Which title is higher, People's Artist or Honored? Russian show business is seized by the fashion for high-profile state titles

The presence of the title “people’s” or “honored” in the announcement of a play, film or any other event after the name and surname of the artist always attracts many spectators to the show. And the point is not even in the loud and proud sound of such titles, but in the fact that artists of this rank always delight the viewer with a selfless performance that penetrates deep into the viewer’s soul, acting on him like a drug, forcing him to come to the performances of great artists again and again. People's Artists of Russia and the USSR– figures of theatre, music, cinema, pop and circus, whose talent and dedication were recognized and appreciated at the state level. This title was the highest honorary award for an artist.

Creativity and politics

As a rule, it takes an artist dozens of years of hard creative work to receive the title of “Honored Artist,” which is less honorable in the hierarchy of awards, but by no means detracts from the breadth of people’s love for the artist. Honored Artists of Russia and the USSR are representatives of the creative elite who have earned recognition from more than one generation of admirers.

During the existence of the USSR, an artist’s creative career consisted of three main steps: receiving the title of Honored Artist of one (or maybe several) of the fifteen republics. Then he was awarded the title of Honored Artist of the USSR and, only after that, there was a chance to climb to the highest level of the creative career pedestal - to receive the title of People's Artist of the USSR.

Unfortunately, the management machine in the Union was built in such a way that an artist who received one of the high ranks could be dethroned from the podium and sent into distant exile (a striking example is the fate of Marshal of Victory Georgy Zhukov’s favorite and friend Lidia Ruslanova) from which , often did not return. There have been cases when creators were specifically “squeezed” and, under all sorts of pretexts, leaders withdrew their candidacy from nomination for honorary titles. So, by some inexplicable and absurd accident, the favorite of both adults and children, the performer of the unforgettable roles of Tortilla Turtle and Mrs. Hudson, Rina Zelenaya, was awarded the title of People's Artist of the USSR on the day of her death. On April 1, 1991, a decree was issued to confer the title, and a few hours later the artist died. And the Diva of the Soviet stage, Alla Pugacheva, literally jumped into the closing door, having managed to become a People's Artist of the USSR in 1991. Many, whose popularity surpassed all, although non-existent at that moment, ratings, were completely left without the titles of Honored or People's Artist of the USSR. These were the actor Andrei Mironov, who was prevented from receiving the title by his early death, and Vladimir Vysotsky, who, according to the unanimous opinion of the country's leaders, lacked patriotism.

Now times are not the same, and government bodies are unlikely to refuse to receive the title of Honored Artist of Russia, which is awarded by decrees of the President of the Russian Federation, if a reasonable request has been submitted to them.

The title of People's Artist of Russia is awarded annually by presidential decree on the eve of Cultural Worker Day. As a rule, the title of “People’s” Artist can be obtained no earlier than after 10 years of holding the title of “Honored” Artist of Russia. For ballet dancers, this period is half as long. For obvious reasons, the life of a ballet dancer is short and titles come to them earlier than to theater, circus, pop or film artists.

People's Artists of Russia

We present to your attention a list of People's Artists of Russia:

  • Alentova Vera Valentinovna (1992)– leading role in the cult, Oscar-winning film “Moscow Doesn’t Believe in Tears.”
  • Kamburova Elena Antonovna (1995)– actress and singer, in whose voice many heroes of fairy tales and films for children sang. The musical prelude of the TV magazine “Yeralash” is performed by her.
  • Leontyev Valery Yakovlevich (1996)– singer, actor, winner of many domestic and foreign music awards.
  • Makovetsky Sergey Vasilievich (1998)- an actor who received an award from the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the Moscow Patriarchate - the Order of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker.
  • Kadysheva Nadezhda Nikitichna (1999)- performer of songs in folk style.
  • Druzhinina Svetlana Sergeevna (2001)– actress, director of the popular “Midshipmen, Forward!” Her role as the beautiful Anfisa from the film “Girls” became the hallmark of the film.
  • Zakharova Alexandra Markovna (2001)– the criticism that constantly rained down on her from the lips of the director’s father did not break her and allowed her to achieve high recognition.
  • Pevtsov Dmitry Vladimirovich (2001)– theater and film actor, actively participating in musicals, has excellent vocals.
  • Tsiskaridze Nikolai Maksimovich (2001)– former soloist of the Bolshoi Theater ballet. Nowadays he is a teacher.
  • Liepa Ilze Marisovna (2002)– former prima ballerina of the Bolshoi Theater, successor of a famous ballet family. Now Ilse is actively trying herself as a dramatic actress.
  • Shakhnazarov Karen Georgievich (2002)– director, general director of the Mosfilm association.
  • Bezrukov Sergey Vitalievich (2008)– perhaps the most recognizable and popular Russian actor.
  • Netrebko Anna Yurievna (2008)- Russian soprano. Currently lives in Austria.

