Extracurricular reading e goodness Snow Maiden. Russian folk tale "The Snow Maiden"

Svetlana Yagodarova
Reading lesson notes fiction"The Magic World of Poetry"

Summary of GCD for OO« Artistically- aesthetic development"

(Reading fiction) on topic:

« The magical world of poetry»

Target: Introducing children to Blaginina’s work. Formation of expressive skills reading. Activation of the dictionary. Acquaintance with the biography of the writer. Development of theatrical elements.

Material and equipment: presentation, multimedia equipment, portrait of E. A. Blaginina in the book center, audio recording "Let's sit in silence".

GCD move:

Teacher: We'll go on a journey through magical land , in which poems, fairy tales, counting rhymes, riddles, and songs live. Books will become our beacons. What are lighthouses? (These are huge lanterns on the seashore that indicate the way for ships at night).

Teacher: Lighthouses. They show ships the way to their native shore, but what do books give a person? (Bring us into the world literature, in to the world poetry, fairy tales, adventures). Teacher: And to whom do we owe gratitude? Of course, the authors of these books. Today on our class We say words of gratitude to the wonderful author - writer, poetess Elena Aleksandrovna Blaginina.

Teacher: E. A. Blaginina was born in the Oryol province. She grew up among spacious meadows and forests. Mother and grandmother ran the household, father worked as a cashier at railway. E. Blaginina wrote her first poem at the age of 8 and continued to write while studying at a gymnasium in the city of Kursk and at an institute in Moscow. The first book was called "Autumn". It includes poems about all seasons. What time of year is it outside? (Winter).

And now our children will read poems about winter.

1 child:

Winter unexpectedly - unexpectedly

Came to the black fields.

Yesterday it was foggy

Rain-covered land.

The trees creaked pitifully

Cold streams flowed.

And suddenly a snowstorm came

And how much snow they shoveled!

2 child:

The frosts are severe this year.

I'm worried about the apple tree in our garden,

Worried about Zhuchka: in her kennel

The same frost as outside.

But most of all I'm worried about birds:

For our sparrows, jackdaws, tits.

After all, it is very cold in the air for them.

Will we help these defenseless people?

Let's help! They need to be fed, and then

It will be easy for them to survive the cold.

3 child:

I made a snow maiden

Put it in plain sight

Snow Maiden girl

Under the apple tree in the garden.

My princess is standing

Under the round tree -


Pretty face.

In a brocade jacket

Stands brighter than dawn

And large ones on the neck -

Ambers are playing.

Teacher: I have a book by E. Blaginina in my hands "Let's sit in silence" The title of this book comes from a poem about how one day a mother was tired and fell asleep, but her little daughter did not make any noise so as not to wake up her mother or disturb her sleep. The poetess chose such light ones, good words about mom. Listen to the poem "Let's sit in silence" (audio recording).

Teacher: Subject small child, games and toys – central theme in the works of E. A. Blaginina. Your grandmothers and mothers read poems about Alyonushka. Let us read these verses.

1. And we have a girl,

Her name is Alyonushka,

Little girl

Round head.

"Wa-wa" all day long

That's all she said.

Like our daughter

Rosy cheeks.

Like our bird

Dark eyelashes.

Like our baby

Warm feet.

Like our paw

Scratchy nails.

2. Oh, okay, okay,

Let's bake pancakes

We'll put it on the window,

Let's make it cool down.

And when it cools down, we’ll eat

And we'll give it to the sparrows.

The little sparrows sat down,

They ate the pancakes

They ate the pancakes

Shhhhhh. and flew away.

3. We won't go to bed early sleep:

My daughter needs to be bathed.

Warm water

Let's pour on our bird.

Oh, water off a duck's back,

From Alyonushka thinness!

Give me a diaper

Wrap Alyonka.

4. My daughter woke up

Sweetly stretched

I lay down, I lay down,

Yes, and she smiled.

My heart is beating fast.

Oh my little fish!

How far is the road?

I love your smile!

Teacher: Elena Blaginina is the author of not only poems, but also riddles, counting rhymes and songs. Here are some counting rhymes you can use to choose a leader for the game. Tell me guys.

1. Steam locomotive, Steam locomotive,

What did you bring us as a gift?

I brought colored books.

Let the kids read!

I brought pencils

Let the kids draw!

2. To build a new house,

They stock up on oak planks,

And putty.

And then, then, then

They begin to build a house.

3. Cockerel, Cockerel,

Show off your Shroud!

The casing is on fire.

How many feathers are there on it?

One two three four five,

Physical education "It's light fun"

It's easy fun -

Turns left and right.

