We test children's knowledge about fairy tales. Methodological development on the topic: Tests on fairy tales

The method of free association is actively used in psychoanalysis. The essence of the method is that a person unconsciously makes an associative connection to a stimulus word with words that describe his problem.

This test, like all association tests, is used to identify a person’s personality traits. Your answers to the test questions determine your values ​​and ideals, your attitude towards yourself, towards others and towards life in general.

The “Fairy Tale” test will help you better understand yourself, determine your internal conflicts and reasons life difficulties. It can be called humorous, but it is still largely true, especially if you answer the questions honestly and do not overthink it.

To take the test you will need a pen, pencil and a piece of paper. Your task is to answer the questions without looking at the lines below, otherwise you will not receive desired result. Answer the questions in detail, express your thoughts in as much detail as possible. You can supplement your answers with a drawing.

You should not give yourself much time to think: the first association is the most correct. Write down the very first thing that comes to mind, and then decipher the meaning of what you wrote down and find out what is hidden in your subconscious.

  1. Imagine that you are walking through a desert area. It's a long walk. And suddenly you see water. Describe what you see! Your actions?
  2. You walk further and see a key on the path. Will you pick it up?
  3. Along the way you come across a palace. There are food on the table, jewelry in the chests, and not a single living soul. Your actions?
  4. You still continued on your way. There is a forest ahead. Describe it.
  5. What animals live in this forest?
  6. You were walking through the forest, pretty tired, and suddenly you see that someone has forgotten food on a stump. Describe what it is and what it looks like.
  7. Suddenly a bear comes out to meet you. Describe what is happening.
  8. So, you have avoided danger and continued on your way. You go out to the edge and see a house. Describe it in more detail.
  9. There is a horse tied next to the house. What is she like? What will you do?
  10. You move on and hit a wall. High wall, can't climb over. The wall is wide. From edge to edge of the horizon. How do you solve this problem?
  11. You go out to the sea and see a seagull. Describe her.
  1. Water. This is love in your understanding. For some it is boundless, like the sea, clean and bright, for others it is a dirty shallow puddle. Do you scoop water with your palm? This means you think that you need to know moderation in everything. Do you throw yourself completely into the water? This means that you plunge headlong into love. Trying to take water with you is an attempt to carry love through life. A failed attempt is a lack of faith. Have you thought about it at all? This means you don’t consider love necessary for life.
  2. Key. This is your chance. If you take it, it means you are ready to take advantage of any opportunity. Leave it, it means you prefer to go with the flow. Turn it over in your hands and consider it unsuitable - you may miss your chance in life by simply not noticing it.
  3. Castle. This is your attitude towards wealth. Will you have a blast there? You are very familiar with the delights of life. And would you even want to stay? This means that material well-being is the most important thing in this life for you. Will you try to take as much jewelry with you as possible? This means you can step on someone else’s throat to achieve your goal. Decline. You are afraid to be happy and calm, afraid of envy and unsure of the future.
  4. Forest. These are the thoughts in your head. Birch Grove- You are clean and bright man, loving world And sunlight. A dense, impenetrable thicket? You have a lot of complexes and fears. Lots of mushrooms and berries - you try to see the good in everything.
  5. Animals, whom you will settle in this forest. These are your friends, the people around you. Squirrel bunnies? You love people and are not afraid of communication. Is the forest full of scary eyes and sounds? Are there many predators there? You don't trust people and are afraid of them.
  6. Food on the stump. These are your preferences in food and in its design. A person who presents a bottle of milk with a piece of fresh bread or a pie on a clean napkin is unpretentious in food, but neat. If there is a cracker lying right on the stump or a mushroom growing, the person clearly doesn’t care what to eat. And if someone doesn’t want to eat suspicious food, most likely the person is just squeamish.
  7. Bear. It's how you perceive danger. Someone will want to fight - a desperate brave man who does not retreat from danger. Someone will seek salvation on a tree or pretend to be dead - the person will try to leave, wait out the danger, maybe it will bypass him? Is your bear huge, scary and hungry? You are prone to exaggeration. Have you seen a cute little bear? You clearly underestimate the dangers, because even cubs never go without their mother bear!
  8. House. This is your home. Tall light carved tower? Well, you are an esthete and a neat person. An old rickety hut, overgrown with cobwebs - there is confusion in the soul. There's smoke coming from the chimney, is someone lighting the stove and baking pies? You feel that your family loves you or you strongly dream about it. Are there many windows and doors? Your home and your heart are open to friends. Is everything boarded up? You don't like to bare your soul. Does anyone actually live in this house who is unfriendly? Your family probably doesn’t understand you.
  9. Horse. This is your life partner. Calm, affectionate horse? This is a loyal and reliable friend. A fire horse that always rears up and tries to throw off? I'm afraid you are choosing the wrong men with whom you can connect your life. Your horse was going wild, but under your gentle palm he humbled himself and allowed himself to be saddled? You are a dreamer and do not believe that a man cannot be radically changed. Will you lead him? Perhaps you are too democratic and are afraid to declare your rights. And don’t say that you don’t know how to ride a horse, it’s a fairy tale! You just don't believe in your strength. How did you even let her go? This means you are afraid of a serious relationship.
  10. Wall. This is an obstacle that seems insurmountable. Have you decided to turn back or go around the wall in the hope that sooner or later it will end? You do not fight for your happiness and retreat in the face of difficulties. Have you dug or found a weak spot in the wall? So, you can achieve your goal not by washing, but by skating. Have you jumped over a wall on a horse? Your spouse will solve all problems for you. You have Magic wand or something like that? Do you believe in Lucky case and hope that everything can be resolved without your participation.
  11. Gull. It is you, how you see yourself. Lonely and sobbing, or in search of food for the chicks, or a brave hunter, or a beautiful white bird.

