You are eternal. Lobsang rampa - you are eternal

Lobsang Rampa


This book is a course of instruction for those who are sincerely interested in things that everyone should be interested in.

The book was originally intended as a textbook for a correspondence course, but it was then discovered that the cost of the book would be about thirty-five pounds sterling per student. Therefore, after consulting with my publishers, I settled on the presentation in book form.

You may notice that in a correspondence course students usually have a lot of questions, but I will not be able to answer the questions that have arisen about this book, because the poor sinful author, you know, does not get much for his book, rather, even too little . The author receives letters from all over the world, and the senders “forget” to pay for the response. Thus, the author is faced with a choice: pay for the answer himself or not answer at all. As for me, I foolishly chose the first option, which made the costs too high, and therefore now I will only respond to paid reply emails.

You, as readers, might be interested to know. I often receive letters saying that my books are too expensive, so they ask me to send me a free copy. I once received a letter from a person who wrote that my books were too expensive, so he asked me to send him an autographed copy of each of the books, and also asked me to send him two books by other authors. Well, I answered him too!

I emphasize that if you read this book you will benefit greatly, if you study this book you will benefit even more. To help you, I have included the instructions that should have accompanied the correspondence course.

Following this book, another is expected, containing a description of objects of occult and everyday interest, as well as a special explanatory dictionary. I searched all over the world for such a book and finally decided to write it myself. I consider it as an addition and clarification to the present one.

T. Lobsang Rampa

I am Tuesday Lobsang Rampa. This is my only name, it is now my legal name, and I do not respond to any others. But I receive many letters where they call me differently; they go straight to the trash bin because, as I said, my only name is Tuesday Lobsang Rampa.

All my books are true, all my statements are absolutely true. Several years ago, newspapers in England and Germany began a campaign against me, and at a time when I was unable to defend myself because I was dying of coronary thrombosis. I was persecuted cruelly, without mercy. The fact is that some people were jealous of me, and they began to collect “evidence”, but the remarkable thing is that those who collected them did not even try to see me! After all, it is against the rules when the “accused” cannot, does not have the opportunity to present the case himself. A person is innocent until proven guilty, and I have never been proven guilty, yet I was not allowed to prove my innocence!

The newspapers in England and Germany did not give me space on their pages, so I found myself in the position of a man who knows that he is honest and innocent, but cannot tell his point of view. One major television company offered me an interview, but they forced me to say what they wanted, in other words, a lie. And since I wanted to tell the truth, they did not allow me to speak.

Let me reiterate that everything I write is true. All my statements are true. I insist on this because there will be other people like me in the near future, and I don't want them to suffer the same cruel hatred that I suffered. A large number of people have seen my documents, absolutely authentic, which show that I was received by the Potala Lama in Lhasa, Tibet, and that I am a certified medical doctor trained in Kitwo. Although people saw my papers, they "forgot" about it when the press campaign began.

So please, as you read my books, remember that everything in them is true and I am exactly who I say I am. But who am I? Read my books and you will find out.

T. Lobsang Rampa


We - you and I - are going to work together to rapidly improve our mental development. Some of the lessons will be longer and perhaps more difficult than others, but they could not be divided into parts - they contain the real essence of the matter without verbal embellishment. Choose a specific night of the week for your activities. Make it a rule to study at a certain time in a certain place. After all, this is more than just reading, you will have to internalize ideas that may seem strange to you at first, and mental discipline and constant habits will be of great help to you.

Choose a place - a secluded room where you will be comfortable. This will make it easier for you to read. Lie down if you wish, but in any case, take a position so that your muscles are not tense, so that you can relax and give your full attention to the words and the thoughts that follow them. If you are tense, a significant part of your consciousness is distracted by this tension! You must be sure that no one will come in while you are reading and disturb your train of thought.

Lock the door. Draw the curtains to prevent daylight and its changes from distracting your attention. Leave only one lamp in the room and place it slightly behind. This will create the necessary lighting, and the rest of the room will remain in shadow.

Lie down or find a comfortable position and rest. Relax for a few minutes, breathe deeply, maybe take three deep breaths one after the other. Hold your breath for three to four seconds, then exhale in three to four seconds. Lie quietly for a few more seconds, then pick up a book and start reading. At first, read lightly, just skimming it like a newspaper, then pause to let what you read enter your subconscious. Then start over. Work through the book carefully, paragraph by paragraph. If something baffles you, write it down in a separate notebook. Don't try to remember anything. You should not be a slave to the printed word; the goal of your work is to ensure that everything you read enters your subconscious. Trying to remember often leads to a loss of meaning. You are not facing an exam where you are required to repeat words like a parrot. You acquire knowledge that will allow you to free yourself from the bonds of the flesh, learn what the human body is, and understand the purpose of earthly existence.

