The most common name in Georgia. Names for a boy in a Russian-Georgian family

Like almost any people, Georgians have traditional names, religious and borrowed from other languages.

Children born in rural areas were given their original names, for example: Mgelika - “wolf cub”, Badri - “fidget”.

Under the influence of Byzantium, church names having Jewish and Greek origin. This:

Names borrowed by Georgians are also quite common:

  1. Among the Eastern Slavs:
    • Vladimeri (Vladimir).
    • Iagora (Egor).
  2. Ingush: Jokola.
  3. Ossetians: Tatash.
  4. For Europeans:
    • Maurice.
    • John.
    • Edward.
    • Carlo.

Naming traditions for boys

When choosing a name for their baby, Georgians are guided by the following principles:

  • give the child the name of one of the relatives (grandmother, grandfather) to demonstrate their respect for the older generation;
  • choose a name by church books(Georgian calendar);
  • they give the name that the parents like and goes with the surname;
  • generate the child's name from the names of the mother and father (a rather rare option).

Some parents, guided modern trends give their children the names of their loved ones cinematic heroes or characters from books.

List of all modern variants alphabetically and their meanings

The euphonious Georgian male names are the following:

  • Badri- "full moon". This boy has a heightened sense of justice. He persistently achieves his goals and rarely renounces his own principles.
  • Berdia- “given by God.” A serious, sometimes even gloomy boy. Rarely needs the approval of others. Loves loneliness.
  • Vakhtang- “wolf body”. Little Vakhtang is a reliable friend and a real support for his parents. He is honest, open and inquisitive.
  • Vaso- “royal”. A boy named Vaso has been showing his talents since childhood. It could be music, painting, theater. In any case, this child is naturally gifted and comprehensively developed.
  • Genatsvale- "Friend". A brave, independent, inquisitive boy. Able to independently make serious and thoughtful decisions.
  • Gotcha- “old man”. Willful, sometimes selfish. Rarely needs support and approval. Able to achieve a goal thanks to his willpower.
  • David- "Darling". Sociable, friendly and obedient boy. Very attached to his mother. He needs her love and support all his life.
  • Janico- “in love.” Romantic nature, dreamer and inventor. He has a very fine mental organization. Needs to strong patrons, which could be parents or friends.
  • Ilia- “the fortress of the Lord.” Secretive, withdrawn, sometimes seeming too gloomy. He likes to listen more than to talk. Knows how to think logically and make informed decisions since childhood.
  • Irakli- “hero”. Brave, independent, but very careful and economical. Will never share with strangers and with those about whom you are not sure. Does not forgive insults.
  • Kakha- “winner”. A born leader: decisive, responsible, resourceful. Knows how to be responsible for his words and actions.
  • Koba- “follower”. The bearer of this name is a reliable friend who you can always rely on. He does not betray and hates traitors. Koba will always tell you to his face if the person himself or his actions seem outrageous to him.
  • Lado- "owning the world". Little Lado, despite his mobility and restlessness, rarely causes inconvenience to his parents. He gets sick a little, studies well and respects his elders.
  • Levan- "a lion". Levan grows up calm and not capricious. He studies well, helps his parents around the house, and shows interest in sports and science.
  • Malkhaz- “prince”. Malkhaz has natural charisma, so he is loved and appreciated in society. Knows how to easily and naturally get out of any situation. Has well-developed intuition.
  • Mamuka- "Sunrise". Cheerful, active, honest. He easily finds friends and just as easily breaks up with those who, in Mamuka’s opinion, are not worthy of his attention.

Otar – “medicine”. Flock with youth hot-tempered, capricious and demanding. It is difficult to surprise him with anything and not easy to calm him down. But the name Otar carries a powerful energy charge. Bearers of this name are successful in business and career.

  • Pavliko- "small". A sympathetic boy who is always ready to help. Balanced, honest, friendly.
  • Peto- "stone". He has a vulnerable and unstable character. Needs a reliable friend and a strong family.
  • Revaz- “great”. In appearance, Revaz may seem overly strict and even gloomy, but at heart he is a kind, open and very affectionate boy. Values ​​his family and friends.
  • Rustam- “hero.” Little Rustam is the brightest and most extraordinary boy in any company. He has natural artistry and knows how to win the attention of society.

