Dream interpretation of buying chocolates. What did you do with them in your dream? Why do you dream of chocolates according to Miller’s dream book?

They foretell joy and a pleasant pastime, as long as the chocolate is fresh and tastes good. The dream in which you dreamed of chocolates can have several meanings. In some cases, it simply shows your need for sweets.

This happens before the onset of menstruation and during various experiences, for example, if the days are gray and boring and a person really wants a holiday, joy and happiness, or simply for someone to take pity on him. Such a dream compensates for the lack of affection and sweetness that would lift your spirits.

In other cases, the dream book writes that chocolates mean an invitation to a holiday. There will be a lot of nice people and acquaintances there.

Candies with alcoholic fillings and liqueur are of particular importance, and the high cost of the brand is also of considerable importance. This is what chocolate candies mean most often in dreams.

A touch of beauty

Usually in such dreams you find yourself in an unusual environment, with champagne, in a beautiful interior, often on a carpet, and someone is treating you to sweets. Very often they are very beautiful, in an unusual box or on a silver tray, often handmade with coating and interesting fillings.

The dream book interprets such a dream as touching the beautiful or making up for the lack of beautiful impressions. This dream often means an invitation to a holiday that will take place in an unusual place, a restaurant, a meeting in a theater, concert hall, conservatory or philharmonic. The sweets that you are offered to try mean an offer made to you, friendly sympathy and love. However, the dream book foretells not just a serious impression and proposal, but only a touch of high art and celebration.

Pay attention to what the candy tasted like. Eating pleasant, heady dark chocolate with a rich taste is a sign of strong impressions that will shake you to the core. However, if such sweets were unpleasant to you, then expect disappointment.

Sometimes the dream book predicts the appearance of a handsome boyfriend with impeccable manners (for guys, a chic girl who will be gentle, beautiful and artistic, expensively dressed), who will cause you disappointment and unpleasant feelings.

Eating chocolates in a familiar setting or receiving them as a gift means an unexpected and pleasant offer. Such a dream often occurs before an invitation to visit, to a holiday, or a light flirtation that will leave behind pleasant memories.

To see that you were given sweets in a beautiful box as a gift - expect a tempting and romantic event. If the candies were in a pink box, then the dream book foretells you joy, a date, the opportunity to buy good cosmetics, perfumes and pamper yourself with luxurious gifts. A red bonbonniere predicts passion, just like a burgundy one, especially if the sweets were alcoholic.

Why do you have a dream in which you yourself give sweets to others? The dream book writes that soon you will be able to console someone with good news. If a woman gives a man a box of chocolates or treats them to them, then such a dream predicts that she will soon give him hope for happiness and reciprocity in love.

If he accepts them and starts eating, it means that there will be a pleasant relationship with the man, and he will gladly respond to the game. If he spits out the sweets or returns the box, then he will not accept the offer or flirting. Most likely, the woman will make some mistake. This dream is true both if you yourself treat someone with sweets, and in the case when you just happened to see someone giving a box to others. Giving sweets to friends and girlfriends, as well as relatives, is a great joy and consolation in sadness.

Why do you dream that you are treated to candy at a picnic? Such a dream means a tempting offer or light flirting. Pay attention to who gives you sweets and how.

Seeing ordinary loose sweets and eating them is a sign of pleasant friendly or family communication, where everyone is their own. Don't expect anything exciting and unusual after such a dream. If your loved one gives you loose sweets in a bag on a date, expect to be disappointed.

Why dream of eating alcoholic chocolates or seeing someone else do it?

Caution: there is a danger of strong passion and deception. Pay attention to who is serving them to you.

If this is a person of the opposite sex, then soon expect passion and love with him, which may end in sad consequences. Even for a young and innocent girl, such a dream foreshadows a fatal passion, as if you only had to see how they were treated to another person or your girlfriend.

If strangers give you alcoholic sweets in a dream, beware of deception and betrayal. It is possible that someone is trying to profit at your expense or wants to deceive someone. Such a dream could even mean a criminal tip, so take a closer look at those who force themselves on you as friends.

White chocolates symbolize unusual pleasures and news.

