Soviet pop comedians. Comedians of Russia: rating of the most popular comedians

What is the role of humor in human life? How to enjoy communication with other people if there is no way to make your interlocutor smile or laugh? What should we do if we suddenly feel sad and lonely? The role of humor in human life is undoubtedly great. Without noticing to ourselves, we cannot go even five minutes without a joke, a smile, or laughter. We enrich our lives with humor bright colors, quickly find a language with other people, create a noble ground for communication.

Does everyone have a sense of humor?

Not everyone knows how to express their thoughts using this wonderful quality and at the same time not to offend or insult other people. Humor is an art that not all people can master. An example of this are the so-called “trolls,” who with their jokes can offend other people without even noticing it.

But there are also specialists in this field. Famous Russian comedians bring joy to ordinary people. The list can be continued endlessly.

Comedians of Russia (surnames): list

You can endlessly list the gifted, we will give you only a small list, which includes young and famous guys:

  • Garik Martirosyan.
  • Sergey Svetlakov.
  • Semyon Slepakov.
  • Pavel Volya.
  • Ivan Urgant.
  • Maksim Galkin.
  • Mikhail Galustyan.

The gifted comedians of Russia, whose names are presented above, are not everyone in this area. You can list them endlessly. Here are the most expensive comedians in Russia. The first on our list was the famous Garik Martirosyan, he gained popularity thanks to the show " Comedy Club"as well as another representative of this industry - Pavel Volya. This show has probably become the most popular comedy program. Mikhail Galustyan and Sergei Svetlakov gained their popularity during the filming of the program "Our Russia". But they often catch our eye in Russian comedies Also on our list of the most expensive comedians is Maxim Galkin, he stars in many comedy shows, and he is also famous for his parodies.

The spice of life

Humor is a special spice in life. When we are happy, we forget about all everyday worries, we are open to others. The best-in-class comedians in Russia help us with this. When we laugh and smile, we find confidence and strength to cope with the worries of everyday life.

We often watch soap operas and horror films on TV, and read sad novels with bad endings. After watching such a film or after reading such a book, we are left with a bitter aftertaste in our souls, we begin to think about our lives, we can try to draw a parallel, thereby upsetting ourselves. Wouldn't it be better to watch a comedy or humorous show? Our Russian comedians have done everything to ensure that everyone can find something of their own that they will like. Every channel has a lot of comedy shows, almost all channels show a lot of funny movies, V Lately A large number of Russian films of the entertainment genre are being released, which are distinguished by their sharp jokes. Probably no one can resist our comedians. We should be very grateful to them.

Humor in everyday communication

Many people make a very serious mistake when they try to express their dissatisfaction, or tell a person that they don’t like something about him, in a rudely critical manner. When we criticize a person, we do not help him change, but only make him worse. He may harbor a grudge against you and suddenly change the form of communication from friendly to hostile. Another thing is humor, if we turn everything into a joke, then the person will accept it much more softly, and maybe even support you, make fun of himself, but will definitely correct his mistake. Through it all you will remain good friends. Smile more often, make others smile, then the world will sparkle with new colors, people will begin to reach out to you as a

Laughter not only improves your mood, but is also known to prolong life. Accordingly, people who know how to make people laugh engage in noble cause. Russia is rich in comedians. Many of them are known to both adults and children. After all, the performances are aimed at groups of different ages. Eat a lot amazing people that I want to remember. And their performances are different: some perform solo, while others prefer group performances. And it is simply impossible to fit them all into one list.

The best comedians of Russia - “youth” list

Each viewer has his own views on the performance of comedians. Adapting to everyone and becoming universal is a task for professionals in their field. Only the most talented comedians in Russia can surprise and make the audience laugh. List of the best of them:

Russian comedians of the “older generation”

Among the comedians performing at Russian stage, it’s not just young people who meet. After all, two or three decades ago, completely different photos of Russian comedians were found everywhere. Other people working in a different genre of satire. Russian comedians who possessed a certain subtlety of humor and a sense of tact, which is sometimes lacking in modern comedians.

Women comedians

Satirist is not just a man's occupation. Famous Russian comedians - representatives female half humanity. Their names also occupy a significant niche among the country's comedians. The most popular of them can be considered:

  • Klara Novikova;

  • Elena Stepanenko;
  • Catherine Barnabas;
  • Natalya Andreevna.

The most popular comedian duos

Not all Russian comedians prefer solo performances. To give the audience your good mood, some of them created wonderful duets.

Special attention should be paid to such talented Russian comedians working together as:

  • brothers and Valery);
  • Nikolai Bandurin and;
  • and Vladimir Danilets;
  • Sergey Chvanov and Igor Kasilov (better known as “New Russian Grandmas”);
  • Irina Borisova and Alexey Egorov.

These people will diversify boring everyday life and bring a lot of positivity. They will help you get rid of boredom and distract you from routine worries.

Humorous projects

No matter how different Russian comedians may be, they all strive to convey their positivity and good mood to the listener. And it is not surprising that people unite with each other for the same purpose. Comedians have their own “habitats.” There is always a mood of celebration and fun there. Such “platforms” are:

  • “Comedy Club” is a place where different types of humor meet: satire, skits, monologues, songs.

  • “Our Russia” is a humorous series that brings together many talented comedians and actors into one picture.
  • "Comedy Battle" is a show for non-professional comedians. Organized as a comedy competition for Grand Prize- participation in the Comedy Club.
  • - a quiet and calm “place” where Russian comedians perform their monologues.
  • “HB-show” - a sketch by the duo of comedians Garik Kharlamov and Timur Batrutdinov

Russian comedians make fun of everyday situations, ordinary incidents from life in a subtle and intelligent form. The viewer does not need to adapt to anyone. A large number of comedians allows everyone to choose the appropriate option for themselves.

