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Nicholas II is the last Russian emperor. He took the Russian throne at the age of 27. In addition to the Russian crown, the emperor also inherited a huge country, torn apart by contradictions and all kinds of conflicts. A difficult reign awaited him. The second half of Nikolai Alexandrovich’s life took a very difficult and long-suffering turn, the result of which was the execution of the Romanov family, which, in turn, meant the end of their reign.

Dear Nicky

Niki (that was the name of Nicholas at home) was born in 1868 in Tsarskoye Selo. In honor of his birth in northern capital 101 gun salvos were fired. At the christening, the future emperor was presented with the highest Russian awards. His mother - Maria Fedorovna - from the very early childhood instilled in her children religiosity, modesty, courtesy, and good manners. In addition, she did not allow Nicky to forget for a minute that he was the future monarch.

Nikolai Alexandrovich sufficiently heeded her demands, having learned the lessons of education perfectly. Future Emperor He was always distinguished by tact, modesty and good manners. He was surrounded by love from his relatives. They called him "sweet Nicky."

Military career

At a young age, the Tsarevich began to notice a great desire for military affairs. Nikolai eagerly took part in all parades and shows, and in camp gatherings. He strictly observed the military regulations. It is curious that his military career began at... 5 years old! Soon the crown prince received the rank of second lieutenant, and a year later he was appointed ataman in the Cossack troops.

At the age of 16, the Tsarevich took an oath of “allegiance to the Fatherland and the Throne.” Served in and rose to the rank of colonel. This rank was his last military career, since, as emperor, Nicholas II believed that he did not have “any quiet or quiet right” to independently assign military ranks.

Accession to the throne

Nikolai Alexandrovich took the Russian throne at the age of 27. In addition to the Russian crown, the emperor also inherited a huge country, torn apart by contradictions and all kinds of conflicts.

Emperor's Coronation

It took place in the Assumption Cathedral (in Moscow). During the ceremony, when Nicholas approached the altar, the chain of the Order of St. Andrew the First-Called flew off his right shoulder and fell to the floor. Everyone present at the ceremony at that moment unanimously perceived this as a bad omen.

Tragedy on Khodynka Field

The execution of the Romanov family is perceived differently by everyone today. Many believe that the beginning of the “royal persecution” began precisely on the holidays on the occasion of the coronation of the emperor, when one of the most terrible stampedes in history occurred on the Khodynskoye field. More than half a thousand (!) people died and were injured in it! Later, significant sums were paid from the imperial treasury to the families of the victims. Despite the Khodynka tragedy, the planned ball took place in the evening of the same day.

This event caused many people to speak of Nicholas II as a heartless and cruel tsar.

Nicholas II's mistake

The emperor understood that something urgently needed to be changed in government. Historians say this is why he declared war on Japan. It was 1904. Nikolai Alexandrovich seriously hoped to win quickly, thereby stirring up patriotism among Russians. This became his fatal mistake... Russia was forced to suffer a shameful defeat in the Russo-Japanese War, losing such lands as Southern and Far Sakhalin, as well as the Port Arthur fortress.


Shortly before the execution of the Romanov family, Emperor Nicholas II got married to his only beloved, the German princess Alice of Hesse (Alexandra Fedorovna). The wedding ceremony took place in 1894 in Winter Palace. Throughout his life, Nikolai and his wife remained in a warm, tender and touching relationship. Only death separated them. They died together. But more on that later.

Right on time Russo-Japanese War The heir to the throne, Tsarevich Alexei, was born into the emperor's family. This is the first boy; before that, Nikolai had four girls! In honor of this, a salvo of 300 guns was fired. But doctors soon determined that the boy was sick incurable disease- hemophilia (incoagulability of blood). In other words, the crown prince could bleed even from a cut on his finger and die.

"Bloody Sunday" and the First World War

After the shameful defeat in the war, unrest and protests began to arise throughout the country. The people demanded the overthrow of the monarchy. Dissatisfaction with Nicholas II grew every hour. On Sunday afternoon, January 9, 1905, crowds of people came to demand that their complaints about the terrible and hard life. At this time, the emperor and his family were not in Winter. They were vacationing in Tsarskoe Selo. The troops stationed in St. Petersburg, without the order of the emperor, opened fire on the civilian population. Everyone died: women, old people and children... Along with them, the people’s faith in their king was killed forever! On that “Bloody Sunday,” 130 people were shot and several hundred were wounded.

The emperor was very shocked by the tragedy that happened. Now nothing and no one could calm public discontent with the entire royal family. Unrest and rallies began throughout Russia. In addition, Russia entered the First World War, which Germany declared on it. The fact is that in 1914 hostilities began between Serbia and Austria-Hungary, and Russia decided to defend the small Slavic state, for which it was called “to a duel” by Germany. The country was simply fading away before our eyes, everything was going to hell. Nikolai did not yet know that the price for all this would be execution royal family Romanovs!


The First World War dragged on for long years. The army and the country were extremely dissatisfied with such a vile tsarist regime. Among the people in the northern capital, imperial power has actually lost its power. A Provisional Government was created (in Petrograd), which included the Tsar’s enemies - Guchkov, Kerensky and Milyukov. The Tsar was told about everything that was happening in the country in general and in the capital in particular, after which Nicholas II decided to abdicate his throne.

October Revolution and the execution of the Romanov family

On the day when Nikolai Alexandrovich officially abdicated the throne, his entire family was arrested. The provisional government assured his wife that all this was being done for their own safety, promising to send them abroad. After some time, the former emperor himself was arrested. He and his family were brought to Tsarskoe Selo under guard. Then they were sent to Siberia to the city of Tobolsk in order to finally stop any attempt to restore tsarist power. The entire royal family lived there until October 1917...

It was then that the Provisional Government fell, and after October revolution The life of the royal family deteriorated sharply. They were transported to Yekaterinburg and kept in harsh conditions. The Bolsheviks, who came to power, wanted to arrange a show trial of the royal family, but they were afraid that it would again warm up the feelings of the people, and they themselves would be defeated. After the regional council in Yekaterinburg, a positive decision was made on the topic of execution of the imperial family. The Urals Executive Committee granted the request for execution. There is less than a day left before it disappears from the face of the earth. last family Romanovs.

The execution (there is no photo for obvious reasons) took place at night. Nikolai and his family were lifted out of bed, saying that they were transporting them to another place. A Bolshevik by the name of Yurovsky quickly said that the White Army wanted to free the former emperor, so the Council of Soldiers' and Workers' Deputies decided to immediately execute the entire royal family in order to put an end to the Romanovs once and for all. Nicholas II did not have time to understand anything, when random shooting immediately rang out at him and his family. That's how it ended earthly path the last Russian emperor and his family.

