Apple Spas: folk traditions, customs and signs. Rituals, rituals, conspiracies, fortune telling for the Apple Savior

The Apple Savior is associated with a huge number of signs, rituals and customs. The church and folk traditions of this festival are intertwined and today they represent a single whole.

Apple Savior falls on August 19, corresponding to one of the great church holidays - the day of the Transfiguration of the Lord. This is the second Spas, following the Honey, or Poppy, Spas, which is celebrated everywhere on August 14, and preceding the Nut Spas. All three holidays are an integral part of the Dormition Fast.

history of the holiday

The official church name of the celebration is the Transfiguration of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Other names are also known among the people: the Second Savior, the Feast of the First Fruits and the Apple Savior. Beginning on August 19, people intensively collected the first harvest. In the last days of summer, apples were ripening, so the name of the celebration is indicative. During the period of holy abstinence, plant foods predominate; any Lenten pies flavored with honey and apples are used. This is why Orthodox people love the Dormition Fast because almost the entire harvest is ripe, which means you can treat yourself to delicious treats.

The history of the festival goes back to ancient times, personifying the manifestation of the divine essence of Christ to the disciples. Long before his ordeal and crucifixion, Jesus prepared those close to him for inevitable events, so that they would see the truth of his stay on Earth. People who zealously loved the Savior firmly believed that the Messiah was supposed to occupy the throne of Israel. Christ tried to explain that he was not the liberator of the Jewish inhabitants, but the Son of the Lord, who descended to earth in order to save all living from the Fall and devilish captivity.

The Transfiguration of the Lord is a celebration glorifying Jesus Christ, who became the Savior of the entire human race. The Messiah and his disciples appeared on Mount Tabor, where the prophet Moses and Elijah descended from heaven. In the eyes of his disciples, Jesus was transformed, becoming the true God and the light illuminating their blindness and unbelief. The apostles heard a Divine voice saying that before them was the Son of the Lord, who had descended to save mankind from filth and vices.

Apple Spas: traditions, customs and signs

The celebration is in many ways similar to the celebration of the Poppy Savior, only unlike honey and poppies, apples, pears and plums are illuminated in churches. In the warm regions of Russia at this time, grapes were ripening, which also needed to be blessed in the church.

It is customary to pray and thank the Lord for a good harvest. According to tradition, people treat each other with apples and honey, and also donate part of their own collection to the needs of the church. In the temple, anyone in need can take advantage of people’s donations and take some of the sweet dishes for themselves.

On this day you need to go to visit or invite loved ones to your place. Each housewife should have her own personal apple pie recipe with which she can surprise her guests.

While eating the illuminated apple in the church, you should make wishes. It is believed that it will definitely come true.

Popular belief says that after the Apple Savior comes cold weather. The weather changes dramatically. Night comes much earlier. In Russian villages, on this day they celebrated not only an Orthodox holiday, but also organized a magnificent celebration dedicated to welcoming autumn.

Our ancestors closely monitored the weather. If the weather was dry and warm on Yablochny Spas, they expected a warm winter. But if there was rain, they prepared for a harsh winter.

On this day, it is also customary to remember the dead by leaving apples on their graves. There is a sign that if the relatives of the deceased ate the fruits of apples before the Great Savior began, then the departed souls will not be able to enjoy the celebration and share the joy among themselves.

The girls performed a ritual to attract love. It was necessary to eat an apple, thinking about the chosen one and the imminent marriage. In this way, young ladies lured their lover into sweet captivity, bewitching him to themselves.

The priests sprinkled the ground with holy water on the Apple Savior. In this way, the soil was prepared for winter sowing.

Apple Savior is still celebrated today, and the traditions of this joyful day teach us to trust folk wisdom. Rituals and customs are currently gaining popularity again. This is a holiday of holiness, faith and repentance. Sincere prayers will help you get closer to God and cleanse your soul during the Dormition Fast. We wish you peace in your soul and strong faith. be happyand don't forget to press the buttons and

15.08.2017 06:27

December 7 is an Orthodox holiday dedicated to St. Catherine. On this day, traditions are observed that help...

On this day there are practically no boundaries between worlds. Light energy predominates. Therefore, during the Transfiguration of the Lord, the signs are accurate, and the conspiracies and rituals of white magic are especially powerful. Apple Savior is a time when you can change your destiny, cleanse your internal energy, and receive the protection of higher powers. It is filled with deep sacred meaning. This is a day of positive energy flows that can be used for your benefit. How? Long-term observations, signs, and various ritual actions will suggest that they are especially reliable and effective.

