Slavic amulets and theirs. History of Slavic amulets and their meaning

Slavic amulets are ready to tell us a lot of interesting things about how our ancestors perceived their existence. The Slavs worshiped the inexorable power and strength of nature, fearing the destructive influence of dark forces. To protect against the influence of entities from the dark side, special amulets were created that also protected against the evil eye, envy and malevolent energy messages of a magical nature.

"Belobog and Chernobog" canvas by artist Vsevolod Ivanov. The Slavs revered both deities equally.

The meaning of some Russian folk amulets has been lost over time, but most of them have come to us in the form in which our ancestors used them. This rich heritage of Slavic symbolism allows us not only to satisfy curiosity, but also to better understand our ancestors, finding a connection with them through the depths of centuries.

History of Slavic amulets and their meaning

The meaning of Slavic symbols cannot be reduced to one thing. Some of the signs combine others or personify the entire Slavic people and the knowledge they have accumulated. However, each of the ancient symbols has its own interpretation.

Some of the symbols are worn only by men, others are intended for women, and there are also universal ones. It is important to take into account not only this feature, but also the age of the person who will use them. For example, or other warlike gods should not be worn by children. And some women's talismans, such as Makosh, are not very suitable for young, inexperienced girls.

“Perun’s Arrival to Earth”, artist Vsevolod Ivanov. Our forefathers believed that one could receive the patronage of the god of thunder and thunder by using one of his symbols as a talisman.

The history of Slavic amulets is multifaceted and interesting; it is very closely intertwined with the culture of our ancestors. The pagan cult that flourished in those days led to the appearance of symbols dedicated to certain deities and even holidays. Solar talismans, most often worn as body jewelry, were considered the most popular.

Amulets were not always decorations - protective signs were also applied to household items and even to livestock.

What were amulets made of in Rus'?

One of the most common questions related to ancient Russian amulets is the material for their manufacture.

Used to create:

  • various metals (gold, silver, copper or bronze);
  • wood;
  • bones and teeth of animals or their horns;
  • clay;
  • threads (linen, cotton and even silk);

The choice of material is important, but not of paramount importance. Some people deceptively believe that Slavic amulets made of gold have greater magical potential than a similar item made from simple raw materials. It's a delusion. The correct selection of a talisman, its activation and faith in success will bring a much more fruitful result than an emphasis on demonstrating status.

When choosing the type of wood for making a talisman, the gender of the person for whom it was intended was taken into account.

In the old days there was not such an abundance of materials as there is now. The Slavs made objects with protective properties from what was at hand. This may be considered a disadvantage, but such limitations also brought some benefits.

The most common raw material was silver. Silver amulets are universal - this metal rarely causes rejection on a physical or energetic level. In addition, according to Slavic beliefs, silver scared away evil spirits. This is what contributed to the spread of protective objects made from this metal in ancient times.

We often came across talismans made of copper, but this metal is considered to be feminine. As for Slavic amulets made of wood, the choice of the type depended on who it was intended for. Like ancient symbols, the Slavs similarly divided all trees into female and male. The type of tree was chosen based on this.

The purpose of the amulet should also be taken into account. The material for the individual talisman was selected taking into account gender. And family ones could also be made from wood with a masculine character. Protective signs found in everyday life or on clothing were very often made from threads. The needle was not approved in this case - it could “pierce” the protective field. Sometimes a needlewoman could not do without such a tool, but she was not allowed to leave the needle in the embroidery during the process or when it was interrupted.

The craftswoman making the thread talisman must be in good health and good spirits. She must not be distracted from work so as not to interfere with her concentration, otherwise she will not be able to put her energy into the amulet, thereby charging it.

Amulets for men and women

Slavic amulets were rarely universal, which once again confirms the need to follow the main rule - to approach the choice of amulets seriously. Most often they were classified as male or female and were used only by a representative of a certain gender.

However, the meaning of amulets among the Slavs tended to change. The essence of the ancient sign did not change completely, but it could exhibit new properties. This mainly happened when women wore male signs. Some life situations may require representatives of the fairer sex to have masculine strength that is not typical for them. In this case, amulets helped to withstand the trials of fate and protect one’s family if there was no man nearby capable of fulfilling this mission.

But men practically did not use women's amulets. This is due to the fact that most of them are aimed at developing femininity, helping in family matters and motherhood. While men needed to gain strength, courage, determination and negotiation skills.

