Kuzmin, what year of birth? How Vladimir Kuzmin turned from a rocker into an exemplary family man

The famous composer, musician and singer is Vladimir Kuzmin. This composer's skills in playing various musical instruments are simply amazing. Vladimir Borisovich is without a doubt a legend of Russian rock, and the same applies to the stage.

His compositions belong to such genres as synthpop, blues, and fusion rock. In addition, Kuzmin is the leader of such rock groups as “Dynamic” and “Carnival”. Thanks to such hits as “A Tale in My Life” and “Hey, Beauty” and many others that became real hits, Vladimir secured the title of legend.

Height, weight, age of Vladimir Kuzmin

Due to the fact that the musician is extremely popular, his army of fans wants to learn as much information as possible about their idol. For example, physical data - height, weight, age of Vladimir Kuzmin. At this point in time, the musician is 62 years old, weighs 75 kilograms, and height is 173 centimeters.

The musician’s fan audience is very diverse and not everyone knows what Vladimir Kuzmin was like in his youth. Photos from his youth can still be found in the public domain, although the quality of the photographic materials leaves much to be desired, but they still exist. According to the Zodiac calendar, Vladimir is a Gemini, because he was born at the very end of May.

Biography of Vladimir Kuzmin

This wonderful musician was born on the last day of the month of May (31st), in 1955. At that moment, when the first screams were heard in the maternity ward, the biography of Vladimir Kuzmin began.

Mother - Kuzmina Natalya Ivanovna was a school English teacher. Father - Kuzmin Boris Grigorievich was a marine and had an officer rank.

After graduating from school at the military camp, it was decided to apply to the capital's railway institute. But studies did not work out due to the realization that Vladimir’s life belongs to music.

His musical career began when he graduated from the Dnepropetrovsk Music College. Vladimir began playing in the Nadezhda ensemble, but due to criticism from the artistic director, the musician left the group.

Subsequently, Kuzmin performed in the groups “Gems” and “Carnival”, and in 1982 the legendary “Dynamic” was created, in which he performed until 1986.

After a year of work with Alla Pugacheva, the musician revives “Dynamic” and goes to the States. And in the 90s, Vladimir returned to his homeland, where he assembled the same “Dynamic” for the third time. At the same time, Kuzmin opens a recording studio that is not inferior to those overseas and re-records his music.

Personal life of Vladimir Kuzmin

The personal life of Vladimir Kuzmin is busy and rich. A separate episode in the media highlights the relationship with the Russian pop diva Alla Pugacheva. This relationship was hidden quite carefully, and all that is known is that there were tender feelings between colleagues on the stage, but creativity came first. Constant competitions in creativity, as well as many musical works were dedicated specifically to Pugacheva - that’s all that can be said on this matter.

In addition to a huge army of fans, Vladimir Kuzmin had several women with whom he tied the knot in marriage.

Family of Vladimir Kuzmin

In addition to his parents, the musician has a younger brother, whose name is Alexander, and an older sister, Irina Kuzmina.

When my father was transferred to another garrison, Vladimir Kuzmin’s entire family moved from Moscow to a military town. In the future, all that is known is that Vladimir’s brother joined his musical group. After this, he lived for some time in the United States of America, but eventually returned to Russia, where he settled in the capital just like their older sister Irina. Little is known about her sister, but you can find several photographs where Irina is surrounded by her younger brothers.

Children of Vladimir Kuzmin

Such a topic as the children of Vladimir Kuzmin is associated with both bright and tragic moments in his life. It is known that the musician has three children from his first marriage, but to everyone’s regret, the two eldest left this world, and the eldest daughter died a violent death.

Another tragic moment in Vladimir's life is the unnatural death of his father. Boris Grigorievich had an accident. Sharing his son’s passion for two-wheeled vehicles, the musician’s father preferred to drive motorized vehicles. At the time of the car accident, Boris Kuzmin was 86 years old.

Son of Vladimir Kuzmin - Stepan

One of the musician’s eldest children was born in 1983. The son of Vladimir Kuzmin, Stepan, followed his father’s path, becoming a musician. Just like his father, the young man had a dream of making a career as a singer, he even managed to form his own group. But evil fate did not allow the guy to realize his goals and dreams.