Sula- "soul". Sula seems quiet and inconspicuous. He listens more than he talks. But Sula is only like that in appearance. This is a true leader who knows how to lead and make responsible decisions from a young age.

Khvicha– “brilliant.” Khvicha strives to always and everywhere be in charge. He feels great potential in himself and from childhood he patronizes all the weak.

Chichiko - “little man”. Chichiko is a kind and sweet boy. His parents love him for his flexibility and hard work, his friends love him for his selflessness and openness.

  • Shaliko- "world". Shaliko is a lively and disorganized baby who finds it difficult to sit still and focus on one thing. He needs to be everywhere and everywhere. Loves books, but rarely shows them off great success learning.
  • Shota- "fire". Shota is demanding of both himself and those around him. This is a little idealist who is persistent in achieving his own goals and does not set himself before anything.

Men's and women's Georgian names very diverse. They absorbed the entire history of the people and became best illustration its long and thorny path to self-determination. Many of the beautiful Georgian names have foreign origins and meanings. They appeared as a result of close communication between Georgians and the peoples of neighboring powers (Russia, North Caucasus, Iran, Armenia, etc.). These merged into the national naming system, making it even more diverse, interesting and attractive.

Origin of Georgian names for girls and boys

Taking into account their origin, male and female Georgian names can be divided into three groups.

  1. Names borrowed from other peoples. Many of them appeared as a result of cultural exchange with Eastern Slavs. Some ancient Georgian names were drawn from Western languages. No less serious imprint on modern system The naming of Georgia was left by the culture of the Persian and Arab peoples.
  2. Original Georgian names. They were drawn from pre-Christian folklore.
  3. Biblical names. Their appearance is associated with the spread of Christianity in Georgia (5th century). This category includes Orthodox Georgian names for girls of Hebrew, Roman and Greek origin.

Top popular Georgian names for boys

  • Vakhtang. Has Persian roots. Translated into Russian it means “wolf body”.
  • Grigol. Georgian version of the name Gregory = "cheerful".
  • David. The name is of Hebrew origin. Translated it means “beloved”.
  • Zurab. Georgian version of the Persian name Sukhrab = "ruby".
  • Iraklia. From the name Hercules = “glory to Hera.”
  • Kakha. Translated from Georgian = “Kakhetian”.
  • Nikoloz. Georgian version of the name Nikolai = “conqueror of nations.”
  • Saba. Arabic name. Translated as “light breeze” / “captive old man”
  • Sando. Variant of the name Alexander = “protector”.

Rating of modern Georgian names for girls

  • Ani. Corresponds to the first letter of the Georgian alphabet.
  • Ketevan. The Georgian version of the name Ekaterina = “purity”.
  • Leah. From the Hebrew "sad".
  • Nana. Translated from Georgian = “tender” / “kind”.
  • Nino. Variant of the name Nina = “youth”.
  • Sofiko. Georgian version of the name Sophia = "wisdom".
  • Suliko. Translated into Russian it means “soul”.
  • Tamriko. Georgian version of the name Tamara.
  • Tinatin. Translated from Georgian = “glimmer of the sun.”

The meaning of native Georgian male and female names

The original most beautiful Georgian names for boys and girls have ancient origin. Many of them are legends and fairy tales (Chichiko, Gogol, Mlegiko, Tsira, etc.). Some traditional Georgian girls' names arose as word forms from adjectives, nouns and common nouns (Mindra, Badri, etc.). Enough most of these names continue to be used today.

Georgian male names diverse, they fully reflect the history of the country, periods of its development, its culture, as well as the influence of friendly countries or even invaders. Over time, names changed, adapting to the language, new ones were born from them, which gradually occupied their niches and became full-fledged separate units. Today, it is sometimes quite difficult to see the common origin of two names, which are based on the same word, and to distinguish in its name true origin generally seems like an impossible task.

Traditional Georgian male names

The most ancient names are formed from the names natural phenomena, animals, birds, plants, precious stones etc., for example Vephia - tiger, Lomia - lion, Nukri - deer; or some character trait that parents would like to see in their son, for example, Alale is honest, Malkhaz is handsome, Raindi is a knight.

In addition, since ancient times there has been a tradition of naming children in honor of kings, famous generals and others. famous figures in the hope that the baby will repeat the fate of the great namesake. It is for this reason that the names of kings are still widespread in Georgia: Giorgi, Vakhtangi, David - or writers and poets: Shota, Ilia, Akaki, Vazha.

