Stories that make you want to live. The Curious Case of Benjamin Button

Libraries of books and thousands of hours of films - we still can't seem to get enough of the great topic in the world - about love. However, love itself constantly gives us new stories. And reality is more colorful than any scenario.

On the most “in love” day of the year, three charitable foundations - participants in the Dobro Mail.Ru project - tell stories from the lives of their clients. These stories better than any books or films prove: love does not care about age, time or appearance. In general, little is important to her - except for herself and the happiness of those to whom she gives herself.

“I immediately realized: here is my woman!”: the love story of Sergei and Lyuba from the foundation for supporting the deaf-blind “Co-edition”

“A man lived on Earth, he knew both joy and sorrow. In the age given by God, he knew good and evil...” “It’s written right about me,” Sergei thought when he recently heard these poems.

He then began to remember his whole life and at first immediately imagined a sweet, pretty woman. Mother. He remembered himself as a four-year-old curly blond boy. Little Seryozha did not know at all that he was not like others - that he saw and heard differently from everyone else.

Only much later did it become clear that Seryozha has Usher syndrome, a rare genetic disease that leads to hearing loss and progressive loss of vision. But at first, neither his parents nor doctors knew the reasons why the boy saw and heard poorly.

Serezha’s dad is a workshop manager at one of the leading factories. Responsible and honest man, he made every effort to treat his son. But, alas, there were no digital hearing aids in the 60s. And then the father said: “We will teach ourselves.”

IN secondary school Seryozha came prepared. I kept up with the guys and participated in all endeavors. The boy also read - he couldn’t see well, but he couldn’t live without books.

And now school is over. Sergei went to work as a hydraulic mechanic under the guidance of his father. He quickly became a foreman, everything seemed to be going well, but the guy’s heart remained free. He was interested in women, but there was nothing to talk about with them - they were either drinkers or selfish.

The 90s have arrived. Literally everything collapsed: the bankruptcy of the plant, my father’s illness. How to live? What to do for a person with disabilities? Emptiness. Darkness. Here's to this hard time It was his mother who brought Sergei to the “Overcoming” society for the deaf-blind.

It was difficult to get used to, and my heart was racing. Sergei suffered a massive heart attack. Fortunately, he pulled through. But after a while his mother fell ill and died. More and more often he began to ask himself the question: “How to live now, why?”

"Salvation in rehabilitation center"- decided the chairman of the "Overcoming" society Valentina Ivanovna Seregina and sent Sergei to Moscow from his native Kirov - to the "House of the Deaf-Blind".

Then Sergei did not know that twin sisters Lyuba and Nadya were traveling to Moscow on the same bus with him. At the rehabilitation center, Sergei and Lyuba’s rooms were next to each other, and for three weeks they were inseparable.

Sergei recalls that when he first touched Lyuba’s hand, it was as if an electric shock ran through him. He felt that this was his woman. Three weeks with her flew by unnoticed.

When they parted, Lyuba could not hold back her tears, and Sergei asked: “Come to me. I’ll be waiting.” “I’ll come, I’ll definitely come!” - Lyuba promised.

With the help of friends, Sergei began to renovate the apartment and reported everything to his Lyuba. He waited for her exactly 150 days. And then she arrived - a little woman was not afraid to travel one and a half thousand kilometers for the sake of her happiness. When Sergei opened the door to Lyuba’s apartment and said: “This is your house, you are the mistress here,” she cried with joy.

Together we can make lovers' dreams come true! You can support the project of the Foundation for Supporting the Deaf-Blind “Co-Union”

© Photo from the heroes’ personal archive

© Photo from the heroes’ personal archive

Marathon runner and fashionista: the love story of Nikolai Nikolaevich and Olga Andreevna from the “Old Age in Joy” Foundation

“Actually, I was walking alone all the time. And he somehow sat down next to me on a bench and said: “Let’s be friends.” I kept silent then,” adjusting the pattern on wedding dress, Olga Andreevna with a smile tells the story of meeting Nikolai Nikolaevich.

“I wanted to see if he was joking, and I decided to watch him.” The next day I went for a walk, and he followed me. The next day he sat down with me in the dining room and we had lunch together. That’s when, as they say now, we started dating.”

76-year-old Nikolai Nikolaevich and 80-year-old Olga Andreevna were the very first of all the wedding couples to sign at the Kostroma registry office. Their acquaintance - then on a bench - eventually grew into a close friendship, and then into a desire to get married.

