Azalea name meaning from Arabic. Love and family

In this material you will find information about the meaning of the female name Azalea, its origin, history, and learn about the interpretation options for the name.

Full name - Azalea

Short name - Aza, Zalia

Synonyms for the name - Aza

Name day - does not celebrate

Zodiac - Capricorn

Planet - Saturn

Color - Lead

Animal - Turtle

Plant - Pine

Stone - Chalcedony, obsidian

The origin of this name is unclear. According to one version, it was formed from a nondescript low shrub of the same name, which at the time of flowering is dressed in lush flowers. According to another version, the name comes from the Arabic language, where, when applied to a female name, it means “calming” or “comforting.”

Love named Azalea

The bearer of this name loves flashy outfits and accessories, trying to emphasize with them her individuality and uniqueness. Possessing a fairly pretty appearance, she attracts the attention of the opposite sex. But she will not agree to maintain a close relationship with every man. She needs a man who will appreciate her not only for her external attractiveness, but also for her character, which is not at all simple. Her chosen one must have courage and bravery, be noble and generous. In general - a prince on a white horse. However, such people do not often come across the path of young girls, so Azalea may experience disappointment from the first feeling of love if it is not mutual.

Sexuality of the name Azalea

A woman is naturally endowed with developed intuition, great temperament and sensuality. She unmistakably determines the inner essence of her partner and builds intimate relationships based on how much the man respects her feelings, shares her vision of the world and life principles. She is quite experienced in love, and if her partner meets all her requirements, she can give him many sweet moments. He categorically does not accept rudeness and cruelty in his chosen one. Following her principles of being open to everyone, the bearer of this name sometimes spoils her relationship with her loved one. She tries to put too many public problems on her fragile shoulders, while relegating personal relationships to the background.

Marriage and family named Azalea

This woman is initially aimed at creating a family that is strong and positive in every sense. Only after becoming a wife and mother does she reveal all the best qualities of her character. But she has one weakness that can negatively affect family relationships. This is her constant concern about global global problems, where she wants to be directly involved in solving them. She copes with all the hardships of family life, and still has time for work and social obligations. Anyone can envy her activity and fortitude. She is a faithful wife and friend to her husband. A loving mother for her children, in whom she dotes. An excellent housewife, whose house is cozy, comfortable and always has delicious food.

Business and career

Possessing sufficient leadership abilities and a sense of personal responsibility for the assigned work, this woman may well become a successful business lady. In addition, she does not like to obey anyone at all. She will work regardless of her bad health or mood. Azalea will not take a long time to persuade her subordinates to complete a task; it is easier for her to saddle everything herself than to wait for help from someone. She can realize herself as an excellent specialist in any field of activity. Her strong and strong-willed character does not give her a reason to push other people around. She enjoys well-deserved respect in any team. She is close to such professions as a teacher or university lecturer.

The meaning of the name Azalea in character

The main advantage of this woman’s character is her exceptional responsibility and reliability. She takes on any job without further ado, without complaining about the difficulty or asking for help from others. A physically strong and active woman has enough strength for everything - professional activities and fulfilling family obligations. By nature modest and shy, she does not expect praise for her work, but deep down in her soul she still hopes to hear it. Despite her strong will and strong character, she never enters into disputes or conflicts, preferring to retreat but remaining unconvinced. Because of her shyness and low self-esteem, this woman does not strive to take a leadership position, although she can easily cope with any job. The kind-hearted and kind-hearted Azalea does not wish harm to anyone, and she does not remember insults for a long time. But he will not forgive treason and betrayal. At the same time, she will not find out the details, she will simply end all relations with the person whom she can no longer trust.

Teen Azalea

At an early age, the girl declares herself as a serious and responsible person. Therefore, both in the children's group and later in school, he enjoys authority among his peers. She always knows what she should do at a given moment and does not deviate from her plan. She is very kind, but also touchy. If her work is not appreciated for a long time, she can withdraw into her shell for a long time. The attention of family and friends is extremely important for this person.