Traditions and signs for the Apple Savior (Transfiguration of the Lord)

You can ask Spas for anything, but you must do it sincerely and without selfish thoughts.

The Transfiguration of the Lord is a major Christian holiday with a fixed date that never changes. Therefore, in 2018, as always, it is celebrated on Sunday, August 19.

People call the holiday in parallel the Apple Day or the Second Savior, the Savior on the Mountain, Pea Day, and the First Autumn.

This is one of the three Spas, which are traditionally celebrated in August. The energy of the holiday is optimistic, filled with light, goodness and mercy. August 19 is a real opportunity to change your life for the better, to transform yourself along with nature. Apples consecrated in the church are endowed with special energy powers.

What is prohibited to do on this day

Eating apples before the Savior was not allowed, especially for women

In ancient times, the Slavs had a strict ban on eating fruits before a special ritual. The tradition of blessing the harvest continues to this day. Until apples, pears, and grapes are blessed by a priest in the church on Apple Savior, you cannot cook or eat them fresh. The strictest prohibitions concern apples. Moreover, the consequences of violating the taboo are more destructive for women who thus take upon themselves the original sin of Eve.

What else you can’t do on this day:

  1. It is strictly forbidden to work. Cooking and gardening are allowed. You cannot do field work, build anything, knit, sew, or clean the house. It is believed: if you collect grain on Spas, it will spoil very quickly. The entire harvest must be harvested before the Transfiguration of the Lord.
  2. Before the Apple Savior, there was a strict ban on eating apples for women whose children had died. The taboo concerns mothers who have lost their babies. However, mothers who have lost an adult son or daughter also forbid themselves to eat apples and dishes made from them until the onset of the Second Savior. All because of the ancient legend, which is still believed in Rus'. In the afterlife, on this day, children receive golden apples. Only those whose mothers ate apples before the Apple Savior are left without the wonderful fruits.
  3. It is also better for unmarried guys not to eat apples until the Transfiguration of the Lord - the wife will be whiny and ugly.
  4. It is forbidden to swear, have fun, drink any alcohol, meat, fatty foods, eggs, because the holiday is celebrated on the day of the Dormition Fast. There can be only vegetable and fish dishes on the table, as well as all kinds of dishes made from apples and other fruits.
  5. You shouldn't kill flies on Second Spas. If she sits on your hand twice, this is a sign symbolizing the fulfillment of desires. You cannot drive an insect away - it is better if it flies away of its own free will.

What to do on the day of the Second Savior

The first thing they do is take a basket of fruit and go to church service, where after the festive prayer service, a priest in snow-white robes will sprinkle the brought fruits with holy water. We must remember: the harvest is brought to church first of all as a sign of gratitude to God. Only then will they acquire special properties.

It is believed that a blessed apple will bring health, happiness and good luck. Anyone who did not eat such a fruit at the Apple Savior may get sick and suffer for a whole year until the next Transfiguration. Apples collected on August 19, even if they are late varieties, are perfectly stored. The first thing picked from the tree must be eaten, saying: “What is far-fetched will come true, what will come true will not pass.” This is what they do to make their wishes come true.

It is not prohibited to baptize children on Apple Spas; on the contrary, on this holiday there are even a little more godparents than on weekdays.

Folk signs for August 19

You need to be attentive to the signs and do the following:

Weather for the holiday - forecast for January: if it rains - snowy winter, sultry dry day - frosty January without precipitation. Rainy Transfiguration of the Lord - it will rain often in the fall.

Rituals, fortune telling and conspiracies

The apple, a round symbol, can participate in many rituals on this day

Magic rituals performed at Apple Spas will be easy and effective, and fortune telling will be reliable. No special personal energy costs are required. Faith in the ritual, bright thoughts and feelings are important.

Fortune telling on apple peels for unmarried girls

Trim the apple so that the cut peel is in the form of a ribbon. If you cut it and the ribbon breaks, you won’t get married this year. In the case when a long ribbon is obtained, the peel is thrown over the shoulder with the left hand. The symbol that emerged after the fall will tell the girl’s future fate: it will resemble the first letter of the name of her future husband.