The truth has long been known: he who laughs a lot lives long. Who are these people who prolong our lives? Whose jokes make you laugh until you cry? Russian comedians (the ranking of the most popular names will be presented below) have become for each of us a real salvation from the drabness of everyday life.

We offer you the following categories:

  • Comedians of the new generation.
  • The richest comedians.
  • Veterans of humor.
  • Women who know how to make you laugh.
  • Shows and duets that make us happy.

Comedians of Russia - a new generation

Who makes the new generation laugh? Who do modern youth worship? What kind of people are these? We present to you only the most famous names:

  • Timur Batrutdinov is a comedian, resident of the Comedy Club. Timur tried to find his destiny on the show “The Bachelor,” but, unfortunately or fortunately, nothing worked out.
  • Ruslan Bely performs in the StandUp genre. This is a talent that came to humor from the military.
  • Mikhail Galustyan - KVN, actor, presenter.
  • Semyon Slepakov is a bard, comedian, member of the jury in the Comedy Battle show.
  • Vadim Galygin - Comedy Club, actor.
  • Ivan Urgant - comedian, TV presenter, actor.
  • Alexander Revva is a showman, actor, comedian, TV presenter and just a wonderful person.
  • Stas Starovoitov - StandUp.
  • Sergei Svetlakov is an actor, TV presenter, comedian, screenwriter, jury member on many comedy shows.
  • Andrey Shchelkov - KVN player, film actor, beat boxer.

The richest satirists and humorists in Russia

I wonder which of our artists comedy genre With her talent she managed not only to gain fame, but also to earn good money. So, a list of satirical humorists who made their capital from laughter:

Veterans of humor

The names of people who stood at the very origins of Russian humor and managed to retain fans to this day:

  • Mikhail Zadornov.
  • Evgeny Petrosyan.
  • Arkady Raikin.
  • Gennady Khazanov.
  • Yuri Stoyanov.
  • Alexander Tsekalo.
  • Efim Shifrin.
  • Lion Izmailov.
  • Mikhail Evdokimov.
  • Yury Nikulin.

Women who know how to make you laugh

If earlier among comedians female names met quite rarely, today the ladies said in full voice that they can joke as well as men. A list of women who really know how to make you laugh and understand what humor is is presented below.

So, comedians of Russia (surnames) - a list of female names:

  • Elena Borscheva - KVN girl, film roles, participant in the show "Comedy Woman".
  • Elena Vorobey is a parody.
  • Natalya Andreevna - KVN girl, participant in the show "Comedy Woman".
  • Ekaterina Varnava - "Comedy Woman", the recognized sex symbol of the show.
  • Klara Novikova - conversational genre.
  • Elena Stepanenko - conversational genre, wife of Yevgeny Petrosyan.
  • Ekaterina Skulkina - "Comedy Woman".
  • Rubtsova Valentina - actress, the main role series "SashaTanya".
  • Nadezhda Sysoeva is a participant in Comedy Vumen.

Shows and duets that make us happy

  • "Quartet I" has been bringing joy since 1993.
  • Comedy Club is a youth show that has existed since 2003.
  • "Comedy Woman" is the female answer to Comedy Club.
  • "Comedy Battle".
  • "New Russian grandmothers."
  • "false mirror".

Of course, these are not all Russian artists who give us a smile, lift our spirits and entertain us in the evenings. But these are the names that are most often heard and deserve respect. We hope their jokes will continue to be heard for many years to come!

As you know, laughter prolongs life, so every person needs to laugh as often as possible. Humorous programs, such as “Curve Mirror,” will help you with this. Humor has its roots far back in history, when kings and courtiers were amused by jesters, buffoons and various booths.

Today, humorous performances are popular all over the world, because thanks to them you can relax with your friends, forget about your daily worries, and laugh a lot at the same time. Each country has its own artists who make people laugh during various parodies and comic performances.

Every person probably has favorite jokes, remembering which a smile instantly appears on the face. Thus, your mood rises, just like when watching humorous TV shows, during which you will definitely be made to laugh by your favorite comedians, who have prepared a whole bunch of jokes and gags.
An experienced artist will be able to present the harsh reality of everyday life from a different comic side, while ridiculing politicians, actors and singers. But the jokes are always kind and positive.

After watching a comic program, a good mood and a positive outlook on life will haunt you throughout the day. Russian comedians are considered very popular and in demand, as their wit and sense of humor can be the envy of many foreign performers. Perhaps you are a fan of Russian artists, since they are the ones who tell jokes that we understand, at which we can laugh long and loud! On our website you will find a lot of interesting and uplifting humor that you will definitely like!
All humorous performances can be watched online from this resource for free! You don’t need to spend incredible amounts of money to go to a concert of your favorite comedian, since all concerts and programs can be watched at home with your family and friends, sitting comfortably on a soft and warm sofa.

Treat yourself and get a lot positive emotions while watching a funny and positive program. After all, as you know, laughter prolongs life, and life is beautiful! Live, laugh, smile and enjoy! The site administrators wish you a fun time and an excellent, positive mood! Enjoy life with our website, where new, positive and exciting TV shows and films are constantly appearing!

The performances of comedians have always attracted huge audiences. Because comedians are artists who bring laughter and relief to those who watch their comedy concerts. Today this is one of the most popular types of artistic activity among the audience. And it’s no wonder that it exists great amount a variety of humorous films, television shows, series, and simply recordings of comedians’ performances and their concerts. It is very convenient when they are collected in one place where you can watch them online, choosing from this set what you like best.