Was not shot, but all female half The royal family was taken to Germany. But the documents are still classified...

FOR me, this story began in November 1983. I then worked as a photojournalist for a French agency and was sent to a summit of heads of state and government in Venice. There I accidentally met an Italian colleague, who, having learned that I was Russian, showed me a newspaper (I think it was La Repubblica) dated the day of our meeting. In the article to which the Italian drew my attention, it was said that a certain nun, Sister Pascalina, died in Rome at a very old age. I later learned that this woman held an important position in the Vatican hierarchy under Pope Pius XII (1939 -1958), but that is not the point.

The mystery of the Vatican's "Iron Lady"

THIS sister Pascalina, who earned the honorable nickname of the “Iron Lady” of the Vatican, before her death called a notary with two witnesses and in their presence dictated information that she did not want to take with her to the grave: one of the daughters of the last Russian Tsar Nicholas II - Olga - was not shot by the Bolsheviks on the night of July 16-17, 1918, but lived long life and was buried in a cemetery in the village of Marcotte in northern Italy.

After the summit, I and my Italian friend, who was both my driver and translator, went to this village. We found the cemetery and this grave. On the slab was written in German: “Olga Nikolaevna, eldest daughter of the Russian Tsar Nikolai Romanov” - and the dates of her life: “1895 - 1976”. We talked with the cemetery watchman and his wife: they, like all the village residents, remembered Olga Nikolaevna very well, knew who she was, and were sure that the Russian Grand Duchess was under the protection of the Vatican.

This strange find interested me extremely, and I decided to look into all the circumstances of the execution myself. And in general, was he there?

I have every reason to believe that there was no execution. On the night of July 16-17, all the Bolsheviks and their sympathizers left for railway to Perm. The next morning, leaflets were posted around Yekaterinburg with the message that the royal family had been taken away from the city - and so it was. Soon the city was occupied by whites. Naturally, an investigative commission was formed “in the case of the disappearance of Emperor Nicholas II, the Empress, the Tsarevich and the Grand Duchesses,” which did not find any convincing traces of the execution.

Investigator Sergeev said in an interview with an American newspaper in 1919: “I don’t think that everyone was executed here - both the tsar and his family. In my opinion, the empress, prince and grand duchesses were not executed in Ipatiev’s house.” This conclusion did not suit Admiral Kolchak, who by that time had already proclaimed himself the “supreme ruler of Russia.” And really, why does the “supreme” need some kind of emperor? Kolchak ordered the collection of a second investigative team, which got to the bottom of the fact that in September 1918 the Empress and the Grand Duchesses were kept in Perm. Only the third investigator, Nikolai Sokolov (led the case from February to May 1919), turned out to be more understanding and issued the well-known conclusion that the entire family was shot, the corpses were dismembered and burned at the stake. “The parts that were not susceptible to fire,” wrote Sokolov, “were destroyed with the help of sulfuric acid.” What, then, was buried in 1998 in the Peter and Paul Cathedral? Let me remind you that shortly after the start of perestroika, some skeletons were found in Porosyonkovo ​​Log near Yekaterinburg. In 1998, they were solemnly reburied in the Romanov family tomb, after numerous genetic examinations were carried out before that. Moreover, the guarantor of the authenticity of the royal remains was the secular power of Russia in the person of President Boris Yeltsin. But the Russian Orthodox Church refused to recognize the bones as the remains of the royal family.

But let's go back to the Civil War. According to my information, the royal family was divided in Perm. The path of the female part lay in Germany, while the men - Nikolai Romanov himself and Tsarevich Alexei - were left in Russia. Father and son were kept for a long time near Serpukhov on former dacha merchant Konshin. Later, in NKVD reports, this place was known as “Object No. 17.” Most likely, the prince died in 1920 from hemophilia. I can’t say anything about the fate of the last Russian emperor. Except for one thing: in the 30s, “Object No. 17” was visited twice by Stalin. Does this mean that Nicholas II was still alive in those years?

The men were left hostage

TO understand why such incredible events from the point of view of a person of the 21st century became possible and to find out who needed them, you will have to go back to 1918. Do you remember from the school history course about the Brest-Litovsk Peace Treaty? Yes, March 3 in Brest-Litovsk between Soviet Russia on the one hand, and Germany, Austria-Hungary and Turkey on the other, a peace treaty was concluded. Russia lost Poland, Finland, the Baltic states and part of Belarus. But this was not why Lenin called the Brest Peace Treaty “humiliating” and “obscene.” By the way, full text The treaty has not yet been published either in the East or in the West. I believe that because of the secret conditions present in it. Probably the Kaiser, who was a relative of Empress Maria Feodorovna, demanded that all the women of the royal family be transferred to Germany. The girls had no rights to the Russian throne and, therefore, could not threaten the Bolsheviks in any way. The men remained hostages - as guarantors that the German army would not venture further east than stated in the peace treaty.

What happened next? What was the fate of the women brought to the West? Was their silence prerequisite their integrity? Unfortunately, I have more questions than answers.

By the way

Romanovs and false Romanovs

IN DIFFERENT years More than a hundred “miraculously saved” Romanovs appeared in the world. Moreover, in some periods and in some countries there were so many of them that they even organized meetings. The most famous false Anastasia is Anna Anderson, who declared herself the daughter of Nicholas II in 1920. The Supreme Court of Germany finally denied her this only 50 years later. The most recent "Anastasia" is the hundred-year-old Natalia Petrovna Bilikhodze, who continued to play this old play as late as 2002!

Moscow. July 17.. in Yekaterinburg, the last Russian Emperor Nicholas II and all members of his family were shot. Almost a hundred years later, the tragedy has been studied far and wide by Russian and foreign researchers. Below are the 10 most important facts about what happened in July 1917 in the Ipatiev House.

1. The Romanov family and their retinue were placed in Yekaterinburg on April 30, in the house of retired military engineer N.N. Ipatieva. Doctor E. S. Botkin, chamberlain A. E. Trupp, the Empress's maid A. S. Demidova, cook I. M. Kharitonov and cook Leonid Sednev lived in the house with the royal family. Everyone except the cook was killed along with the Romanovs.

2. In June 1917, Nicholas II received several letters allegedly from a White Russian officer. The anonymous author of the letters told the Tsar that supporters of the crown intended to kidnap the prisoners of the Ipatiev House and asked Nicholas to provide assistance - to draw plans of the rooms, inform the sleep schedule of family members, etc. The Tsar, however, in his response stated: “We do not want and cannot escape. We can only be kidnapped by force, just as we were brought from Tobolsk by force. Therefore, do not count on any of our active help," thereby refusing to assist the "kidnappers," but not giving up the very idea of ​​being kidnapped.