The pensioners met at the Oktyabrsky Gerontological Center in Kostroma, where elderly people who need care, treatment or rehabilitation live. The bride and groom prepared for the wedding in advance - they were helped by volunteers from the "Old Age in Joy" foundation.

For Olga Andreevna we bought a snow-white wedding dress, decorated with rhinestones, and a bright bouquet of flowers. And after registration, the newlyweds were given a tea party.

The Oktyabr Gerontological Center allocated a separate room for the husband and wife, which has everything necessary for life: a table with a tablecloth, stools, curtains, beds made. The young family is still settling into their new place and creating their own comfort.

You won’t see Olga Andreevna’s outfits in the closet yet, but they are very girlish. beautiful meaning this word. Nikolai Nikolaevich is not so picky about clothes, he makes sure that “his soul is young,” and calls himself a marathon runner, explaining that he runs every day.

As a gift, the newlyweds received a kettle from the volunteers - the one they asked for: “to glow when the water is already approaching.” The couple are happy and say that they will remember their wedding day while drinking tea.

You can support the project of the charity foundation "Old Age in Joy"

A discussion began about when and where we would meet, who wanted to come. I had an avatar of a horse, and Vakula had a gopher. He interested me in some way even then, and I wanted to see him. But despite the fact that he got ready, he never came to the meeting!

But we still continued to correspond from time to time. And I became incredibly curious about who was hiding behind the sensible Suslik.

What didn’t I do! I had my own tiny club" pink elephant"for active leisure of disabled people. And at that time I drove an Oka, which my friends kindly gave me in the most incredible way. It was in this tiny car that my friends and I spent the weekend: on the lakes, walking around the city, going to various events.

How I never invited Vakula - to the theater, to a rock concert, to walks, to exhibitions! He didn't give in! So two years have passed! I no longer hoped that we would ever meet. But one day he agreed to go boating with us! Since then we have not parted - we have been together for 9.5 years."

You can support the project of the Foundation "Point of Support" on Dobra Mail.Ru

A book, like a word, can heal or kill. A work that gives new taste to life, priceless. The destinies of millions of people were changed in better side reading only some 100-200 pages. At the same time, a book whose author is disappointed in life leaves its “followers”: dissatisfied, with pain in their souls, hating the very fact of existence.

Sometimes the book makes you wonder what life really is: a precious gift from the Creator or unbearable torture. Everyone will answer in their own way, and everyone will be right in their own way. However, those who choose happiness will never be a loser.

All-conquering optimism

Life is just a game, whether we like it or not. Don't take her too seriously. And if it is impossible to refuse the game itself, then you can always set your own rules.

"Pollyanna" E. Porter

Seeing the positive in everything seems strange to many. Can a little girl consider herself lucky to be left an orphan, having been sent to be raised by a not-so-friendly aunt? Pollyanna succeeded. After the death of her father, the girl had to live with her mother’s sister, who did not want to raise her niece at all. Aunt Polly, guided by a sense of duty, still leaves the girl with her, but immediately sets a boundary between herself and Pollyanna. The girl’s love of life and optimism changes not only the life of the little orphan, but also the people around her.

"The Yes Man" by D. Wallace

Main character Danny Wallace refused everyone and everything, believing that it was more rational. His life was insipid and colorless, people didn’t like him, his girlfriend left him. A chance meeting on a bus changed everything, when a mysterious stranger said 3 magic words

"Ice and fire"

How much time does a person need to enjoy life? 80, 90 or 100 years? Or maybe this is not enough? Ray Bradbury came to the conclusion that it is not the quantity, but the quality of the years lived that matters. A talented writer imagined that one day a catastrophe would occur on the planet that would change natural conditions. Duration human life will be no more than 8 days. Bradbury's heroes do not expect to die soon. They live according to full program": they study, fall in love, get married, get jealous, leave offspring and even fight. These people live tens and hundreds of lives in just 8 days, while their ancestors could not enjoy one in 70-80 years.

Change my destiny

We run through life, not noticing that we are moving completely in the opposite direction from our happiness. Random encounters make you stop and think. A look from the outside often helps to see the right way.