Relationship fortune telling for an unmarried woman

You take apples according to the number of men you are interested in. Write a name on each one. Then take it to the garden or balcony for the night. Early in the morning, see the result:

  1. Nothing good will happen if the fruit is eaten by birds.
  2. An apple that the birds have eaten almost entirely will indicate the appearance of a dangerous rival.
  3. A fruit that fell to the ground - a relationship with this man will bring tears and pain.
  4. The fruit that has completely disappeared says that the guy and he will part ways.

Youth fortune telling with apples

A group of girls and boys take a consecrated apple, each of which is secured on a string. Build a fire and spin the fruit as hard as possible. Whoever's apple falls into the fire faster will get married sooner. The one who turns out to be the last should not dream of a wedding until the next Savior.

A simple ritual for wealth

The more apples you give to your loved ones and the poor, the richer you will be this year.

To avoid money problems, bless apples and distribute them to the poor. Eat one yourself, saying: “Placing need, health resort to wealth.” In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit! Let it be so!"

Love spell for Transfiguration

To attract attention, you need to cut the apple in half. Three nettle leaves are placed between the halves, joining the fruit together. They bring it to their lips and say: “Fly here, like a nettle that burns with fiery passion, the most beautiful for the two of us. May this come true for the benefit of those in love and their loved ones.” The charmed apple is hidden in a secret place. After it rots, the remainder is buried near the beloved’s home.

A powerful plot to improve relationships with your boss

To ensure friendly contact with the leader, in the church they light a candle for health and say: “Lord Almighty, inflamed with His mercy, have mercy on your servant (name of the boss) and on me (name). From now on and forevermore, let it be so.”

Apple Spas is loved in Rus'. This is a holiday of gratitude and light, positive change and faith in the future. Nature transforms itself and gives us the strength to change the course of fate for the better. Your plans will definitely come true if your heart and soul on this day are filled with bright feelings. Let the passing summer remain a good memory, and the coming autumn bring wonderful changes for the better.

* Photos by Olga Kasyanchuk and Alexander Taldin

Just five days after the first, Honey Savior, the second, Apple Savior, begins. The date of the church holiday does not change, and, as in other years, we celebrate Apple Savior 2016 on August 19. People love this holiday and look forward to it, ─ starting from August 19, Orthodox Christians can eat apples. Many people still don’t understand why the church says that you can’t eat apples until that day, “otherwise they won’t let you into heaven.” The priests explain that the ban applies only to the fruits of the new harvest. You can and even should eat last year’s and imported apples! Signs and even superstitions are associated with the Apple Savior. According to custom, on this day believers visit churches, attend general prayer and consecrate the gifts of nature. Conspiracies and magical rituals for Transfiguration (another, main name of the holiday) are used for rejuvenation, attracting love, healing, and cleansing the home. On this day, it is customary to congratulate each other in prose or short SMS, poetry, and give friends postcards with funny pictures. The Orthodox Church does not approve of magic, but the desire to see a miracle by charming a fresh apple wins in most cases.

Magic spells, traditions, signs and prayers for Apple Spas 2016

There are many signs, traditions, and conspiracies associated with the Apple Savior holiday. On August 19, prayers relating to the Transfiguration of Jesus the Savior are read in all churches.

Prayers for Apple Savior

On August 19, in memory of the Transfiguration of the Lord, clergy wear white clothes, symbolizing the light on Tabor. In Moscow, for example, the day begins with liturgy, the singing of canons and prayers, which emphasize the greatness of the Transfiguration. Believers will bring apples to church for blessing.

Prayer to the Transfiguration of the Lord

Lord Jesus Christ, our God, in the Living Light, unapproachable, the Radiance of the Father’s Glory and the Image of His Hypostasis! When the fulfillment of times came, You humbled Yourself for your unspeakable mercy for the fallen human race, You took on the form of a servant, You humbled Yourself, obedient even to the point of death. Moreover, before the Cross and Your free passion on Mount Tavorstei, You were transfigured in Your Divine Glory before Your saints, the disciples and Apostles, little hiding the perception of the flesh, so that when they see You crucified and put to death, they will understand Your free suffering and Divinity. Grant to all of us, Thy most pure Flesh, the Transfiguration of those celebrating, with pure hearts and undefiled minds, to ascend to Thy Holy Mountain, to the holy villages of Thy glory, where the pure voice of those celebrating, the voice of unspeakable joy, so that together with them, face to face, we will see Thy Glory in unfading are the days of Your Kingdom, and with all the saints who have pleased You from all eternity, let us glorify Your All-Holy Name with Your Originless Father and Your Most Holy and Good and Life-Giving Spirit, now and ever and unto the ages of ages. Amen

