Game travel through Georgia scenario. Defense of the project "Georgia" - festival of national cultures

Probably the topic of working with an accompanist is not as popular these days as it was 5 years ago. Yes, children's art schools, dance schools, some choreographic groups They still practice working with live music. But in Lately I often come across the fact that the desire to save money leads to the fact that choreographers are increasingly left without an accompanist.

It is difficult to explain to people far from the world of dance that a choreographer needs an accompanist, especially for teaching children at the elementary level. But, unfortunately, many people simply don’t understand what the difference is between practicing with the piano or music Center. I encountered this myself. But, as they say, let’s not talk about sad things...

I guess I'm lucky most I worked, after all, to “live” music. During 5 years of work at the Children's School of Arts, the accompanist was constantly, then she changed jobs and moved to secondary school, at first there was also an accompanist, but gradually the hours began to be reduced, but I was able to convince that I needed an accompanist, at least for the kids. Therefore, with children of 1-2 years of study, I worked with an accompanist. Then, however, I lost that too. Now, like most people, I work with a stereo system. I've already adapted. At first, however, it was difficult.

But, nevertheless, if there are such lucky ones left (who have an accompanist), I will share my experience of working with him.

In my practice there were two accompanists. The first one had experience in choreography, the second one without. This is heaven and earth! If the accompanist has no experience working with a choreographer before you, then you will have to teach him everything. Because just being able to play well is not enough. You need to be well versed in the names of the movements. Know how and at what tempo to play.

To ensure that your lesson does not turn into long explanations with the accompanist, at first you will have to work with him individually. Get together before the lesson and select music for each movement. How did I do this?

The simplest thing is to take collections with notes intended specifically for lessons. classical dance, For example. There, all the works are selected for certain movements. If you have such a collection, then you simply find suitable music and perform your combination to it, while commenting on what tempo should be played, in what places to place emphasis, if necessary. And so with every movement! This, of course, is not a quick process, but it is not necessary to do it all at once. It is enough to make out 2-3 movements. Next time 2-3 more, etc. Gradually, you will develop a normal, full-fledged lesson.

If you don't have such a collection. No problem! Take any collection, here your accompanist can suggest which one is better, based on what you want and what is available. And you begin to select works based on the tempo you need. I often took only a specific passage from a work. By adding a priporation at the beginning and at the end, and, of course, adjusting it to the required number of bars. It is imperative that the accompanist comment on where and how to place accents in the music. Children then perceive the material more easily.

For example, with kids I have movements where we do something for 4 beats and rest for 4 beats. In music we highlighted it like this. When we do it, the music plays louder; when we rest, the music plays quieter. In the same way, you can distinguish between broad and small movements. Wide ones are louder, small ones are quieter. It's up to your discretion. You can place emphasis on the strong beat. Everything here is more or less clear. But when the study of movements due to tact begins, then it is more difficult for children. Here you need to ask the accompanist to highlight not the strong beats, but vice versa. The same goes for tempo. At first the pace is slow, then it increases.

The accompanist should not be all over the notes, he should always watch out of the corner of his eye what is happening in the class and adapt to the dancers.

One more thing. For each movement selected by you together with the accompanist, there must be a signed bookmark in the collection. So that during a lesson the accompanist can quickly find the music he needs. At first I had difficulties with the second accompanist because she spent a very long time looking for the right collection during the lesson. The children were cooling down. And often she could not remember what we had picked up the day before and in which collection. It was a big problem! At first, hoping for the accompanist’s professionalism, I didn’t stoop so far as to keep track of whether she was laying required pages. And besides, how do I know, maybe a person knows his collections like the back of his hand and doesn’t need bookmarks? Then, I had to track it. And things went faster. I must give credit to my accompanist; she was not offended and fulfilled my requests without any problems. But people, of course, are different.

In general, in the end, over the course of 5 years, of course, the accompanist and I worked well together. But it cost me a lot of work! Therefore, the last piece of advice is that if you have the opportunity to choose, then choose as your accompanist a person who has experience working in a choreographic group.

That's all my advice. How do you work with an accompanist?