It subsequently turned out that the letters were written by the Bolsheviks in order to test the royal family's readiness to escape. The author of the texts of the letters was P. Voikov.

3. Rumors about the murder of Nicholas II appeared back in June 1917 after the assassination of Grand Duke Mikhail Alexandrovich. The official version of the disappearance of Mikhail Alexandrovich was an escape; at the same time, the tsar was allegedly killed by a Red Army soldier who broke into the Ipatiev house.

4. Exact text of the verdict, which the Bolsheviks brought out and read to the Tsar and his family, is unknown. At approximately 2 o'clock in the morning from July 16 to July 17, the guards woke up the doctor Botkin so that he would wake up the royal family, order them to get ready and go down to the basement. It took about different sources, from half an hour to an hour. After the Romanovs and their servants came down, security officer Yankel Yurovsky informed them that they would be killed.

By different memories, He said:

“Nikolai Alexandrovich, your relatives tried to save you, but they didn’t have to. And we are forced to shoot you ourselves.”(based on materials from investigator N. Sokolov)

“Nikolai Alexandrovich! The attempts of your like-minded people to save you were not crowned with success! And now, in a difficult time for Soviet republic... - Yakov Mikhailovich raises his voice and chops the air with his hand: - ... we have been entrusted with the mission of ending the house of the Romanovs."(according to the memoirs of M. Medvedev (Kudrin))

"Your friends are advancing on Yekaterinburg, and therefore you are sentenced to death"(according to the recollections of Yurovsky’s assistant G. Nikulin.)

Yurovsky himself later said that he did not remember the exact words he said. “...I immediately, as far as I remember, told Nikolai something like the following: that his royal relatives and friends both in the country and abroad tried to free him, and that the Council of Workers’ Deputies decided to shoot them.”

5. Emperor Nicholas, having heard the verdict, asked again:"Oh my God, what is this?" According to other sources, he only managed to say: “What?”

6. Three Latvians refused to carry out the sentence and left the basement shortly before the Romanovs went down there. The weapons of the refuseniks were distributed among those who remained. According to the recollections of the participants themselves, 8 people took part in the execution. “In fact, there were 8 of us performers: Yurovsky, Nikulin, Mikhail Medvedev, four Pavel Medvedev, five Peter Ermakov, but I’m not sure that Ivan Kabanov is six. And I don’t remember the names of two more,” writes G. in his memoirs .Nikulin.

7. It is still unknown whether the execution of the royal family was sanctioned by the highest authority. According to the official version, the decision to “execute” was made by the executive committee of the Ural Regional Council, while the central Soviet leadership learned about what happened only after. By the beginning of the 90s. A version was formed according to which the Ural authorities could not make such a decision without a directive from the Kremlin and agreed to take responsibility for the unauthorized execution in order to provide the central government with a political alibi.

The fact that the Ural Regional Council was not a judicial or other body that had the authority to pass a sentence, execution of the Romanovs for a long time was not considered as political repression, but as a murder, which prevented the posthumous rehabilitation of the royal family.

8. After the execution, the bodies of the dead were taken out of town and burned, pre-watering with sulfuric acid to render the remains unrecognizable. The sanction for the release of large quantities of sulfuric acid was issued by the Commissioner of Supply of the Urals P. Voikov.

9. Information about the murder of the royal family became known to society several years later; Initially, the Soviet authorities reported that only Nicholas II was killed, Alexander Fedorovna and her children were allegedly transported to safe place to Perm. The truth about the fate of the entire royal family was reported in the article " Last days the last tsar" by P. M. Bykov.

The Kremlin acknowledged the fact of the execution of all members of the royal family when the results of N. Sokolov’s investigation became known in the West in 1925.

10. The remains of five members of the imperial family and four of their servants were found in July 1991. not far from Yekaterinburg under the embankment of the Old Koptyakovskaya road. On July 17, 1998, the remains of members of the imperial family were buried in the Peter and Paul Cathedral in St. Petersburg. In July 2007, the remains of Tsarevich Alexei and Grand Duchess Maria were found.

Behind last decades this event was described in great detail, which, however, does not prevent the cultivation of old and the birth of new myths.

Let's look at the most famous of them.

Myth one. The family of Nicholas II, or at least some of its members, escaped execution

The remains of five members of the imperial family (as well as their servants) were found in July 1991 near Yekaterinburg, under the embankment of the Old Koptyakovskaya Road. Numerous examinations have shown that all family members are present among the dead, with the exception of Tsarevich Alexei And Grand Duchess Maria.

The latter circumstance gave rise to various speculations, however, in 2007, the remains of Alexei and Maria were found during new searches.

Thus, it became clear that all the stories about the “surviving Romanovs” are falsifications.

Myth two. “The execution of the royal family is a crime that has no analogues”

The authors of the myth do not pay attention to the fact that the events in Yekaterinburg took place against the backdrop of the Civil War, which was characterized by extreme cruelty on both sides. Today they talk about “red terror” very often, in contrast to “white terror”.

But here's what I wrote General Greves, Commander of the American Expeditionary Force in Siberia: “In Eastern Siberia Horrible murders were committed, but they were not committed by the Bolsheviks, as was usually thought. I will not be mistaken if for every person killed by the Bolsheviks, a hundred were killed by anti-Bolshevik elements.”

From memories Headquarters captain of the dragoon squadron of the corps Kappel Frolov: “The villages of Zharovka and Kargalinsk were cut to pieces, where for sympathy with Bolshevism they had to shoot all the men from 18 to 55 years old, and then let the “rooster” go.

On April 4, 1918, that is, even before the execution of the royal family, the Cossacks of the village of Nezhinskaya, led by military foreman Lukin And Colonel Korchakov made a night raid on the Orenburg City Council, located in the former cadet school. The Cossacks chopped down people who were sleeping, who did not have time to get out of bed, and who did not offer resistance. 129 people were killed. Among the dead were six children and several women. Children's corpses were chopped in half, murdered women lay with their breasts cut out and their bellies ripped open.

There are a great many examples of inhuman cruelty on both sides. Both the children from the royal family and those who were hacked to death by the Cossacks in Orenburg are victims of a fratricidal conflict.

Myth three. “The execution of the royal family was carried out on the orders of Lenin”

For almost a hundred years, historians have been trying to find confirmation that the order to execute came to Yekaterinburg from Moscow. But no convincing facts in favor of this version have been discovered for a century.

Senior Investigator for Particularly Important Cases of the Main Investigation Department of the Investigative Committee under the Prosecutor's Office Russian Federation Vladimir Solovyov, who during the 1990s - 2000s was involved in the case of the execution of the royal family, came to the conclusion that the execution of the Romanovs was carried out by order of the executive committee of the Ural Regional Council of Workers', Peasants' and Soldiers' Deputies without the sanction of the Bolshevik government in Moscow.