Beliefs and signs of the Apple Savior

In addition to the tradition of blessing apples, the Orthodox also had beliefs related to the Savior on the Mountain. For example, in the southern regions of Russia it is believed that at this time swallows fly away and the sky reveals God: you can make a wish and it will come true. According to tradition, on August 19, people treat each other with blessed apples. Anyone who takes a bite from the fruit can make a wish. Treating a beggar at Apple Spas is a good sign: next year will be abundant. It is believed that grains must be removed before the holiday, otherwise there is no need to wait for the harvest. According to the signs of the holiday, January will be the same as the weather on August 19th. If it rains, winter is expected to be snowy. A funny and good omen of the Second Savior is a fly that lands on a person’s clothes. If this happens, be “lucky” rich!

Conspiracies for Apple Spas

Although the church is against various rituals and conspiracies, they are still “sinned” today, both by villagers and city dwellers. Most of these magical actions relate to attracting love, health and wealth.

Conspiracy for rejuvenation

You need to prepare 12 apples, then say the following spell on them three times:

“The cradle of nature, on a clear day and in bad weather, bewitch my apple, bewitch youth to me.” Then, for 12 days, eat the charmed fruits, and every time you need to curse the apple, which was previously charmed for the Apple Savior. And be sure that after five days you will clearly notice positive changes not only in your appearance, but also in your physical condition.

Love spell during Apple Day

“On this fine day, let the breeze bring me ardent and pure love, so that my heart beats faster, so that love burns like nettles, me and my chosen one. Exactly!"

They put the apple in a secluded place, and when it dried up, they buried it near their house.

Money plot

On this day, you need to get up at dawn and pick three branches of a linden tree (it is considered money) and place it in a container of water, to which three tablespoons of holy water have been added, in the room where you usually sleep. In the next nine days, early in the morning, without washing, you need to use these twigs to consecrate your home, reading the following conspiracy: “Money should have money, and debts should belong to debtors, poverty should belong to the poor, but I don’t have coppers in my pocket, only paper money.” and bills of exchange are important. My word is strong and molding. Amen". Repeat three times. After nine days have passed, you can either break these branches and make a decoction, which you add to the bath taken on Friday - the day of wealth, at midnight, or dry them and store them in a secluded place for a whole year.

Kind short SMS congratulations on Apple Spas

At Apple Spas they wish each other to “transform” like Jesus on Tabor, to become kinder, happier, to fall in love and become loved. In SMS congratulations, family and friends write about goodness and prosperity.

The apple trees were in bloom recently,

And now the apple branch is bending to the ground!

Congratulations on the apple saviour,

You sent me an SMS in response!

A sweet holiday is coming to us in a hurry

The bell is ringing in the temple.

Hold the apple in your hand and inhale its aroma

Yablonevy saved - you pray and help!

I send congratulations on your apple saviour,

I give you a fragrant apple,

Take a bite out of it quickly

Treat all your friends to it quickly!

Sincere congratulations on the Apple Savior in verse

Today is a great holiday -

Transfiguration of the Lord!

Now God shows us

Hope for our salvation.

Apple smells honey

Faith in holy salvation

The whole Orthodox world celebrates

Transfiguration of the Lord!

Apples are ripening in the garden,

Eternal movement of nature.

A great holiday is coming -

Transfiguration of the Lord!

You are a pouring apple

Take it as a gift from me.

Let every day be yours

Joyful, light and bright!

Transfiguration of the Lord -

Apple Spas –

Let's celebrate today

May the Lord save us!

We offer him prayers,

We sing his praises in churches:

Our Lord, be glorious,

And us in his Kingdom,

We pray, don't forget!

Heartfelt congratulations on the Apple Savior in prose

You can also congratulate yourself on the Apple Savior in prose. It is enough to sincerely wish a friend or relative health, goodness, happiness and treat him with a poured apple.

Happy holiday! May the Transfiguration of the Lord fill people’s hearts with peace and goodness, and their thoughts with purity and light. Rejoice and enjoy this day, and may the blessed apple fulfill your deepest desire.