Eating and treating others with expensive luxury chocolates is a sign of real success, which you will share with others. If a man treats a girl to them, the dream book writes that she will soon meet a very interesting and wealthy suitor who will offer her his hand and heart or a pleasant relationship. This is one of the most favorable dreams about chocolates.

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Treats are associated with a pleasant pastime. There will be many pleasant events, joy and change will burst into life - this is what dreams of a lot of sweets mean. Sweets are a pleasure, but when interpreting a dream, you need to pay attention to all the nuances of the dream, including their appearance and the dreamer’s actions with them.

According to some versions, seeing a lot of candy in a dream means joyful days, fresh ideas, and numerous fans. A gift box of sweets can be interpreted differently depending on the situation and who had the dream:

  • to be invited to a celebration;
  • a new beginning among like-minded people;
  • for lovers - signs of attention, a proposal from a suitor. To refuse to accept sweetness is to be unsure of a person’s sincerity, a desire for more love;
  • for a girl (to give it herself) - to be refused;
  • for a guy (in wrappers, a box) - to the girl’s refusal.

Eating candy and feeling its pleasant taste means a pleasant, carefree life, improving relations with your chosen one. If the taste turns out to be bitter, in reality the people you are interested in will be disappointed.

The dream book indicates why you dream about a lot of chocolates: joy, fun, pleasant events. If they were without candy wrappers, it is a symbol of the sincerity of the people around them.

Features of dreams and interpretation:

Seeing a single candy in a wrapper means meeting an interesting person in reality. For single people, there is a delicacy - to start a romantic relationship. If you didn’t have enough money when buying sweets, the dream foreshadows the hidden development of diseases.

I had to collect candy from the cemetery - the dream indicates the dreamer’s lack of sympathy for loved ones. It is also worth analyzing yourself for envy of others. According to one version, it is the beginning of a favorable period in life. A dead person offers candy - good news.

Treating you with sweets - a dream foreshadows the appearance of a true friend in reality, a pleasant conversation. If you had to give a box of sweets, it’s a risky proposition that others will reject.

Interpretation depending on the type of candy

A very valuable surprise - that’s what you dream of about chocolates in a wrapper that sparkled and shone. If you had to unwrap a beautiful candy wrapper that turned out to be empty, in reality you will have to experience disappointment in the relationship that the dreamer idealized.

Chocolates can portend big money, indicate that the dreamer is surrounded by reliable people and professionals. Cooperation with them will bring improvements financially. Eating a chocolate treat means love, recognition, pleasure from social activity. Filled sweets indicate that the date will give potential to the relationship. To refuse them is to miss the chance.

Marmalade - indicate the emergence of a lucky chance, which is not to be missed. Sometimes it’s burdensome with feelings.

Caramel - life will delight you with a calm, conflict-free period. Esotericists correlate caramel with the dreamer’s frivolity and the desire to take a break from obligations.

Waffle shops - a luxurious life, you will have the chance to shine at social events. If you don’t like the taste of sweetness, someone will try to deceive the sleeping person.

Sweets with fruit filling - experience erotic adventures. White, in white wrappers - a sincere, frank conversation awaits.

I dreamed about a lot of lollipops - many minor but pleasant events will happen. The larger the candy, the stronger the emotion and the more significant the event. Trying to eat candy that crumbles means that in reality you should reconsider your outlook on life and change your principles. If it is sour - irritating factors in life, disappointments. Mint - undeserved insults from a loved one.

Lollipops in bright candy wrappers symbolize jealousy. It is possible that the partner is surrounded by fans. If he dreamed of folding candy wrappers, he probably had a tendency to hoard and refuse pleasure. A lot of empty candy wrappers are a symbol of the futility of efforts. The dream may concern work in a certain position, the advice is to change it.

If chocolate is coated with a coating from long-term storage, it has an unpleasant appearance - a sign of illness, dissatisfaction with your personal life. Holding a “leaky” candy in your hands is advice not to interfere in the affairs of others, even with good intentions: this will bring trouble.

Interpretations from dream books

According to Miller, eating candy in a dream means success in love affairs, and the dreamer’s hard work will bring material success. Treats given in a dream warn of caution when making new acquaintances, as people are likely to have selfish motives.

According to Vanga’s interpretations, eating candy and feeling its pleasant taste is an indication of the dreamer’s desire for self-development and improving his financial situation. If they turn out to be bitter, you need to pay attention to your health.

