Specialty "economic security".

Today, the key to successful and stable development of almost any company, business or enterprise is the concept of “economic security.”

The profession of people involved in its protection bears the same name. It appeared on the domestic labor market relatively recently and includes several related specialties, united by common specifics.

About the profession in a nutshell

Its growing popularity is due to the presence of a large number of risks associated with conducting production, consulting, trading or other business activities. unprofessionalism or negligence of employees and the actions of competitors.
To identify violations, a specialist needs to possess a whole system of concepts and knowledge relating to areas such as economics and finance. Such unique workers are hired by both government agencies and managers of private companies who are concerned about economic security. The profession allows a specialist to receive many advantages and opportunities when looking for work. Employers note that they value the systematization and breadth of their knowledge.

What does an economic security specialist do?

Economic security is a complex profession, as it includes a combination of economic and legal aspects. Working in this area, specialists analyze the economic and financial activities of an enterprise or organization in order to identify violations of the law and abuse.

The company's counterparties are also subject to study and analysis. That is, the task of such workers becomes to support the economic security of the enterprise.

Specialties within the profession

There are several specialties with a narrower focus under the general name “Economic Security”. The profession (where to work after graduation will depend on the quality of the knowledge gained, the desire of the young specialist to master a particular field of activity, the ability to quickly understand the essence of production problems, etc.) is related to economics and law, therefore, in the process of mastering it, students study such items:

  • Features of the activities of banking and financial institutions taking part in ensuring the security of the state.
  • Forensic examination related to tax, investment and other issues.
  • Carrying out control and financial accounting in law enforcement agencies.
  • Organizational rules to which sensitive enterprises are subject.
  • Legal aspects guaranteeing economic security.

“Economic security” (profession or specialty) can be mastered upon admission to higher educational institutions with a social, economic, scientific or law enforcement profile.

What do you need to enroll in a university?

First of all, the decision to enroll in such a specific course must be accompanied by the person’s desire to work in this field. It is important to carefully study individual aspects of this difficult work. “Economic security” (a profession whose reviews from successful graduates only confirm this) is an occupation for the strong-willed.

If the decision is made, you need to prepare to pass the following exams:

  • Russian language.
  • Mathematics at a basic level.
  • Foreign language.
  • Social studies.
  • Stories.
  • Computer Science.

The university may add or remove some subjects (Russian language and mathematics are required), but often the list looks exactly like this.

“Economic security” (profession): universities, training program

The basic course includes several subjects borrowed from economics, financial management, tax system and law. By studying them, students become familiar with:

  • Economic theory and economic analysis.
  • Accounting.
  • Administrative, financial and tax law.
  • Banking, insurance, credit management.
  • Transactions with securities.
  • Enterprise management.

After choosing a narrower specialization, students are taught exactly those subjects that directly relate to their future work activity.

Responsibilities of an economic security specialist

As a result of training, having acquired theoretical knowledge and practical skills, the graduate becomes a sought-after specialist. Many companies are interested in it, whose managers expect a new employee to perform the following functions:

Developing methods to combat corruption, identify concealment of income or attempts to legalize the financial results of criminal activity is one of the most important responsibilities assigned to graduates of the Faculty of Economic Security.

The profession (the Ministry of Internal Affairs and other government agencies are interested in competent personnel) is in great demand in tax and law enforcement agencies. However, employers claim that in order to get a good job and move up the career ladder, a specialist must be very diligent, knowledgeable and active.

Profession “Economic security”: who to work with

Working as an economic security specialist requires a person to be able to think logically, analyze large amounts of information and draw relevant conclusions. Such an occupation is never monotonous, and it certainly cannot be called boring, because within the competence of this employee is not only a guarantee of compliance with the law when concluding agreements between individuals and legal entities. It carries out a set of measures to control finances, detects violations and offers solutions to critical situations.

Graduates of this faculty can occupy positions:

  • consultant on tax legislation and practical tax calculation.
  • Specialist or consultant on economic security.
  • Forensic expert in the investigation of violations in the economic sphere.
  • Analytics for a private enterprise, municipal or government agency.
  • A specialist working in the control service of a bank.
  • A specialist performing economic competitive intelligence.
  • Teacher at a university with an economic profile.


The information presented above concerns the topic “Economic security”. The profession, where to work, what is needed for admission, what is included in the study program, in what areas the acquired knowledge can be applied, are of interest to applicants who want to build a career in the field of finance, economics or security, as well as their parents.