The guy died, and this happened because of a fire caused by an unextinguished cigarette. The young man fell from a height of more than fifty meters when he tried to get out of the apartment engulfed in flames. The factor in the fall of Vladimir’s eldest son was the flimsy cornice along which he tried to move to his neighbors.

The adopted son of Vladimir Kuzmin - Nikita

The child of his ex-wife Tatyana Artemyeva was not related by blood to the composer, and then he decides to adopt him. The adopted son of Vladimir Kuzmin, Nikita, was born five years later than the deceased Stepan. The guy’s life also didn’t work out, because he, in turn, got involved in one very serious scam. By court decision, Nikita was sentenced to three years in a general regime colony.

The good news for him was the consideration of an amnesty. The guy was amnestied right in the courtroom. Apart from this high-profile case, press service employees were unable to obtain more information.

Daughter of Vladimir Kuzmin - Elizaveta

The eldest daughter Lisa first saw this world in 1977. At the age of twenty-five, Vladimir Kuzmin’s daughter, Elizaveta Kuzmina, died a violent death at home.

A girl living at that time in the capital of the Russian Federation was stabbed sixteen times. The girl died from excessive blood loss and damage to internal organs. When investigating the case, the police, having reached a dead end, were unable to find the identities of those who committed such a terrible crime. And on one of the walls in the apartment it was written “The Matrix has you”, which means: “You are stuck in the Matrix” - a quote from the film, then still by the Wachowski brothers, The Matrix.

Daughter of Vladimir Kuzmin - Sonya

Regarding the youngest daughter of our hero, there is negligible information from the consecrated press. The daughter of Vladimir Kuzmin, Sonya, is the youngest daughter among the children from the singer’s first marriage, and the girl is also the only living daughter from the same marriage.

Sonya was born in 1985. Deciding to follow in the footsteps of her star parent, she became a singer, the public realized this when the girl got involved in a project called “Star Factory”. This was the third season of a Russian television music project to support young performers. There is no more information about the musician’s daughter in the public domain, and even if there is, it is only at the level of rumors, gossip and possible discussions.

Illegitimate daughters of Vladimir Kuzmin - Nicole and Marta

The period from 1985 to 1987 was very eventful for the musician; in those years, Vladimir gave birth to two girls. Vladimir Kuzmin’s illegitimate daughters – Nicole and Martha, whom the musician admitted were born from different women. Martha was born on International Women's Day - March 8, 1986. Actually, that’s why the girl was named “Martha.” The girl’s mother is Irina Miltsina, that’s all the information about Marta.

Another daughter born out of wedlock is Nicole. The girl was raised and raised by her grandmother, who lived in the American “City of Angels”. The composer learned about the existence of his daughter only 26 years after the girl’s birth.

The ex-wife of Vladimir Kuzmin - Tatyana Artemyeva

The musician has a unique ability to charm women, and therefore he tied himself to marriage more than once. The first ex-wife of Vladimir Kuzmin is Tatyana Artemyeva. The woman was an excellent poetess, thanks to this, not a single text was written for Vladimir’s songs.

The couple lived together for almost a decade and over the years, they had three children. And the reason for the breakup was problems in everyday life, as well as the musician’s addiction to alcoholic beverages. Tatyana is not at all angry with her ex-husband, in fact, like his other women.

Former wives of Vladimir Kuzmin - Kelly Curzon and Vera Sotnikova

The next marriage relationship of the famous musician lasted only two years. The next marriage partner was American top model Kelly Curzon. Apart from this, nothing more is known.

Vera Sotnikova is the third wife of the legendary composer. It is worth noting the fact that the third marriage became civil. Vera is closely connected with the world of cinema, as she was an actress and also a presenter on television. After seven years of marriage, the couple decides to separate. The ex-wives of Vladimir Kuzmin, Kelly Curzon and Vera Sotnikova, are not at all angry with their ex-husband.

Vladimir Kuzmin's wife - Ekaterina Trofimova

This is already the fourth marriage for the composer and it is worth noting that he is very happy in it. Vladimir Kuzmin’s wife, Ekaterina Trofimova, is twenty-seven years younger than her husband, but this fact did not become an obstacle in their life. The couple loves each other very much.

Another love of Vladimir is love with alcoholic drinks, because of which family ties were under great threat, even on the verge of destruction, but despite this, his young beloved is still close to the composer.

