Cool last names on VK for girls. Beautiful American surnames

Like a family, you don’t choose a surname: everything is predetermined before the child is born. The origin of funny names is connected with the traditions of different peoples. Sometimes funny surnames in a passport become an obstacle to building a career, so it’s good that every person has the right to change their first and last name after reaching adulthood.

Cool surnames

Modern unusual first names- this is a memory of the era in which they appeared. Decent in Russia noble families began to form relatively recently, and before that, families were called words that were used in popular speech and were not subject to any censorship. So, for example, if the father had one black eye or was lame, the family was called Krivenkiye. With the same logic, they were called Fingerless, Earless and Handless. No other countries in the world can compare with Ukraine and Russia in the originality of surnames.

Slavic cool, unusual surnames:

  • Unwise;
  • Maudlin;
  • Poor;
  • Semirozum;
  • Prusachok;
  • Pyatizhopkin;
  • Bobinchik, Ave.

Funny people's last names

Original, interesting surnames people have different nationalities. Many of them surprise and make you laugh until your stomach hurts. It’s unlikely that everyone who got funny surnames in their passport, they live in harmony with them, because such people have to be subjected to mockery and laughter from others since childhood. However, you should treat this with irony and humor, because there will always be a person who is even more unlucky, for example, Lyubov Koshek or Zakhar Zapadlovsky.

Cool surnames for VK for girls

Living with a dissonant surname is not very comfortable, so most girls try to change it or at least hide it from others. Young representatives of the fair sex are selected for social networks beautiful, laconic pseudonyms that only partially resemble the real name. Thanks to this, discontent and shame disappear, but friends, nevertheless, easily recognize the girls. What cool surnames are there for VK? Examples of successfully modified aliases:

  • for Naumenko Ira – Naum Irina, Naira;
  • for Prus Sveta - Lana Tarakanova, Lana Prus;
  • for Anna Kuznetsova – Anna Blacksmith ( literal translation to English);
  • for Nastya Ivanova - Ivanna Nastina (switching FI places).

The funniest surnames in Russia

Very funny Russian surnames can be found in the telephone directory. For example, in the capital there are several families with interesting options: Good Day, Yesterday's, Goddesses, Galoshes, Kuku, Khvataimukhi, Shchiborshch, Zadneulitsa, Kukishi. The list can be continued for a very long time: various authors (usually social service workers) compile large-scale collections and ratings of the funniest names/surnames registered in Russia.

Unusual surnames for girls

In any large group there are owners of strange, absurd surnames. From the huge number, we can highlight the following interesting surnames for girls:

  • Brekhunova;
  • Zhopina;
  • Kazyavkina;
  • Sexual;
  • Mozgoedova;
  • Khryukin;
  • Naked;
  • Zhirnova;
  • Durnopeiko;
  • Snot;
  • Dobrobaba;
  • Corpse;
  • Lokhova;
  • Still beer.

Doubles have a special “charm” female surnames Russian women:

  • Shura-Bura;
  • Kill-Joyful;
  • Bita-Marya;
  • Honest-Good;
  • Buffalo Cat.

Sometimes surnames that seem normal at first glance look strange and funny when combined with women’s professions. A selection of such funny tandems:

  • doctor of the Sick;
  • artist of the Meshkova fashion house;
  • cosmetologist Decrepit;
  • salesman-cashier Skorobogatova;
  • Pediatrician Plague;
  • geologist Zemlyannaya;
  • store director Gnilomyasova;
  • headmistress of the school Book.

Funny male surnames

Usually funny male surnames catch the eye of those whose work involves parsing a huge number of letters and applications. Among the recipients and applicants you can find Kozlov, Kisel, Pasyukov and other citizens whose names bring a smile to their face. Listed below are the ridiculous and funny Russian surnames of Russian men. These include:

  • Fucking;
  • Nadryshchev;
  • Blyakherov;
  • Bobinchik;
  • Kherenkov;
  • Zababashkin;
  • Glyukin;
  • Pupkin;
  • Fucking;
  • Zadnikov;
  • Bobik;
  • Abebe;
  • Sharikov;
  • Dry back;
  • Syvokoz;
  • Didus;
  • Durnopeiko;
  • Cord.

The funniest surnames in the world

Among other nations, Moldovans and Romanians have succeeded in creating funny names. Among them there are many Boshar (translated as “pumpkin”), Mosh (“grandfather”), Surdulov (“deaf”), Berbekaev (“ram”). Chechens are not inferior to these peoples; their families can be called Pomoevs, Saraevs, Nadoevs and even Playboys. The most funny names and surnames in the world are also found among Armenians and Georgians - these are Zaseyany, Opokhmelyan, Zarzhaveli, Dobegulia.