The musical world offers many different professions, one of them is an accompanist. This is, in fact, an accompanist, but the range of his responsibilities is wide, as is the range of skills and abilities. The role of the accompanist is great in pedagogical activity, in the work of ensembles, special responsibilities fall on his shoulders in the art of opera. Let's talk about what the work of an accompanist consists of, and what qualities he should have.

The concept of "accompanist"

There is an opinion that being an accompanist is a simple profession that is taken up by people who are not capable of becoming soloists. But in fact, these musicians must have a much larger arsenal of abilities and skills, since it is not enough for them to just be good performers, but you also need to have a sense of the ensemble, be able to present the soloist effectively, etc. The accompanist accompanies other musicians, students, and musical performances. The very name of the profession suggests that this person is a master of conducting concerts, he is the unifying principle of the concert action.

History of the profession

The formation of the accompanist profession occurs in the 17th century, when special pianists appear who accompany the performances of singers. This specialization grew out of the practice of home concerts, when chamber concerts of musicians were held in living rooms and they were accompanied by pianists specially trained for this. Gradually, the profession crystallizes and acquires new nuances and responsibilities. Accompanists are becoming in demand in music pedagogy, in opera, in symphony orchestras. Today, the accompanist is an assistant conductor and concert manager. Gradually, several varieties of this profession are being formed: the accompanist, pianist-accompanist, teacher and opera accompanist. Let's consider the specifics of each type.


The accompanist accompanying the vocalist provides him with a musical background. However, this is a simple profession only at first glance. The responsibility of the accompanist is to find the harmonious coexistence of the keyboard accompaniment part and the solo voice or instrument. The accompanist of this type solves the problem of creating an acoustic ensemble; for this he needs to be like-minded with the soloist, his partner. But if necessary, the accompanist must become a leader, the director of the concert, he directs the vocalist, leads him and at the same time emphasizes the beauty of the soloist’s sound. The accompanist must be no lower in talent and skill than the soloist, they must have the same breath. Often the accompanist helps out the vocalist and helps him in unforeseen and difficult situations. It is not in vain that many vocalists look for “their” accompanist and work with the same partners for years.

Accompanist pianist

An accompanist is always a virtuoso musician, because he has to solve several problems at the same time. Accompanists often work as pianists, but not every, even very talented, performer can become an accompanist.

From the second half of the 19th century, when professional performing art began to take shape, a separate specialty was identified - pianist, and at the same time specific criteria for assessing the skill of an accompanist began to be formed. And not everyone was able to combine these two professions. There are common beliefs that anyone who masters pianistic technique can easily become an accompanist. They, naturally, do not correspond to reality. An accompanist pianist, often working in an orchestra or ensemble, must have a keen sense of group creativity, be able to direct the parts of other musicians, and control the flow of the melody.

The formation of the Russian school of accompanists was greatly facilitated by outstanding composers: M. Glinka, S. Rachmaninov, M. Mussorgsky, They introduced such features as smooth sound production, imagery, perfect technique. Thanks to their activities, there is a revaluation of the importance of the figure of the accompanist and his skill. From the minor actor he turns into a full-fledged partner of the ensemble.


Historically, the activity of an accompanist was also associated with pedagogy. Accompanying in vocal and choreography lessons is a special skill and art. The accompanist is an important figure in pedagogical process. The accompanist's keen ear allows him to catch the student's mistakes. The pianist helps the student better demonstrate the capabilities of his voice, reveal the depth of the work, and find the correct interpretation. The accompanist-teacher must not only have technique and musical flair, but he must also be able to penetrate the psychology of the student and find contact with him.

Opera accompanist

Another important role of an accompanist is working in the opera. In this status, several roles merge at once. Firstly, the accompanist is a tutor for the singer, helps him find the right sound, and controls the accuracy of performance. Therefore he must have keen ear and great musical erudition. Secondly, he is the leader of the string group in the orchestra, the assistant and support of the conductor. Conductor creative idea The director of the orchestra is also the concertmaster. Notes are just a texture that still needs to be played with a certain tempo, mood, soul. It is this deep content that the accompanist conveys and clearly controls its maintenance during the performance.