There are many rumors about plastic surgeries that Vladimir had done so that his face would not be wrinkled and he would at least somewhat match the image of his wife.

Instagram and Wikipedia of Vladimir Kuzmin

When bringing up the topic of the composer’s media presence, one cannot say much. Instagram and Wikipedia of Vladimir Kuzmin are a twofold thing. Thanks to his merits and acquired fame, the composer has his own page in the free Internet encyclopedia Wikipedia. But on the photo sharing service Instagram, you cannot find the musician’s profile, since it simply does not exist.

But he has an account on Twitter, where you can find fresh photographic materials from Vladimir’s creative life, as well as exclusive videos. In addition, anyone can ask questions or leave a wish for the celebrity. Article found on alabanza.ru

Kuzmin Vladimir (born May 31, 1955) is a Soviet and Russian musician, author and performer of rock songs. People's Artist of the Russian Federation. He has 28 solo albums and is the author of about three hundred songs.

Early years

Vladimir Borisovich is a native of Moscow. His father was a military man, his mother a teacher. He spent his childhood in Belarus, then in the Murmansk region, where his father was transferred to serve. At school he was an excellent student, from an early age he loved music and attended a music school, violin class. At the age of five he learned to play an electric guitar, and at the age of six he composed his first song, which became the football anthem of the team in the yard. In the sixth grade, he formed a musical group, with which he performed at school discos, performing popular songs and his own songs.

In 1972 he came to Moscow and became a student at the Railway Institute, which he did not graduate from. In 1977, he became a member of the Nadezhda ensemble, whose repertoire included Kuzmin’s songs. Later he left Nadezhda to join the Melodiya ensemble. Then - to “Gems”, where he worked for a year. He entered the Dnepropetrovsk Conservatory, where he received a musical education in the flute class. He was a capable student and passed his final exams with flying colors.

Kuzmin (standing with a guitar) in the ensemble “Nadezhda”

Career development

In 1979, he formed the rock band “Carnival” together with A. Barykin. Over the three years of work, the group became quite popular in the capital. Since 1982, Kuzmin began playing and singing in the group "Dynamic", which performed mainly his songs. The musical group turned out to be successful and was considered the best Soviet rock band. But in 1983 the members changed, and the group began performing at Vladimir’s solo performances.

Kuzmin became widely known by collaborating with A. Pugacheva. Their first joint performance took place in 1986, the duo performed the song “Two Stars” (author – I. Nikolaev). After this, Vladimir joined the group performing with Pugacheva as a vocalist. He went on tour with the singer in many countries, wrote songs for her. Together they recorded an album, the release of which was planned for 1987, but did not take place due to the termination of cooperation.

V. Kuzmin and A. Pugacheva, 1986

In 1987, Vladimir released his first album, “My Love,” and assembled a new line-up, “Dynamics.” He tours with the group and writes new albums. In 1991, the team went to California, where they worked for two years and released two albums in English. Most of the participants remained in the USA, and upon their return, Kuzmin updated the composition of the group, and subsequently did this several more times. He continued touring and recording albums. In total, he recorded 28 solo discs, and in 2011 he was nominated for the title of People's Artist.


Personal life

Kuzmin married three times. The first wife, T. Artemyeva, gave birth to three children to the singer, and wrote several lyrics to Kuzmin’s songs. The marriage lasted eight years. The eldest daughter Elizaveta (1977) was killed in Moscow in 2002, son Stepan (1983) died seven years later in a fire. Daughter Sonya (1985), like her father, turned out to be a creative person and was a participant in the Star Factory project.

Kuzmin and his wife took part in the talk show “Let Them Talk”, 2016

Vladimir has illegitimate children and an adopted son. In 1986, daughter Marta was born (mother - I. Miltsina), in 1987 - daughter Nicole (from a fan of Tatyana). In 1990 he married K. Curzon, an American. Since 1993, he lived with actress V. Sotnikova for seven years. The third wife, E. Trofimova, is 27 years younger than the singer. The couple met at Kuzmin's concert in Anapa.

In 2013, Vladimir’s father died in a traffic accident. His younger brother was at one time a member of Dynamics and lived in the USA from 1992 to 2010. Now he lives in Russia, owns a recording studio, writes music and songs. There is also an older sister who lives in Moscow.