The Japanese have a lot of funny names - Nakamode, Sukasena, Oherachu, Komusishi, Shirehari, Herovato. In America there lives an insurance agent whose name is Chip Munk; when pronounced, the words are combined and sound like “chipmunk”. In addition, the United States is known for the prevalence of such surnames as Assman, which translates into Russian as “ass man.” We would call the Canadian Wacko family like the Crazy Ones. The Polish resident Bzdashek Zapadlovsky also distinguished himself.

Separate list should be formed among famous personalities - football players and athletes. Foreigners proudly bear surnames in their own country, but in Russia they sound ridiculous and ridiculous. List of football players who were unlucky with their name:

  • Mandanda Steve;
  • Child Paul;
  • Sicinho;
  • I'm Conan Didier;
  • Lenya Ivan;
  • Gad Marjan;
  • Kaka;
  • Nasri Samir;
  • Chuka Stefano Okaka;
  • Kakalov Georgy;
  • Pukki Teemu;
  • Abdullah the Fool;
  • Popa Mariusz;
  • Pivko Rafal;
  • Ogogo Abu;
  • Pukanych Adrian.

Funny Ukrainian surnames

Cossack roots can be recognized by the names in Ukrainian passports. The sharp-tongued Cossacks, without stint, gave funny, sometimes even offensive nicknames to their brothers. Thus, the funniest surnames of Ukrainians have survived to this day:

  • Vernyvolya;
  • Netudyhata;
  • Davicosa;
  • Vykhrestyuk;
  • Abyyak;
  • Pidoprygora;
  • Zazhryshchenko;
  • Vystavnoga;
  • Ridkokasha;
  • Hakalo;
  • Pindyura;
  • Zhopinsky;
  • Galushka;
  • Yellowlegs;
  • Gulyayden;
  • Gryzidub;
  • Nosulya;
  • Unclean.

Funny Jewish surnames

Not only Slavic surnames capable of making Russians laugh. funny Jewish surnames can only be assessed in conjunction with the name. These “pearls” include:

  • Lolita Sole;
  • Melon Merlin;
  • Psyche Vatnik;
  • Cylinder Grave Digger;
  • Monya Baldy;
  • Leah Sherenga;
  • Helmet Robostone;
  • Itsyk Lechitsa;
  • Me Shalashibes;
  • Fanya Cork;
  • Shmulik Rag;
  • Rivka Lopata;
  • Motya Naftalin;
  • Faina Dratva;
  • Immanuel Portyanka;
  • Maria Help;
  • Lena Dial;
  • Pesya Barrier;
  • Chaim Kukish;
  • Tsylya Shkurnik;
  • Aron Benefit;
  • Yosef Pshik.

Funny Chinese first and last names

For foreigners Chinese names are a set of hieroglyphs of unknown meaning. However, every name in this country carries a literal meaning, which is sometimes not just funny, but even indecent. Funny Chinese first and last names:

  • Fàn tǒng – means “fool”, “lazy person/freeloader”;
  • Lái gāo cháo – “to achieve orgasm”;
  • Shǎn diànqiú – “ball lightning”;
  • Hè hèhe (does not need translation);
  • Сháng gāo cháo – “frequent orgasm”.

Even if you don’t go into details of the translation, many Chinese have names that are funny in pronunciation:

  • Sun Wyn Wchai;
  • Take out Drink yourself;
  • Take out Su Him.

Funny celebrity last names

Real names of stars Russian stage, cinema and show business are not as euphonious as their pseudonyms. Below are just them short list. Funny last names famous people(the first is a pseudonym, the second is real name):

  • Pavel Kashin - Pavel Kvasha;
  • Jasmine – Semendueva Sara;
  • Queen Natasha – Rip Natasha;
  • Marshal Alexander - Minkov Alexander;
  • Malinin Alexander – Vyguzov Alexander;
  • Andrey Razin – Vadim Krivorotov;
  • Lolita Milyavskaya - Gorelik Lolita;
  • Rotaru Sofia - Rotar Sofia;
  • Abraham Russo - Efrem Apdzhyan;
  • Rubashkin - Chernorubashkin Boris;
  • Stashevsky Vlad - Tverdokhlebov Vyacheslav.