Traditionally masculine signs include:

  • Shield of Perun;
  • Hammer of Svarog;
  • Doukhobor;
  • Vseslavets.

Listed above are only the most common types of ancient Russian amulets for men. In Slavic culture, a man was the head of the family, a protector - it is precisely towards the successful performance of these functions that the action of most male symbols is aimed. In addition, such amulets can make a man physically stronger.

Women's Slavic amulets are aimed at preserving the family hearth. They help maintain youth and beauty, bear a baby, protect family members from evil people and dark forces.

Another traditional protector of the house is considered to be the Slavic symbol Alatyr. Applied to household items, this sign acted as a shield, protecting the house from negative energy, helping residents gain wisdom.

Various types of amulets among the Slavs

The amulets and amulets of ancient Rus' were used to achieve several purposes. The Slavs greatly revered their family. They tried in every possible way to help and protect other family members. This was expressed not only in actions, but also in the making of special protective items for sisters, brothers, daughters, sons, wives or husbands.

There was also another type of Slavic amulets - protective. Such objects were designed to protect against visible evil in the person of unfriendly neighbors and various entities that took the side of Chernobog - merman, mermaids, ghouls and other evil spirits.

A variety of materials were used to create such protective artifacts. There are also plenty of forms that they can take:

  • body jewelry;
  • knots on clothes and jewelry or as the latter (nauz);
  • amulets dolls;
  • tattoos;
  • embroidery on interior items, clothing and hats;
  • tableware painting;
  • herbal collections hung in bunches in the home;
  • depiction of ancient symbols on houses;

Below we will look at the main ones.

Another popular type of Slavic amulets sciences. Slavic women were famous not only for their love of weaving braids, but also knots. This special magic required special skills. The knots had to be braided strictly in a certain order. These ancient Russian amulets symbolized different things. Some were for good luck, others for the evil eye, and others for attracting love.

Weaving nauzs is one of the techniques of Slavic magic. Our forefathers believed that woven knots could help in various aspects of life.

A doll is considered one of the classic Slavic home amulets that help protect the family and everyone living in it. Our ancestors believed that unclean spirits could inhabit the faces of dolls - that is why all rag dolls made as talismans and amulets do not have faces. They can be individual or general in nature.

Newborns and their mothers were given a Nurse doll. Children also received the Kuvadok doll amulet as their first toy. They made several of them, always an odd number, and then hooked them over the cradle. There was also a doll to protect against diseases - the Fever doll, as well as one that helped someone who was already sick to recover - . For married couples, a doll amulet was made to help protect personal happiness.

Lovebirds dolls are a family amulet.

Slavic tattoo amulets and their meaning

Quite little is known about Russian amulets worn directly on the skin. The only fact that remains certain is that a common motif played out in the tattoos of our forefathers was the scene of victory in the battle between the thunderer Perun and the Serpent.

Nowadays, almost everything that is in any way connected with the ancient Slavs is used - images of gods or all sorts of mythical creatures, battle scenes, solar symbols and even Slavic runes. The meaning of tattoos often even remains a mystery to its wearer, which should under no circumstances be allowed if you do not want to ruin your life by improperly interfering with fate.

Body jewelry

Slavic jewelry with amulets were and remain the most convenient way to wear a talisman. Jewelry, unlike tattoos, can be removed or replaced without any problems if there is a need to interact with another symbol. It is also easy to clean and recharge. Especially if it is made of metal.

Most often, the Slavs made amulets in the form of a pendant. This method was considered equally suitable for men and women. The latter preferred a lighter material - wood, while men usually chose metal. Such an amulet was not easy to lose or spoil in battle.

Less common, but still in demand, were bracelets and rings. It was difficult to apply Slavic signs on small, elegant women's rings. They were only suitable for applying runic symbols. Therefore, rings were often worn by male representatives.

Runic symbols

Many Old Slavic amulets, in addition to sacred symbols, bore the image of runic symbols. It would be wrong to consider Slavic runes as a common alphabet, despite the fact that they were often used to write the names of Slavic gods. These signs carried a special meaning that can be interpreted both individually and together, combining runes into words or entire spells from words.

Almost every rune, like other Slavic symbols, had a double meaning - it depended on the position of the sign, upright or inverted.

