Last name is Ulyanov. Ulyanov - meaning and origin of the surname


There are quite a lot of surnames based on the names Ulyan or Ulyana: Ulyakin, Ulyanenko, Ulyanenkov, Ulyanin, Ulyanichev, Ulyanishchev, Ulyankin, Ulyanov, Ulyantsev, Ulyashkov, Ulyakhin. The names Julian, Juliania in the calendar are translated as ‘belonging to the family of Yuliev, Yulieva’ (and Yuliy - from the Greek ‘wavy, fluffy’). Ulyan is a popular form of a calendar name and is now rare. Newborn girls began to be called Ulyans again. But in any case, these names remained in surnames forever.

Encyclopedia of surnames. 2012

See also interpretations, synonyms, meanings of the word and what ULYANOV is in Russian in dictionaries, encyclopedias and reference books:

  • ULYANOV in the Encyclopedia of Russian surnames, secrets of origin and meanings:
    There are quite a lot of surnames based on the names Ulyan or Ulyana: Ulyakin, Ulyanenko, Ulyanenkov, Ulyanin, Ulyanichev, Ulyanishchev, Ulyankin, Ulyanov, Ulyantsev, Ulyashkov, ...
  • ULYANOV in 1000 biographies of famous people:
    Alexander Ilyich (1866 - 1887) - brother of Vladimir Ilyich, initiator and main leader of the assassination attempt on Alexander III. In 1883...
  • ULYANOV in the Pedagogical Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    Ilya Nikolaevich (1831-1886), teacher, educationist. Father V.I. Lenin. In 1855-69 he taught physics and mathematics at the Penza Noble Institute, ...
    ULYANOV Pyotr Lavr. (b. 1928), mathematician, academician RAS (1981). Tr. according to theory...
  • ULYANOV in the Big Russian Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    ULYANOV Nick. Pav. (1875-1949), painter and graphic artist, honored. activities lawsuit in the RSFSR (1932), black-letter Academy of Arts of the USSR (1949). Member "Mira Art" Psychol. ...
  • ULYANOV in the Big Russian Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    ULYANOV Mikh. Al-dr. (b. 1927), actor, people. art. USSR (1969), Hero of Socialism. Labor (1986). Since 1950 in T-re. Vakhtangov. ...
  • ULYANOV in the Big Russian Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    ULYANOV Il. Nick. (1831-86), teacher. Father V.I. Lenin. Inspector (since 1869), then director of the people's office. school (since 1874) in Simbirsk ...
  • ULYANOV in the Big Russian Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    ULYANOV V.I., see Lenin...
  • ULYANOV in the Big Russian Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    ULYANOV Al-dr. Il. (1866-87), one of the organizers and leaders of the Terrorist. faction "People's Will". Brother V.I. Lenin. Participant in the preparation of the assassination attempt on March 1, 1887 ...
  • ULYANOV in the Modern Explanatory Dictionary, TSB:
    Alexander Ilyich (1866-87), one of the organizers and leaders of the “Terrorist Faction” of the Narodnaya Volya party. Brother of V.I. Lenin. Participant in preparation...
    Ulyanov (Nikolai Dmitrievich, 1816 - 1856) - teacher of the Russian language in St. Petersburg schools at the churches of St. Peter and St. Anna. ...
  • ULYANOV GRIGORY KARPOVICH in the Brief Biographical Encyclopedia:
    Ulyanov (Grigory Karpovich) - Russian politician (born in 1864), Mordvin by origin, peasant of the Saratov province. Graduated from teacher's seminary...
  • ULYANOV GEORGY GEORGIEVICH in the Brief Biographical Encyclopedia:
    Ulyanov (Georgiy Georgievich) - linguist, born in 1859; completed a course in the Faculty of Philology at Moscow University. In 1889...
    Nikolai Pavlovich, Soviet painter and graphic artist, Honored Correspondent of the USSR Academy of Arts (1949). Studied at the Moscow school...
  • ULYANOV ILYA NIKOLAEVICH in the Great Soviet Encyclopedia, TSB:
    Ilya Nikolaevich, public education figure in Russia, democratic teacher. Father of V.I. Lenin. Born in a bourgeois...
  • ULYANOV DMITRY ILYICH in the Great Soviet Encyclopedia, TSB:
    Dmitry Ilyich, figure in the Russian revolutionary movement. Member of the Communist Party...
  • ULYANOV ALEXANDER ILYICH in the Great Soviet Encyclopedia, TSB:
    Alexander Ilyich, participant in the revolutionary movement in Russia. Elder brother V.I. ...
    (1816?1856) ? teacher of the Russian language in St. Petersburg schools at the churches of St. Peter and St. Anna. Compiled "Russian-German Dictionary" (St. Petersburg, 1841?43) ...
  • ULYANOV, GRIGORY KARPOVICH in the Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedia:
    ? Russian politician (born in 1864), Mordvin by origin, peasant of the Saratov province. He graduated from a teachers' seminary and was a people's teacher; ...
  • RUSSIA, 1887 in the Historical Directory of Terrorism and Terrorists:
    Assassination attempt on Alexander III. This episode was called "the second March 1st". The assassination attempt on Alexander III was made by a group of metropolitan students...
  • PROTOPOPOV in the Literary Encyclopedia:
    Mikhail Alekseevich - literary critic. Published in “Notes of the Fatherland”, in “Foundations”, “Slovo”, “Deed” and “Russian Wealth”. In 1884, lit...
  • BEZYMENSKY in the Literary Encyclopedia:
    Alexander Ilyich is a modern proletarian poet, born in the mountains. Zhitomir. In 1916 he graduated from high school in Vladimir and entered...
  • ULYANOVSK in the Great Soviet Encyclopedia, TSB:
    (until 1780 v Sinbirsk, until 1924 v Simbirsk), city, center of the Ulyanovsk region of the RSFSR. Located on the banks of the Volga and Sviyaga. Transport...

