Beautiful Italian names. Italian girl names

Why do you dream about shopping?

Family dream book

Shopping is usually dreamed of as a sign of some kind of profit and other pleasant events.

Why do you dream about shopping?

Dream Interpretation of Evgeniy Tsvetkov

Buy - In a shop, store - losses in business; assault on a sleeping person; in the market - gossip.

Why do you dream about shopping?

Modern dream book

To dream that you are shopping is a prediction of profit, life success and pleasures.

Why do you dream about shopping?

Dream Book of the Wanderer

Buy – Expenses; interpretation depending on the purchase.

Why do you dream about shopping?

Dream book of healer Akulina

What do shopping mean in a dream - To good profit. Imagine that you have enough money to buy everything you want.

Why do you dream about shopping?

Dream Interpretation of the Subconscious

You dreamed of Shopping, what is it for. Shopping is often associated with some form of gratitude. Dreams about shopping are important indicators of the dreamer's needs and desires. Extravagant shopping indicates a search for immediate gratification, while moderate spending suggests a carefully considered approach to solving problems.

Positive value

Dreams about shopping are most often associated with concepts of freedom of choice and the ability to make decisions on your own.

Negative implications

Hasty shopping may indicate a lack of self-restraint, especially in financial matters.

A dream about going shopping reflects the emotional needs of currently. Were you relaxed during your weekly grocery run or did you try to stock up for emergencies?

Products. Buying groceries in a dream is perhaps a hidden attempt to “buy” the attention and devotion of others. Desired objects. A dream about acquiring items that you really want reflects that in reality you do not always get what you want. Shop owner. Seeing yourself as a store owner or manager means people rely too much on you.

Why do you dream about shopping?

Modern dream book

Buy – Disease

Why do you dream about shopping?

Astrological dream book

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book: Acquisition - new responsibilities will arise, your responsibility will increase. 6th house of the horoscope.

Why do you dream about shopping?

Dream Interpretation of A. Mindell

You had a dream of Shopping - in a dream you seem to be buying something - the successful development of business will provide you with good profits; but a fat wallet won't the only source joy.

Why do you dream about shopping?

Dream Interpretation of the Sorceress Medea

Buy - Buy something in a store - Today you have to dramatically change your lifestyle, make a decisive choice Buy something at the market or from a random seller - Do not rush to accept someone's offer. Refuse the temptation of easy luck Wandering around the market or store and not buying anything - A quarrel, a painful trial is possible. Reconsider your claims to someone

Why do you dream about shopping?

Women's dream book

Shopping - Making purchases in a dream is a harbinger of some kind of profit, accompanied by pleasant events; in the next interpreter you can read a different interpretation of what you are dreaming about.

Why do you dream about shopping?

Housewife's Dream Interpretation

Shopping - the desire to assert oneself; warning. Buying goods without money is thirst a lot of attention; consider yourself better than others; buying on credit - the desire for acquisitions, control; purchasing everyday items - excitement about the present or future; buying luxury goods - low self-esteem; desire to strengthen one's authority.

Why do you dream about shopping?

French dream book

Making purchases in a dream means profit and good luck in business. If you buy small things or everyday items, the dream does not promise well-being.

Why do you dream about shopping?

Dream book for a bitch

Various purchases in a dream - pleasant and joyful news awaits you regarding receiving some kind of profit or material reward.

Why do you dream about shopping?

Slavic dream book

Shopping - achieve your goal, good luck in business and love.

Why do you dream about shopping?

Loff's Dream Book

For many, purchases are important element life. If you don’t believe it, think of those people you know who feel a sense of satisfaction and pride in the process of acquiring something. Participation in commercial relations is a kind of assertion of a person’s personal autonomy. But such participation can also be deplorable and destructive. Many in our consumer society are mired in debt, and when debt hangs over your head like the sword of Damocles, it can be draining not only financially, but also emotionally. Therefore, dreams about shopping can be seen either as a warning or as self-affirmation. To interpret such a dream, you need to consider the following points: what you are buying and why, how you pay for the purchase - in cash, by credit card, by check or with your own charm.

Buying on credit - reflects the desire for acquisitions or control. When doing this kind of action, you should take a close look at the object of purchase.

Purchasing everyday items signals a feeling of uncertainty in the present or future.

Purchasing luxury goods indicates a desire to compensate for low self-esteem or strengthen authority in society.