Today summer turns into autumn, the Transfiguration of not only our Lord, but also of nature begins. The time has come to eat apples and bake pies with them. Today, the Mother of God in Paradise distributes gifts and apples from the Garden of Eden to children. Happy Second Savior to us all! ***

I congratulate you on the Apple Savior and wish you a bright and righteous path. May life be sweet and juicy, like a ripe apple, may there be harmony in the family, may God take away all illnesses and illnesses, may joy and fun come to the house.

Warm short congratulations to passers-by on Apple Spas

You can also congratulate a passerby, a stranger, on the Apple Savior. Just treat him with fruit and briefly wish him health and good luck. The warm light in the eyes of a stranger will be your gratitude.

The apples are ripe

So that we can eat them together,

So that in the heart without prohibition

Saved summer.

The red summer gave us goodness,

Sunlight, bright nights, warmth,

May it remain with us forever

It's summer and the apple Savior!

Hand out treats

Please accept congratulations,

Make a wish for the fruit,

Expect it throughout the year!

Cool congratulations in letters and poems on Apple Spas

People with humor will definitely understand your good intentions when they open their morning mail and find there your letter with funny congratulations in honor of the Apple Savior. You, too, can please your friend or relative with a funny verse or a funny picture for the Day of Transfiguration.

Apple Spas

The company was sitting under the apple tree,

Friends were having a leisurely conversation

About mind, soul and mortal body,

We discussed calmly and without quarrels.

Suddenly the apple fell on the physicist.

He took out his mobile phone

And he began to dictate to his assistant Valya

Open gravity law!

Everyone congratulated the scientist!

The apple fell again. Rubbed his forehead

Philosopher: “I really need to write it down

An idea that doesn’t look like nonsense!”

And writes on his palm out of habit

With a felt-tip pen, sweepingly, easily,

What does an apple usually come from an apple tree?

Doesn't fall to the ground far!

“How wise! Exactly! Daring! Boldly! Lump!

The apple fell again and the look

The poet became hazy, with a smile

He immediately wrote a poem about a wonderful garden!

There was no limit to the delight!

When friends almost entered into ecstasy,

Father Markel hit the ripe fruit:

“Let’s go to church, we have the Savior today!”

Everyone stood up, holding out their hands to each other,

And grace was felt in the souls!

And the apples fell with a thud,

But there was no one to collect them...

Grandpa rejoices at the knock

He smells winter with his blue nose,

Unbeaten - to the grandson's bottom,

The rest goes into a barrel with Calvados,

In winter, in Epiphany frosts

I would give my grandson a gift from the Savior,

I would warm myself with Calvados,

Balance without touching the meager cash register,

A fragrant August evening

I teased grandpa with apples by knocking,

That sound is like a messenger to a personal meeting,

Replacing Skype with a laptop!

Unprecedented harvest

Can't be avoided

All the boundaries are littered

A ton of apples.

Delicious apple pie

The preparations are being smothered for future use,

We wish we could survive.

The dryer and I are on first name terms,

Just a little time,

Apples in orderly rows

They don't thin out.

Pastila and marmalade,

Harvest time.

The beauty is the apple parade!

Getting younger.

Greeting cards for Apple Savior Day

If you don’t find postcards on the theme “Apple Savior” in the store, send it electronically. Use our options or find yours on the Internet.

Celebrating Apple Savior 2016 on August 19, go to church for prayer and bless apples there according to tradition. Don’t forget to send congratulations to your loved ones on the Transfiguration of the Lord. These can be short poems or prose, SMS or postcards. Observe the signs of the day and try to “speak” to the apple ─ what if it “works”?

Apple Savior is a folk church holiday that is celebrated every year on the same day - August 19, after the Honey Savior. This day combines a huge number of traditions.

You can read in more detail about the traditions, signs and rituals of the Apple Savior in a separate article. They are so diverse because the Orthodox Church celebrates the Feast of the Transfiguration of the Lord on this day. On this important day, prayers are read in churches, conversations with God are held, and festive liturgies are held, where they remember the significant event that occurred on Mount Tabor. John, Peter and James, three disciples of Jesus, saw a bright light that illuminated them, informing them that the Son of God was standing before them, who would save the world from filth.

Apple saved August 19

This day represents the transition from the summer season to the winter season. Since ancient times, people have noticed that the nights begin to grow noticeably stronger from this period of time. They are getting colder and more and more often reminding us that autumn is coming. Gardens and vegetable gardens are already beginning to turn yellow, the plants are drooping their heads and drying up. In Rus', winter planting in the fields began from this day. But autumn, which is coming closer, is not only a time of withering, but also a season of harvesting fruits, and very abundant ones.