Abdel Cellou is trying to answer the question: which of the two main characters is happier - an unemployed emigrant or a rich French aristocrat? At first glance, the answer is obvious. However, money and a high position in society do not make the paralyzed rich man happy. He needs a soul mate with whom he can share all the sorrows and joys. In turn, the emigrant is looking not just for a rich patron new homeland. He wants to find someone who will see him as his equal. Only after meeting, two dissimilar people finally find long-awaited happiness.

Joys of life

The little joys of life are pearls collected on the thread of existence. The happiest of us is the one on whose string there are the most pearls. A man who spent his life chasing high social status and wealth, at the end of the journey he notes with horror that his thread remains empty.

"My Family and Other Animals"

Gerald Durrell will be able to convince his reader that life can be interesting not only for people. In animals it is sometimes even more interesting. The naturalist writer spent his childhood on the island of Corfu. Childhood curiosity forced little Gerald to observe the animal world. As an adult, Darrell decided to introduce other people to the world of “our little brothers.” The life of animals seems chaotic and illogical to us. Meanwhile, they also have their own rules and laws, maybe even customs and traditions.

"Sailor's Song"

Ken Kesey did not please his fans long years. But this time was not wasted. The writer was in a creative search. As a result, a wonderful song was written about harsh Alaska and its hardworking residents. Few readers are familiar with this magnificent region. People living in more favorable conditions, they rarely appreciate what they are given, they complain about trifles. Alaskans enjoy every warm day. Their guiding star is an indomitable desire to live.

"Manyunya" N. Abgaryan"

The most happy moments often remain in childhood. The child does not know the unpleasant sides of this world, which makes him truly happy. The story about girl friends Manyuna and Nara is a reason to remember best years own life. Numerous relatives main character They constantly get stuck in the most unexpected situations. Narine Abgaryan is convinced: life without adventure is boring and uninteresting. Perhaps many readers will find this book childishly naive and suitable only for younger children. school age. The author will not argue with such readers. But getting carried away by reading serious books, do not forget that every adult comes from childhood.

"Standing Under the Rainbow"

Rainbow is a symbol of joy and fulfillment of desires. For your dream to come true, you need to stand under the rainbow and think about what you want most. There is only one problem: how to get to the seven-color arc, because it is nothing more than a beautiful mirage? Is it worth wasting your life chasing mirages?

What can attract more in a book than an unexpected and unusual ending? We offer you descriptions that will make you spend more time reading.

How to have time to read more and where to get opportunities for this? You will find answers to these questions in our article, which lists simple recommendations and tricks on how to pay more attention to what you love.

Imagine that you are in a small locality. You know every resident here. You know how each family lives. At the same time, you never get tired of watching people you know well. Their life, so simple, unpretentious and full of monotony, hypnotizes the reader and makes them read the book to the end. Fanny Flagg knows how, even in boredom and monotony, to consider the small delights of life.

Just relax

Even having received everything that the soul strived for, the rich and influential understands that the most important thing remains unattainable. The main thing is to relax in time.

I don’t know about you, but it’s freezing outside my window! What else can you do? winter evening, curled up comfortably in a blanket? Of course, read some interesting book!

Here are 10 books that make you want to live.

One of the kindest, brightest and warmest novels of our time. This book by Anna Gavalda in record time won the hearts of almost all of reading Europe. It has already been translated into 36 languages ​​and even the first film is being made. A touching story that is filled with tears of joy and sadness, unexpected victories and disappointing defeats, a series of accidents and natural everyday events. The novel became close to the reader precisely because of its incredibly familiar everyday life of every person. Read.

2. “Welcome to the World, Baby!” by Fannie Flagg

This is a fascinating story about a little funny girl, who lived in a tiny town, where all the neighbors affectionately called her simply Baby, but one day the girl was forced to urgently flee with her mother almost to nowhere. They disappear in one day, and the reasons for their escape remain a mystery. More than 30 years pass and a beautiful woman appears on American TV successful girl, who is rapidly making her career as a TV presenter. But behind all this success, glamor and glitter lies the same frightened Baby with her fears and secrets that will not leave her alone. Read .