Vladimir Borisovich Kuzmin (born May 31, 1955, Moscow) is a Russian rock musician, multi-instrumentalist, rock vocalist, and songwriter. People's Artist of Russia (2011). Since 1983, for more than 20 years, Vladimir Kuzmin has released about 20 albums and written more than 200 songs, many of which were performed by him together with the musicians of the group “Dynamic”.

The singer hasn’t been performing much lately, and now I saw his name again on the December poster in our city. I am very glad that Vladimir Kuzmin managed to recover from what happened in his life.

A fire broke out in the apartment of the son of a popular singer on Academician Pilyugin Street on Sunday morning. As investigators later found out, the cause of the fire turned out to be trivial - an unextinguished cigarette thrown near the sofa.
“And there was no fire,” eyewitnesses assure. - Only smoke poured out of the window - thick, black.

Then a completely naked guy appeared in the same window. Apparently, he was afraid that he was cut off from leaving the apartment by fire and tried to escape by making his way along the ledge to the neighboring apartment. But he broke loose and flew down...
“At that moment, my husband and I were drinking coffee in the kitchen, when suddenly a man flew outside the window,” Tatyana, Kuzmin’s neighbor from below, recalls with horror. - We rushed to the window and looked: the satellite dish was shaking, and Styopa was lying on the ground.
Firefighters and an ambulance were already on their way to the scene. Firefighters dealt with the fire quickly. The doctors could only confirm the death of the young man.

A sad video, filmed on the day of the funeral of Stepan’s son,

accompanied by Vladimir Kuzmin's wonderful song "I won't forget you"

Father and son

Stepan wanted to become a musician, created his own group


Stepan's death is the second great grief in the family of the famous rock performer. Earlier, in December 2002, his 24-year-old daughter from his first marriage to poetess Tatyana Artemyeva was killed in Moscow. The body of Elizaveta Kuzmina was found in an apartment on Seslavinskaya Street. As investigators reported at the time, the girl’s cause of death was a stab wound to the neck. Very soon the main suspect in the murder was identified - Lisa's 18-year-old boyfriend Vladimir. At the first interrogation, he admitted that he killed her during a quarrel.
In addition to Elizaveta and Stepan, the musician is survived by three more children: daughters Sophia and Marta and son Nikita.

Sister Sophia, by the way, a graduate of “Star Factory-3” lived in the apartment next to Stepa’s on the 18th floor.

Third misfortune. The adopted son of singer Vladimir Kuzmin, Nikita Kuzmin, became a defendant in a major scam, the damage from which amounted to at least $50 million. The Manhattan Southern District Attorney's Office charged Nikita Kuzmin and his accomplices with computer fraud, illegal financial transactions and money laundering. He now faces up to 97 years in prison.

We wish the talented singer and musician Vladimir Kuzmin to recover from all the misfortunes that happened to his children and once again plunge into his creativity, which brings joy to all people.

Kuzmin Vladimir Borisovich is an amazingly talented musician with a rather interesting appearance, who never ceases to delight his fans with more and more hits. At the same time, the mothers and fathers of these fans also remember and love the compositions of this talented man, which sounded despite all the bans on rock music in Soviet times.

At the same time, Vladimir Borisovich created rock groups, wrote wonderful compositions for them, which often became real hits of all times and peoples. Quite often, his songs, combining notes of blues and rock, synthpop and pop music, were so popular that they became folk songs.

Height, weight, age. How old is Vladimir Kuzmin

Many fans of the talent and charisma of the composer and author of many hits are in a hurry to find out Kuzmin’s height, weight, and age. How old Vladimir Kuzmin is is far from a secret, but the figure changes every year.

Kuzmin was born back in 1955, so we can say with confidence that he is already sixty-two years old. According to the zodiac sign Gemini, Vladimir is a bright, creative, inspiring person, artistic, talented, but fickle.

The eastern horoscope gave the artist the sign of the Goat, endowing him with such character traits as hard work, reliability, caring, loyalty, and stability.

Vladimir Kuzmin: the photo in his youth and now has practically not changed, only wrinkles have been added to the face of this incredibly smiling man. His height remained the same and amounted to one hundred and seventy-three centimeters, but Kuzmin weighs seventy-five kilograms.