The rituals that we will discuss below are inseparably linked with nature, which regulates a lot of processes in our lives. This great day is a great time when the energy of the cosmos is attracted like a magnet. For this purpose, special rituals for communicating with Mother Nature were invented many centuries and dozens of generations ago.

The Second Savior or Apple Savior and the Transfiguration of the Lord is a vivid example of how church and folk wisdom combine, creating something more beautiful. This is direct proof of the unity of God and nature. This is a single whole, one organism, one essence and one person.

Rituals for August 19

Apple Spas implies the presence of apples in each of the rituals. At this time, most types of apples are already ripening, so there should be no problems with preparing for rituals and ceremonies.

First rite - “Healthy body”

We all grow old and do not get younger, but there are many rules that indicate the right path to prolonging youth and increasing energy. For example, smile more and think only about good things. A positive mood works like an elixir of youth. The “Healthy Body” ritual will help you enhance this effect and become more beautiful and healthier, regardless of age.

All you need is apples, a bag or cloth and a good mood. Cut one or a couple of apples that you picked specifically at Apple Spas on August 19. Before picking an apple from a tree, say:

After this, you need to put the cut small pieces on the window in the sun, and in the evening collect them and put them in a bag or wrap them in cloth. The apple pieces will absorb all the necessary energy, which can be used for about two to three weeks after the holiday. The bag should be placed next to the place where you sleep. Before going to bed, repeat the same lines: “I’m taking your youth for myself. I am now starting a new life.”

When about two weeks have passed, you can throw away the apples with the words: “Thank you, Mother Nature, for your help. Thank you for your gifts. Amen." From the first day of the ritual, you will begin to feel how strength fills you and a feeling of lightness returns.

Second rite - “Exchange of Goods”

Buy or pick more apples. Choose a person from your environment who will gladly accept your gifts and thank you sincerely. This could be a relative, friend, neighbor. When you give him apples as a gift, say to yourself: “I buy myself goodness by giving kindness and warmth”. It is important to give the gift directly into your hands, without intermediaries, otherwise nothing will work out.

It is impossible to receive something without giving something in return. This is the main law of nature, which became known to people thousands of years ago. For goodness to come into your life, do it to another person. Since the holiday is associated with apples, it is worth giving them to someone who will appreciate your gift. And then the Universe will help you fulfill your deepest desire.

Third Rite - “New Youth”

Another ritual that is aimed at returning youth and excellent well-being. Take fresh garden apples and juice them. After this, you will need to wash your face with the juice three times before going to bed. Stand in front of the mirror and say: “The power of Savior Apple, help me transform and regain my strength. Help me take the true path. Let it be so."

Wash your face three times, repeating “I wash away old age and gain youth.” After this, the remaining juice can be drunk or poured out - at your discretion.

The first rite can be repeated even after the Savior, but as for the second and third, it is strictly tied to August 19.

If you want to harness the power of nature every day, check out our helpful morning whispers. They will help activate natural energy and provide assistance in business, maintaining health and good luck. Have a nice holiday and don't forget to press the buttons and

Since ancient times, in Rus', rituals were performed on the Apple Savior, conspiracies were read for money and wealth, the fulfillment of desires, for youth and beauty, for love and peace in the family.

Apples play a huge role in the rituals of the Great Savior - since pagan times they have been endowed with magical powers and considered a symbol of love and youth. So stock up on apples in advance and use this day to fulfill your plans.

Rituals for Apple Saving 2018

1 Rite of rejuvenation

This rejuvenation ritual must be carried out precisely on the day of the holiday, that is, August 19, after sunset. For the ritual, you need to prepare 12 apples, then say the following plot on them three times:

The cradle of nature, on a clear day and in bad weather, bewitch my apple, bewitch youth to me.”

And be sure that after five days you will clearly notice positive changes not only in your appearance, but also in your physical condition.

2 Ritual for cleansing the house

This ritual for Apple Spas will help cleanse absolutely any space from various accumulated negative energy. To carry it out, you need to take a completely ordinary apple and cut it exactly in half. Next, you need to remove the entire core from one half.