3. “Mulei”, author – Erlend Lu

This is a modern tragicomedy telling about the life of an 18-year-old girl, Yulia. Her parents died in a plane crash and now the girl is endlessly free and also endlessly lonely. She lives in a huge mansion in a prosperous area of ​​the Norwegian town of Oslo. Yulia manages a Polish tile maker and takes part in amateur theatrical productions and most of all in life he dreams of... taking his own life. After the first unsuccessful attempt, the psychotherapist advises the girl to keep a diary. Suddenly, huge and beautiful Norway becomes too small for the heroine and she goes to trip around the world. In it she will see Paris, Madrid, the Canaries and many other places, until she finally sits at the controls of the plane herself. Read.

4. “7 secrets of success. A Story of Hope” by Richard Webster

This beautiful story cannot only be called art book. Its laws and rules will help you radically change your life. They are so simple and so obvious:

1. Remember, yesterday is still yesterday.

2. Hug the tree, because it is also alive

3. Set worthy and serious goals for yourself.

4. Good profitable opportunities are not at all rare, because they are everywhere

5. Always be persistent

6. Never stop believing in yourself

7. Forgive others and yourself and remember to help others

5. “Jonathan Livingston Seagull” by Richard Bach

This is a truly amazing work that can easily be classified as a “parable”. The book is about a seagull named Jonathan Livingston who was learning life and the art of graceful flight. This story is very multifaceted and ambiguous, but in any case, it clearly shows a story about self-improvement and spiritual self-sacrifice for the sake of others. Read.

6. “Forest of Hanged Foxes”, author – Arto Paasilinna

A wonderful detective with ironic notes, who will tell us the story of a seasoned criminal who organized a very loud and brazen robbery. When the situation heats up, the thief still manages to get away with it. He promises his accomplices a decent share of the loot after they confess to the crime and serve their time. However, the criminal is in no hurry to “answer” for his words. He hides gold in the endless forests of Lapland and settles nearby. It would seem that the job is done, but it was not to be - his whole brilliant idea goes down the drain because of the once formidable and dangerous Finnish army. Read.

7. Dandelion Wine by Ray Bradbury

Dandelion Wine is a classic and in some ways autobiographical work, filled with personal memories and experiences of the author. The book will tell you about the unusually bright and bright world of a little 12-year-old boy. Together with him you will have to experience three unforgettable summer months, which will be full of different events. Sadness, joy, anxiety, mystery, sadness, intrigue - everyone can feel all this while reading the story “Dandelion Wine”. This book is rightfully included in the golden fund of world literature. Read.

8. “The Me That Wasn’t” by Maigull Axelsson

Psychological prose about a girl who has not had her own name since childhood. Or rather, she had two of them at once, because dad always called her Marie, and mom only called her Mary. As a result, her friends, brilliant teenagers who claimed to be real child prodigies, began to call her MaryMary. The girl grew up, but not a single person from her circle understood the main thing - she doesn’t just have two names, she has two lives, and completely different ones. In one of them she is successful socialite and part-time minister, and in the other - a real criminal who is serving her prison term for killing own husband. What is this - a split personality, some kind of parallel realities or just memories of your life... which perhaps never actually happened? Read.

9. “Atlas compiled by the sky”, author - Goran Petrovic

This is the first sign of the famous Serbian author Petrovich. The main character of this novel is, oddly enough, the House along with its inhabitants. This book miraculously intertwines fairy-tale fantasies and the eternal struggle between good and evil. Despite all its childish spontaneity, the novel touches on very serious life questions and difficulties. We can safely say that this book represents the perception of the world of a person who is too tired of gray everyday life, cruelty and politics. Read.

10. “Everyone Wants to Love” by Mark Levy

This book caused an extraordinary stir among the public. big interest, leaving after reading a whole gamut positive emotions and feelings. This is very Touching story about such beautiful ones human feelings like friendship, devotion, support and real love. The novel tells the story of the lives of two men who are divorced, but at the same time both are raising their children on their own. They do not at all want to let any female representatives into their established life, be it a wife, a teacher, a maid or a nanny. But life always decides everything in its own way. “Love each other and the world will be transformed before your eyes” - here the main idea this wonderful novel. Read.

Leave in the comments which books you liked and which ones you would recommend reading!

We have compiled a list of 20 such life-affirming films that give you the strength to move forward and achieve your goals. Watch and be enlightened. And if we forgot something, share your inspiring films in the comments.

Peaceful warrior

There is always something happening in the world, there are no ordinary moments.

