Description of the painting three heroes by Vasnetsov for presentation. V.M

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An essay based on a painting by V.M. Vasnetsov. "Bogatyrs"

Plan The artist who created the painting. Three heroes (facial expressions, clothes, poses). Russian expanse (nature in the picture). The idea of ​​the painting (What did the artist want to say with his painting?) Thoughts and feelings that the painting evokes in me

Vasnetsov Viktor Mikhailovich (1848-1926) Viktor Mikhailovich Vasnetsov is an outstanding Russian artist. Wrote many paintings on the topic folk tales, epics, fairy tales. “Bogatyrs” is his favorite painting. The artist worked on this painting for two decades. The topic of Russian heroes had long interested him. The artist studied history Ancient Rus'. In museums I got acquainted with samples of weapons and clothing of our ancestors. “I only lived in Russia,” the artist said about himself.

"Bogatyrs" 1881-1898

Ilya Muromets, the eldest of the heroes, is in the center of the picture. The face is courageous, calm, no longer young, the eyes are wise. He vigilantly peers into the distance, looking from under his hand. In his hands he has an iron club, a shield and a spear. Under him, a heroic horse, pitch black (black), stands calmly, waiting for an order

By left hand Dobrynya Nikitich on a white horse. Brown hair curls in rings, keen, falcon-like eyes. Dobrynya peers intently into the distance. His horse is fast, quick, ready to rush into battle at any moment. Dobrynya is wearing rich equipment, it is clear that he is from a noble family. On the head is a pointed helmet. In his hands heavy sword, red shield with patterns.

On the right hand is the youngest, handsome and brave Alyosha Popovich. Brave, courageous. And with a song he is able to entertain everyone, and is not inferior in strength. Determined not to miss the enemy. Defeats the enemy with cunning and resourcefulness. The bow, arrows and harp are tied to the saddle.

Nature in the picture Behind the heroes: storm clouds, dark hills Ahead: wide steppe In the picture: dark colors(feelings of anxiety, worry and wariness) is there an enemy lurking nearby? full of determination

What did the artist want to say with his painting? Which strong-willed and with their bodies people stand guard over our Motherland. They are not afraid of anything. There is no such force that could defeat the heroic force

Thoughts and feelings that this picture evokes in me: When I look at this picture... The picture evokes... This picture makes us... You look at the picture and believe... Pride in your country, respect for the heroes, the greatness of the Russian land,

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

An extracurricular activity to prepare for writing an essay based on a painting by V.M. Vasnetsov. "Bogatyrs".

An extracurricular activity helps the teacher get away from writing patterns, teaches students to think creatively....

An essay-description based on the painting “Bogatyrs” by V. M. Vasnetsov is carried out after studying the topic “Epics” in literature in the 7th grade. The lesson is designed for 2 hours: 1 hour - preparing for the essay, 2 hour - writing the essay. Preparation can take 1.5 lessons, then the students finish the essay at home.

Lesson objectives:

  • Learn about the history of the creation of the canvas
  • Collect materials for your essay
  • Make a plan for your essay

Answer the questions:

Who are the heroes of epics?


Name the names of the most popular heroes in Rus'

Ilya Muromets, Alyosha Popovich and Dobrynya Nikitich

As the conversation progresses, fill out the table:

Teacher's word: The favorite hero of the epic is Ilya Muromets. People dedicated it to him greatest number epic Ilya begins to perform his heroic feats already in mature age, after being healed by wanderers from an illness. It is distinguished

  • Spiritual maturity
  • Extraordinary physical strength
  • Experience
  • Wisdom

How were his features reflected in the appearance of the hero?

What feats did Ilya Muromets accomplish?

Who did Dobrynya defeat?

Dobrynya also has enormous physical strength, courage, bravery, but is different from other heroes




Therefore, he often acts as a diplomat, ambassador, matchmaker


Prove that this is Dobrynya

Teacher's word: The most young hero the epic is Alyosha Popovich. In his youth he

  • frivolous
  • Brave to the point of recklessness
  • Alyosha defeats enemies not so much with force as
  • By cunning
  • Savvy
  • Witty
  • Cheerful


Prove that this is Alyosha Popovich

Determine which of the heroes these phrases fit. Record the materials in the table.

Description of horses

The horse matches the rider. Make up and write down phrases that characterize the horse

What can you say about the landscape? Try to describe it

Use of folk language means

I would like to draw your attention to the fact that if you use words and expressions from epics in your essay, the value of your work will increase

The beast will not run, the reptile will not sneak through, the black raven will not fly

Good horse

Red-hot arrow

Little hand is mighty

The grass ant bends down

Capital Kyiv-grad

Bright look

Wise eyes

Damask shield


Zealous horse

Ringing bowstring


  1. Introduction about Vasnetsov and his painting
  2. Description of the picture

A) Ilya Muromets and his horse

B) Dobrynya Nikitich and his horse

B) Alyosha Popovich and his horse

D) Landscape

3. Conclusion

  1. Lyrical introduction about Rus' and its defenders
  2. Description of the picture

A) Bogatyrs and their qualities

B) Appearance heroes

B) Heroic equipment

D) Bogatyr horses

D) Landscape

3. Three heroes - collective image Russian warrior

Tips before writing an essay

  • Start each point with a red line
  • Avoid unnecessary repetition of words
  • Link paragraphs and sentences together smooth transitions
  • Use epic words and expressions

Learning to avoid repetitions
Replace repetitions with pronouns or synonyms

V. M. Vasnetsov painted many paintings. One of his best paintings- “Bogatyrs”. He painted this picture for almost ten years. It depicts three Russian heroes. There are three heroes standing at the outpost. In the center stands the strongest and wisest hero - Ilya Muromets.