Top funny surnames

For outsiders, very funny surnames are another reason to have fun, but their owners often have a hard time. WITH kindergarten such people have to endure ridicule from their peers, so many of these “lucky” people sooner or later decide to make changes to their passport details. Below are the strangest surnames registered in the CIS countries:

  • Mess;
  • Golomudko;
  • Worm;
  • Lice;
  • Perebeinos;
  • Bananovich;
  • Boobs;
  • Viper;
  • Vypyrailova;
  • Killwolf;
  • Steering wheel;
  • One-pose;
  • Dokhlik;
  • Uncle;
  • Podluk;
  • Dulya;
  • Drishch;
  • Chmyryuk;
  • Asshole;
  • Beeliner;
  • Kakashkind.

Video: Funny names

There are many reasons why people choose to use a nickname instead of their birth name. A new name is an act of rethinking oneself, a peculiar business card. And before choosing it, you need to think carefully. The Internet is replete with name generators that help you create a new nickname very quickly and easily according to several criteria. Their lists are huge.

We offer you examples of pseudonyms for various cases, which will not only be of interest to you, but may also help you choose your own (individual and original pseudonym).

In English with translation into Russian

For inspiration in your creativity - we offer English options aliases:

  • TearPrincess (princess of tears);
  • Freedom;
  • Lovely (beautiful);
  • ◄Only god can judge me (only God will judge me);
  • Funny girl (cheerful girl);
  • Sweetest (the sweetest);
  • Simply Girl;
  • Angel on duty (Angel on duty);
  • Flying Star (Flying_Star);
  • Cherry Pie (Cherry pie);
  • Amazing (Amazing);
  • Baby Angel, Baby Love - do not require translation;
  • Better Half;
  • Flower Child;
  • Honey Bun.

For YouTube

How to choose a nickname for YouTube? Can be taken as a basis keywords, symbols of your niche, or use universal ones, such as picture - Pictures, program - Programme, channel - Channel, TV, Zoom, Films, Show, Stories, Productions, Exclusive and add them to your abbreviated nickname.

Then we get:

  • VirginiaTV;
  • TainaShow;
  • Yolonda Program;
  • Delfina:
  • NinaChannel;
  • StudiosSabrina – StudSab;
  • Portia;
  • SabraFocus;
  • Zula;
  • TeodoraProductions;

Remember, for Youtube names can only be up to 50 characters in length. Some girls choose nicknames that don’t mean anything, but that sound good and are easy to remember.

Nicknames for social networks, for example, for VKontakte

When communicating on the Internet, not everyone wants to tell everything about themselves (which is absolutely correct). In the first stages of acquaintance, the name is hidden in most cases, some abstract nickname is taken that says nothing about the person or only slightly lifts the veil of uncertainty.

Girls prefer something light, sometimes funny or cool, they decorate the name with all sorts of symbols, like here:

We come up with a nickname based on the last name for girls

Sometimes circumstances force you to change your real name(due to its cacophony or unpleasant memories). And young ladies are looking for a pseudonym for their creative sites, dating, only partially reminiscent of their former surname. Then their friends will easily recognize them, and the previous discontent will disappear. Choose an option that is easy to remember, concise, and looks beautiful in Latin. The name, as a rule, is preserved more often in its short form.

For example, for Svetlana Prus, you can offer the following options: Pruss Lana, Lana Pruss, Svetlana Locust (translated as locust, cicada) or Lana Tarakanova.

  • Irina Naumenko - Iren Naumenko, Naum Irina, Naira$;
  • Solar - Sun, Sun;
  • Kuznetsova - Blacksmith, Smith, Farrier (blacksmith in English).

You can fantasize endlessly. For example, take as a basis your childhood nickname, for the most part they were very accurate. And your friends will recognize you easily. Another option is to swap your last name and first name.

  • Ivanova Nastya - Ivanna Nastina;
  • Alexandrova Tatyana - Alex Tannin, Alex Tannin;
  • Marinina Ekaterina - Marianna Katina.

Or completely move away from the old surname: Tatyana Petrushkina can become Tanya Fortuna, Cool, Beautiful or Smart.

Names are pseudonyms. Examples

A nickname can be formed simply from a name, shortening it, writing it in Latin, or slightly altering it.

  • Caterina;
  • Kira;
  • Kati;
  • Sonya;
  • Stacy;
  • Clar;
  • Marian;
  • Kitty;
  • Irene;
  • Lana.

Cool - (cool), cool and interesting nicknames

Some girls want to show wit. They come up with cute, cute names for themselves that convey their mood, or use nicknames that cause surprise, laughter, and even dissatisfaction from the public. And thereby making the owner herself happy.

How do you like these pseudonyms collected on the Internet:

  • ★Malenkaya pakost★●;
  • Girl Shock Therapy;
  • Stealing_Souls_Expensive;
  • PrIkoL`nAyA_GeRLa;
  • DREAMS_WILL COME TRUE (nickname of the optimist);
  • Dreams come true? (nickname of a pessimist);
  • What came to mind =) (funny);
  • Awesome_me;
  • ॐYour_personal_NightMareॐ (your personal nightmare:);
  • Harmful. ;
  • Bubble;
  • Sweet candy.