“No, this is not the Kremlin’s initiative. Lenin he became in in a certain sense hostage to radicalism and obsession of the leaders of the Urals Council. I think that in the Urals they understood that the execution of the royal family could give the Germans a reason to continue the war, for new seizures and indemnities. But they went for it!” - Soloviev expressed this opinion in one of his interviews.

Myth four. The Romanov family was shot by Jews and Latvians

According to current information, the firing squad included 8-10 people, including: Ya. M. Yurovsky, G. P. Nikulin, M. A. Medvedev (Kudrin), P. S. Medvedev, P. Z. Ermakov, S. P. Vaganov, A. G. Kabanov, V. N. Netrebin. Among them there is only one Jew: Yakov Yurovsky. A Latvian could also have taken part in the execution Jan Zelms. The rest of the participants in the execution were Russians.

For revolutionaries who spoke from the position of internationalism, this circumstance did not matter; they did not divide each other along national lines. Subsequent stories about the “Jewish-Masonic conspiracy” that appeared in the emigrant press were based on deliberate distortion of the lists of participants in the execution.

Myth fifth. “Lenin kept the severed head of Nicholas II on his desk.”

One of the strangest myths was launched almost immediately after the death of the Romanovs, but continues to live to this day.

Here, for example, is an article from the Trud newspaper for 2013 with the characteristic headline “The head of the emperor stood in Lenin’s office”: “According to some noteworthy information, the heads Nicholas II And Alexandra Fedorovna were actually in Lenin’s Kremlin office. Among the ten questions sent at one time from the Patriarchate to the state commission dealing with the case of the remains found in the Urals, there was a point concerning these heads. However, the response received turned out to be written in the most general terms, and a copy of the documented inventory of the situation in Lenin’s office was not sent.”

But here’s what the already mentioned investigator Vladimir Solovyov said in October 2015: “Another question arose: there are long-standing legends that after the execution the sovereign’s head was brought to the Kremlin, to Lenin. This “tale” is also in the book of a prominent monarchist Lieutenant General Mikhail Diterichs, organizer of excavations at the site of the supposed burial of the royal family in Ganina Yama, which was carried out by investigator Nikolai Sokolov. Dieterichs wrote: “There are jokes that they allegedly brought the head of the Tsar and will exhibit it in cinemas.” It all sounded like black humor, but it was picked up and there was talk of ritual murder. Already in our time there were publications in the media that this head was allegedly discovered. We checked this information, but could not find the author of the note. The information is completely “yellow” and indecent, but nevertheless these rumors have been circulating for many years, especially among emigrants abroad. Opinions were also expressed that representatives of the Soviet secret services once opened the burial and brought something there. Therefore, the patriarch proposed once again to conduct research to confirm or debunk these legends... For this, small fragments of the skulls of the emperor and empress were taken.”

And here is what the Russian said in an interview with the portal criminologist and forensic physician, doctor of medical sciences, professor Vyacheslav Popov, who was directly involved in the examination of the remains of the royal family: “Now I will touch on the following point regarding the version Hieromonk Iliodor about severed heads. I can firmly state, hand on heart, that the head of remains No. 4 (presumed to be Nicholas II) was not separated. We found the entire cervical spine of remains No. 4. On all seven cervical vertebrae there is no trace of any sharp object that could be used to separate the head from the neck. It is impossible to just cut off the head, because you have to somehow cut the ligaments and intervertebral cartilage with a sharp object. But no such traces were found. In addition, we once again returned to the burial scheme drawn up in 1991, according to which the remains of No. 4 lie in the southwestern corner of the burial. The head is located at the edge of the burial, and all seven vertebrae are visible. Therefore, the version of the severed heads does not stand up to criticism.”

Myth six. “The murder of the royal family was ritual”

Part of this myth is the statements we previously discussed about certain “Jewish killers” and cut off heads.

But there is also a myth about ritual inscription in the basement of the house Ipatieva, which I just recently mentioned again State Duma deputy Natalya Poklonskaya: “Mr. Teacher, is there an inscription in your film that was discovered in the basement of the Ipatiev House a hundred years ago, just for the anniversary of which you prepared the premiere of the mocking film “Matilda”? Let me remind you of the content: “Here by order dark forces The Tsar was sacrificed to destroy Russia. All nations are informed of this."

So what's wrong with this inscription?

Immediately after the Whites occupied Yekaterinburg, an investigation was launched into the alleged murder of the Romanov family. In particular, the basement of Ipatiev’s house was also inspected.

General Dieterichs wrote about it this way: “The appearance of the walls of this room was ugly and disgusting. Someone’s dirty and depraved natures, with illiterate and rude hands, dotted the wallpaper with cynical, obscene, meaningless inscriptions and drawings, hooligan poems, swear words and especially, apparently, the relished names of the creators of Khitrovsky painting and literature.”

Well, as we know, with regard to hooligan graffiti on walls, the situation in Russia has not changed even after 100 years.

But what kind of notes did investigators find on the walls? Here is the data from the case file:

“Long live the world revolution, down with international imperialism and capital and to hell with the entire monarchy.”

“Nikola, he’s not a Romanov, but a Chukhonian by birth. The family of the Romanov family ended with Peter III, here all the Chukhonian breed has gone.”

There were inscriptions with openly obscene content.

Ipatiev House (Museum of the Revolution), 1930

Royal family. Was there an execution?


History, like a corrupt girl, falls under every new “king”. That's recent history our country has been rewritten many times. “Responsible” and “unbiased” historians rewrote biographies and changed the fates of people in the Soviet and post-Soviet periods.

But today access to many archives is open. Only conscience is the key. What gets to people bit by bit does not leave those who live in Russia indifferent. Those who want to be proud of their country and raise their children as patriots of their native land.

In Russia, historians are a dime a dozen. If you throw a stone, you will almost always hit one of them. But only 14 years have passed, and real story no one can establish the last century.

Modern henchmen of Miller and Baer are robbing the Russians in all directions. Either they will start Maslenitsa in February by mocking Russian traditions, or they will put an outright criminal under the Nobel Prize.

And then we wonder: why is this in a country with the richest resources and cultural heritage, such poor people?

Abdication of Nicholas II

Emperor Nicholas II did not abdicate the Throne. This act is “fake”. It was compiled and printed on typewriter Quartermaster General of the Headquarters of the Supreme Commander-in-Chief A.S. Lukomsky and the representative of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs at the General Staff N.I. Basili.

This printed text was signed on March 2, 1917, not by Sovereign Nicholas II Alexandrovich Romanov, but by the Minister of the Imperial Court, Adjutant General, Baron Boris Fredericks.