When you go through the lesson again, look at your notes and think about what puzzled you or seemed unclear to you. Of course, the easiest way is to immediately write to us and ask for an answer, but it is much more useful for you to find the answer yourself - then it will go deep into your subconscious. You have to work hard. Anything worthwhile is worth working for. What comes easily is most often worthless. Open your mind to the new knowledge you crave. You must imagine that knowledge is pouring into you. “A man is defined by how he thinks.”


Before attempting to understand the nature of the Super-Ego and embarking on the study of occultism, I became convinced that we do not use the concept “man” quite correctly. In this course we will use the term “person” to refer to both men and women. Let us agree to consider that woman is at least equal to man in everything that concerns the occult and supersensible perceptions. In reality, women often have a brighter aura and greater ability to perceive metaphysics.

What is life?

Life is all that exists. Even what we call “dead nature” is actually alive. It may be that the normal form of life of the object has ceased - and this gives us reason to call it dead - but in reality, with the disappearance of this life, a new form of life begins. The decomposition process creates its own life!

Everything is vibration. Everything is made up of molecules that are in constant motion. We don't say atoms, protons, electrons, etc., but we say molecules because this is a metaphysics course, not physics or chemistry. We try to paint the big picture rather than delve into details that are not relevant to the essence of the matter.

It may be worth saying a few words about atoms and molecules to satisfy the purists who are in the habit of writing to us and asking questions to which everyone knows the answers. Molecules are small, very small, but they can be seen with an electron microscope, and they can also be seen by those who have excelled in the art of metaphysics. According to the explanatory dictionary, “a molecule is the smallest particle of a substance, capable of independent existence, since it still retains the properties of the substance.” Although molecules are small, they are made up of even smaller particles called atoms.

Lobsang Rampa


This book is a course of instruction for those who are sincerely interested in things that everyone should be interested in.

The book was originally intended as a textbook for a correspondence course, but it was then discovered that the cost of the book would be about thirty-five pounds sterling per student. Therefore, after consulting with my publishers, I settled on the presentation in book form.

You may notice that in a correspondence course students usually have a lot of questions, but I will not be able to answer the questions that have arisen about this book, because the poor sinful author, you know, does not get much for his book, rather, even too little . The author receives letters from all over the world, and the senders “forget” to pay for the response. Thus, the author is faced with a choice: pay for the answer himself or not answer at all. As for me, I foolishly chose the first option, which made the costs too high, and therefore now I will only respond to paid reply emails.

You, as readers, might be interested to know. I often receive letters saying that my books are too expensive, so they ask me to send me a free copy. I once received a letter from a person who wrote that my books were too expensive, so he asked me to send him an autographed copy of each of the books, and also asked me to send him two books by other authors. Well, I answered him too!

I emphasize that if you read this book you will benefit greatly, if you study this book you will benefit even more. To help you, I have included the instructions that should have accompanied the correspondence course.

Following this book, another is expected, containing a description of objects of occult and everyday interest, as well as a special explanatory dictionary. I searched all over the world for such a book and finally decided to write it myself. I consider it as an addition and clarification to the present one.

T. Lobsang Rampa

I am Tuesday Lobsang Rampa. This is my only name, it is now my legal name, and I do not respond to any others. But I receive many letters where they call me differently; they go straight to the trash bin because, as I said, my only name is Tuesday Lobsang Rampa.

All my books are true, all my statements are absolutely true. Several years ago, newspapers in England and Germany began a campaign against me, and at a time when I was unable to defend myself because I was dying of coronary thrombosis. I was persecuted cruelly, without mercy. The fact is that some people were jealous of me, and they began to collect “evidence”, but the remarkable thing is that those who collected them did not even try to see me! After all, it is against the rules when the “accused” cannot, does not have the opportunity to present the case himself. A person is innocent until proven guilty, and I have never been proven guilty, yet I was not allowed to prove my innocence!

The newspapers in England and Germany did not give me space on their pages, so I found myself in the position of a man who knows that he is honest and innocent, but cannot tell his point of view. One major television company offered me an interview, but they forced me to say what they wanted, in other words, a lie. And since I wanted to tell the truth, they did not allow me to speak.

Let me reiterate that everything I write is true. All my statements are true. I insist on this because there will be other people like me in the near future, and I don't want them to suffer the same cruel hatred that I suffered. A large number of people have seen my documents, absolutely authentic, which show that I was received by the Potala Lama in Lhasa, Tibet, and that I am a certified medical doctor trained in Kitwo. Although people saw my papers, they "forgot" about it when the press campaign began.

So please, as you read my books, remember that everything in them is true and I am exactly who I say I am. But who am I? Read my books and you will find out.

T. Lobsang Rampa


We - you and I - are going to work together to rapidly improve our mental development. Some of the lessons will be longer and perhaps more difficult than others, but they could not be divided into parts - they contain the real essence of the matter without verbal embellishment. Choose a specific night of the week for your activities. Make it a rule to study at a certain time in a certain place. After all, this is more than just reading, you will have to internalize ideas that may seem strange to you at first, and mental discipline and constant habits will be of great help to you.

