicted in this poem?

(Children's answers).


One can say about winter: “beautiful”, “fabulous”, “majestic”, “magnificent”. What mood is conveyed in these poems? How did you feel after listening to them?

(Children's answers).


Poets wrote about winter solemnly, festively. These poems evoke a feeling of joy and admiration for the beauty of winter nature.

We talked a lot about winter. What is she like? Why do we love her? Winter can be different - harsh, cold, angry, blizzard, snowy, prickly. But it can also be beautiful, snow-white, cheerful, magical, wonderful. Because of her beauty, people came up with affectionate names for her: Zimushka-winter, Guest-winter, Winter-sorceress.

You and I can also depict the Russian winter in our works using plasticine. Remember what trees and bushes look like in winter. What is the earth covered with?

Clarify how to correctly depict in a picture: snowdrifts, falling snow, trees using the “plasticine painting” technique. Show children how to make silver snow using small sparkles, pressing them onto plasticine.


Close your eyes and imagine a magical winter fairy tale, the main characters of which could be the Snowman, the Snow Maiden, animals of the winter forest and other characters. Now let's get to work.

At the end, the children examine the work. Offer to choose the most beautifully made trees, bushes, snowdrifts. Ask why they chose these particular images.

Plasticine application on CD on the theme: Winter

Master class with step-by-step photos. Plasticineography. Panel "Winter"

Soldatova Elena Ivanovna, primary school teacher, Municipal Educational Institution “Secondary School No. 1 of Novouzensk, Saratov Region”
Description: This master class is intended for students in grades 1-2, teachers, parents and simply creative people
Purpose: work for an exhibition, gift.
Making panels using plasticineography technique on a disk
- Introduce an unconventional imaging technique - plasticineography;
- To consolidate the techniques of working with plasticine - smearing, smoothing, rolling, flattening;
- Develop fine motor skills, artistic taste, imagination, imagination;
- To foster independence, accuracy, and interest in arts and crafts.
Materials required for work:
ballpoint pen refill

Winter... Frosty and snowy, long-awaited for some, and not very loved by others, but undoubtedly beautiful. Fields covered with a white blanket, modest Christmas trees in white fur coats, snowdrifts and the creaking of snow underfoot - it is impossible not to be captured by Zimushka-Winter. It will whirl you around with blizzards and enchant you with the paintings on the glass.

White snow, fluffy
Spinning in the air
And the ground is quiet
Falls, lies down.

And in the morning snow
The field turned white
Like a veil
Everything dressed him.

Dark forest, like a hat,
Covered up weird
And fell asleep under her
Strong, unwavering... (I. Surikov)

Poets convey the beauty of winter in poetry, composers with the help of sounds, artists with the help of paints.
Today we will depict the beauty of winter using plasticine.

Step-by-step process for completing the work:
1. Take a disk, smear white plasticine on the lower half of the disk - this is snow.

We make the upper half blue - this is the sky

2. Make a hut with brown plasticine and use a ruler to make impressions of the logs

3. Sprinkle the roof of the hut with snow - roll out a flagellum from white plasticine and lightly press it to the base

4. Let's depict transverse logs using plasticine rolled and slightly flattened balls. Using the opposite end of a pen refill, you can make impressions on these balls.

5.Make a window from blue plasticine

6. Add snowfall

7.Add a rowan bush in the foreground

8. Herringbone

9. Let's plant a bullfinch on a rowan tree. Our panel is ready.

Winter has brightened up:
The headdress has fringe
From transparent ice floes,
Snowflake stars.
All covered in diamonds, pearls,
In colorful lights,
The radiance is pouring around,
Whispers a spell:
-Lie down, soft snows,
To the forests and meadows,
Cover the paths
Leave the branches down!
On the windows, Santa Claus,
Scatter crystal roses
Light visions
Tricky gossip.
You, blizzard, are a miracle,
Round dances of the backwaters,
Take off like a white whirlwind
Turning gray in the field!
Sleep, my land, sleep,
Keep your magical dreams:
Wait, she’s dressed in brocade,
New dawn! (M. Pozharov)

Plasticine is an excellent material for creating both three-dimensional figures and two-dimensional paintings. Plasticine pictures look very advantageous, especially if they depict a landscape - they can decorate any room. Thus, a hand-made picture from plasticine “”

It will definitely attract the attention of your home guests or visitors.

To make it you will need:

unwanted CD;


small rolling pin;

modeling board.

The CD is needed to make the plasticine more durable: it will be used as a base. You can use cardboard instead of a disk, but then the picture will turn out softer.

Let's get started.

We place the disk in front of us.

We cover its upper half with a layer of dark blue plasticine.

First, distribute the plasticine with your hands, and then use a rolling pin, which will help make the surface more even and smooth.

The plasticine that extends beyond the edges of the disk is carefully trimmed with a stack.

The top half of the disk turned blue.

Cover the bottom half with white plasticine.

Its top edge should rise slightly above the blue layer.

We cut off the edges hanging over the surface of the disk.

The result is a round picture that depicts snow-covered ground and a blue evening sky.

Now we roll a sausage out of black plasticine.

Cut it into pieces of approximately the same length.

Align them in length, cutting off excess edges.

Place them next to each other.

Trim the edges again. The result was a log house.

We make a cake out of black plasticine, cut one edge of it so that it becomes even.

We place the flatbread over our row of sausages.

We cut out a triangular roof for the house from it.

We draw transverse stripes on it.

Make a yellow cake and cut a square out of it.

We put this square on the frame - we get a window. For greater similarity, we draw cross-shaped strips on it. From yellow plasticine we make balls - stars and a month.