If you buy something, but money does not appear, this indicates your financial insolvency or may be an indicator that your emotional expectations are not met. What, for whom and from whom are you buying?

If you know the seller (spouse, work colleague, etc.) - the product is extremely important to you and you are the final consumer - therefore, you feel that on your part you are not fulfilling any obligations in interpersonal relationships.

Shopping in a dream - Make purchases in a dream for someone, not for yourself- to expenses.
If you dreamed of cheap purchases that you are embarrassed about, it means that in life you are very frugal, and you will soon have to pay twice for something. Unsuccessful purchases made spontaneously dream of wastefulness or the loss of a large amount of money due to unforeseen expenses.
If you dreamed that your purchases cost you too much, although they could have cost you much less, it means that you are wasteful in life. You should consider whether you are spending your money wisely.
If you dreamed that you were buying some small thing, or making unwanted purchases, such a dream promises unfavorable moments.
If you dreamed that you were making purchases, it means that you will soon make a profit from a major transaction.
If you dream of purchases in general, not specific things, then this almost always means quick profit and good luck in financial affairs, both for you and your family. Buying something in a store, market or other places is a symbol of prosperity, this indicates that soon, in real life, you will be able to afford what you have long wanted, what you have dreamed about or what for a long time caught your attention.
If in a dream your purchases turned out to be not new, it means that soon you will have to spend money on someone.
If you brought home purchases, and when you unpack them, you see that they are not at all what you bought, then you are in for trouble in business. You may be scammed out of money.
If the jewelry is on a large amount, there are many of them or all of them are very attractive to you - perhaps to marriage, and a happy one.
If there are few of them or you buy them with your last money, the future relationship will give you nothing but disappointment with the opposite sex and surprise.
If the clothes are expensive but don't respond fashion trends or does not fit with other wardrobe items - perhaps you will miss some chance to achieve what you want, will not listen to good advice and will not be able to improve the situation.
Buying some thing in a dream, bringing it into your home, and seeing a completely different object in your bag instead of this thing - means loss of faith in other people, and betrayal by close friends. Perhaps they communicate with you not because you are dear to them, but because they need something.
Buy something according to the call of your soul, without planning for the unexpected real life, which you are not expecting at all.
Buying something, but not paying money for it, is a recipe for success. Those around you will be delighted with your erudition and other advantages, and it is also possible to take big steps up the career ladder.
Buying something on credit means a dual position in real life, or many of your life events will depend not on you, but on a person who has advanced in life more than you, who is richer or more influential.
Buying a car- you will restore your good name where you lost it, restore old connections with useful people, make an impression.
Buying clothes in a dream- to quick joy, some good change or change in life.
Buying various jewelry- to relationships with the opposite sex, to quickly meeting your soulmate.
It’s hard to imagine our life without shopping, because it’s very cool, so seeing a purchase in a dream is a good sign, often meaning that in the future you will succeed in everything you planned. Much depends on what money you pay for purchases, whether you buy things because you like them, or because you need to buy them, the designation of the dream depends on all this.
Make successful purchases in a dream- to profit.

Do you want to deal with problems in different life situations, assess your emotional state? We invite you to read selected interpretations of dreams about Buying in dream books by famous authors. Perhaps in these dream interpretations there is an answer to your question.

Why do you dream about Buying

Dream Interpretation of S. Karatov

If you dream about Buying, what does it mean:

If you happen to be buying something in a store, then there is a possibility that you will die soon.

If you dreamed that you bought something at the market, then rumors were being spread about you.

See also: why do you dream of money in your pocket, why do you dream of a woman’s wallet, why do you dream of paying for a purchase.

Dream Interpretation of V. Melnikov

If you dream of Buying, what is it for?

If you dreamed that you bought a lot of things and did not have enough money to pay, then unexpected expenses await you.

If you dreamed that in a dream you paid for your purchases, then you will stop worrying about the health of your family.

If in a dream you bought something in an expensive supermarket, then your business will soon improve, thanks to the help of friends.

I dreamed that in a dream you bought something at the market and bargained - then in pursuit of profit, you will only lose money.

Adaskin's Dream Book

Why do you dream about Buying:

Shopping in reality is a desire to assert oneself; warning. Buying a product without money means a thirst for great attention; consider yourself better than others; buying on credit - the desire for acquisitions, control; purchasing everyday items - excitement about the present or future; buying a house, buying luxury items - low self-esteem; desire to strengthen one's authority.