Names associated with color also sound interesting:

  • Pink;
  • Aqua;
  • Phlox.

It is possible to create a nickname by combining your nickname and color or using verbs.

It will turn out incredibly cute:

  • Pink candy;
  • BlueLemon;
  • Flying Kitty.

You can take the syllables that sound nice to you and create the perfect name. It will take time to come up with something decent.

  • Prekacho;
  • Kachoray;
  • Psikatoni;

Yes, they sound Chinese, but perhaps you can come up with something more euphonious.

How can a girl choose (come up with) a suitable nickname?

Your nickname should set you apart from others. Therefore, take his choice responsibly. Although... humor will not be superfluous.

  • Try to make the name look good. For example, TainaShow looks better than tainashow.
  • Do not use frequently Special symbols, such as ★~](](, this is not always appropriate.
  • If you create a nickname based on your last name or first name, use them short form, Then final version will be concise.
  • The nickname should be easy to pronounce.
  • When choosing, remember your talents and hobbies. Such applications (Act, Dancer, Speaker, Coach, Violin) to the name - in combination will give good nickname: AnnaViolin, LanaDancer, AlexCoach.
  • You can associate a nickname with your place of birth or residence. Lesya Ukrainka is a great example.
  • After reading our recommendations, come up with a few names, write them down on paper and read them out loud. Are you pleased to hear them? Choose the most euphonious one, ask your friend to address you this way for several days. Do you manage to get used to the new nickname, isn’t it annoying? Something is wrong, look for an alternative.
  • Remember, overly loud nicknames (Mistress, Goddess, Demon) are unlikely to take root and will cause rejection among friends. But too funny ones (Malenkaya pakost), on the contrary, can stick very tightly and cause laughter in others, and of course - dissatisfaction with you.

By studying the history of the appearance of a person’s surname, you can learn many interesting facts from the life of his family. Which ones? The surname will tell you where it all began in his family. Many people understand the value of such information and are proud of their origin. Despite this, today it has become a very common phenomenon for people to want to change their data - last name, first name.

Some rules of the VKontakte service

To begin with, it would not hurt to get acquainted with the rules of the service where a person registers.

And this must be done before creating a personal page on the site. Since the very fact of registration means that the user unconditionally agrees with the rules of the service, which he undertakes to comply with. It is recommended to constantly review these instructions for changes or additions, since the site administration has the right to make them without notifying users.

Part of the participant’s responsibilities states that he must provide reliable, up-to-date information site administration to create a personal page. Such data includes login, site access password, first and last name. The user is responsible for the accuracy of the information provided.

After its registration, the site administration creates personal page. So, what is next? The user has the right to assign a short name to this page instead of the id number that was created at the time of registration on the server. What kind of last name can I put on VKontakte? When creating a name, there are certain restrictions on the use of profanity and trade names if the user does not have the rights to them. Everyone agrees that these are fair rules.

Registration on behalf of or instead of another person is prohibited. It is unacceptable to mislead site visitors regarding your identity, or distort information about yourself: gender, age, last name, first name.

Communities, groups and pages

To the surname it is unusually large. This is evidenced by the fact that 32,197 communities have been created on the server, united by the topic “Last Name”. For VKontakte, this indicator can be a kind of source of pride for the project. In each of the communities there are more than tens of thousands of active participants who are interested in the secret meaning of German, by the most ancient families(the list goes on and on).

What unites people is the desire to know not only their ancestors, but also the country world history. The good news is that the group members promote a positive lifestyle. They call on people to unite, be friends, and be proud of themselves and their ancestors. For joining groups, nationality, gender, age, place of residence, and occupation do not play any role. And this means that different people As a result of communication, they enrich each other and give impetus to development and improvement. Many groups offer help in finding people.

If a person is really concerned about the question of what last name he can put on VKontakte, then it will be useful for him to visit some of the groups, communicate with people, maybe join his community, and the question of choosing a pseudonym will disappear by itself. After all given name- this is the best variant!

Why does a person change his last name on VKontakte?

By visiting the pages of the service, you can easily notice that among the participants there are still many people who did not use their last names to register. A person can take a fictitious pseudonym for various reasons. One wants to remain anonymous - it’s easier to express his innermost thoughts. Another user has a wild imagination, and you can also express it through a pseudonym. Sometimes a person just wants to make fun of himself - a funny one will help here. Dreams of fame, fame - again there is a reason for changes in one’s data.