Honored Artists of Russia

No less popular are the Honored Artists of Russia, many of whom will soon certainly receive the title of “national”:

  • Vdovichenkov Vladimir Vladimirovich.
  • Mazaev Sergey Vladimirovich (2010)– singer, head of his own record company.
  • Epple Zhanna Vladimirovna (2010)- film actress and Moscow Drama Theater named after. Stanislavsky.
  • Drobysh Viktor Yakovlevich (2010)– composer, music producer.
  • Mikhailov Stanislav Vladimirovich (2010)– singer, lover of all women.
  • Guseva Ekaterina Konstantinovna (2009)- a singing actress who sang at the North Pole in 2002.
  • Smekhova Alika Veniaminovna (2008)- actress, daughter of the main Athos of the country.
  • Shukshina Maria Vasilievna (2008)– the daughter of famous actors was simply doomed to a successful acting career.

People's Artists of the USSR

Today, many more creators who also have the title of People’s Artists of the USSR perform on the theater, film and pop stages:

  • Pugacheva Alla Borisovna (1991)- just a prima donna.
  • Inna Mikhailovna Churikova (1991)- for her first role as the mischievous Marfushka in the fairy tale “Morozko” she received a prize from the leader of what was then Czechoslovakia.
  • Mark Anatolyevich Zakharov (1991)– theater and film director, teacher, professor.
  • Yuri Abramovich Bashmet (1991)– violist, conductor, teacher.
  • Galina Borisovna Volchek (1989)– artistic director of the Sovremennik Theater, director.
  • Edita Stanislavovna Piekha (1988)- the most sophisticated singer of the Soviet stage. She owes her style and unusual manner of performance to her French-Polish roots.
  • Sofia Mikhailovna Rotaru (1988)- singer, popular favorite.

Honored Artists of the USSR

Many representatives of the creative environment, having the title of People's Artists of Russia, graduated from the era of the Soviet Union with the Title of Honored Artists of the USSR:

  • Serov Alexander Nikolaevich (1991)- Soviet, Russian pop singer.
  • Hvorostovsky Dmitry Alexandrovich (1990)- Russian baritone, after whom one of the asteroids is named.
  • Sanaeva Elena Vsevolodovna (1990)– Fox Alice of Soviet cinema.
  • Dogileva Tatyana Anatolyevna (1989)- the most famous blonde of Soviet cinema.
    Buldakov Alexey Ivanovich (1989)- Honored General of Russian Cinema.
  • Vinokur Vladimir Natanovich (1984)- master of parodies. In his real life there were no less happy accidents and comical incidents than in his stage images.

Famous theater, film, and pop figures can become People's and Honored Artists of Russia. What are the features of the corresponding honorary statuses?

Why is the title “People's Artist” awarded?

Rank people's artist can be awarded to cultural figures in such fields as cinema, television, ballet, music, theater, circus. A person can be a performer (for example, in the status of an artist or dancer) or occupy some responsible position (for example, be a director, choreographer, conductor, choirmaster, playwright).

The title "People's Artist" is included in the system of state awards of Russia. The grounds for its assignment may be:

  • creating outstanding musical works, concert programs, highly artistic images, films, theatrical productions, or making a significant contribution to their public display through personal performance of roles;
  • significant personal contribution to the development of domestic art, artistic culture, education of new generations of creative people;
  • the presence of merits recognized by the public, as well as representatives of the professional community, experts, critics.