The oldest dream book

Why do you dream about buying in a dream:

As the dream book interprets - Buying at the market everything that people usually buy, except valuable things, is good. Buying food is a benefit for the poor, but means expense for the rich.

Dream Interpretation of A. Pushkin

Why do you dream about buying in a dream?

To see in a dream Buy a saddle in a dream - you will go on a trip for which you have been saving money for a long time. Buying wool means you dream of bitter experiences ahead: close people who have always supported you will unexpectedly find themselves capable of betrayal.

Buying poison in a dream means debts that you will quickly repay, but which will make you obligated to strangers for the rest of your life.

Dream Interpretation of G. Rasputin

Why do you dream about Buying according to the dream book:

Buying milk in a dream means you will have to pay dearly for your merits to be recognized and your authority to be strengthened.

Buying a pig or a piglet in a dream means problems will fall on you out of the blue, and you will have to put in a lot of strength and energy to get rid of them.

Buying a saddle is a sign that material costs await you. In real life, they will likely manifest themselves in the form of a large household purchase.

Buying crackers in a dream means that you will be unintentionally misled by someone, and as a result your business will suffer.

Buying ink in a dream is a positive symbol that promises you a happy and peaceful period. After such a dream, you will soon have new, pleasant worries, perhaps they will be associated with an addition to your family.

Buying a fur coat in a dream is a positive sign. They are preparing a pleasant surprise or a gift for you, quite a large one. It is possible that you will win the lottery or another gambling. But under no circumstances, after such a dream, do not go to a casino or other gambling establishment, you will definitely lose.

Buying a car in a dream means successfully completing business, solving a problem. It’s good if you see the purchase of a bright car, for example red or yellow, this is a sign of change. Perhaps they will surprise you soon.

Buying curlers in a dream means possible shopping trips, purchasing various trinkets, which will improve your mood.

Buying a train ticket in a dream means an unpleasant heavy burden in real life. Some obstacles await you on the way to solving problems. And the most unpleasant thing is that you will still abandon your idea without achieving anything.

Buying a bottle of drink or milk means a showdown, boring and unnecessary conversations, and gossip. A dream in which you purchased a bottle of wine, but it turned out to be sour, tells you that you chose the wrong one.

Buying a broom in a dream means meeting an old lover. The meeting will awaken mutual desire in you, and you will have a good time. But for brief meeting there will be no continuation.

Buying a rope (rope) in a dream means a protracted unpleasant situation at work. The problem cannot be solved because of your stubbornness, show leniency towards your colleagues, and everything will work out.

Dream book for girls

Why do you dream of Buying according to a dream book?

If you saw in a dream Buying a matryoshka doll - such a dream means that the situation that you considered hopeless will soon resolve itself and you will be surprised that you could not foresee such an outcome. Buying headphones in a dream means you probably really want to buy this item in order to enjoy music to the fullest.

Buy vegetables - pretty soon you will have the opportunity to invite friends over and have a party (parents, of course, will not be at home). Don't miss this chance, because there are not many holidays in life, and you need to use every opportunity to have fun. Just don’t forget to clean up before your parents arrive so that your party doesn’t end in a huge scandal. Buying a backpack means disappointment and anxiety.

Buying roller skates in a dream - your parents are probably not yet able to buy you one expensive thing like rollers. You know that really good skates with real rubber wheels and all the accompanying equipment (helmet, elbow pads, knee pads, gloves) are not cheap. Buying a hair dryer in a dream means that you have taken up a task that will soon require you to seek help from people who understand this issue. But for you, asking for help means admitting your weakness and wrongness. Therefore, you will try to do everything to delay the moment when there is an urgent need for help.

Buying halva in a dream means that in real life there is now a moment when only rest and entertainment await you. No problems or difficulties are expected.

Dream Interpretation of Zodiac Signs

Seeing Buying in a dream:

Buying a new home is a call to ensure that you maintain your dignity, otherwise you may soon lose what you are used to considering as your property.

Buying medicine is a signal that you need help, and you should not neglect it if it is offered to you.

Buying beautiful clothes is a sign of achieving high goals.

Buying a table set means the appearance of a new person in your life, who will play an important role in it.

Buying jewelry means that soon you will have to take decisive action and sacrifice your interests in the name of general well-being and peace.