It has been noticed that young people are mainly interested in fictitious surnames. Since they are the ones who are on the path of search and experimentation. Changing your last name is kind of fun. Teenagers have more free time to communicate with each other, and specified topic may just be a reason for this.

What kind of last name can you put on VKontakte?

There are no specific rules or framework for choosing a pseudonym. What last name can you give to people on VKontakte? of different ages, status, position in society? A simple analysis of the fictitious pseudonyms used by project participants explains how they were invented:

  1. Listing of animals indicating some qualitative characteristic.
  2. A phrase in a foreign language (Spanish, French, Chinese, Japanese are increasingly being used).
  3. Listing of plants.
  4. Company name (this option is used by people promoting their business on social media pages). In this way they can attract employees or partners.
  5. Name of service: used by people who want to attract clients to their business.

As you can see, sometimes an invented surname has a justified character.

What do young men choose?

But this does not always happen. For example, cool names for VKontakte they often only bring a smile.

This category of pseudonyms is chosen mainly by young men in order to attract the attention of others, to point out their “outstanding” characteristics (Maxim Admiral, Mr. Koshak, Shadowboxing, Hacker in Law, Jacket Button).

Girls choice

Beautiful surnames (for VKontakte), of course, are intended for girls who dream of a sweet, carefree life, where everyone will adore them, consider them unique, the only one. For example, The Riddle of Life, The Sun Is Shining, Liu-Liu, Galusya, Elmira Fashionable, etc.

It is worth paying attention to the fact that a fictitious surname, photographs, and statuses that a person chooses for himself on social networks can most directly affect his fate. Therefore, all actions must first be thought through.

It has also been noticed that people who have already achieved something in their lives extremely rarely use fictitious names to register on social networks. They understand that a website’s personal page is a person’s business card. The whole world sees him, and the main task is to appear before him with dignity!

There have always been beautiful surnames for girls interesting topic for discussion. Sometimes we don't get the best ones. Surely, everyone in the class had at least one student with a funny last name, for which he was teased by the whole class. Sometimes, this remains a stumbling block, causing an irresistible desire to change your last name at the first opportunity.

Today it’s easy to change data by choosing any you like family name. There is an opinion that the meaning hidden in a surname can greatly influence a person’s character. Individual people, claim that their lives changed radically after her change. It is unlikely that it will be possible to verify the authenticity of such statements, however, a surname can really store mysterious story and talk about ancient ancestors. Before you are tempted by beautiful female names, we recommend that you find out your family history.

Guaranteed to be interesting and an amusing trip into the past, which can change the attitude towards both the surname and family values.

Where did Russian surnames come from?

The curious history of Russian surnames goes far back to the 13th century. Previously, they were more like nicknames or nicknames given to each other based on the type of craft or occupation. Later, by the 16th century, real surnames began to appear, but this only concerned families of aristocratic origin.

The origin of such surnames mainly came from the names of localities or possessions of wealthy gentlemen. Ordinary peasants did not have surnames until the beginning of the 19th century, but after the abolition of serfdom they became mandatory for everyone. Nicknames given by occupation began to be written down as surnames.

It is likely that your last name carries with it some very interesting historical meaning, capable of completely changing your past opinion about yourself. Along with the way Russian surnames arose and changed in the course of history, in other countries the history is slightly different.

Origin of German surnames

For example, the first German names are found in chronicles of the 6th century BC. They consisted of two parts and had a magical meaning, that is, the name endowed its bearer with certain powers and character traits. Much later, in German began to "flow in" Italian names, carrying Christian meaning, for example, the name Adam meant “first-born.”

With the development of Christianity in the 15th century, they began to bear the names of saints or names of biblical characters. German surnames began to appear in the Middle Ages, they were formed from the names of the bearer’s birthplaces. Many surnames also came from nicknames, but here they reflected a characteristic physical trait of a person, for example, Frederick Barbarossa - Redbeard.

Origin of English surnames

English also have very interesting story. They were built from a person’s belonging to a certain family. As in most countries, the English did not have surnames until a certain time. In England the same names were often used, which created great amount namesake.

For example, in the 11th century, about 25% of the male population of England bore the name John. This created the need to give individuality to each John by adding a nickname to his name. Historical analysis deduced the main 4 groups of origin of English surnames:

  1. Genealogical origin. Many surnames were derived from the father's name and did not change their form - Mark Anthony. There are also English surnames containing an additional explanation, such as - son (son). The result was: Thompson is Tom's son.
  2. Place of Birth. The family name was determined by the name of the locality, city or country. For example, Wales, Langley, Ingleman.
  3. Profession or position. Depending on what activity a person was engaged in, he was given a family name that reflected this occupation: Spencer is the manager, Sayers is the one who tastes food before serving it to the royal table.
  4. Descriptive. This group surnames reflect the physiological characteristics of a person, originating in nicknames. For example, Cudlipp is a cleft lip.