The title of People's Artist is awarded to a person who has outstanding achievements in the field of art by decree of the President of the Russian Federation. Usually the corresponding normative act is timed to coincide with Cultural Worker's Day - that is, March 25.

In order to receive the title of People's Artist, a person, as a rule, must have work experience in the field of art, which is at least 10 years after being awarded another Russian honorary title - Honored Artist. Let's consider what are the conditions for receiving it by artists.

Why is the title “Honored Artist” awarded?

Rank Honored Artist, like the status of People's Artist, is assigned to representatives of the same fields of art and professional roles. Likewise, it is included in the system of Russian state awards.

The grounds for conferring the title of Honored Artist are as follows:

  1. the presence of a representative of the field of art of personal merit in the creation of films, theatrical productions, highly artistic images, concert programs, musical works that are highly appreciated by the public and recognized by representatives of the professional community, experts, critics;
  2. personal participation of a representative of the art sphere in the preservation and development of artistic schools (primarily national ones), in the development of classical images of Russian culture;
  3. active participation of a representative of the arts sector in socially significant cultural events - concerts and various performances that are aimed at educating young people, popularizing the national culture of the Russian Federation abroad, and are associated with charitable activities;
  4. active participation of a representative of the arts sector in concert activities, organizing theatrical productions, creating various cultural programs, which, again, received public recognition, and also allowed Russian artists to adequately represent their country abroad at various festivals.

The title of Honored Artist, as a rule, is awarded provided that the person’s total work experience in the field of art is at least 20 years from the date of commencement of activity in the field of culture and creativity. But ballet dancers have the right to apply for the appropriate award 10 years after the start of their creative work. The title of Honored Artist is awarded to a person provided that he has industry awards from government departments.

As in the case of the title of People's Artist, the status of an Honored Cultural Worker is acquired by a person after the corresponding decree is issued by the President of the Russian Federation - on the basis of documents from the Commission on State Awards.


The main difference between a People's Artist and an Honored Artist is that the former receives his title if he has significantly more experience in the field of art, and also, as a rule, on the condition that he already has the title of Honored Artist. Which can be acquired by a theater, film or pop figure in 10 or 20 years (in the first case, the title in question can be received by ballet dancers, in the second - by figures from other fields of art if both have departmental awards).

The title of Honored Artist, therefore, precedes the receipt of the status of People's Artist - a person can receive the second status 10 years after the first award is awarded.

Both state awards share generally similar award criteria, as well as the fact that both titles are awarded by decree of the President of the Russian Federation.

Having determined what the difference is between a national and an honored artist, we will record the conclusions in a small table.


National artist Honored Artist
What do they have in common?
Similar assignment criteria
The condition for receiving the title of People's Artist is having the status of Honored Artist
Both titles are included in the system of state awards
Both titles are awarded by decree of the President of Russia
What is the difference between them?
It assumes a longer work experience of a person in the field of art - as a rule, in general it should be at least 30 years (20 years for ballet dancers) if the applicant has industry awards from government departmentsAssumes a shorter period of experience in the field of art - at least 20 years (10 years for ballet dancers) if the applicant for the corresponding title has industry awards

As in any other activity, the merits of cultural workers have always been recognized with state awards. What did they get them for? For his contribution to the development of culture and personal investment in the development of art. What is higher - Honored Artist or People's Artist? Let's figure it out.

Who can apply for state-level awards?

People often ask the question: "What is higher - People's Artist of Russia or Honored Artist of Russia?" But in order to answer it, you first need to understand who can claim this title. First of all, of course, these are the people who can be seen on cinema screens. These are actors. They are more likely than others to receive government incentives. But no film can be made without those who remain behind the scenes. Directors, screenwriters, playwrights are those people who make a significant contribution to the development of cinema. And they also often receive state awards. The work of artists who do not act in films, but often appear on television, is also noted. These are singers and TV show hosts. The state also supports various other areas of culture. For example, circus, theater and philharmonic societies. People who work for many years to create spectacular programs, be it a circus performance or opera concerts, can rightfully be awarded state privileges.