Have you heard a lot about the profession of economic security, but don’t know what it is, where and in what specialties you should study? Do you also want to know how in demand, paid and promising it is? Then read a detailed overview of the profession.




Entry barrier



The profession of economic security specialist is quite young. This is due to the fact that the need for this type of activity has appeared recently. A specialist in the field of economic security performs important functions in an enterprise. His responsibilities include creating economic sections of plans for buildings and structures, calculating economic and socio-economic indicators characterizing the activities of entities, developing various design solutions that are necessary to put the building into operation.

Specialists in the field of economic security also take on many other jobs. The responsibilities of such workers include conducting forensic economic examinations, economic examination of regulations, developing recommendations in the field of ensuring the economic security of commercial enterprises, and assessing possible financial losses. The responsibilities of economic security specialists can be listed endlessly. It all depends on the field of activity in which the person will work. We'll talk about this a little later.


Currently, the profession of an economic security specialist is quite in demand. Moreover, working in this position, you can earn good money. This, of course, is provided that you become a good specialist. Ensuring economic security is a complex area of ​​activity. To become one of the best, you will need to put in a lot of effort. Certain qualities are also important: an analytical mind, perseverance and hard work. You will have to master a large number of disciplines.

Economic security specialists can work in a variety of fields. The most widespread include the following:

  • Design-economic and settlement-economic activities.
  • Law enforcement.
  • Control and audit activities.
  • Information and analytical activities.
  • Expert and consulting activities.
  • Organizational and managerial activities.
  • Research activities.
  • Teaching activities.

As you can see, you can choose many areas in which it will not be difficult to find a job in the future. The main thing is to get a quality education and study the subject perfectly.

Where can I study?

You can get an education as a specialist in economic security at the following higher educational institutions:

  • Moscow State University named after. V.M. Lomonosov.
  • Moscow State University of International Relations.
  • South Federal University.
  • Academy of Economic Security of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation.
  • St. Petersburg State Economic University. Institute of Management.
  • Peoples' Friendship University of Russia.

What specialties should I study?

If you are determined to get an education in the field of economic security, you should decide on your future specialization. In fact there are a huge number of them. Now we will voice some of them.

  • Economy
  • Economic security
  • State audit
  • Legal support of state security

For the entrance exams, you will need to successfully pass Russian, mathematics, foreign language or social studies.

What do you have to do at work?

Having received an education in the specialty "Economic Security", you will be able to get a job without any problems. If you decide to connect your professional activity with science, you will be engaged in conducting scientific research in strict accordance with your chosen field. In general, the responsibilities of economic security specialists include assessing the effectiveness of budget expenditures, conducting tax audits, drawing up budget estimates, generating and analyzing tax reporting, ensuring law and order in the economic sphere, planning and conducting financial control.

Who is this profession suitable for?

If you like to do calculations, you have an analytical mind, you know how to think consistently, you are highly attentive, you have a good memory, you like to conduct scientific research, you express your thoughts well, then the Economic Security specialty is for you. However, you must understand that to get a successful result, you will need to put in maximum effort. Otherwise, you are unlikely to be able to reach great heights.


Of course, economic security specialists are in high demand. Economics is the basis of any enterprise. As long as the business exists, you will remain a sought-after specialist. So if you want to connect your life with this profession and you have all the data for this, then you can safely get a higher education. You definitely won't be left without work.

Is it difficult to get a job and is it easy to build a career?

Having a diploma in economic security, you can easily get a job. However, you need to be prepared for the fact that at the initial stages of your professional activity you will occupy low positions. You need to start small. If you establish yourself as a good specialist and show initiative, then you have every chance to climb the career ladder. Economic security specialists are needed in various fields of activity. Once you get a job in a large enterprise, you can count on good fees.

How much do people working in this profession earn?

The salary of an economic security specialist depends on many factors. First of all, it depends on the direction of activity and the level of the organization in which you will work. Employers also take into account work experience. You will be lucky if you get a job in a large commercial organization or the Ministry of Internal Affairs. In this case, over time, high salaries are guaranteed to you.


If you feel that economic security is yours, then feel free to enter a higher educational institution and get an education. You definitely won't be left without work. However, this is provided that you study well. Economic security specialists work in various fields. So you can even get a job in the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Your profession will always be in demand. Try to become the best of the best.

If you still have even the slightest doubt that the profession of “Economic Security” is your calling, do not rush. After all, you can spend your whole life regretting the years you lost studying and working in a specialty that simply doesn’t suit you. To find a profession in which you can maximize your talents, go through online career aptitude test or order consultation "Career vector" .