We all know for a long time -

There is a wall, and there is a window. (Turns the body to the right and left.)

We squat quickly and deftly.

Skill is already visible here.

To develop muscles,

You have to do a lot of squats. (Squats.)

And now walking in place,

This is also interesting. (Walk in place.)

Teacher: And now the riddles! They were also written by Elena Aleksandrovna Blaginina. So let's begin guess:

1. What kind of through stars are they?

On the coat and on the scarf,

All through - cut-out,

Will you take it - water in your hand?


2. Our silver dagger

I stayed at home for a while.

We wanted to raise it

And he ran to the threshold.


3. Guys, I have

Two silver horses.

I ride both at once!

What kind of horses do I have?


4. What kind of master is this?

Applied to glass

And leaves and grass,

And thickets of roses?


5. What a beauty

Stands, sparkling brightly,

How luxuriously decorated.

Tell me, who is she?

(Christmas tree)

There's another game for you:

I'll start the poem now.

I'll start, and you finish,

Answer in unison!

It's snowing outside

Holiday is coming soon. (New Year!

The needles glow softly,

The pine spirit is coming. (From the Christmas tree!

The branches rustle faintly

The beads are bright. (Shiny!

And the toys swing

Flags, stars. (Flappers!

Threads of colorful tinsel,

Bells. (Balls!

Fragile fish figures,

Birds, skiers. (Snow Maidens!

Whitebeard and Rednose

Under the branches of Grandfather. (Freezing!

And, decorating the top,

It shines there, as always,

Very bright, big,

Five-winged. (Star!

What a Christmas tree, it’s simply amazing!

How elegant, how... (Beautiful!

Here the lights are lit on her,

Hundreds of tiny ones. (Lights!

Teacher: Well done boys! Today we visited magical world poetry E. A. Blaginina. She wrote poems for you guys so that you would grow up smart, kind, healthy and happy!

Publications on the topic:

Summary of GCD on reading fiction in preparatory group Poem by A. Gavryushkin “Ten rules of a little Russian.”

Notes on reading fiction based on the Russian folk tale “Moroz Ivanovich” (preparatory group) Reading fiction "Moroz Ivanovich" 1. Introduce children to a new fairy tale. 2. Teach children to emotionally perceive images.

Astana city

school-lyceum No. 1

teacher primary classes

Sakun Elena Valentinovna

Topic: “Poems about winter.” E. Blaginina “Snow Maiden”

Goal: 1. to introduce children to the wonderful art of reading poetry;

2. to cultivate in students a spiritual need for poetry;

develop oral speech students;

3.foster a love for the winter season

During the classes.


The purest joy is the joy of communicating with nature.

(A. Tolstoy).

2) Correction test. Cross everything out letters P, R, O, T, S





3.Make associations with the noun “Winter”

Slide 2(3 min)

4. Guys, you don’t know many words about winter. Let’s play the game “Winter phrase” (3 min)

Students are shown a card with a word, their task is to come up with a “winter” phrase.

    Frost (crackling, strong);

    Snowflake (multifaceted, sparkling);

    Blizzard (snowy, southern);

    Ice (hard, slippery);

    Snow (shiny, creaky).

    Snowdrift (tall, fluffy)

    Bullfinch (red-breasted, nimble) What words have you added to your associations? Write them down.

We have an unusual lesson. We will work in groups. Each group will have its own name. And the 1st group will be the group of S. Yesenin, the 2nd group of Afanasy Fet, the 3rd group of N. Nekrasov, the 4th group of F. Tyutchev, the 5th group - A.S. Pushkin.

Why do you think I chose these particular poets?

That's right. These poets wrote a lot of poems about nature and winter.

You had homework. You had to choose a poem about winter and learn it.

Who is ready? You will evaluate yourself. Each of you has circles. Green circles will evaluate your answers as excellent, yellow circles - good, red circles - satisfactory.

What are these three colors associated with? (2 minutes)

5. 1 person from each group. -reading poems about nature. (10 min)

^ Choosing the best reader. You don’t just listen, but find similarities with the paintings.

6.New topic.

Today we will get acquainted with a poem about winter by E. Blaginina Snow Maiden. Slide 3
. Snow MaidenE. Blaginina. The teacher reads.

Guys, tell me what holiday the Snow Maiden is invited to. What kind of holiday is this?.(3min)

7. Physical exercise (1 min)

8.Re-reading– with the eyes.

How did you imagine the Snow Maiden?
5. Vocabulary work. In verse. which unclear words met
Amber, brocade, shower warmer (5 min)

5. Work on reading expressiveness.

Expressive reading. Assessment (5 min)

Choral reading.