Meaning and origin of the surname Ulyanov.

Surnames originated no more than 250 years ago, but today we recognize and recognize people primarily by their surnames. There are many of them, very different, and the farther we live, the more we communicate with people, read, watch movies and TV, listen to the radio, the greater the stock of all kinds of surnames in our memory.

A surname helps us remember a person, even if we haven’t seen him, distinguish one from another, address him personally or name him to an interlocutor.

In the pre-Christian era, that is, almost until the end of the 10th century, the Eastern Slavs used only personal names that were given to children at birth. After the baptism of Rus' in 988, each person received a baptismal name from the priest, which corresponded to the names of the saints. But these names were not of Slavic, but of Greek, Hebrew or Latin origin. In addition to the official baptismal name, one more was given - a non-baptismal, or secular, name, which soon became known as a nickname. The second name could be a nickname given not only by parents, but also by neighbors or even to themselves; the baptismal name was obligatory and numerically limited, the number of other names was practically unlimited. Among them, most of them are named by profession and place of residence.

So what are our surnames? Where did they come from, what kind of history did they live, what are they like and what do they mean? The history of the origin and meaning of the Ulyanov surname is covered with a curtain of mystery, behind which a lot of mysteries are hidden. This is what leads people to want to know how this integral element of our personality came about. The process of formation of the Ulyanov surnames was quite long, at the moment the exact place and time origin and meaning of the surname Ulyanov It’s difficult to say, but we have collected all the necessary information that may interest you. It can be argued that the origin of the Ulyanov surname has a rich history and reflects ancient Slavic beliefs and traditions of naming people.

The meaning and origin of the surname Ulyanov No. 1.

Ulyanov Mikhail Alexandrovich (1927-2007) - actor, People's Artist of the USSR. Since 1950 he worked at the theater. Evgenia Vakhtangova. Among the most famous roles are Sergei (Arbuzov's Irkutsk Story), Antony and Richard III (in Shakespeare's plays). He starred in the films “The Chairman”, “The Brothers Karamazov”, “Running”, “The Voroshilov Shooter”, etc. In 1966 he was awarded the Lenin Prize, and for a long time he was the artistic director of the theater.

Urvantsev. The surname comes from the rare baptismal Latin name Urvan (urban). From here, and perhaps from the nickname Urvanets (tomboy, daredevil), other surnames arose: Urvanin, Urvantsov, Urmashev, Urmantsov.

Meaning and origin of the surname Ulyanov No. 2.

Last name Ulyanov goes back to the name Ulyan, which, in turn, is a popular form of the ancient Roman name Julian, Iulian, Julian, which translates as “belonging to the family of the Julians.” And the generic male name Julius itself comes from the Latin word “julius” - “curly, fluffy, sheaf.”

In the name book this name is mentioned in honor of the holy martyr Julian of Tarsus, who was born in the Asia Minor province of Cilicia. Julian was the son of a pagan senator; his mother professed Christianity. After the death of her husband, the mother of Saint Julian moved to the city of Tarsus, where she baptized her son and raised her in Christian piety.

During the persecution of Christians, he, along with other believers, was forced to renounce Christ. Neither torture, nor threats, nor promises of gifts and honors broke the young man. He was interrogated and brutally tortured for a whole year, after which he was thrown into prison. In the end, after long trials, the martyrdom of Saint Julian occurred in 305.

The name Julian came to Rus' along with a new religion and quite soon acquired the form Ulyan, which received the status of a full baptismal name.