What can you get an arts award for?

Before you understand what is higher - an Honored Artist or a People's Artist, you need to decide why you reward people in general.

  • First of all, of course, for the creation of cult programs and films. It takes more than one year to stage such creative projects. But they become part of the life of the people. Cult films are broadcast annually on television, and theatrical performances are staged in theaters across the country.
  • State awards reward people who, thanks to their talent and personal charisma, have enriched a particular role. And these will not always be those who act as the main characters. Sometimes state awards are given to supporting actors who did an excellent job and were able to outshine everyone else with their acting skills.
  • An honorary title can be received for a breakthrough in any field of art. How to make this breakthrough? Come up with a program for training actors, write an unexpected twist in the script that has never been used before. In general, to make an innovation that will enrich the culture of the country.
  • Teaching is a noble profession. And sometimes creative individuals who have trained more than one generation of magnificent actors, musicians, conductors, etc., become winners of state awards.

Honored Artist

Thanks to their talent and charisma, some people become public favorites. To understand what is higher - Honored Artist or People's Artist, you need to analyze these titles separately, and then compare them. During his life, a cultural figure receives many awards. First, he is awarded city, then regional, and only then state insignia. A person who applies for the title of Honored Artist must have worked in culture for at least 20 years. Moreover, during this time he must go through all stages of development, from the very bottom, to the top of his career, and, accordingly, to glory. After all, not everyone becomes an honored artist, but only those people who not only work in culture, but also enrich it through their talent and hard work. Sometimes they have to live by work, and therefore at work. This hard work is appreciated by the government. The award is most often timed to coincide with March 25 - Cultural Worker's Day.

National artist

After a person makes his contribution to the development of art, the government awards him the first title. An honored artist is a figure who, through his creative work, has contributed to the advancement of his chosen field for 30 years. If this person does not lose his potential and does not stop there, the next government award awaits him. A cultural figure becomes a people's artist. But only those who have dedicated 20 years of their life to their profession can receive this title. The only exceptions are ballet dancers. After all, as you know, ballerinas are already considered pensioners at the age of 30. Therefore, as an exception, they are awarded the title of People's Artist for 20 years of outstanding creative activity. Like all other state awards, the order for the appointment of a new title is drawn up by the government and signed by the president. Therefore, answering the question of what is higher - Honored Artist or People's Artist, we can safely say that People's Artist. After all, to achieve this honorable award, you need to devote most of your life to the service of art.


We have already understood which title is higher - People's Artist or Honored Artist. Now we need to summarize and systematize the information.

  • Both titles are state titles, appointed by the government.
  • The status of "People's Artist" is awarded to a person for 30 years of service to art. But to become an honored artist, you need to work in culture for at least 20 years. The only exceptions are ballerinas.
  • What is the difference between a People's Artist and an Honored Artist? In the sequence of obtaining ranks. It is impossible to become a People's Artist if there is no award of an Honored Artist in the arsenal of achievements.

What title do cultural figures value?

The reader has already understood what is higher - People's Artist or Honored Artist. But how do cultural figures themselves feel about these titles? Naturally, both government awards are important to people.

But in culture, as well as in the military industry, the bad soldier is the one who does not dream of becoming a general. Therefore, artists who have already achieved the title of Honored Artists try not to lose face and work hard to receive the coveted award. Honored Artist is not just a title, it is something more. Recognition, people's love and reaching the pinnacle of one's career - this is what the decree and the badge that comes with it mean for an artist. Therefore, without a doubt, every person who works in the field of culture and wants to achieve something in this life hopes at the end of his brilliant career to have the honorary title of People's Artist.

Not all actors, singers and musicians receive the title of Honored Artist. To become one, you need to go through a long thorny path, where you will encounter troubles, obstacles, and there will be people who would not mind putting a spoke in a talented person’s wheels, even if he is their friend and colleague. But there is no need to give up, you need to work long and hard. And then reward and recognition will find you themselves.