After 4 days, the Orthodox Tsar Nicholas II was betrayed by the top of the Russian Orthodox Church, misleading all of Russia by the fact that, seeing this false act, the clergy passed it off as real. And they telegraphed it to the entire Empire and beyond its borders that the Tsar had abdicated the Throne!

March 6, 1917 Holy Synod of the Russian Orthodox Church listened to two reports. The first is the act of “abdication” of the Sovereign Emperor Nicholas II for himself and for his son from the Throne of the Russian State and the abdication of Supreme Power, which took place on March 2, 1917. The second is the act of Grand Duke Mikhail Alexandrovich’s refusal to accept the Supreme Power, which took place on March 3, 1917.

After the hearings, pending the establishment of a form of government in the Constituent Assembly and new fundamental laws of the Russian State, they ORDERED:

“The said acts should be taken into account and carried out and announced in all Orthodox churches, in urban churches on the first day after receiving the text of these acts, and in rural churches on the first Sunday or holiday, after the Divine Liturgy, with a prayer to the Lord God for the pacification of passions , with the proclamation of many years to the God-protected Russian Power and its Blessed Provisional Government.”

And although the top generals of the Russian Army mostly consisted of Jews, the average officer corps and several senior officials generals, such as Fyodor Arturovich Keller, did not believe this fake and decided to go to the rescue of the Emperor.

From that moment on, the split in the Army began, which turned into a Civil War!

The priesthood and the entire Russian society split.

But the Rothschilds achieved the main thing - they removed Her Lawful Sovereign from governing the country, and began to finish off Russia.

After the revolution, all the bishops and priests who betrayed the Tsar suffered death or dispersion throughout the world for perjury before the Orthodox Tsar.

To the Chairman of the V.Ch.K. No. 13666/2 comrade. Dzerzhinsky F.E. INSTRUCTION: “In accordance with the decision of the V.Ts.I.K. and the Council of People's Commissars, it is necessary to put an end to priests and religion as quickly as possible. Popovs should be arrested as counter-revolutionaries and saboteurs, and shot mercilessly and everywhere. And as much as possible. Churches are subject to closure. The temple premises should be sealed and turned into warehouses.

Chairman V. Ts. I. K. Kalinin, Chairman of the Council. adv. Commissars Ulyanov /Lenin/.”

Murder simulation

There is a lot of information about the Sovereign’s stay with his family in prison and exile, about his stay in Tobolsk and Yekaterinburg, and it is quite truthful.

Was there an execution? Or perhaps it was staged? Was it possible to escape or be taken out of Ipatiev’s house?

It turns out yes!

There was a factory nearby. In 1905, the owner, in case of capture by revolutionaries, dug an underground passage to it. When Yeltsin destroyed the house, after the decision of the Politburo, the bulldozer fell into a tunnel that no one knew about.

Thanks to Stalin and the intelligence officers of the General Staff, the Royal Family was taken to various Russian provinces, with the blessing of Metropolitan Macarius (Nevsky).

On July 22, 1918, Evgenia Popel received the keys to the empty house and sent her husband, N.N. Ipatiev, a telegram in the village of Nikolskoye about the possibility of returning to the city.

In connection with the offensive of the White Guard Army, the evacuation of Soviet institutions was underway in Yekaterinburg. Documents, property and valuables were exported, including those of the Romanov family (!).

Great excitement spread among the officers when it became known in what condition the Ipatiev House, where the Royal Family lived, was located. Those who were free from service went to the house, everyone wanted to take an active part in clarifying the question: “Where are they?”

Some inspected the house, breaking open the boarded up doors; others sorted out the lying things and papers; still others raked out the ashes from the furnaces. The fourth ones scoured the yard and garden, looking into all the basements and cellars. Everyone acted independently, not trusting each other and trying to find an answer to the question that worried everyone.

While the officers were inspecting the rooms, people who came to profit took away a lot of abandoned property, which was later found at the bazaar and flea markets.

The head of the garrison, Major General Golitsin, appointed a special commission of officers, mainly cadets of the Academy General Staff, chaired by Colonel Sherekhovsky. Which was tasked with dealing with the finds in the Ganina Yama area: local peasants, raking out recent fire pits, found burnt items from the Tsar’s wardrobe, including a cross with precious stones.

Captain Malinovsky received an order to explore the area of ​​​​Ganina Yama. On July 30, taking with him Sheremetyevsky, the investigator for the most important cases of the Yekaterinburg District Court A.P. Nametkin, several officers, the doctor of the Heir - V.N. Derevenko and the servant of the Sovereign - T.I. Chemodurov, he went there.

Thus began the investigation into the disappearance of Sovereign Nicholas II, the Empress, the Tsarevich and the Grand Duchesses.

Malinovsky's commission lasted about a week. But it was she who determined the area of ​​all subsequent investigative actions in Yekaterinburg and its environs. It was she who found witnesses to the cordon of the Koptyakovskaya road around Ganina Yama by the Red Army. I found those who saw a suspicious convoy that passed from Yekaterinburg into the cordon and back. I obtained evidence of the destruction there, in the fires near the mines of the Tsar's things.

After the entire staff of officers went to Koptyaki, Sherekhovsky divided the team into two parts. One, headed by Malinovsky, examined Ipatiev’s house, the other, led by Lieutenant Sheremetyevsky, began inspecting Ganina Yama.

When inspecting Ipatiev’s house, the officers of Malinovsky’s group managed to establish almost all the basic facts within a week, which the investigation later relied on.

A year after the investigations, Malinovsky, in June 1919, testified to Sokolov: “As a result of my work on the case, I developed the conviction that the August Family is alive... all the facts that I observed during the investigation are a simulation of murder.”

At the scene

On July 28, A.P. Nametkin was invited to the headquarters, and from the military authorities, since civil power had not yet been formed, he was asked to investigate the case of the Royal Family. After this, we began to inspect the Ipatiev House. Doctor Derevenko and old man Chemodurov were invited to participate in the identification of things; Professor of the Academy of the General Staff, Lieutenant General Medvedev, took part as an expert.

On July 30, Alexey Pavlovich Nametkin participated in the inspection of the mine and fires near Ganina Yama. After the inspection, the Koptyakovsky peasant handed over to Captain Politkovsky a huge diamond, which Chemodurov, who was there, recognized as a jewel belonging to Tsarina Alexandra Feodorovna.

Nametkin, inspecting Ipatiev’s house from August 2 to 8, had at his disposal publications of resolutions of the Urals Council and the Presidium of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee, which reported on the execution of Nicholas II.

An inspection of the building, traces of gunshots and signs of spilled blood confirmed known fact– possible death of people in this house.