Reveal the secret of the surname ULYANOVA(in Latin transliteration ULYANOVA) looking at the results of calculations in numerological magic of numbers. You will discover hidden talents and unknown desires. You may not understand them, but you feel that you don’t know something about yourself and your loved ones.

The first letter of the surname ULYANOVA tells about the character

Adherents of family love and one life partner. Your choice falls on childhood friends and school. You are a non-conflict person, capable of enduring, until the very last moment, the inclinations that are dangerous for the family, created through the fault of your partner, and his material claims. You save the day by making compromises, but must fight suspicion towards your spouse.

Characteristic features of the surname ULYANOVA

  • power
  • comfort
  • unity with nature
  • impermanence
  • lack of systematicity
  • artistry
  • great ingenuity
  • logics
  • pettiness
  • interest in health
  • sharp mind
  • creative ambitions
  • great emotionality
  • mysterious disturbances
  • generous empathy
  • intuition
  • timidity
  • vulnerability
  • stacking
  • ability to classify
  • intelligence
  • Creative skills
  • self-esteem

ULYANOVA: the number of interaction with the world is “6”

It’s easy to recognize a “Six Man” - this is the same person who is incredibly lucky, is always surrounded by friends, has a wonderful family and knows first-hand what mutual love is. Fate's darling? Actually this is not true. Everything that the “six-man” receives with seeming ease is deserved by him. This person is distinguished by a calm, balanced character, the ability to help in a difficult situation, give sensible advice or simply listen to someone who needs moral support. In serving others on a variety of levels, Sixes often find meaning in their lives; They are the ones who know how to give without losing anything, and calmly accept any gifts. Relatives and friends of the “six-person” feel calm and comfortable around him - such a person does not play psychological games, does not try to manipulate them, says exactly what he thinks, but in a form that will not offend anyone.

“Six” is an excellent family man, and he cares not only about the comfort of home and the success of all family members, but also about the mental state of his loved ones. This is an incomparable homemaker, an intelligent and patient mentor, and a worthy example to follow. Caring about others, people of the Six often forget about themselves, and one of the important lessons that they should learn is not to waste themselves completely, since their strengths are great, but still not inexhaustible.

The desire of “sixers” for harmony leaves an imprint not only on their relationships with people, but also on how they organize their lives - from fundamental tendencies to the smallest details. There is no doubt that the apartment of a person of six is ​​clean and cozy, the workplace is comfortable and conducive to productive work, and the place of rest pleases the eye with a pleasant landscape. “Sixers” not only appreciate beauty, but are also able to see it in everything that surrounds them. That is why they often have extraordinary talents in the field of design, and, importantly, are able to help anyone reveal the best sides of their soul.

If there is one thing that hinders “sixers” in life, it is the inability to make a decision quickly and not deviate one step from it. Such people are able to help others, give simple and reasonable advice, but they themselves are often tormented by unreasonable doubts, nervous and worried about little things. They are receptive to the joys of life, but they also take troubles to heart; often react overly emotionally and suffer from emotional wounds for a long time.

ULYANOVA: the number of spiritual aspirations is “8”

Eight is the number of aspirations of the soul, giving a person a tremendous desire for independence. There are no authorities for such people. Their own thoughts and idealistic ideas about the world make them outcasts and renegades. However, enormous determination and the ability to dictate their own rules lead G8 people to recognition and well-deserved leadership in the team.

The lust for power, wealth and fame abound. Wanting to provide a decent standard of living for his family, a person number eight may take a dangerous path, but natural caution will not allow him to suffer from his own indiscretion. The sooner such a person finds the most suitable business for himself, the sooner he will gain authority, and the more measured his life will be.

If this does not happen, then the “eight-ball” plunges into the fight against stereotypes, prejudices, norms and perceived injustice. Eternal battle deprives people of the number eight of strength and vigor, as well as the likelihood of finding their happiness. Eights often have entrepreneurial abilities, but do not risk their money. Their business is successful, and their partners and investors are honest.

Luck accompanies people of number eight only when the right direction for self-expression and realization is chosen. Living only by your own interests leads to melancholy, despondency and loneliness, but selfishness fades away as soon as the understanding comes that the more you give, the more you gain.

Number eight people have huge ambitions, but do not always find the strength to realize them. The ability to convince and attract others with oneself opens up considerable opportunities for one’s comrades, but an overly difficult choice of a leader is punished by one’s own like-minded people with a stab in the back. Resourcefulness helps to navigate a difficult situation, and speech, supported by well-founded arguments, inspires boundless confidence.

The worst version of the “eight” is impatient, devoid of prudence, capricious and incredibly picky in love relationships, but even such a person always listens to the voice of reason and will reconsider his actions if he is convinced that this is necessary to fulfill his plans.