Qualities of an accompanist

Such varied duties as an accompanist require special qualities from him. In addition to the fact that he must master the instrument, he must have good hearing, he must master ensemble technique and have an understanding of the art of singing. A good accompanist should not only easily play notes from a sheet, but also follow the melody and be able to guide the soloist along the right way. The accompanist also needs patience and the ability not to put his own ambitions above the general interest.

A good accompanist must have intuition, a quick reaction and the ability to instantly adapt. After all, if a soloist makes a mistake during a concert, he must quickly adapt to the artist without disrupting the rhythm of the performance. The accompanist must be a contact person. When working with an ensemble or soloist, interaction between participants is extremely important. During a concert, musicians are guided not only by the movements of the conductor, but also by the glances and facial expressions of the accompanist.

Demand for accompanists

The profession of accompanists remains prestigious and in demand on the market. This is due to the fact that good accompanist- this is a piece of goods, a unique combination of talent and school. Today, there is an accompanist position in every educational musical institution, in theaters, orchestras, and concert organizations. Numerous performers want to work with personal accompanists who know their style and capabilities well. Therefore for good specialists There is often hunting and fighting.

Job description of an accompanist

IN different organizations The accompanist has different responsibilities. However, in general job description accompanist includes such requirements as the ability to sight read, transpose musical works, teaching skills. The accompanist must know the parts in which he participates, maintain discipline and be responsible for the performance of his duties. The accompanist is assigned organizational, pedagogical and psychological responsibilities.

Famous accompanists

As we found out, the work of an accompanist is creative, complex, and multitasking. Not every performer can become a good accompanist, so specialists are worth their weight in gold. Many vocalists work with the same accompanists for years, and friendly, almost family relationships develop between them. The most well-known representatives of this profession are M. Bikhter, B. Mandrus, D. Ashkenazi, M. Nemenova-Lunts.

Lyudmila Dudkina
Scenario for the holiday “The Earth is our common home!”

Leading: Once upon a time, a long time ago, Prince Talleyrand Perigord lived in France. Talleyrand differed from everyone else in that under different governments he remained the same Minister of Foreign Affairs. He was very talented in many ways, but he was valued for his ability to take into account the mood of others, for his respectful attitude towards everyone without exception, for his ability to always find a way out of any situation in such a way as not to infringe on the interests of others. This is where the word tolerance comes from, which means tolerance, sympathy, understanding. (slide)

On our planet Earth great amount countries (slide) Every country is special and its people are special too. We are different, not at all similar friend on a friend. We have different skin colors, we speak different languages, we have different customs and traditions. But we are all united in one thing - we are people. (slide)

People are born different:

Dissimilar, unique.

So that you can understand others,

You need to cultivate patience in yourself.

You need to come to people's houses with kindness,

Keep friendship and love in your heart!

Performance of the song “You, me and you and me” (slides about friendship)

Leading: Guys, what country do we live in?

Children: In Russia

Leading: Well done! Our country is multinational, people live in it different nationalities and nationalities. National language we have Russian. Russia has its own traditions and customs. Let's get to know them better.

(Music sounds, a representative of Russia enters the hall - "Mother Rus'" in Russian folk costume, takes out the samovar, bows to the guests) (slides about Russia)

Rus: We always welcome guests,

A round, hot samovar,

It's on a painted platter.

With a snow-white towel.

The Russian people are famous for their hospitality. There is such a wonderful tradition of greeting dear guests with bread and salt. This wonderful tradition was passed on to me by my grandmother, and now I am passing it on to you.

Guys, what traditions and holidays you know, and as noted by these holidays. (slides holidays)

Children: Maslenitsa, Easter, Christmas, Apple saved. All the people are having fun, treating all the guests who come to the house, playing games, holding competitions, and having round dances.

And now I invite you to play a Russian folk round dance game "Burn, burn clearly"

A game "Burn, burn clearly"

Leading: Thank you, Mother Rus', for the hospitality, for the fun entertainment.