As for the other results of the inspection of Ipatiev’s house, they left the impression of the unexpected disappearance of its inhabitants.

On August 5, 6, 7, 8, Nametkin continued to inspect Ipatiev’s house and described the state of the rooms where Nikolai Alexandrovich, Alexandra Feodorovna, the Tsarevich and the Grand Duchesses were kept. During the examination, I found many small things that, according to the valet T.I. Chemodurov and the Heir's doctor V.N. Derevenko, belonged to members of the Royal Family.

Being an experienced investigator, Nametkin, after examining the scene of the incident, stated that a mock execution took place in the Ipatiev House, and that not a single member of the Royal Family was shot there.

He repeated his data officially in Omsk, where he gave interviews on this topic to foreign, mainly American correspondents. Stating that he had evidence that the Royal Family was not killed on the night of July 16-17 and was going to publish these documents soon.

But he was forced to hand over the investigation.

War with investigators

On August 7, 1918, a meeting of the branches of the Yekaterinburg District Court was held, where, unexpectedly for prosecutor Kutuzov, contrary to agreements with the chairman of the court Glasson, the Yekaterinburg District Court, by a majority vote, decided to transfer the “case of the murder of the former Sovereign Emperor Nicholas II” to court member Ivan Aleksandrovich Sergeev .

After the case was transferred, the house where he rented the premises was burned down, which led to the destruction of Nametkin’s investigative archive.

The main difference in the work of a detective at the scene of an incident lies in what is not in the laws and textbooks to plan further actions for each of the significant circumstances discovered. What is harmful about replacing them is that with the departure of the previous investigator, his plan to unravel the tangle of mysteries disappears.

On August 13, A.P. Nametkin handed over the case to I.A. Sergeev on 26 numbered sheets. And after the capture of Yekaterinburg by the Bolsheviks, Nametkin was shot.

Sergeev was aware of the complexity of the upcoming investigation.

He understood that the main thing was to find the bodies of the dead. After all, in criminology there is a strict attitude: “no corpse, no murder.” They had great expectations for the expedition to Ganina Yama, where they very carefully searched the area and pumped out water from the mines. But... they found only a severed finger and a prosthetic upper jaw. True, a “corpse” was also recovered, but it was the corpse of a dog Grand Duchess Anastasia.

In addition, there are witnesses who saw the former Empress and her children in Perm.

Doctor Derevenko, who treated the Heir, as well as Botkin, who accompanied Royal Family in Tobolsk and Yekaterinburg, testifies over and over again that the unidentified corpses delivered to him are not the Tsar and not the Heir, since the Tsar should have a mark on his head /skull/ from a blow from a Japanese saber in 1891.

The clergy also knew about the liberation of the Royal Family: Patriarch St. Tikhon.

Life of the royal family after “death”

In the KGB of the USSR, on the basis of the 2nd Main Directorate, there was a special officer. department that monitored all movements of the Royal Family and their descendants across the territory of the USSR. Whether someone likes it or not, this will have to be taken into account, and, therefore, Russia’s future policy will have to be reconsidered.

Daughters Olga (lived under the name Natalia) and Tatyana were in the Diveyevo Monastery, disguised as nuns and sang in the choir of the Trinity Church. From there, Tatyana moved to the Krasnodar Territory, got married and lived in the Apsheronsky and Mostovsky districts. She was buried on September 21, 1992 in the village of Solenom, Mostovsky district.

Olga, through Uzbekistan, left for Afghanistan with the Emir of Bukhara, Seyid Alim Khan (1880 - 1944). From there - to Finland to Vyrubova. Since 1956, she lived in Vyritsa under the name of Natalya Mikhailovna Evstigneeva, where she rested in Bose on January 16, 1976 (11/15/2011 from the grave of V.K. Olga, Her fragrant relics were partially stolen by one demoniac, but were returned to Kazan Temple).

On October 6, 2012, her remaining relics were removed from the grave in the cemetery, added to those stolen and reburied near the Kazan Church.

The daughters of Nicholas II Maria and Anastasia (lived as Alexandra Nikolaevna Tugareva) were in the Glinsk Hermitage for some time. Then Anastasia moved to the Volgograd (Stalingrad) region and got married on the Tugarev farm in the Novoanninsky district. From there she moved to the station. Panfilovo, where she was buried on June 27, 1980. And her husband Vasily Evlampievich Peregudov died defending Stalingrad in January 1943. Maria moved to the Nizhny Novgorod region in the village of Arefino and was buried there on May 27, 1954.

Metropolitan John of Ladoga (Snychev, d. 1995) looked after Anastasia’s daughter Julia in Samara, and together with Archimandrite John (Maslov, d. 1991) looked after Tsarevich Alexei. Archpriest Vasily (Shvets, died 2011) looked after his daughter Olga (Natalia). Son youngest daughter Nicholas II - Anastasia - Mikhail Vasilyevich Peregudov (1924 - 2001), coming from the front, worked as an architect, according to his design a railway station was built in Stalingrad-Volgograd!

Brother of Tsar Nicholas II, Grand Duke Mikhail Alexandrovich was also able to escape from Perm right under the nose of the Cheka. At first he lived in Belogorye, and then moved to Vyritsa, where he rested in Bose in 1948.

Until 1927, Tsarina Alexandra Feodorovna stayed at the Tsar’s dacha (Vvedensky Skete of the Seraphim Ponetaevsky Monastery Nizhny Novgorod region). And at the same time she visited Kyiv, Moscow, St. Petersburg, Sukhumi. Alexandra Feodorovna took the name Ksenia (in honor of St. Ksenia Grigorievna of Petersburg /Petrova 1732 - 1803/).

In 1899, Tsarina Alexandra Feodorovna wrote a prophetic poem:

“In the solitude and silence of the monastery,

Where guardian angels fly,

Far from temptation and sin

She lives, whom everyone considers dead.

Everyone thinks she already lives

In the Divine celestial sphere.

She steps outside the walls of the monastery,

Submissive to your increased faith!”

The Empress met with Stalin, who told Her the following: “Live quietly in the city of Starobelsk, but there is no need to interfere in politics.”

Stalin's patronage saved the Tsarina when local security officers opened criminal cases against her.

Money transfers were regularly received from France and Japan in the name of the Queen. The Empress received them and donated them to four kindergartens. This was confirmed by the former manager of the Starobelsky branch of the State Bank, Ruf Leontyevich Shpilev, and the chief accountant Klokolov.

The Empress did handicrafts, making blouses and scarves, and for making hats she was sent straws from Japan. All this was done on orders from local fashionistas.