ULYANOVA: the number of true singularities is “7”

People who are under the influence of the number 7 perceive the surrounding reality calmly and peacefully. They always obey the voice of reason and have enviable self-control. When those around them lose self-control, people of seven remain completely calm and take the situation into their own hands.

In the event of a fire, the “seven” will be the first to remember the evacuation plan, and in the event of a shipwreck, he will look for life jackets and lifeboats. He is not afraid to experiment, making sure first that he will not harm himself or his surroundings.

In peak situations, a “man-seven” is necessary, but in everyday life his intelligence certainly does not hurt. "Seven" is satisfied with his life. He does not set himself impossible tasks and does not regret what happened, he always acts thoughtfully, but is not averse to reasonable risks. He overlooks little things, which sometimes lets him down a lot. However, having set a goal, a person of seven usually achieves it, thanks to the support of reliable associates.

The “Seven” is able to defend his interests, but also does not forget about those around him. He makes every effort to improve the lives of his loved ones, but he is also concerned about global problems, in the solution of which he participates to the best of his ability. A person of seven will not ignore the suffering of others, because of his heightened sense of justice and the ability to empathize with those undeservedly offended.

Usually these people choose independent activities. When working in a team, they spend too much effort to establish a comfortable, calm, friendly atmosphere among colleagues. "Seven" prefers not to use the beaten path.

It is interesting for him to achieve success on the path where others have failed. In this way, he shows himself and everyone else that for him, as a person strongly passionate about an idea, everything in this world is possible.

The surname translated from Latin means family. The hereditary generic name of a person, indicating the origin of a person from a certain family. Centuries-old history preserves many surnames. The origin of a particular surname is connected with the professions of our ancestors, the regions where our ancestors lived, their way of life, customs, nicknames, characters and appearances.

Previously, surnames had a slightly different meaning than they do now. During the Roman Empire, the word "surname" referred primarily to slaves rather than family. That is, a specific surname did not mean a family, but people belonging to one person. And only at the end of the 19th century the word “surname” acquired its current meaning: a surname is a hereditary family name added to a personal name.

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Origin of the surname Ulyanov


The word surname is of Latin origin. In the Roman Empire, it denoted a community consisting of a family of masters and their slaves. It took on a different meaning in medieval Europe; the surname began to be understood exclusively as a family. The expression family members was equivalent to the expression family members. Exactly the same understanding of the term existed at first in Russia. Only by the 19th century did the word surname in the Russian language acquire its second meaning, which today has become official and basic: a hereditary family name added to a personal name. After the Christianization of Rus' in 988, each Slav, during the official baptism ceremony, received a baptismal name from the priest, which served only one purpose to provide the person with a personal name. Baptismal names corresponded to the names of saints and were therefore common Christian names.

The basis of the Ulyanov surname was the church name Julian. Often the ancient Slavs attached the name of the father to the name of a person, thereby indicating his belonging to a certain clan. This is due to the fact that there were relatively few baptismal names, and they were often repeated. The addition to a person’s name in the form of an indication of his father helped solve the problem of identification.

The surname Ulyanov comes from the ancient Roman name Julian, which has two meanings: belonging to the Yuliev family, and also curly. Julian eventually received the surname Ulyanov.
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Value #1
The word surname is of Latin origin. In the Roman Empire, it denoted a community consisting of a family of masters and their slaves. It took on a different meaning in medieval Europe; the surname began to be understood exclusively as a family. The expression family members was equivalent to the expression family members. Exactly the same understanding of the term existed at first in Russia. Only by the 19th century did the word surname in the Russian language acquire its second meaning, which today has become official and basic: a hereditary family name added to a personal name. After the Christianization of Rus' in 988, each Slav, during the official baptism ceremony, received a baptismal name from the priest, which served only one purpose to provide the person with a personal name. Baptismal names corresponded to the names of saints and were therefore common Christian names.

The basis of the Ulyanov surname was the church name Julian. Often the ancient Slavs attached the name of the father to the name of a person, thereby indicating his belonging to a certain clan. This is due to the fact that there were relatively few baptismal names, and they were often repeated. The addition to a person’s name in the form of an indication of his father helped solve the problem of identification.

The surname Ulyanov comes from the ancient Roman name Julian, which has two meanings: belonging to the Yuliev family, and also curly. Julian eventually received the surname Ulyanov.

Meaning #2
Added by a site visitor. The nickname Ulyan was given to children who cried often, common among Cossack mixed families. From Kalmyk Ulna is translated as “crying”, which later became the familiar Ulyan. It is pointless to look for kinship between Julian and Ulyan based on one consonance.

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