Choose a place - a secluded room where you will be comfortable. This will make it easier for you to read. Lie down if you wish, but in any case, take a position so that your muscles are not tense, so that you can relax and give your full attention to the words and the thoughts that follow them. If you are tense, a significant part of your consciousness is distracted by this tension! You must be sure that no one will come in while you are reading and disturb your train of thought.

Lock the door. Draw the curtains to prevent daylight and its changes from distracting your attention. Leave only one lamp in the room and place it slightly behind. This will create the necessary lighting, and the rest of the room will remain in shadow.

Lie down or find a comfortable position and rest. Relax for a few minutes, breathe deeply, maybe take three deep breaths one after the other. Hold your breath for three to four seconds, then exhale in three to four seconds. Lie quietly for a few more seconds, then pick up a book and start reading. At first, read lightly, just skimming it like a newspaper, then pause to let what you read enter your subconscious. Then start over. Work through the book carefully, paragraph by paragraph. If something baffles you, write it down in a separate notebook. Don't try to remember anything. You should not be a slave to the printed word; the goal of your work is to ensure that everything you read enters your subconscious. Trying to remember often leads to a loss of meaning. You are not facing an exam where you are required to repeat words like a parrot. You acquire knowledge that will allow you to free yourself from the bonds of the flesh, learn what the human body is, and understand the purpose of earthly existence.

You are eternal Lobsang Rampa

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Title: You are eternal

About the book “You are Eternal” by Lobsang Rampa

“You Are Eternal” is the 6th book in the solid legacy of the extraordinary author Tuesday Lobsang Rampa. In 1956, an English publishing house published his first work, The Third Eye. In it, he talked about his origins from a prestigious Tibetan family, about growing up in one of the temples of Tibet, where he allegedly ended up at the age of 7, about the life of the monks, his mastery of medical, astrological and other sciences there, about a strange operation to enhance his third eye.

The publication immediately became a worldwide bestseller. But a year later the author was accused of fraud. It turned out that his real name was Cyril Henry Hoskin, he was born in 1910 into an ordinary British family and had never been to Tibet.

The answer to the accusations against him was the writer’s new works, in which he said that in 1949 a monk named Tuesday Lobsang Rampa moved into his body. The monk’s worn-out physical body needed a new shell, and the Briton, dissatisfied with his life, decided to give him his own. Henry Hoskin changed his name to Lobsang Rampa, stopped communicating with family and friends and began a new biography. In 1960, the writer even left for Canada, where he lived until his death in 1981.

Lobsang Rampa left behind about 18 books that introduced thousands of people in the West to the history and culture of Tibetan monks, to Buddhist teachings and rules of life, to rare and mysterious systems of bodily and spiritual self-improvement, which are still practiced by the monks of Tibet.

And although the press more than once accused him of charlatanism, the facts he presented about Tibet were true, despite the fact that the writer never visited this country.

The writer's first three books - "The Third Eye", "Doctor from Lhasi" and "The Story of Rampa" - form a biographical trilogy of the life of a Tibetan monk before the transmigration of his soul into a new body.

In 1965, Lobsang Rampa released two of them at once. “The Wisdom of the Ancients” is a dictionary of concepts and terms of esotericism and Buddhism. “You are eternal” is a kind of manual for the spiritual and mental self-improvement of a person. If in the trilogy the writer talked about personal experience in the world of mysticism, then in the book “You are Eternal” the reader will learn with the help of which everyone can find this world for themselves.

Lobsang Rampa has collected 30 lessons in it for discovering completely new abilities in a person: from the ability to see auras and recognize their colors to methods of astral travel and knowledge of the depths and versatility of one’s inner world. Moreover, the secret knowledge of Tibetan monks is presented in it in an understandable language.

Anyone who is interested in esotericism will find it very valuable and useful to read the book “You are Eternal” by the mysterious author. And you will probably want to know what else he managed to learn in his life.

On our website about books, you can download the site for free without registration or read online the book “You are Eternal” by Lobsang Rampa in epub, fb2, txt, rtf, pdf formats for iPad, iPhone, Android and Kindle. The book will give you a lot of pleasant moments and real pleasure from reading. You can buy the full version from our partner. Also, here you will find the latest news from the literary world, learn the biography of your favorite authors. For beginning writers, there is a separate section with useful tips and tricks, interesting articles, thanks to which you yourself can try your hand at literary crafts.

Quotes from the book “You Are Eternal” by Lobsang Rampa

A sick person can be much more developed than you, a healthy person, therefore, by helping a sick person, you are providing great help to yourself.

Excessive grief for the “gone” causes them pain and pulls them back to Earth.

If you develop and control your imagination, you can achieve anything you want.

It is worth remembering that in any battle between imagination and willpower, imagination wins.

With inner confidence and faith you can achieve anything.

Our thoughts today are our tomorrow's appearance.

The only thing to be afraid of is fear.

If you think about peace, you will find peace.

A person who is not afraid will not be harmed, no matter what happens.

The more good you do to others, the more you will receive yourself.