The children say goodbye.

Leading: Guys, we continue our journey. In Russia, not only Russian people live, but also Azerbaijanis, Uzbeks, Ossetians and many other representatives of various nationalities. Let's get to know them now.

Ossetian music sounds and a couple comes out in national costumes. (slides about Ossetia)

Leading: Ossetia welcomes us!

Ossetia: Hello guys. Ossetia is very fertile, beautiful and hospitable. Capital of Ossetia beautiful city Vladikavkaz. Ossetia is famous not only for its mountain lakes and fertile valleys, but also interesting customs and beautiful national celebrations. But not alone holiday can't do without national dance. And today we want to give you one such fiery dance.

Dance performed by an Ossetian couple.

Leading: Thank you, perky Ossetia for the bright dance.

Georgia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Ukraine, Uzbekistan?

This is the list different countries,

Where else do friends live?

Under Belarusian music a girl and a boy in a Belarusian national costume come out.

(slides Belarus)

Belarusian: In the land of lakes of unprecedented beauty

I smile tenderly at the sunrise.

The land is mine, native Belarus,

I admire your vastness.

Belovezhskaya Pushcha, Polesie –

Our protected places

This is the secret of the past centuries,

This is the soul of all Belarus!

Leading: Thank you, colorful Belarus.

Meet sunny Georgia! (slides about Georgia)

The boys come out to a Georgian melody

Georgians: In Georgia the mountains are high,

In Georgia the sea is deep.

Dolphins play in the black sea,

And oranges grow in the gardens,

And the lemons grow golden.

We'll play a tune for our friends

Familiar to all Georgians since childhood.

In it you will hear tender love

And the beating of a hot heart.

Leading: guys, Georgia is famous for its musicality and beautiful polyphony and gives us a musical gift - an amazing melody performed by talented singers.

Georgian melody sounds (slides of Georgian landscapes)

Leading: thank you, musical Georgia!

And now we are welcoming a guest from Tajikistan. (slides about Tajikistan)

There are many mountains and rivers, flowers and trees in Tajikistan. Tajik apricots are so tender that you just want to stroke them. Tajik people work for the happiness of everyone, the entire people. They work in the fields, in mines, in factories. Our people grow cotton in the fields, and our people also know how to not only work, but also relax. For holidays prepare their favorite meat dishes and bake delicious flatbreads and pita breads. They also love to dance.

Tajik: Tajikistan is the country of fire!

A land of open doors.

Peace-loving people

Soulful and hardworking.

Everyone runs a household here,

He dances and sings merrily!

Dance "Chicks"

Leading: Thank you for such a dance gift, hardworking Tajikistan.

Guys, we are seeing off our guests and meeting new friends.

A Tatar melody sounds (slide about Tatarstan)

Tatar: Tatar native land,

We can't count your traditions.

We don't know any other land

Where they would be so revered.

Tatar Earth located on endless plains, along the banks of the Volga River, warmed by the sun and blown by the winds. Tatars are very ancient people with its own history. Very beautiful architecture in Tatarstan. Mosques, towers. And each has its own history, its own legend. In Tatarstan there live very beautiful and talented people who are happy to share their cultural heritage with your friends, residents of other countries.

Performing Tatar dance.

Tatar: Goodbye friends. Come visit us.

Leading: Let the sky be blue,

And the sun will be clear!

Let a person not be evil,

And the world will become beautiful!

Tolerance means

People all live together!

And hearts are warmed with warmth:

Kindergarten, our home and life!

Ukrainian melody sounds (slides about Ukraine)

Ukrainian: The pines looked into the mirror of the waters.

The surface of the pond is clean and bright.

How the mountain ash girls began to blush.

And the willow is sad at the dam.

And into the pearly cool water

The leaves fly with a light rustle.

I accept nature with my heart.

I'm glad for every branch and bush.

And anyone bow to a blade of grass.

Feel free to get ready land.

Dawn-sparkles of every dewdrop

They laid down a silver path.

They float through the skies so decorously

Clouds of white-maned herds.