Who is entitled to the title?

Honorary status is assigned to persons working in the fields of cinema, pop, theater, ballet, workers in the music and circus fields, as well as radio and television workers, and so on. A person applying for the title of "Honored Artist" must have worked for 20 years or more and achieved public recognition.

How is it possible to receive a state award?

In 2010, a special decree was issued by the President of the Russian Federation stating that this high title is awarded to a worker only when he has worked in the field of art for more than 20 years. But that's not all. A candidate for the title must have any awards or incentives (diplomas, certificates, grants) issued by federal bodies or government bodies of constituent entities of the Russian Federation. This means that the future Honored Artist of theatre, cinema, etc. will receive the title due to him only upon reaching the age of 38, provided that the person began working in various creative groups at the age of 18.

Of course, simply working for 20 years in cinema or theater to obtain the status of an Honored Artist is not enough. You need to make a big contribution to art or its development, for example, make a film that becomes popular, successfully perform in many performances, achieve fame and recognition of your name. If the future honored artist meets all of the above requirements, you can safely apply for the title. But before you write an appeal, you need to draw up a petition for an award. This is usually done by the director or head of the institution where the talented employee works, or his team. In other words, at the person’s place of permanent work. If for some reason the future honored artist does not work anywhere, then the petition is drawn up in the place where he was active in the field of arts.

How is an honored artist different from a folk one? Which title is preferable?

It is more difficult to become a People's Artist than an Honored Artist. This does not mean that getting second status is easy. You need to work hard. To receive the title “Honored Artist of Russia”, you need to work for the benefit of art for at least 20 years. For those who have chosen ballet as their specialty, this period is reduced to 10 years. But to become a People's Artist, you need to work for another 10 years after receiving the title of Honored Artist. For those who practice ballet dancing, the time is again reduced to 5 years.

To summarize, we can say that when asked which title is better - Honored or People's Artist, we can confidently answer that it is better to be second. However, you cannot become one until you have received the status of the first.

Special privileges in the USSR

Of course, this is not the only difference in titles. A People's Artist is now entitled to more privileges and awards than a deserved one. If during the Soviet era, when the latter went on tour, he was entitled to a place in a compartment and a shabby hotel room, then the former was given more honors. The carriage stood out no less than a sleeping one, and the place where the actor was located was luxurious. In addition, people's artists received and receive a good increase in salary, vouchers to a sanatorium, and previously, when going to and leaving a performance, an artist was given a car that would take him there and back. Now this privilege, unfortunately, has been cancelled.

Honored Artists of Russia

Singer Leonid Agutin was included in the honorary list of recognized artists. He is the son of a musician and teacher, followed in his father’s footsteps and already studied at a music school at the age of six. Then he graduated from the Moscow jazz school, served in the army, and then seriously took up his career as a singer and musician. His award found its recipient in 2008.

Singer Tatyana Bulanova also has this status. Although her relatives are not at all connected with music, like Leonid Agutin’s (Tatiana’s father graduated from the Naval Academy, and her mother was a photographer), the girl discovered a love for music from childhood. And although the singer received it, she still decided to show off her talent on stage. The beginning of her career, or debut, took place in 1990, and 14 years later she received the title “Honored Artist”.

Mark of distinction

The awarded person will receive not only a certificate but also a special badge. It is made of silver and has a very beautiful and unusual shape. The award looks like an oval wreath, which is obtained using two crossed tree branches - oak and laurel. There is a beautiful bow at the bottom of the award, and the state emblem at the top. In the center, right on the wreath, there is an inscription that reads: “Honored Artist.” There is a pin on the back of the badge so that it can be attached to a jacket. Traditionally, this is done on the right side of the chest.

Summing up

This award, which was carefully reviewed in the article, is difficult to obtain, but possible. You just need to remember that not a single achievement will be achieved unless you make titanic efforts and devote yourself entirely to achieving your cherished goal. It’s not for nothing that they say that dreams come true. Only a strong desire is enough. And then the title will not be just a name.