It is from natural wax that you need to light a candle and walk around absolutely your entire home with it, stopping near every corner, window and doorway. In this case, you need to make a circular movement with the candle clockwise three times. Candle wax. Which should directly flow into the saucer, must be poured into exactly that part of the apple from which you previously removed the core.

Then connect the two parts of the apple to each other and tie it tightly enough with absolutely any thread. Now such an apple needs to be buried as far as possible from your home, somewhere on the street.

3 Get rid of warts at Apple Spas

On the day of the Apple (Second) Savior, you can use a consecrated apple to perform the ritual of getting rid of warts. To do this, you need to cut the apple fruit crosswise, that is, into slices. You need to follow the existing wart with the cut point of the apple, and then you need to bury the apple in a very secluded place. Warts will completely disappear from your body exactly when the ritual apple completely rots in the ground.

But it is worth remembering that absolutely all rituals, including this ritual itself, must be performed exclusively on the day of the consecration of apples.

4 Love ritual for Apple Spas 2018

This ritual must be performed on August 19th. For it you will need a large apple and three small nettle leaves. Cut the fruit in half, remove the core, put the nettle inside and connect the halves again. Bring the apple to your lips and “whisper” the spell:

“Fly to me, my love, like stinging and passionate nettles, beautiful for me and my beloved. May it be so for the benefit of me and everyone around me.”

Hide the apple in a secluded dark place, and when it dries, bury it near your loved one’s house, or if there is none, then simply bury it in a remote place.

5 You can ward off a boring fan in this way.

At dawn, when the sun is setting towards the horizon, eat a very sour apple with your gentleman (one bite is enough). Do not throw away a bitten apple or core. Divide it into two parts and bury them separately from each other under any old, withering apple tree. Say these words three times:

“Just as this apple would not be whole, so we, God’s servants (your names), would not be together, not live, not rejoice, not grieve. Just as an old apple tree dies of its own accord and does not cause trouble for anyone, so our feelings would fade on their own and not cause trouble for anyone. Amen".

6 Ritual for money, good luck in business at Apple Spas 2018

But this ritual should be carried out the day after the Apple Savior.

Buy twelve new harvest apples from the market. Don't take change. The next day, distribute six apples to beggars on the street or low-income neighbors. Let six apples be at your home. The next day, give three more apples to the beggars. On the third day, take the remaining three apples to the church, place them on the funeral table, and say to yourself:

“Remember my poverty for peace, and wealth and money are with me. Amen".

7 A ritual for the fulfillment of a wish, for a plan for Apple Spas 2018

You need to take a blessed fruit (only this one!), bite off a piece of it and, while swallowing, think of a wish. According to the ancestors, it will certainly come true! This method works especially well for girls who want to get married quickly. One condition: when swallowing an apple, you must say the words:

“What is planned is far-fetched! What is far-fetched will come true! What will come true will not pass!

8 Conspiracy and ritual for desire at Apple Spas

There is an ancient Slavic ritual that facilitates the fulfillment of plans. Take any ripe apple, retire to a separate room and start creating magic. Take a little bite from the fruit, chew each piece thoroughly and mentally pronounce the spell. The words are:

“Only one of us saved. The saints help until the blizzard swirls. May everything come true and work out for God’s servant (your name), may your cherished desire come true. As I bite into this apple, I make my dream come true. Amen."

9 Ritual for money, for good luck at Apple Spas 2018

On Apple Spas (August 19), take four apples from the new harvest and place them in your study, office, desk or home (if you don’t work) along the cardinal points.

After three days, when the apples have absorbed all the accumulated negativity, collect them and at sunset take them to a river or stream (it is important to find running water). Dipping each apple into the water, say the following spell:

“The sun goes away, the month comes, my grief and sadness takes me to another world forever. King fish, feed on the apple, profit will return to my business, and luck will turn to me! Amen".

10 Ritual for getting rid of diseases

At Apple Spas or after it, take an apple from the new harvest, cut it into three parts, and apply each one to the sore spot. Hold for a few seconds, then bury the apple pieces in the ground - where no one walks (in the forest, in a vacant lot, etc.). According to legend, along with the apple, the earth will take away your illness.

11 Ritual for the harvest, prosperity for Apple Spas 2018

If apple trees bear fruit in your garden and you make apple juice, do not forget to symbolically sprinkle the garden and vegetable garden with juice: next year the earth will thank you with a rich harvest.

By the way, when picking apples, do not remove every single fruit; be sure to leave a few for the birds. This promises you prosperity!