My Ukraine, Ukraine,

Joy, sadness and love forever

Ukraine, a country with unique nature, fertile earth, hospitable people. The Ukrainian people are famous for their talents. What the inhabitants of this country will not undertake, everything it turns out: and write poetry, and delicious pies bake, and sew bright costumes and sing soulful songs.

And for you guys, Ukrainian folk song «» performs folk ensemble "Expanse".

Song performed by an ensemble "Expanse"

Leading: Thank you to our dear guests for such a beautiful musical gift.

Today is such a wonderful day because we not only traveled to different countries, but also met new friends. Let's let's remember: It is important not only to live in peace and harmony with the peoples of different countries, but it is necessary to be able to be friends with your peers, regardless of their nationality, customs and traditions.

Children: There are white children

There are black children

There are yellow children

On our planet.

But it's not about the color,

And in the fact that in the world

Always to each other

The children are smiling!

All the children gathered in a circle,

I am your friend and you are my friend.

Let's hold hands tightly

And let's smile at each other.

I want you to were common throughout the century -

And the sky, and the sea, and the mountains, and the rivers,

And snow, and tulips, and the sun above us.

(Together) Let all children be friends forever!

Dance “If you go on a journey with a friend”

I touch with my heart and hand

A few years ago,

Where, merging, they make noise,

Hugging like two sisters,

The streams of Aragva and Kura,

There was a monastery. From behind the mountain

And now the pedestrian sees

Collapsed gate posts

And the towers, and the church vault...

Here love for the homeland is sacred.

Welcome to Georgia!

Mojesalmebit Sakartvello!

Soyez bienvenus en Georgie!

Welcome to Georgia!

Application: presentation


Scenario for the festival-competition “World of Nationalities. Georgia"

Atarshchikova E.S., French teacher

Tsvetkova A.V., music teacher

Municipal educational institution

"Gymnasium No. 13 Traktorozavodsky district of Volgograd"

The scenario is designed for students studying English language as the first foreign (in depth), and German and French languages as a second foreign language. Greetings on three foreign languages emphasizes the specifics of the op amp.

1. The famous Georgian polyphony sounds (recording)

Oh, Georgia, country of valleys and mountains,

Crystal rivers and bunches of grapes!

Your proud spirit was born from the earth itself.

Freedom and Love are given as a reward!

Hello, Dear friends! Sunny Georgia welcomes you!

Guten Tag, liebe Freunde! Sonniges Grusien begrüβt euch!

Bonjour, chers amis! La Géorgie ensoleyée vous salut!

Hello dear friends! Sunny Georgia is greeting you!

High mountains with eternal snow on the tops, clear stormy rivers originating from glaciers, green valleys with vineyards and tangerines, White sand beach on the seashore - this is Georgia. It could be called a beautiful green mansion in the mountains. Stands proudly. High. Beautiful.

An ancient legend says: King Vakhtang I Gorgasal was hunting in the forests, his hunting falcon wounded a pheasant. The wounded bird ran to the sulfur spring, was healed by its water and ran away. Surprised by this event, the king ordered a city to be built on this site and named it Tbilisi, from the Georgian “tbili”, meaning “warm”.

Tbilisi is the heart of Georgia, a city where the past meets the future...

A song about Tbilisi performed by a music teacher and students

How many Russian poets were inspired by this wonderful city! " Magic land"Pushkin called him. The famous poem “Mtsyri” by Lermontov, the immortal “Woe from Wit” by Griboyedov, “Childhood” by Tolstoy, “Makar Chudra” by Gorky were born here. And this is quite understandable: the city itself puts you in a poetic mood.

Tbilisi stretches out in a narrow strip along both banks of the Kura River.

The quiet charm of the curved, sun-drenched streets of Tbilisi, the terraces of houses entwined with grapevine, ancient churches with tiled domes, ruins of ancient monasteries, traditional Georgian courtyards with fancy carved verandas - it’s impossible to resist this landscape. And a piece of your soul will forever live in this enchanting corner, just as you will forever take away a piece of Tbilisi in your heart...