Freud believed that eating sweets in a dream is too frivolous about sexual contacts. Buying a box of chocolates means having many partners in the absence of a serious relationship. If one of the candies looked special, the dream means the final choice.

Medea's dream book explains in its own way why many sweets are dreamed of: the dreamer has not lost his childish spontaneity, he will have great hopes and will wait until his dreams come true and achieve material well-being.

According to Aesop's dream book, finding a lot of caramel and chocolate means success and the arrival of guests.

According to Phelomen's interpretation, if sweets are given, there is a risk of being exposed to danger due to dubious pleasures.

The meaning of such a pleasant dream in reality can result in different events. But you can interpret what you see only based on the situation both in the dream plot and in real life.

To understand why you dream about chocolate candies, you need to remember what the delicacy looked like, whether there was a filling, what emotions the dreamer experienced and other details important for interpretation.

To understand why chocolate candies are dreamed of, you need to remember what the delicacy looked like, whether there was a filling, what emotions the dreamer experienced and other details important for interpretation.

  1. “Dream Book of Astromeridiana” believes that chocolate candies can only evoke positive emotions. A dreamer who sees this kind of dream can be confident in his prosperous future. Any business he does will go well, and nothing unpleasant will happen in his personal life.
  2. According to the “Women's Dream Book,” if you dreamed of chocolates that the dreamer accepted as a gift, then good luck and prosperity awaits her in the future. The box is a sign that a very persistent but frivolous gentleman will appear on the horizon.
  3. “Dream Book of the 21st Century” is sure that seeing candy in a dream means good health and a successful personal life. If a woman decides to buy a box of sweets in a dream, it means that in reality she will choose between two suitors.
  4. Psychologist Miller, like most of his colleagues, considers chocolates in a dream a positive sign. The interpreter is sure that if you eat sweets in your night dreams, it means that in reality, thanks to work and perseverance, you will be able to improve the well-being of your family.
  5. You can find out what chocolate candies mean in dreams from Vanga’s dream book. The seer claimed that this image promises the sleeper rest in pleasant company and attendance at social events.
  6. The “Modern Dream Book” interpreted chocolates as a sudden arrival of guests.
  7. According to the “Love Dream Book,” eating chocolates in night dreams means that the dreamer will accept the marriage proposal, but will soon be disappointed in her chosen one.
  8. The “Universal Dream Book” interprets chocolate treats as extraordinary ideas that will bring some variety to the dreamer’s life and force him to act. If strangers eat sweets in a dream, it means that the dreamer himself will give up the chance to improve his life.

Why do you dream about candy (video)

Variety of fillings

To interpret the dreamed image, the dreamer needs to remember whether the candy contained filling. If in a dream there were a lot of sweets with fruit and berry filling, it means that romantic adventures await the dreamer. Perhaps he will go on vacation, where he will “start” a passionate, but not binding relationship. Sweets with hazelnuts or other nuts characterize the sleeper as an intellectually developed person. The same vision portends good luck in business and personal life.

To interpret the dreamed image, the dreamer needs to remember whether the candy contained filling

Chocolates with cognac are predicted as surprises that can cause a feeling of temporary euphoria in the sleeper. Candies with spoiled filling are considered a kind of warning. This image usually indicates deception or betrayal. Therefore, the sleeper should be more careful and less frank with unfamiliar people.

Why do you dream about sweets (video)

The actions and emotional state of the dreamer

For a more accurate interpretation of the image, it is necessary to remember what actions the dreamer performed. For example, if a person bought chocolate, and chose the sweets for a very long time, carefully examining each candy, it means that soon long-awaited guests will visit his house, whom he will be glad to meet. If the sleeper takes the first delicacies he comes across, then this indicates he has received a well-deserved reward. A dream in which a purchase does not please the dreamer at all, since he considers it a useless waste of money, predicts the beginning of health problems for him. Therefore, the dreamer is recommended to visit specialists in the near future. Why dream of buying candy in the wrong place? As a rule, this vision indicates the dreamer’s incontinence and inability to control his emotions.