Successful people and stars:

Azalia Dolgova is a Russian legal scientist, professor and doctor of jurisprudence. President of the Russian Criminological Association

Azalia (Aza) Likhitchenko - Russian TV presenter of the Soviet period, People's Artist of Russia

Azalea Banks - rap singer

Azalia Zinnatova, stage name Zinnat, is a Russian pop singer

Azalea Iggy (real name Amethyst Amelia Kelly) is an Australian hip-hop singer and songwriter.

Ideal compatibility: Timofey, Mark, Timur, Evgeniy, Oleg

Translated from Greek, the name “Azalea” means “ flowering shrub" The name comes from the flower of the same name - azalea. The main feature of this plant is that, being a completely inconspicuous shrub, it opens up and acquires incredible beauty during flowering. According to the second version, the name “Azalea” is Arabic and means “comforting”, “calming”.

Little Azalea is an energetic, sociable, kind and lively girl. She has many friends and finding a common language with strangers is not difficult for Azalea. In addition, Azalea is a reliable and loyal friend. She enjoys authority among her peers even at a young age.

Azalea is a calm and balanced girl. She is very tolerant of the shortcomings of others. This is the person who will not point out them directly, but will unobtrusively and subtly be able to point out the shortcomings of the interlocutor, while at the same time giving him an idea on how best to eliminate them.

Azalea does not like to conflict. The girl strives to avoid quarrels and conflicts and does not hold a grudge against anyone and never takes revenge. Tolerant of others, Azalea sometimes makes unreasonably high demands on herself. She strives to do everything on her own, rather than asking or, much less, ordering others.

In the professional sphere, Azalea gravitates towards the humanities. She has high teaching abilities and can be interested in science. Azalea will be inspired to do any work that can bring her praise, but others are unlikely to notice this due to the girl’s natural modesty.

Azalea is quite modest. However, as far as friendships and family relationships are concerned, this girl is a real “battery”. Her creativity is expressed in the fact that she has an incredible imagination, which, together with perseverance, helps the girl achieve goals that are simply impossible at first glance.

Azalea is one of those people who do not forgive betrayal. The person who betrayed her once will be forever erased from the girl’s life.

Azalea's thoughts are almost always occupied with issues of home and everyday life. Family is the norm for her. Azalea loves and appreciates stability in everything, and especially in family matters. That is why such a girl chooses a life partner once and for all. Azalea will not let a rude man get close. Her chosen one should be as strong as he is gentle with her. Azalea becomes an excellent wife and mother. Devoting all her free time to home and family, she arranges her life in such a way that it is comfortable for all family members.

Azalea is a whole ocean of positivity who always attracts those around him.

Anchor points:

Flowering shrub - the meaning of the name Azalea

Azalea loves to be needed by people and to be responsible. She looks after her friends, sisters-brothers, neighbors, strives to come to the rescue and give advice. Azalea has good organizational skills, she is often the initiator of any undertakings and carefully ensures that the work is completed. Azalea acts with the help of her eloquence, convinces, but under no circumstances will she put pressure or force. She herself works hard, is resilient and efficient. Azalea rarely takes offense, quickly forgives, and is not vindictive. He diligently avoids conflicts. Of course, having such qualities, Azalea simply cannot do poorly at school, and her learning abilities are good. The humanities are easier for her. May have a gift for writing.

Striving to find your path

Everything Azalea does in her life, she does honestly and sincerely. She seeks her destiny, works hard, impressing those around her with her endurance. Azalea has good speaking skills, she knows how to be eloquent, her competent speech and beautiful voice always find their admirers. Azalea is cheerful in company, has a wonderful sense of humor and self-irony. If necessary, Azalea can be sharp-tongued and easily wins in an argument. She has no desire to be the center of attention, but due to her character she will never remain in the shadows. Azalea feels men well, she will not allow anyone to deceive her, and she, in turn, strives for an honest relationship. Azalea does not tolerate rudeness and vulgarity; she likes men who are capable of action, serious, decisive and noble.