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As we can see, a surname can tell a lot interesting information about its carrier. Perhaps you are a descendant of some aristocratic family - or your ancestors are from overseas countries, then the history of the surname can have multinational significance and an interesting history.

However, we are talking specifically about beautiful surnames that the fair sex would like to have. Here are the top 10 most beautiful, forcing their bearers to walk with their heads held high:

  1. Tsvetaeva;
  2. Lebedeva;
  3. Voskresenskaya;
  4. Zolotareva;
  5. Obolenskaya;
  6. Romanova;
  7. Tverskaya;
  8. Volkonskaya;
  9. Illarionova;
  10. Sheremetyev;

It is equally important for boys to have a strong family name that can build confidence and determination in them. Beautiful male surnames contain power, dignity, nobility and many other magnificent qualities that a man should have.

We present only a small list of the strongest male surnames in terms of energy and sound:

  1. Gromov;
  2. Almazov;
  3. Derzhavin;
  4. Majors;
  5. Lyubimov;
  6. Sobolev;
  7. Morozov;
  8. Bogatyrev;
  9. Vorontsov;
  10. Admirals.

As a result of a little analysis, you can see how interesting and informative it is to find out the origin of the surname. Such analysis can lead to respectful and responsible treatment of family history. Most grandparents keep rich history own origin, the origin of surnames and family traditions.

The family tree may well turn out to be a luxurious historical chronicle. Changing your last name is quite a serious step that can change the life of the person himself. If you decide to take a new one, make sure it goes well with your name and patronymic. The surname should be in harmony, sound and resonate with him.

By the way, I would like to note one more interesting fact. Any family probably has unique story origin of the name.

It is interesting to find out who exactly gave the name - the mother or the father, or maybe both parents came to a unanimous opinion. What names sounded initially and why the choice fell on one specific name. It often happens that a name is given in connection with family history, carrying completely unique value. Some parents name their child after a deceased close relative as a tribute in memory of him.

A beautiful surname for a girl means as much as a neat one good clothes. Agree, there is a difference in sound between the names “Olga Lozhkomoeva” and “Olga Lebedeva”. In the first case, an unkempt girl from the outback appears before the mind's eye, in the second - a beautiful, sophisticated lady. Fortunately, it is possible to choose a new last name and change it on official documents.

This step needs to be approached responsibly, so it is not necessary to immediately run to the registry office and passport office. Social networks are a great place where you can “try on” any nickname!

Many Slavic surnames are absolutely incompatible with foreign surnames. For example, having heard “Tamara Ivanovna Adams”, you, with high probability, smile. You can choose a beautiful Russian surname for a girl from the following list:

  • Astafieva;
  • Romanova;
  • Arsenyev;
  • Pazhinskaya;
  • Bernatskaya;
  • Razumovskaya;
  • Berezina;
  • Bestuzhev;
  • Vishnevetskaya;
  • Voronina;
  • Vorontsova.

Any girl can feel like a countess or princess by choosing one of the options proposed above. After all, these names belonged to the upper class in Russia!

A romantic and well-read girl can borrow a surname from famous poet or writer. In combination with female names The following options are well perceived by ear:

  • Bulgakov;
  • Ostrovskaya;
  • Chekhov;
  • Uspenskaya;
  • Bunin;
  • Tsvetaeva;
  • Balmont;
  • Akhmatova;
  • Kamenskaya;
  • Zhukovskaya;
  • Nabokov;
  • Novitskaya.

When choosing a new surname, be sure to consider how it will sound in combination with your full name and patronymic. Don't stop with the first option you like. Pick a few more, think carefully, consult with your loved ones. And only then change your last name in official documents.

Unusual and most beautiful surnames can be found in foreign languages. Many girls change their personal data, choosing a beautiful English or German option. But there are so many more beautiful surnames– Japanese, Italian, Spanish, French.


English surnames are most often derived from proper names. For example, Jameson means “son of James” (literally “James” + “son”). You can also find names of professions, colors, qualities. Taylor (Taylor) in translation sounds like “tailor”. Smith means “blacksmith”, Brown means “brown”, etc.