For a more accurate interpretation of the image, it is necessary to remember what actions the dreamer performed

An invitation to a celebration foreshadows a dream in which the sleeper takes candy from the hands of a stranger. If the dreamer collects scattered treats from the floor, it means that in reality he is prone to senseless hoarding. Chocolates collected from the grave characterize the sleeper from the negative side. This image indicates that he is an envious person who is capable of harming even the closest people. Sweets found in your own pocket promise positive changes in life. Moreover, you don’t have to make any special efforts for this.

A dream in which you saw sweets foreshadows a long courtship of a young man, which will end with a traditional proposal to marry him.

Receiving a set of expensive chocolates as a gift means you will be invited to a celebration.

Giving a box of good chocolates in a dream means being the first to confess your love, which will be rejected.

Eating candy in a dream is a harbinger of prosperity in business, a cheerful life and happy love.

Sweet candies mean profit, sour candies mean illness and irritability, mint candies mean annoyance and disappointment will take the place of boundless trust.

If in a dream you eat caramel, it means that the person whose reciprocity you are seeking is not indifferent to you.

Lollipops in a dream foreshadow betrayal on the part of imaginary friends.

Chocolates mean that you will find the people you need and the matter will begin in full swing.

Making candy in a dream means you will achieve your goal thanks to tireless and painstaking work.

Buying candy is a complete waste of money.

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Dream Interpretation - Candy

A dream in which you eat a crispy candy suggests that you will be happy in love and live a social life rich in pleasures. However, sour candy portends disappointment in a loved one.

If a girl dreams that she receives a box of chocolates as a gift, in reality this means that she will have to deal with the persistent advances of a young man.

When a young man dreams that he is giving a box of chocolates, it means that he will propose to a girl who will reject him.

Interpretation of dreams from

Seeing chocolates in a dream is very good. Such a dream almost always portends joy, pleasure and inspiration. And in order to accurately interpret what chocolate candies mean in dreams, you need to recall in your memory the slightest details of the dream and the feelings that you experienced. But do not forget that for different people the same dream can be interpreted differently. Therefore, when turning to dream books, you should start from your own emotions, experiences and events that happen to you.

If in a dream you were given a box of chocolates, your financial affairs will soon go uphill. During this period, there is a high probability of making a profit from investing in various projects, opening a savings account and concluding a large contract. And if you yourself give someone such a gift, it means that some of your hopes are destined to crumble to dust. If a young girl sees such a dream, the dream book hints that her loved one is not telling the whole truth.

What might you dream about when you happen to eat candy while sleeping? Remember if they were tasty and what quality they were. Most often, such a dream is associated with inspiration, the emergence of interesting ideas, and the creation of something new. So, delicious candies promise interesting projects and ample opportunities for their implementation. But if the candies taste bad or are expired, reality will not please you with anything good in the near future - there is a high probability of getting upset for some reason and getting sick.

The dream in which you bought candy in a box suggests that distant relatives will soon come to visit you. At first you will be surprised and embarrassed by such a visit, but you will soon realize that it brought you only good things.

Why do you dream if in a dream you make chocolate yourself? This means that your financial situation will soon improve, and you will achieve this on your own, without resorting to anyone’s advice or help.

Other interpretations

Not all dream books clearly explain what it means to see this delicacy in a dream. Sigmund Freud's dream book soon promises a love affair, and the fact that the sleeper feeds someone chocolate means that his libido is incredibly strong, and such a person will be able to give his partner unforgettable moments in bed.

But the Esoteric Dream Book explains such a dream negatively and promises that the sleeper will soon be concerned about the deterioration of his health. If you ate chocolate in a dream, you will soon begin to fight the disease, but the treatment will not take long.

Miller’s dream book explains why sweets are dreamed of by saying that the dreamer has every opportunity to provide dear people with a decent existence. If such a candy was dreamed of by a person immersed in business, in the future he will have reliable business partners on whom he can rely in everything.

If their expiration date has expired, illnesses and sorrows await the sleeper in real life, while fresh candies promise pleasure, excellent mood and success on the love front.

According to the White Magician’s dream book, such a delicacy in a dream hints that the sleeper wants a successful and problem-free life, but in reality this is a person shackled hand and foot by the oppression of circumstances, promises and debts. If in a dream you had to treat someone with candy, it means that in real life the dreamer has the goal of appeasing someone in order to take advantage of possible benefits in the future.

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