A film about a guy serving big hopes in gymnastics, based on history real person, but at the same time it is more like a parable. Philosophical, but not moralizing dialogues, beautiful video sequences kill the inner whiner in us once and for all and make us appreciate the moment “here and now.”

Knockin 'on Heaven

Understand that in heaven they only talk about the sea.

The story of two terminally ill comrades who go to great lengths, if you read only the description of the film, may not seem at all life-affirming. But everything was filmed, acted and presented so well that after watching you begin to appreciate every moment of life. And I also want to go to the sea.

And in my soul I'm dancing

Look, this is life passing by. Shall we go for a walk?

The heroes of this film are people in wheelchairs. But they have more optimism than many healthy people. Shackled by cerebral palsy, the guys do not lose heart and try to live in this world to the fullest: rejoice, do stupid things, protect the weak, dance and joke.

Forrest Gump

Life is like a box chocolates: You never know what filling you'll get.

This film directed by Robert Zemeckis is a worldwide phenomenon of 1994, which even now, 20 years later, you want to watch again and again. Even when you know by heart what the characters will say, you discover something new with each viewing. Apparently, this is real cinema - simple, clear and brilliant.

The Untouchables (1+1)

It doesn't matter who you are on the outside, what matters is who you are on the inside.

The directors and actors of this film managed to create a life-affirming, witty, funny and charming picture. And they didn’t go too far with the proportions - the mixture of drama and comedy in the story of two friends as dissimilar as white and black turned out to be almost perfect.

The Incredible Life of Walter Mitty

Stop dreaming. Start living.

This picture about the adventures of an office loser seems to shout from the screen: “Don’t be like everyone else! Do not be afraid! Change the world! Teenage enthusiasm was clearly demonstrated to us by 48-year-old veteran Hollywood comedian Ben Stiller, who, in theory, should have been tired of all this long ago. But the wrong one was attacked.

Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind

You can erase love from your memory. Throwing it out of the heart is another story.

The director-wizard Michel Gondry in his film very clearly and in a manner unique to him showed that in life you cannot simply press the delete button like on a keyboard. The amazing help he got with this cast, and especially Jim Carrey.

Little Miss Sunshine

There are two groups of people in the world: the winners and the losers. And the difference is that winners don't give up.

Perhaps, best movie that the result is not important, but the process itself is important. Because if you, like the heroine of the film, suddenly decide to become “Little Miss Sunshine” and the whole motley family, consisting of a loser father, an impulsive mother, a gay uncle, a brother who has taken a vow of silence, and a drug addict grandfather, is going to help you, then all that remains is to enjoy the process.

Pay someone else

Can one idea change the world?

The boy Trevor came up with his own theory of changing the world, the essence of which is outrageously simple: I will help you, and you will help three others. It is not difficult to guess that the theory will crash miserably on the rocks of the cruelty of the world and we will almost lose faith in humanity... But if the stars light up, it means that someone needs it.

Breakfast at Tiffany's

You never know exactly where it will happen, but when it happens, you can't go wrong.

The quintessence of Audrey Hepburn's charm and feminine magnetism is the main advantage of this film, shot back in 1961, but which still does not leave viewers indifferent. Dialogues, beautiful views of New York, a small apartment, a nameless lazy cat and, of course, “Moon River” create the mood when you want to live and love.

In the wild

I prefer truth to love, money, faith, fame and justice.

Incredibly beautiful landscapes, unbridled freedom and absolute detachment. A film that makes it possible, at least for a while, to get away from empty problems and unnecessary rules of society, to feel unity with nature and simply throw everything away. All this thanks to the cool directorial work of Sean Penn and the amazing acting.

August Rush

I hear music in gusts of wind, in the air, in rays of light - it is everywhere. All you need to do is just open up. All you need to do is just listen.

This very beautiful, idealized story with fairy tale elements looks like a breeze. In order to really like it and sink into your soul, you need to turn off your inner critic, close your eyes to some unrealistic plot and learn to listen. Because main role There is music in this film.

Always say yes"

When you say yes to something, you are seizing an opportunity.

The average manager played by actor Jim Carrey is in a state of deep depression. And, in order to somehow cope with it, he decides to always say “yes” and agree to any proposals. So in an instant his life turns into a crazy adventure, in which it would be useful for each of us to find ourselves in.

The Curious Case of Benjamin Button

You never know what awaits you.