Our society has come to understand the need to create reliable systems of economic security within the enterprise and at the state level not so long ago. But the problem has arisen. And we needed those who were able to solve it effectively. In this regard, universities began to conduct training in the direction of “economic security”. The first graduation of specialists in this profile in Russia took place in 2006. Over the subsequent years, the demand for the profession has increased many times over. Today, everyone is aware of the importance of the role of security experts in building a state economy.

So what do those whose daily work is to ensure the security of the economy do?

Professional responsibilities and interests

Those who have managed to prove their professionalism in practice are working on the problems of economic security of our state. They identify external and internal threats to the country’s security, choose mechanisms and tools to neutralize them. Their job is to protect the economic interests of Russia, state authorities, budgetary organizations, corporations, banks and other public and private companies.

But in order to get closer to these heights, you need to become an ace and earn a name for yourself. Daily hard work and plenty of practice will help you do this. . And the very first step on the path to a brilliant career will be admission to one of the universities that graduate specialists in economic security.

By the way, not everyone can prove themselves in this profession. In order to achieve success, you must have an analytical mind, a penchant for scientific research, a passion for carrying out calculations, and a good memory and attention. You will also need the ability to focus on details and the ability to communicate your thoughts, both in writing and orally.

Where are these specialists waiting?

University graduates who have received diplomas in the specialty “economic security” do not have to worry about finding a job. The needs of modern society for them are extremely high. Here is what the head of the “Economic Security” program at the Faculty of National Security (FNS) of RANEPA, I. Yushin, says about this: “Graduates are in demand, first of all, in state and municipal government bodies, the FSB of Russia, economic security and anti-corruption units of police departments, control and audit departments and the tax service.”

As you can see, such a diploma allows you to take a place in prestigious government services and hope for decent social security and a high salary.

In addition to serious government offices, you will be welcome in private companies and banks. You can find yourself in companies providing insurance and leasing services, as well as those involved in securities. Today’s activities cannot be done without specialists in this profile. financial, analytical and economic departments of any organization.

This is a truly prestigious and sought-after specialty that guarantees a stable income and career growth. But success in it is achieved only by those who are focused on results, serious and painstaking work, as well as constant professional self-improvement. Be prepared to start small. Don’t think that a university diploma will be your ticket to the world of economic security experts. It will have to be confirmed by practical skills, and authority will have to be earned through tireless work.

And even more so, in this matter there is no place for random people and amateurs. Therefore, before you decide to connect your life with him, weigh everything carefully. Think about whether this job will really interest you. After all, without this, you will not be able to become a competent specialist, which means you will not be in demand.

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Review of salary statistics for the profession Economic Security Specialist in Russia

The histogram shows the change in the average salary level of the Specialist profession in Russia.

As can be seen in the diagram, in Russia the largest number of vacancies for the Economic Security Specialist profession are open in the Moscow region. In second place is the Leningrad Region, and in third place is the Krasnodar Territory.

According to statistics from our website, the profession Specialist is the highest paid in the Moscow region. The average salary is 56,667 rubles.

Next come the Khabarovsk Territory and the Astrakhan Region.

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Economic security in Moscow universities

05/38/01 Economic security in Moscow universities

RGSU Russian State Social University

MFLA Moscow Financial and Legal University MFLA

Moscow Polytechnic Moscow Polytechnic University

NRNU MEPhI National Research Nuclear University "MEPhI"

VUZLIST.COM is a catalog of state and non-state universities where you can get higher education by studying full-time, part-time, or remotely.

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The information was obtained from open sources and is neither an advertisement nor an offer.

Profession economic security

Have you heard a lot about the profession of economic security, but don’t know what it is, where and in what specialties you should study? Do you also want to know how in demand, paid and promising it is? Then read a detailed overview of the profession.

Specialists can work in various fields.

The most widespread include the following:

As you can see, you can choose many areas in which it will not be difficult to find a job in the future. The main thing is to get a quality education and study the subject perfectly.

Where can I study?

You can get an education as a specialist in economic security at the following higher educational institutions:

What specialties should I study?

If you are determined to get an education in the field of economic security, you should decide on your future specialization.

In fact there are a huge number of them.

Do you want to gain basic knowledge of economics and law in one program? The head of the “Economic Security” program of the Faculty of National Security (FNS) of RANEPA, Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor Igor Yushin gave an interview in which he spoke about the uniqueness of the program, admission opportunities and guaranteed employment.