    Working on a slide " Winter day.” At the end of our lesson, look at the slide (2 min)

    Five lines. Cinquain (5 min)

1.Winter 2 adj.

    3 verbs

  1. Offer

    Reserve.Working with snowflakes. Results of the teams' work. Reflection Did you like the lesson? Show cards.

    D.Z. Learn the poem by heart (optional).

Lesson objectives: to introduce Russian folk tales, to develop fluent expressive reading skills, to enrich lexicon students, develop Creative skills(artistry, the ability to transform), develop activity of thought, develop the ability to defend one’s point of view, carry out work on the development of speech.


  • textbook by L. A Efrosinin “Literary reading”, grade 2;
  • L. A Efrosinina. Workbook No. 1 for 2nd grade students;
  • toy - brownie Kuzya; chest with fairy tales;
  • letter - wish;
  • “Little books”, drawings for fairy tales;
  • project “Handmade Book”;
  • disk with assignments for the lesson;
  • cartoon disk;
  • cards for speech therapy warm-up;
  • reproduction of the painting “Snow Maiden” by V. M. Vasnetsov;
  • S. Ozhegov’s dictionary, dictionary of “snow words”;
  • hats - masks;
  • tablets with poems by E. Blaginina “The Snow Maiden”;

1.Organization of the class.

2. Statement of the topic and purpose of the lesson.

Today in class we will go to amazing country, where your favorite familiar fairy tales live. Our meeting will take the form of a lesson in open thoughts. We have a mysterious guest today!

Who do you think it is? (This is Kuzka the brownie)

What is he hiding in his magic chest? (Letter). Let's read the wish - parting words.

During the lesson we will get acquainted with the Russian folk tale “The Snow Maiden”, we will read expressively, ask and answer questions, find the necessary passages in the text, think, draw conclusions, and summarize. At the end of the lesson, we will collect all our works into a “Hand-Made Book”

3.Checking homework.

Now let's remember our homework.

What fairy tale did you read at home? (“Girl Snow Maiden”)

What interesting creative task have you completed on your own? (We made up our own fairy tale about the Snow Maiden.)

Now we will listen to your fairy tales and try to evaluate them.

Creative task (2 people read fairy tales from “Little Books”)

Which fairy tale did you like best? Explain your preference. (I liked the first fairy tale better...)

What does... think? (Both tales are interesting, but presented differently).

Conclusion: I really liked the idea... that the same fairy tale can be retold and presented in different ways.

"Contest artistic creativity

Let's see what wonderful drawings our guys made for V. Dahl's fairy tale “The Snow Maiden Girl”

Whose works did you like...? Why?

What do you think about this...? (Everyone contributed something interesting and unusual to the drawing.

Conclusion: The land of fairy tales is vast. Each of you can become its unique participant.

And today we are going to get acquainted with the Russian folk tale “The Snow Maiden”.

4.Work of the “Search Group”

The “Search Group” continues to work in our class. The guys completed the task of an advanced nature. They will talk about how fairy tales appeared in our lives.

An introductory word about fairy tales.

  1. Fairy tales appeared in our lives a long time ago, when there was no written language yet. They were not written down, but passed on by word of mouth.
    Tales were told in winter evenings when the bitter frost crackled outside and a blizzard scraped against the windows. People gathered in rooms near the stoves and began to tell various bizarre and funny tales.
  2. We listen with bated breath amazing stories about a cunning fox, a stupid wolf, about wise wizards and heroes. In fairy tales, people “fly through the air,” “walk in walking boots,” “resurrect the dead,” “build palaces in one night.”
  3. A fairy tale is a dream about the future, behind them one could feel great power. They teach to learn about life, instill such noble traits as courage, hard work, and glorify justice, truthfulness, kindness, and love.

What does he want to add about fairy tales...?

I recently learned that the fairy tale...(student's answer)

Conclusion: The fairy tale still lives among the people. Both adults and children listen to her willingly.

5. Speech therapy warm-up.

The people loved hardworking, kind, sympathetic people.

Here's to these ordinary people We'll go visit now.

Let's read the long and difficult words that you will encounter when reading a fairy tale:

6. Initial reading and perception check.

And now you have to listen to how our reading lovers (5 people) read the Russian folk tale “The Snow Maiden”.

And you listen carefully in order to cope with the test task.

Test. – Why did the Snow Maiden melt? (ICT)

*She was made of snow, and snow is afraid of fire.

*She wanted to turn into a cold stream.

*She was offended by her grandparents.