Ilya has a black heroic horse. A horse and its rider cross lakes and forests.

But he is strong not in strength, but in eloquence.

He has a powerful hand with which he holds a heavy spear, and with the other hand he holds a silver shield.

It depicts three heroes. Three heroes stand at the heroic outpost. In the center stands the most powerful and powerful - Ilya Muromets.

Brown clouds are gathering over the heads of the heroes, this is a filthy army gathering.

check yourself

V. M. Vasnetsov painted many paintings. One of his best paintings is “Bogatyrs”. He wrote this work of art for almost ten years. The painting depicts three Russian heroes standing at an outpost. In the center is the strongest and wisest of all - Ilya Muromets.

On a black heroic horse, Ilya jumps over lakes and forests

But he surpasses everyone not in strength, but in eloquence.

With a powerful hand he holds a heavy spear, and he has a silver shield.

The painting depicts three heroes who stand at the outpost and protect the Russian land from the enemy.

Brown clouds are gathering over the heads of the heroes; this is a rotten army approaching.

Replace definitions with predicates, building sentences based on phrases.

Sample. Flowing Mane - The mane flutters in the wind.

  1. Shining armor.
  2. Furrowed eyebrows.
  3. A keen eye.
  4. Victory over Tugarin.
  5. Gray beard.

We learn to build sentences based on these word combinations.

  1. Spring harps.......
  2. ....... tight bow.
  3. Red-hot arrows......from the quiver.
  4. Shining armor........
  5. Furrowed eyebrows......
  6. Strong hand......
  7. Brown beard......
  8. ....... rich clothes.
  9. Red shield........
  10. Peaked helmet......
  11. From a gilded scabbard.....a silver sword.
  12. Youthful blush.......
  13. Barely visible mustache......
  14. Golden curls.... from under the helmet.

We learn to build sentences based on these word combinations.
Construct sentences, adding predicates and secondary members.

1. On the left side... Dobrynya Nikitich. On the right... Alyosha Popovich.

2. .......spiritual maturity, physical strength.

3. Powerful spear......

4. Sorokapudovaya club.......

5. Dobrynya Nikitich.... left.

6. Behind Alyosha..... is a spring harp.

7. In the quiver... red-hot arrows.

8. On the shoulders... sparkling armor.

9. In the center of the picture.... Ilya Muromets.

10. Thin graceful legs.......

Lexical error. Using a word in an unusual meaning
Find a word with a meaning that is unusual for it and replace it with a suitable meaning.

  1. A rich frame hangs around his (horse’s) neck.
  2. Damask boots
  3. Morocco boots are supported by harnesses.
  4. The picture is very elegant.
  5. It’s not for nothing that Vasnetsov painted for ten years.
  6. Their horses match the racers.

Learning to build sentences
!Each sentence must describe one item.
Break the sentence into several. Insert a predicate into each.

  1. The hero has rich armor, a large red shield, which he clutches with his hand, and Dobrynya has a pointed helmet and morocco boots on her head.
  2. And the hero himself is young, with a barely visible mustache and an agile, graceful figure.
  3. He wears a pointed helmet and morocco boots on his head.
  4. A sly expression, youthful blush, golden curls.
  5. Dobrynya has rich armor. Pointed helmet, gilded scabbard and morocco boots.
  6. Dobrynya has a white graceful horse. Noble, with a flowing mane and rich harness.
  7. His clothes are not so rich. Like other heroes: a spring harp, a tight bow, and red-hot arrows are visible from behind. Shining armor.
summary of other presentations

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Vasnetsov V. Bogatyri. Vasnetsov V. is the author of famous paintings (“Alyonushka”, “The Sleeping Princess”, “Flying Carpet”... Many are kept in the Tretyakov Gallery. Epic heroes in the painting “Bogatyrs” - in armor - the combat uniform of a medieval warrior - on horseback. The armor depicted in the painting is kept in the Kremlin Armory.

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Dobrynya Nikitich Dobrynya Nikitich was born around 935 in Korosten, the capital of the Drevlyansky Land. He was the crown prince of the Drevlyansky Land. Infinitely devoted to Rus', the hero jealously guards the dignity of the Russian warrior. Dobrynya’s human qualities are determined by the property that in epics is called “vezhestvo”. He is reasonable in his speeches, restrained, tactful. His politeness is “born,” that is, innate. Ilya - null

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Ilya Muromets Ilya is the oldest Bogatyr, the strongest. Always devoted to the Motherland. Ilya is a historical figure Orthodox Church. The relics of St. Elijah were preserved in the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra. The heroes met, measured their strength, fraternized, performed the ritual of exchanging crosses and became brothers in spirit. They united around Prince Vladimir, whose vocation is the defense of spirituality and the Orthodox faith.

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Alyosha Popovich Alyosha Popovich is the son of the Rostov priest Levontius. The image of Alyosha Popovich is the third in importance in the heroic Trinity, along with Ilya and Dobrynya. The heroes are united by a common origin from North-Eastern Rus'.

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The sword is an offensive weapon. The sword is a symbol of princely power. The sword has a straight, double-edged blade. The sword was worn in a leather sheath on the belt. In pagan times, people swore on the sword. Helmet - “Jericho cap”, with a pointed top. Shields are round and almond-shaped. Protective weapons of the Russian warrior.

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Chainmail is a long shirt woven from metal rings. One chainmail took about 20 thousand rings. Its weight reached 17 kg. There were mixed ringed and plate armor. (Yushman by Alyosha Popovich) Mace - a spiked weapon, weight 200-300 grams Handle length - 50-60 cm, thickness - 2-6 cm. Spear - length - 2.2 m. Thickness - 3 cm. The shaft was made of oak, ash, maple. Think about the force of the blow of the warriors who broke the shafts against their opponents spears. Cone helmet