A fairly common use of Slavic runic symbols was the application of signs on weapons as a talisman, as well as their similar use in embroidery.

Embroidery as a talisman

Previously, needlework was one of the few entertainments available to women. Based on this, the amulets of the Slavs were embodied in embroidery. In those days, people wore clothes made of simple, natural fabrics, so decorating with embroidery was easier to do than with modern materials.

Embroidery on Slavic clothing was not purely decorative. Usually there was a secret meaning hidden in the patterns. This could be a wish for happiness and health, an appeal to the gods with a request for protection, or protective spells against everything evil. Some household items were also decorated with special embroidery - pillows and blankets, towels and small decorative pillows, and even entire paintings, which were then framed and hung on the wall.

Slavic amulets in the form of embroidery are still popular in our time, giving the outfits of modern fashionistas a special charm.

How to choose and wear an ancient Slavic amulet

The pagan amulets of the ancient Slavs require attention in everything. It was important not only to manufacture and select them correctly, but also to charge them. In choosing symbols, our ancestors relied on several factors. They took into account the time of a person’s birth - that is, they selected the amulet according to the patron god.

Not everyone knows that the Slavs also had a special Slavic calendar - the Kolyada Gift and even their own zodiac - the Svarog Circle. It contains 16 halls-signs. The principle of such a zodiac is the same as that of the one we are accustomed to; there is even an opinion that it was borrowed from the ancient Slavs, and the number of constellations was reduced to twelve.

The status and age of the person who requires the support of higher powers was also important. After all, some of the Slavic symbols are universal and can be used by everyone, while others were intended for a specific gender. All this has already been said above.

The primary, decisive factor when choosing a talisman is spiritual kinship with it. Many people wonder whether it is possible to wear a symbol that they like without studying its features. No, you shouldn't do this. Ancient signs are imbued with the energy of many generations and have a powerful influence on human life. Without understanding, this action may not be the desired one.

It happens that a certain sign exudes a certain magnetism and seems to be asking to be picked up. Even so, it is a good idea to study the meaning of the symbol and reflect on how its use will affect your life.

To understand which Slavic symbol to wear, determine what you are missing and choose a suitable amulet that can attract it. Or think about what or who can harm you, in which case choose a suitable protective amulet.

You should also take care to activate the amulet. Traditionally, one of the four natural elements is used for these purposes. Sometimes it is possible to combine them, and in some cases it is impossible to do without it. More information about this procedure can be found on our website from articles about a specific amulet.

By choosing the right Slavic amulet, you will attract harmony and good luck into your life, become healthier and happier, and be able to move to a new stage of spiritual development.

“Keeps the amulet from the evil eye, keeping out evil forces. A man became related to him, not parting until the grave. Keeps within itself the warmth of hearts and the memory of the Old Testament..."

The amulets of our ancestors contain a deep sacred meaning. Behind them is the strength, the power of the Family, a close connection with nature, which was the shrine of the ancestors. All talismans had a strong protective effect. They were taken with them on the road, used in everyday life and protected their lives, homes and families. How can Slavic amulets and their meaning help us, our contemporaries?

Our great-grandfathers perceived the world around us completely differently. Paganism was based on respect and worship of nature and fear of its strength and power. To protect themselves from various misfortunes, negative influences and falling under low vibrations, the Slavs came up with protective symbols.

Modern Slavic amulets look exactly the same as their ancestors. The basis is taken from photographs of amulets found during archaeological excavations. Therefore, modern pagan talismans have the same strength and power.

They will also protect their owners from attacks by evil spirits, dangers, black eyes and injustice. In return, bringing good luck, prosperity and fortune in all matters and endeavors. To choose a pagan protective sign, first of all, listen to your own feelings - look at the photos of talismans, listen to yourself. And you will immediately feel which of the amulets is “yours”.

The ancient Slavs divided symbols into female and male.

Protection of Slavic beauties

Women were supposed to wear more amulets - after all, they were the bearers and guardians of the Family. In every Russian family, the eldest woman was responsible for making magical talismans. She did them in complete solitude and silence. In the process of creating a sacred thing, all thoughts must be pure and thoughts clear.

Ancient Slavic symbols were used as the basis for the magical item. They were applied to robes in the form of embroidery, household items and, of course, protective jewelry.