There are also Georgian male names that have analogues in other languages ​​and carry the emotional load associated with the birth of a son - Velodi or Mindia for a long-awaited, expected child (Slavic analogue: Zhdan and Khoten), or Arvelodi (Nezhdan), if the birth of a baby was unplanned in the family.

Interesting fact: among Georgian names there are only a couple common for males and females - Suliko (darling) and Nukri (fawn).

Eastern names

Long years Georgia suffered raids eastern peoples, periodically establishing more or less friendly relations with them. Close, albeit forced, communication led to the borrowing of many names, which were tightly woven into the life of the country and became its integral part. Eastern names which are still popular today: Avtandil - the heart of the Motherland, Rati - lord, Badri - full moon - and many others.

Christian names

Georgia adopted Christianity in the 4th century, and from that time newborns began to be called by the Hebrew, Greek and Latin names that were mentioned in the Bible: Giorgi (George), Ioane (John), Luke, Mose (Moses), Mate (Matthew). It is noteworthy that these names do not lose their popularity to this day, occupying the top positions in the lists of the most common Georgian male names.

Russian names

IN XVIII-XIX centuries, when Georgia became closer to Russia and subsequently became part of Russian Empire, among Georgians, names that were traditional for Russia of the same faith, although not always having original Slavic roots, quickly spread: Egor, Yuri, Vladimir, etc. It is worth noting that due to linguistic differences, these names took a slightly different, distorted form - Iagora, Iuri , Vladimeri.

Separately, we can note the names that appeared during the USSR, which, as in the Russian language, were formed from the names of leaders or in honor of some significant events. For example, in the 20-30s of the 20th century, the composite names Vladlen (from Vladimir Lenin) and Lenstalber (from Lenin, Stalin, Beria) were popular.

European names

Western literature, and then cinema, having reached the general public in recent centuries, also contributed to the diversity of Georgian male names. Thus, the names John, Albert, Maurice, Edward, and Karl spread in Georgia. IN last years they are no longer found so often, giving way to traditional Orthodox names.


Modern Georgian male names, by and large, are not very different from those that were common even several centuries ago. Of course, now some of them are much less common, but the bulk remains unchanged. The reason for this is probably the naming tradition, according to which a boy often inherits the name of his grandfather or other older relative. As before, the most popular Georgian male name is Giorgi. Given in honor of St. George the Victorious, patron saint of Georgia.

In the last decade, the list of the most popular includes such beautiful Georgian male names as Giorgi, David, Nikoloz, Luka, Ilia, Mate, Saba, Demeter and others.

In addition, as in Russia, in Lately In Georgia, a tendency has been noticed to use ancient names, which were practically unheard of 30 years ago. Among them we can note Lazare, Ioane, Gabrieli, which are becoming more and more popular every year.

List of Georgian male names and their meanings

Avtandil (Auto) - the heart of the Motherland;

Akaki (Kako) - kind;

Alexandre (Alika, Aliko, Sandro) - defender;

Alexi (Lexo) - defender;

Amiran - ruler, tall;

Andria (Andro) - brave;

Anzor - free;

Anton - warrior, leader;

Archil - correct, open;

Arsen - brave;

Badri - full moon;

Beka - lord;

Berdia (Berdo) - bestowed by God;

Besarion (Beso, Besik) - wooded gorge;

Bichiko is a boy;

Vasily (Vaso) - royal;

Vakhtang (Vakho) - wolf body, wolf;

Vazha - courageous;

Vladimer (Lado) - owner of the world;

Vephia (Vepho) - tiger;

Gabriel - God's helper;

Gela - wolf;

Giorgi (Giya, Gogi, Gogita, Giga) - farmer;

Gocha - old man, small;

Grigol - awake;

Guram - exorcist of the demon

David (Dato) - beloved, desired, leader;

Daniel - God is my judge;

Demetre, Dimitri (Dito) - mother earth;

Jansug (Dzhano, Janiko) - lover;

Jumber - young lion;

Zaza - old man;

Zviad - arrogant;

Zurab - ruby;

Ivane (Vano) - God's mercy;

Elijah (Ilya) - Jehovah is my God;