What is your opinion?

Conclusion: I would like to praise you for listening carefully to the fairy tale and completing the task.

7. Repeated reading and work on the content.

Now we will read the fairy tale again to answer the questions.

Let's start with the first part (“quiet reading”)

a) – Read how the fairy tale begins.

What do the words “once upon a time” mean? (Begin)

In what other fairy tale do you find the words “once upon a time”?

b) Selective reading.

Find the place where it says how the Snow Maiden appeared in the house of the grandfather and woman.

Read the description appearance Snow Maidens.

*Physical minute

Today the children are happy -
There's a lot of snow in the yard,
There's a huge snowdrift ahead
Collapsed lengthwise and breadth -
This is a snow hero.
We began to go around it -
And they saw the Snow Maiden.

c) Working with the reproduction of V. M. Vasnetsov “The Snow Maiden”

Consider how the famous Russian artist V. M. Vasnetsov depicted the Snow Maiden in 1899.

The artist was fascinated by the Russian winter. A young beauty, Snegurochka, appears on a snow-covered forest edge. Pay attention to her brocade fur coat and hat. They are trimmed with fur. And what silver paints. They resemble the sparkle of snow crust and the softness of fallen snow. Snow Maiden! Shy, trembling, timid.

Hawthorn! Alive!

In a sheepskin coat, in boots, in mittens.

Which the main idea 1 part?

Choose a title for it. (“Grandfather and grandmother made the Snow Maiden”)

This is an interesting thought...

What does... think about this?

d) Reading the second part “in chain”

Vocabulary work.

Guys, so that everything in the fairy tale is clear to you, I will explain the meaning

phrases “morocco boots” are boots made from goatskin highest quality. (Early)

And when you read this part, you came across the phrase "satin ribbon".

How do you understand its meaning?

Who can answer this question?

Satin ribbon is a ribbon made of smooth, shiny skin(Children read according to S. Ozhegov’s dictionary)

And now let's go to the secrets of the living word.

What does “cherish” mean? (Explain...)

Who thinks otherwise?

Cherish - undead, cherish, carefully look after.

Why did the grandfather and woman begin to cherish the Snow Maiden? (1-2 answers)

Which one is right? Prove your choice.

(So ​​we have discovered the secrets of some words)

What did the Snow Maiden become with the arrival of spring?

How do you think,… ?

What does he want to say...?

Read the words that speak about the affectionate attitude of the grandfather and woman towards the Snow Maiden.

How does the Snow Maiden address her loved ones?

What's the most important thing in this part? (“The Snow Maiden is afraid of fire”)

e) Reading the third part (“to yourself” followed by a task)

Find and read the passage that goes with it.

Choose a title for part 3. (“The Snow Maiden has melted”)

Read the plan for the fairy tale on the board. (ICT)

Conclusion: We wrote down our fairy tale briefly in the form of a plan. Remember it for future work.

8. Reading by role an excerpt from a fairy tale

Imagine that we choose actors for the role who are well versed in the character, speech, and behavior of the hero. The artist must play his role well.

next students...

(Guys in masks and hats read part 3 of the fairy tale with their faces.)

What is your opinion about the work of our artists?

Which performer did you like best? Why?

9. Generalization.

Name the main characters of the fairy tale.

Who did you like?

Do you like the ending of the fairy tale? (I’m very sorry for the Snow Maiden)

Problematic question.

What do you think could have happened to the Snow Maiden if she had not jumped over the fire? (2 -3 answers)

(That’s right, the time of snow is not eternal. The last snow melts in the forest later than in open areas. But sooner or later the sun’s rays penetrate there.)

10.Work of the “Reading Room”

The Snow Maiden is written about not only in fairy tales, but also in poetry.

Now we will work in “ reading room” and read the poem by E. Blaginina “The Snow Maiden”.

Where can you see or hear the Snow Maiden?

I want to say this...

And I want to add one more thing...

11.Work in TVET using the dictionary of “winter words”

What kind of Snow Maiden do you imagine?

Find adjectives that are suitable to describe the Snow Maiden.

The Snow Maiden (what?) is white, round, light, sparkling, tender, rosy. (ICT)

12. “.Our cinema hall” - watching an excerpt from the animated film “The Snow Maiden”

* - I remember everything well.

* - I was interested, but I worked slowly

* - the questions were difficult for me

14. Lesson summary.

What fairy tale were we working on?

What type of work did you enjoy most?

15.Giving and commenting on ratings.

Today I was pleased with your work in class.

For an excellent reading of the poem - parting words, for correct execution test task and receives a grade for work in class...