Biography of Vladimir Kuzmin

The biography of Vladimir Kuzmin is surprising in its unusualness, since the guy was born to people whose professions are far from creative and musical.

His father, Boris Kuzmin, served in the Marine Corps and even rose to the rank of officer, and his mother, Natalya Kuzmina, worked in a regular school and taught foreign languages.

Sister - Irina Kuzmina - is older than her famous brother, she studied music and knew several foreign languages ​​perfectly, but lives in Moscow, is married and is raising her daughter Suzanne.

His brother, Alexander Kuzmin, is younger than his brother, he was seriously involved in music, all the time organizing musical groups, performing with his brother, but under several sonorous pseudonyms. The guy created a recording studio in which many celebrities record songs, including his brother Vladimir.

Vova studied at the most ordinary Bykhov school, although he spent almost his entire adult life in Murmansk. The boy was an excellent student, so his photo was always on the honor board.

Vladimir studied at a music school, he not only sang, but also mastered the violin, which he hated because he was constantly bullied by the boys. The guy independently mastered the electric guitar at the age of five, wrote his first composition a year later, and also created a school ensemble similar to the Beatles, which played at school evenings.

Kuzmin wrote most of the group’s songs personally, and he often wrote novels that combined fantasy and the life of ordinary youth, but had no intention of publishing them. At the same time, Vladimir did not want to become a singer or a writer; he studied to become a railway worker, although he realized in time that this was not his calling.

The young man entered the Dnepropetrovsk Music College, where he learned several musical instruments from scratch, surpassing his peers. He was set as an example, noting his virtuoso playing of the piano and flute, but he did not study further and began singing and playing in the VIA Nadezhda.

Later, Kuzmin played in the groups “Gems”, “Carnival”, “Dynamic”, most of the songs for which he created himself. Vladimir was sure that there were enough of them to tour cities and release records that sold like hot cakes. Few people know, but the songs combined rock, blues and reggae, and after a couple of years the ability to write compositions led to orders for famous musicians.

The year 1986 brought Kuzmin fame and collaboration with the Diva herself, who invited the guy to her theater. After this, the singer and composer again began playing in the Dynamite group and even moved to the USA.

Since the mid-90s, the musician returned to his native land, opening a recording studio.

Personal life of Vladimir Kuzmin

Vladimir Kuzmin's personal life was incredibly stormy, but not all of his novels were open to journalists. Rumor has it that the handsome man had a huge number of fans, who often became a thing of the past after one night spent together.

There were often persistent rumors that Kuzmin got into the Prima Donna Theater not because of his enormous talent, but through bed. The fact is that the woman treated the young singer and composer extremely tenderly, so there was talk that they lived together or were not only old friends, but also ardent lovers.

Kuzmin never tired of writing beautiful compositions about love and dedicating them to Alla Borisovna, but the two mastodons in the world of music constantly competed with each other. At the same time, Pugacheva either denied or confirmed these relationships, so they remained a terrible secret.

Family of Vladimir Kuzmin

Vladimir Kuzmin's family had many children, since the future singer and composer also had an older sister and a younger brother. By the way, information about this was contradictory, since some sources say that Vladimir Borisovich was the eldest of the children.

By the way, Boris Grigorievich was incredibly close to his son, so Vladimir Kuzmin had a hard time surviving the tragic death of his father in a traffic accident. This happened near Dnepropetrovsk when an eighty-five-year-old man crashed on a motorcycle.

Currently, mother - Natalya Ivanovna - has also gone to a better world, so next to the man there are a brother and sister who are incredibly close to their famous brother.

Children of Vladimir Kuzmin

The children of Vladimir Kuzmin are his huge secret, since in the singer’s life there were a huge number of women, most of whom could well give birth to a baby from a celebrity and not even tell him about it.

It is now known that not all wives and official passions gave birth to heirs, since three children were born from the first wife in a legal marriage.

Kuzmin also has an adopted and very problematic son, Nikita, as well as two illegitimate daughters, Nicole and Martha, who were officially recognized.

Terrible events are associated with Vladimir’s children, since two of them died under tragic circumstances. At the same time, the musician admitted that he failed to raise his children correctly, which he greatly regrets.

Son of Vladimir Kuzmin - Stepan

The son of Vladimir Kuzmin, Stepan, was born in 1983, his mother was Tatyana Artemyeva, the guy was the pride of the singer, since he was considered a real child prodigy. The fact is that he only got straight A's and played the piano masterfully from the age of six, constantly skipping classes at music school.