Coming up with a name for a newborn girl seems simple until you face it yourself. Most easy way- this is named after the saint who owns the day when the baby was born, but in Italy they went further and can christen their children as Friday, Sunday, Tuesday. Naturally, when translated into Russian, a girl’s Italian name may look funny, but in the language itself, Friday will sound like Venerdi, and Sunday will sound like Domenica. Who hasn't dreamed of such beautiful Italian names? So, jokes aside, because it will be even more fun.

Funny Italian Girl Names

An even more interesting way for Italians to name girls is by number. This custom comes from the times when families had many children and named newborns in order of birth: Seventh, First, Eighth, Fifth. In Italian these names also sound beautiful: Settima, Prima, Ottavina, Quinta. Just do not confuse numerals and ordinal numbers in Italian: the number three translated into Russian is “tre”, and the numeral “third” is Terzo. Do you agree, why not a name for a child?

Now it’s clear where such beautiful Italian ones came from. female names. One thing is strange, why do they like ordinary numerals so much? This is difficult for a Russian person to understand, because in our country such a custom has not taken root, and the First, Third and even Seventh people do not run through the streets. How you need to love your language in order to see poetry in the word “eighth” and admire it so much that you name your daughter in honor of this word, and she, in turn, is proud of such a name and does not cry at night over her passport.

We would like to remind you that boys in Italy are given the same names, but with a different ending, so that you do not think that the fate of the ordinal name has overtaken only female Italian names.

Italian female names and family traditions

Previously, strict rules were followed for naming a child, and this mainly concerned ancestors: first-born children were named after their grandparents, and the rest - after their great-grandmothers and the names of uncles and aunts. This custom demonstrates the reverent attitude and reverence for family ties in Italy.

If we take a closer look at this family custom, the daughter who was born first will bear the name of the father's mother. The second, respectively, is the mother's mother. The third daughter was named after her mother, and the fourth daughter was named after her father’s grandmother. The fifth newborn will be named after an aunt or great-aunt.

Moreover, in Russia they try not to name a newborn in honor of a recently deceased relative, but in Italy they treat this differently and the baby can be named as a recently deceased member of the family.

The influence of other countries and religions on name formation in Italy

On this moment the fashion for foreign names for girls and boys, and do not forget about the tradition of calling by the name of the saint on whose day the child was born. The Roman Catholic Church added Roman origins to the list of Italian baby names.

The most popular female names in Italy: Domenica ( Domenica), Giulia, Alessia, Chiara, Sveta in our opinion, Francesca, Sara, Federica, Silvia, Martina, Elisa . The affectionate diminutive derivatives of such names sound approximately like this: Ellie, Lesi, Fede, Frani, Dzhuli.

Even more information about the culture of Italy in the article about the national anthem:

Is your passion for Italy not accidental? Are you planning a move? Then information about work for Russians in Italy will be useful to you.

Meaning of Italian female names

Translation of names carries unimaginable poetry and beauty. Italian language. Let's say Dominica got her name from the day of the week "Sunday", which means "belonging to God." Felice means Happy, and Perla means Pearl. Immacolata translated into Russian means Impeccable, Angela - Angel, Selvaggia - Wild. Reading this list of Italian female names, you involuntarily begin to envy their diversity; this is not 20 newborns per day in one maternity hospital named Nastya. These Italians are entertaining, I must admit!