For competent completion of a creative task, for participation in an artistic creativity competition, an assessment...

Behind great job and the preparation of the material for the lesson are assessed by the participants of the “Search Group”...

For correct, fluent, expressive reading of a fairy tale, for work in class they receive a grade...

For artistry, the ability to role-play when reading a passage, competent answers in class, a mark...

For reading the poem “The Snow Maiden” by E. Blaginina, selective reading, the ability to evaluate your work, grade...

16. Differentiated homework.

*Retell the fairy tale according to plan.

*In TVET, p.66 complete task 4.

*In TPO, p.77, compare drawings, color illustrations for fairy tales.

17. Compilation of a “Man-Made Book”

Children in class get acquainted with Russian folk tales, develop fluent expressive reading skills, enrich vocabulary, develop creative abilities (artistry, the ability to dress up), develop activity of thought, form the ability to defend their point of view, and carry out work on speech development.



Russian folk tale" Snow Maiden". Public lesson

Obraztsova Lyudmila Nikolaevna , primary teacher MOU classes"High school"No. 16 Balakovo, Saratov region

The article belongs to the section:Teaching in primary school

Lesson objectives: introduce Russian folk tales, develop fluent expressive reading skills, enrich students’ vocabulary, develop creative abilities (artistry, the ability to dress up), develop activity of thought, develop the ability to defend their point of view, carry out work on speech development.


  • textbook by L. A Efrosinin “Literary reading”, grade 2;
  • L. A Efrosinina. Workbook No. 1 for 2nd grade students;
  • toy - brownie Kuzya; chest with fairy tales;
  • letter - wish;
  • “Little books”, drawings for fairy tales;
  • project “Handmade Book”;
  • disk with assignments for the lesson;
  • cartoon disk;
  • cards for speech therapy warm-up;
  • reproduction of the painting “Snow Maiden” by V. M. Vasnetsov;
  • S. Ozhegov’s dictionary, dictionary of “snow words”;
  • hats - masks;
  • tablets with poems by E. Blaginina “The Snow Maiden”;

1.Organization of the class.

2. Statement of the topic and purpose of the lesson.

Today in the lesson we will go to an amazing country where your favorite fairy tales live. Our meeting will take the form of a lesson in open thoughts. We have a mysterious guest today!

Who do you think it is? (This is Kuzka the brownie)

What is he hiding in his magic chest? (Letter). Let's read the wish - parting words.

During the lesson we will get acquainted with the Russian folk tale “The Snow Maiden”, we will read expressively, ask and answer questions, find in the text necessary passages, think, draw conclusions, sum up. At the end of the lesson, we will collect all our works into a “Hand-Made Book”

3.Checking homework.

Now let's remember our homework.

What fairy tale did you read at home? (“Girl Snow Maiden”)

What interesting creative task have you completed on your own? (We made up our own fairy tale about the Snow Maiden.)

Now we will listen to your fairy tales and try to evaluate them.

Creative task(2 people read fairy tales from “Little Books”)

Which fairy tale did you like best? Explain your preference. (I liked the first fairy tale better...)

What does... think? (Both tales are interesting, but presented differently).

Conclusion: I really liked the idea... that the same fairy tale can be retold and presented in different ways.

“Art Competition”

- Let's see what wonderful drawings our guys made for V. Dahl's fairy tale “The Snow Maiden Girl”

Whose works did you like...? Why?

What do you think about this...? (Everyone contributed something interesting and unusual to the drawing.

Conclusion: The land of fairy tales is vast. Each of you can become its unique participant.

And today we are going to get acquainted with the Russian folk tale “The Snow Maiden”.

4.Work of the “Search Group”

The “Search Group” continues to work in our class. The guys completed the task of an advanced nature. They will talk about how fairy tales appeared in our lives.

An introductory word about fairy tales.

  1. Fairy tales appeared in our lives a long time ago, when there was no written language yet. They were not written down, but passed on by word of mouth.
    The tales were told on winter evenings, when the bitter frost crackled outside and a blizzard scraped against the windows. People gathered in rooms near the stoves and began to tell various bizarre and funny tales.
  2. We listen with bated breath to amazing stories about a cunning fox, a stupid wolf, about wise wizards and heroes. In fairy tales, people “fly through the air,” “walk in walking boots,” “resurrect the dead,” “build palaces in one night.”
  3. A fairy tale is a dream about the future; behind them there was a sense of great power. They teach to learn about life, instill such noble traits as courage, hard work, and glorify justice, truthfulness, kindness, and love.

What does he want to add about fairy tales...?