Imeda - hope;

Ioseb (Soso) - addition;

Irakli (Erekle) - from: Hercules, glory to Hera;

Kakha is a derivative of the name of one of the Georgian nationalities;

Koba is a follower

Constantine (Kote) - persistent, constant;

Lazar - the mercy of God;

Lasha - light, light;

Levan - lion;

Luke - light;

Malkhaz - beautiful;

Mamuka - paternal;

Mate - man of God;

Michael - equal to God;

Nikoloz (Niko, Nika) - the victorious people;

Nodar - very young;

Nukri - fawn;

Nugzar - very young;

Omar - life;

Otar - fragrant;

Otia - fragrant;

Paata - small;

Pavle - small;

Petre - rock;

Rati - lord;

Revaz (Rezo, Reziko) - the richest;

Rostom, Rustam - mighty;

Saba - old man;

Sergi, Sergo - worthy;

Simon - heard;

Suliko - darling;

Tamaz is a strong horseman;

Tariel - king-hero;

Tengiz - big, strong;

Teimuraz - strong in body;

Temur, Timur - iron;

Tite - honor;

Tornike - winner;

Ucha - black;

Khvicha - brilliant;

Tsotne - junior;

Shalva (Shaliko) - black;

Shota - the exact meaning is unknown;

Elguja - the power of the people;

Eldar - God's gift

Of course, the list of names presented is not complete, but it contains the most popular and common male names of Georgian men.

Georgian names have absorbed rich history Georgian land and the friendly character of its people.

Georgian folk names.

Meaning large group of ancients Georgian names associated with the languages ​​of numerous ethnographic groups of Georgians - Khevsurs, Pshavs, Imeretians, Mingrelians, Svans, Gurians. Folk names formed from various concepts And common nouns. As in many other languages, they are very similar to nicknames - Mgelika (wolf cub), Dzaglika (puppy, dog), Chichiko (man), Bichiko (boy), Gogola (girl), Mzekala (sun-maiden), Tsira (red girl). Some names became popular after being made famous famous people. For example, the male name Vazha (courageous, man) was originally part of the pseudonym of the Georgian poet Vazha Pshavela. And his grandfather was the first bearer of the common name Imedi (hope). Among Georgians even now you can meet a man with traditional name Badri or Mindia, the woman Dali or Tsiala.

Eastern borrowings.

Geographical location of Georgia at the junction of Western and Eastern civilizations led to the fact that Georgians have always been in close communication with the peoples inhabiting neighboring lands. Naturally, these contacts were reflected in the borrowing of names. Origin story some Georgian names begin with literary works Iran and the Arab Caliphate. Rostom, Bezhan, Givi - Georgian forms of the Iranian names Rustam, Bijan, Giv from the epic “Shah-name”. Eastern borrowings also include such common Georgian names as Vakhtang, Zurab, Ramazi, Leila, Rusudan.

Christian names and Russian borrowings.

In the 4th century Christianity became state religion Georgia. Since that time, Hebrew, Greek and latin names, taken from the Bible - Giorgi (George), David, Ioane (John), Isaac, Mose (Moses). As in Russia, Georgian names with religious meaning were chosen based on, which were replenished with the names of Georgian saints - Abo, Archil, Luarsab, Ketevan, Shushanik. At all times, parents willingly named a boy in honor of St. George, and girls in honor of St. Nina and the legendary Queen Tamara.

Georgia has long had close cultural ties with Russia, and in early XIX century and completely became part of the Russian Empire. Therefore, in many Georgian families, children wore, which were peculiarly adapted to the Georgian language - Iagora (Egor), Vladimeri (Vladimir) and its form Lado, Valiko (Valentin), Andro (Andrey).

In the modern Georgian name book specific place take names Western Europe– John, Carlo, Maurice, Edward, Irma, Inga, Diana.

Georgia - southern country With centuries-old history. The local flavor is imbued with wonderful music and majestic architecture. Either Big city or a small village, every courtyard in them is filled with bewitching polyphony and hospitality. The identity of the country is reflected in all aspects cultural heritage. Georgian names are also filled with special melody, beauty and meaning.