Six-year-old Styopa sang and played the guitar no worse than his father, he was a leader and even wrote stories. The boy even wrote songs for his father, and was also incredibly sociable.

Stepan studied at Gnesinka, but did not graduate because he created his own musical group “Sun” and became interested in drugs. The guy drank and smoked, and also tried to commit suicide because he had swallowed pills.

After being treated in several Moscow mental hospitals in 2003, Stepan calmed down and began dating a girl, Eva. In 2009, the guy died tragically when a fire started in his apartment on the eighteenth floor. Styopa moved from balcony to balcony and fell down, but no traces of alcohol or drugs were found in his blood.

The adopted son of Vladimir Kuzmin - Nikita

The adopted son of Vladimir Kuzmin - Nikita - the son of Tatyana Artemyeva from a casual relationship, whom the singer officially adopted, was born in 1987. The boy was interested in technology, computers, design and drawing.

Nikita has become an excellent designer, however, he recently became involved in a major scandal. He was accused of committing financial fraud through hacking.

Nikita Kuzmin managed to earn $50,000,000 from illegal financial transactions as he laundered money by creating a computer virus. The guy was arrested and spent time in a pre-trial detention center, so he was amnestied in the courtroom, receiving a sentence of three years.

Currently the guy lives in St. Petersburg, he loves to travel. Nikita is not married, but is dating a girl named Masha.

Daughter of Vladimir Kuzmin - Elizaveta

The daughter of Vladimir Kuzmin, Elizaveta, was born in her first marriage in 1977, her mother was Tatyana Artemyeva. The girl suffered from a mild form of mental retardation due to mental illness, but was teachable.

During the divorce, the girl stayed with her mother, she was constantly treated in mental hospitals, did not work and got involved with a company of Satanists. Lisa began to smoke marijuana and supplied it to her younger brother Styopa; she gathered at home a group of strange and often inadequate people.

In 2002, a girl was found murdered in her own apartment; her murder looked more like a strange ritual. The fact is that Lisa was stabbed in the neck, stabbed at least sixteen times, and a quote from The Matrix was written on the wall in blood.

This crime has not been solved until now, although it was suspected that Lisa was killed by one of the two fans.

Daughter of Vladimir Kuzmin - Sonya

The daughter of Vladimir Kuzmin, Sonya, is the beloved girl of the singer and composer, who was born in 1985 from Tatyana Artemyeva. The girl studied well in music and regular schools, while she studied vocals and karate, drawing and tai-bo.

She loves quality chocolate, travels and writes original songs. Sonya Kuzmina became famous after she came to the “Star Factory” show, but when she was only eight, the artistic little girl starred in her father’s video “Soul.” At the same time, the girl did not win the show, but went on her first tour.

Sonya sings as her father's opening act, writes songs and wants to become a real star, and considers her closest people to be her father and brother Nikita.

Illegitimate daughter of Vladimir Kuzmin - Marta

Vladimir Kuzmin’s illegitimate daughter, Marta, was born in March 1986, which determined her name. The baby’s mother is Irina Miltsina, but she looks like her star dad.

The girl bears her father's surname, she studies music and vocals very professionally. At the same time, Marta works in one of the famous Moscow clubs as a DJ.

The beauty dresses stylishly, but prefers sportswear, while short-haired Marta Kuzmina resembles Vladimir in his youth. The girl is interested in floristry; she often communicates with her sister Sonya.

Illegitimate daughter of Vladimir Kuzmin - Nicole

Vladimir Kuzmin’s illegitimate daughter, Nicole, was born back in 1987 from a fan from Rostov, mulatto Tatyana Muingo. The singer found out about her only in 2013, but was glad to meet her.

Nicole lives in the USA with her mother, she received an excellent education and does not regret that her mother, having become pregnant by Kuzmin in just a few days of a whirlwind romance, left her and raised her on her own.

The mulatto girl works as a marketer, she remembers that her sixteen-year-old mother fought for her, since Nicole was born in Uganda during an artificial birth in the sixth month of pregnancy, so she simply idolizes her mother. Although Tatyana suffers from drug addiction and dies quietly, she was raised by her grandmother from the age of four.