- What is the brief history of the program, who is it aimed at?

The Faculty of National Security of RANEPA has been implementing the specialty program “Economic Security” since 2012. The methodological basis for this program in the specialization “Economic and legal support of economic security” was prepared by the graduating department of national security of the faculty, and approved by the rector of the Academy. This program is focused, first of all, on training qualified personnel capable of performing tasks to ensure the security of the individual, society and the state in the economic sphere.

- What is the peculiarity and uniqueness of the program?

The uniqueness of the program lies in the fact that it provides students with basic knowledge in both economics and law. The program focuses graduates on ensuring the economic security of Russia. This is the only program that is designed for different levels of training specialists in ensuring economic security - from the level of an economic entity to the regional and federal levels.

- What are the opportunities and prospects for students of the faculty?

The program is constantly evolving. Currently, on the basis of the National Welfare Fund RANEPA, the training of masters is carried out - highly qualified management personnel focused on protecting the national interests of Russia. Such personnel carry out effective organizational and managerial activities in the field of ensuring the national and economic security of the Russian Federation.

The faculty pays great attention to additional professional education. Here, the most popular programs and courses are “Public Administration and National Security”, “Public Administration and Information Security”, “Organizational, Economic and Legal Forms of Anti-Corruption” and others.

- Are there communities within the RANEPA National Welfare Fund?

In order to promote professional self-determination and self-development of students of the Faculty of National Security of RANEPA, the Scientific Society of Young Scientists named after Professor I.K. was created and is successfully operating. Makarenko (NOMU). The main objectives of NOMU are to promote the prestige and popularization of scientific knowledge in the field of national and economic security; holding seminars, discussions, scientific and practical conferences; preparation of scientific works for publication in collections and periodicals.

It is important that many educational programs were developed by teachers who have practical experience working in the Security Council of the Russian Federation, the Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation, the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation and in other ministries, departments, organizations, as well as in large companies of the Russian Federation .

What are the expected results of mastering the program and prospects for graduates - what knowledge and skills will they receive?

The results of mastering our specialty program are assessed, of course, by the competencies that graduates acquire. Ready specialists must be able to apply knowledge, skills and personal qualities in accordance with the tasks of professional activity in the field of economic security.

Our graduates will receive knowledge and skills to protect the economic interests of the state, Russian public and private corporations. Trained specialists are competent to ensure the economic security of banks and investment companies operating both domestically and abroad.

- Where can a graduate find a job?

Graduates of our program will be in demand, first of all, in state and municipal government bodies, the FSB of Russia, economic security and anti-corruption units of police departments, control and audit departments and the tax service.

The following people have already shown interest in the graduates of the Economic Security program in the labor market:

  • economic, financial, marketing, production and analytical services of organizations;
  • information and analytical departments of organizations that ensure the financial and economic security of enterprises that collect and process information about market conditions and production technologies;
  • internal control services of banks and other credit organizations, insurance, leasing companies, professional participants in the securities market and other organizations performing transactions with funds or property.

- What is the cost of the program?

The cost of the program is 180,000 rubles. per year and 900,000 rubles. for the entire period of study. For those who have started training, the cost is fixed and will not change during the training process.

- What document will the graduate receive after completing the program?

Graduates receive a state diploma of higher professional education with the qualification “National Security Specialist”.

- Duration and forms of training according to the program?

The form of study in the program is full-time only. The duration of training will be 5 years.
Subject to successful completion of the curriculum, students studying on the basis of higher professional education may be granted the right to study in accelerated programs.

- What is the infrastructure for program participants?

Students of the Economic Security program study on the Presidential Academy campus on Vernadsky Avenue. On the territory of the academic complex there is the necessary base for conducting all types of educational classes, and there is also a dormitory for nonresident students.

- What subjects will applicants need to take upon admission?

Applicants entering on the basis of a certificate (diploma) of secondary education are enrolled based on the results of the Unified State Examination in social studies, Russian language and mathematics. Those who enter already having a higher professional education are admitted based on the results of an interview.

Where can I get more information about applying to the program and when are open days?

Additional information can be obtained on the website of the Faculty of National Security (FNS) of RANEPA -.

We invite applicants to attend the open day of the Faculty of National Security, which is held several times a year. Future students and their parents will be able to personally clarify the features of the educational program “Economic Security”. You can meet with students already enrolled in the program, as well as get advice directly from the faculty leadership and teaching staff regarding the procedure for entering the Academy for this educational program.