...I love Tbilisi...with a bright feeling

I touch with my heart and hand

Fabulous ancient lanes,

A festive and joyful dream...

2. There is something to be proud of this wonderful people.Historical monuments dating back to the 6th century have been preserved here, and 19th century architecture centuries will make you think that you are somewhere in Europe. But this is all the legacy of old Tiflis.

A few years ago,

Where, merging, they make noise,

Hugging like two sisters,

The streams of Aragva and Kura,

There was a monastery. From behind the mountain

And now the pedestrian sees

Collapsed gate posts

And the towers, and the church vault...

Jvari Monastery, Narikala fortress - “the soul and heart of Tbilisi”, the acropolis in Mtskheta, the fortress city of Ujarma... In Georgia, in the very center of Tbilisi are the Georgian Orthodox Church, Armenian Apostolic Church, Synagogue and Muslim mosque. On the banks of the Kura River is the main historical temple of Tbilisi - Zion Cathedral, built in the 6th century.

This wonderful corner of the planet attracts guests not only with architectural monuments... Glaciers, passes, rivers...

Mount Kazbek is considered one of the most high peaks not only in Georgia, but throughout the Caucasus... Tbilisi Botanical Garden, national park Borjomi...

And Georgian folk music, existing for more than 1500 years...

A song in Georgian performed by a student “Firefly”

3. Georgia gave the world Shota Rustaveli, Bagration, Tariverdiev, Nani Bregvadze, Sofiko Chiareli and Kote Makharadze, Rezo Gabriadze, Pirasmani, Giorgi Danelia...

4. Here in every house guests are welcome,

And they will always share shelter with him.

There are no barriers to friendship in the mountains,

Here love for the homeland is sacred.

“The guest is the messenger of God!” - says a Georgian proverb. It is customary for a guest not to spare the best.

How will your hospitable host greet you?

Chakhokhbili, khinkali, kharcho, khachapuri, lobio, sauces – satsivi, tkemali, satsebeli.

5. Traditional dishes Georgian cuisine is an important attribute of a Georgian wedding. A real Georgian wedding is a beautiful, spectacular, rich celebration with the observance of all original customs Georgian people. This is not only a feast, toastmaster, toasts and songs, it is also an amazing spectacle that you will never forget - real Georgian dances.

Georgian dance performed by a student, a representative of this nationality

6. You can talk about Georgia endlessly, but no words can convey the beauty of this country and its people. You have to see this with your own eyes. That's why….

Welcome to Georgia!

Mojesalmebit Sakartvello!

Herzlich wiellkommen in Grusien!

Soyez bienvenus en Georgie!

Welcome to Georgia!

Application: presentation

Yulia Marandina
Integrated educational activities"Travel to Georgia" in younger group(within the framework of the “Festival of Friendship of Peoples”)


1. Social and communicative development.

To form in children the foundations of moral and moral values, interest and positive attitudes towards peoples living in other countries of the world and peoples living in our country. Develop respectful attitudes and a sense of belonging to a larger community of people in kindergarten, our country, in the world. Introduce children to national culture Georgia.

2. Cognitive development.

Introduce children to culture, way of life and traditions people of Georgia, Call interest in children to these lives peoples: National clothes, folk games , dishes, National dishes. Introduce the nature, flora and fauna of this country.

3. Speech development.

Call interest to the meaning of new words, learn to correctly name objects and actions. Enrich and expand children's active vocabulary with new words on the topic being studied (saklya, ornament, Georgians, papakha). Develop coherent speech when talking about new subjects.

4. Artistic and aesthetic development.

Develop the prerequisites for value-semantic perception and understanding of works of art Georgia(music, musical instruments, dancing, national costumes).

MATERIALS AND EQUIPMENT: Presentation about Georgia; image fruit bowl with magnets, image fruits and vegetables on magnets, magnetic board; envelope with letter; silhouettes Georgian paper dresses different color for each child, blanks of national ornaments, glue, pencils, markers, napkins; doll in Georgian costume, costume for Tamara, long satin belts for children.

Organized educational activities::

At the beginning of class there is a knock on the door.

Educator: Do you hear someone knocking?