A powerful sacred sign that brought health and female happiness to the Slavic woman. Its significance included the protection of pregnant women and safe childbirth. It was believed that through the baby he received a strong generic beginning. These amulets are symbols of life, fertility and prosperity.

Slavic men could also use such a sign, but initially it was considered a female symbol. Yarilo protected love, revived feelings and did not allow married couples to break up. The Rusinka, through this talisman, influenced harmony and prosperity in the house, and protected her Family.


Lada is the goddess of youth, beauty, health and love. Protective symbols protected the house from all misfortune and evil. These amulets were intended for young girls who dreamed of family happiness.


One of the strongest sacred signs. In its meaning, the Slavic people laid down power over time and the course of life. This talisman could also be worn by men, but in legends such a sign was always considered as a female one. For a young girl, he gave powerful protection to the entire Family.

A protective talisman for mature, family women. Those who sacredly honor the traditions of the Family and carry warmth and kindness within themselves. The Great Makosh takes under her protection the family, the Slavic way of life, the family hearth and all family members. Abundance and happiness go hand in hand with Mokosh.


In ancient legends, this name was given to a sacred herb with magical powers. Such symbols protected against the attacks of demonic spells. And Mother Earth herself gave birth to this grass. Charms meaning Odolen-grass protected Rusyn women and their families from ill health and illness.

Wedding party

The newlyweds' talisman, which was given to the young bride. With his help, the young wife protected family values ​​and maintained harmony and prosperity in the house. protected the newlyweds from the accidental evil eye during the wedding feast and attracted favorable energies.


The strongest amulet that was given to the Slavs by their patron - the God of the Family. Thanks to him, Slavic women carried the baby safely and were relieved of their burden. These talismans also protected the newborn from the evil eye. They wore this sign throughout their lives.

Woman in labor

Sacred symbols with Rozhanitsa (goddess of fate) were intended for women dreaming of children. The symbol was also suitable for pregnant women, for whom these amulets had a special meaning: they protected newborns and helped the mother prepare for childbirth.

Any women's Slavic amulets are a source of colossal strength, carrying goodness and care for others. Those who have a warm, open and sincere soul will only enhance the power of protective talismans.

Amulets of Slavic men

Men's protective symbols primarily contributed to success in military affairs, helped in everyday life and protected during the hunt. Amulets for Slavic men were simpler than for women and were mainly worn as embroidery on shirts, bracelets, body plaques and clasps (brooches).

The most powerful talisman was the one made by the hands of the wife. Many Slavic women wove bracelets from their hair for their husbands - such amulets protected men on military campaigns and in everyday life. The claws and fangs of wild animals hunted had strong magical significance.

Seal of Veles

Every man who wore the sign of Veles, one of the most important Slavic Gods, fell under his protection. The amulets depicted the paw of the divine Beast (bear, cow or wolf), which protected the Rus throughout his life. Any business was protected from risk and misfortune.


Symbols with fire protection, protecting against disagreements and quarrels. This talisman preserved peaceful relations between the Clans, took in flows of invisible powerful forces and transformed them for the benefit of the owner. He helped in all endeavors and saved Slavic homes from fires, preserving all property.


Amulets for those who accept their life as the highest good and invest a lot of effort to become more perfect. This is a sign of inner human fire, its basis, essence. Doukhobor helps to cleanse yourself physically and become stronger spiritually. He protected men from illness, disease and fatigue.

An amulet of strong warriors defending their Family and home from invaders and infidels. This talisman belonged to the cult of the God of thunder and lightning, the angry heavens, who helped protect traditions and family values.

Male Slavs sacredly preserved their ancestral memory. They were transformers, masters of events and changes. All their amulets were passed down through their sons. After all, the power of the Family came from the knowledge and strength accumulated over generations.

Protective dolls

In addition to sacred symbols, amulets in the form of dolls were widespread in Rus'. Slavic protective dolls were designed to protect families and homes from diseases, all kinds of misfortunes and evil spirits.

Each doll was preparing for a specific event. It was spun from scraps of fabric and thread. No scissors or needles were used. When the protective doll was born, it was only necessary to be in a good mood, otherwise the talisman would become pessimistic and harm its owners.