I recently learned that the fairy tale...(student's answer)

Conclusion: The fairy tale still lives among the people. Both adults and children listen to her willingly.

5. Speech therapy warm-up.

The people loved hardworking, kind, sympathetic people.

These are the simple people we will now go to visit.

Let's read the long and difficult words that we will encounter when reading a fairy tale:

6. Initial reading and perception check.

And now you have to listen to how our reading lovers (5 people) read the Russian folk tale “The Snow Maiden”.

And you listen carefully in order to cope with the test task.

Test. – Why did the Snow Maiden melt?(ICT SLIDE 1)

*She was made of snow, and snow is afraid of fire.

*She wanted to turn into a cold stream.

*She was offended by her grandparents.

What is your opinion?

Conclusion: I would like to praise you for listening carefully to the fairy tale and completing the task.

7. Repeated reading and work on the content.

Now we will read the fairy tale again to answer the questions.

Let's start with the first part(“quiet reading”)

a) – Read how the fairy tale begins.

What do the words “once upon a time” mean? (Begin)

In what other fairy tale do you find the words “once upon a time”?

b) Selective reading.

Find the place where it says how the Snow Maiden appeared in the house of the grandfather and woman.

Read the description of the Snow Maiden's appearance.

*Physical minute

Today the children are happy -
There's a lot of snow in the yard,
There's a huge snowdrift ahead
Collapsed lengthwise and breadth -
This is a snow hero.
We began to go around it -
And they saw the Snow Maiden.

c) Working with the reproduction of V. M. Vasnetsov “The Snow Maiden”

Consider how the famous Russian artist V. M. Vasnetsov depicted the Snow Maiden in 1899.

The artist was fascinated by the Russian winter. A young beauty, Snegurochka, appears on a snow-covered forest edge. Pay attention to her brocade fur coat and hat. They are trimmed with fur. And what silver paints. They resemble the sparkle of snow crust and the softness of fallen snow. Snow Maiden! Shy, trembling, timid.

Hawthorn! Alive!

In a sheepskin coat, in boots, in mittens.

What is the main idea of ​​part 1?

Choose a title for it.(“Grandfather and grandmother made the Snow Maiden”)

This is an interesting thought...

What does... think about this?

d) Reading the second part “in chain”

Vocabulary work.

Guys, so that everything in the fairy tale is clear to you, I will explain the meaning

phrases – “Saffyan boots” are boots made from the highest quality goatskin leather. (Early)

And when you read this part, you came across the phrase"satin ribbon".

How do you understand its meaning?

Who can answer this question?

Satin ribbon is a ribbon made of smooth, shiny leather(Children read according to S. Ozhegov’s dictionary)

And now let's go to the secrets of the living word.

What does “cherish” mean? (Explain...)

Who thinks otherwise?

Cherish - undead, cherish, carefully look after.

Why did the grandfather and woman begin to cherish the Snow Maiden? (1-2 answers)

Which one is right? Prove your choice.

(So ​​we have discovered the secrets of some words)

What did the Snow Maiden become with the arrival of spring?

How do you think,… ?

What does he want to say...?

Read the words that speak about the affectionate attitude of the grandfather and woman towards the Snow Maiden.

How does the Snow Maiden address her loved ones?

What's the most important thing in this part?(“The Snow Maiden is afraid of fire”)

e) Reading the third part (“to yourself” followed by a task)

Find and read the passage that goes with it.

Choose a title for part 3.(“The Snow Maiden has melted”)

Read the plan for the fairy tale on the board.(ICT SLIDE 2)

Conclusion: We wrote down our fairy tale briefly in the form of a plan. Remember it for future work.

8. Reading by role an excerpt from a fairy tale

Imagine that we choose actors for the role who are well versed in the character, speech, and behavior of the hero. The artist must play his role well.

next students...

(Guys in masks and hats read part 3 of the fairy tale with their faces.)

What is your opinion about the work of our artists?

Which performer did you like best? Why?

9. Generalization.

Name the main characters of the fairy tale.

Who did you like?

Do you like the ending of the fairy tale? (I’m very sorry for the Snow Maiden)

Problematic question.

What do you think could have happened to the Snow Maiden if she had not jumped over the fire? (2 -3 answers)

(That’s right, the time of snow is not eternal. The last snow melts in the forest later than in open areas. But sooner or later the sun’s rays penetrate there.)

10.Work of the “Reading Room”

The Snow Maiden is written about not only in fairy tales, but also in poetry.

Now we will work in the “reading room” and read E. Blaginina’s poem “The Snow Maiden”.