List of Italian female names and their meaning in Russian

  • Agostina - venerable
  • Agata is good
  • Adeline - noble
  • Agnes – saint, chastity
  • Alessandra - defender of humanity
  • Allegra – cheerful and lively
  • Albertina - bright nobility
  • Alda - noble
  • Annetta – benefit, grace
  • Beatrice - traveler
  • Bettina - blessed
  • Bella - God - beautiful
  • Biti - traveler
  • Brigida - exalted
  • Bianca – white
  • Violetta – purple flower
  • Velia - hidden
  • Vittoria – conqueror, victory
  • Wanda – moving, wanderer
  • Vincenza - conquered
  • Vitalia – vital
  • Gabriela – strong from God
  • Grace - pleasant
  • Deborah - bee
  • Gemma is a gem
  • Giovanna - God is good
  • Gioconda - happy
  • Giorgina - peasant woman
  • Gisella is a hostage
  • Dzhiekinta - hyacinth flower
  • Jolanda - purple flower
  • Juliet - a young girl
  • Domenica - belongs to God
  • Donatella – God Given
  • Dorothea - a gift from God
  • Danila - God is my judge
  • Elena - moon
  • Ileria – joyful, happy
  • Ines – chaste, saint
  • Italia - the ancient name of Italy
  • Caprice - capricious
  • Carmela, Carmina – sweet vineyard
  • Clara - bright
  • Columbine - the faithful dove
  • Christina – follower of Christ
  • Crosetta – cross, crucified
  • Capricia - capricious
  • Laetitia - happiness
  • Leah - always tired
  • Lorenza - from Laurentum
  • Luigina - warrior
  • Lucretia - rich
  • Luciana – light
  • Margherita - pearl
  • Marcella - female warrior
  • Maura - dark-skinned, Moor
  • Mimi - beloved
  • Mirella – amazing
  • Michelina – who is like God
  • Melvolia - ill will
  • Marinella - from the sea
  • Nerezza - darkness
  • Nicoletta - victory for the people
  • Noelia - Nativity of the Lord
  • Norm - standard, rule
  • Ornella – blooming ash
  • Orabella – golden, beautiful
  • Paola - little
  • Patricia - noblewoman
  • Perlite – pearls
  • Pirina – rock, stone
  • Pasquelina - Easter child
  • Renata – born again
  • Roberta - famous
  • Rosabella - beautiful rose
  • Romola - from Rome
  • Rosaria - rosary
  • Rossella – rose
  • Sandra – protecting humanity
  • Celeste - heavenly girl
  • Serafina - mountain
  • Simone - listening
  • Slarissa - fame
  • Susana - lily
  • Sentazza - saint
  • Tiziena - of the Titans
  • Fiorella - a small flower
  • Felisa - lucky
  • Ferdinenda – prepared for the trip
  • Fiorenza - blooming
  • Francesca – free
  • Fulvia – yellow
  • Chiera – clear, bright
  • Edda - militant
  • Eleanor – foreigner, different
  • Elettra – shining, bright
  • Enrica - housekeeper
  • Ernesta - fighter against death

Italy continues to amaze with its originality and inspires new discoveries. Reading about its culture, traditions, nature and attractions makes me want to come there again and again. What should those who have not yet been to Italy do? You should definitely set a goal to go there!

Mysteries associated with the meaning and origin of names have always excited the minds of ordinary people. Italian male names reflect the essence of this hot, passionate people. Mostly the names are very beautiful.

The meanings after translation into Russian confirm the sincere impulse of the soul, courage and boiling blood of Italian men.

Had a great influence Catholic Church on people's souls. Named after saints many babies.

Lift the veil of secrecy and find out what the names of the famous football player Mario Balotelli, the genius Leonardo da Vinci and others mean famous sons sunny Italy.

List of Italian male names

“Brave lion”, “seductive”, “glittering”, “god’s spear”, “Easter child” - these are meanings translated into Russian. What do the Italian versions sound like?