As for English original surnames, in this country they come from proper names or professions, often from human qualities or even flowers. For example, “Johnson” is “son of Jones” or John; the popular surname "Smith" translates to "merchant"; “Brown” is a designation of color, “brown”. Surnames with American or English etymological roots will become good companions serious and confident girls who always achieve everything they want. Several interesting English-language variations:

  • Morgan;
  • Lewis;
  • Martin;
  • Carroll (dear);
  • Austin (great, majestic);
  • Atterley;
  • Brickman;
  • Derrick;
  • Whale;
  • Oliver;
  • Porter;
  • Selby;
  • Tracey;
  • White;
  • Fisher (fish);
  • Sven (swan);
  • Dalton (next door is the Dalton Highway);
  • Cowell (coal);
  • Donovan (dominant);

American surnames

American and English surnames are suitable for girls who are serious, self-sufficient, and self-confident.


Words spoken in the “language of love” have a special charm. French surnames sound mysterious and elegant. Below are the most common ones. These variants were derived from the most revered names in France.

Martin Martin
Bernard Bernard
Simon Simon
Laurent Laurent
Vincent Vincent
André Andre
François Francois
Robert Robert

You can also use personal data to emphasize personal qualities. For example, kind girl can take the surname Bonnet (French - kind, good), the owner of a proud disposition is Leroy (Leroy, from French leroy - king).


German surnames are formed from nicknames that reflect the personal qualities of a person, the area where he comes from, and his profession. You can choose an option, the translation of which can somehow characterize you. For example, the last name would be Krause for a curly-haired girl, Mayer for a strong-willed character, Richter for a lawyer, etc.

German popular surnames Hartmann (Hartman) and Werner (Werner) are derivatives of male names. If value doesn't matter, you might like the following list. The most euphonious German surnames:

  • Bauer;
  • Wagner;
  • Weber;
  • Grossman;
  • Kallenberg;
  • Kaufman;
  • Koehler;
  • Laufer;
  • Merz;
  • Merkel;
  • Osterman;
  • Etinger;
  • Erdman.

These surnames sound beautiful in combination with the names Anna, Maria, Sofia, Angelina, Erica, Aurika. For example, Anna Bauer, Angelina Erdman.


Japanese surnames are beautiful, sound original and have a certain meaning. You can choose the option that characterizes your inner world or evokes pleasant associations.

Girls who love anime and manga can also choose as a pseudonym for social networks Japanese name. For example, Aiko Shimizu – “child of love” + “ pure water", Akemi Sakurai - “bright beauty” + “sakura at the well.”

Korean surnames

Asian peoples are very great importance they give the child’s name - both first and last names are not given by chance. When reading, it is worth remembering that the surname is written under the name, so it is given the first syllable. The next two are the name. Interesting fact: a total of 12 variations of surnames consist of 2 syllables, and all the rest are monosyllabic. Less popular surnames are used by very few speakers; this is a special category of people.

  • Jin – Ho (translated as “precious lake”);
  • Monkut (“crown”);
  • Jung ("love");
  • Hong (“rose”);
  • Tray ("oyster");
  • Haneul ("sky");
  • Dung ("brave");
  • Tea (“pearls”);
  • Isyl (“purity”);
  • An (internal);
  • Tsoi (high-born);
  • Tu (stellar);
  • Kim (gold)
  • Kwon (fist);
  • Khan (lord);
  • Dream (star).

Chinese surnames

In China, surnames began to be used a very long time ago - even before our era. At that time it was considered a luxury, and was used exclusively for members of the imperial families and aristocrats. IN modern life Chinese, there are few surnames - a little more than a hundred names. Most often, these are single-syllable and look like one hieroglyph. Their origin, like the whole world, depends on many factors: profession or the name of the state that formed the basis of China, as it is now. All strangers from foreign countries they were called Hu. Women very rarely take their husband's last name - the most common option is a double one or their own, maiden name.

  • Jia (beautiful);
  • Ai (love);
  • Huijong (loyal, wise);
  • Ningong (calm);
  • Venkian (refined);
  • Gee (pure);
  • Meihui (beautiful wisdom);
  • Zhilan (rainbow orchid);
  • Jiao (beautiful, graceful);
  • I (grace);
  • Yui (moon);
  • Yuming (jade brightness);
  • Yun (cloud);
  • Ruolan (like an orchid);
  • Ting (grace);
  • Fenfang (fragrant);
  • Kiaohui (wise, experienced).


Italian surnames are for girls with character. Everyone knows how temperamental Italian women are. If impulsiveness, emotionality and energy are the main traits of your character, feel free to choose a surname from the following list!

For a red-haired beauty, the surname would be Rossi, one who lives by the sea would be Marino, someone with the appearance of a sophisticated aristocrat would be Conte, and a cheerful and energetic person would be Allegro.