Empress Alexandra Feodorovna

In 1931, the Tsarina appeared at the Starobelsky Okrot Department of the GPU and stated that she had 185,000 marks in her account in the Berlin Reichsbank, as well as $300,000 in the Chicago Bank. She allegedly wants to put all these funds at the disposal of the Soviet government, provided that it provides for her old age.

The Empress’s statement was forwarded to the GPU of the Ukrainian SSR, which instructed the so-called “Credit Bureau” to negotiate with foreign countries about receiving these deposits!

In 1942, Starobelsk was occupied, the Empress on the same day was invited to breakfast with Colonel General Kleist, who invited her to move to Berlin, to which the Empress replied with dignity: “I am Russian and I want to die in my homeland.” Then she was offered to choose any house in the city that she wanted: it wouldn’t do for such a person to live in cramped dugout. But she refused that too.

The only thing the Queen agreed to was to use the services of German doctors. True, the city commandant still ordered to install a sign at the Empress’s home with the inscription in Russian and German: “Do not disturb Her Majesty.”

Which she was very happy about, because in her dugout behind the screen there were... wounded Soviet tankers.

The German medicine was very useful. The tankers managed to get out, and they safely crossed the front line. Taking advantage of the favor of the authorities, Tsarina Alexandra Feodorovna saved many prisoners of war and local residents who were threatened with reprisals.

Empress Alexandra Feodorovna, under the name of Xenia, lived in the city of Starobelsk, Lugansk region, from 1927 until her death in 1948. She took monastic tonsure in the name of Alexandra at the Starobelsky Holy Trinity Monastery.

Kosygin - Tsarevich Alexei

Tsarevich Alexei - became Alexei Nikolaevich Kosygin (1904 - 1980). Twice Hero of Social. Labor (1964, 1974). Knight Grand Cross of the Order of the Sun of Peru. In 1935, he graduated from the Leningrad Textile Institute. In 1938, head. department of the Leningrad regional party committee, chairman of the executive committee of the Leningrad City Council.

Wife Klavdiya Andreevna Krivosheina (1908 - 1967) - niece of A. A. Kuznetsov. Daughter Lyudmila (1928 - 1990) was married to Jermen Mikhailovich Gvishiani (1928 - 2003). Son of Mikhail Maksimovich Gvishiani (1905 - 1966) since 1928 in the State Political Directorate of Internal Affairs of Georgia. In 1937-38 deputy Chairman of the Tbilisi City Executive Committee. In 1938, 1st deputy. People's Commissar of the NKVD of Georgia. In 1938 – 1950 beginning UNKVDUNKGBUMGB Primorsky Krai. In 1950 - 1953 beginning UMGB Kuibyshev region. Grandsons Tatyana and Alexey.

The Kosygin family was friends with the families of the writer Sholokhov, composer Khachaturian, and rocket designer Chelomey.

In 1940 – 1960 – deputy prev Council of People's Commissars - Council of Ministers of the USSR. In 1941 - deputy. prev Council for the evacuation of industry in eastern regions THE USSR. From January to July 1942 - Commissioner of the State Defense Committee in besieged Leningrad. Participated in the evacuation of the population and industrial enterprises and property of Tsarskoye Selo. The Tsarevich walked around Ladoga on the yacht “Standard” and knew the surroundings of the Lake well, so he organized the “Road of Life” across the Lake to supply the city.

Alexey Nikolaevich created an electronics center in Zelenograd, but enemies in the Politburo did not allow him to bring this idea to fruition. And today Russia is forced to purchase household appliances and computers from all over the world.

The Sverdlovsk Region produced everything from strategic missiles to bacteriological weapons, and was filled with underground cities, hiding under the indices “Sverdlovsk-42”, and there were more than two hundred such “Sverdlovsks”.

He helped Palestine as Israel expanded its borders at the expense of Arab lands.

He implemented projects for the development of gas and oil fields in Siberia.

But the Jews, members of the Politburo, made the main line of the budget the export of crude oil and gas - instead of the export of processed products, as Kosygin (Romanov) wanted.

In 1949, during the promotion of G. M. Malenkov’s “Leningrad Affair,” Kosygin miraculously survived. During the investigation, Mikoyan, deputy. Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the USSR, “organized Kosygin’s long trip around Siberia, due to the need to strengthen cooperation activities and improve matters with the procurement of agricultural products.” Stalin agreed on this business trip with Mikoyan on time, because he was poisoned and from the beginning of August to the end of December 1950 lay in his dacha, miraculously remaining alive!

When addressing Alexei, Stalin affectionately called him “Kosyga”, since he was his nephew. Sometimes Stalin called him Tsarevich in front of everyone.

In the 60s Tsarevich Alexei, realizing the inefficiency existing system, proposed a transition from a social economy to a real one. Keep records of sold, and not manufactured, products as the main indicator of the efficiency of enterprises, etc. Alexey Nikolaevich Romanov normalized relations between the USSR and China during the conflict on the island. Damansky, meeting in Beijing at the airport with the Prime Minister of the State Council of the People's Republic of China Zhou Enlai.

Alexey Nikolaevich visited the Venevsky Monastery Tula region and communicated with nun Anna, who was in touch with the entire Royal family. He even once gave her a diamond ring for clear predictions. And shortly before his death he came to her, and she told him that He would die on December 18!

The death of Tsarevich Alexei coincided with the birthday of L.I. Brezhnev on December 18, 1980, and during these days the country did not know that Kosygin had died.

The ashes of the Tsarevich have been resting in the Kremlin wall since December 24, 1980!

There was no memorial service for the August Family

Royal Family: real life after the alleged execution
Until 1927, the Royal Family met on the stones of St. Seraphim of Sarov, next to the Tsar’s dacha, on the territory of the Vvedensky Skete of the Seraphim-Ponetaevsky Monastery. Now all that remains of the Skete is the former baptismal sanctuary. It was closed in 1927 by the NKVD. This was preceded by general searches, after which all the nuns were relocated to different monasteries in Arzamas and Ponetaevka. And icons, jewelry, bells and other property were taken to Moscow.

In the 20s - 30s. Nicholas II stayed in Diveevo at st. Arzamasskaya, 16, in the house of Alexandra Ivanovna Grashkina - schemanun Dominica (1906 - 2009).

Stalin built a dacha in Sukhumi next to the dacha of the Royal Family and came there to meet with the Emperor and cousin Nicholas II.

In the uniform of an officer, Nicholas II visited Stalin in the Kremlin, as confirmed by General Vatov (d. 2004), who served in Stalin’s guard.

Marshal Mannerheim, having become the President of Finland, immediately withdrew from the war, as he secretly communicated with the Emperor. And in Mannerheim’s office there hung a portrait of Nicholas II. Confessor of the Royal Family since 1912, Fr. Alexey (Kibardin, 1882 - 1964), living in Vyritsa, cared for a woman who arrived there from Finland in 1956 as a permanent resident. the Tsar's eldest daughter, Olga.