This film is very similar to a book, a novel worked out to the smallest detail. The result of this painstaking work is obvious - in addition to the amazing acting of the actors, the film amazes with its atmosphere, amazes with the naturalism of what is happening, although it tells about fantastic events. You may like it, you may not like it, but after watching “Benjamin Button” it is already difficult to remain the same.

The King speaks!

Long pauses add weight to speech. - Then I am the most powerful king.

The film, which received four Oscar awards, does not just teach the art of oratory, because the voice is only the outer manifestation of a person. The story of King George VI is about believing in yourself and that everyone deserves to be heard.

Large fish

The biggest fish in the river are the ones that don't bite the bait.

Director Tim Burton made a fairy tale film, a fantasy film, but not for us to watch, be touched and forget. The story of the inventor Edward Bloom is a hint that everyone sees their reality in their own way. Someone, looking at the night sky, will see just the sky, while others will see a bottomless, vast world of stars and universes. And, most likely, this second one is a big fish.


Sometimes it is better to ignore the rules and deal with living people.

Director Steven Spielberg and actor Tom Hanks managed to create a film that doesn't easily fit into a genre. Somewhere a comedy, somewhere a melodrama, somewhere a parable. A film about the ability to follow your dreams. A film about the worthlessness of bureaucratic machines. And the film is about friendship, which has a place even in an airport terminal crowded with people who are always in a hurry.

Ginger dog

Sometimes you choose the dog, and sometimes the dog chooses you.

There are ways to awaken and bring yourself back to life - for example, read some kind and bright story.

This sparkling, sunny tale is the first in nature writer Gerald Durrell's acclaimed trilogy about his childhood on the greek island Corfu. Sincerely and witty, he talks about amazing animals and their funny habits. Reading the book, you are again convinced of how beautiful the world around is.

The true story of the main characters French film. A story about the amazing friendship of two people whose paths should never have crossed - a paralyzed French aristocrat and an unemployed Algerian emigrant. But they met. And their lives changed.

Is it easy to see only the bright sides in life? Probably not, after all, we are all adults, burdened with a lot of problems, and we know very well that there is never too much of a good thing. But if we make joy a game, and then a principle of life, perhaps we will be able to look at reality differently? The story of Pollyanna is a real antidepressant.

Ken Kesey prepared to sing this song for a long time; many years of writerly silence gave birth to it - a song about Alaska, a harsh region, about ordinary people, about the sea. A song in which sarcasm is so fierce, caustic humor, which sounds so angry and seems to lower the listener to the very bottom of life, in order to then raise him to the light and charge him with a sincere, unkillable desire to live.

“Manyunya” is light, saturated with the sun and the smells of the southern bazaar and amazing funny story about childhood, about two girl friends Nara and Manyuna, about the formidable and kind Ba - Manyuni’s grandmother, and about a bunch of their relatives who constantly find themselves in incidental situations. This is that warm, mischievous and full of fun adventures childhood that makes a person happy for the rest of his life.

Extreme natural conditions on the planet have led to the fact that people began to grow up and grow old in just 8 days. During this time they need to learn, get married, and leave offspring. They manage to fight, be jealous, envy - as if they have been given dozens of years... A short story that teaches that even in a short period of time you can manage a lot - or not manage to do anything, if you don’t even try.

Danny Wallace refused everything. He turned down friends and colleagues, refused to leave the house in the evenings, and said “no” to himself. And his life was boring. Abandoned by his beloved, he stood on a road that led to nowhere. And only when someone mysterious person, with whom he was riding on the bus one evening, uttered three magic words, his life began to change...

Imagine that you find yourself in a tiny town and suddenly realize that you know all its inhabitants, every family better than anyone else. You watch their life - ordinary, everyday, and you feel warm. They say that it is difficult to see only the good: for this we are considered naive and short-sighted. But Fanny Flagg is one of those who knows how to show that life is much better than is commonly thought.

Pelham Woodhouse's books are a godsend for anyone looking for light, easy reading, a source of endless positivity and joy. The story of Jeeves, Wooster and all the chaos that surrounds them is filled with sparkling humor and can lift your spirits from zero to infinity.

Even if you are familiar with Sir Terence Pratchett, with his bright and cheerful worlds, in this book he will be able to surprise you. It is more serious, deeper, despite the fact that it is aimed at teenagers. A very tender, very poignant story about growing up and the fact that each of us needs to believe in something.