In medieval Italy, the default name for orphans was Esposito. The meaning of this word is no one's, free. A self-sufficient and independent young girl can use such a pseudonym; it will emphasize her personal qualities and add originality.


Spanish female surnames also have a beautiful sound. Most of them come from personal names:

  • Garcia - Garcia;
  • Fernandez - Fernandez;
  • Martinez - Martinez;
  • Diaz - Diaz;
  • Flores - Flores;
  • Santana - Santana;
  • Vincente - Vincente.

This option is best suited for a dark-skinned girl. The Spanish surname will be a hint of southern roots, cheerful easy temperament and passionate nature!

What surname should a girl choose for VK?

For social networks, you can choose a nickname option based on your real first and last name. For example, Svetlana Semenova - Lana Sam (LanaSam), Anna Petrova - Ann Pietro (AnnPietro) with emphasis on the last syllable. In contact, you can choose a surname that will evoke certain associations in others. For example:

  • Angelova;
  • Snegov;
  • Cold;
  • Lebedeva;
  • Clean;
  • Free;
  • Winter (Summer, Spring, Autumn);
  • Daring;
  • Secular.

The coolest surnames for VK are foreign. You can simply translate any word you like into English, German, French and get the original nickname. A brunette can choose Noir or Black, a blonde can choose Snow or White. There are no limits to your imagination. The main thing is that the nickname matches yours real name. The most popular options are:

  • Noir (Noir, French) – black;
  • Black (English) – black;
  • Snow (English) – snow;
  • Light (Light, English) – light, light;
  • Strong (Strong, English) – strong;
  • Young (English) – young;
  • Kitten (English) – kitten;
  • Fox (Fox, English) – fox, fox;
  • Horse (Horse, English) – horse, horse;
  • Sweet (English) – sweet;
  • Sugary (English) – sugar.

Combinations of two words sound interesting:

  • Sweet Caramel – sweet caramel;
  • Sugary Candy - sugar candy;
  • Dark Horse - dark horse;
  • Broken Angel - fallen angel;
  • Red Fox - red fox.

It is better to shorten your name so that it goes with foreign name(Alexandra - Alex, Margarita - Rita, etc.).


The most popular last names of girls for VK are borrowed from famous actresses, singers, models and other famous personalities. You can use your idol's nickname or choose fashionable option from those suggested below.

The surnames of characters in books, TV series and films are popular:

  • Stark, Lannister, Targaryen (Game of Thrones series);
  • Everdeen (Katniss Everdeen, main character trilogy "The Hunger Games");
  • Swan (Bella Swan, Twilight);
  • Granger (Hermione Granger, "Harry Potter");
  • Martin (Lydia Martin, a girl with unique abilities, the TV series “Teen Wolf”).
  • Hermès - Ermes;
  • Lanvin - Lanvin;
  • Moschino - Moschino;
  • Herrera - Herrera;
  • Balenciaga - Balenciaga.

This option is suitable for the owner of model appearance, refined taste, and a slender figure.


Many people use Vkontakte and Instagram to sell clothes, other goods, and promote their services. It is advisable to choose a pseudonym that will reflect the essence of your activity. For example, if you have a website for an online clothing store, you can choose this option:

  • Krasotkina;
  • Platyeva;
  • Shmotkina.
  • Konfetkina;
  • Karamelkina;
  • Chocolate.

The following options are suitable for any online store page:

  • Saleswoman;
  • Prodavashkina;
  • Purchaser (Pokupashkina).

The options sound interesting: Mashka the Salesman, Dashka the Buyer, etc. A correctly chosen name will attract new subscribers to your page, and these are potential clients. Turn on your creativity, imagination, add a little sense of humor - and you will succeed!

Unusual cool last name for a girl you can get it by choosing a rhyme for your name. This option is suitable for a cheerful and creative girl. The following combinations can be found online:

  • Dasha Kasha;
  • Masha Chamomile;
  • Olka Dolka;
  • Irina Ballerina;
  • Arinka Mandarin duck.

Any name can be matched consonant word using a rhyme generator on the Internet. As a result, you will get a cool one for the social network.


If you're not attracted original options, and you want a simple surname, then you can convert any male name and - done! Well perceived by ear:

  • Vladimirova;
  • Alexandrova;
  • Semenov;
  • Antonov;
  • Alekseeva;
  • Andreeva;
  • Fedorov.

It is believed that a change of name entails a change in fate. What about the last name? It is quite possible that this rule also applies to her. A dissonant surname can be the cause of jokes, ridicule and complexes at any age. If you have a desire to change it, then follow it. Just make your choice consciously so that new surname pleased your ears all your life.