Where can you see or hear the Snow Maiden?

I want to say this...

And I want to add one more thing...

11.Work in TVET using the dictionary of “winter words”

What kind of Snow Maiden do you imagine?

Find adjectives that are suitable to describe the Snow Maiden.

The Snow Maiden (what?) is white, round, light, sparkling, tender, rosy.(ICT SLIDE 3)

12. “.Our cinema hall” - viewing an excerpt from animated film"Snow Maiden"

13. Reflection.

* - I remember everything well.

* - I was interested, but I worked slowly

* - the questions were difficult for me

14. Lesson summary.

What fairy tale were we working on?

What type of work did you enjoy most?

15.Giving and commenting on ratings.

Today I was pleased with your work in class.

For an excellent reading of a poem - parting words, for the correct completion of a test task and for work in class, he receives a grade...

For competent execution creative assignment, for participation in an artistic creativity competition, an assessment...

For their hard work and preparation of material for the lesson, the participants of the “Search Group” receive an assessment...

For the correct, fluent, expressive reading fairy tales, they receive a grade for their work in class...

For artistry, the ability to role-play when reading a passage, competent answers in class, a mark...

For reading the poem “The Snow Maiden” by E. Blaginina, selective reading, the ability to evaluate your work, grade...

16. Differentiated homework.

*Retell the fairy tale according to plan.

*In TVET, p.66 complete task 4.

*In TPO, p.77, compare drawings, color illustrations for fairy tales.

17. Compilation of a “Man-Made Book”

Literary e read e

Total - 136 hours, per week 4 hours


for reading

Introductory lesson

Native spaces. Poetic spring “There is no better native land”

K. Idrisov “My Land”, S. Seifullin “In Our Land”

S. Maulenov “Oh, my steppe”

Extracurricular reading. M. Prishvin “My Motherland”

D. Doszhanov “Spring”, K. Myrza Ali “Steppe and City”

I. Sokolov-Mikitov “Hunting with a golden eagle”

Extracurricular reading. V. Putilina “Cherry Branch”

A. Pleshchev “Autumn”, Z. Fedorovskaya “Autumn at the edge”

E. Trutneva “Autumn”

O. Vysotskaya “Autumn morning”

Extracurricular reading: autumn signs, proverbs, riddles

The concept of personification

Speech development. Exposition “Autumn has come”

Section summary

Extracurricular reading. S. Seifullin “native land”, G. Ladonshchikov “ Motherland»

Folklore motives

Folklore. Small genres of folklore: songs, nursery rhymes, jokes, chants, rhymes. Speech development

Proverbs, sayings, riddles, tongue twisters

Extracurricular reading. Folklore genres: proverbs, counting rhymes, folk songs, nicknames

The concept of a folk tale

Fox and Thrush

Extracurricular reading. "The Shoemaker and the Khan." Kazakh fairy tale

Fox and Ant

Extracurricular reading. Tales of the peoples of the world

Speech development. Exposition of a fairy tale about animals with a creative task

Section summary

My friends. Poetic spring “Friendship is our strength”

Extracurricular reading. "Friendship is our strength"

Y. Entin “The breeze is friends with the sun”, V. Dragunsky “Childhood friend”

M. Karen “Teddy”, S. Mikhalkov “Song of Friends”, A. Mitta “Ball in the Window”. Speech development

Extracurricular reading. J. Rodari “How many things are there for children in the world”

Z. Petrova “Swing”, A. Raskin “How dad threw the ball under the car”

Extracurricular reading. V. Oseeva “The Good Hostess”

“But Vorobyov didn’t break the glass” (According to Yu. Yakovlev)

G. Zelenkina “How to live without friendship?”

Extracurricular reading. "About the Tsar and his son." Georgian fairy tale

J. Capek “A Hard Day”, “The Adventures of a Dog and a Cat”

Speech development. Essay on friendship with creative assignment

Section summary

Extracurricular reading. N. Nosov “How Dunno composed poetry”

We and nature. Poetic spring “Winter has come”

I. Nikitin “Meeting of Winter”

Tove Jansson "First Snow"

M. Alimbayev “Sledge”

Extracurricular reading. E. Blaginina “Snow Maiden”

A.S. Pushkin “The storm covers the sky with darkness...”