Name in Russian Name on English language Meaning of the name Origin of the name
Hebrew form of the name Abel
Noble Warrior
Spanish form from Adolf
Rich or from the Adriatic coast
From a Roman nickname
Noble shine
Old Germanic or Latin
Defender of Humanity
Defender of Humanity
Ready and noble
Loving God
Italian form from Latin Amadeus
Man, warrior
Greek, Italian
Messenger, angel
Greek, form of Angelius
Opposing or flower
Ancient Roman or Greek
The power of the eagle
Italian uniform from Ronald
Hardy, brave man
Spanish form of Herman
King's Defender
Ancient Greek transcription of two Old Testament names
Wise ruler
Ancient Germanic
BernardoBernardoLike a bear
Italian or Spanish
ValentinoValentino Strong, healthy Italian
VincentVincentConqueror, winnerLatin
VitaleVitaleLife, from lifeLatin
VittorioVictor Winner Italian
GasparoGasparoTreasure the bearerArmenian
GuerinoGuerin Protecting Italian
GuidoGuidoForestOld Germanic
DarioDarioRich, owns a lotItalian form from Darius
DinoDinoBeliever, senior priestEnglish or Persian
GeronimoGeronimo Holy name 1. Italian form from Jerome. 2.On behalf of the leader of the Indian tribe
GiovanniJhonPardoned by GodAncient Hebrew
GiuseppeGuiseppeMay God multiplyAncient Jewish form of the name John
GenarroGerardoJanuary Italian form from English John
GianniGianniGod is goodItalian
GinoGinoLittle Farmer, ImmortalItalian
GiulianoGiulianoWith a soft beard, a link to youthItalian
DorienoDorienFrom the Doric tribeItalian
GianluigiZhanluidzhi Famous warrior, God is good Italian form from Lewis
GianlucaGianlucaFrom Lukenia, God is goodItalian
Good man and GodItalian
Originally from ItalyItalian
The keeperAncient Roman
The most beautifulAncient Roman
Famous, destructive Spanish
Honest, brave advisorOld Germanic
Follower of Christ Portuguese
BraveOld Germanic
Ruling gloriouslySlavic
Brave, strong lion Old Germanic
From LaurentumItalian
LukeLuceLightAncient Greek
LuigiLuigiFamous warriorItalian
MarcoMarco Warlike Latin
ManfredoManfredoWorld of the strongGermanic
MarioMarioCourageousForm of the name Maria
MartinoMartinoFrom MarsAncient Roman
MarcelloMarcelloWarlikePortuguese form of Mars or Marcus
MaurizioMaurizioMoor, dark-skinnedItalian form from Mauritius
ManlayoMenlayo Morning Italian
NazarioNazarioFrom NazarethAncient Hebrew
NikolaNicolaWinner of the peopleGreek
OrsinoOrsino Bear-like Italian
OscarOscarGod's spearScandinavian or Old Germanic
OrlandoOrlando Known land Catholic, form of Ronald
OttavioOttavio Eighth Spanish form from Octavian
PaoloPaoloSmallItalian form from Pavel
PatrizioPatrizioNoblemanAncient Roman
ProsperoProspero Successful, lucky Spanish
PellegrinoPellegrinoWanderer, travelerAncient Roman
RenatoRenatoBorn againLatin
RiccardoRiccardoBrave, strongItalian form from Richard
RuggieroRuggerioFamous spearItalian
SandroSandro Defender of Humanity Italian
SilvestroSilvestriForestAncient Roman
CecilioCecilioBlindAncient Roman
SilvioSilvioForestFrom Latin Silvius
TeofiloTeofilo Friend of God Ancient Greek
TeodoroTeodoroGod's GiftAncient Greek
UbertoUbertoSpirit, bright heartSpanish
HugoHugoSpirit, mind, heartSpanish, Portuguese
FabioFabio Seductive Italian
FlavioFlavioYellow flowerAncient Roman
FloerinoFloerinoFlowerAncient Roman
FrancoFranco Free Italian
FredoFredoGod's WorldOld Germanic
FernandoFernandoBrave, courageous, protects the worldOld Germanic
FrancescoFrancisFreeItalian form from Francis (French)
HironomoHironimoHoly nameAncient Greek
CesareCaesar Hairy Roman. Italian form from Caesar
EmanueleEmanueleGod is with usJewish. From the biblical Immanuel
EnnioEnnioChosen by GodItalian
EnriqueEnrique House Manager Spanish. Variant of the name Heinrich
ErnestoErnestoFight deathSpanish
Well born

Interesting facts about Italian male names

In Italy, heated disputes often flare up between parents and numerous relatives: after whom to name a newborn baby. Everyone defends their own option and believes that they are right.

Are there traditions associated with addressing men in Italy? Does fashion influence the choice of a name for a boy?

Do you know that:

  • in the Middle Ages children often named after saints. Now this tradition is preserved in the villages. Residents of large cities adhere to it less and less;
  • most modern Italian names have a Latin base. The ending -e or -o replaced the Latin -us. The transformation was facilitated by the suffixes -ello, -ino, -iano;
  • existed during the Roman Empire unusual tradition. The families were large. To avoid confusion, only the four older boys were given names. The remaining sons were called ordinal numbers, for example: Sextus - sixth. Gradually the original meaning was lost. Quintus does not always mean “fifth in a row”;
  • many young families name their children after famous people, stars of show business and cinema. In Italy, athletes are treated with great respect. The football craze led to massive registrations of new Paolo, Fabio, Fernando and Mario;
  • in XXII – 19th centuries the most popular names there were Giuseppe and Leonardo. Modern parents sons are often named Fernando and Mario;
  • There are creative parents who want to give their newborn an awkward or funny name in all countries. In Italy, eccentricities are fought at the legislative level. Government authorities have the right to refuse parents to register a baby if the chosen name will cause the child suffering in the future;
  • fashion has not spared men's names either. Previously, among the Italians there were many citizens who were addressed by Bartolomeo, Pierpaolo, Michelangelo. Shorter, stricter messages are popular now: Antonio, Pietro, Mario, Fabio.