Statements about Goncharov by writers. Aphorisms from Ivan Goncharov

It is impossible to fulfill your duty to the end without loving it.


We become wise by obtaining truths with our minds and observations, applying them to life and creating harmony of ideas and reality.


A broad mind is characteristic of people with a deep heart and therefore great love stands next to a great mind. That is why only great hearts and great minds can reach the highest peaks of humanity.

(mind, heart, greatness)

The old truth will never be embarrassed by the new - it will put this burden on its shoulders. Only the sick, the obsolete are afraid to take a step forward.


There are common signs of smart people and all fools are similar to each other, regardless of nations, languages, countries, religions.

(smart, fool)

To live for oneself is not to live, but to exist passively: you need to fight.


Fantasy is reminiscent of a steam engine with such power that the boiler can burst.


It is very difficult to be smart and at the same time sincere, and this is especially true when it comes to feelings...

(smart, sincerity)

As long as the desire for honors lives on, as long as there are hunters to please, as long as gossip and idleness reign not as shortcomings, but as elements in our society, as long as the Famusovs and Molchalins will appear.

(honors, gossip)

Love remembers all the little things. In the mind of a person in love, a complex fabric is created from observations, thoughts, guesses about the environment of the loved one, what is happening in his sphere.


With understanding and respect, you and your friend will be able to say whatever you think directly and frankly, or listen to him tell the honest truth about yourself.

Beauty cannot be stupid. Look closely at a stupid beauty, look carefully at her facial features, at her smile, at her eyes - and immediately her beauty will turn into ugliness.

(beauty, stupidity)

Life is always accompanied by effort, hardship and hard work, because it is not a garden with beautiful flowers.


In friendship there are neither slaves nor masters. It is for equals.


Life is impossible without struggle; happiness lies in struggle.


He does not believe in unchanging and eternal love, just like in brownies, and he does not advise us to do this.

Self-love is the engine and it rules the will.

(self-love, will)

Pushkin is huge, powerful, strong, rich. He is as important for our art as Lomonosov is for enlightenment.

It is impossible to learn the creative techniques of creators. It will only be possible to imitate the best techniques, but it is impossible to delve into the working process of the creative spirit.


People will always have something to find, discover, invent, because the very source of this knowledge is inexhaustible.

Ivan Aleksandrovich Goncharov - born June 6, 1812, Ulyanovsk, Russian Empire. Russian writer, critic, corresponding member of the Imperial Academy of Sciences. Author of works - “Frigate Pallada”, “Ordinary History”, “Oblomov”, “Cliff”, “Across Eastern Siberia”, etc. Died - September 15, 1891, St. Petersburg, Russian Empire.

Aphorisms, quotes, sayings, phrases - Goncharov Ivan Alexandrovich

  • Happiness is made of illusions.
  • It is tricky and difficult to live simply.
  • Love is a very difficult school of life.
  • Life is a struggle, in the struggle there is happiness.
  • Without loving a duty, you cannot fulfill it.
  • Great love is inseparable from a deep mind.
  • We don't get married, we are given away or taken.
  • There is no peace in love, and it moves somewhere forward, forward.
  • Friendship needs neither a slave nor a master. Friendship loves equality.
  • Self-love is almost the only engine that controls the will.
  • Some people have nothing else to do but talk. There is such a calling.
  • Fantasy is a kind of steam engine that, God forbid, the boiler does not burst.
  • The heart, when it loves, has its own mind... it knows what it wants and knows in advance what will happen.
  • Life “for oneself and about oneself” is not life, but a passive state: you need word and deed, struggle.
  • The strong will never love the strong: people like goats will only get together and then start butting heads.
  • Dreams, toys, deception - all this is suitable for women and children, but a man needs to know the matter as it is.
  • It is impossible to live in the world without sacrifices, without efforts and hardships: life is not a garden in which only flowers grow.
  • Literature is a language that expresses everything a country thinks, wants, knows, wants and needs to know.
  • A woman can be compassionate, gentle, honest, fair only with those she loves, and merciless towards everything else.
  • Wisdom is a set of truths obtained by the mind, observation and experience and applied to life; it is the harmony of ideas with life.
  • To portray only the good, the bright, the joyful in human nature means to conceal the truth. It is impossible to depict light without shadows.
  • Although they say about such people that they love everyone and therefore are kind, but, in essence, they do not love anyone and are kind only because they are not evil.
  • The source of knowledge is inexhaustible: no matter what success humanity acquires on this path, people will still have to search, discover and learn.
  • Nature is too strong and unique to take it, so to speak, in its entirety, measure its own strength with it and directly stand next to it; she won't give in.
  • The mind is the same everywhere: smart people have the same common characteristics, like all fools, despite the differences in nations, clothes, languages, religions, even outlook on life.
  • It is a bad trait in men to be ashamed of their hearts. This is also pride, only false. It would be better if they were sometimes ashamed of their mind: it makes mistakes more often.
  • Great love is inseparable from a deep mind; The breadth of the mind is equal to the depth of the heart. That is why great hearts reach the extreme heights of humanity: they are also great minds.
  • Love is less demanding than friendship, it is even often blind, people love not for their merits. But for love you need something, sometimes trifles, that cannot be defined or named.
  • Stupid beauty is not beauty. Look at the stupid beauty, look deeply into every feature of her face, into her smile, her gaze - her beauty will gradually turn into amazing ugliness.
  • If you cannot directly, frankly, even sharply tell a friend everything that you think about him, about his actions, or listen to him tell the same truth about yourself, then you do not truly believe each other, do not understand and do not respect each other. each other.
  • A short daily rapprochement between a person and a person is not in vain for either one or the other: a lot is needed on both sides of life experience, logic and heartfelt warmth, so that, while enjoying only the advantages, one does not prick and not be pricked by mutual shortcomings.