The ex-wife of Vladimir Kuzmin - Tatyana Artemyeva

Vladimir Kuzmin’s ex-wife, Tatyana Artemyeva, appeared in his life in 1973, when young people met on a bench in front of the Bolshoi Theater. Then the guys met in a cafe at a mutual friend’s birthday, but the girl suffered for her beloved guy nicknamed Saboteur.

Vladimir was persistent, he was constantly on duty at Tanya’s entrance, he caught a cold and fell ill. Artemyeva took pity on the guy and let him into the apartment, where they became close, after which the parents insisted on a modest wedding in 1977.

The marriage broke up due to Vladimir’s constant affairs, although Kuzmin said that the problem was with the journalist, who was fixated on past lives and spiritual practices.

Ex-wife of Vladimir Kuzmin - Kelly Curzon

The ex-wife of Vladimir Kuzmin, Kelly Curzon, is a well-known US fashion model, whom the musician met in the early nineties when he went abroad with the Dynamite group. In 1990, the guys got married after a short candy-bouquet period.

Many fans and colleagues of the singer said that the marriage was fictitious to the core. The fact is that Vladimir needed to quickly find an American wife in order to obtain US citizenship.

Kuzmin was married to the beauty and sought-after fashion model for only two years, but this relationship was not exposed to fans. At the same time, the reason for the divorce was Vladimir’s return to his homeland and Kelly’s refusal to follow him.

The common-law ex-wife of Vladimir Kuzmin - Vera Sotnikova

The common-law ex-wife of Vladimir Kuzmin, Vera Sotnikova, said that she stole him from the Diva herself and lived together for seven years. She constantly helped her husband, becoming the director of his videos, as well as his make-up artist and concert director.

Vera simply adored Vladimir, raised all his children, and admired the composer’s talent. She was an ideal wife, as Kuzmin said later, but at that time Vera was becoming less and less valuable to him.

The singer could have gone on tour without her or left her alone on her birthday; the couple began to quarrel as Vera began to suspect her husband of cheating. Sotnikova left Kuzmin, and the man had a hard time with the breakup.

Vladimir Kuzmin's wife - Ekaterina Trofimova

Vladimir Kuzmin’s wife, Ekaterina Trofimova, managed to save her beloved because she believed in him and fell in love with him. The couple met in 1999, and the girl was twenty-seven years younger.

Katya approached Kuzmin in Anapa and asked for his autograph, after which the man realized that he was thinking only about her. At the same time, the beauty did not respond to his advances, but simply went to the artist, who painted two portraits for Katya and Vladimir.

After the guys met for the second time, Vladimir took the girl’s phone number and began to communicate with her by phone. Then a marriage was concluded, which lasted for eleven years, although neither the children nor the ex-spouses could understand it.

Photo by Vladimir Kuzmin before and after plastic surgery

Photos of Vladimir Kuzmin before and after plastic surgery can often be seen on the Internet. At the same time, Vladimir himself is in no hurry to comment on the pictures if they do not appear on the website of any plastic surgeon in the form of advertising.

Kuzmin does not tell how he manages to keep himself in such great shape, but he often says that sports and quality nutrition are his secret.

Fans say that Kuzmin made numerous Botox injections to become handsome for his young wife, and also that they were unsuccessful because they smoothed out his face too much and reduced his facial expressions.

Instagram and Wikipedia of Vladimir Kuzmin

Instagram and Wikipedia of Vladimir Kuzmin have existed for a long time, but not at the official level. From the Wikipedia article you can learn about the singer’s childhood and youth. There is up-to-date information about Kuzmin’s parents, spouses, children, education and creativity.

However, you won’t be able to find a personal page on Instagram, because it simply doesn’t exist. All current photos and videos can be found on Twitter or on Kuzmin’s official website. Using these online resources, you can communicate with the composer, order him for a corporate party, and simply express admiration for his work.

From childhood, he knew for sure that music would become not only his profession, but also the meaning of his whole life. Vladimir Kuzmin believed: fame, recognition, money and women are secondary.

He married early, but always considered himself not cut out for family life. His women were rich, famous and successful, but the moment came when he wanted the simplest human happiness. Without the glare of spotlights, camera flashes and obsessive attention.

Early marriage

Vladimir Kuzmin in his youth.