Origin of names

On the formation of a modern name plate in Georgia as a result historical events provided big influence neighboring peoples. The names that came from Armenia, Byzantium, the North Caucasus and the Arab Caliphate acquired a sound in accordance with the characteristics of the Georgian language and harmoniously fit into the everyday life of the people. A small but significant layer consists of the names of pre-Christian folklore.

Actually, Georgian anthroponyms were traditionally used in villages, and therefore were not canonized after the adoption of Christianity. They were also widely used by such ethnographic groups, like Mingrelians, Imeretians, Khevsurs, Pshavs, Gurians and Svans. Of the male names that have survived to this day: Mgelika, which means “wolf cub”, Dzaglika - “puppy”, Badri - “fidget”, Mindia, meaning “marked from above”. Female names are represented by: Mzekala - "sun maiden", Dali - "heart" and Tsiala - "goddess". Most of the original names, unfortunately, have been lost.

The Eastern Roman Empire quite early brought Christianity to the lands of Georgia and with it religious names having Jewish and Greek origin. For example: Grigoli (derived from Gregory), Mose (Moses), Ioane (John), Ekvtime (Euphymius), Isaac (Isaac) or David, remaining in its original form.

From the Slavs, Georgians adopted the common names Lado (Vladimir) and Iagora (Egor), the Ingush name Jokola firmly established itself in Georgia, and Tatash came from the ancient Ossetians.

With the development of cinema and the spread of literary works in Georgian cities, names such as Edward, John, Carlo, Maurice - among men - took root. And for women - Diana, Irma, Inga.

The translation of the “Book of Kings” by the Persian poet Ferdowsi, which received the name “Rostomiani” from the Georgians, replenished the anthroponymic stock with the names: Bezhan, Rostom and Givi. Of the female names of Arabic origin, Leila and Turpa are still popular.

Popular female names

Georgian female names and their meanings are reminiscent of wonderful music that flows from the heavens over the majestic mountain peaks and stormy rivers. According to statistics, the most common name among them at present is Nino, derived from the Sumerian word for “lady.”

Also common:

And this is a small part of the whole variety of beautiful and unusual female names.

Common male names

Euphony and special meaning filled and Georgian male names, the list of which should begin with the most common one - the name George (farmer). The following are:

The list is endless. There are modern Georgian male names that have gained particular popularity in last decades: Zurab (ruby), David (beloved), Irakli (derived from Hercules), Sando (protector), Kakha (Kakhetian), Nikoloz (winner), Saba (breeze), Gregory (vigorous) and Vakhtang (wolf body).

What to name a girl

When a daughter is born, parents find it difficult to decide what to name the baby.. But there are rare and beautiful Georgian names for girls that will give the image of a future girl a special meaning:

Georgian baptismal names

In Georgia, it is a tradition to name children in honor of their ancestors, so often in one family, representatives of several generations of the same sex are namesakes. Even babies are named based on the Georgian calendar. Christianity came to the country in the fifth century, increasing Georgia's stock of names. And in the 19th century, when Georgian church lost its independence due to its annexation to Russia, the names indicated in the Orthodox calendar began to appear frequently among the people. In turn, the Russian church calendar was replenished with days of remembrance of Georgian saints - Nina, Shushanika, Tamara.

As a result, the modern Georgian calendar of saints combines the days of remembrance of Orthodox saints mentioned in the Russian church calendar and the dates of commemoration of their own saints. For example, a boy born in September can be named Bidzina in honor of the holy martyr Bidzin Cholokashvili. The October newborn can be named Eudemon - in memory of the 17th century patriarch, and the one born in November - Vakhtang, choosing the Iberian king of the 5th century as his patron saint.

Funny Nicknames

Sometimes in Georgia you can meet men with funny names. The ones that make you smile are: Chichiko (little man), Auto (derived from Avtandil - sunny), Mom (father), Mountain or Gulya (derived from George). Mingrelian names sound funny: the masculine Zaza (May God multiply) or female name Tutu (security).

Russian names, adapted to the Georgian language, undergo interesting metamorphoses: Valiko (Valentin), Andro (Andrey), but the name Alexey is pronounced as in the Orthodox calendar - Alexy.

The secret of any name is hidden in a difficult fate Georgian people. For every resident of Georgia, a name is not only a nickname with a melodic sound, but a piece of their history, a link with their ancestors. Maybe that’s why their approach to a person resembles a sweet-voiced song and penetrates into the very heart.

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