Own place in life

Azaleas need stability. She rarely changes jobs and strives for mastery. In her desire to benefit society, Azalea is tireless. This hardworking, active, enterprising woman. Will always come to the rescue. She sincerely rejoices at the successes of her colleagues; envy is alien to Azalea. Of course, it is important for Azalea to feel that her work is not in vain, she is receptive to praise, Azalea does not need any other reward besides recognition. Azalea expects the same stability from family relationships. She must have the same interests as her husband, be able to reach compromises, and she needs spiritual closeness. Azalea is a faithful wife and will always be a support to her husband. Azalea's husband should be tolerant, loving and devoted. She tenderly takes care of children, teaches them to perceive people as they are, to be tolerant and necessary.

You should pay special attention, first of all, to the quality of the items you purchase. Preference should be given to clothing of a simple and strict style, wearable, comfortable and discreet. The main thing is to look correct and neat. And dressing “like you’re going to a ball” doesn’t suit you at all. Your appearance number is “Four.” The practicality of the “two” is reflected, among other things, in her manner of dressing. You should pay special attention, first of all, to the quality of the items you purchase. Preference should be given to clothing of a simple and strict style, wearable, comfortable and discreet. The main thing is to look correct and neat. And dressing “like you’re going to a ball” doesn’t suit you at all.

Compatibility of the name Azalea, manifestation in love

Azalea, you often forget that family life is incompatible with maintaining the status of a “friend to everyone.” You can be sincerely in love and attached to the object of your sensual aspirations and at the same time try to “attach” your personal relationships to the social ones that already exist at that time. As a result, you can lose the second ones without really creating the first ones. If you feel that love is really important to you, give yourself entirely to it, without setting boundaries or boundaries. Then you will become a wonderful lover while remaining a good friend.


Your idealistic nature forces you to indulge those movements of the soul and desires of the heart that are aimed at improving our imperfect world. You won't settle for anything less. We don’t intend to waste time on trifles. If there is even a completely fantastic opportunity to benefit humanity, you will choose it, giving up what literally lies under your feet.

It often seems to you that no one in the world is able to truly understand you, appreciate your motives and grandiose plans. But if this upsets you, it will only be for a short time. What won't you sacrifice for a great goal?

And you donate. Often - “without looking.” And, as a result, you lose “along the way” much of what could make your life more “earthly”.

Often your actions bring real results, sometimes simply stunning. But perhaps you should consider that if you had stronger connections with the world around you, your ideas about its needs would also be more realistic. And the results of actions are more valuable.

The unusual, charming and attractive female name Azalea, derived from the name of a beautiful flowering shrub, will not leave its owner without the attention of others. Translated into Arabic, the meaning of the name Azalea is “comforter”, she is active and independent, and will always come to the aid of others.

This person already at a young age enjoys well-deserved respect and authority. The girl knows exactly what needs to be done at a given moment and tries not to get distracted by trifles. Despite her strong and strong-willed character, the meaning of the name Azalea for a girl reveals a vulnerable nature that is easy to offend and offend.

Sometimes the girl is too straightforward, but she always tries to treat people kindly, not allowing herself to manipulate others or use her high status to harm another person. The young lady has absolutely no inclination to use “feminine” tricks and tricks.

Touchy. Sometimes, he cherishes and cherishes his resentment for too long, dooming himself to depression. It is important for a young person to know that others appreciate what she does for them and remember her interests.

The idealistic nature of a young lady often makes her go against her own desires of the heart and aspirations of the soul. She is concerned not only with her own questions, but also with the problems of all humanity. Does not waste time on trifles, pays attention specifically to one or several global goals.

While still a little girl, she amazes everyone with her endurance and desire to help. The meaning of the name Azalea for a child implies a huge responsibility, which she gladly takes on her shoulders.

He has excellent speaking skills, an ear for music, a wonderful sense of humor and self-irony. In a team, he often becomes the leader, the soul of the company. She can be sharp-tongued and often wins disputes. Does not tolerate vulgarity and rudeness.

One of the important components in a woman’s life is stability. Having taken on the conceived heavy burden of other people's obligations and problems, he becomes mentally and physically exhausted. But this state of affairs gives satisfaction to the young person.

The interpretation of the name contains a lot of negative things, but the young lady has many people from her environment on whom she can completely rely. The woman attaches paramount importance to maintaining the status of “friend to everyone.”