Think about the test results. Are you satisfied with everything? Maybe something should be changed? Let your subconscious mind itself offer solutions, do not interfere with this process with your mental reflections.

Not all interpretations are unambiguous, so you should focus on the ones that catch you the most and consider the test results only as food for thought, as starting points, which are worth paying attention to when choosing a further strategy. An Online Psychologist will help you use test results correctly, help you navigate the structure of accents and correct your psychological state.

Want to get a more accurate test interpretation? Save your entries and .

1. Who ultimately helped pull out the turnip?
-a) Cat
-b) Bug
+c) Mouse
2. How did the wolf catch fish in the ice hole at the instigation of the fox?
-a) Teeth
-b) With paws
+c) Tail
3. Who drove the fox out of the hare’s bast house in the fairy tale “The Fox and the Hare”?
-a) Wolf
+b) Cockerel
-c) Dog
4. What caused the quarrel between the fox and the crane in the fairy tale of the same name?
+a) The trick of the fox
-b) The greed of the crane
+c) Inability to cook food
5. How a cat and a blackbird lured a fox out of a hole in the fairy tale “The Golden Cockerel”
-a) A fairy tale
-b) Dancing
-c) Playing the harp and singing
6. Who made Kuzma Skorobogaty from the fairy tale of the same name rich?
-a) Wolf
+b) Fox-c) Mouse
7. Who saved the sister and brother from Baba Yaga in the fairy tale “Geese-Swans”?
-a) Fox
-b) Wolf
+c) Mouse
8. Who helped Tiny Khavroshechka in the fairy tale of the same name?
-a) Gray wolf
+b) Speckled cow
-c) Goat-Dereza
9. What was the name of the king in the fairy tale “Ivan Tsarevich and the Gray Wolf”?
-a) Peas
-b) Guidon
+c) Berendey
10. Enter a name youngest daughter the old man from the fairy tale “Finist - the Clear Falcon”?
+a) Maryushka
-b) Marusya
-c) Masha
11. How many sons did the White Duck from the fairy tale of the same name have?
-a) 2
+b) 3
-at 4
12. What was the name of the shooter - the main hero of the fairy tale “Go there - I don’t know where,
bring this - I don’t know what”?
-a) Ivan
-b) Peter + c) Andrey
13. How many sons did the king have in the tale of living water and rejuvenation?
-a) 2
-b) 4
+c) 3
14. Who did Tsarevich Ivan free from the closet in the fairy tale “Marya Morevna”?
-a) Snake Gorynych
+c) Koshchei the Immortal
-b) Babu Yaga
15. What was the name of the king’s daughter from the fairy tale “Sivka-Burka”?
-a) Martha
-b) Olga
+c) Elena
16. Where did the old stepmother tell the old man to take her daughter in the fairy tale “Morozko”?
+a) Into the dark forest
-b) To a warm house
-c) To the village
17. On what trees did the Nightingale the Robber sit in the fairy tale “Ilya Muromets and
Nightingale the Robber"?
-a) Poplars
-b) Berezakh
+c) Dubach
18. Where did the soldier go before meeting the old woman in the fairy tale “Porridge from an Axe”?
-a) for work + b) for leave
-c) for a walk
19. Why Ivan peasant son I had a chance to fight with Chud-Yud alone
fairy tale of the same name?
-a) Only Ivan knew how to defeat him
-b) Everyone else chickened out
+c) Ivan’s brothers slept through the attack of Miracle Yud
20. What was the name of the hardest working daughter in the fairy tale “The Silver Saucer and
pouring apple""?
+a) Mashenka
-b) Annushka
-c) Olenka
21. Who was the father of Vasilisa the Wise in the fairy tale of the same name?
-a) Blacksmith
-b) Plowman
+c) Merchant
22. How many rooms were there in the bears’ house in the fairy tale “The Three Bears”?
-a) 1
+b) 2
-at 3
23. How many years did the Worker work for the Master in the fairy tale “The Princess-Nesmeyana”?
-a) 1
-b) 2
+c) 324. Where did Prince Ivan and Vasilisa the Wise flee in the fairy tale “Vasilisa
"The Wise One and the King of the Sea"?
-a) Into the forest
-b) To the distant kingdom
+c) To Holy Rus'
25. Who were the two Ivans in the fairy tale of the same name?
+a) Rich and poor
-b) Smart and fool
-c) A coward and a daredevil
26. How did the man fool the bear again in the fairy tale “Tops and Roots”?
+a) Sowed wheat
-b) Sowed rye
+c) Sowed millet
27. Why was Ivan Tsarevich left without a horse in the fairy tale “The Tale of the Tsarevich, the Fire-
bird and gray wolf"?
-a) The horse died of fatigue
+b) The horse was eaten by a wolf
-c) The thicket was impassable for a horse
28. What did the Hare steal from the peasants in the fairy tale “The Boasting Hare”?
+a) Oats
-b) Wheat
-c) Turnip
29. Which of the heroes of the fairy tale “Winter Hut of Animals” was on the stove when the wolf snuck into
winter hut?
-a) Hare+b) Cat
-c) Fox
30. What curious animal did the bull meet in the forest in the fairy tale “Smolyanaya”
-a) Fox
-b) Crow
+c) Hare