In Sofia after the revolution, in the building of the Holy Synod on St. Alexander Nevsky Square, the confessor of the Highest Family, Vladyka Feofan (Bistrov), lived.

Vladyka never served a memorial service for the August Family and told his cell attendant that the Royal Family was alive! And even in April 1931 he went to Paris to meet with Tsar Nicholas II and the people who freed the Royal Family from captivity. Bishop Theophan also said that over time the Romanov Family would be restored, but through the female line.


Head Department of Biology of the Ural Medical Academy Oleg Makeev said: “Genetic examination after 90 years is not only complicated due to the changes that have occurred in bone tissue, but also cannot give an absolute result even if it is carried out carefully. The methodology used in the studies already conducted is still not recognized as evidence by any court in the world.”

The foreign expert commission to investigate the fate of the Royal Family, created in 1989, chaired by Pyotr Nikolaevich Koltypin-Vallovsky, ordered a study by scientists from Stanford University and received data on the DNA discrepancy between the “Ekaterinburg remains”.

The commission provided for DNA analysis a fragment of the finger of V.K. St. Elizabeth Feodorovna Romanova, whose relics are kept in the Jerusalem Church of Mary Magdalene.

“The sisters and their children should have identical mitochondrial DNA, but the results of the analysis of the remains of Elizaveta Fedorovna do not correspond to the previously published DNA of the alleged remains of Alexandra Fedorovna and her daughters,” was the conclusion of the scientists.

The experiment was carried out by an international team of scientists led by Dr. Alec Knight, a molecular taxonomist from Stanford University, with the participation of geneticists from Eastern Michigan University, Los Alamos National Laboratory, with the participation of Dr. Lev Zhivotovsky, an employee of the Institute of General Genetics of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

After the death of an organism, the DNA begins to quickly decompose (cut) into pieces, and the more time passes, the more these parts are shortened. After 80 years, without creation special conditions, DNA segments longer than 200–300 nucleotides are not preserved. And in 1994, during analysis, a segment of 1,223 nucleotides was isolated.”

Thus, Pyotr Koltypin-Vallovskoy emphasized: “Geneticists again refuted the results of the examination carried out in 1994 in the British laboratory, on the basis of which it was concluded that the “Ekaterinburg remains” belonged to Tsar Nicholas II and his Family.”

Japanese scientists presented the Moscow Patriarchate with the results of their research regarding the “Ekaterinburg remains”.

On December 7, 2004, in the MP building, Bishop Alexander of Dmitrov, vicar of the Moscow Diocese, met with Dr. Tatsuo Nagai. Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor, Director of the Department of Forensic and scientific medicine Kitazato University (Japan). Since 1987, he has been working at Kitazato University, is vice-dean of the Joint School of Medical Sciences, director and professor of the Department of Clinical Hematology and the Department of Forensic Medicine. Published 372 scientific works and made 150 presentations at international medical conferences in various countries. Member of the Royal Society of Medicine in London.

He identified the mitochondrial DNA of the latter Russian Emperor Nicholas II. During the assassination attempt on Tsarevich Nicholas II in Japan in 1891, his handkerchief remained there and was applied to the wound. It turned out that the DNA structures from the cuts in 1998 in the first case differ from the DNA structure in both the second and third cases. Led by Dr. Nagai research group took a sample of dried sweat from the clothes of Nicholas II, stored in the Catherine Palace of Tsarskoye Selo, and performed a mitochondrial analysis of it.

In addition, mitochondrial DNA analysis was performed on hair, lower jaw bone and nails. thumb V.K. Georgiy Alexandrovich, younger brother of Nicholas II, buried in the Peter and Paul Cathedral. He compared DNA from bone cuts buried in 1998 in Peter and Paul Fortress, with blood samples from Emperor Nicholas II’s own nephew Tikhon Nikolaevich, as well as samples of the sweat and blood of Tsar Nicholas II himself.

Dr. Nagai's conclusions: "We obtained different results from those obtained by Drs. Peter Gill and Dr. Pavel Ivanov in five respects."

Glorification of the King

Sobchak (Finkelstein, d. 2000), while mayor of St. Petersburg, committed a monstrous crime - he issued death certificates for Nicholas II and his family members to Leonida Georgievna. He issued certificates in 1996 - without even waiting for the conclusions of Nemtsov’s “official commission”.

The “protection of the rights and legitimate interests” of the “imperial house” in Russia began in 1995 by the late Leonida Georgievna, who, on behalf of her daughter, the “head of the Russian imperial house,” applied for state registration of the deaths of members of the Imperial House killed in 1918–1919. , and issuing death certificates."

On December 1, 2005, an application was submitted to the Prosecutor General's Office for the “rehabilitation of Emperor Nicholas II and members of his family.” This application was submitted on behalf of “Princess” Maria Vladimirovna by her lawyer G. Yu. Lukyanov, who replaced Sobchak in this post.

The glorification of the Royal Family, although it took place under Ridiger (Alexy II) at the Council of Bishops, was just a cover for the “consecration” of the Temple of Solomon.

After all, only a Local Council can glorify the Tsar in the ranks of the Saints. Because the King is the exponent of the Spirit of the entire people, and not just the Priesthood. That is why the decision of the Council of Bishops in 2000 must be approved by the Local Council.

According to ancient canons, God’s saints can be glorified after healing from various ailments occurs at their graves. After this, it is checked how this or that ascetic lived. If he lived a righteous life, then healings come from God. If not, then such healings are performed by the Demon, and they will later turn into new diseases.

In order to see for yourself, you need to go to the grave of Emperor Nicholas II, in Nizhny Novgorod at the Red Etna cemetery, where he was buried on December 26, 1958.

The funeral service and burial of Sovereign Emperor Nicholas II was performed by the famous Nizhny Novgorod elder and priest Gregory (Dolbunov, d. 1996).

Whoever the Lord grants to go to the grave and be healed will be able to see it from his own experience.

The transfer of His relics is yet to take place at the federal level.

Sergey Zhelenkov

The Romanovs were not shot (Levashov N.V.)

16 Dec 2012 Private video in which a former Russian journalist talks about an Italian who wrote an article about witnesses that the Romanovs were alive... The video contains a photograph of the grave eldest daughter Nicholas II, who died in 1976...
Interview with Vladimir Sychev on the Romanov case
A most interesting interview with Vladimir Sychev, who refutes official version execution of the royal family. He talks about the grave of Olga Romanova in northern Italy, about the investigation of two British journalists, about the conditions Treaty of Brest-Litovsk 1918, according to which all the women of the royal family were handed over to the Germans in Kyiv...