V. Stepanov “Silver Key”

V. Bianki " Cunning fox and smart Ducky"

Extracurricular reading. "Morozko." Russian folktale

A. Duisenbiev “Winter in the Forest”

V. Dal “Girl Snow Maiden”

Extracurricular reading. "Winter quarters of animals"

Y. Akim “first snow”, A.S. Pushkin “Here is the north, the clouds are catching up...”

M. Prishvin “talking rook”

S. Seifullin “Porosha”, K. Chukovsky “Yelka”

Extracurricular reading. Gift for Santa Claus. Swedish fairy tale

M. Zverev “In my native land”

S. Yesenin “Porosh”. The concept of comparison

Speech development. Essay on the picture “Winter”

Extracurricular reading. S. Topelius "Winter's Tale"

Speech development. Essay “Letter to Santa Claus”

Want to know everything!

N. Nosov “How Dunno rode in a carbonated car”

Extracurricular reading. R. Kipling “The Tale of the Baby Elephant”

“How an elephant was treated” (According to V. Korzhikov). The concept of a story. S. Aksakov “Marmot”

B. Zhitkov “How an elephant saved its owner from a tiger”

V. Golyavkin “The Traveler”

Extracurricular reading. “Winter-winter” (According to G. Skrebitsky), L. Charskaya “Winter”

G. Snegirev “fur skis”

Poetic spring "Peace, full of secrets and miracles." S.Seifullin “Winter”

A. Blok “Dilapidated Hut”

Extracurricular reading. Z. Shukurov " White snow", N. Artyukhova "White Grandfather"

A. Yashin “feed the birds in winter”, A. Barto “Two snowballs”

N. Seraliev “Game”

Speech development. Essay “What he told me about...”

Extracurricular reading. V. Suteev “Apple”

Golden soul.

Camel and boy (according to K. Tangrykuliev)

Extracurricular reading. U. Turmanzhanov “White Camel”

A. Tazhibaev “Baby Camel”. The concept of description. L. Tolstoy “What dew happens on the grass”

R. Pogodin “Treasure”

Extracurricular reading. A. Barto “She’s All”, Y. Yakovlev “Mother”, Z. Voskresenskaya “Mother!”

L. Voronkova “What would mom say?”

Poetic spring “You are the best in the world!”

V. Russu “My Mother”, M. Plyatskovsky “You are the best in the world, Mom!”

G. Vieru “Here is a snowdrop in a clearing”, A. Maikov “Blue, pure”, T. Belozerov “Snowdrops”

Extracurricular reading. E. Baratynsky “Spring, spring! How clean the air is...", O. Askarov "Snowdrop"

G. Ladonshchikov “The Bear Woke Up”, I. Tokmakova “Spring”

V. Zheleznikov “Knight”

Extracurricular reading. E. Blaginina “Let’s Sit in Silence”, E. Kvitko “Grandmother’s Hands”

K. Ushinsky “Wind and Sun”

Speech development. Essay - congratulations “Mom’s holiday”

Section summary. check yourself

World of adventure and fantasy

Extracurricular reading.N Zabolotsky “How mice fought with a cat”

V. Bianki “Mouse Peak”

Extracurricular reading. D. Bisset “About the piglet who learned to fly”

A. Lindgren “Baby and Carlson”

A. Lindgren “Kid and Carlson.” Reasoning. L. Tolstoy “Where does the water go from the sea”

Extracurricular reading. J. Rodari “Sun and Cloud”

J. Rodari “How Alice went to sea”

S. Kozlov “Hedgehog’s Violin”

Poetic spring "Spring - New Year's morning"

F. Tyutchev “Winter is angry for a reason”

Extracurricular reading. “On the threshold of spring” (According to G. Skrebitsky)

A. Pleshchev “The trees rustled merrily”, E. Blaginina “Bird cherry”

S. Yesenin “Bird cherry”, Y. Akim “April”

Skozlov “April”, S. Marshak “April”

Extracurricular reading. V. Garshin “The Frog Traveler”

Speech development. Essay “Who I want to be like”

Section summary

Our planet Earth.

M. Prishvin “Guys and Ducklings”

Extracurricular reading. U. Kanakhin “How friends saved fish”

K. Paustovsky “Badger Nose”

V. Bianki “Musician”

Y. Yakovlev “White Cranes”

Extracurricular reading. A. Platonov “Flower on Earth”

Poetic spring “Hot summer is coming”

V. Zhukovsky “Lark”, T. Belozerov “Lark”

I. Surikov “Summer”, B. Zakhoder “When Summer Comes”

Poetic spring “My Motherland - Kazakhstan”

Zh. Muldagaliev “Fatherland”

Extracurricular reading. V. Berestov “Honest caterpillar”

M. Abylkasymova “Native Land”, E. Elubaev “My Motherland”

Speech development. Essay on the painting “My Motherland - Kazakhstan”

Section summary

Final Lesson