Ivan Alexandrovich Goncharov, 1812-1891, writer.

In order to experience something new more deeply, something that is unlike anything else, you need to have a parallel to another, developed life right there nearby, for comparison.

Smart women love it when people do stupid things for them, especially expensive ones. Only they love not the one who does stupid things, but the other.

Ah, if only I could experience this warmth of love and not experience its worries!

The trick of being nearsighted: she sees well only under her nose, and not into the distance, and therefore she often falls into the same trap that she has set for others.

Self-love is almost the only engine that controls the will.

It is impossible to live in the world without sacrifices, without efforts and hardships: life is not a garden in which only flowers grow.

Great love is inseparable from a deep mind; The breadth of the mind is equal to the depth of the heart. That is why great hearts, and they are also great minds, reach the extreme heights of humanity.

Stupid beauty is not beauty. Look at the stupid beauty, look deeply into every feature of her face, into her smile, into her gaze - her beauty will gradually turn into amazing ugliness.

If you cannot directly, frankly, even harshly tell a friend everything that you think about him, about his actions, or hear from him the same truth about yourself, then you do not truly believe each other, do not understand and do not respect each other friend.

Life is a struggle, in the struggle there is happiness.

Life “for yourself and about yourself” is not life, but a passive state: you need word and deed, struggle.

The source of knowledge is inexhaustible: no matter what success humanity acquires on this path, people will still have to search, discover and learn.

Wisdom is a set of truths obtained by the mind, observation and experience and applied to life; it is the harmony of ideas with life.

Without loving a duty, you cannot fulfill it.

Friendship needs neither a slave nor a master. Friendship loves equality.

You can't learn creative techniques. Every creator has his own techniques. One can only imitate higher techniques, but this leads nowhere, and one cannot penetrate into the work of the creative spirit.

It is difficult to be smart and sincere at the same time, especially in feelings...

The mind is the same everywhere: smart people have the same common characteristics, like all fools, despite the differences in nations, clothes, languages, religions, even outlook on life.

Fantasy is a kind of steam engine that, God forbid, the boiler does not burst.

“Oblomov’s Dream”... - an episode which, however, has so much wholeness and completeness in itself that it can be called a separate story - is an example of that new work, which, no doubt, will renew, if not strengthen, the wonderful impressions left in readers two years before this, “Ordinary History” published in Sovremennik. In this episode, Mr. Goncharov’s pen and brush again appears in all its artistic perfection, so remarkable in the department of the smallest details of Russian life, pictures of nature and various, living scenes.

Nekrasov N.A.<Сон Обломова>. St. Petersburg, 1849. // Contemporary. 1849. No. 4. Dept. 3.

Oblomov and Oblomovism: it was not for nothing that these words spread throughout Russia and became words forever rooted in our speech. They explained to us a whole range of phenomena of modern society, they presented us with a whole world of ideas, images and details that we had not yet fully realized... Oblomov was studied and recognized by a whole people, mostly rich in Oblomovism... Mr. Goncharov should not descend so deep into the depths of Oblomovism , the same Oblomovism... might seem to us sad, poor, pitiful, worthy of empty laughter. Now you can laugh at Oblomovism, but this laughter is full of pure love and honest tears, you can regret its victims, but such regret will be poetic and bright, not humiliating for anyone, but for many a high and wise regret.