He met Tatyana Artemyeva at the age of 20. The pretty girl did not immediately reciprocate the feelings of the future rock star. For a long time he sought her attention, even spent the night in her entrance.

Vladimir Kuzmin and Tatyana Artemyeva.

They got married when Vladimir was 22 years old. Soon their first child was born - daughter Lisa, in 1983 Stepan was born, and three years later - Sonya.
However, by the time the youngest daughter was born, it was clear that their relationship had long since outlived its usefulness. Despite the fact that Tatyana fully shared Kuzmin’s passion for music, even wrote poetry for him, they never managed to build a real family.

Styopa and Lisa Kuzmin with their parents.

The musician always admitted that he was not meant to be a good husband and father; he had a completely different purpose in life: music. In 1985, the couple divorced. After the divorce, Tatyana had a son, Nikita, but according to the woman, his father was not Vladimir Kuzmin at all.

Two stars

Vladimir Kuzmin.

The musician’s musical career was developing very successfully at that time. The group he created, “Dynamic,” enjoyed incredible popularity.
At that time, Alla Pugacheva needed to prepare a rock performance for showing at a foreign festival. She herself had never performed such compositions, so she turned to familiar musicians for help. And they, in turn, recommended Vladimir Kuzmin to her.
This is how their acquaintance began, which very quickly turned into a romantic relationship.
Their creative union turned out to be very fruitful, and the song “Two Stars” became the calling card of their duet. Alla Borisovna helped her lover file for a divorce; they had certain plans for their future together.

Vladimir Kuzmin and Alla Pugacheva.

But at the peak of his fame, Vladimir Kuzmin suddenly decides to leave for America. Later he admits that the reason was that incredible fame, which suddenly began to interfere with his normal life. He could hardly bear his increased popularity; the excessive attention of fans tired him.

American love

Vladimir Kuzmin.

His younger brother and several other musicians went with him to America. They worked their butts off: every day they had a four-hour concert at a nightclub in California. For the first 45 minutes they performed their music, then there was a 15-minute break and three more sections - they played compositions by Jimi Hendrix, the Rolling Stones, Eric Clapton and other masters of rock and roll.

Vladimir Kuzmin and Kelly Curzon.

On the wave of American drive, he fell in love again. This time his chosen one was model Kelly Curzon. The romance was fast-paced and passionate. When the musician decided to return to Russia, his lover followed him. They got married in Moscow.
But their marriage lasted only a couple of years. Kelly Curzon's father was categorically against his daughter's relationship with the Russian, and was still able to insist on their breakup, threatening to leave her without an inheritance.

Happy co-creation

Vladimir Kuzmin and Vera Sotnikova.

They met at a New Year's party on January 19, 1993 and almost immediately began to live together. For the sake of her beloved, the actress abandoned all her projects and began to accompany Vladimir Kuzmin everywhere. Afterwards she became the director of videos for his songs.
However, this union also came to an end. When the actress realized that the relationship between them had long ceased to be as passionate as in the beginning, and Kuzmin was spending more and more time without her, she left first.

Vladimir Kuzmin and his daughters.

In addition to long-term relationships, there were several short-term romances in the musician’s life, as a result of which his daughters Martha and Nicole were born. We must pay tribute to Vladimir Kuzmin: he never refused to help his children, and continues to do so now, when they have long grown up.

"You're a fairy tale of my life…"

When love comes.

For several years he lived alone until he met his last love, Katya. He saw the artist drawing her portrait, and she, seeing Vladimir Kuzmin, ran up to ask for an autograph. He literally fell in love at first sight. A year later they got married.
They have been together for 16 years, despite incessant rumors about their imminent separation. It fell to Katya to become a support for her loved one when he experienced the death of his children. In 2002, his eldest daughter Lisa was killed, and in 2009, his son Stepan jumped out of the window of his apartment, trying to escape from a fire that broke out. She was simply there and even her silence helped to relieve the unbearable pain of loss. Thanks to Katya, he became a real exemplary family man. As the singer himself says, true love just came into his life.

Vladimir Kuzmin with his wife.

He never dedicated songs to his women, and gave Katya his romantic composition “You are a fairy tale in my life” for her wedding. They live secluded lives and do not like to give interviews or appear in front of cameras. They just enjoy the opportunity to be together all the time.