On the day it was made, the house was cleaned, Slavic women dressed in elegant clothes and performed the sacrament in complete silence, putting a piece of their own soul into each work. The doll was not depicted with a face; it was believed that an evil spirit could penetrate into it through the eyes. The symbols and meaning of the dolls varied.

A protective talisman that a mother twisted for her pregnant daughter. It was a symbol of prosperity, fertility and health. When a baby was born, the Nurse was placed in his cradle. Then the mother’s milk did not decrease, and the baby grew healthy and strong.

Or the herbal pot. An amulet of health, which was intended for someone who was ill. It was filled with medicinal, aromatic herbs (thyme, dill, oregano, lemon balm, mint, geranium). The finished dolls were placed at the head of the sick person’s bed in a warm place. The herbal smell killed germs, purified the air and gave strength for recovery.


Cross dolls were made for Trinity. They carried the symbol of Trinity Semik - the unity of a birch, a cross and a girl. The talisman was decorated with girlish ribbons, and the cross was made from birch branches. The cross with honor occupied the most prominent place in the house.


The meaning of this doll was intended to protect babies. It was made from colored, bright rags. The amulet was hung over the cradle. Kuvadka was the first toy the little one saw. Several Kuvadok dolls were spun. Their number was necessarily odd. It was a strong talisman for the little Rusyn.

Pokosnitsa dolls were made for haymaking. They were always bright and elegant. After all, mowing has always been a holiday for our ancestors. The Slavs went to mow only in festive, light attire. The talisman's hands were wrapped with red thread to enhance protective qualities. The pokosnitsa was supposed to protect workers from wounds and cuts.


Its meaning is to call upon the future harvest. This amulet was twisted after the grain had been collected. And such dolls should have stood in the Red Corner along with the icons. It was believed that Zernovushki would bring a rich harvest the following year. It was also made for young girls dreaming of children.

Family amulets. Symbols that protect happiness among loved ones. These dolls were given to newlyweds at a wedding. Lovebirds symbolized the union of the bride and groom. The tassels that the talismans had meant the imminent appearance of the first child. When the second and third baby was born, tassels were added. Lovebird dolls have always been red - to enhance protective power.


Such talismans were played by the whole family early in the morning on Sylvester's day. They were rolled up from multi-colored scraps, which were tied with red thread. Each thread symbolized a person’s illness and deficiency and bore its own name: Dremleya, Lenea, Decrepit, Aveya, Glyadeya, Agneya, Gluheya, Ledeya, Shaking, Windy, Nemea and Yellow. There were 12 of them in total. Then the dolls were hung above the door. According to the Slavs, it was on this day that evil fevers flew into the house, and when they saw the amulets, they immediately flew away.

Doll amulets were sacredly kept from outsiders and passed on to female heirs. Their powerful properties have survived into our modern days. These cute protective dolls will protect you, your home and family from dark spells, evil glances, gossip, illnesses and misfortunes.

The operating principle of Slavic amulets in the video:

AGNI - (FIRE) Symbol of Fire, altar and hearth; amulet symbol of the Highest Light Gods, Protecting homes, temples and the ancient Wisdom of the Gods. Also, this is a Slavic religious symbol of the god Agni; era of Aries – 2,000 BC – beginning of our era; Agni was sacrificed to the coming era of Pisces - the “victorious” Judaism, Christianity and Islam, therefore, in their war against the traditional Slavs, the symbol of Agni is most actively persecuted by them as “fascist”; the Sacred Fire of the altar and hearth; amulet symbol of the Highest Light Gods, Protecting homes, temples and the ancient Wisdom of the Gods. One of the epithets of the god Agni is Pramati; According to Indian texts, the wooden rod by which the sacred fire is produced is called pramantha. And this whole device for lighting the sacred fire is called arani (uranas from Sanskrit means “ram”) and consists of two crossed wooden blocks; in the middle, use a string to rotate the third stick until the bars light up at the point of rotation. The representative of the god Agni is the ram (Aries). Hence the name agnus (lamb), from Sanskrit agnis, from Latin ignis (fire). The image of the star Aries (Aries) is one of the symbols of the Aryans, since Aries is the symbol of Zarathushtra (Zoroaster), the Slavic sorcerer, founder of the fiery religion of Zoroastrianism and teacher of the Aryan race. In the Egyptian tradition of the Slavs, the sacred ram of the god Amun was depicted. Vashtiho-Jesus was also called the Lamb in the Christian tradition of the Slavs. That is why there are so many images of this symbol on Christian works and objects. The number 7 is associated with the god Agni: Agni embodies the seven Powers, which is expressed by his figure with seven arms; seven souls of Agni; its seven languages; seven paths of sacrifice; seven primordial elemental Forces, subsequently associated with the seven planets; on the border of Taurus and Aries is the constellation Pleiades, which also traditionally numbered seven. In Egypt, the seven Spirits appeared in different forms and guises. Chapter XVII of the “Book of the Dead” mentions seven deities of the underworld - Khu, who are associated with the symbolism of the seven stars of the Ursa Major Dipper - the astral symbol of the coffin (ark) of Osiris. “Deliver me,” says the deceased, “from all the vices that are hidden in me, as you did for the seven Spirits who walk among those who follow their lord Sepa (one of the names of Osiris).” The Seven Spirits are mentioned as gods in the retinue of Horus - these are his sons. Their names are Mestha (Amset), Hapi, Tuamutef (Duamutef) and Kebkhsennuf (Kebeksenuf) - the gods of the four cardinal directions. The symbolism of Agni-Aries is also associated with the number 3 and the concept of trinity. The god Agni rules the star Alcyone (Eta Tauri, a blue giant, 3rd magnitude). The Indian name Krittika (Krittika, means “axe”) is a star of rakshasa, or low nature, with powers of a mixed nature: it provides physical, creative powers, or the energy to achieve greatness; brings ardor and ardor to the body or mind of its owner; rules the caste of intellectuals. The animal symbol is a sheep.

For the ancient Slavs, the forces of nature were the subject of worship. And the Slavic symbols, amulets, represented a whole science that was associated with pagan deities, forces of nature, animals and other phenomena.

Old Slavic signs can be found almost everywhere: from household items, amulets, and ending with clothing and jewelry.

Very often, modern people see only folk ornaments in embroidery and other patterns. But each individual symbol has its own meaning, each individual sign carries its own meaning, and symbolism, consisting of several components, can not only protect a person, but also attract positive events into his life. Using the experience of the Slavs and their knowledge, effective and efficient amulets are obtained.


Rodovik is a symbol of the ancient Slavs, which is responsible for procreation.

This Slavic symbol connects the past, present and future, allowing knowledge and strength to be passed on to descendants.

The family member is not just responsible for procreation, he helps to raise worthy offspring and pass on to the children all the skills and wisdom of their parents and ancestors.

This symbol also helps to make the right decision and find a way out of any situation. As a rule, the amulet is hung in the house. The symbols are made of white or yellow metal.


Slavic amulets and symbols are diverse, but many of them are dedicated to procreation. And Rodimich is one of the signs whose meaning is God the Progenitor.

This Slavic symbol denotes the law of succession of the Slavs, the transfer of strength and knowledge from one generation to another.

The Romich symbol serves to preserve and continue the family line, allows you not to lose touch with your ancestors and pass on knowledge to your descendants. Such symbols are made of metal and hung in a prominent place in the house. In addition, small amulets can be worn by household members. Their use can be permanent, since the owner of the amulets is endowed with intuition and wisdom.


The Bogovik symbol is a reflection of the four elements (Water, Earth, Fire and Air) and the personification of the four cardinal directions. The Slavic Bogovik is responsible for the harmony of all living things, for procreation and for the calm flow of life. This symbol represents spiritual development and constant improvement.

In a difficult situation, the amulet helps to find a way out and calls on all the gods for protection. Constantly wearing amulets with the image of God helps you find harmony with yourself, with the world around you and other people. Such Old Slavic amulets were used by sorcerers in ancient times; today, a magical sign will help a person whose activities are related to science, culture or learning.


The sign of the ancient Slavs Solntsevrat is considered to be the personification of the sun god Yarila. This amulet signifies eternal movement, the change of day and night, weeks, and seasons.

Since the symbolism is associated with the movement of the sun, the amulet itself symbolizes the cycle, constant change.

By the way, in achieving the desired goal, if, if it is good, the Solstice will always help and support the owner.

Wedding party

Old Slavonic amulets Wedding were intended for people who wanted to maintain warm and harmonious relationships in their family. The sign symbolizes the unity of two principles - feminine and masculine and their inseparability, their family. The four rings, which by their interweaving form swastika amulets symbols, have the following meaning - the fusion of four principles into one: body, spirit, conscience and soul.