Druzhinin A.V. "Oblomov." Roman I.A. Goncharova. St. Petersburg, 1859. //Beautiful and Eternal. M., 1988. P. 445.

“An Ordinary Story” is Goncharov’s first work - a huge sprout that has just emerged from the ground, not yet strong, green, but overflowing with fresh juices. Then, on the mighty shoot, two magnificent flowers bloom one after another - “Oblomov” and “Obryv”. All three works are one epic, one life, one plant. When you approach it, you see that a whole dew of barely noticeable drops, precious artistic little things, is scattered across its colossal petals. And you don’t know what to admire more - the beauty of the entire giant plant or these small drops in which the sun, earth and sky are reflected.

Merezhkovsky D.S. Goncharov. St. Petersburg, 1890. //The novel “Oblomov” in Russian criticism. P. 179.

As we see, we have before us an ordinary story, and it is terrible, like life itself, if you comprehend it in its depths. And Goncharov stubbornly follows the material, like all Russians, who in their analytical aspiration dissolve the smallest and most inconspicuous action in the subtlest flows of the narrative. Russian, however, is, first of all, the type itself - in all its features, which the poet secretly carefully observed. Never before have anyone depicted with such psychological pedantry the small comforts with which the hero surrounded himself, the lethargy of his awakening. His art of self-justification and self-hypnosis in the name of laziness; one could consider Oblomov a one-of-a-kind genius in the art of idleness, if it were not known that Russians... even in the simplest and meagerest things can put a thousandfold complications..."

Stefan Zweig. A triumph of inertia. 1902.

Just as Ostrovsky described the dark kingdom of the merchants, so Goncharov depicted the lordly Oblomovism in a huge picture... Goncharov’s simplicity and truthfulness in the construction of the novel are combined with architectural harmony, creating a strong aesthetic impression. This is, in particular, the composition of “Oblomov” - the drama of the hero’s three ascents and his three breakdowns. Goncharov’s landscape is also simple and truthful. Simple and artistic language...

Piksanov N.K. Master of critical realism I.A. Goncharov. L., 1952. S. 22-24.

Aphorisms and quotes by Ivan Goncharov

Ivan Aleksandrovich Goncharov is a great Russian writer, corresponding member of the Imperial Academy of Sciences, author of great works that had a huge impact on Russian literature. In his largest works, Goncharov not only reveals to the reader some ugly social phenomena, but also makes a deep analysis of the Russian character and attempts to search for his moral path. Below are some aphorisms and quotes from Ivan Goncharov.

“You cannot live in the world without sacrifices, without efforts and hardships: life is not a garden in which only flowers grow”

“Wisdom is a set of truths obtained by the mind, observation and experience and applied to life; it is the harmony of ideas with life”

“The source of knowledge is inexhaustible: no matter what success humanity acquires on this path, people will still have to search, discover and learn.”

“Life for oneself and about oneself is not life, but a passive state: you need word and deed, struggle”

“Life is a struggle, in the struggle there is happiness”

“It’s hard to be smart and sincere at the same time, especially in feelings...”

“Stupid beauty is not beauty. Look at the stupid beauty, look deeply into every feature of her face, into her smile, her gaze - her beauty will little by little turn into astonishing ugliness.”

“Fantasy is a kind of steam engine that, God forbid, the boiler does not burst”

“You can’t learn creative techniques. Does every creator have his own techniques? One can only imitate higher techniques, but this leads nowhere, and one cannot penetrate into the work of the creative spirit.”

“If you don’t love a duty, you can’t fulfill it”

“Friendship needs neither a slave nor a master. Friendship loves equality"

“The mind is the same everywhere: smart people have the same common characteristics, like all fools, despite the differences in nations, clothes, languages, religions, even outlook on life.”

“Great love is inseparable from a deep mind; The breadth of the mind is equal to the depth of the heart. That is why great hearts, and they are also great minds, reach the extreme heights of humanity.”

“If you cannot directly, frankly, even sharply tell a friend everything that you think about him, about his actions, or hear from him the same truth about yourself, then you do not truly believe each other, do not understand and do not respect each other friend"

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