The door opens and the teacher is given an envelope.

Vos-l: Oh, guys, what is this?

Children: Letter, envelope.

Vos-l: Yes, a letter. Interesting, from whom and to whom? How to find out?

Vos-l: Certainly! Let's read it.

"TO WHOM: Kindergarten No. 146 in Tyumen, to the children from groups"Bunny"».

Vos-l: So this is for you?

Children: Yes!

"FROM WHOM: from Lali. Guys, this is a letter from Georgia, from Lali. Remember when we visited her?

Children: Yes!

Vos-l: What does Lali write to us?

"Dear Guys! Today we have Georgia A very fun holiday is being celebrated - Love Day! And I really want you to come to us. I'm looking forward to seeing you! Your Lali."

Vos-l: Guys, Lali is waiting for us at Georgia for the holiday. Do you want to go to her?

Children: Yes, sure!

Vos-l: Great! Guys, since we are going to Georgia, then maybe we need to dress up like real people Georgians! We have these fancy belts, let's put them on.

Children put on belts.

Vos-l: Now we're like real people Georgians. How will we go to Georgia?

Children express their guesses on what can be done travel.

Vos-l: Wow, what great guys! How much do you know! Once Georgia is very far from us, let's fly by plane, as he suggested to us (child's name). Do you agree?

Children: Yes!

Vos-l: Then we got ready, started the engines, spread our wings. Ready? Then let's fly! (music sounds). Well, here we go Georgia, let's land! Everyone landed, no one was left behind? Great! Look, guys, what beautiful country Georgia(we look at slides with views Georgia) .

Vos-l: Oh, guys, look, someone is meeting us. What do we need to say? Of course you need to say hello. Hello. Who are you?

Tamara: Hello guys. My name is Tamara, I am the mother of the girl Lali. You must have come to our holiday so dressed up?

Children's answers.

Tamara: Unfortunately, guys, we cannot celebrate this wonderful holiday and you will have to fly back.

Children: Why? What's happened?

Tamara: Listen. Yesterday we Lali spent the whole day preparing for the holiday, we cleaned up our sakla, that’s what our Georgian house, prepared bowls of fruit, took out our most beautiful dresses. But in the morning we saw that someone wanted to ruin our holiday: our elegant dresses have disappeared, fruits and vegetables are mixed up. Lali is so upset, she cries and doesn’t want to leave her room. And she was waiting for you.

Vos-l: What should we do, guys? We need to help Tamara and Lali. Want to help?

Children: Yes!

Vos-l: Tamara, we are ready to help you. What do we need to do?

Tamara: Guys, in Georgia there are a lot of fruits growing and Lali and I prepared them for you: they put it in a beautiful fruit bowl, and now they are all lying on the table along with the vegetables. Help us put them together back, but remember, you only need to put fruit in the vase. (Children complete the task, it sounds Georgian music) .

Tamara: Well done, you completed the task!

Vos-l: Guys, Tamara said that all their elegant dresses have disappeared and they have nothing to wear for the holiday. I think I know how to help these Georgians: Now we will decorate the dresses ourselves and give them to Tamara and Lali!

Children: Certainly!

(Children are offered a choice of different silhouettes of dresses and various Georgian ornaments. They decorate the dresses as they see fit. Music plays during operation.)

Vos-l: Well, Tamara, the guys have prepared a lot for you elegant dresses and you and Lali can dress up and celebrate your holiday.

Tamara: Oh, what beautiful dresses you made! Lali and I can now dress up in them not only on holidays. Thank you!

The doll appears in Georgian national costume.

Vos-l: And here is our Lali! Hello Lali!

Lali: Hello. I'm so glad you saved our holiday! And I want to dance! And you are with me!

Sounds Georgian melody, children dance with Lali and Tamara.

Lali: Guys, we have Georgia It's not just fruit that grows. We also have a tea bush growing. In the autumn we collect leaves from it, dry them in the sun and from these leaves we get tasty and aromatic Georgian tea. We brew and drink this tea. And we love to serve tea to our guests. We invite you all to Georgian tea party!