Final test on the topic “Russian folk tales”

1. A fairy tale is...

A. a short poetic or prose story of a moralizing nature, having allegorical meaning.

B. entertaining story about extraordinary, often fantastic events and adventures.

B. narrative work small volume with a small number of heroes and the short duration of the events depicted.

2. Indicate the elements of the tale:

A. Morality; B. Initiation; B. Saying; G. Prologue; D. Ending.

3. List genres folk tales, give examples.

4. How many tasks did the king offer to his daughters-in-law in the fairy tale “The Frog Princess” and which ones?

5. Who is Vasilisa the Wise related to Koshchei the Immortal?

A. Daughter; B. Wife; V. Granddaughter.

6. List the animals that helped Ivan Tsarevich.

7. Who is called the bone leg in the fairy tale “The Frog Princess”?

A. Bear; B. Babu Yaga; V. Tsar.

8. How many days did the brothers spend on the Smorodina River, on Kalinov Bridge in the fairy tale Ivan the peasant son and miracle-yudo"?

A. 1; B. 2; AT 3

9. Indicate who was with Miracle-Yud?

A. Dog; B. Donkey; V. Lev; G. Horse; D. Raven.

10. How did Miracle Yudo change?

11. Where did the brothers manage to escape from the Snake, the mother of Miracle Yud?

A. In the swamp; B. In a ravine; V. In the forge

12. From what fairy tale are these lines: “That’s how they go to this day to woo one another, but never get married”?

A. “The Frog Princess”; B. “Crane and Heron” C. “Fox and Wolf.”

13. Which fairy tale are these lines from: “When you work and don’t sleep for a long time, you end up falling asleep on a stone; and whoever does nothing will not sleep on a feather bed”?

A. “Ivan the Peasant Son and the Miracle Yudo”; B. “Porridge from an axe”; V. “Soldier’s Overcoat.”

14. List the techniques used when telling fairy tales.

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Slide captions:

TALES TESTS Start test

Question No. 1 "A cockerel found a bean seed. I wanted to swallow it and..." Answer options: swallowed, choked, lost it 0

Question No. 2 Why couldn’t the bear, fox, hare and wolf eat the bull? (fairy tale "Bull - resin barrel".) Possible answers: They are already full Stuck The bull managed to escape 0

Question No. 2 Why couldn’t the bear, fox, hare and wolf eat the bull? (fairy tale “Goby - tar barrel.”) Possible answers: They were already full Stuck The goby managed to escape

Question No. 3 Who did Kolobok, who left his grandparents, meet first on his way? Answer options: Wolf Bear Hare

Question No. 3 Who did Kolobok, who left his grandparents, meet first on his way? Answer options: Wolf Bear Hare

Question No. 4 Whose hoof, full of water, came across to sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka on the way first? Answer options: Cow Pig Horse

Question No. 4 Whose hoof, full of water, came across to sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka on the way first? Answer options: Cow Pig Horse

Question No. 4 Whose hoof, full of water, came across to sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka on the way first? Answer options: Cow Pig Horse

Question No. 5 Which sister did not have Ivan the Tsarevich in the fairy tale “Marya Morevna”? Answer options: Elena - princess Olga princess Anna - princess.

Question No. 5 Which sister did not have Ivan the Tsarevich in the fairy tale “Marya Morevna”? Answer options: Elena - princess Olga princess Anna - princess.

Question No. 5 Which sister did not have Ivan the Tsarevich in the fairy tale “Marya Morevna”? Answer options: Elena - princess Olga princess Anna - princess.

Question No. 5 Which sister did not have Ivan the Tsarevich in the fairy tale “Marya Morevna”? Answer options: Elena - princess Olga princess Anna - princess.

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