A girl’s appearance is a way to express her own nature and individuality. He likes to dress brightly and impressively, and carefully monitors his appearance.


A woman is well versed in men, she instinctively senses a trick, which “means” the presence of developed intuition. In the opposite sex, he values ​​strong character, determination and nobility. He does not allow rudeness or rudeness towards himself.

It is important that the chosen one shares or understands the life principles of the young person, her aspirations and motivation. Sometimes, the desire to be a “friend to everyone,” which is of paramount importance in a woman’s life, prevents her from achieving a harmonious relationship with her beloved man.


In family life, the character and abilities of a young person are fully revealed. She is an excellent mother, a loving and caring wife. Daily household chores are not at all a burden to a woman, but rather, on the contrary, allow her to feel significant and necessary, which “indicates” a strong need for recognition from loved ones.

Knows how to create comfort. Completely faithful to her chosen one. He dotes on children and sometimes overprotects his children. For a woman, the opportunity to find a middle ground between the desire to save all humanity and family obligations is of great importance.

Business and career

She works slowly, which means she doesn’t like to be rushed. Rarely changes his field of activity, achieving high mastery in his field. She is sincerely happy about the successes of others and does not feel envy of the achievements of others.

A developed sense of duty makes a young lady a valuable employee. Even if she is not feeling well or is in a bad mood, the young person will fulfill all the obligations assigned to her. She pays great attention to praise, but due to her modesty, she does not admit it.

Origin of the name Azalea

In the history of the origin of the name Azalea, there are several hypotheses for the origin of the name. The first version where the naming came from is considered to be the Greek name of the shrub of the same name - Azaleos, the etymology of which is close to the meaning of “dry”. This plant is inconspicuous in life until it is completely covered with beautiful flowers.

According to the second hypothesis, the secret of the name Azalea has Arabic roots. The girl, whose name sounds like Azalea, brings “comfort” and “calm.”

Characteristics of the name Azalea

This is a person with an exaggerated sense of duty, the main positive characteristic of the name Azalea is the desire to take an overwhelming part in everything and take responsibility. The girl cannot imagine herself without work, not forgetting about her everyday responsibilities. Creates a whirlpool of events around itself, thereby becoming its center.

She does not like quarrels and conflicts, she is ready to give in to her opponent, even if the disagreement greatly affects the interests of the person. Despite the fact that the woman has a strong, strong-willed character, the young lady tries to treat others loyally, does not like to be in debt and turn to someone with requests.

The pros and cons of the young person’s character are favorably balanced. One of the main disadvantages of the character is the young lady’s low self-esteem and dislike of competition, because of which she often lowers the bar when achieving goals.

The mystery of the name

  • Talisman stone – obsidian, chalcedony.
  • There are no name days in the Orthodox calendar.
  • Horoscope or zodiac sign of the name - Capricorn, Aquarius.
  • Patron planet - Saturn.
  • Favorable colors: olive, gray, crimson.
  • The animal mascot is a mole.
  • The totem plant is rue.

Famous people

  • Azalea Banks (1991) – American singer. He raps and is the author of most of his songs.
  • Azalea Iggy (real name Amethyst Amelia Kelly born 1990) is an Australian hip-hop artist and songwriter. She became famous after she posted a video for her song “Pu$$y” on her official website.
  • Azalia Likhitchenko (1930) - Soviet People's Artist, TV presenter.
  • Azalia Zinnatova (1988) – singer from Tatarstan.

Different languages

The translation of the name Azalea into different languages ​​of the world in terms of spelling and pronunciation is practically no different from its Russian counterpart. The name is translated into English, German, French, Italian as Azealia, Azalea.

In Chinese the name sounds like - 阿泽利亚 (Ā zé lì yǎ), in Japanese - アザレア (Azarea).

Name forms

  • Full name: Azalea.
  • Derivatives, diminutives, abbreviations and other variants - Aza, Azya, Azochka, Azenka, Zalya, Zala, Zaza, Liya, Liyushka, Liiya.
  • Declension of the name - Azalea - Azalea.
  • There is no church name in Orthodoxy. When performing the sacrament of baptism, you can name the child with a name that is consonant or close in meaning.