The red color of the amulets had the meaning of masculine, blue - feminine. In addition, the amulet was responsible for procreation and promised the appearance of healthy offspring in the family.


For the Slavs, procreation was of primary importance. And many Slavic signs influenced precisely this area. The very name of this amulet speaks of its purpose. As a rule, this symbol is embroidered on clothes, belts or towels. Most often, representatives of the fair half of humanity used the amulet. The newborn is responsible for procreation, fertility, family prosperity and well-being.

Also, Slavic symbolism of this type helps to get rid of infertility. It is recommended to use Novorodnik for women who want to get married and start a family. You can embroider the amulet on a tablecloth, towel or scarf. And if a woman is already married and dreams of children, then the Slavic signs of Novorodnik help to fulfill this desire if they are embroidered on bed linen.


Slavic Valkyrie signs were very popular among the Slavs.

They were used to decorate clothes, weapons, or worn as pendants. This symbol is considered a very powerful protective amulet and allows you to preserve honor, nobility and justice.

For the Slavs, the Valkyrie was considered a symbol of warriors, brave guardians and defenders of their family, land and faith. After all, the main purpose of a warrior was to protect the clan and the land on which he was born.

In addition, the Valkyrie was used by priests to convey wisdom and learn new things. This amulet is recommended for people who travel and move around a lot, study and learn a lot of new things.


The Slavic peoples believed that each person has his own path, his own destiny. And constant spiritual development and improvement leads a person to the world of the gods, where eternal truth reigns. The Old Slavic amulets of Svarg determined the true path of each person and directed him to improvement.

This sign was worn by those who wanted to understand the meaning of his life and sought constant development.


The god Svarozhich was considered the patron of fire, the guardian of life and the successor of the Slavic family. The amulets symbols of Svarozhich were often depicted on banners and banners. These signs were a magical means of protection, a talisman against everything bad. Their meaning was multifaceted.

In addition to protective functions, the signs served the function of attracting well-being and prosperity. Svarozhich also protected the Slavs from degradation and destruction, being considered a symbol of procreation. The symbol protected not only the body, but also the soul.

Solar cross

The symbol of the god Yarila and procreation is the Solar Cross. Signs were depicted on weapons, clothing and various accessories for sacred rituals. Very often their presence was mandatory on the attire of priests and warriors of the princely squad.

A body amulet was also used, which was most often made of white metal. The Slavic signs of the Solar Cross helped save life in danger and were responsible for procreation. However, their use was limited: only certain people could wear them.

Fern flower

For the Slavs, the Fern Flower sign had a special meaning. Its use in various forms is still popular today. It was this symbol that was at the heart of the legend about the fern blooming once a year, on the night of Ivan Kupala. Fern flowers were also called Perun's color.

Their use could give a person real wealth. Although wealth does not mean material, but spiritual values. The fern flower helps to gain spiritual strength, use it correctly and reveal the potential for healing the soul.

Lada Bogoroditsa

Certain Slavic symbols were intended only for men, others only for women. Lada the Mother of God was considered a feminine sign. For the Slavic peoples, this amulet symbolized the flame that burst from the hearth. The Slavic goddess Lada is the deity of love, marriage and spring.

She patronizes the keeper of the hearth and the successor of the Slavic family. This amulet helps to build harmonious family relationships, strengthen them and realize the greatness and significance of one’s family.


Kolovrat was considered one of the most ancient symbols of the strength of the ancient Slavs. It has a huge number of variations and is present in almost all Slavic ornaments. Different variations of this sign can be dedicated to different elements.

But they all have one thing in common - a reflection of the victory of light and life over death and darkness. Among the Slavs, the amulet was used by both men and women. It was usually made of white metal in the form of a pendant.


The symbolism of amulets, as well as their image, can be not only different, but also multifaceted. The Slavic symbol Oberezhnik is several magical signs that influence each other. Their combination bestows happiness, prosperity, health and good luck to the owner of the magical item. The Slavic symbols of the Oberezhnik must be worn constantly or can be placed in the room where a person spends most of the time.

For the ancient Slavs, amulets in the form of symbols played a huge role. And, using the experience of our ancestors, you can choose a magical item that will serve its owner.